AITA For Kicking Out Brother And Dumping Him On Sister | Exposing Mom For Liking My Bro M.. + More

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[Music] hi everyone hope you are feeling positive and healthy please subscribe with all bell notifications if you haven't already and please don't hesitate to leave your valuable feedback and advice below thank you very much let's jump into the stories [Music] am i the unreasonable one for exposing my mom for liking my brother more okay i know the title is really weird but please just hear me out this happened a few days ago on a zoom call with my family my family who lives literally all over the world has a family reunion every year right around now due to the pandemic we just did a call on zoom here's a bit of backstory it's very very clear that my mom likes my younger brother more i'm pretty sure she wishes that i was a son she claims i'm making up my depression anxiety and eating disorders for attention but whenever my brother had the mildest cold he stayed home from school and she gave him the luxury treatment i always have to do all the chores clean etc and oftentimes i'd get in trouble for things he would do sometimes she'd even go places like other states without me so she and my brother could have some bonding time my parents are divorced so my dad can't really help me when i'm at my mom's house because i don't want to tell him anyways right before the zoom call i was just hanging out in my room when i hear something break outside so i come out and it's the pot of this plant my mom was gifted a few years ago she goes berserk my brother had knocked it over on the counter and my mom blamed me i said i'd clean it up after the call so we're on the zoom call and since my mom got the kitchen sink redone months ago my aunt wanted to see it but my mom said since i knocked over the plant in a really mean tone of voice and since it was all my fault she couldn't see the counter that's when i got really mad i said that it was bs i was in my room and she knew that and started yelling at my mom about how she always liked my brother more and started listing examples my family got really angry at my mom and my mom got really angry at me and hung up from the call and now i'm grounded i kind of feel like an a-hole for yelling at my mom though and doing it in front of pretty much our entire family also holy heck i came back overnight and got 72 replies thanks to you guys i finally called my dad and he's on his way my dad says the legal stuff is going to be figured out later but he'll be here in 30 minutes thank you guys for all the nice words it really means a lot also for all the people asking i'm 16 almost 17 though and my parents divorced when i was 12 when my mom started getting kind of weird and i guess it just got worse right now i'm putting my stuff in boxes because i'm moving out finally thanks again for all the support also so i'm at my dad's house now and it's official i'm moving in i already had a room at my dad's house but i'm unpacking most of my stuff now and a lot of family members texted me to see if i was okay i am i know i've said thanks a lot but honestly without advice from you guys i'd still be at my mom's house final edit so since i'm old enough where i live i can choose my parent i'm staying with my dad my mom and my brother haven't talked to me slash texted me even though i texted my brother last night everything is really looking up now so thanks again for everything things are finally a lot better for me not the unreasonable one if your family got mad they already had an inkling i think you should tell your dad not the unreasonable one especially since your family got mad at her that quickly they may have been seeing the signs for years am i the unreasonable one for refusing to accept my daughter's relationship with her married older boss i have a daughter lucy and she's 23 lucy graduated from university last year and started working at a company it wasn't a job related to her degree but she wanted some full-time work experience before she seriously looked for a job relevant to her degree she settled in really well was making good money and seemed happy she even started paying me rent entirely her choice because she said she wanted to pay me back for the four years i supported her through university her mom died when she was young so i've been a single dad to her and her brother josh 22 most of their lives any money i got went into providing them with a house or with education and i'm lucky that i managed to pay off the house with my wife's life insurance and that i used a lot towards their education so they didn't have it yet anyway onto the story my son came round for a family dinner as he lives two hours away a little while ago he asked how we were and what we were up to and lucy stunned us by revealing she was dating someone i was delighted and asked general questions but she was really vague only really saying he worked in a decent company and was slightly older i know what a new relationship is like so i didn't push my questioning further so a couple of weeks pass with no issues until one day all hell breaks loose lucy comes home from work one day saying her boss's wife has been harassing her and being abusive to her she claimed to have done nothing wrong and obviously i initially believed her since she's my little girl i spent a few hours gently asking her what happened and her story kept changing so i got suspicious i asked her what the truth was and why would her boss's wife randomly start targeting her and lucy revealed it's because she was caught having sex with her boss in his marital bed she then revealed she wasn't just dating him but they'd been having an affair for months her 41 year old boss she told me she loved him and that he was leaving his wife for her someone young enough to hear his daughter the time afterwards consisted of my daughter being called all names under the sun by the wife and she even introduced me to her boyfriend i was not impressed and told him she is too young for him and the fact he's her boss is creepy they both showed no signs of giving up their jobs and i even said i don't accept them dating as it's wrong creepy and that the poor wife is the innocent victim in all this lucy tried to get josh on her side and he's keeping clear of it all lucy is now accusing me of being a horrible dad and anna as i'm not quote supporting her and the man she loves she has since moved out and in with this guy as she said she doesn't want to be around my toxicity i told her that i'm uncomfortable with it because he's 18 years older than her and only a couple of years younger than me i'm 48 he is her boss and he was married she has accused me also of trying to destroy her happiness and i'm at a loss of what to do your daughter is having an affair with a married man who is her employer you're not required to support that not the unreasonable one ew not the unreasonable one 41 year old married boss sleeping with his 23 year old employee freaking creepy the only odds in this story are lucy and the boss for having an affair and destroying an innocent woman's life i wouldn't accept their relationship either am i the unreasonable one for calling a friend fake and saying her body positivity ideals are on true garbage jenny is more of an acquaintance than a friend i met her through a mutual friend kat after she started inviting jenny to social gatherings a few months back kat has known jenny for a few months as well after meeting her on a course she is doing as far as i'm aware she just wants jenny to expand her social circle because she doesn't have many friends although i'm not jenny's biggest fan she does have nice qualities she can be pretty funny has cool stories from her life experiences and is very loyal to cat which i do respect unfortunately to me jenny's negative traits outweigh the good and that makes me not her biggest fan the biggest issue is her hypocritical views on body positivity she preaches about how everyone should love themselves regardless that everybody is beautiful and people should be positive towards all body types which i do agree with i would just rephrase it personally yet she doesn't seem to follow her own ideas any time we are together she makes bishy jabs at my body and looks which i've just gotten worse over time starting off innocently enough with more joking comments to outright saying how i look fake and like plastic because of how unrealistic i am when she started getting worse i did tell her to stop but she continued regardless now for clarification i have never once commented on her appearance the only times i have was to give a compliment or telling her if she was having an outfit malfunction i do believe in the idea if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all but jenny recently forced my hand after months of hearing her constant criticism about my body what happened last week made me reach my breaking point me kat and others had arranged to go to a bar jenny came after being invited by kat it was going smoothly until cat asked how things were going with my boyfriend i happily told her things are great and i felt lucky when she asked to see a picture of him again i obliged and showed them a picture with cat jokingly saying she was jealous jenny has never seen or heard that i had a boyfriend before but was quick to comment after seeing what he looked like she said that guys like him only ever go for girls that don't look like natural women so she could understand why someone like him was with me this continued with everyone telling her awkwardly to stop i reached my limit and calmly told her to cut the crap she said that she didn't do anything wrong as it was her opinion but i said she is a hypocritical jerk telling her that she says she is body positive when clearly that is untrue garbage cause of all the crap she has to say about my body she said she is body positive but i said if that is true then she is faker than i will ever be and she should get over whatever insecurity she has that is making her act like a fish i left only to later get a call from cat calling me an a-hole for saying she is insecure and fake as i made jenny cry i just hung up am i the unreasonable one also i'm not saying that i have a nice or attractive body or anything like that personally i see many many flaws with it just that jenny is constantly crafting on it for no reason this is for the people in the comments assuming things more information just a side note i have never had plastic surgery edit 3 for people asking if jenny is overweight i excluded that information from my post because i didn't think it was relevant to the situation for me her weight and general appearance doesn't really change anything also i have intentionally kept my body type vague as well i'm really surprised at the amount of people assuming our body types not the unreasonable one jenny was being hypocritical and deserved to be called out also if your friend can't see the problem with jenny you might need a new friend because being constantly put down over your body doesn't help your state of mind not the unreasonable one i'm so tired of people thinking they are entitled to their opinion and not entitled to consequences of being an asshat am i the unreasonable one for telling my girlfriend i'm not interested in her critique of my culture my family is hispanic and my girlfriend is white i fully understand that the way i was raised is a dying way and i cannot expect that from a relationship i do my best to be an equal partner and not put unfair expectations on her but with that being said she is very judgmental about my family and culture and today i told her that i am not willing to have that conversation anymore she thinks i am being unfair and that we have to discuss the toxic aspects the thing is i am aware of the toxic aspects of my culture but i feel like she just wants to crap on my mom and aunt my mother absolutely hates her and neither one even tries to be a little understanding today we went out to breakfast with my parents my mom said that she was so hungry because she has been sick and couldn't cook she said that my dad made her grilled cheese because it's the only thing he knows how to cook but she said it in a nice and that cute way and my girlfriend immediately said it's pretty sad if that is the only thing he knows how to cook when we got home i snapped at her that i am sick of her critiquing my family and that no one asked for her opinion she is currently angry and feels like i'm trying to control her i did apologize for raising my voice but not the sentiment info is it your culture she's criticizing or your family because i know a lot of hispanic men that cook everyone sucks here i am a white male and i'm married to a hispanic woman and i know when you say the toxic tendencies of the culture you mean the men effectively treat the women like crap and the women do all the cooking and cleaning women are there to serve the men she was wrong to say anything in public but if you agree with her sentiments just not how they were expressed you did not handle this well either am i the unreasonable one for kicking out my brother and dumping him on my sister throw away for personal reasons my wife used to be a stripper she did it to put herself through school and though she isn't ashamed of it it's obviously not something that she tells people right away according to her it gave her her confidence so that's pretty amazing my brother lost his job and moved back in with my parents and then got kicked out of my parents and i felt bad for him and took him in somehow in some way he found out my wife's previous occupation as a stripper and it got very awkward after that obviously my wife has no clue how he found out so when he started asking questions of how much did you make or was it fun having all that attention on you my wife was politely answering him trying to be vague but not rude enough to piss him off then the questions got very invasive very fast did you sleep with one of your clients or do you still own your stripper heels my wife very politely told him to stop with the questions but he persisted saying i'm just a curious person and i told him to stop it because they were making everyone uncomfortable and instead of stopping he just started asking these questions when i wasn't around my wife told me that he asked her to strip for her saying things like it's no different if you were stripping for your husband or you've done it before when she almost screamed no she has so much patience and self-control a skill which i really admire her for my brother got mad and called her a [ __ ] when she told me she was almost in tears because she didn't want to kick him out because then she would be the angry black woman i got mad told him to pack his crap and leave my house here's where i might be the a-hole now when he was trying to defend himself he asked me where am i supposed to go i slipped out i don't care go to my sister's name or something so he did my sister is now mad at the both of us for dumping my brother onto her while she has two small children and is working long hours my brother claims that it was my idea and that if i hadn't said it he wouldn't have gone my sister says that my wife should suck it up while my brother looks for a place to stay because she doesn't want my brother to be homeless and she chose her own career my wife is beginning to see her side and want him back in the house am i the unreasonable one also for those of you wondering i'm not on speaking terms with my brother at all and it's not like a regularly talk to my sister he's not coming back to my house and he's my sister's problem now more information i forgot to mention that my sister told my parents that i kicked my brother out and though they weren't upset about that after all they kicked him out first my mom is upset that i kicked him out because of her past mistakes i tried to tell her that my brother called her a [ __ ] and a bunch of other things i detailed in this post she essentially said well what did you expect i don't want to argue with them as i know they will not change their mind so i'm not really speaking with my mother however my dad doesn't seem to care he thinks that my wife is still pretty cool for teaching him the piano and watching old films in french with him he thinks my mom is overreacting and apparently was the one to convince my mom to kick my brother out so that's a good thing my wife is still very conflicted she has a lot of things on her mind and it doesn't help that everyone's perception of her suddenly switched in an instant i'm just trying to be there for her she doesn't deserve any of this and i'm pretty infuriated with most of my family members we still have no freaking clue how my brother found out she was a stripper thanks for all the feedback not the unreasonable one absolutely not he should be nowhere near your home he felt comfortable yelling at her and calling her a [ __ ] when she refused what is essentially a sexual favor i'm not at all convinced he won't attack her at some point not the unreasonable one oh hell no do not allow your wife to get gaslit into taking your brother back your sister can kick him out and let him be homeless your sister can suck it up your brother made his bed he can lay in his homeless one or your sister can enable him subscribe and turn on the notification bell for more stories delivered to you thanks for listening see you later [Music] you
Channel: TTSReads Reddit Stories
Views: 11,578
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Id: Xb3t_R3-g5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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