Alan Wake 2 Lenovo Legion Go - Part 2 It's playable with these settings

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so this may come as a surprise after my last video on Allan Wake 2 but um I got a comment on that one and it really got me thinking who shot my rifle basically said and I'll I'll just read it out here I mean 30 frame per second is not the end of the world considering most PS4 games run at 30 frames per second with downgraded graphics and one of the best and most renowned games ever made bloodborne is a 30 frame per second title the graphics of this game are truly nextg even when turned to the lowest the game has nextg lighting and Reflections 30 frames per second is playable and still acceptable especially for this title in my opinion and you know what I think they were right um or at the very least I thought I'm going to go back have a little play have a bit more of an open mind and see how it goes um when I first played it I was coming off the back of playing lots of games that looked fantastic at 1600p or 1200p and um ran at lovely frame rates and it kind of got me into this mindset that every game should be like that um but then who shot my rifle reminded me that one of my favorite games um it's now my favorite PC game was La The Last of Us Part One and when I played that the steam deck and the Rog Ally when it was first released 30 frames per second was was something that you hit occasionally it was buggy it crashed but persevering with that best game ever you know the storytelling the characters so with that said I went back and I had a little play with um Alan Wake 2 with a more open mindset so I'll show you the settings um that I'm using now and what I did is I'm dropping it down to 800p and you it is going to be a bit blurry compared to games at higher resolution but if you give it time you know your eyes are become accustomed to it and you get into the game now for the wooded section that I showed in my last video um it's the very first section of the game I I had it Ultra performance so this setting and I would still I i' I'd try and play it on performance um if if you're not getting the frame rates definitely put it on Ultra performance um but I you know the next section of the game that I'm currently in the town I've been able to bump it up to Performance and even had it at balanced briefly but I just kept at a performance for a higher frame rate but um FSR 2 is on vsync off as always motion blur and film grain I turn off and everything is the quality preset is low now I got some much higher frame rates with turning off this ssao and Global Reflections uh went um and Screen space Reflections I turned them off I got higher frame rates but honestly the game is so ugly you know it it's mindboggling I put these back on I'd rather take take the hit in frame frames per second and have something that doesn't make my eyes bleed and then mediums and lows so that's the settings and let's uh get back into the game I can't get that manuscript page out of my I'll skip the cut scene cuz this is going to be a quick video they impressive I think one of the other factors of the game that was working against me at the time was I found the hold mind Palace um a bit confusing like what was the purpose of it you know found it a bit the interface a bit clunky and also you know when you're trying to drop things I I didn't quite understand how it all worked but playing the game for that bit longer the Mind Palace is just like a really good way of of you you know sort of like deducting or at least the game giving you the next bit that you want to look for so um once you realize that and once you realize that when you're trying to place things when it's in the correct place a little a will appear and you can drop it there cuz I was dragging it all over the place so here we've got to the town and we can see we're we're at 53 frames per second 59 it's hit um but it's quite blurry so um what did I say about the settings here um so here I you I've got it set to Performance can even set it to balance let's show you balanced oh I should also say um this is plugged in so not true reflection um the the other setting I have is give it 25 wats if unplugged so here you know on balance 55 frames per second and it's yes it's not the sharpest but your eyes adjust and you get used to the story okay we've got some fluctuations but it's still above 30 me gu FBI welcome to Bright Falls it's nice to have you here I got you both some coffee oh it's Washington's finest nice to meet you Sheriff I'm set for coffee you know I wouldn't say no to another I'm agent Saga Anderson this is Agent Alex Casey Tim breaker and let me just say I'm happy you do are here frankly we could use the help your deputies said you had a couple of witnesses here they made them sound like suspects Mulligan and thoron are still on about that no no the Bookers don't strike me as the murdering type but you canci for yourselves they're just inside having coffee and Pie to calm their nerves I'll see what they have to say Casey you compare notes with the sheriff take your time so I'm only going to do a brief game play um I think I'll leave the original video up I'll put a part one on it and um say my my opinion was wrong and then I'll I'll put this as part two and hopefully um that way people can see how mistaken I was rather than just take down the video and pretend it didn't happen I mean I still think it looks blurry excuse me I'm agent Saga Anderson are you the Bookers that's us I'm Tammy and he's Ed hello officer just Saga is fine Ed so are we being charged with anything because if not we'd love to get back to a hotel and decompress after what we saw take a bath scrimage pillows that kind of thing we're not charging you I just have a few questions nothing to stress about okay what were you doing a c Lake last night I'm a writer True Crime we're here from New York doing some research on a famous novelist Alan Wake who went missing here I was down at the lake getting some details perfectly legal so what did you see in the woods this nak dude came out of the lake and was acting crazy shouting weird at us he must have been on some unless skinny topping a dawn is a thing around here then we heard shooting we ran into these cycles and deer masks they were tearing into the naked guy with knives like some kind of satanic cult then we boled and called the cops what makes you say it was a cult the masks and knives aren't enough they were shouting Cult of the tree The Cult of the tree Cult of the tree oh and we found it the old thing was terrifying that's all okay so got a little item dropping there um which directs us to profiling so this is us going into the profiling section of uh the agent's mind map so a tree what aren't the Bookers telling me I found their necklace the symbol is two triangles the C wants their spruce tree bag Tam finder keeper is De my publisher will want this on the cover found something a necklace belonging to one of the cultists the Bookers were at cauldron Lake why was built to hide what's there they say the rer fell in the lake private party no trespassing my book has questions pass the B Cutters they broke in for the sake of Tammy's book nothing to do with the murder they were telling the truth okay and I'll just show the case board um I don't actually have anything to put on the board now but if I did I would select it and then you'd hover over the bit where you want to place it and move it around and and when it does seem to be the correct place it will just have the little a symbol appear on it and you just drop it that's how everything here was placed and um sometimes when you drop something you get an update to the goals so you could look at the goals which you know at the moment we're just to interview these people so I think that's quite clever overall a way of presenting what to do next I kind of prefer it than the old RPG go to someone with a quest exclamation mark over the head and pick up a quest so you found something there right a neckace cultist may have dropped okay wow how did you put that together it's evidence you need to hand it over told you not to keep that thanks this could prove to be helpful do me a favor stick around town for now in case we have any more questions even dream of missing dear Saga Saga Anderson I live and Bre I thought we'd never see you back here after that awful awful thing happened to your baby girl how are you um I'm sorry who are you I don't know what you're talking about it's me silly Rose you know me I don't think I do and what horrible thing happened to my baby girl she drowned your daughter that's so weird you don't remember how do you know have a daughter oh I know what this is you're blocking out your traumatic memories happens on TV all the time no you're mistaking me for someone else if you say so oh interesting cuz the the main character is talking to her daughter on the phone okay um here's a good opportunity to show you that was a bit of evidence there so it'll be back into let's go okay it won't be quite ready see I got a lead looks like we're dealing with a cult The Cult of the tree a murder cult have you heard of this Cult of the tree Sheriff only the urb legend you're in the woods at night the will get you okay well really the purpose of this video was just to for me to say I was wrong um 30 frames per second was in in the first part you've seen 40 to 50 in the main town so I would guess you might want to adjust the um the preset up and down um the sorry the FSR from balance down to Performance to ultra performance depending on if you're in a wooded area or not um but the game is starting to Intrigue me I think I will actually continue to play it um and I hopefully um we'll have the the frames a second more on the uh 40 to 50 side of things so thank you for watching
Channel: Handheld Gaming Fan
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Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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