Airalo Android Tutorial For Beginners - How To Buy eSim With Airalo And Activate It With Android

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hey there guys my name is Marcus from online nurturing and in this video I'm going to show you step by step how we can use setup and also activate the AOL eim for your Android phone the one important thing before we get to start is to know if your phone got compatibility with Asim if it does that's really good and we can start with the tutorial and now the first thing that we have to do we have to get ourselves an ARL for our phone and also if you're going to use the link Down Below in description and code you're going to get a discount so let's click here search app and let's write here Aro okay and you want to install it I got it already installed but I just wanted to show you that you're going to find it in Google Play now let's click open and let's just wait until it loads and here we go now I already have account but if you don't have account you have to create so when you're going to be here what are we going to find we're going to find here the local s Regional or Global so you have to choose what kind of plan you want if you want to have local so let's say that you want to go to Spain or Morocco I personally use it for Zanzibar I use it in Morocco and it works so well or you want to use it for I know France you can just go local but if you want to go Regional because you want to travel across Africa or you want to choose Europe you can use that or even when you're going to go go be Global because you're going to travel around the world you can use the global package the global plan now when you're going to be in Regional I just want to show you something here you're going to have let's say Asia right and when you're going to be in Asia and let's say that I'm going to choose the first plan right here then you're going to have the supported countries and definitely check the if you have the countries that you're going to go to and if you're going to have them in this list so if you're going to choose the regional definitely check out the supported countries now when we go back and back I'm going to show you right now how we can choose the right package for you most of the packages for AO are packages with a data only you're not going to have calls or SMS nothing like that and if you have also two SIM card phone you can use them at the same time with the phone and also with the home Sim card and then the Asim so right here when we're going to have the regions you're going to have Africa Asia all of that so let's say we're going to have local asume and let's say I'm going to write here Slovak or just destination where you want to go okay Slovakia and here you're going to have all the packages so here you're going to find that you're going to have data and validity so that means that we can to have 1 gab of data for 7 days or we can choose 3 GB of data for 30 days or even 5 gigabyte of data for 30 days and the more you going to scroll is going to change so let's say that you want to get for this tutorial I'm going to choose this one right here so I'm going to click on it and right here you're going to have more information so you're going to have the coverage data validity okay and then you're going to have available topa packages so you can then if you're going to have if you want to have more data you can do it and then you're going to have the network so this is going to be the network that the eim is going to be connected to then we're going to have the plan type and we're going to have the data only so that's if you're going to have like SMS and voice you're going to have it right there and then uh you're going to have the activation policy so now when I have it I'm going to click buy now and here you're going to choose the payment method I have PayPal and here you're going to write my code so if you're going to get the discount just write my code that you're going to find down below under this video in the description and you're going to have it cheaper and then you're going to confirm this and this and when you're going to have it confirmed click here complete order so as you can see we got it ordered right now and what we have to do now is to set it up for our phone so when I'm going to have it I'm going to click here view asum details in here you're going to have the view instructions we will get to it but I want to show you here so here you're going to find the data so data you're going to find the remaining data use data and total data when we're going to activate the card and you're going to start using it later in a day it will automatically like update how much data you spent this is not going to be like the live data spending so let's say I'm going to watch two videos on my new SM card somewhere and I'm going to watch the videos and when I'm going to watch it I'm not going to see right here immediately how much data I used it's going to take some time like few hours so that's important thing to know also you going have my packages here so this is the package that we have and what we can do here we can click activate now what I like to do I like to do and activate it before I'm going to go somewhere so let's say that you want to get a Spain plan and you're going to travel to Spain what I do is that even when I'm in my home country I'm going to activate it and set it up before I'm going to fly there so in the moment when I'm going to be in a Spain I can connect it and it's going to work flawlessly so that's what I recommend to do now let's say I'm going to activate it right now let's say I'm going to travel the validity of the new package will start are you sure you want to activate your package activate Okay and now we have the seven days for actually or like whatever days you choose for spending our data and you see always here when it's going to expire do you see it right then you can find here that you can buy top up packages and you can even buy more data later on if the 1 gab or whatever data package you bought is not going to be enough for you so when we're going to have it what we have to do is we're going to click here view instructions for the installation of ASM so first what we have to do is click here install ASM click here and allow aot to use your phone's Asim allow your phone will disconnect from the Sim 2 Network to perform this operation continue and when you're going to activate the Sim you're going to find right here your sim has been successfully installed now if you're going to have a error message maybe you try to do it on data you have to be connected to the Wi-Fi only because when I tested out that I was connected with my home SIM card to data and I tried to activate the Asim with the error what happened uh it like it was like error message right so here when you're going to click activate you want to be connected on Wi-Fi or if you want to you can also do it with QR code or even manually so there are two ways other ways how we can do it now when you're going to have your esim activated now we go to settings and I'm going to show you what you have to do go to settings on your phone now press connections here you're going to be on a Sim manager click on Sim manager and right here you see that asim1 is activated what we're going to do is we're going to have the mobile data and click here the as1 so it's going to be the priority then what you want to do is click on the as one click on name and I definitely recommend like renaming it I'm going to rename it Slovak because I have the Slovak package B Okay now click done okay so we have right now the is Sim it's activated for mobile data it's working well and now under Sim manager you're going to have mobile networks this is another thing that we're going to go click on it here you want to have enabled data roaming have it on then we have to figure out the access point names so click on access point names and here you want to click add and here just leave it like it is go back to the arol and here you're going to have the APN do you see it right under Network you're going to have APN and you want to write internet so click here go back have name internet APN choose that internet to so look what what I've done I renamed the name internet and APN internet go to top right three dots click save and here you're going to have the internet so you want to press it sorry and choose it okay so we have the accesspoint names right now for the internet and internet so name and AP is going to be the same as it is right here data roaming on we have it on with have internet and the last thing we have to do we have to figure it out uh the network so let's go back here and then go to network operators disable select automatically and choose right here you're going to found O2 so I'm going to choose the network that I have right here so when you're right now home you won't be able to select the network because you're not in that country but in the moment when you're going to be in that country you will be able to choose it so when I come here O2 okay okay register on network works really well and now when I have it look at this and I go to settings I'm going to disable Wii automatically I'm connected to the data so Wi-Fi is done right now and now now let's say I go to YouTube look how fast it is this is all data from the Asim or if I go to Reddit see how quick amazing it is so that that's about it and then if I go even here to I know to watch some YouTube video let's check the quality and how fast it loads pretty good right and I don't recommend if you're not going to have a lot of data I don't recommend watching videos but yeah that's pretty much it on how you can use it if you can have any questions guys let me down below in the comments we be really happy to help you and provide you some guidance and support and yeah thank you very much and have a great day and goodbye and the last thing I wanted to show you is this when you're going to be in AR and you're going to set it up then you will be able to find in my as Sims all your current as Sims that you are using so I can click here and I'm going to find all the data right here about it so that's about it thank you very much guys for watching hope this video helps you and have a great day and goodbye
Channel: Online Nurturing
Views: 21,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mobile plans, phone plans, best sim card, best sim cards, phone, plans, sim card, airalo android tutorial, how to use airalo, airalo beginners tutorial, airalo guide, airalo, airalo vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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