AKIHABARA Anime, Arcades and Retro Games (Compilation)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: KidShoryuken
Views: 15,251
Rating: 4.9162788 out of 5
Keywords: Japan, japan 2020, life in japan, living in japan, traveling to japan, exploring japan, japan vlog, jvlog, jvlogger, jvlogging, Tokyo, Tokyo 2020, life in Tokyo, living in Tokyo, exploring Tokyo, Tokyo vlog, akihabara, Shinjuku, shibuya, Harajuku, anime, manga, kidshoryuken, only in japan, left in japan, things to do in japan, things not to do in japan, Japanese town, Japanese apartment, Japanese house, retro games, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, One Piece, waifu
Id: F8KuRXyYI_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 27sec (4167 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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