AJ Armstrong: Sinner or Saint? (EXTENDED Edition) | The Evidence Room

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[Music] [Music] her son remained calm as the judge read the sentence that by execution Josue Flores was murdered last Tuesday on his way home from school [Music] oh the men confessed to shooting the team execution style there was some satanic type activity taking place [Music] officers tell us Trujillo stabbed her boyfriend with stiletto heel shoes [Music] your old Riley Ann Sawyer's brutal killing shocked the nation she was beaten today stuffed in a plastic box found by a fisherman in Galveston Bay former NFL player Antonio Armstrong senior and his wife Don Armstrong were murdered we the jury find the defendant Antonio Armstrong Jr guilty one by one they describe the depths of the alleged other eight victims of the convicted rail Park Hiller [Music] [Applause] [Music] I can't even put it in words sometimes I'm having to grab my brain and just ask God to give me wisdom give me peace give me my mind Friday July 29 2016. your name police found the couple shot at a home on Palmetto and Maple Ridge Street a heartbreaking turn of events there have been people coming and going in and out of the house to find out what happened here Don and Antonio Armstrong senior were found shot to death on July 29th at their home on Palmetto in southwest Houston officers found both parents in their bedroom before two o'clock this morning so one of the first officers who got on scene got inside found the Armstrongs in their bed and looked at some of the evidence there they radioed down and said hey separate AJ and his sister at the time of the incident there were only four people in the home that we know of the parents and the two children I had my best friend fighting for his life newly published court documents State Armstrong Jr planned and practiced the murder of his parents AJ that I had to find out who's taking care of him what was going on because I found out they took him into custody Don and Antonio would have wanted me to have taken care of AJ Antonio Armstrong Jr always said an intruder killed his parents not him you don't have to trust us you can trust Antonio senior who called him a liar in a schema but he's still 16. and that crime scene just speaks like a 16 year old did it [Music] they said they didn't see any broken windows no Force entries at the door allowing them to believe that whoever committed this crime was inside the home they realized the mystery here who shot whom and why [Music] we the jury find the defendant Antonio Armstrong Jr guilty of capital murder it is now the order of this court that UV sentenced to life with the possibility of parole after 40 calendar Years you'll be transported by the sheriff to that institution where you will serve out the remainder of life and you'll get credit for all of your bad time good luck to you sir [Music] how do you all feel right now oh it's absolutely devastating AJ is grown up with us as I said in my closing over the last seven years we've seen him growing up from a 16 year old to a young man father husband it's devastating first I mean I can see your eyes it has been a rough seven years so when I got the phone call I was on I-10 headed back home almost in Lafayette and you must have been just struck by that I couldn't believe it you've talked to AJ you say every single day I keep encouraging him we read scriptures you know he's you know it's a lot yeah I would imagine he misses his son that be that's the hardest part for him his son and his wife especially his son since the trial the day of the verdict oh it's like we relived what happened seven years ago this time just worse [Music] just because there's not gunshot residue it's just because there's not fingerprints the reality is we rarely have that kind of stuff [Music] reality is the evidence was always strong the challenge has always been is people can't get their head around how someone's so young and so handsome with the support of his family could have done what he did [Music] then you know a big piece of evidence and it happened twice is in the 911 call the 911 call he's very calm it's a 16 minute call and maybe it's it may be the most calm 911 I've ever heard in my career and your name agent he's remembering the 911 says I heard two gunshots any medical attention needed I don't even know I went down the stairs saw a crack in my parents door and I immediately called y'all in your parents bedroom yeah [Music] like a handgun rifle or shotgun um five hours later to homicide he says her gunshots I was making my way down the stairs and that's when I heard the gunshots when I got like four or five stairs down and I like looked like how many you heard I mean I think I heard two but it may have been three I'm not really like like 100 positive but I knew I know it's two or three and then I saw the masked man running from my parents bedroom and then I called 9-1-1 and like I saw someone like coming out so I just took off back upstairs they had a it was like a mask and like you could only see the eyes and the mouth but he looked like it he looked like a black guy but I'm not like 100 positive but I'm pretty sure it was an African-American and like I'd say like six feet maybe somewhere around there I couldn't give you like age range I didn't really like get to see his face or anything like that so for him to go to that all of a sudden oh there was a masked man in my house and I needed to go get my sister to me and John I think too was was one of the biggest inconsistencies well that would be the first words out of your mouth there's a masked man in my house please come help my sister and I and so there's a reason in three trials the defense never even touched the subject because there's no logical explanation for leaving that out why when AJ walked out of that door and he said somebody was in the house the officer that he's told that to has never come full of his sister heard it another officer heard it but then he can't testify he testified in the first trial but he can't testifying other trials because it's hearsay and then the 911 he's confident to go to the door first he's confident to go get his sister and then let law enforcement in as opposed to saying tell them to come into the house there's a masked man in the house so it's just it is really just overwhelming that even folks who support him will never be able to answer that question in addition in order to go get his sister that house somehow he knows is alive he has to bypass his parents bedroom and never look in he didn't look again because he didn't have to look in because he had already killed his parents they're asking you to step out of that could be my sister hold on I need to move the house yes sir we asked and she's on the second floor yeah yeah yeah you got to get up come on you got to get up come on come on Carol I need you to get up here I need you to get up come just come look at me you guys outside just just grab my hand and stay behind me please just stay home hey I'm the one that um it was caught in a few lies though absolutely tell me who doesn't lie when they scared okay you have adults lie when they scared that's what caused people to lie fear AJ was scared when he was talking to those officers you know this is a 16 year old kid when you look up there's a bullet hole in the ceiling that comes from the Loft which is it comes through the through the floor from The Loft from your room upstairs yeah yeah the third floor yeah and then on the floor There's an actual bullet that was actually fire wait how long has that been there well that's that's why we're talking to you because there's there's fresh there's fresh sheetrock on the floor right so and that's it's kind of kind of what we're getting at there's there's things out there that we're trying to figure out how how this is to happen you know if if there's two gunshots or four gunshots right how do we have one that's coming from the room upstairs and then we've got other ones in there I can explain the gun from the room upstairs uh it was like two through like I think it was two maybe three weeks ago like uh me and one of my friends was like playing around and they were they were about to leave and he was like hey uh well not really he was like me I was like Hey like have you ever tried gum before and they were like nah I've never done it and I was like you want me to show you how to and like I like went and checked the three places and the film was under my dad's bed and I like laid uh the pillow I laid my pillow and then like to a blanket over in a blanket under it thinking like that would stop it but I'm I guess it did not stop it yeah I truly think that when he fired it through the floor of his room I don't think he knew it went down to the second floor I don't think he knew the bullet went through the floor I think he truly believed like he said that it stopped it so when they encounter and confront him with that I don't think he had an answer prepared and that kind of goes back to what we're saying just a minute ago you know if it's a few minutes ago you said that you haven't seen it you haven't shot it since you were a kid and then now yeah and then it's like oh wait a minute so you know I understand yeah we don't want to keep getting deeper into this because there's more I mean if that's the thing is and ultimately you know if the gun was fired tonight you know again the GSR test is going to show exactly so to say that you didn't or it was fire I didn't I didn't fire it tonight last time I fired was like two three weeks ago and I like I apparently I put it but I guess my parents just never saw that because I mean that was a while ago yeah yeah but ultimately that's that's what I'm saying it's even if you wash your hands whatever you have it's it's still gonna show right okay so that's why I'm saying is you know something like three weeks ago no no uh you fired the gun tonight this whole reasoning for firing the weapon is because his friend had never heard a weapon fired and so when they Circle back in the interview to try to find out who that friend is he then says oh he he had left well I'm confused because I thought that's why you fired the weapon in the first place and the point is that friend doesn't exist because that friend did exist they would have called him to the stand and said it was a couple weeks before the murders I don't care how many times he lied he was scared I can tell you not there's like nothing that will come back that nothing like that will come back on me I had nothing to do with this now but you understand where I'm where I'm coming from I like because I when I explained it to my brother he thought the exact same thing so like he thought there was something like there's something missing but I understand where you're coming from you had no physical evidence linking him to the crime and it and it was I mean the circumstantial evidence was huge um you know you asked us before what's what's the one thing that was most powerful there isn't just one thing it's a conglomerate of a bunch of things but those circumstances are so strong [Music] my question is are they going to take that attack which they really sort of keyed in on at least in 2022 and I think the first trial too back in 19 was that idea that look this home was sealed the Burglar Alarm was on the doors and windows weren't breached although there's a little bit of uh depending on your point of view on that are they going to take that tack this time oh yeah they'd have to to me it's just their strongest piece of evidence is that that alarm system was never tripped the entire night so if it was never trip that means no one came in and no one left out that is their strongest piece of evidence just as much as the prosecution is arguing hey this alarm system was never tripped nothing could have come in or out no one coming in or out the defense is going to say yeah but it's not foolproof both ADT and alarm.com testified that they didn't perform any testing at all on the alarm equipment after Armstrong's residents they didn't perform any kind of testing on the accuracy of the records contained in their documentation they did nothing they just blindly say hey here's our records you have to believe them this young man right here deserves far more than to have his future determined based on faulty unreliable error written records from an alarm company that can't stand up to their own records their own accuracy let's talk about some things talk about the alarm system attorney Chris Collins showed evidence that ADT records said one thing alarm.com's record said another thing and not only that help me arrested something wrong with my mind how does a 12 year old girl get woken up and I'll see see as police officers and the officer asked her about that alarm system she says is finicky sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't when you understand the alarm system and the records it narrows it down to the number of people who could have committed this crime in the entire world to two people and it was him where was his sister and then I kind of in trial three looked at that first and then worked my way back and said okay what do we know about him what do we know about his sister and then it became very clear as to who committed the crime alarm information they have an expert you have an expert you're showing faults they're trying to show that these faults don't mean anything the house was sealed up the do you feel like you had the right experts so how I answer that is the way we prepared for trial 3 was based on trial one and two the things that we did and we know that worked then we got into trial and they hired another expert and the first expert in the second trial said he changed his testimony so how do we prepare for that we found out in between trial two and trial three how much Jason DeCosta from alarm.com really knew we flew him down to Houston and we met with him and we spent hours with him and after that we walked away from that meeting saying we got we got it because the alarm system was working the alarm.com as the VP of the organization comes and I think he helped prosecutors a lot they had a board which showed all of the goings and happenings of the Armstrong home he said their home was extremely active and then prosecutors used that to kind of narrow the times to show that to show the jurors that this alarm system worked flawlessly the defense came back and showed them a few points where there were issues with the alarm system so when an expert testifies under oath in trial number two and says we agree there was 77 errors and then trial number three we don't know he's going to say this he says oh that wasn't right I was wrong about that it it seems desperate it seems like they're trying to get the expert that fits their case they knew that was a problem and they found someone else to say well maybe that expert was wrong but what I'm saying now is right you never bought the theory that the alarm system records weren't reliable the 77 faults in one month I don't because there isn't 77 faults in one month the records were misinterpreted my belief based on taking two entries and just having the expert read it and then the defense argue it without ever asking for the expert to explain it what we learned was that this alarm.com is a software for basically all of the alarm companies so we just had the wrong person in the second trial and we had that appropriate expert to properly explain the records now people are not going to convince someone have capital murder based on alarm records now it helps and it's going to secure it and they're going to feel good about it because nobody the alarm records don't lie Dawn told us that right [Music] after the break the video you haven't seen the moment a blood spatter expert discovered new DNA evidence that would change the course of the trial plus the audio recording never played in court and the alternate theory about who killed Dawn and Antonio Armstrong [Music] we heard that there was a delay the judge comes in and says something has happened outside of the Court's control and we were all in the courtroom like what what's going on what's happened [Music] for a second time the judge in the AJ Armstrong capital murder case delays the start of the trial multiple sources tell kprc2 investigates the reason behind this delay centers around the clothing one of my first questions what like seven years later we're finding new evidence I was like what we all while we're talking about were kind of all confused where is this happening what did this come from and it was a whirlwind in seven years it's not one person anyone who was with him near him by him and said his blood to be honest with you when John and I prepped this case we never even looked at it never even looked because the lab had tested it in 2016 and told us there's no blood anywhere I was close we took him after work but there wasn't and Shelly Rossi went down that Friday on June 2nd of this year she wanted to look at the pillows and when she found out the defendant's clothing the night of the murder was still in evidence she wanted to look at it Sergeant Rossi with the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office was kind of the witness everyone was waiting to hear from she was the one who found that new DNA evidence under the name tax sticker from what we all gathered during her testimony she said as an expert in blood spots she wanted to see it herself she wanted to just see what we understood she just wanted to see the bloody pillows is what she said and testified to either she saw a lift on this on this name tag sticker itself but for whatever reason she said well she lifted it up she lifted the name tag apparently no one had done it in the last seven years or so so she lives the name tag and that's when she says she saw specs and what she found underneath that badge we now know is Antonio senior's blood and why is his father's blood on his clothes according to the defendant he never went in and checked on them she believed that AJ after killing his parents that he went on his dad's side grabbed a pillow to cover his dad's head and before um Antonio senior passed he was still breathing for air we know that when Antonio senior was shot he was facing away from his wife we know that he had from the EMG testified he had blood all in his nose area and coming out of his mouth I had to go get a device to suction it out scattered in the bed those photos are evidence you can see that is expiration blood that he is expiring from his mouth as he fights for his life Rossi comes in we can't testify about the blast butter the bed's laid out they say senior expiration that came up with that story she says what's coming out of his mouth remember this [Music] it gets even worse we know that the person who did this put those pillows over his face he had to come close enough in contact to do that those blood spatters will dry in air he said the blood coming out of it Antonio senior's mouth was drying in midair have you ever heard of such a thing from one and a half feet away the blood that's being expired is drunk I think I use it once many times as a son it's drying in midair does that make any sense to you the turtle used those spray bottles to show that if there was this expiration blood that Sergeant Rossi said um Antonio Armstrong was doing at that night wouldn't there be more blood on him when I had the little squirt bottle I was trying to show the jury that if there's expiration happening there's going to be blood everywhere so we thought that was important so she's testifying because she knows she has to figure out how do we get the specs on the sticker without them being a corresponding blood stain so we're going to come up with this Theory it's raining specs it's raining Flex the whole deal about the shooter coming around to the side of the bed is pure speculation rain and flex and then Sergeant Rossi comes in and says well that's not how the blood functions or how it worked and she's a blood spatter expert and she knows what Shelly Rossi testified to that they will dry in air and they will become like salt or gunshot residue the defendant didn't have that sticker placed on him until five hours later and during that time who knows if Morse batters fell off but what we do know is when that sticker was placed on his chest it preserved it it time stamped it and there it stayed for seven years until she went and looked at it there's two points that were most striking in the trial number one is to show the way that prosecutors handle evidence in the courtroom you see how they take out evidence and they kind of flop it back in a box and there's boxes everywhere and there's pillows and there's blankets and there's all kinds of things out there that's happened twice before in this trial the defense in this clip in this case claims cross-contamination they say Lester blizzard touched bloody pillows and then he touched the shirt and he kind of put his finger underneath the badge it gets even more unbelievable in a previous hearing Mr blizzard fine gentlemen came in and we showed you all that he handled the evidence no gloves bloody pillow no gloves bloody pillow you all saw that right see Mr blizzard handling the shirt right sorry I bought a sticker I saw that remember that I'm not here to tell you that Mr blizzard contaminated the blood I think they're confused about that we're here to tell you that the history of the evidence does matter and you get to see it over seven years what's happened to that evidence if Lester pleaser put his finger underneath the badge put it on the on the sticky side of the badge you would expect his epithelial cells contact DNA to come off of his skin but when they tested it it wasn't there it was a single Source DNA profile and it was the blood of Antonio senior number two we were able to show that when we got the pillows from the property room there were specks of blood there we took those boxes but then they got two new boxes and in the middle of trial the respects of blood shedding from those pillows so you know I thought that was pretty effective for purposes of that evidence we just didn't think it was credible we can call the Hail Mary pass the last minute pass gotta figure out how to get Prosecutor's job is to seek Justice not to win their job is to seek Justice I just want the public to know that the evidence was always there it's not something that John and I created or something we found it was always there the reason why I said we don't need it it's because we trust you and we know despite what they may think there's a mountain of evidence pointing at one person one person [Music] that's it [Music] foreign [Music] families rally behind their weapons when you love somebody you ignore what's right in front of you okay ma'am ma'am please I need for you to calm down for a little bit so I can understand what you're saying what's going on when you love someone you are willing to put things aside to believe what you want to believe right another boyfriend why they're throwing Josh on the bus I don't understand but you know why they do it because it's love how was your relationship with your parents in general it was it was a pretty good relationship okay you get along with your mom get along with Dad no problem like really close then me and my mom like we I mean me like me my brother and my sister like had our like little issues with my mom but it was never anything like serious you have an older brother that doesn't live there no he does not he just moved he was going to uh Blinn and he's he just moved back like three weeks ago he's going to the Art Institute now how is his relationship with everybody in the family I mean he's really like me him and my dad are like a really close group like we sit down and talk a lot and then him and my mom were like identical people like their personalities are the same stuff they're close and then me and him were just like have a really close brother relationship and then my little sister like loves him we'll never understand why that family is protecting the defendant and throwing Josh under the bus but it's not up for us to understand what I can tell you is this the defendant exited that house on July 29 2016 and left the police in to find his dirty work that he had done the first person he called who's Josh I immediately I called my brother because he lives like right up the street and him and uh my cousin they both showed up and Josh woke up his girlfriend called 9-1-1 and he ran over to his house because he was like two minutes down the street because his brother got us off he just got there and he called me and told me that his parents was inside he grabbed a shotgun he ran out of the house got in his car and drove over to the scene and he's asking and reacting to waste we all would if we got that phone call you pissed off I wonder what's going on with his parents why can't he get in the house what's going on with his siblings my brother like ran over because he had nothing like he was confused like he didn't understand my phone call like he thought I'd like it was a joke or something talking about Josh this is AJ's older brother Josh's significance in this trial is one the defense was using him as an alternative suspect in this whole case but let's look at what actually happened on the night of the murders Josh within a very short period of time shows up to the house he shows up to the house we know that questions asked by Jimmy James regarding gunshot residue Josh refused to answer he which included his whereabouts where he was at night he refused to answer we know Josh was agitated and we know that Josh smelled of heavy marijuana and they want you to believe because he didn't ask questions or didn't answer questions regarding gunshot residue that that's indicative of guilt your brother Josh isn't even there he's got was there with her at the time of this so I've not marked him off my list so while the defendant was down at the homicide station challenging investigators test my hands you won't find any gunshot residue on me I can tell you not there's like nothing that will come back that it's on me there's there will be no gun powder that had nothing to do with this Josh Armstrong was out there on that street corner with his cousin and he was picking up the pieces of the family he had left and he had to watch as everything he loved in that house it's parted out on a stretcher Josh has shown way more emotion and the weight of his parents death and this defendant is even capable of Michelle here's what I think happened they charged AJ within 10 or 12 hours of that night it's a high profile case and the Harris County District Attorney's Office made a decision they were going to charge him with not without any evidence coming in no one [Music] spent the next several months because of the trauma of losing his parents he became paranoid he started making lists of all the people that could have killed his parents including everybody in their family you don't do that if you're the killer so the prosecutors brought all of his medical records I believe it was like eight different facilities or so showing that showing the jurors that Josh didn't have a mental break or didn't start suffering from mental health until months after the incidence of the nights we looked at multiple records multiple if you can sponsors multiple records throughout all different types of institutions relating to Josh and his delusional States believing that he was either God or the devil we know that he had command voices in his head that told him to harm himself or others all documented just because we don't have documentation ladies and gentlemen from before the murders does not mean it didn't happen the defense thinks that these medical records are good for them talk about confirmation bias they're taking three lines in records that are thousands of pages which says Josh Armstrong witnessed the murder of his parents in the records where Josh flat out said I witnessed and in other places I saw my parents murdered back in July 2016. and they want you to believe that means he was the Killer foreign [Music] they've chosen to ignore the thousands of pages that talk about how his parents death absolute worst day of his entire life when the defense brought their forensic psychiatrist expert in they he said from speaking with Miss K and speaking with another grandparents that they were able to show that Josh had some suffer from some mental health issues prior to the murders there were examples that at a church service that Miss Kay witnessed that he's seen he was sitting in the back away from the family and seemed out of it you're just a dead stare Josh had something to say about that incident you know what he said he said when I got to the church I realized his dad's church I realized my dad wasn't there and it affected him so hard that after that he said that he wanted to get in his car and drive off a bridge and kill himself there was another point where Miss Kay told this forensic psychiatrist that he was trying to cleanse the home I believe it was when he put a set of fire inside the home in a in the oven so he was there after interviews with the family and then also looking at the medical records that the state had as well said that there are possible that Josh suffered from these Mental Health crisis prior to the murders then we look at look at that night it is scribbled Dr Mueller says in his opinion from somebody who's angry somebody who's angry wanting to kill his parents scribbles a note it had religious undertones I have been watching you for a long time as though you're a God devil whatever it is from the outside looking down and I've been watching you for a long time come get me or whatever it said at the end to the point to where it was hey I'm untouchable I dare you come get me and sadly his older brother Josh his girlfriend said that that note really freaked him out because Josh felt like someone was always going to be following him now and it led to his psychosis eventually and the last thing I want to say about the note is it crime scenes will take on the personality of their killer and one of the things John and I tried to really convey is that he's very manipulative the point is the crime scene itself is a manipulation it's made to look like something it's not and the only person that embodies those characteristics in that family was AJ Armstrong one thing that stuck out to me when prosecutors along with the district attorney was speaking was Ryan Trask who said they while they were trying to prove to the jurors that AJ did this they were also defending Josh nobody said no family member said anything about jobs remember Hannah told us he was kind he was gentle Miguel saw some of that any text messages those text messages were very interesting to see and in the framing of it the way that prosecutors did the whole thing they had a great demo showing it I don't want to have scenarios where here I am in a couple of weeks saying Antonio this happened that happened you know this you know your phone we have your phone your messages text messages whatever between you and Dad showing that you were mad at him or something like that there's one text message that stays with me since this whole trial started into the end conclusion of it where Don in a text message to AJ after AJ snuck out the home to go get help his then girlfriend now wife at a party or some function she confronted him the next day and these text messages instead of into the effect of the alarm doesn't lie you lie text messages everything she's say hello they say that they say hello to his parents it was no whatever they're trying to create it that's not true there wasn't inside the house some Strife between AJ and his mom and dad absolutely not no he just got pointed out of school he lost his car it's no different than any other parent they get very upset with their son and daughter when they have done whatever it is they have done the things that you deal with as a parent yes you get upset yes you go to the school yes you fuss yes you whatever and you do all kinds of things and say all kinds of things but what does that have to do with that's parenting that's making known you don't do this we're not accepting this you're not allowed no no and you keep going you keep parenting but what do they have to do with love did it have to do with caring about your children you care about them enough to fuss get in there you know and it was I think Jordan said the first time when they've gone to a trial they didn't have family support with them typically other cases they have the family support we felt just an as much of an obligation to clear his name as to hold his brother AJ Armstrong accountable and then prosecutors stuck with that and used that that was a running theme through all of their their open statements to some of the witnesses to their and they brought that back at the closing arguments where both of them both Ryan Trask and John Jordan referenced that statements that text message and it appoints John Jordan during the closing argument said he was speaking for Don Armstrong with the AJ tax all you saw is discipline all you saw is frustration all you saw is is calling him a liar and a schemer and all of that but with the text messages with Josh UA [Music] I want to end Israel attempting to give a voice to dollar the evidence doesn't lie he was see her saying that the evidence doesn't lie he wise and you are the only people in our community who with your verdict can exonerate my innocent son by holding my guilty one accountable for killing me and the love of my life next on the evidence room do you think this is related to the homicide or do you think it's just two independent things in audio recording left behind and not allowed in court hear what one woman said could have played a role in the Armstrong's murders they hit evidence they lost evidence and then on the evil trial they found evidence and I think the public needs to understand the frustration this family has going through the criminal justice system with all these twists and turns [Music] there's some other things that have gotten lost too if you remember the District Attorney's Office made the unfortunate decision to hold on to an audio tape for 18 months in which a witness said that there was death threats against Antonio senior I don't know if you remember that but we filed some motions to dismissal we didn't hear anything about that thank you [Music] that there isn't so many prostitution room that my husband my sister-in-law Antonio and another individual we're all involved in during this time and so I didn't know um like the call records are all like crazy um the uh their the one woman that was with Antonio has contact I don't know if it's the pimp or whatnot but I just felt like I I don't know if y'all knew that or were aware of the prostitution thing so you think this is related to the homicide or do you think it's just two independent things I think it's related because the way like the money involved and the there was a thing about keeping quiet and so um it was the like right before like they had the the death threats and the um that had changed their life insurance like they were doing all of these things and um my husband and Antonio talked four days before and so I like literally like and then he died and I don't think my husband I don't know what was talking about I don't know um he said oh yeah we just hugged you know and just you know said a prayer together and whatnot it could be completely too independent things but because it was the one can the one connection it is the one connection between all of them but it could just be I mean he could be a sugar daddy he could be a guy with money that whole bunch of attractive women that like to get paid could be could be I've heard it worse try explaining to Miss K why the Harris County District Attorney's Office hid exculpatory evidence in terms of an audio for 18 months [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] I will never publicly criticize this family at all they're victims too and um it is what it is and the family decided to Rally behind AJ Armstrong in the process his older brother was also accused in open court that I'll never understand and it was tough for Brian and I to attempt to get Justice for Antonio senior and Dawn and it's the first time in my career I didn't have a family behind me I believe the prosecution did what they did to get a win at whatever cost not Justice not looking out for us the family not trying to see to it the justice will served but to get a win at whatever costs I think to the public it's the families behind them then maybe I'm missing something if you remember an inclusive argument I said you know families rally behind defendants all the time because their job is to love them unconditionally maybe that's it but any objective person that looks at the evidence I think will come to the same conclusion that this jury did if there was just one Inkling did they say did this kill my oldest son that I carried for nine months and gave birth to and destroyed our family like this and my daughter-in-law her parents there's no way we would be supporting him backing him and fighting for him who would do that we're fighting for him because he's not guilty [Music] I think anybody that has the thought of what you just said with me apparently have never lost anybody close and dear to them you couldn't have how on Earth could a mother [Music] [Music] in the name of Jesus how can a mother [Music] forget her child How could a mother forget her beautiful daughter-in-law the parents to her grandchildren their family how can you ever forget a family member that is no longer here it was that I'm going to speak for Dawn and they're the only folks who can exonerate her innocent son and hold her guilty son accountable for killing her in the love of her life I am so disappointed in how they have handled this entire matter with my grandson and our family and to have the god to say that you are getting Justice for Antonio and Don how dare you you didn't know my son and my daughter-in-law you never met him if you cared about them what about us that's here alive living taxpayers abiding citizens what about us they can feel nothing but we do and we're now having to take these pieces you're not on the other line here my grandson you're not there with his wife and his little two-year-old son getting ready to be three asking for his daddy our entire family church members community and Friends all everybody is crying is this is an injustice how did it happen good [Music] if AJ didn't kill your son and your daughter-in-law who did that's what the police was supposed to find out there's something a lot about AJ and I tell everyone who asked me about this case because everyone knew the Armstrong family if you spend an hour with that young man you will absolutely believe that he could not be involved in this he's respectful he's smart he would help us carry the boxes in and out of the courtroom but over the course of the years that we've represented him he's become like not kind of like a stepson and you just cannot spend time with that young man for any period of time and think that he had anything to do with this you're of the same mind oh yeah I think AJ is an outstanding young man I mean he has manners and he's a godly man and he helps out and he's a proud father and when I'm on the phone with him I could hear his little boy Hendrix in the background he's a great husband do you think he's really going to spend the next 40 years behind bars if we have anything to do with that he will not [Music] thank you [Music] that verdict broke my heart still breaks my heart if I sit here and think about it it knocked us down but we're getting back up and we're going to continue fighting [Music] what I would like to say to you because we still have things going on at this time I would just like to say I know right now without a shadow of a doubt that AJ is not guilty [Music]
Channel: KPRC 2 Click2Houston
Views: 207,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Evidence Room, Antonio Armtrong Jr., AJ Armstrong, Josh Armstrong, Teh Evidence Room, True Crime, True, true crime documentary, true crime stories, documentary crime, docuseries youtube, aj armstrong final verdict, aj armstrong documentary, aj armstrong interrogation, aj armstrong trial, aj armstrong grandmother speaks out, true crime podcast, true crime documentary 2023, true crime latest, murder documentary, news, true crime documentary murders
Id: TzEowHAhzPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 29sec (3269 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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