AIO Radiator Placement - Front vs Top & Push vs Pull, plus a look Mounting Orientation

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hi guys how you doing so today we're going to take a look at aio's placement and whether push-up pool is the right way to go does it matter let's find out [Music] guys so the reason for today's video is firstly i wanted to do a video um based on this because i've been curious for a while i've got my ideas as to kind of what's the best placement um you know usually i go top mounted i have a push or pull um i just it just depends on the case and whether you're rgb fans or not and i was just curious now i was curious because i've got a video coming up using the z63 from nzxt it's a 280 millimeter aio and in my case which is the fractal design defined seven compact um it doesn't support top mounted um 280 millimeter aio's i tried it just doesn't just doesn't work um so i've got the front mount says so but you know what let's bring this video forward um just so i've got some figures to compare it against and also just to kind of demystify kind of things really because like i said i've been kind of using top mounted um but is that is that the right way really so we're going to find out today that's going to be part one of the video so the second part of the video is we're looking at the placement of the actual radiator itself and the tubes because it does matter and we're going to kind of cover that a little bit later on um basically stephen games nexus and jc sense did this i just want to kind of add it to this video because it makes sense um so we're going to look at that so if you have a look at the test system it's the intel i7 10700k at stock um it's the rx 6800 at stock um we've got 32 gigabyte ram and we've got the corsair h100i pro rgb xt calling it all the fans in the case including the iao arctic p12s um everything's running at 60 so the the aio the case fans and the gpu because we want consistency and yeah so it's a lovely little system and and now we're going to show you the results so the testing we actually did um was to run value for 15 minutes do battlefield 1 for 15 minutes city bench looping for 10 minutes and then we also did a video render which took about 12 minutes so between takes um there was about two minute break um basically for the system to stabilize me to set up the next test um one of the criticism i had about the temperatures is that it's not 100 i use hardware info and for the gpu it gives 0.1.2 whereas with the cpu temperatures it doesn't um so there is a little bit of uh flex in the actual figures that i've given um but yeah it's not going to be too too far away from this so the first set of testing we did was front pull and the figures are up on the screen so there weren't anything that were amazing or really bad but they were just our baseline then did push and the figures were pretty much the same not too much difference in there to be fair um so much of a muchness so then we move the aio to the top of the case um as i like it and this is where i thought i knew it was going to happen you know gpu temperatures were going to come down a few degrees cpu temperatures might go up a little bit but did they let's have a look at the results um and gpu temperatures are basically the same they're a little bit cooler maybe a degree here or there um but cpu temperatures they rocketed um approximately between four and seven degrees and i was shocked i was absolutely shocked i couldn't believe it i couldn't believe the gp temperatures were essentially the same and the and the cp temperatures had like just just shut up it's just like what's going on here um and then you kind of think about it and you know is it the testing i did no i ran everything at sixty percent um if i hadn't done that and i'd let it you know on a fan curve would have been different maybe um but it kind of makes me realize now that whatever logic i had it just didn't really play out it didn't play out in this case um if i had a different case you know would it be any different i don't know so to be honest it changed my mind you know i thought i knew the answer it was top mounted that was the way to go but no i was wrong now the temperatures that i've kind of got are not horrendous but if you want the best temperatures then you probably want to go front mounted based on these figures you know you might get a different set of results in in a different case in a different fang setup you know if you have a fan curve which steps up you know because because i've got a 60 constant um there's that consistent um airflow whereas if you kind of your cpu on a different different fan curve to your gpu it's not going to flow as well so you know that could be it could be a reason um but yeah i was really surprised it definitely has changed my mind and now i'm not going to be kind of scared by front mounting aios at all so when it comes to doing the ntxt z63 yeah i'm not worried now so the second part of the video is when you look at actually the radiator um and its placement in relation to the pump now it is quite important to be honest um stephen gamer's nexus did a great job on it um jay from jc sense also kind of did it and we're going to kind of cover it here because because it is really important and something which you really need to bear in mind because before that video i didn't really think about it and i'd use you know the aio's incorrectly and it kind of makes sense now that i did have a couple of problems with um with some in the past i just i just didn't realize you know so so we're going to cover those so there are five ways to position your radiator um and we're gonna go from the worst to the best and hopefully it makes sense um if not i'm gonna leave a link in the description you can check out steve and jay's uh video um because they'll probably cover it a little bit better than me so the worst way on my list at number five is having the radiation in the bottom of the case now this is bad because air has only got one way to go and that's up that's going to go into the pump and obviously that's where you're going to get your issues so number four is when it's front mounted um but the top of the radiator is lower than the pump so this is you know in your older cases when you've got dvd drives but you've got space for an air in the front um it would loop down and you know that's going to cause you problems because the same way it's going to be in the bottom of the case the air has only got one way it's going to go travel up to the top of the pump and that's bad so number three is the traditional way of front mounting your aio you've got the tubes at the top and so long as those tubes are higher than the pump you've got absolutely no problems that's fantastic that's where most people are going to have it and you know as we saw today that's kind of the best results that i i saw overall so number two is front mounted with the tubes down now this isn't always possible with aios because the tubes aren't long enough and obviously you know your gpu might be really long so it may not be possible um but this is good because the air is going to get trapped in the top of the radiator and that's what you want sometimes you know i'm not going to lie it's going to be in the actual pump itself i mean you'll be able to hear that and but all you need to do is once your system is switched off of course um it's just to tip it um so that you kind of get the air and it kind of works its way into the radiator and the best method is top mounting and this is basically because the air is going to rise it's going to sit in the top on a very thin layer or on the radiator and that for that jordan the pump um and all and the whole system it's the best now it's not the best for cooling as we've seen today um but yeah it's the best um obviously for wear and tear for your pump but really any anything from from one to three is going to be absolutely fine just make sure that the top of the radiator where the tubes are for instance is higher than the actual pump itself and you're not going to have a problem guys we're in the video now i hope you've enjoyed it i hope it's made sense just to kind of clarify um from my testing the best temperatures and for the cpu and gpu combined was definitely front mounted doesn't matter if you go push or pull um and then when it comes to the ai oh and looking after it and treating it the way it should be treated i'm just make sure that the pump is not the highest point of the loop and you're going to be absolutely fine it's obviously there are quite a few kind of ways in which you can mount it um but yeah just just look after your ai oh and it will look after your cpu guys if you enjoyed the video like and subscribe and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Wayne Webb Films
Views: 117,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: webbtech, pc, push vs Pull, top vs front, radiator, orientation, placement, aio, cooling, GPU
Id: 5s9IusaNrro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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