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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] Al Li L clear you ready uh please uh look at your right we already found the off B okay okay thank you okay copy give me another 5 minutes I everything and make the ground clear shot 12154 good day thanks for help ground connected 7154 good afternoon afternoon request 715 forward 715 push back push back 715 stand push back 04 09 okay sir push back standard check before start check this course I take this wa releas 153 154 154 67 53 154 154 567 Windows cl cl can this one B the ground adice when we are clear to start okay guys stand by right there back aob clear the Roger start number two okay copy Singapore 898 holding point0 left Singapore 8898 morning Singapore Tower 118 6 good day Tower 186 Singapore 898 good day start engine [Music] one but okay break set and both engine stabilize you are clear to disconnect sir hand from right thank you for today Havey good day sir okay thanks good day too bye bye after start please che check the 3 0.2.3 no down set neutral check FL control check up go down P left for right natur go left go all right sure now okay go 37154 request SE 754 taxi Victor n turn right whiskey full shot of Victor 7 here right Victor ner whiskey and Victor 7 I think 7154 clear left clear right clear right side okay yeah 71 54 any chance for departure dway Z left4 at the moment arriv expect departure 0 right okay no problem 71 vior ner right whiskey hold fixtor 7 yes vior ner whiskey vior 7 check and left there side break check check set the head check right take right let's try let clear left get side check second intersection yes second 7154 taxi Victor 7 Victor whole shot of Cu Victor 7 Victor K that 715 second right and then Victor hold K Victor 7 Victor ready take confirmation no the checklist the checklist control check check setting one F on and myself normal take check vctor vctor s to the right Singapore ground good afternoon Rejoice whiskey for right whiskey rejo Singapore ground afternoon taxi whiskey hold shot of Victor n exite pass whiskey5 whiskey H shop Victor n expert pass Victor 5 aggression whiskey 5 rejin airb 380 yes brake pan on brake pan Victor thank you normal texting speed Rejoice normal T speed Singapore ground 803 good afternoon joining right whiskey 803 Singapore ground afternoon turn right whiskey whole shot of Victor ner B Alpha 17 right whiskey hold shot Victor B Al 174 contact sing ground 121 85 good day 1 2 5 I take 7154 okay 6 706 cont 127 decimal 27 byby 1 127 decimal 27 red 706 goodbye Ma ground 7154 onct 7154 Papa 1 papa papa 1 715 Che Papa [Music] 2 back and then by check me second right to Papa check so right Papa right Che clear left left right side next hold Papa one Papa one jul yes expect after Papa clear side clearly 7154 Pap one kilo kilo one UPA one below and also below one 71 5 check Papa one kilo and on Kil good afternoon 2 Papa five Papa one papa papa five Papa one one first left clear left take right C left yeah X kilo kilo turn right right 267 TXI fire kilo kilo one taxi kilo kilo one7 K Kil one next 7154 contact 127 decimal 27 bye-bye 127 decimal 27 7154 byebye check 27 there 27 27 yeah 275 yeah 7154 k uh station calling is 7154 7154 tax bravo bravo 13 holding Point Al 1 right bravo bravo 13 holding point0 to right B think 71 54 check second TR Brown good afternoon we're going to at 267 Singapore ground taxi V bravo bravo 13 holding alpha 1 taxi bravo bravo alpha 1 Runway to to right Al 1 9012 approaching bra 1312 mon 131 4 131 4 Singapore 912 question 76 131 to 131 deal 4 706 927 Q exchange is 1 1 0 1 1 0 we 1 1 0 1 1 0 check six Royal B second second left okay approaching 13 3 7154 7154 Q is 1 0 1 0 Tower 1314 Tower 134 1 1 0 7 1 3 13 good afternoon lineup Runway 02 R by Alpha 11 02 R by alpha 1 by 74 alpha 1 okay 7 confing 0 1 03 7154 01 03 continue line up check L approach best clear rway clear 422 Conta departure 12 Runway 0 to right conf Runway Z to right but 154 surface being 1 15° 7 sideway 0 to right click for take off 0 to right click for take off by 7 5 check when ready bre friend home and uh Center L you have control all set all set I control you have control M Che Che press St 100 positive climb yes sir we 267 Singapore afternoon line up Runway 0 to right bya Alpha 11 gears is up a but 5 4 Conta departure 1 12 0 decim 3 good day 1 120m 3 754 good day sir thank you 2 Singapore Singapore departure good afternoon 754 010 Che departure identify Runway heading climb to 6,000 ft Runway heading climb to 6,000 ft 71 541 6000 1 3 03 reest heading 0 1 0 33 left 0 1 0 left heading 0 1 0 33 42 climb 8000 89 76 76 singap departure request slightly left heading 0 1 0 ktic 7154 and uh proof turn left heading 01 people heading 0 1 0 approve but 7154 0 1 0 heading che9 422 is clear weather above right turn thank you 422 turn right heading 090 right heading 09 4 912 climb level 13 Z clim level 13 0 9123 maining 5 015 appr 05 015 appr 334 left Hing 3551 ahead uh left heading 350 for the next uh 7 m ahead 7154 754 heading 350 approve 3 approve 7154 marindo 33 climb to 7,000 ft climb 7,000 ft M 303 Rai 422 climb to FL level 130 for the right then heading 115 climb altitude 13,000 sorry flight L 130 and heading 1159 42 Singapore 9112 direct to FL route direct to flout Singapore 91 1 2 8 2 40 Z Che afternoon depart clim to 5000 F 50007 754 immediate right heading 0 4 4 7 how about F Hing 1 90 0 7 7154 and uh heading of 0 1 0 initially heading 0 1 0 initially but 7154 higher 754 climb to 1 ,000 ft climb to 1,000 ft on heading 010 715 8,000 8 2 1 0 7154 sing 912 clim level 140 CL FL level 140 sing 912 912 contact radar 134 sing 912 706 contact Singapore rad 133 25 13325 76 good day Che malindo 303 clear of weather and we are able to accept heading 32 0 okay Malo 32 left 320 33 267 climb to 6,000 7154 thank you for experting and for the right turn hitting 130 right heading 13 0 B 754 B 7154 climb to flight level 140 clim one uh 140 by 7154 heading 13 0 heading 13 0 clear clim 14o 33 climb to 8,000 ft climb 8,000 ft M 33,000 13 traic am 20 m 10,000 Landing standby standby airport3 are you able route climb 1 ,000 ft Mal 303 stand 7154 turn right heading 145 turn right heading 145 7 Lev 14 standard set cor Che passing level 11 Niner passing now 267 climb to question turn right Hing of [Music] 099 [Music] my [Music] appro checklist bar one nin that's one nin set seat belt minimum 6 how to break low want Sor Nock complete thank you activ confirm confir activated 26 7,000 ft 27 after car to 5,000 f after car 5,000 37 754 request continue to 3,000 take 7154 approv 3,000 approve thank you 74 okay 715 ready to up 7 to up report established request 5 m after upe to weather 754 3,000 head heading 1 160 sir 754 60 Pro sir heading 160 call establish 7154 Fox Ro 07 right 24 267 after approv and initially 5,000 initially 5,000 take 6525 6525 fin please Cafe 777 descending 6,000 after on 777 descend to 6,000 descending 6000 okay 67154 minimum speeding the minimum 7154 minimum speed okay game 667 request Point l 6 appr 6 establish localizer 7 B 7154 71 54 1 120 decimal 25 power 1 12 0 25 B 7154 thank you sir good 715c 7 right 7147 can 9 7 R9 75 just start go on 3,000 left okay get down a tower is500 18 L up behind traffic dep ling up behind traffic And1 1 Z spe Che left speed check p FL Landing station checkl complet one traic ling up 180 07 right clear for takeoff 07 right clear for take off 180 1 toway 09 depart 1 Che 1,000 okay head cross left to right departure btic 7154 36013 07 right clear to land 07 right clear to land by 7154 Lima alpha lima n 75 minimum check 50 40 30 20 break Auto break off ready clear ground 75 04 ground 75 7154 clear left 75 7 5 Papa is the Charlie one box 51 B 7 5 take first left clear left after landing when ready after landing checklist here a airport of please remain seated until the F switch off and the aircraft is come to a complete stop for your own safety please be careful when opening the luggage bed people live in the a ensure that you have all your luggage video and all the gr to say thank you for flying with us today we forward to seeing you again [Music] on Angel have attention to all transit passengers will be connecting to domestic flight once again to all transit passengers who will be connecting to domestic flight you may disar with all your cabin bagage and take your Caro bagage at the bage conf area of the terminal buildings thank you16 6 7154 71 5 71 54 B 71 54 go ahead on 1 74 5 November Papa November 71 54 check fo R 51 yes November 7 first uh right clear left CLE right side first right there I die clear 27 on1 267 confirm 267 32 to 322 thank you 72 request left 6 Pap taxi light up taxi light up inside check c c ey what say to F here uh ris1 engine one shut down2 del1 contact time CR parking checklist parking checklist parking [Music] [Music] [Music] paasi thank [Music] you oh
Channel: ZiziZayka
Views: 303,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A 320 TAKEOFF LANDING FULL FLIGHT, SINGAPORE, Changi, Cockpit View, Cockpit view airbus, Cockpit view a320, Cockpit view video, Cockpit view takeoff, Cockpit view landing, Cockpit view takeoff and landing, Full flight airbus, Full video airbus, Airbus documentary, Airbus knowledge, Zizizayka, Aircraft investigation, Pilot’s eye, Airbus flying, Airbus takeoff landing, Soekarno hatta, Jakarta, batik air, International flight, Airbus cockpit, Singapura
Id: Lf3Z0jfDp2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 26sec (3206 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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