AKAI MPC How To Install Firmware Update 2.10 or Higher(Live 2, X, or ONE)

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this is a video on how to install the firmware update 2.10 or higher on the mpc live x or 1. [Music] the sequence what is going on everybody my name is dj av if this is your first video if it is make sure that you subscribe and check out the playlists that are in the description because i do a lot of akai mpc videos if you are very interested in my content now let's begin make sure that you go to the akaipro.com website the link will be in the description box so you can either log into your account or register your account if you are a new person make sure that you register your account otherwise if you are someone that is a returning person just log into your account you really think i'm about to enter my password right here come on guys now that you are logged in or after you register you'll be greeted with a page like this where it's a home page well the first thing you want to do if you are a newcomer is register your mpc live x01 so how do you do that well so make sure that you grab the box for your akai mpc live x01 and then registered this right here where it says 21 in parentheses so if you need to register a new product you just go in there and type in everything after the parentheses 21 okay so after you register your mpc live x01 you'll be greeted with stuff like this where it says akai mpc1 so click on see details and then the page will load up to that for those who don't know you can get a code or coupon so you can get 50 off of an mpc expansion even though it's not about that or three months free on splice but you need the firmware update so let's go ahead and grab the 2.10 firmware update so let's go ahead and click on that click on that drop down menu and then you'll see 2.10 firmware updater windows and mac we're going to do usb this time after that it will download you'll see it at the bottom left side of your screen if you're on the mac of course it will be at the top right of your browser and it will pop up of course so therefore do that also since the mpc 2.10 firmware update has new sims you need to click on this drop down menu and click on synth content so do that for either windows or mac or the sim content let's go ahead and click on that and it will give you the sim content and we'll get into that in a little later in the video we'll also grab the windows version so we can update the mpc software now just navigate to your downloads folder it's the downloads folder what i'm going to do is just take all of the content right here that i need and put it on my desktop you don't have to do this but i just like to do it just to bring clarification to everybody so the next thing that you need to do is this right here make sure that you grab an empty usb flash drive if you have one laying around the house that's cool okay we're inserting the flash drive you'll hear that on windows of course the next thing you need to do is this right here which is just go to a folder and then access your flash drive drag that file into here and it's gonna copy and then we'll be back in a second for the synth installation part we're gonna use this right here which is called an sd card i'm gonna allow this to focus on it and i highly recommend this brand right here sandisk and the stream pro version anything 128 gigs or better so you can get a lot of files on there guys i recommend it over if you're an mpc one user over something like this right here which is a usb hard drive and the reason why i recommend the sd card over something like this right here which is a hard drive that goes into the usb port well in the new update of course you can use a class compliant audio interface and you only have one port on the back of the mpc one so yeah think about that guys and if your laptop is anything like my laptop and it doesn't have a sd card slot well guess what you will need an sd card slot so you can buy one of these right here i have a link in the description box so i'm going to go ahead and insert my sd card into my sd card slot this sd card port and then i'm going to pull it up on the computer now i can do this right here i can just extract the files right here from the mpc synth content and allow it to get on my desktop right now so that'll be a while so we'll get back shortly let's go into the mpc synth content folder let's open it up and then go over here to the synth folder where it says synth and then copy it over so let's copy it now we can minimize and we'll pull up the sd card right here which has all of my other samples and stuff on it and then hit paste and then it's going to copy and paste all the mpc synth content over last but not least if you want to install it on your computer just open up the install that is for windows or mac and then choose to accept and so forth next full install install it all and it will install to the mpc software and it's finished all right so turn on your mpc live x01 hit empty project and here you are at the main screen where the next thing you need to do is this just press this menu button boom and then hit this cog wheel locate the image file that is on the flash drive you know this is what we used earlier let's plug it up to the back of this unit get it ready all right now that's in there press shift and then press update so press and hold shift and then update it says this drive contains firmware update 2.10 for your mpc you're currently running version 2.9.1 do you want to upgrade now yes we do let's upgrade are you sure you want to update your mpc because you know the warning which is cool boom and here we go now it's updating it's going to take a little while do not do anything you can see that it's activated right here and that it's reading the file you know that's a little thing about my flash drive i like you can see it reading the file again just don't mess with it at all guys if you mess with it and then your mpc bricks or something like that that's your fault your fault alright so now that you got that warning we'll fast forward it when it's done okay all right so we're back and it says new plug-in instruments new plug-in instruments are available for your npc to use them you must first download and install their content files so you see that guys it shouldn't be that difficult to understand that just go to the website and download the files like i did and put them on your sd card or your hard drive if you have a live or x okay so don't show again and then we're going to take this right here this sd card and put it in the front of the mpc one because that's what i'm using guys i'm using the retro version link in the description box if you want to get it it will help support this channel at no additional cost to you i'm going to unplug this flash drive here because we don't need that anymore boom and yeah here we are so we're in the new update uh there are a few things i can test out right here let's go ahead and do that so i'm going to places here i'm going to grab a file file of some sort i think i'll grab a sample it doesn't matter what sample so i got to go into my sample folder simple stuff this is my personal folder this is my sd card okay and i'll just load up something for low fl fly melodic 4 [Music] and boom here we are so the next thing i want to do here is just go into the main and we're going to check deceptico edit boom we're in the sepal edit i see the key detection is there you know all the new features are there so yeah everything's successful i guess the best way to check it is go into the menu here and then just press the wheel and then you see it says mpc firmware 2.10.0 so yeah everything is good to go let's go over here and check out and see if the new plugins are there [Music] indeed they are so i can pull up a melotron here i just go ahead and press the program edit button on the mpc one that's kind of the reason why i like the mpc one in the first place is all the extra buttons so yeah there's one for you guys now i have access to putting the audio interface in the back of it and you know many other things too as well so yeah everything is there let's go ahead and just run a preset or two violins to see if it's there and [Music] and then we'll just go back to the main menu right here press pad performance let's play some chords everything is there it's working so you know i could go back in the program edit all right we are good to go so it's pretty easy to do guys no sweat at all [Music]
Channel: Ave Mcree
Views: 38,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avemcree, ave mcree, how to firmware update, akai firmware update, akai mpc update, akai, mpc, akai mpc, akai mpc firmware 2.10, mpc firmware update, mpc x, mpc live, mpc one, akai mpc one, akai mpc live, akai mpc x
Id: b9GcixzF3kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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