Ajahn Brahm - Guided Metta Meditation (26 May 2015)

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close your eyes just relax body first of all an axe relax relax I'm just going to be quiet for five minutes while you relax and then I'm going to start the guided loving-kindness meditation I'm just going to be quiet for five minutes while you just get into some bodily and mental relaxation once the mind is calm and the body is relaxed now I invite you to join in the guided loving-kindness meditation I ask you to start with an object which is very easy to give compassion Metta towards I'm going to choose a little kitten because I like cats especially kittens you may choose a dog a puppy if you like a little baby what if you don't like animals rabbits or whatever use that like one maybe did a pot plant or applied in the garden she was growing something which you find it very easy to generate feelings of warmth and kindness towards so when I say kitten you can understand that to be your primary imaginary objects to develop feelings of warmth and kindness towards so imagine finding my little kitten abandoned hungry in some dark corner frightened from the time I was born he's had no kindness no love no protection and every time this little kitten has trusted someone she's been bitten or scratched lonely desperate terrified I see these little eyes appearing from the darkness of a corner and I said my kindness towards us it will be if I don't help and assist it this little kid will die a lonely cold hungry death never know any love in her life so I look into its eyes and see its fear well underneath that fear some hope hope that maybe this person me might protect her and be kind to her and in its eyes I pour all my loving kindness my compassion my caring my protection dear little kitten you don't need to fear me I'll always be kind to you protecting caring I will always touch you so gently and it's my joy to feed you and share whatever I have with you dear little kitten I care for you when I think those words I really mean it and then I extend my hand out towards that kitten and see it withdraw further into the dark corner but not too far let the little kitten feel my hand against its fur I can feel like most kittens I throw is clean this one is dirty and feel the dried blood on his fur feel the bones which emaciated frame this little kitten has suffered so much in a few days of her life and still keeping eye contact I send every last piece of my kindness in care and well wishing to her little kitten please let me look after you care for you protect you feed you little kitten I will never harm you at all little kitten let me care and protect you feed you and watch you grow see you get play around like other kittens and grow into a big cat I care for you and I very slowly pick up the kitten and it lets me is trusting me when no one else has been kind to her and very slowly because I can't scare her or hurt her the trust is so fragile I bring her to my chest and hold her softly against my skin warm her coldness with my warmth just feeling her relax the tightness of fear slowly disappear as I give this total loving kindness and protection to this being he was so vulnerable was so fragile was already been hurt so much dear little kitten may all of your pain disappear please let me take it away that all of your desperation change into hope you have a big protector someone who can find food for you and a warm safe place to sleep and wilt for you to drink I care for you little kitten and I feel the kitten relax even more now feel its warmth against my chest my warmth against hers as I hold is kitten so gently I imagine these energy come out for my chess the energy of loving kindness like a golden light coming out through my chest and entering my imaginary kittens body warming healing releasing any pain as loving-kindness does bathing this little kitten from whiskers to tail to the tips of our ears to a pause little kitten I love you I care for you I feel the kitten receive my loving kindness and relax and start to power for the first time in its life at last it knows it will be fed it will be protected until it can grow enough to protect itself but even then I'll always be there for her putting our bowls of fish biscuits and milk whatever it wants it's my joy to do that for you as well friend and this beautiful loving-kindness starts to create a tingle in my chest this golden energy of kindness goes right through surrounding this easy imaginary object I do this to generate the initial feelings of loving-kindness on the easiest object I can imagine and when I can feel that loving kindness that tingle in my chest then I let go of the image of the imaginary cat and then I imagine a friend now you imagine your friend the person who's closest to you in this life it might be a partner it might be a son or daughter but this is a real person this time it might be your closest friend however they are imagine that they're standing right in front of you you have your eyes closed but imagine you've got your eyes open and your closest person in this world to use right in front of you though you two are like the little kitten they need your love your kindness your friendship otherwise they too will wither and die they need a friend someone to stand by them in difficulties to help them when they're sick to nurture them when they're weak to hold their hand when they were afraid and that's you so imagine your closest friend you say to them friend I care for you I'm there whenever you're in pain or trouble not because I have to because I want to do your friend and when you time you in pain or sick now I'm here I will come healed or whatever I can just knowing that I'm here for you may that give you safety reassurance and hope as you imagine this golden light of loving kindness coming out of your chest and bathing your best friend your closest person in this life breathing them up and down may you be free from pain and sickness and fear may you smile and love like I remember you've done in the past your happiness is my concern and my happiness too I care for you as you spread this loving kindness up and down right through their body healing free loving wishing well taking away their pain just like my mother she loved me so much when she kissed my wounds pain went away in the woods healed I know the power of loving-kindness as you're giving this to your best friend in the whole world they need it and you need to give it now how does it feel in your chest area this is this golden light of loving-kindness coming from an area around your heart it's starting to build up power now without opening your eyes imagine all the people in this room all the people who have been meditating together for the last two days mostly all these people just like you got sore legs and sore backs problems with family difficulties finances sicknesses we all have pain disappointments frustrations and resentments guilts and fears just like you now without opening your eyes split this beautiful golden light of loving kindness to everybody in this room my dear friends I care for you I truly wish you happiness and well-being I want you to be peaceful joyful may all of that suffering of experience in the past give it to me I'll take it I want you to let it go I want you to be free I care for each one of you if you send this incredible powerful loving-kindness to everybody in this room up and down taking away their pain taking away their fear taking away their sickness because loving kindness can do that any force who you've done anything which has irritated me I forgive that just like a mother loves their child even washes changes a child's diapers washes all the off his bum mother loves her child I love you I care for you may you all be happy and well free of pain for your fear may all know the deep deep peace of the dummer and the freedom of insight may you all attain the highest in this lifetime that's my wish for you because I care for you this powerful loving kindness goes up and down everywhere in this room you feel the tingling in your chest now as this golden glow of loving kindness gets stronger the more you give the stronger it becomes all the people just like you and now you get so strong it can't it can't stay in these walls it goes throughout the whole compound the monks next door the people in the streets people selling food and the shops of birds outside make all the beings in this locality be at peace you would just like that kitten you're hurt so easily we carry around the wounds of the past the fears of the future is a harsh place as well without love without kindness without compassion now giving it to you all we all are sending out this golden glow light of loving kindness write down the hunting word write down Waverly were the whole neighborhood feeling this loving kindness go to the trams waiting of the terminus up and down the street it's going all over he's worn imagine the people some really lonely people they've lost their friends people who are afraid having arguments with the people they love children in trouble old people sick all people in this neighborhood dogs cats animals birds may all people in this neighborhood know we care about you right now may you all be free of suffering and pain may you be happy may be well and mean it give it everything you've got the well-wishing and will you give the more you have to give imagine this beautiful golden light of loving kindness spreading even further you have many friends and relative relations in this great city imagine is golden light flowing over this whole city of Melbourne every suburb some of you have come from country Victoria go there as well all these people people you know and people you've never met in your life they all need your loving kindness may all people all beings be free of fear they trust one another and care for one another forgive each other's faults we just beings and make mistakes may all people know I have only good will for you wishing you the very very best now you feel so at peace if you you don't need so much when you got love respect kindness so imagine all the healing the free which you're giving to all the people in the state of Victoria imagine that loving kindness a golden light going even further cross the path straight to Tasmania detachment in New Zealand across the deserts to Adelaide West Australia up to New South Wales and Queensland over this whole country all the people have to make these decisions in governments or the doctors trying their hardest to take away the sicknesses and the pain all the people worrying like hell in the emergency rooms praying that their loved ones survive all the people worried and concerned depressed may all beings in this great country be for your pain for your fear at ease comfortable I give you my loving-kindness my forgiveness my well-wishing which is spread this loving kindness even further over the whole planet Earth so the countries of Southeast Asia China East Asia down to India Sri Lanka where many of your friends of relations live wherever they are now and thinking of you I care for you I really want you to be free of pain achieve your goals in life going even further over to Europe and United States Africa all the friends and relations available Buddha rockateur in Uganda may all beings in this whole world know that we're thinking of you right now you're not alone because our loving-kindness spreads across this whole huge earth to all beings without distinction no matter what will they do no race all the beings afraid in the Middle East in the wars may all beings know your cared for may all beings be happy and wealthy free of pain free of anger resentment and violence our thoughts do help our loving-kindness works which is spread this loving kindness this beautiful golden light over the whole world wishing well just like you wish that little kitten to be well may all beings be for your pain and suffering and sickness and fear may you have happiness and peace and joy laughing with the people you laugh with your friends may all beings be happy and well if you let this golden glow of loving-kindness settle so gently over the whole planet earth how do you feel and then remember that one person you've missed out yourself now imagine you're standing in front of yourself as if you were looking in the mirror and that's you in that mirror you are no different than that little kitten afraid you've been hurt sometimes really badly disappointed letdown you really need to be loved you look at yourself and say me this person I've known as long as I could remember you've gone through so much together I care for this person called me may I be happy may I be free from fear and free from pain all that guilt anger grief of the past I love myself so much I can't let it go I forgive me because I care for me I want me to be well and happy and free I love me I care may I be for you all fear because I know if I can accept this loving kindness my future will be bright I can dance into the next few days next years if you spread this loving kindness will right throughout yourself the tips of your head from the tips of your ears down to your fingertips to your toes and everywhere in between there's any disease which I have how this beautiful loving kindness might be healed may I be at peace may I be free my own learn to accept this moment called now forgive my mistakes and laugh at them and find joy may I be happy in a well because I give my loving kindness my care to me as you let this golden light of loving-kindness linger on yourself and your body your mind on your life by giving yourself the biggest of hugs accepting warm embrace how do you feel I'm going to be soldered for 30 seconds as you love yourself now to complete the loving-kindness meditation and we gotta gather all that loving-kindness all that gold and energy that light which is spread all over the planet imagine drawing it back in drawing it back in trawling it in it's done its job and I need to come back come back from many countries into Australia to come back from Australia into Victoria Victorian to Melbourne Melbourne into a small when he's woven into 73 darling wrote into this room into your heart until it's concentrated into this golden ball of loving-kindness right in your heart and imagine your heart like a pure white lotus fully opened and this incandescent powerful ball of loving-kindness which you've drawn in hovering above this white pure Lotus called your heart very slowly the Lotus closing up to embrace that loving-kindness inside of you to keep it there safe there's a seed to be used and the next time how do you feel please keep your eyes class I'm now going to give the blessing when the blessing is finished only then open your eyes / Bhutan Nepal we support our Manu parween a salver Sangha new paulina buddha Wotton and armour returning sangha a turn-on he Namrata na na na new bar wayna cha to a seat isa hazard on Conda new bar weena peter cottan new Pawan Aegina Sawa con Hooper wayna Sabo Kawena Muto SAR Poisson topological supper where are Mata Kondo NEPA torture - one power suppiy t OE watch an to Sabo Kawena sir - Marty 4 1 1 2 yo suki dakara kopua happy ward and her seed it's Anita Wouter / Charlie no chatter Tama what auntie are you one knows who ha ha there we go
Channel: BSV Dhamma Talks
Views: 84,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Buddhism, Buddhist Society of Victoria, Dhamma Talk, Dharma Talk, Sutta, Sutta Pitaka, Teaching of the Buddha, Buddha's word, Meditation, Ajahn Brahm, Metta, Maitri, Mindfullness
Id: 7Jb72-QgXOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 39sec (1899 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2015
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