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okay so the segments on airspace and so there's always problems with airspace and in particular there's problems with Class E and G airspace it's a special emphasis area within a lot of the FA when they're doing testing because releasing the students don't know it is because the flight instructors do so and we're gonna see so let's start off with what we know what everybody knows class alpha 80,000 feet is where security from 60,000 what's above it you see oh let's go all the way to infinity Ron Marz classical or just you know what you know they didn't say planets so I think within twelve hundred feet of the surface it might be less tall fun right okay that's fun so we had recorded this generating instrument things to deal are strong moves yes remember you let's be it's this blue stuff right which we know it's here as shelves so we say that it looks like an upside down wedding cake just fine whose dry first with however many shelves they don't have to be all symmetrical they could be but they all have different altitudes this is and then plus Charlie or San Jose is fine it's magenta again with shelves so it's a smaller segment maybe only one typically starts at ends at 4,000 feet right it's used and this typically ends at 10 nowadays yeah think less Delta right here bye okay it goes up to 2,000 feet see it on the chart it's a dashed line and so it kind of oh the way I remember these tell people is this is the upside down first plating this is the upside down third wedding cake okay okay okay that's what I'm gonna be pricey okay yeah so that's that but this is not the way I start the airspace the way start for you as you know so where do I start the aerospace myself I started the at the very end of whatever lesson that's going to go before this so depending on the students so it could be an aerodynamics lesson it could be whatever but this is what I'm going to say I'm gonna tell them I need you to write down these five things and I need you to commit these five things to memory by the next lesson only five things so these are the possibilities the airspace possibilities if it's because if I teach them this first I'll never say something I think that's four miles and clear of 2,000 feet because I don't say something stupid they'll just know it's not one of the five choices so so the first thing I'm going to put down is one mile litter box one coke one of my students call it that once next one's going to be three cokes three months better clouds the next one is going to be three miles 500 below a thousand above and 2,000 feet laterally getting remember that by three cessna152 the fourth one is five miles thousand feet below a thousand feet above and one mile around and we call that the five all ones as a mnemonic and finally the last one is one mile 500 below thousand above and two thousand liability and that's one so these are the five cases there isn't any other case so constraining it that way in the beginning sets out the cloud finance under disability goals in the second lesson I'm going to only use the chart and all I'm going to do is identify airspace I'm not going to attach any file finances visibilities to it not going to put any equipment nothing speed limits something it's just going to be I'm going to point the places on the chart train them first point the place on the chart and ask them what kind of airspace there and they need to parrot that back without much hesitation when they can do it without hesitation they know it without minimal hesitation so I would teach them things like let's go to the Central Valley I would sport I would show them Class B here right and I would say these altitudes are in hundreds of feet so plus B here goes from six hundred to a thousand feet and over here it's 4,000 to 10,000 and this one surface at the airport surface to 10,000 and if we look at the class of Charlie for anyone these segments 1,500 to 4,000 he so get that so that's easy enough to teach the Charlie and the Bravo and then I'll go out to the Central Valley to do the rest of it so we'll move out over here okay so this is class Delta easy to teach because it's usually a cylinder or a circle and it's dashed cyan goes up to 2600 feet and then there's a couple other cases first is when you see magenta feathered vinius shading in word that gets lighter as it goes inward here inside of that class echoes starts at 700 feet AGL so it that means the air space is class golf uncontrolled until you get to 780 oh so that's above ground level so if the the hills are like this then the airspace is the same outside of that on the part line side about this then Plus echo starts at 1,200 feet now how do I know that because of legend says it and let me tell you what how the history of this one this helps put in perspective if you are flying in the mid 80s which is where I started flying 1984 as when a parachute pencils into VG's and culture yes okay but if you are around in the 80s you would have noticed on these charts something different and what you would have noticed is every place they had this magenta shading or inward they had blue feather shading going the other way on the other side of it so to indicate to you that class at the time on controllers or whatever was started at 1,200 feet but then they said that really clutters up the chart a lot because every time we put this we've got to put blue stuff over there we lose you know it starts getting cluttered right so what they did was they made a note on the charge and the note on the chart says classy airspace exists at 1,200 feet unless otherwise designated above in the legend so if it's not designated end of the way it starts at 1,200 feet so I don't know if the legend is on this chart they publish it in here they just drop it so what I think that you can do in the chart some match you know if you go to Matt Matt touch action go to your settings the settings on the top where is it the gear cog wheel if you touch that and you go down to the map touch action and then you say breach are different religions the other supplements are let's do that I didn't say Australian the last one 30 and then if you touch it then you get your legends they're in the same so then they attack from the side yeah burn it where it is I see it so you have a face here thanks okay that's good and that's a new feature I don't know about that okay so let's look here so then you can see that's right here this is the chart legend Class E airspace existed 1200 feet AGL must otherwise designated as shown above so then these are the ways that they could designated otherwise another confusing part is is this so if I show people this and ask them that means they'll say that means Class E exists at 1200 feet AGL and that's the end of it but it's more than that class II exists with a floor of 200 feet or greater it could be more than that above the ground the laterally abuts class years that's a really important part too because the words there aren't aren't talking to you right here's what it means you're only going to see that shading if on this side the hard side of the shading there's class call from the surface the 14,500 feet there's no Gulf about fourteen five so it means that I'm only going to show you that if there's class G on the other side that starts at the surface and goes all the way to 14,500 feet otherwise this note on the chart takes care of it any would have taken care of it so let's move over and see what this means so here's some class echo with the floor of 700 feet AGL and over here is 1200 because there's nothing else to indicate that isn't otherwise another way of justifying why this is true because students sometimes have a little trouble with it is you say what are these things these dudes are Airways are Airways what clusters basically classically they started typically 1,200 feet and they go to 18,000 feet right and therefore miles wide if this was golf in here they would've had to build a channel with that around it to make it classical but because it didn't it implies this class cycle there anyway to begin with that's just another like cool right to get it in people's heads so that's before you had GPS how do you know you're going to the magenta just your approximation of it fortunately the rules don't the only thing that changes is cloud Clemson visibilities maybe but there's no regulatory requirement for communications so that's a little bit here yeah once control them under control so for IFR yeah yeah no I have for you don't care about the public requirements right well you can't operate on a fire control its place without clearance you're sorry so they don't we tell us what altitude yeah yes it's interesting that you mention it because most country for this country that called the transition altitude the altitude at which you class golf becomes echo is either 700 or 1200 feet typically but in most of Europe that's way higher than that so in England is typically 3000 foot so it means I can operate IFR in Class G below 3,000 feet and pretty much every day I would fly IFR not talking to anybody so radar service I've got a radar service but I have to take care of my own clearances through her space and the semantics to to do it and I just did reckon or I would pick up V Wars and go around in the clouds right because I didn't need to have but here doesn't work grant big mountains in Southeast of England there's the Wells maths that's all there is to it you know it's 800 foot above the ground for higher than that you're in you're good all the way around for a long way so it's interesting also there they use they don't use plus B and in England there's no Class C either but they love using Class A love it all airway is a Class alpha so there's a channel you see on the chart so you can't just join the narrow but you can't fly through one of these it'll be Class A you better be below of it the other thing is that they want you to stay out but around London the London TMA is class alpha to the surface the only way you get in there is an IFR plan so different ways of precluding you but let's look at these special a couple of these nice special cases do all the airports have these folders miserable no non-towered airports like this one there's a bishop right this is a bishop Airport its summit it has it this has yeah this has class each of the surface because of the stupa gentle line well I guess whatever question is as to all airports have class no around love I know we can look at that right so don't be an example of that like here's one yeah so that's it and either small places so that's going to have plus a course but is starting at 1,200 feet AG oh how do I know if there's nothing else that I told me it isn't so is that a little smaller on controller reports what's the reason for having a clause like for here or that's for an instrument approach is to allow the keep the pilots on the ground from watching if because most non-precision approaches typical about 800 feet or so so they're going to bring this down the 700 so the chances of you flying out of a club and seeing a VFR pilot aren't going to be too high so the configuration yeah this is the instruments like right here this is the final approach course that keyhole thing so this maybe over here that it's super bland or that it has maybe from two or three more different ways it could be and if they need to constrain any of the lower they'll drop e to the ground which they did here at Bishop but now how to look here we set 1200 feet of greater this blue shade so here's a case where we have the blue shading and you have the zipper line so do you see the number here this means a class echo starts at 12,500 feet below it is Class G now why we don't know but that's a reason on this side of the shading which is the heart side the only time you ever see this infinite laterally buds Class G so this part is from the surface to 14,000 feet until you're able to find someplace where it's not which would have another zipper line or something so we can look here in shading going that way class echo starts at ten thousand five hundred feet below that's close call nine thousand seven thirty in this mess over here seven thousand seven hundred years there's another one down here ten thousand five hundred and this so that's what these mean so then on that just go back down a little bit on the other side of it on the outside of it is classical I know well yeah up to but to where because there's no indication right so this is contain that must be classy inside on this side I don't see anything to say it's anything other than classy existed 1200 she needs you almost otherwise indicated there's nothing now if they were feathered shading like this who you see maybe that's really hard to see here this might be feathered blew this way if it is is still 1200 feet sometimes their state boundaries and other things the same so you're likely to get to one of these on the test but these are the places so now I play the earth space game with a student alright so I just cruise out over here and take the the best cases first and this is how are you do I just say you're here at 3,500 feet on the altimeter classical you're there at 500 feet plus G surface Class G in 4,000 feet plus echo you are here at 2500 feet on the outsider class act here at 1000 feet AGL class calls this is about the pace now I'm not quite that fast but they shouldn't be taking time to go like well I think it's if they're doing that they're not ready yet right they're not they're not in it so don't leave this part until they can do that don't be one of the guys who writes all the airspace on the board all at one time and then says basically memorize that because that's not a way to get it in the head that's a way in the end summarize it or to take that for a private pilot already student or a commercial student and say let's revisit the erasmus of a minute that's okay but not in the so then after we're done with that then we're going to do this airspace game continues but now we've got this to do so I'm going to put these in the right place right so then I'll tell him give him the lesson that below 1200 feet AGL is Class G airspace unless it's otherwise designated then there's a point that goes from 1200 feet AGL to 10,000 MSL and then there's the part above that and it taps out at 14,500 why I wonder why would it leave where I would it echo or Gulf stop at 14,500 in its history lesson radar when they first set up the airspace and they were generate graphed operating high they said anything below where the jets flying aren't that important there's not a lot going on down there right so we want to protect everybody I love a certain altitude what's the highest peak Pikes Peak 14,000 somewhat feet so if we just make the airspace 14 5 then no one going to hit anything we can sort of just let everybody do what they want up there if there's no radar it's okay there's nothing to hit right so below that could be anything like Class G stopped at 14 5 is called the Continental control area and it's not of course it's not even talking about now that's the reason so interesting all right so good history lesson at me now because it makes things meaningful why did they do that and if you could have a reason for it like the reason they make 50 nautical miles and not know landing was for these p3 guys who are like vlogging zero cross country time yeah I have 4,000 hours in a few fair wherein and absolutely no cross country behind right how can that be I floated will last to every other day but that's when you vote let's go to you right yeah 480p exactly just so you're in it so now we're going to play the game where I've done this right so and I've taught the part about class echo airspace there's a hard limit of 10,000 feet where the where the speed limit changes in which case we have to apply the new cloud parents and disabilities which are five miles so then I'm going to embed this and we're gonna do the same exact thing I'm gonna say right there at 3,000 feet on your own cylinder class that go three miles 500 below thousand of 2001 over right there at that little airport evil in the traffic pattern thousand feet AGL class golf one mile per house during the day and I'm just doing the data just on building up right I'll say you're there at 12,500 feet on your altimeter class cycle 5,000 are five miles visibility thousand feet above thousand people or one mile laterally then just we go through that right and then the same here now this is this airport we're said you're there at the surface by sec 5 3 miles 500 sorry 3 miles 500 below 1000 above 2,000 laterally how about if you're there at 10,000 feet or 9,000 feet by psycho same thing how about a 14,000 feet class cycle 5 1 1 1 and you can even let them abbreviate after a while as long as you know that when they say cessna152 s it's kind of think what that means and they're sure what it is you don't just let them say words without making sure with enough they've got what that means then that's a memory a from this fine and then we go into the less complicated things like we say okay you're gonna operate here at 4,000 feet I never suppose you what are gonna be below 2500 feet all right how about at 1,000 feet depends golf echo so they should be able to start identifying this and just give them compliments and visibilities right away and then you know they're done when that happens that's when they're beginning to use the information and then you just need to tune it up by playing what I call the airspace game you just point there and you give some reasonable time in the beginning it'll be a stretch it'll be like it's this and students are brilliant at this playing 5050 with you and they're brilliant at convincing you they know it when they know it for the moment it'll be chucked out just as soon as you're gone so for example they'll say you say okay right they're a thousand feet they'll be like um I think it's um is it is it the one or yeah and then you want to say so bad because you're on their side to go it's class and you go like I think it's you go like an eagle it gets any colder it's echo and then they start doing that and then after I say okay they got it they don't have it yet they don't have it until they sent unprovoked unresponsive then they've got it up until then we're not done with this game yet it doesn't mean we have to continue profiting them that day but it means that we have to continue on with the exercise until it's over and that may take several times more than several times what they love doing that they love trying to convince you they know when they don't know because they don't want to they want to move on past this can we just go fly can't we just do that right now why are you sitting here doing this getting the buy-in and especially with the weather you get a lot of pushback from that isn't there a better way to do the weather yes there's way better ways to the weather why are we in it because the market is only three million people worldwide that's why there's no market for this there's no money in it someone's gonna do it right where they do it over time and the government's finally getting their act together with being able to do better presentation of weather charts which you're going to see in the class but that took forever and it's still not done right but there's no money in it no one's taken those old coated reports and parsing data you'll do it one time and then you'll do it and you'll leave it right he won't support it you're not going to be the guy I answer the phone but yeah I guess it looked at that you know it's gonna leave do it for fun but so for someone to do it for real there's got to be some cash in it right and there's no money in this so there's that and all everybody going through certification at the higher levels already know the coding stuff so there's no momentum to change it yet right so we'll get there we will get there it's just like most things in aviation we seem to get the avionics like moved ahead are way ahead of the airframe so this is where their space goes and where it stays and that's the difference between Class E and G and so now we need to look at the case where we have this one so this comes up on a flight test so my pictures didn't say show me on the chart where you can operate and this is the middle one one mile 500 above thousand above and 2,000 laterally so where is that case so we know that below 1200 feet is one mile further Klaus yeah and within class G between 1200 AGL and 10,000 AGL that's the case that's the older case this is and we all said just during the day so ever popular cools them so the only place we can do that is over where we were so here's classic golf starting from the surface to 12,500 feet so let's take a look at the ground it's 3,000 feet right there right let's see it 3,000 feet right there so between 3,000 feet and 4,200 feet just below that I could be one mile clear clouds right because below 1200 AGL so far so good if I'm above that let's say I'm at 6,000 feet now I'm 3,000 feet AGL I'm more than 1,200 and less than 10,000 I can use that all right on this heart side of the blue shading over here this is surface 2 14 5 so if I'm here which is over pretty low ground less than 1000 feet between 300 and 400 and then 1200 above that it's a mountain photo clouds above that up to 10,000 MSL one mile 500 below 1000 mm what about there at 12,000 feet on mountain now it's G still but we're above 10,000 right so it's 5 1 1 1 anything above 10 is 5,000 feet above thousand and wildlife no matter so that's a nice thing to know above 10 it's 5 all one's now let's look at night what's the only airspace that changes day or night golf golf golf is the only airspace that changes the NA so the trick question if you're in class echo airspace like over I don't know over there wherever it is and it starts at 3,000 feet you know what how about 6,000 feet you say ok I'm an echo what about night the cloud limits like 3 days and 5 don't get confuse it's only off the changes so golf will change like this one mile clarify its changes to 3 miles 500 below thousand above and 2,000 laterally between 1200 and 10,000 three miles 500 below thousand above 2,000 laterally above 10,000 five thousand same was it always says thousand so that's what changes to it now there's one exception it's in this anybody know the exception don't have to it's one exception to the knife line rule we didn't make that from other runway within the half mile the runway at night in the traffic pattern it's back to one mile for us that's the only exception okay Emily special you service here's an Emily I know it because says Emily is it required us to have a clearance to fly through the area we have to talk to anybody establish communications No so where we find information about if that Emily is active there's usually like a frequency yeah usually the top part of the sectional it's a little bits in an area puffle legend on the thought yeah if it's it can be in an autumn - if it's that's why it might be active it would say yeah so it's not in this legend it's in the one that's usually at the top of those sessions but we can also look in the chart supplements which is now that was before they are poor so this directory it will have it how about this area yeah like this one can we operate there depends it depends if we have a specific ATC clearance yes if we don't know this is a short-answer right people will say well if it's not active well if it's not active it's not a restricted area right so it's only one that's active you have to worry about it then that's again in the trucks up once or at the top of the chart you'll see it so what's the difference between a mean I know the MOA and restrictive various the same things no oh the activity that's going on is different restricted area you have to have an ATC clearance thought oh my you don't go and a type of things going on maybe may be different so how about an alert area just be alert let's Charlie so let's yeah that's what we're going how do you know it's a murder yeah starts with a name it looks like in Emily good that starts with a so similar Terry used to be believed yeah they changed those which is good they change it the more you can play you don't have it's just areas of intense training alright so in that case you just need to remain clear if you can avoid the traffic but there's no preclusion for me to be in it you see this is a class Delta on Travis but it has this little stubs together what is that plus the extension to the surface yeah yeah the same as it was we're on the airport it's just there I said it's protecting innocent punch for me that's what it's doing okay on the coast what are these warning areas can you fly those sure and no let's not recommend the Jews I tried to do that in Florida to cut the corner and go that was I had a multi do that finally they said you can do it but we wouldn't advise you to do it we don't know what's gonna happen okay I'm on to it I'll stay out of there now you know what the it is is this thing it's the border US airspace so brutally clear customs when you across right yeah let's see and then entry requirements so class echo doesn't require any entry requirements nor is golf nature chemistry Delta to establish communications and they so what does it mean to tell everything mostly there's more to it than at the CFO but you're right that's what we would say is violence so it's up to to a communication so we have to say the facility name and our tails on call sign and then they come back with a facility to our call sign and the facility to make sure we got the right place so Travis approach assess the one two three four then that and then it's cessna one two three four Travis approach that's a to wait for it so what if the refactor of game number incorrectly and you should up the question for you clarify you should crack down as they know anything that man said on my controller one side so if they read back your call center correct gets nine clearance for you well I admit for you then the state that's the fact yeah so chances are buzzing like hey did you mean right that's like a letter do but if it's really I know if it's really on the hairy edge there and I think it's for me and there was no other about sounding like that I probably go in that correct it later yeah but to be absolutely safest you probably do it for you learn it right yeah how about for Class B I need explicit clearance right you still need to establish communications and to get a specific clearance so is a swap go to clinics they say swap one two three four so what is it Clarence me weird dinner yeah when when those visiting when you have a Clarence whether clear mansion clear to do something that's close right if it's just report on the station and then you get a cleric this book that's not very good or how about heading to 1:04 a little bit maybe getting you ready for the next sector and then you like half of the French path there they you've done for San Francisco doing a bait or thing and so they told the give us walk code and they told them you know expect this next frequency no they told us which he didn't hear it and so then I think he gets ready to switch and he's oh there's this Golden Gate Park and all this and meantime right into the V surface area he goes and he thinks he's got clearance cuz he owes us well code see that's not the case right so they were just getting him ready crime for the next guy who was going to clear him or do something different with them but that's not as separate he doesn't know man that work so and you work with center our typical time out that just not TRACON torque on the like that North Area so it's like pop piles to the partners going genius airspace pilot suit over me know and then I'll follow I'll to so secretaries like 40 or 41 over now boasts Andros a better and 42 over like writing G go red block okay so that's the requirements to enter now do you need a transponder to operate within class bravo airspace say yes yes how about above it yeah hell yes it's above 10,000 feet so plus P the altitude typically a plus B is up to 10,000 above that it's echo and above 10,000 feet Nicolini the transponder that's right how about below plus B yeah there's the veil even if there's not parts of it that stick out maybe you'd need it places what about the plus Charlie in it everybody says yes yes right how about above it yes just requiring above it how about below it they did so I don't understand that part these are the transponders you don't know what altitude or vibrating have so you can be operating above and turn off your transponder and later when they get below the topping this help so I think it's a PID rule primary radar they can't tell yeah okay oh yeah yeah just a blip right yes so I don't understand that rule at all they should require it within the lateral boundaries and they can tell you where you are but that you know that what happens a lot of times is there's when the airspace is being talked about or we designated like when we start talking about this long time ago this is because ASRs Airport Service radar areas this thing and they were the equivalent of class charlie voluntary at the time in participation but they talked about them and some certain operators said well you know we're right below the shell for this class charlie we have this operation that is like helicopter just goes here and tourism we don't really want to have a transponder right so the devotion that crap I and so then it becomes some thing for us to know more about what it like why why we have two people other sometimes over those kind of things that go on that we were just not privy to like I can tell you my input into class charlie my soul input me and Amelia read from others there's 200 million aviation you see how the class of charlie is curved here yeah on the road it didn't start off that way I start off with being a circle and then we said hey in order for us to get relief to be able to leave real viewer they would have opened down that side can't use bordered on the highway because if you do that we'll have a woman quarter there that we can stretch through rather than going all the way and so they did that so though that was by negotiation right just by saying yeah that makes sense to do we can do that okay it's easy to see the road yeah very easy yeah so that was that was it right so those kind of things okay so we'll talk about special VFR that's another last area that is a little confusing in some cases so when can you special VFR when the weather is below the minimum for Delta okay so he's gonna make that case which is fine that's correct all right so when the weather's below basically if our weather rooms which means what to you what is basic VFR no three miles and a thousand foot ceiling so when the weather's below that the field is considered IFR you can't get special via foreign if the ceiling word love it on their feet as bad as you want it just can't give to you because the weather it's me afar but you still have to operate 500 below which may be a problem we'll see about that that's a different thing so you can get special VFR are you not listening to these words in controlled airspace we're controlled airspace goes to the surface around an airport so in your first example I'll also around out here it's right right yeah but have a look here and then you only need to be one mile clear of clouds at night you have to have an instrument rating same requirements what kind of airspace is run we're set to be brown I see going to the ground you can get special VFR here because controlled airspace that goes to the ground around an airport do you get it from what do you guys give it from monarch I'll tell ya in this case yeah yeah now have a look in this case let's say we wanted to go from castle right here over to gusty which is over here and let's say that it's two miles visibility everywhere how could we do that but we couldn't get special VFR out here because controlled airspace doesn't go to the surface or on an airport you can only get special VFR when controlled airspace goes the surface or on an airport controlled airspace can be beat sea deep just not G right so that's the area that comes up sometimes and it's true special VFR and so some would say when when the weather like it's a good use of special VFR here sometimes because it'll be clear we can see over there just here we get special don't leave and if we still can't see over there we would go very soon the tower is not an operation in council right it lasts he becomes a orgies yeah depending on what the trip supplements their way of D says the aft is where you look for anything but it now becomes really because becomes even its control yes so so on that was the cyllage the airport facilities director has been renamed to the truck supplements so on the outside of the cover it says truck supplements the inside is the 18th but on the outside says drug supplements that was to help align with the AAA i seeds which are ICAO for the airport information that that's collated for each airport internationally that was built to more conform to the name we need it happen it happened two months ago okay very short Mike now since you mentioned reid-hillview and plus Charlie I have a question okay so if you look at it right next to their own wiki is zoom in right there you see the thick magenta light is this side of the highway yeah first of all this is the magenta line the Fox Charlie the thick magenta line is Western okay so it includes these are pixels that are purple are class Charlie as well the ones that sponsor class echo no no there's a thick legitimize our pleasure yeah you're including the magenta yeah including the mature so it kind of comes in a little bit next to the runway yeah and then it goes back to the other side of the highway what is that it's only so they would tell you it's on the chart you can read it that but when you think about how the chart is made digitally the color is just there to help you identify where the boundary is but the actual boundary itself is an infinitesimally small line that defines some some data points right the only reason that we see the line being big is because we needed to be able to see it with our eyes the airspace isn't there so that okay this is when the ligand is so there's the language that the middle of the magenta line or Lily don't know I don't know I see we can ask them we have had errors where there were like you would see like over here before and we have these questions I'll show you something that happened ketchup please where the Class C Vale didn't sit directly on top of the edge of the end of the class Bravo for San Francisco so in a few charts ago some number of charts ago you see the Vale that's here it didn't ride like that it was it was kind of offset it was a circle that was offset and it was just a registration error in the printing so we call this and all that's administration you want to see another turning here that's before I bring up 60 you know what the circle means around these airports full circle it means it excludes the air space below but notice that it's not centered over the airport it's centered over the town the M away there's no reason to exclude the M over the town you want to exclude Rome the airport so you operate right that circle should be over the airport all right there's no real reason no reason to do it this way so they that's been on the chart for a long time what's at your side first so no takers on the terminal yeah we're a service area there's only a few of them around the country Laura Fargo right yeah and it's run Palm Springs one closes at 1:00 oh my doing that's it's my on to brand engaged here one PSB sources are voluntary they don't require a clearance or anything else but they look like this you see the black lines that look like question where the black lines those surface of 10,000 teeth here 2,000 feet you can get a writer service there it's interesting the stop the narrator carburetor right why not come back and they could do a similar thing say it's available in the servicer I don't know why they do it this way these are left over from a long time ago there's some in Beaumont Texas some up in Michigan there there's there's 12 or so it's not so many but they're good test question father right have you really got yourself into the airspace far enough yes yeah but there's class Delta that you would have to participate in right which is this section here I mean the service is no no let's do like an approach top that says rare required what may be of service to you that's it my understanding is that it's like the controllers have specific requirements to separate planes differently depending on the category of like airspace so in Charlie they can separate them differently than like oh well the apart is the hyper separation is always the same everywhere but I'll be of our separation so like in curses the VFR separation is the same for participating aircraft as it is in Charlie so you can fly scenario non-participating and do it everyone but if you are getting played following then they're gonna separate you look like okay the flow of this thing and you yeah well you have to do that no matter where you are even if you're probably following in golf Aires basically there's I mean you can say I'm just gonna spar VFR and then do whatever you want but if the controllers okay we're up on the break we're going to do another interesting part the airman certification standards next
Channel: Mike Shiflett
Views: 4,253
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Airspace teaching airspace class e and g airspace cfi boot camp cfi bootcamp
Id: ukh4pur74PY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 40sec (2680 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2016
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