ALAN WAKE 2 - Voice Actors, Face Models & Characters

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sir calm down I'm going to need you to take a breath easy now first things first what's your name wake where did you come from you've been missing for 13 years the story had brought me here brought me nowhere Lo me back I was writing the story and in the story I now stepped into the writer's room but there was no one here writing I'd love to blame this on mass hallucination caused by inhaling volcanic gas but we both know that's [ __ ] maybe the sherff knew more than he was letting on H I carry his words close to my chest now inside The Awful Truth oh and Sheriff breaker called to say he's got the Bookers at the OD deer Diner in town oh and I've got a key to the gate it's a shortcut back to the parking lot just up the hill Mulligan and thoron are still on about that no no the Bookers don't strike me as the murdering type but you can decide for yourselves they're just inside having coffee and Pie to calm their nerves sorry about that ma'am I I'm Deputy Mulligan my partner thoron down at the crime scene he's not what you call the sharpest ax in the shed no but seriously I found the the structure of the reality you build in the book fascinating it reminded me of the Matrix I mean the writer is physically in his writer's room I'm IL mosc fantastic to meet you and yes Steven here hired me to show him through the woods he's in town on an important government business don't go peing though you know we're saving the big reveal for dest I'm just there for the free beer not sure what ilmo excuse is you remember AI the ch you can't be lost if you don't worry about where you are headed so don't worry Tom the sun will shine even into a heap of twixs having family isn't easy in this line of work the late nights travel alternate realities threatening their existence my ex-wife couldn't take it I made a decision most of you won't understand people call me an artist but I don't care about any of that don't freak out dad shouldn't have even texted you I'm totally fine I slipped that's all God it's not the end of the world Dad it's Mom we all know each other around here it's been a while but I never forget a face or a coffee order no one's suspicious but soon enough there will be lots of happy people wearing deer masks for deerfest you are Saga Anderson godamn it a viking goddess she sees right through US bro I am your great uncle Odin and I am the father meant to replace it days ago this will put a smile back on your face my dear so are we being charged with anything because if not we'd love to get back to a hotel and de impressed after what we saw take a bath screw into pillows that kind of thing this naked dude came out of the lake and he was acting crazy shouting weird [ __ ] at us he must have been on something it's just a monitoring station ma'am the Federal Bureau of control checks volcanic activity and air toxicity levels no need to worry though it's mostly for research purposes don't worry hun Logan slipped in the shower and bumped her head she has a slight concussion but I'm keeping an eye eye on her lucky I heard her fall she could have drowned I can't run with a bad hip I'd be killed for sure I could maybe use my crutches to defend myself you think that' work you're the professional oh I I don't know it is what it wants to be taking a break from making those little ornaments for Rose do you
Channel: Dan Allen Gaming
Views: 51,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OqAHsu0ptgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 36sec (276 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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