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this is your Akai and BK mini play quick start guide in this video I'm going to go over how to use the entire keyboard pads knobs everything else and in the second half of the video I'll also be going over how to use this keyboard to record on a computer using Ableton Live let me just say you don't have to learn every single detail about this keyboard to enjoy it however learning about how to use these features will open up a world of possibilities for creativity when recording your music alrighty let's get started in battery mode so first things first how do you change the sounds well right now Keys is lighting up and so is internal sounds which you want to make sure both of those are lighting up or else you're not going to be able to listen to it so if internal sound is turned off right now go ahead and make sure it is turned on so changing the sounds is easy enough all you got to do is turn this knob right here [Music] and if you want to change it to Drums all you have to do is click on this button that says drums and use that same knob to switch between drum kits [Music] notice that I did have the full level button turned on what this button means is whenever you touch your pads it's going to play at the loudest velocity so even if I touched it super Softly it's still going to play at full velocity whereas if I have it off the velocity changes depending on how softly or hard I hit the pad obviously the volume knob is right here so now let's talk about the favorites button you can actually save your favorite sounds in one of the pods all you have to do is go to a sound that you want to save so let's go with music box and to save the sound to a pad all you have to do is hold down favorites and pick a pad we're just going to pick pad one for now so now if I'm on a different sound but I want to go back to music box all I have to do is hold favorites and that pad where I saved a music box at the same time and I'm back on music box laugh this button is going to give you access to either paths a or pads B if the light on the button is red then you're on pad a if it's green then you're on pad B similarly this button gives you access to either knobs a red light or B green light the knobs themselves have built-in effects on knobs a we have filter resonance Reverb and chorus on knobs B we have attack release EQ low and EQ High we have this little arrow that's pointing to the left right now and I'm moving this knob and nothing is happening don't worry your kind BK mini is not broken just go ahead and move that knob all the way to the left and now you can access that effect now let's go ahead and move on to the left side of the keyboard so this little joystick looking thing is going to be for the pitch Bend and modulation foreign and this is going to be your arpeggiator so when you have it on [Music] you can change the tempo right here you're also going to see something written above each key on the keyboard so for example one over four up latch so to access these up here for example let's say we wanted to access latch all you have to do is hold the on and off button on the arpeggiator and click the key right underneath the latch and that basically allows the sound of your keyboard to keep playing even though you don't have your fingers on the keys [Music] similarly if you wanted to access all these other things you can do the same thing just hold down the on and off arpeggiator button and click the key underneath the thing that you want to access [Music] then you're going to see these buttons that say octave minus and octave plus and essentially what it does is it allows you to go up or down an octave so for example if I play C right now but I want a lower C I can just press the octave minus button and it'll give me a lower C same thing goes for if I want a higher C [Music] then we have note repeat which is very popular for drums especially so let's go ahead and switch over to drums right now and I'm going to hit full level so that the pads play at full velocity so check out what no Rippy does [Music] and going back to this part of the keyboard for a second you can actually change the results of your note repeat depending on which key you access down here so for example okay so now that we've gone through all of that definitely pay lots of attention to this next part because I'm going to go over how to use the Smitty keyboard with a computer including setup how to record a music with it how to set up your own audio effects to the knobs and how to add drum samples to the pads so open up your ear holes and let's get into it foreign so the first thing you're going to want to do is load a sound as you can see I've already loaded a sound right here but just to show you guys I'm going to click on this midi track and just click on this sound that I want to load and you see here how this is red that means that the track is armed so once the track is armed you can play and you'll start hearing the sounds as you can see you can tweak The Sounds here [Music] oh and by the way you guys make sure that internal sounds is turned off because if you do have internal sounds turned on it's going to play the built-in sounds in the keyboard as well as the sounds coming from your computer so yeah just make sure that that is turned off okay so right now we are in what is called session view this is probably one of my favorite things about Ableton is that you can get really creative with different clips in here if you want to get into Arrangement view all you have to do is Click tab on your keyboard and it'll go to Arrangement view which is what you will see on traditional Daws but for now we're going to be working on session view for those of you that are new to Ableton Live this is your metronome right here so when you click on it it will activate and if you go to this little arrow right here you're going to see that there is a counten yours might have none right now but make sure you have at least one bar versus hitting record and immediately trying to play whatever you're trying to play so make sure you got that one bar count in right there okay so recording the sound is actually quite easy all you have to do is Click click on this and you're going to hear the counting and you can start playing [Music] so I just pressed the space bar to stop the recording and as you can see it left me with this flip and if I play spacebar again [Music] you can hear what I just played as far as putting drums into the pads what you want to do is make sure that you have a midi clip so you can go right here and go to insert midi track or do the shortcut so now I'm going to arm this track right here and go through some of the stock drums [Music] let's just go with this one for now so I double clicked and now I have all of these drum samples in my pads if I wanted to access even more of those samples I can actually click pads a b and you're able to access more pads foreign [Music] basically everything that I went over in the beginning of the video is still applicable here on the computer so for example if I hit full level [Music] it hits everything at full velocity same thing with a note repeat if I hit note repeat [Music] you can access that as well you can also create your own drum rack so just really quickly for example I'm just going to choose a random kick hat and a snare there's a ton of places you guys can get samples free drum packs online you can check reddit cymatics website but let's just say that upon choosing these drum samples like I want to save this drum rack I can go right here and it'll save the drum Mac all I have to do is come up with a name okay so the last thing that I want to show you is how to add effects to the knobs okay so I'm going to go ahead and go back to this sound and I'm going to choose an audio effect Auto filter is one of the most popular ones to use so let's just go with that one oh and let's make sure that that track is armed okay so what you're going to want to do is go to MIDI right up here in the upper right hand corner and click on frequency and turn the knob that you want the frequency to be changed with so I'm just going to go with this one right here and if you see that that actually did not work there's a reason for that I'm actually glad that this happened right now so I can show it to you guys um it didn't work and I'll show you guys why that didn't work nothing showed up because I don't have this selected right here so I'm just going to go ahead and select all of these right here I'm going to click all these right here too okay so now I'm gonna go back to MIDI click on frequency and boom it actually shows up now so again what this means is this knob is now midi mapped to the frequency of the auto filter let me show you what that sounds like so I'm gonna click midi again [Music] [Music] all right so that is actually it for this tutorial you guys one final thing that I want to stress is don't feel like you have to master every single one of these features to start making music just use the features that help you feel most creative and don't stress out about the ones that might not come as natural to you making music is really really fun for me and I hope for it to be the same for you I'll be coming out with more Akai and became videos on live performance looping Ableton and more so definitely subscribe if you are into that and I will see you guys on the next one
Channel: Autumn Gard
Views: 131,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ckAbhrpB89w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2023
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