Air Force BMT tips: Do's and Dont's

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hey what's up guys it's March 24th to Sunday I've been really busy today because I do volunteer work for the churches here to get my white rope when you get to tech school you'll understand more what that's about I won't elaborate on that but I'm going to try to knock this video out real quick it's gonna be a do's and don'ts for basic training I'm just gonna start off knock them off with the do's we gotta do learn your reporting statement before you go I'm sure your recruiter has informed you about this if not your recruiter is slacking your reporting statement is going to be sir or ma'am trainee whatever your name is your last name reports as ordered any time you address any MTI that is how you talk to them you say sir trainee got reports order they'll say what and then you can either say permission to adjust and you're at the position of attention every time you do this so it looks something like this here I'll just show you guys so you like this and be like search any gap before it is ordered and then don't like fidget your hands or like shake don't do any of that because you will get yelled at so um if you know that you'll be good to go you'll see a lot of people get yelled at for it they butcher their reporting statements so here just follow this sir trainee whatever your last name is reports as ordered I'll have it right here so you can see it but um also learn the first part of the Air Force song look it up the Air Force song um it's the first for like paragraphs it's like it starts off like off we go into the wild blue yonder climbing high into the Sun yeah yeah yeah oh yeah also when the Airman's Creed that is a big one I did not know this going in and it took me about three days of constantly looking at it to remember it it was just been a lot user had have I known to memorize it before I went in so that's why I'm here to help you guys out so memorize the Airman's Creed I'm sure your recruiters probably hit on that or at least for a few of you also learn the rain structure like airman basic airman airman first class senior Airman Staff Sergeant technical sergeant Master Sergeant Senior Master Sergeant Chief Master Sergeant learn that also learn your officer rank structure as well those will come in handy because you do need to know those within the first few days you're there most you guys are going to have staff sergeants actually most you guys might have a technical sergeant or a master sergeant as your MTI yeah you need to know rank structure you need to know what's what I'm gonna leave that up to you guys it's not that hard to find it on the Internet obviously you found me on the internet so I know you can find that on the internet I have a few things with like folding clothes I'm going to show make another video on how to fold clothes properly I'm not going to go into full detail but I will let you guys know so it makes it easier so you at least have a heads up of like this is how it's done and you're not like what the heck did he just do because I taught my flight were they show you how to do everything once basically and if you don't get it you're kind of have to ask or ask someone else and if they don't know it's just it's just a big mess so if you know the basics before you go on it's gonna help you a lot do what you're told that's a big one don't do what you think you should do do exactly what you're told if they don't tell you to do it probably undo it they tell you to do it you should do it learn the chain of command from the 737 training group on up to the President of the United States when you get your squadron you're going to learn your squadron chain of command so I cannot help you with that I was in the 320th training squadron but you were probably going to have a different first sergeant than I did so I can't really help you out with that even and there's no point in you studying for the 320th training squadron if you get put in three twenty third or the three twenty first so yeah that's a just learn ask your recruiter about all this stuff to just the recruiter should help you out um I always talk to my recruiter a lot about stuff I would always look stuff up online double-check it with her so I like actually knew what was going on but I learned the chain of command from the 737 training group on up another thing that you get to basic is give me something called a key check which it's going to look like this this is my key because at tech school we still have to lock all their stuff up we softlock our stuff up but your key every time you have anything around your neck which you will you will have your ID card holder and your keys every time you use it you'll unlock it and it goes right back in your shirt it never will hang out and trust me every five seconds your first week they're like your zero week the first but actually like week and a half you're there you'll hear key checks so many times it'll make you lose your mind because people start walking around like this and you yell key check and then everybody will check and be like they'll be like twelve people they really help you I need to put this away um also this if you ever look like this and you're standing away from if you look like this and you're standing away from your locker you're wrong I'm just gonna tell you that now you're wrong never ever walk away from your locker with your lock around your neck you can actually get recycled for that in later weeks so definitely don't do it a lot of people will do it too and tell them not to if they tell you screw off or whatever um let them find out on their own because they will find out if they don't want to listen to you and you're trying to help them out that's their fault oh when you March left foot starts everything when it says forward harch left foot when you get your a B use button all the buttons they'll tell you this but people think they can get away with leaving some of their buttons unbuttoned on a uniform like on their pockets don't do it because if they see it they will yell at you it's a easy thing to miss it takes a while to get used to um like I'll show you guys something we have these Cardwell pockets right here and you have to unbutton it usually to get your hand like fully inside eternity in my hand inside I can't so if you unbutton it you can get your hand inside our hats usually go inside of these so what you're going to do is you take your hat and if you have it like this if you reach your hand inside underneath the bill and you fold it forward so it looks like this and then you fold it over it kind of makes like a Halfmoon shape and then all you're going to do is slide this in your pocket at VMT you're going to do this a lot and then don't you don't have to unbutton your pants people will unbutton a pocket you don't have to do that because if once it slides in there when you get it you just reach like two fingers three fingers in and you just pull it out and then all you have to do is like this and put it on your head so that's another easy one that way it eliminates you unbuttoning and buttoning your pocket every single time you go in and out of a door which happens all the time um bring a cheap watch I bought this for ten dollars before I left I still use it it's a Velcro one so it's really easy to take not disposable razor heads don't go and buy the cheap like one blade or two blade disposable razors like the whole thing is disposable you throw that away um yeah this is a bad time I don't you unless you want to like cut your face horribly and be bleeding down you're like a be use don't buy disposable razors buy a nice disposable head razor like a four or five blade razor something that will get a nice clean close shave and it's like really easy to when you have to keep it clean in your drawer all you do is pop a new head on it and set it in your drawer and then you go next morning pop the new head on or the old head on and use that shave then pop the new head on to keep it clean and if you have like five of those heads you they lasted me I think I took I use ten in two months cause they're so those are the dues so I know this video is taking a while I apologize here are some don't some very big ones do not do not do not do not come to BMT with facial hair don't people do it all the time got like goatee going on got like huge sideburns huge like beard why the military you have to shave every day that's regulation so they're going to make you shave when you get there and if you don't shave before you get there they're going to make you shave when you get there into this huge beard everything a BM T's like click fast in a hurry if you have a huge beard or all this facial hair it just doesn't make sense like you're setting yourself up for failure so get us to like get ahead of the game if you have facial hair leave it I left mine on until the day I left and I shaved it at MEPs so and then I've not had facial hair since I got a little like crappy moustache gone but we won't talk about that um do not volunteer your first few weeks I don't know if you've heard people say do or don't it's a big thing like try to blend in try to be under the radar do because there's really no benefit to standing out in the beginning if you stand out in the beginning you're MTI only knows you and almost nobody else in your flight so the first few weeks they call on you for everything and it just makes your life a pain so try to blend in as long as possible um it just helps you stay out of trouble you get yelled at less and if you want that leading role and you want to like you want to do it like be that guy but a lot of people don't want to be that guy if they end up being that guy they they're like I thought I'd be cool to volunteer and if you guys my flight we're like no one else want to volunteer so I thought I'd step up and then they're like I didn't realize how much work I was gonna have to do because the MTI only knows who I am now and no one else so keep that in mind if you want that do it if you don't don't blend in like I did for three weeks it's true don't use your pockets at VMT for anything other than told you will keep your 3:40 ones in your pocket you'll find out what those are when you get there so those go in your left cargo pocket hat goes in your right cargo pocket other than that you're not really authorized to carry anything that I can remember I'm sure though they'll tell you when you get there so but don't carry anything in your pockets don't put pens in your pockets that goes in your web belt pouch oh if you're not told to have something in your web belt pouch don't put it in your web belt pouch that's just AVI it's an easy way to get trouble if you're putting things where it's not supposed to be don't make Sur sandwiches free does either don't know what that is it's saying right sir yes sir don't say that that's it makes you sound stupid the and they will correct you on it and they will yell at you because they don't like it when you say sir something sir so don't you're reporting statement backs your reporters man sir trainee got reports ordered sir don't say that because you will get yelled at and then you'll get nervous and then you'll mess up even more so if you do it right on the first time you get to go don't salute your MTI you salute officers I know some of you guys don't understand how how officers work and unlisted works and the rank structure but officers are like the shiny ones they'll have shiny things on their collar lapels yeah if they have anything on their shoulder and don't salute them the mci is going to have either five stripes on their shoulder or something like that don't salute them that's it's as easy as that they're not an officer don't salute them we had a few kids do that and it was hilarious actually they I yelled at pretty bad don't move at the position of attention like I said with your reporting statement don't fidget nothing and they'll do things too like that like one time I gave my reporting statement on MTI asked me a question he asked me a question I snapped to attention and I in my reporting statement and I started answering the question he goes quit doing that whatever you're doing right there and he just pointed and he was trying to make me look and move but I wasn't moving but he wanted to see what my reaction was and I like stood stiff still and I answer the question right and it was like okay well today's your lucky day and walked away but he was trying to make me mess up and they'll do what I did do that with you they'll try to play with you they'll ask you questions and or they'll be like oh is this where you're supposed to be yes sir do you know what time it is no sir or if you have a watch and you'd be like permission to adjust and they'd like adjust but before you say permission to adjust you have to give you a reporting statement you have to give a reporting statement before you say anything but yes or no sir yes or no sir doesn't require a reporting statement all right now on to some things that can really get you in trouble these are the big no no's people think they can just slide by with it and doesn't really matter don't do it don't be hydration man for those of you that don't know what that is it's where someone will walk around naked if their web bailed on telling people to hydrate every flight has this kid it can get you in trouble we have three kids get recycled a week into our flight they were a week ahead of us and now they were messing around doing it in their flight someone told on them they got recycled a week in our flight so don't don't mess around when you're naked when you're naked be super serious like shower get changed don't don't joke around when you're naked same thing with Gargoyle een it's the same thing it's like getting in someone's Locker while you're naked I'm not telling you these things so you know how to do them and what to do I'm honestly telling you them so you do not do them it is a very serious thing you can get discharged from the military for these things and you may think it's just all fun and games but until someone gets recycled a week and their family has to change their flight plans because someone wanted to joke around while they were naked it it's not a joke then so don't play games on EC which is entry controller which you will have two people watching your door to your dormitory almost all times all night you'll have people doing it's two hour shifts don't don't play board games with a kid get recycled out of our flight playing chess on EC don't make board games don't make games period don't make cards don't bring cards just don't mess around on EC back to you see don't sleep on EC that is a big one that's actually in the book don't sleep on EC if you sleep on EC you will get recycled you uh if you sleep twice on you see you can get discharged so take EC very serious don't leave letters in your pouch you'll get time to write about second third week they'll start giving you time to write letters but don't put them in your pouch they don't belong in your pouch they belong in your security drawer so don't get caught with letters don't have a little notebook where you write your notes for class and write letters in there too don't do that don't wear your dog tags you'll get told not to and some people will do it I just don't do it because if you get a clot you'll get yelled at I'm just trying to help you guys not get yelled at so and don't bring sunglasses you look like a fool we we don't wear sunglasses a basic don't really get to wear sunglasses that much at Tech school we can wear sunglasses but if one of us has sunglasses and we're trying to march in formation somewhere everybody has sunglasses and if everybody doesn't have them it to take them off so I highly suggest you just don't even worry about sunglasses and I'm stationed in Florida right now for school so sunglasses are like people that like sunglasses would be like men any sunglasses I'm Florida but we just don't we don't use them because it just it just doesn't look good in uniform so that's about all I have right now for do's and don'ts I know this video took forever I am really really sorry yeah please subscribe if you're looking forward to I plan on doing videos like this all time and if they're like really dry I do apologize if my voice is annoying whatever it doesn't matter just like critique the crap out of this video if there's something you didn't like tell me there's something you did like tell me there's one something you want to hear comment let me know because I'm honestly here to just have fun on YouTube I love making videos so I'm just here to do this for fun so if I can help I can help just let me know what I need to do better and I'll try to spice things up a little more because I know this is kind of dried and cut to the point but I wanted to get something out here so if you guys have ideas let me know and I'll try to throw those in here for you but other than that good luck with your choices with joining the military or not doing in the military but I hope I can help you with that decision whichever way it is if it's it's the right thing for you if it's not I want to make sure people know because I don't want to work with people that don't want to be here I do want to work with people that are enthusiastic about being in the Air Force so if I can help people make that decision I will gladly keep making videos for you guys so other than that I don't have much more to say thank you guys for watching and please subscribe and please comment like the video thank you
Channel: Airman Vision
Views: 453,251
Rating: 4.9615502 out of 5
Keywords: air force bmt tips, bmt tips, bmt tricks, air force bmt, tips for bmt, preparing for bmt, tips and tricks for bmt, air force basic training tips, air force basic training, how to pass bmt, how to pass basic training, how hard is bmt, how hard is basic training, military, boot camp, us air force, air force, basic, military training, air force training, bmt, airforce bmt, af bmt, air force bmt week 1, basic training, usaf basic training, us air force basic training, airforce
Id: K2s0UDLXMq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2013
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