AirfoilLabs KING AIR 350! I King air pilot live?!

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let me tell you what guys I have no I'm gonna just full disclosure right off the bat so I have never flown the 350 but I have over a thousand hours in the beach 99 which is basically an unpressurized 200 and then I have I have a handful of time in the sea 90 series and as and then very I have some I don't know probably I'd say less than maybe 50 hours and at 200 so I have some 200 experience but it turboprops a turboprop that's one thing about this PT 6 engine is once you learn it once it doesn't matter which airframe you learn on it's pretty much the same it just goes up in shaft horsepower depending on which airplane the the engine is mounted to so I'm super excited the PT 6 is by far my favorite engine my favorite time in my career was when I was flying turboprops if I'm being completely honest with you guys it was so much fun you can see we're sitting here in the Ontario California ramp I have a custom Ameri flight livery here this is from my good buddy a jungle II Chris Shaw he's linked in the description below he made us livery for me this is a real livery that mayor fly it used to have 200 alpha fox it was actually a King Air 200 so not totally true to have it on a 350 but hey it's close enough for me my first turboprop flight took place out of this Airport right here right on this ramp here you can see these default UPS feeders I've took a beach 99 right out of here spot for it's pretty cool that I can look back in time and I have pictures of it I think I posted one on the discord one of my first flights when I was training on the beach we parked a spot for here we got the ups 7/6 is in the background so I'm super excited to get this thing going we're gonna do a VFR flight down to San Diego just because I don't want to deal with pilot edge and tell them telling me I can't fly over restricted airspace because I want to look at some scenery so we're gonna do complete VFR to San Diego and then we're gonna kind of reload the weather cuz right now in real life I think there's a small overcast layer that's still over the field and what we're gonna do is I'll reload the weather real-world weather and then we'll file an IFR flight plan with pilot edge from San Diego back up to Los Angeles we're kind of doing a quick little Freight run one that I've done multiple times in real life as well when I used to fly Freight so this is not a full-blown tutorial video on the Keen air but I am working on the turboprop series and I'm gonna be talking in depth guys all about the pt6 engine auto feather system beta you know beta versus whoops beta versus oh my goodness well there's a way to walk around the cabin but like beta versus reverse and different prop settings and things like that so I'm gonna really go in depth on the turboprop series that'll be coming out here pretty soon but let's go ahead and get this thing fired up here we have to fill it up so it's really cool guys this airplane is so well done if you don't have the king air here we go here's the views if you don't have this airplane and you're looking for a turboprop I highly highly suggest this airplane because it flies really really nice and you can see we have all of our external things here that we have to take off which let's go ahead and do our walk around we're gonna start here at the nose and let's go ahead remove our pitot tubes see if I can get back into the chat here jwc Lando asked do I fly the knee oh yes I do fly them you so let's go ahead and remove this one here do not try to start the engine with the plugs in it will not turn out very good ask me how I know we'll come back around here to the fuel caps and I'll check this out pop open the fuel cap and we can actually add to the airplane now I don't know the proper I don't remember the proper loading for fuel on the C 90 so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna manually select a fuel load in the left wing you can see the nack tanks and the cell tanks there so we're gonna go half and half actually let's do a load preset one-quarter okay so it is so then the inboard tanks let's do let's do a load preset of 1/2 on the fuel and the aux take we're gonna leave about 256 pounds in the aux tank that's close enough I am let's go ahead and load crew only let's do a let's do a full load of passengers whoa we are out of balance here so we need to rebalance some of this here how about 3/4 there we go why do we have so much gas we need to go back down come back down 661 perfect there we go gross weight zero fuel weight max to a few light we're in a balance let's go ahead and apply that we'll go ahead and close that off the screen there all right so I can go ahead and remove this now make sure you put your fuel caps back on or else you'll lose fuel I know that from experience as well it makes me sound like I was a really bad pilot but trust me stuff happens at 2 o'clock in the morning when you're flying cargo all over the country all right let's go ahead and remove our static wicks there now there is a walking command that airfoil ABS has installed for you in this module and I'll go ahead remove that Chuck I don't have it bound up properly I just kind of use the keyboard to move around but it does have a fully functional walking mechanism that you can do I'm gonna come over here to the backside check this out you can also open up the or can you nope that's I'm thinking of the different airplane never mind disregard I was thinking of the Navajo or you could open up those can those uh no you see you can't open them up all right I wasn't thinking the wrong airplane check that I mean the modeling on this King airs probably some of the best out there and will come down we have the GPU plugged in which I don't really need it plugged in right now probably just disconnect it we're gonna do a full-blown battery start come under to the wing here making sure our static wicks are up there looking good then go ahead and pull off that cover there and I think that looks good that's go ahead hop into the cockpit here I'm gonna just dis I'm gonna get rid of the fuel we're gonna get rid of the bat or the external power let's go ahead and get rid of the ladders here whoops and we'll close the cabin door if you so you have an issue how did you remove this flight control lock you got to click on the floor so I was having that issues like where do i how do I pull the gust lock out of the yoke it's the quick spot is down here on the floor so just so you guys are aware alright now let's go ahead and get situated there we go so I'm gonna go ahead and turn on the battery switch I feel like my oh I know why hold on one second my audio is extremely locas I was doing some recording there we go that should be much better for you alright so we got the battery switch on oh I have to turn that off some of my honeycomb switches are still not completely bound for this airplane one thing that I'm finding that's bothering me is not because I have beacon landing taxi nav and strobe on my honeycomb yoke I want to bind all that here but the airfoil abs King air doesn't have the correct bindings yet for all of them it just has the nav and beacon of things like that so I still manually come down here and click what I need to start up alright so we've got our nav lights on let's go ahead make sure that we do yes we do nav lights are on aircraft is clear and let's go ahead and just do it better start real quick here so idle forward we need to bring our props full forward for start idle flow cut off and we'd go ahead and turn our pumps on let's go ahead and fire up engine and number two make sure the parking brake is set there we go brakes it and we're gonna go ahead and start up engine two guys listen to these sounds this is my favorite sound at all of aviation over right here turbines on the rise looking for about ten percent ten to twelve percent low idle there's our light off ITT rise 50% we're gonna go start our cut out invert or two on ITT rollback I'm gonna go ahead and go generator one on now for starting engine number one off of engine number two what we need to do is select high idle for engine start and I'm gonna go ahead and crank engine one turbine rise same thing I'm looking for about 10 to 12 percent low idle those are ITT rise promise moving 50% we're gonna go starter cut out start a cutout inverter on high idle generator 1 reset on and then both condition levers back to low idle so I see guys taxing around all the time index playing videos with high idle I'm gonna go over this in depth when I do the tutorial video on this Wow we missing this prop a little bit here actually it's gonna close the windows so I see a lot of guys taxing around with high idle in X playing videos or just in any flight simulator videos Oh guys high idle you'd never really use high idle unless it's required for some kind of performance for stopping or something like that always use low idle I'm gonna go in-depth on that when we do the turboprop series but just off the bat please stop taxes around a hiatal cuz you guys are like makes me makes me gives me anxiety we got a super check coming in Albert dodo gotta do the high cap this is for flying in my area yoga Alberto awesome thank you so much for support man really appreciate that I'm happy to be flying around here man let's go ahead and fire up our OFM see unfortunately it's just a default FMC there which I mean I can deal with right now I'm gonna go ahead and reset these switches because I sometimes I get bugged out to off and we'll go ahead arm the oxygen we also need to get some air on oh wow so one thing that is really nice that I keep forgetting is this airplane remembers your switch positions so it looks like I had the bleed air valves open for start they should have been shut but this airplane does what I really like if it remembers your last switch position so that's pretty cool it's go ahead turn on our radios here I'm not trying to know you guys chat there but I'm just trying to get this puppy started alright so that looks good that's firing up oxygen not armed we'll take care of that here in a second over speed we're not gonna worry about cabin pressurization day because we're going to go and VFR down to San Diego shouldn't be very long we're only gonna go up to maybe we'll go we'll probably go about ten thousand ten five we're in auto here that looks good after lower we can go ahead and turn that on alright that's continuing to a line oxygen is armed there we go families prop sir there we go alright let's pull out our handy-dandy checklist here before taxi checklist electrical system check gent I switch is open a voltmeter check left and right Jen did it I'm just kind of flipping right down this here real quick so we can get on our way extry lights are up kappa lights as required there's our master light switch i'm gonna go ahead and keep it off for now that looks good alright switch over before takeoff I'll run up we'll take care of that when we get over to the runway I do want to dial in some vor stuff so essentially our route of flight is gonna take us let's go back to the map page here what we're gonna do is we're gonna incomplete a VFR so we're gonna fly pretty much due west towards the ocean because I really want to look at some of this fork boy ortho it's beautiful and then we're going to essentially Mission Bay and then we're gonna fly down the coast line and then we're gonna do the visual approach into San Diego and then from there I'll reload the Sam will go IFR up to Los Angeles but there is a couple of nav aids that I want to tune in just for myself which is gonna be the first one is going to be El Toro which is one 17.2 so let's put him right here one 17.2 for El Toro and then we got a tune into Mission Bay vor which is down by San Diego because that's going to get us for our our our visual approach we're going to do 17.8 for Mission Bay we'll put that in a nav - that's good our altitude is gonna be let's take it up let's do 12 5 today it's 212 5 we don't need any oxygen up there so cabin altitude yeah so we should be good we'll put it right about there and I'll explain all this stuff when we do the turboprop series I'm just kind of doing this quick here to get on the road because I really like this airplane I think you guys should see it make sure pitch trim is set in green for takeoff of course I'll explain all that in a turboprop serious all right so we are pretty much ready for departure or ready for taxi out anyway why am I getting this inner marker thing I don't know if it's recent with X plane every inner marker just starts going off it doesn't matter if it's tuned or not so it's kind of weird it's kind of annoying and an annoyance to me the marker beacons keep going off alright ADIS is 2425 let's pick the anus up real quick and then we'll taxi out oops what did I do 24:20 contact clearance delivery advised on course heading altitude and if flight following is requested read back all runway assignments and holds short instructions advise on initial contact you have information she'll get information Juliet is current Ontario International Airport Aegis information one six five three Zulu with two Niner zero at three visibility one zero 2700 scattered temperature one eight two point one zero altimeter to nine or nine or seven arriving and departing runway two six left to 6 right visual approaches in use ILS runway two six left runway 2 6 right approach in unit time all right they're shooting off westbound that's good for us it was two Niner Niner seven on the altimeters and let's just go ahead and get out of here two Niner Niner seven I'm not gonna worry about the fo side too much because we're just VFR having fun on this one so the sounds on this airplane guys are phenomenal I love this so much let's go ahead and release the brakes I'm gonna taxi with the when doors open hopefully it's not too loud for you and off we go are we still tied down nope I think that was just the next plane vote there listen to that drop that left engine in the beta [Music] beautiful that is a thing of beauty right there guys oh my goodness check this out double beta drop if you don't love that sound there's not a lot of aviation enthusiasts so taxi in the king air almost always you're just gonna be an idle thrust you may get a little bit of thrust in there to to get rolling but other than that you're pretty much gonna be idle thrust I tend to drop it in beta to slow it down pay to each engine for a turn I don't know like I said I've never flown a 350 the engines on the 350 are a little bit bigger so I don't know if there's any other restrictions that come into play with these engines so if you're a 350 guy and there in the chat watching this video one of them honor to have you here to drop some comments you know drops of knowledge because I'd be curious to know what the difference is you are with this 350 so you see here I'm at idle thrust and it's just starting to run away from me we'll just drop it into beta for a minute the only restriction that I really can recall off the top of my bat off top buffets off my bat I'll top my head was before shut down you're not supposed to add any thrust I think it was 60 seconds prior to shutdown I mean you could drop it into beta but you're not supposed to add any thrust basically it's just an engine cooldown all right I can start paying attention to check as I apologize how Bert though Delk idealist says that sounds beautiful on my headphones yes sir HD sim in the house has to go man you're flying my second-favorite Airport in SoCal oh is it Ontario or is it San Diego how can you move into beta Steve 1927 s so essentially Steve I have my reversers bound and if you click into reverse the the throttles are in the beta position now in the real airplane what this is here's there's two separate detents so you have flight and then you have idle and then you lift up and over into the beta range and then you would lift up and over again to go into reverse now that was that was dependent on the model to I think the old old beech 99s if you flew in a model you just had one detent if you flew the C model or C 90s I believe it was two d tents either way I'm pretty sure that the 350 would have both d tents there so it's kind of hard to model that an X plane so I just used like I said my throttles so I'm right now I'm at flight idle that I hit my reversers now I'm in beta and then if I increase my thrust I go into reverse and you can see the thrust levers they kind of want to hop up and over another gate so that's just kind of how they work around modeling two separate physical gates there all right let's go ahead and set the brake here we'll close up the will close up that let's go ahead get flaps out I don't know if you use flaps in the 350 I'm gonna go ahead and drop one notch of flaps for takeoff I don't know if you use them in the 350 or not so maybe somebody can drop some knowledge oh if you guys are familiar these autopilot panels here are such a help with this pop-up you just come to just scroll left and it pops up this 2d menu here and you can load what you want so what I want to do right now is I want to just do a direct course to Mission Bay vor we're gonna be taking off from my 2/6 that's pretty much straight out like that we're gonna climb straight up to 12,500 no autopilot is required so it's go ahead turn off let's take a look outside well I left my taxi light on what I was stopped I hate doing that don't be that guy my beacon light shut off remember some funky switch baby alright let's good and line up and get out of here guys we're gonna be head and arm the auto feather we're not going to do the full auto fit of tests or anything like that ignitions come online pitot heats are gonna come on boom boom all right everything else stay off for now look at that all right who's really good at it I think I'm ready to go beta doesn't power the plane correct Steve beta essentially what beta is is it's a flat pitch on your propellers so you're not gonna have any for lack of better word bite or angle of attack on your propellers so you're not gonna be getting any forward thrust essentially it's just a flat propeller blade out there in front of the airplane so you're not gonna get any thrust you're not gonna really slow down reverse is when you change the blade angle into a negative pitch which will then create a negative AOA which essentially is creating thrust behind you ie reverse thrust all right let's get out of here Sam can assist right before takeoff because the take ups gonna be a little busy slam can it says would you say this is in the same league as the TBM in terms of depth that's a tough that's a tough question it's pretty darn close slam Canon but where the TBM excels is in its maintenance tracking and it's maintenance tracking and its ability to save State and share aircraft I mean I've never seen that in any other airplane now if that could happen to this then this would be right up there as far as system goes it's pretty darn it's pretty good I mean I don't really have any problems I've noticed the ITT seems to temp out a little bit higher than I've I would think these engines do like I said I haven't flown the 350 but there is a 350 guy in the discord I've been talking to and he says that same thing at field he feels like it temps out a little bit quicker than normal but other than that I haven't really had any qualms with this airplane and I don't think he has either so and I'm taking his word for because if he's if he's typed in the 350 you know I'm not so if he thinks it's good that I can be corrected my assumption and thinking it's good all right get those tissues ready boys here we go we're gonna spool them up off the brakes watch that temp there we're gonna go brought about 750 ITT 7:45 we are ITT limited on this takeoff 82% torque Auto feather lights are green rotated about 100 knots oh yes positive rate gear up let's do a flyby view that is a thing of beauty right there I believe it's 125 for a retraction to the flaps so here we go right about 500 feet or so as I make this term that's good retract the flaps and I'm gonna bring the thrust back just a tad and I'm gonna go ahead and drop my props back down it's about 1650 make it a little bit more quiet and we're gonna go ahead and proceed a direct to El Toro vor a little bit of trim down flying this airplane with my honeycomb yoke guys freaking amazing there's another flyby yes sir all right we are tracking two echo Lima Bravo a little bit of funky lighting going on here with x-plane I'm hoping we can not fly into these clouds will climb out about 160 ish knots let's take a look outside well we're getting close to the cloud layer all right let's level here we're gonna level below these clouds for now bring back the prop 1600 so the prop rpm that's another thing that I'm unfamiliar with into 350 the RPM is much less I want to say prop full-forward in the other models that I flew was 2,000 2,000 rpm in this one it's redlined at 1700 which so I'm kind of making up the prop setting because I don't know a good what they would actually use but in the ones that I flew you'd reduce thrust about 1900 prop for the climb out and then we would go 1750s or 1700 and sync up you know fuel flows or whatever for cruise let's go ahead just maintain it here at forethought but I mean this plane is fast like this we're already we're 53 percent torque I'm almost 200 knots it's go ahead turn our landing lights on we'll leave the ice lights and the recognition lights on right now but I want to see if we can get away from this cloud layer here how about a flyby view [Applause] I'm loving it maybe I'll just dial and thought we'd be able to climb up a little bit well now the clouds are going away let's see if we can climb up now get a little bit more thrust in there we'll go ahead and bump the props up 1650 I mean this plane is just a straight-up beast though not gonna lie Demetri I am since at least it's not soup today you know it man we're gonna go through this cloud layer here real quick oh boy sorry about that that was a track guy our brain fart let's get on top of these clouds I mean this view though right here guys this was my favorite view probably still is my favorite view at my professional career is I remember the first time I looked out I was flying the King Air solo and I look out this window and you see your pt6 just sticking out of the wing it was such a cool feeling for me let's keep climbing and I just remember that vibe it was it was great and this plane encompasses that it recaptures that feeling I had man this cloud layer is freakin thick this is definitely not legal so don't try this at home when we have overcast now no snowing I'm not I'm not gonna play that game we're gonna have to clear out this weather because I want to see some of the SoCal stuff so let's do a little autopilot action here I'm gonna go ahead a mode autopilot a yaw damper IAS hold altitude is armed oops why did y'all disengage standby all right let's go is hold for me there we go it's trying to trim it up while we're trimming down okay flat will do vertical speed climber one two three four it's trying to trim itself out we'll go nap but we'll track to the vor here keep stripping down I don't like that Oh dummy i flare bus alright twelve and now we can go back to here I want to clear this weather out though because we're going to be doing IFR after and manually configured let's bring you way up you done apply there we go Karl Childress says I've flown to 350 and I love it I love it too man it is a definite workhorse man this plane is a beast let's let's do 10,500 and how's that sound for a top altitude we'll do 10 5 we're tracking two echo Lima Bravo here and then while Magoo I'm gonna go heading mode so I just wanna I really want to be hand flying this but I want to show you guys around the airplane more so we'll go ahead a mode and what I want to do is cycle two 17.8 for Mission Bay which was pretty much down right in front of San Diego unless we're gonna pick up the visual approach I'll show you guys that here where is it I think I have it downloaded on the chart there it is oops that's upside down so essentially here's Mission Bay we're gonna kind of do something like this we're gonna come in about 5,000 foot we're gonna just make a right turn visual intercept the localizer two to seven but let's go ahead and walk around this cabin here a little bit so you can close and open the doors you've got people back here this chicks on our phone this is fitting I mean look at that shot guys coming over the mountains my goodness this daniel smith says i mean you own I mean you believe I believe you mean try this only at home that is that's what I met yeah definitely don't want to be going IFR or IMC when you're on a VFR just not talking to anybody so but I just wanted to show you guys some of this terrain out here and what it better there's no better airplane and explain to do this with I would argue maybe the TBM but I'm a sucker for twin-engine so king air winds in my book but I mean this thing is do a flyby view I'm pretty sure we just violated this area suppose Rojo but that's alright seventeen eight let's flip that up there we'll go ahead and pull up our autopilot panel oh my gosh it keeps reloading the keeps reloaded in the weather on me man it's got to be active sky doing its thing here manually configured few serious done active sky you're fired yes you're fired active sky alright back to heading boat let's go ahead and make a left turn we're gonna fly down the coastline as your torque falls off as you climb and go ahead and bump it back up I'm doing a terrible job of that let's get that torque back in there watch those temps pretty much gonna be ITT limited with this airplane anywhere you fly it and like I said I'm not sure if that is 100% accurate but I know you definitely get ITT limited I just think it happens a little too quick but we're doing about 65 we'll bump it up we'll do 70% torque 1650 on the climb out here comes another flyby Juan Gomez asked you leave the conditioner at low idle for a phase of flight yes definitely want to keep it at a low idle now there are times when you're gonna use high idle like I said for engine start off the battery or if you're doing if you really need to get some performance for stopping if you do a high idle reverse you're gonna have more reverse thrust than you would at low idle but you have to think about it too high idle at low idle if you come idle thrust on the ground you're going to be you're adding more thrust than you need to this plane already starts to taxi away from you at low idle so there's no need for high idle in normal conditions all right we're nine climbing ten let's go ahead and go walk back front let's check out this side here I mean look at that view guys look at that to you I believe is that Long Beach I think that's gotta be Long Beach down or close to it that is freakin amazing Duggal so it's hard to believe this bird is so old 71 72 um yeah I think maybe maybe this one is pretty old I know I'm pretty sure it beats she's still popping them out right I think Beach is still making King airs but the original I mean oh yeah I mean it goes all the way back to what was before the scene and a I'm off Shawn I'm not the beach 99 there was one that had to didn't have PT sixes the Queen air the king air is the king air 100 or the Queen air which has the Garrett I believe it's a Garrett fixed shaft turboprop so that's all I mean I wish I flew the 350 I would have loved the flown the 350 but I mean just having the experience that I do already in these planes I loved every minute of it we got the cargo back here let's take a look out the cargo wind oh my goodness that is pretty sweet yeah Dougal says to keep going with the same basic model speaks volumes absolutely does man once you get it right the first time I mean shoot its what would you need a change I'd the 350s got the winglets and stuff on it so very pretty very pretty er plane I want to go there we go Mission Bay we're synched up let's go ahead and we can actually just go to NAB mode there's 10,000 we're leveling 10 5 flyby view [Music] [Applause] Carl Childers speaking about the anti-ice system oh my gosh it is this plane can fly in some frickin weather guys I'll tell you what when I was in the I wanna suppose if it was another 200 might have actually been the 99 the unpressurized in 99 and I was flying one night coming trying it back into Dallas and I ended up diverting to Oklahoma City because of ice I mean the airports were pretty much shut down and when I land in an oak City one of my boots on the it had to be the 99 because it was the horizontal stab on the 99 the boot on the stab the left side was not working and I didn't even realize this I landed the airplane got out and boom I walk around and the left side asymmetrical icing I had about two inches of ice on the left side of the horizontal stab and I didn't even notice it did not even have any flight control issues whatsoever I mean that's just a testament to how this airplane is a tank alright we're level at ten five and go ahead and reduce our torque down let's go ahead and bring the props back 1,600 for quiet cruise and we'll go ahead and turn off the ignition and auto feather is off beautiful flyby time actually it's going to turn off our recog lights as well and we'll turn off the tail lights - so now we're nice cruise configuration this thing as fast guys this thing is a fast airplane but here we go let's just look at my favorite view ever right here I would sit and stare out the window because I just thought it was so cool to see like how far this engine comes out of the wing I mean it was it's a lot of fun and then this having this custom livery this is the same exact paint job I saw so when when he was able to make this livery for me and I could see this exact view again we didn't have the winglets but it just it brings back so many memories guys and this airplane index plane flies just like I would imagine it to fly if you're on the fence about getting of king air don't be on the fence anymore Carl Childers has the only time I use hi out in the mountains was with a lot of weight on board that would be and that would be at one of those operational times where you're gonna need high idles so normal Ops guys low idle I saw one guy a while back I was doing a video on the king air and he was like why is it so fast on the ground and he's trying to taxi with high idle don't want to do that Clark Schiller says the Queen the Queen air started flying in the late 50s okay man that is an old airplane when you think about it yeah the Queen air was had the the Garrett's I think they were Garrett's maybe well you can correct me but fixed turboshaft much louder angry engines very very loud nothing beats the T P of T P the PT six the PT six I've never had any problems with it it just it was such a reliable engine and it's so easy to maintain from a maintenance perspective from what I gather to I mean it's a pretty simple straightforward Incheon and I remember the only issue I did have one time we were out was two o'clock in the morning the igniters weren't firing on the left side so when I was in I called up dispatch they're like hey Manuel why don't you um patch you through the maintenance and see what they can tell you to do and he kind of walked me through it and he said all right go outside open up the nacelle and if you look here bla bla bla you'll see the igniter panel and sure enough that was the ignition right there on the exterior he said I give it a couple taps and then go try to start it up so I basically opened up the engine nacelle banged on the igniter box went back in the airplane and sure enough the igniter started firing again I was able to start the engine no problems took off got out of there that was really the only hiccup I ever had with the PT six I did try to start it with the engine plugs in one time don't do that definitely can cause a lot of problems but no damage was done I caught it almost instantly because on startup you know you're looking at a bunch of different things here you're obviously looking for the the turbine rise and now my our gauges that I flew weren't labeled exactly like this we had ITT torque was I believe it was in foot-pounds it wasn't in percent maybe so there's a little bit you know it's a little bit different than what I'm used to seeing visually but it all means the same thing and of course you know this is a 350 thing having the props limited at 1700 our props I want to say 2000 was redline so but I'm sure this is an engine engine situation but you're looking for you know your turbine rise and you're visually your next look is okay are the props turning my props weren't turning I was like oh kill the starter motor and go get the props off or prop blocks off whatever you want to call them other than that though it is a beast of an engine guys I've flew in it through heavy heavy rain snow I also learned don't use reverse thrust in heavy snow landed one time in the mountains up in Colorado nice it was super dry out I mean it was freezing it was negative I don't know maybe just 15 and it had just snowed the day earlier but everything was so fresh and and dry that as soon as I landed I went to reverse thrust it was just a dusting like it just blew a huge cloud out in front of the airplane I couldn't see anything so I definitely learned don't use reverse thrust on freshly powdered snow runways but I mean it just it brings back memories like that when I hop in this airplane here I didn't have I don't think I had all these switches it was a little bit different no smoking from that on coffee furnaces your oxygen Mike all your cockpit lighting it's pretty much the same I almost say maybe we had a slightly different leg out here's your ILS speeds if you need them extension retraction minimum air speeds all right we are 17.8 from the Mission Bay okay San 34.8 for a toises pick up the weather down there we're heading melted read back all wrong way we need to start down information Kela that's just me disconnecting the autopilot 3,500 scattered temperature to wine superjet coming in dimitru actually no I don't need that because we're not on pilotage b-trees coming in $20 super chatty says your passion is infectious brother best flight simulator birt'day a period Demetri thanks so much man that is a huge that's a huge compliment I really appreciate it I'm glad you guys can sense the passion I definitely am passionate about aviation especially when we get such a great module like this or just anything that there we go you know that just brings back those memories I'm glad you can feel the passion because it really is genuine thank you so much for your support to meet Dmitry you are a rockstar all right we've started our descent this thing guys it can drop like a rock as well you put those props forward bring the thrust to idle and it was pretty scary now I know the 99 was extremely scary I actually scared myself one time I went you know just fool idle props full forward and here descent rate is just you drop like a brick I I would imagine the 350 it's not much different but I'm gonna try to avoid that all right now we're gonna be a little high we're just gonna be straight up visual take a look at this flyby view oh yes I mean descending into San Diego man kepta Slovenia says my dad also flies a320 family amazing aircraft yes sir well a couple Airbus brothers yeah the the King er is definitely a far cry from from the Airbus but I love it I love getting back into the old school stuff here you guys probably knows when I discern my descent there I went to turn the ignition back into auto and I also turned the auto feather of back on for our descent so that was what I was flipping around down there let's go ahead and look at the localizer frequent get tuned in as a backup one 10.9 like I said guys I'm not doing any procedures we're just having fun on this flight we'll do an IFR flight back up the coast one 10.9 and I believe the final approach course is just to back me up here you always want to have a backup no matter what another super check coming in Dougal he says what he said Dougal I appreciate it you guys are rock stars I'm glad you're enjoying the content thank you thank you very much Dougal all right 275 is the inbound course just gonna have that as a backup I'm gonna just try to do this completely visually hopefully I don't make a complete fool of myself if you guys watch my honeycomb review video you could see that I'm definitely out of practice I should have been at or above 5,000 I think whoo level here about four definitely out of practice for visual traffic patterns under undercut my turn two final pretty hard alright so that is San Diego down there now I wonder if I can turn on my track I are without making this stream too buggy actually I just keep it off what the hell let me actually cuz I want to do this completely visual let me do a quick pause a situational right there just so I can pop up my track ir and if the stream quality goes down let me know I'll shut it Ralph shut it off but I love having the track ir for visual flying in explains so let's go ahead something happened what happened I don't know why we're shaking like crazy it didn't like that I think that's real of you having a stroke there we go real views off all right now when the in the King airs that I flew we always it was our procedure to land with the props back I think it was about 1700 now in this since the RPM is redlined at 1700 I don't know exactly what the procedure would be but what I'm going to do is I'm going to keep it back about 1650 and then on touchdown props full forward and then you can select reverse if you need it there's San Diego down off our right hand side so there should be once I've get into the landing configuration though there should be a reverse not ready light I have noticed that doesn't work I think that's a bug whomp from what was positive that's a bug I can't imagine they wouldn't have that incorporated on the 350 if they have it on the 290 any a heck even the 99 I think hit now the night and I didn't have a reverse not pretty but essentially if you put props full forward everybody's gonna know that you put props full forward everybody in the cabin everybody that you're flying over so it was our company procedure and I don't know if it's a company thing I know it was our company thing but I don't know if it's across the board if I'm sure different operators have different methods but it was our procedure to keep it back until touchdown and then that was our first thing we did is went ahead and locked reverse full forward and then propsal Florida and then select reverse yep dummy Triana just I said I'd usually leave the RPM alone that's pretty much what I do Demetria I'm fairly confident that's an accurate way of doing things or we're gonna make our base hand turn here one ten point nine so we do have the localizer TuneIn you can see it there we're just going to follow it completely visually slow to back to about 150 knots here now our approaches were all done at 120 this blue line is about 125 so 125 would be a safe bet for an approach we don't want to overshoot the course here and go into military airspace so let's try to do somewhat realistic flying just yank this puppy over beautiful acknowledge the altitude warning descending below that drop the gear 160 knots could go approach flaps here so I gonna bump the RPM forward just a tad help me slow down 144 laps brooch counter that balloon effect I'm gonna do myself do a little s turn here to help me get down I'm still a little bit high but that's the joy about having the PT six man you can really slow down and go down in this airplane alright we look to be pretty much on course I'll pause track I are right now all right about 120 hundred 25 knots gear is down flaps are down lights aren't on they should be on there we go so on touchdown so right now we should have a reverse not ready light but on touchdown I'm gonna go props full forward and then just select an idol reverse close the throttle props will forward and we are down welcome to San Diego guys wasn't a butter unfortunately let's go ahead and make the left turn off over here I always did this always pop the windows so I can listen to the engines will kill those lights [Music] we're gonna make a left turn back around towards the GA ramp [Music] so in San Diego I believe yeah the GA is over there on the right side that's also where they have the freight stuff so we're just gonna cross over we're gonna hop over there I'll reload everything so we have real weather will follow IFR flight plan and then we'll do a flight for real up to Los Angeles Daniel Smith says can you fly the Emperor 110 bandeirante be dream Foyle oh yes I would love to it I'm gonna be doing that here probably may be one of the next streams or two I really like the Embraer 110 as well that one is it reminds me much more of that Beach 99 it's is it 110 pressure us I don't think it is so it's the same engine sits a three-bladed pt6 the same exact gauge layout that I'm used to from the beach 99 now the overhead is quite different but other than that it's pretty darn good and I really like how drink oil I feel like they've kind of been lost now they haven't had any updates in a while but the modeling the engine modeling is really well done on the dream foil and if you abuse the dream foil pt6 you will have an engine fire so I definitely enjoy you guys know I enjoy failures and pure simulations so definitely enjoy fly in the dream foil what we're do is we're gonna flip it around here we're gonna make a 180 perfect brakes are set let's go ahead and turn these puppies off here we'll go ahead and turn off our avionics master generators one and two can come off cancel the cautions idle cutoff and then at 50% we're gonna feather the props I should have shut the Otto feather and the ignition off I have to touch down I apologize and there you have it guys that was our first flight with the King Air No I wonder why she didn't feather this prop should have feathered those props should have feather down shut down there they go so the point of that is when you at 51 at 50% you're shutting down you want to feather the props so they slowed down and stopped you could see here it looks like I don't know maybe I bugged out or I didn't do something proper you can see they're shutting down in the unfeathered position so it's much longer for them to slow down and that could present issues later on but we're safe we'll go ahead and kill a battery switch kill the beacon and I'm gonna throw up the be right back screen we're gonna reload the weather I'm gonna file an IFR flight plan and this should be this should be a challenge because fly on this puppy is gonna be a lot of fun and we're gonna be in Southern California hopefully the controllers will be nice to us but I will be right back I hope you guys enjoyed this teaser flight and let's go ahead and reload the sim here I'll catch you guys in just a couple minutes I forgot to do the replay guys my bad [Music] [Applause] [Applause] not too bad wasn't too bad quittin Johnson says he loves the GA do more streams like this alright man I plan on doing it I really do enjoy doing some GA stuff for you and since somebody brought up the Embraer 110 we might have to do that one next let's do one one flight here one replay shot and then this kind of a cool shot here from behind the wing pretty sweet all right so now I'm gonna go ahead and reload the sim I'll be right back with you guys apologize for that little hiccup there but I'll be right back let's reload and I'll catch you on the flip side with real weather [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you all right we are back we've got real weather loaded we are sitting over at the GA ramp you know what I forgot to do on that last one I hope it in a mess him up I did when I connected I never disconnected from pilotage but ivory filed 1791 is our call sign today AM flight 1791 I'm gonna just pick up the clearance before I put anything down because I have no idea what they're gonna give us I hope they don't give us some ha there we go all right so apologize for that guy's thought I had the audio on there but like I said I hope they don't give us some crazy route so what we're gonna do is we're actually gonna use some of ground power we're gonna turn that puppy on we'll go ahead turn the battery switch on and the external power switch on so now we could run off with external power and we don't have to worry about everything getting burned down or battery being too low so we've got that on let's get that beautiful oh we still have our strobe lights on so my lights are having conflicting binding issues with my yoke not a problem though all right one two three and avionics all right daniel Smith says the Emperor 110 was actually Ryanair's first aircraft really that's something I didn't know I don't know if any Embraer 110 operators in the United States but I mean that's pretty cool it's the first one from Ryanair all right we need to do this properly here 134 point eight nine or seven arriving and departing runway two-seven visual our nose and localizer runway twos are no use departures contact clearance delivery advised on course heading altitude and it's light following is requested read back all runway assignments and hold short instructions iZON initial conduct you have information kilo information kilo San Diego International burg field 8 to sin formation kilo 175 one Zulu win one Niner zero at seven visibility one zero 3500 scattered temperature two one dew point one one altimeter to nine or nine or seven arriving and departing runway two-seven visual all right or no pretty standard what is our clearance delivery freak twenty five point nine three five course heading altitude and it's light following is requested we're gonna put that up there we got com1 com2 on hold I'm gonna make sure that my okay and we should have contact ATC which should be here perfect all right contact ATC is bound we're on 25.9 com1 [Music] good evening a Lindbergh clearance Am flight 1791 IFR to Los Angeles okay when you turn this off 19 anyone wonder Claire's quitter Los Angeles International Airport she were to departures Phillip each transition direct climb be acidic maintain 8,000 departure frequency 10.6 squawk six six one three all right click to Los Angeles seal departure seal beach transition then direct climb get acidic set maintain 8,000 departure friction is one-one-niner point six squawk six six one three Am flight 79 seaward to departure thank you implies that ground frataxin okay back in flight 17 anyone all right so the c-word that's what she said I thought she said SeaWorld I'm like no I'm have to check that all right top out - assigned by ATC she gave us 8,000 feet so let's put that in the box here basically off to seven shouldn't be a problem it's basically straight out all to seaward and then Seal Beach transition I can do that I can do that let's play with the box here now this is what's gonna be scary for me because I've never I didn't even think about this I don't think I've ever done a default FMS flight so let's just see if we can work through this together San Diego to Los Angeles and we're gonna go departures San Diego seaward - oops I like to run okay you want that first seaward to seal Beach execute and then direct so that's pretty good after Seal Beach she said direct to Kay LAX so can I put KLA X down here No okay that's fine that looks good so we have that it's gonna be very basic FMS I'm just gonna do it manually for most parts so gooey and we got to make sure we pass that out above 6000 that's in the box and then seaward at or below 12 but we're only going to eight right now anyway so that shouldn't be a problem what we need to do is change our panel here to let's go to map mode real quick and what do I have we have an altitude arm just turn that off for now I don't think I can see it because there we go FMS one polar coming in hey man it's me again hope you remember me Hey good to see you man of course I remember you solar not polar solar I remember you you corrected me first time yes solar how's it going super chattered five euros good to have you here man we are just getting ready to depart IFR and the airfoil labs keen ear 350 which is something that I haven't done yet with pilot edge so it should be pretty fun glad you're joining us for the ride we're gonna set to 7:00 here on the heading alright and then we're pretty much gonna be FMS nav out of here I'm gonna leave it in I guess I'll leave it in HSI mode for now that should be good so that looks pretty standard 8,000 feet I don't think we have anything else to worry about one other thing that I will set up though is I want to verify that I have sealed beach as a nav radio looking at my other chart here actually we can probably do it we could probably do it from here can't Pendleton Oceanside they'll be there's sob Seal Beach is one 15.7 so I want that there one 15.7 perfect you know what sucks guys I didn't download any charts for Los Angeles so I didn't tell any charts for Los Angeles so let me just pull up my iPad charts here that I have for real life as a backup hopefully they'll just give us visual and then we're gonna fire this puppy up and get out of here San Diego Los Angeles I'm just tuning my real iPad see where to rnf perfect and then San Diego to Los Angeles all right we are set up I have my charts so you can't see my LA charts but I'm really hoping that it's not gonna be an issue because I want to get the visual when we get in there anyway I want to fly it with some honeycomb so we're good let's go ahead and set the transponder and the altimeter to nine out of inand we're gonna fire this puppy up to nine oh nine or seven set once set twice that looks good and I forgot these again keep those puppies off that should be off that should be off this is not a procedures video all right we've got the gas we've got our route let's go ahead and kill the avionics master switch here fringe and start beacon light is on we're gonna do a ground power start so we're not going to need to use high idle for this engine startup make sure the doors are closed outside which they are turn into baby idol forward cut off on the props 12% of low idle ITT rise props are moving 50 percent starter cutout generator to is on and since we are off the ground power cart we don't need to worry about we're gonna make sure you have the brakes set we don't have to do high idle since quit and turn into number one another super check come in Michael Zener you know it's so I just changed it counts up stick with this one something posting some aviation contests you awesome man no worries okay well idle here all right so Solar is now Michael Xander good to have you aboard then [Music] 50 percent starter cutoff ITT rollback let's go ahead and go avionics master l on stern power is off let's go ahead and remove the external power cart our FMS is still loaded properly just verify that it is yep we still have our box I want to sink this prop here just a tad [Music] deels mrs. Weiss avionics master turned off during engine start that is because with all the sensitive electronic equipment that's on the avionics master in case anything happens you power stores or anything like that at least this is what I've always always in case of any function or power surge you want to have the avionics off to protect the avionics from anything that got during the startup now when you're doing a battery start its obviously to preserve also to preserve battery juice right but I would be interested if any of the real king air 350 guys are still in the chat I'd be curious to ask them if you have external power and they're doing an external start can you start with the avionics master power on I don't know why you would I've always always had the avionics is off for engine start and engine shutdown in any airplane I've flown so I don't know why it would be any different in the 350 but it's very possible that it is but really to protect a bunch of sensitive equipment there Michaels a new company another super chat it's pouring like a damn kitten oh no must be raining on where you are then it's nice and sunny here today so we are going to be a beautiful VFR departure let's pull up our San Diego taxi chart so we are over here at the GA ramp we're going to probably pull out and go to Charlie 1 for departure we're gonna go Phillips over there with our environmental zon get the cabin cooling down Auto feather is off for now all right we're ready so I'm gonna do is move us forward just a little bit runway one Niner eight two five six x-ray another king air that's a C 90 on the ramp there's a citation citation 550 Bravo there was my first different jet landing right there in that airplane yeah we got another 172 starting up over there whoever that is that's nice alright I'm gonna pull up and hold short here [Music] and ground for taxi is 21 not 23 Niner 23.9 is up departure frequency is going to be nineteen six so I'm going to set that right here ready to go so we have to do is flip the switch 8,000 is set and let my Grand Am flight 17 1991 we're about the GA ram braiding taxi to seven via charlie unpleasant another one alright to seven via charlie has briefed here we go that beta dropped though my goodness another super check coming in Michaels and he said purring like the plane I got you man hey yeah it's definitely purring she's a little out of sync here at idle but that's nothing we can't fix with a little asymmetrical thrust eager ek2 I use beta mode for taxing yes quite often I use bait I like right now I'm using beta to slow down pretty much off the brake so you don't ride the brakes it sounds cool as all hell alright we'll go ahead and set the brake here fair fire departure one more time before we get out of here all right so let's pull up tower freak 18:3 oh I should have put that in first and then swapped it over 18 3 for Tower and departure is a 19.6 hope I forgot to put the squawk code in I just noticed that as well always good to verify that our squawk code is 6 6 or 1/3 six six one three I'm gonna put it on altitude make sure it's all the way on its weight to see you can see it six six one three is our squawk top out to Sun by ATC not a problem we're gonna go straight out out of below 5 20 so really we're just concerned about Guin at or above 6,000 on the v nap profile Alta Seal Beach which is one 15.7 standby nav perfect let's give her a call and limber Atari I'm Clyde 7901 hold short to seven ready to go [Music] in 1791 every time when we keep selling clippety gosh when when I read seven to seven cliff take off my zone to another one alright boys let's let it rip brakes release auto feathers coming on emissions on I just love this view right here oops to business Turner there but I forgot the turn alright I'll roll it take off let's get it torque is set seventy eight point six start to rotate right there about 100 knots boom positive rate ears coming up Oh Nev 125 flaps up and she really wants to pitch up there it's a little aggressive for me I have to reset that Venapro file that's definitely too steep might be a pilot error there go ahead we can trim her out for a more stable climb out about 120 ish let's go ahead and brought those props back to 1650 watch our temps over departure at 579 [Music] trying to bring that flight droids are down a little bit there is over on it Parcher ampulla 1791 4.2 Klima anivia the c-word all right let's go to make our turn here and I want to go ahead and turn the outer pad on because I wanted to look around a little bit more so let's go ahead and go autopilot engage we're holding at 120 we need to make sure we cross a tower below six so set 6,000 I might have just tripped the autopilot there I should have set six initially that's pilot air altitude hold 6,000 we just made it turn the other pod off it wants to that was a pilot induced air right there trimming down trimmer down get back on the 6000 I should have said 6000 initially bring that torque back prospects 1,600 now I wish I can acknowledge that master caution all right so we got a pass a win at six so there's we're still we're still climbing get down baby so you could see that was definite peel it air I should have said 6000 initially but we're getting back to it let's bring the torque back a little bit more this plane just wants to run all right we're out course getting back weight etcetera above six that are below 12 Wow Wow guys I'm sorry I didn't need to level there at all double pilot air autopilot back on IAS hold we're climbing 8,000 it's at or above 6000 feet ik win so sorry guys add our below c-word at 12 a double whammy on my fault goodness we didn't violate anything even though that was really ugly we still didn't violate anything so oh that's what happens when you put an Airbus pilot in charge of a real airplane I want to do a vertical speed climb 8,000 altitude is armed so we don't have to climb very fast cuz our top altitude for her is 8,000 feet Retta boost ripped off there we're good everything is cleared let's do a flyby view look at that [Music] unfortunately we're not gonna see too much of California orthos over there Michael Sandler says hey man I'd love to fly with them and share cockpit I'd even pay Michaels Anna I'm really I really love the shared good idea I'm just really waiting for that fly Jay sim shared cockpit to come out because I've tried smoke smart co-pilot and I don't know if it's me screwing up I can't get it to work very well so I'm kind of hoping for that fly Jay Sims shared cockpit to come out and just be really good so 1000 to go 7 for 8 Demetri I am 3,000 feet a minute guys yeah it's a rocket I'm sorry having to pay attention to Chet there was a little nervous on the departure but I'm sorry I'm gonna pay more attention to chat now I feel like I'm leaving you guys hanging over there Dmitri says a little bit wobbly now definitely a little bit wobbly I totally freaked myself out there was no need for me to stop at 6 but we still got it going Xander coming in as big yanks by the way I'd like to do dual cockpit with you even if you pay for it man I wouldn't charge you to fly with me but definitely like I said once we get a good a good multi crew platform I really want to do some multi crew stuff I think it'd be a lot of fun alright we're leveling 8,000 I'm gonna give a little bit more torque see how the torque falls off I'm being sloppy I should have been pumped bumping that torque up all the way as well I'm trying not to haul ass I could we could easily be doing 240 knots right now but I'm trying not to haul ass because one I'm rusty at flying old-school airplanes and two I want to fly slower so I can think ahead of this airplane because I'm thinking about a bunch of stuff here I'm definitely definitely rusty when it comes to the old school stuff so I'm keeping the speed back a little bit intentionally but yes this plane is an absolute rocket guys we could be doing 220 here easy if I was really working it you could see there you gotta be careful we are ITT limited still right now so we want to keep the temps below I want to say cruise was like max cruise with 745 ITT I don't know if that's true to the 350 or not all right here's 8,000 so I'm gonna go ahead and drop those props back 1550 we'll go ahead and kill the auto ignition auto feather coming off and I'm gonna talk all about that in the turboprop series guys so if you like King airs and you like turboprop stuff make sure you subscribe to the channel because I'm going to be doing a whole series on turboprops and we're gonna talk Auto feathering beta reverse auto ignition inverters generators things like that so another super check Michaels in a committed barrel roll may man I do a barrel roll if we weren't on pilotage right now the world pilot edge network so we're gonna keep it we're gonna keep it chill I think eight thousands gonna be our final so I'm gonna go ahead and kill those lights we'll keep the tail flood on aircraft is accelerating very nicely here comes another flyby [Music] and let's quit and turn on our prop sink here so I didn't have any working prop sinks on any of the King airs that I flew can we get a drink I take that back I believe the 200 had a working prop sink but the beach 99c 90 the prop sinks were just they were Capote they were kind of working but not really the beach 99 which everyone familiar with the beach 99 it's a think of it as an unpressurized 200 king year with less powerful engines it didn't have props think at all British accent I've ever flown a c-130 and no I have not flown a c-130 one 28.1 named flight 79 1 1 2 8 4 and a 1 switch it SoCal approach Griffin a.m. flight 1791 the level 8,000 modify a FanFest another one mater 5 let's take a look back here we got this chick still on the phone can we see what she's doing oh she's looking at the radar check that out this chick is actually looking at the radar app I used this app in real life I don't know where she's flying but we don't have that out there today I think that's a girl yeah that's definitely a girl this dude is just chilling looks like he needs a table we got some more guys what's this guy doing back here oh he's got an iPad look at the detail guys like this is what I'm talking about this is a fantastic detail I mean look he's even touching what app is he gonna launch there is that photo bucket looks like he's gonna launch an app or something I mean airplanes turn out we should be up front all right we're on course to hackers or Padres sorry leaving looking good 69 points seven on the tour keeping us about 220 knots let's keep going let's take these continued on back here so I mean but I'm to sometime bout guys this is the kind of detail that is that I expect in payware aircraft and I fly other ones that we have out there you guys have probably flown them too it's just it's almost unfair it's like why do they even charge for their products when you look at products like this that are done properly Wow big lag out in the stream there sorry about that hope everything's back to normal here's the door we don't want to turn that on well privacy back here if you want to take a poop I think there's a toilet in here somewhere I think this is the toilet this should lift up and be a toilet if you have it configured that way [Music] no need I mean look at this cockpit though this is freaking so weeds that's a sweet shot right there make sure we're tracking on course after Padres it's seaward we got to make sure the airplane turns a right track out to Matt oh so you could see it looks like it is right here always synced you're heading bug I was my pet peeve always always synced your heading bug so you see now this is nice and straight I hated it when guys didn't sync they're heading bug all right airplane is gonna make a change here we can see by the FMS is flashing 2.8 from Padres I'm gonna ask for your help guys I have a baby monitor on my desk right now because my wife just left to go to the doctor so if you guys hear a baby start to cry I may not hear it because I'm a headphones on but if you hear a baby crying let me know in the comments because I have the baby monitor here next to me but I may may not hear it here we go here's our turtle that's gonna fly by shot of this listen to those sounds oh my goodness sink the heading Berg boom let's come take a look at my favorite view ever been an airplane right here that is my favourite viewer look just I just think it looks so cool you know that it's just big old pt6 out there I'll have to post it in the discord but my last day and the pt6 I actually climbed on top of the nacelle here and I give it a big old hug I got a picture out in front of it I believe it's the 99 was my last flight through cargo up somewhere in the middle of nowhere in Texas you said Moscow that one dude B what's going on kappa it's going on that long dune apart drew 1231 says the air for the airfoil labs 172 is really good too interesting I have to I don't have any I don't have any other airfoil ABS airplanes this is just the 172 and then a couple sceneries maybe they don't even have scenery but the only I the only one I have to be honest which you knit with to be honest guys the default once they do it's not that bad as far as flight performance goes I think it flies pretty good what is the biggest gen of ever flown probably 321 Airbus a321s biggest plan that I've flown so far manikyam says have you won so you finally decided to have it have a try at the king at 350 thanks yes sir I love this bird Bruce Jackson how young is a little is 10 weeks tomorrow I believe is that bad I think it's 10 weeks tomorrow so very much a baby still yes Duggal today we are the babysitter's Alberto says I'd sign up as a flight engineer as possible for the flight Jason Alberto you got it man absolutely so I would love that's one thing that you know you guys know my favorite airplane it starts Jets go [Music] my favorite airplane jen is a seven to seven why are we turning so I can't imagine you know having that multi crew with three people in a flight a sim 727 how fun would that be Andre vote Dan mom I'm gonna get this Andrey Bogdanov ski that's all right how's it going man stream viewers babysitters this is something new yep this is definitely a new thing I'm bringing to the channel it's gonna be v1 babysitting problem is if she does start to freak out this is not the best airplane to just be hands off for like ten minutes so I'm hoping she can she could stay with us here till we get to LA we're we're approaching 10 miles from Maddow and then it's gonna be Seal Beach and hopefully she gives us something really easy to fly because I wanna do some hand flying honeycomb but let's go ahead and hop actually I let's do some outside shots what the heck nevermind alright descend and maintain a 7000 SoCal poach 24:9 they imply 7901 alright so we don't have time for any of that 7,000 so I'm gonna go ahead and since we're not quite at Red Line I'm gonna just do a little bit of a vertical speed down here to 7,000 which you can get away with if you want to go fast but you've got to be very careful if you're not bringing your thrust back because you could over speed if you're in an improper configuration and let's go ahead and pull up l.a.x details Los Angeles Unicom doesn't even have an oh there we go 3565 I want to get the anus before I call her landing two fives [Music] instrument departure is in progress VFR departures contact clearance delivery advise on course heading altitude and if they following is requested read back all runway assignments and hold short instructions advise on initial contact have information Delta all right we've got Delta so cut pro chef new name flat 17 at 91 is leveling 7000 with Delta all right I missed the heading after Seal Beach but will descend to 5,000 250 or less on the speed and what was the heading off there so Beach ok 3 5 0 on the heading after Seal Beach 5000 altitude and slowing to 210 or less for am flight 7901 and yeah we could take vectors for the visual approach for Amazon to anyone spec visual proach 2/5 lap damn flies I'm doing other all right so hitting three five zero so so much for being outside three five zero five thousand feet to ten or less so let's go ahead and bring those thrust levers back I keep pulling up the wrong autopilot panel I keep meaning to pull up this one increase our vertical speed she wants us to ten or less that's kind of fun I've got traffic in front of me there who's that bad boy that's pretty cool I love pilotage Brent Johnson says when will the next stream be Oh Quinton Johnson I'm not sure I wanted to do tomorrow but I've got something to take care of and I want to do but I may be a babysitting again so we might have to do a short stream or something so I don't know it's tentatively I'm planning for Wednesday but it's not 100% yet I'll try to put out the I'll try to put out a notification a little bit earlier all right I'm gonna try to maintain about 200 knots here we're 4.6 from Seal Beach after that we're gonna go straight heading mode well we're gonna expect the visual two to five left I'm going to throw in the localizer frequency everything just as a backup which is 109 point nine so 109 point nine in the back I'll flip that over here as soon as we close to give you seven sevens is currently installing the TBM at nine hundred haven't done G for a while it's gonna be interesting that is another fantastic airplane able to get my although missions here and auto feather back on get our lights on the TBM nine hundred is phenomenal you're gonna love that point it's one of my favorite planes in explain as well so the only reason I'm not flying it right now is because I wanted to I just I'm a sucker for for dual engine you know and I've flown King Air I've got time and King Air stuff oops there's Seal Beach heading Oh disengage I pull up the wrong dang thing again teaming up a couple expiry backtracks we need to go heading mode Hettie mode vertical speed down to five thousand three five zero so I'm gonna flip this over here to our backup and 109 point nine and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna change our course info to be this which is our localizer and our final approach course is to 501 degrees so I'm gonna have that set up as a backup hopefully we're gonna just nice visual leveling 5,000 rudder boost ripped off again now I there we go - ten or less on the speed we're doing - 20 let's go ahead and bring it back just a tad egor says is your stream at 60fps or just a live stream I'm not sure what the stream is that yeah the stream is that sixty I'm not sure what my what explain is that probably pretty darn close the king air is pretty light on frames for me leveling 5000 [Music] and crack that to work a little bit rose Jackson Sasebo is as good as it gets z-bo gets pretty is pretty good man I'm not gonna lie I'm trying to I've been I did a flight in the 767-300 earlier this morning just kind of practicing because I know you guys voted for it my commercial members voted for the 767-300 to be the next wide-body stream and I was just there port side at 17-under 1-1 to 0.95 joined final out five breeder fam flight 79 new level soon all right 1 2 0.9 or 5 that's up she wants us to join that five miles or greater we're at 18 that's not a problem we'll just kind of work our way in here and I'm gonna just disengage it I'm gonna hand fly it what the heck we'll maintain 5,000 for now but let's go ahead and do approach capture so now it's captured and here we go let's join the file four to five hours within five four years by the Niner holding short runway 2-0 left in key looks like a shot definitely overshot the final there that's not good [Music] all right here comes our Gladstone we'll start down a little bit now we are I'm gonna try to do this as close to real life as I can coming into LA and the beach I mean you're you're intermixed with a bunch of Jets so you want to try to stay fast as long as you can I'm gonna try to do the same thing clear the altitude alert that checks we're rejoining we are on the slope a little bit high 210 knots was last assigned but since she cleared us visual approach by definition we can do any speed we want to because we were cleared visual approach I'll try to maintain right about 200 I'm gonna bump those props up 1,600 remember we Feud SEMATECH city charlie runway cute dozen via Charlie for new vendor eating half a cup of whiskey a little bit high let's get back on it target afternoon in flight seventy nine to one visual to five level to five little an affluent another one alright let's go ahead and bring the torque back Demitri yes if this bird King r350 ever gets the GTN 750 compatibility it will be the best prop in all sim world so I was just mentioned this with another guy in discord I have never actually used the GTN 750 index plane so I don't know how good it is but I hear a lot of good things about it so maybe it's something I should check out I'm gonna bump these throttle of these props forward even more I'm get a little bit fast but I want to be 200 is our gear speed well coming back on profile what if I'm eight miles out you'll Clinton says the GTN 750 mod is available on the forums interesting to beat uses piloted sure makes a difference absolutely man and I'm gonna climb with pilotage I get all like I get nervous man let's going to drop the gear or close enough five miles out start slowing up pilotage makes me want to fly and exactly reel and I want to set my heading book here because they are just so good at what they do it feels it I forget that it's a sim and that's really what the best simulation is right if you forget that you're in the simulator alright we're on the slope now let's go to continue slowing down look how this puppy slows down slowing down and going down a wide arc 160 we can get our first notch flaps out want to counter that balloon with a little nose forward on the yoke inside of five miles I'm gonna really start to slow it up now - final approach speed trying to stay fast for the Jets behind me and landing flaps selected we are clear to land and gear is down to land 120 on the speed let's get a butter gas let's get a juicy landing yes I like it Quinton Johnson I need some juice right now I've got my popular request I brought back the landing rate plug-in that you guys all love to see so by popular request request we will have the pop-up landing right plug in this is the short final K LAX which is phenomenal I just landed in LA of my last trip so this looks good to whites to Red's on the slope coincided paths here beautiful morning in Los Angeles close it up clear it out oh no butters that's alright we'll take it one thirty two props full forward and select reverse dress sixty knots coming back to beta we're gonna make a left turn off here because we are going to the freight ramp 62 feet over the threshold a little high 128 on the feet per minute wasn't a butter but hey I'm working on it for you guys I'm working on ignition comes off auto feather comes off stops are coming up - my recitation - for whiskey get those windows open boys [Applause] [Applause] parking via alpha thanks you do the same man flight 17 under one I like her she's my favorite I'm gonna go ahead and disconnect a pilotage so she doesn't get upset at me if I do anything wrong let's check it over the GA ramp guys and I'm gonna take a look at that replay oh you see I did another big boo-boo this is why none of the prop sinks work I left it on so if you keep the prop sink on and you start manipulating the torque and the props and you'll damage the prop sink that's why almost all of them are always damaged but hey I'm not paying for it let's get this flyby here get ready for some sound love I'm gonna drop it into beta as we go by the camera a hot my goodness where we goin we gotta park here somewhere we'll take over here to Atlantic aviation so I'd kill the avionics murders off they've ridden a ghost ride the whip where are we gonna park oh I see King arrows King our citation let's park by the citation we're gonna park next to the citation [Music] leads coming off [Music] [Applause] bricks it avionics is off generators are off crops are coming back let's go feather I don't know why they're not feathering on me they used to feather no problem hmm you know what I selected feather you see how it automatically dropped this into beta let's see what happens let's see if one prop feathers and the other one doesn't I think there might be a little buggy's situation going on here but you should be able to just go feather and you hear the prop slow down so you see this one is slowing down they both are still full forward so something something is buggered you definitely don't want to shut down in Reverse or in beta like that because you'll definitely damage the linkage but hey we're down let's go ahead watch that replay I'll be able to get some get caught up with the chat there and then we're gonna call it guys but man I hope you had fun because I sure enjoyed this flight let's go ahead and disable a real view which I already did perfect let's pop this sucker into replay all right here we go back up back up back up [Music] guys calm in that landing rates there I wish I could have got a better for you as I apologize those Jackson said is it called short final yes this is the short final que LAX quickly if I'm wrong I feel it is by mr. X maybe I think the windows are open yep that's why it was so loud on that replay let's back it up [Music] let's go ahead and sit back here but yeah this is the short final que LAX I think not sure mr. X same guy maybe but the paper version Alberto Del God Allah says v1 sim that's how I know you're a real pilot that caught confidence you have when you communicate with ATC well I appreciate it man thank you Demetri oh come on he says time it's not it's time for the that's not me it's the yoke routine I haven't blamed the yoke once man the yoke is phenomenal I just suck at flying with yokes nice little touchdown it looks like we just had a little weather below in here let's watch a few more from the inside and then we'll go outside I'm gonna we'll call it now the yoke is phenomenal guys I don't know if you see my review yet the only problem I have it's just my setup is that my trim is little backwards better than that I'm loving this yo Andre says position are now open for v1 mechanics yes we need some mechanics man Michael Drix tur says in real life too you only inland flights no we go to South America and the bus so I don't go to Europe or anything in the air bus but I do go across on pond but down to South America and such alright let's go watch them outside views now [Music] [Music] the matron says positive break for the juiciest ATC voice at all of sin gets cracking in them that could have flared it a little bit more yeah see how I just let it settle I needed a little bit more flair on that so what I remember what I remember distinctively in the 99 it was a bad habit if you like the yoke got really heavy right about flare time and a lot of guys would run that trim which is a bad habit but it's kind of cool because you know I talked about the yoke how stiff it is it kind of simulates that very well for this King air so you got to get some of that trim in there but you don't want to run that aft rim into the flare get ships go around but yeah you definitely won I could have had a little bit more trim and a little bit more flair you could see I'm still flaring high like an Airbus pilot right about there I should have held it and say I just let it drop yeah that's on me I just let it drop but all right I'm gonna back it up one last time and then I'm gonna get out of here I see the baby is starting to stir on the baby monitor so I hope you guys have enjoyed this flight I hope you guys like seeing some of this king air stuff and that's gonna wrap it up for me thank you for the support guys one more Super chat Albert though I didn't want to miss it I know you're a real pilot because of how you communicate on the comms Thank You Alberto I appreciate it man nice landing v1 h DCM thank you alright guys get ready for some repo contracts coming at you here pretty soon thank y'all for tuning in I love all you guys guys donating it financially or my mods my supporters the guys who can't even do it financially you're just here hanging out and chat with me I love it you guys are an awesome community and I hope to see you again real soon hopefully maybe plan on Wednesday or something like that so I'm gonna catch you guys on the next stream you don't have a good one wherever you are see ya [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: V1-Simulations
Views: 12,517
Rating: 4.8803988 out of 5
Keywords: xplane, x-plane, x-plane 11, kingair, king, air, airfoil, labs, AFK, AFK king air, king air 350, ameriflight, AMF, B350i, Cold and dark, v1 simulation, v1 simulations, X-plane 11, flight, factor, flight factor, FF, 320, A320, Airbus, FF a320, FF320, cold and dark, tutorial, engine start, flight simulator, real pilot live, Airline Captain live, airbus pilot live, Real airbus pilot, FFA320, ATC, Pilot Edge, Flight Simulator 2020, fs2020
Id: 4trupuo6aRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 3sec (8283 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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