Akai Force: Beginners Guides - Previewing

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easy people nice things here um it's gonna be a really quick one i always say that but it really will be a quick one unless i get carried away and uh this one is uh the start of quite a few that i'm gonna do which are gonna be for like beginners anybody who's thinking of buying one of these things or has got one and still not quite sure because some things seem convoluted at first because you just have to get to understand how how they work hopefully you can hear me on here um let me just check that that's working yeah yeah it is um if you're new here like and subscribe because like i say 80 of people view and don't subscribe and that's why i don't do that many kind of um what was my what was on about oh yeah that was what i was on about um if you're new here you'll you'll discover i don't edit i just do it in real time so i've already took up a minute for this quick one and this quick one is going to be about um previews and um how previews work on the archive force so i'm going to start with a simple thing anything which is sample based i anything which is audio can be previewed prior to being on the archive force what i mean by that is if i go to one of my setups here and i go in here i can go to one of the sound in here and i can play it and oh i've got it on auto yeah i've got an auto sorry i have to for some reason you always have to go to the next one it'll never play the top one unless you press play it never automatically play the top one it'll always play the next one underneath and then if you go back they'll play it just keep that in mind he'll never play the top one automatically because you have to go back to it for some reason okay and if you want to stop it just press play again and that stops it from automatically playing you've got three things here in preview you've got auto which means automatic and that means it'll start automatically playing you've got sync what that'll do is it'll try to play on the next beat which is consistent with um the whatever's playing so for example the easiest way of saying it is it's just going to wait for the next beat for before it plays um and then you've got warp and what he'll do is he'll play it with time stretching on so it'll try to play to the beat with time stretching on um so in an example if i put on click here and i press play so now this is gonna go and as soon as it found the first beat it'll go oh actually so i've just learned something new there basically it goes waits for the start of the bar so it doesn't wait for the start of the beat which is good which makes sense so so what you might notice there i'll stop that short version is some some things don't necessarily work with warp because they have a different meta tag i'm not going to go into that but certain things don't necessarily work with warp you can go and get programs that can fix that there is one on the on the akai false users group for anybody who's thinking of getting an akai force or has got an archive force and if you're on facebook you want to join the akai force users group if you're not on facebook and you're not that big fan of social media or anything like that then um gearspace is where you want to go gearspace.com and look for the akai false and there's a load of posts there um yeah so that's that anyway um you could turn that off and on if you don't want him to or marley so that's on there if i go like that turn off all oh no a lot now it won't do anything so keep that in mind all right so that's the first thing any of these are the same so any of the kits or anything with a preview anything sample based will play a sound prior to loading it up but the opposite is true for this thing here which is instruments if you go to instruments this shows you all the plugins that are available with this machine um for again if you're new to this or you you're wondering this has its own like synthesis so it's got um it's got sims pianos and blah blah blah it's got loads of different plugins it's got loads of and there's quite a few plugins and you never know what the future may hold so when you are using this a lot of people can get confused because they wonder well how can my cat hear this sound here and it's because it's the opposite way around so what you need to do is you make a sound and then you can play in context the that's the advantage so the way you should look is you can play these samples using wob and they'll play in context to everything but when you are wanting to use any plug-in sounds you have to have a plug-in fair first for it to play to previous sound so let's show why that's good and why that's a massive advantage um and what we'll do is we'll go here and we're going to create some plugins i'm going to go to advanced because i'm going to create a couple of plugins so i'm going to create free plugins one two three and what i'll do is i'll create a drum and then i'm just going to create a drum [Music] um drum kit and then i'm going to make something up really quick just to show you what i mean uh i'll do the drums after what i'm going to do is i'm going to go shift no and i'm just going to go to progression and i'll go to i think four i think i like four let's see yeah we'll go with that yeah so we'll have that oh good lord i always play stuff wrong every time when i start something i always play it wrong here we go okay so we got that and we go yeah that's cool and what i have that on at the moment is i just have that on the default one so what i can do now is i can go back into lord i can go to instruments and let's say for example i could go to any of these and then just go through all the stuff there but i'm gonna go one one level better than that and i'm going to go so if i want to get back to the top of that i can just press the instruments and i'm back to the top and what i'm going to do is i'm going to say i want to find simp sounds no do you know what i want to find piano sounds so anything with piano in now it's going to load up and then all i have to do is press the top one and then i can go through them up and down until i hear something all right i'll keep that for now let's um let's go shift note again shift no and i'll go back to scales because i've got it already in scale so i'll play some stuff so let's see i don't know that first bit seems to be all right here we go so i'll go again and now i'm gonna say i wanna lead sound so i'm gonna type in lead if i can spell it right there we go i will go through these [Music] yeah i love that so [Music] so let's um let's do a base now [Music] okay okay something like this [Music] two [Music] that'll do love that [Music] so then i go here again to load and then i'll just type in i won't even type in base because i can search and put look for base there so now i've got all bases so here we go [Music] i can keep going through this can do it quicker take that off not feeling that maybe i'm feeling that [Music] yeah you get the idea so that's what i could do or just to make sure you fully get it i'm playing that and i go i don't feel this solo here so i'm gonna go back to find the lead again i'll leave the lead and i'm gonna go and find a different lead maybe i'll change that piano to a synth and this is how quick you can start getting ideas or i think i spend some frights [Music] yeah that's weird let's try that again [Music] that's an interesting thing i'm going to double check that i've spelt synthrates in [Music] okay oh they're all there that's why i hit that i wondered why that was so look look at all the sims up there and the greatest thing about this is these are all of them so instead of just having one plugin i've got all of the things what have synth in all of the plugins so tube synth anything else if say no whatever there's a plugin and it's got sims it'll be there so i can just keep going through and then go back again and say yeah i'm not feeling that let me see if i can find the flute so if there's a flute so there you go [Music] so yeah so i think that's about the size of that um hopefully that made sense to you went on longer than what i meant but you know what i mean um don't forget to like and subscribe um please subscribe because it'll make me make more of an effort i can say eight percent of people don't subscribe if they did and it was 20 who didn't oh i might show you a lot more anyway till next time as always peace
Channel: nicethings
Views: 1,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: akai force, akai mpc, filter, lfo, tutorial, beats, orignal, new, arrangement, bass, drums, chords, piano keys, music scale, melody, presets, synth, note repeat, arpeggiator, chord progression, beatmaking, akai pro, hip hop, r&b, soul, funk, ableton, ableton push, grime, inspiration, time saving, ideas, realtime, remixing, djing, looping, dance, edm, sampling, vocals, recording, mixing, mastering
Id: RXNl6Jgn6r0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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