Airalo eSIM Store! Buying a Travel eSIM is SO MUCH EASIER!

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esim is going to be the future of phone technology so yeah that One phone manufacturer started removing SIM card trays from their phones we can expect more phones to eventually copy that move it's gonna be really painful for Tech reviewers but something tells me you don't swap your phones as often as I do we really need to find good services to replace the ease of use we had with the SIM card especially while traveling internationally airolo is sponsoring this conversation to chat about esim in ways we can take some of the anxiety out of staying connected while we're on the go I'm American and this is one of the biggest pain points I hear about from my family when we travel fighting with their cell phone carrier to add international support to their plans now some carriers do this better than others but it's one of those use cases where most folks probably won't switch carriers just for better international support eralo aims to make this process way easier and allows you to plan ahead for myself covering trade shows internationally I've used a bunch of different methods to keep up with call tools and data you often can't count on hotel or Airbnb Wi-Fi I mean once in Barcelona an Airbnb advertised high speed but it was less than a one megabit per second upload which if you make videos for YouTube is insufficient we had to use my phone data instead just to get our work done and uploaded and that was pretty pricey there's a rich tradition of travel where you land in a new place and you buy a local SIM card there you pop it into your phone and you're connected locally often just a little kiosk or a vending machine in the airport can get you up and running but I've been in some spots where I couldn't find a good option in the airport and it's a little concerning that feeling not having data not having a plan on your phone when you leave the airport Wi-Fi eralo is the world's first e-sim store trying to replicate some of that functionality of just a simple kiosk aralo allows you to purchase e-sims for over 200 countries and regions around the globe your phone tablet or or computer has to be e-sim capable if your phone is relatively new it should have support for esim and by relatively new I mean pixel 3 Galaxy s20 iPhone 10s within a three or four year ish window you should be good you can look in your phone settings to see if it has an option to install an esim or you can contact eralo for further assistance I'm going to be showing this off on a brand new OnePlus 11 but that doesn't mean you need a brand new phone to do this I installed the air allo app from app store or Google Play and then select where I'm traveling to three main categories we've got local e-sims Regional e-sims and Global esims say you're traveling to just one country You're Gonna Want local or if you're going to be traveling through Europe and you're going to be Crossing several borders you'll want a regional e-sim and Global is exactly what it sounds like assume that should keep you connected in many more countries and regions after selecting one of those tiers we get a list of options for the data packages we might want and the validity period it's pretty simple stuff and often we get twice the time for not quite twice the price going from one gigabyte of data for a week to two gigabytes for 15 days isn't quite twice the price and on this Sim service eralo can extend that out to 10 gigabytes of data for up to 30 days and this is where the pricing is really attractive adding an international roaming plan to a phone bill can be painful my folks were just quoted ten dollars a day on top of their plans data pricing just to use the data they were already paying for eralo has been comparing well even against some of the other solutions that I've used from mvnos in Canada 10 gigabytes of data for 35 bucks is a pretty solid deal finishing the whole process of setting up an esim it might look a little different in your phone settings but the basic steps should be roughly the same alright we've just installed the eralo app here on Google Play we're going to take a look at what it's like to really install in esim on my phone here are the three main options Global e-sim for more regions around the world we've got Regional e-sims that we can kind of pick these larger regions around the world but I'm going to be using this primarily here in Los Angeles so not even across the United States I only need a local esim here for the United States Air Rallo is offering let's just take a look here real quick one gigabyte for seven days two gigabytes for 15 days three gigabytes for 30 days 5 gig for 30 days and then we keep increasing our data rates all the way up to 20 gig for up to 30 days of validity now I'm using this as a tech reviewer and let's just say I'm revisiting the OnePlus 11. I only need this to uh to kind of fire it back up for maybe a week maybe two weeks so here let's do this eight dollars 15 days two gigabytes of data this is really worth it to me I don't have to use another SIM or fire up anything else or add another line to my plan less than 10 bucks we're gonna buy this right now got coverage in the United States two gig 15 days and then once we've installed this esim we have other top up packages so let's say I get to the end of my 15 days or I've used up my two gig of data I can come right back into the app and top up more data as I need it our additional information is also going to let us know where we've got coverage and then this one is also important too the validity period starts when the esim connects to any supported networks and this is what's really cool is because you can plan ahead you can buy and install the e-sim but then sort of leave it dormant and then your billing period doesn't start when you buy it your billing period starts when you start using it I just want to take a quick look here we do have this additional information screen this is a data only SIM card this esim is for travelers to the United States the coverage applies to all 50 states of the United States and Puerto Rico so yeah this is looking like exactly what I need to fire up another phone and and to have a second temporary line so we're gonna buy now this is uh us eight dollars let's tap on this and in our cure checkout this is where we can make some changes if you want to choose a different payment method if you want to add some kind of payment method I'm going to tap these by completing and before completing this order please confirm your device is esim compatible and unlocked they want you to make sure that this is going to work on your phone before you give them money it's kind of a nice uh business strategy there and now I'm going to go ahead and hit pay and there you go thank you for your order I've got two gigabytes for up to 15 days it cost me eight dollars and now I can go into my e-sim details and I do really like this handy dandy little uh page here where it shows us a little graph of our data usage how much we've used how much we have total what our package was just in case you know you're you've got a lot going on you might forget and immediately we've got some options for top up packages but we're going to go into install e-sim and access our data so important tips maintain access to a stable internet connection do not interrupt the esim installation process do not remove your e-sim plan and complete all steps carefully okay I got it step one install the esim note that the esim installation process must not be interrupted tap install esim and wait for a while please do not close the app this make may take a few minutes allow your carrier to download The Sim we're going to say yes all right it's doing its thing I see that little icon it's moving around there are also manual options where you can literally just copy over the esim data and then you can go into your phone settings if you feel more comfortable doing that okay and here we go Sim 2 is on air Rollo calling it's going to ask me which one to use between the two now we can change these settings so calling always ask I'm going to switch my internet over to eralo okay let's check out our data usage so so far nothing because I'm still on my Wi-Fi but I want to check Network asset access eralo is in roaming mode turn on data roaming for a data connection so let's open that that was one of those things that they said we needed to do and we are going to turn on data roaming and now I think it's time that we uh take this out into the field something tells me this is going to look pretty much the same now this is where I'm gonna pause for just a second and point out that this one is a data only esim which means that calls and SMS text messaging are not supported you can check this in the additional information on the esim product page if the Sim is data only or will support Voice and text there are numerous messaging apps you can use to stay in touch that will only use data they work great for text style messaging and will include support for voice and video calls personally I DM through multiple social media apps I have accounts on Signal and telegram I can even create a family Discord server if I need to keep folks connected on this Sim anything that uses data you're golden social media downloading map data backing up information to the cloud I still maintain that phone is now one of the least used apps on our pocket computers eralo did help me get set up we're using an e-sim on this phone right here my testing has been entirely local using the eralos esim here in the United States I've been able to count on reasonably good LTE Connections in and around Los Angeles the the experience of using one of my other review phones with eralo was pretty close to the same as using it on my main personal Sim most of what I do day to day is data and recently I reviewed the Surface Pro 9 5G which is a 5G enabled e-sim capable tablet eralo offers a cost-effective way to add mobile data directly to a device like a tablet instead of adding a permanent accessory to a phone plan it's a little more pay as you go you fuel it up when you need more data which is an interesting secondary use of the air Rollo service that I'm personally going to enjoy I go through a lot of phones over a year reviewing different devices if more companies drop the physical SIM card tray that makes my job more difficult where I often just pop out a SIM card slide it into a different phone and go and I can really use that phone to review it e-sims through carriers can take some extra steps it's not quite as seamless but if I just need to revisit a phone for a week or I'm working a phone for a little while it's on an embargo I can get most of what I need through an e-sim service like eralo that's obviously a very specific use case for a reviewer like me but I think it might apply to some folks out there maybe you're just going to travel across the United States you want to hook up your kids tablet with a little extra data so that they can stream some video or keep up with their friends you don't need to add a permanent tablet charge to your cell phone plan there are times you just might need a temporary bucket of data for a companion device I've only been using it for a couple weeks airolo has already been working its way into my gadget review process whenever features on our phones change there's a transition anxiety and a lot of folks are going to run into that when SIM card trays disappear it is Handy to have some solutions we can point people to to help take the edge off making that change major thanks to aralo for sponsoring this conversation I have more info linked below in the caption about eralo Service as always thanks so much for watching for sharing these videos and subscribing to the Channel all the support lately has been fantastic if you are subscribing or catching the links in the descriptions below these videos now you know where you can find me around the rest of the internet at some Gadget guy on the Twitter's in the twitch and the mastodons and the flickers not so much on the Facebooks or the Instagrams but I will catch you all on the next video
Channel: JuanBagnell
Views: 51,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: juan carlos bagnell, some gadget guy, SomeGadgetGuy, juan bagnell, travel, lifestyle, sim, sim card, esim, esim store, airalo, how to, get a sim in another country, use an esim, get an esim for travel, travel sim, travel esim, buy an esim, international travel, international data, travel data
Id: ZkhfJzvTpbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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