Aileen Wuornos: The Selling Of A Serial Killer (True Crime Documentary) | Real Stories

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[Music] interstate 75 runs through central florida a route for millions of tourists each year eileen wuornos who is better known as lee was just a drifter of 16 when she first came down to daytona beach the i-75 was a highway lee warner's new well she worked as a prostitute hitching rides from exit to exit she claimed to have had thousands of men over the years then between 1989 and 1990 she murdered seven men the fbi labelled lee warnos america's first female serial killer and since then the book of movie deals poured in lee warns his girlfriend tyria moore once a prime suspect himself was not charged before their arrest police were hunting for two women popularly referred to as the angels of death serial killing seemed to have become a brutal fact of life tragically they happened so often they sometimes take on a horrible familiarity but there's one string of murders unlike any you've ever heard about first there was ted bundy then the gainesville murders and now central florida is being threatened with news of yet another round of serial killings eight men have been shot to death in cold blood on central florida highways including the busy tourist route of i-75 but this time there's an even more chilling twist to the slayings police say for the first time in criminal history these killers may be murdering with a feminine touch the main suspects are two young women who played damsels in distress along the roadway on january the 9th 1991 lee warnos was arrested at the last resort biker bar in daytona beach [Applause] this is the original police video of lee warnos confessing to the murder of seven men her girlfriend was not charged [Music] i still had to say to myself i still said it that was the self-defense because most of them either were going to start to beat him or we're going to screw me as [Music] [Applause] [Music] or jump over the seat or whatever grab my gun and just hurt you [Applause] [Music] [Music] i would start shooting out from out of college hi boys and girls this is steve blaser lee's lawyer when i was a child i was abused by my parents and i've developed an imaginary friend and i built him yeah lothar is the protection that i don't have my dog died so i keep lothar out here to keep the drug addicts away from the house and you made loaf by yourself made him out of my own i made him out of my own hands i built him stephen lotha lived in a teepee together for several years this is steve's office before he became a lawyer steve worked as a musician he once opened for leon redbone we're driving with steve to meet arlene parley who adopted lee warnos last year arlene a born-again christian lives on this 35-acre horse farm where she breeds tennessee walker horses my main problem so far is that steve and arlene have told me that lee wants twenty five thousand dollars for the interview i'd always thought the son of sam law prevented people from profiting from their crimes but apparently the son of sam isn't in effect anymore last year darlene employed steve to handle her adoption of lee wuornos nick bromfield very pleased to meet with you my name is braley do you know she has her name her legal name is eileen carol warner braley oh really because you adopted her and changed her name there must be a real bond between how were you aware that there was such a strong bond between you what made you first it's a neat story but i can't tell you but the one thing i can tell you is our in-laws have since arlene was refusing to talk until her daughter lee got paid the twenty-five thousand dollars my husband and myself yes that was okay to say right but as far as me and lee and how it got together no i just i can't i can't start it because you see i get so excited when i talk about it that i'll start heading just into one hurdle which steve would say okay you could go over one hurdle but then i can't stop it's like a horse that loves to jump and when i talk about her i just i love her and i keep going i told you it's a fascinating it's a fascinating story because of the way all the characters in the play here just so very interesting my doctor in gainesville would probably even be willing for you to interview him he is a surgeon and um when i had my accident last year on april the 14th it was horrible i mean i got kicked in the back it lacerated my liver and broke three ribs they thought i was going to die and my doctor said it was the love of god going through me as a channel toward eileen warner's that saved my life they said i was going to die but i love that i had so much for her and knew she couldn't be alone pulled me through they all said i was going to die they beat my husband he was out in las vegas at a convention and i pulled through so i mean there's a lot there's a lot to this that just it's like he says fascinating so the next stage is really to come up with a counter offer no the redux stage is coming with twenty five thousand dollars but okay okay well then then if you don't think the next thing you do is to really get a counter offer unless and let's tell her something okay because this way like i told you before you left i said you know when you please don't come here with the understanding i was perfectly honest with you don't come here with the understanding that she'll even talk with you without paying i told you that okay and so we would basically then pay the money to what would pay money to you or to as as as her league or mom and then um steve gets a percentage as our agent in fact arlene and lee's relationship is extremely well documented and it seemed far cheaper at this stage to buy in some local tv footage levy county horse farm owner arlene crowley has come to the aid of accused serial murderer eileen wernos prowly says she and urno speak on the phone to each other frequently we have become super good friends ever since then she is a beautiful woman she is not at all like the media has portrayed her to be she is very kind compassionate um she's got a heart of gold this thanksgiving should be a special one for the prawley family because this year they hope to be with her newly adopted daughter but she isn't a newborn she's 35 year old eileen warno's her eyes there was just something about her eyes that before we ever knew her there was something that deep within me said she is not capable of doing what they are accusing her of doing over the next few weeks a strange friendship blossomed with both women exchanging daily letters phone calls and even poetry in one poem aileen wrote you are way too kind to get to know my kind of mind i felt like i had known this person forever and that was the weirdest feeling to me because i've never i've never experienced that before there are times when i'm there and she's so sad and i know if i could just hold her and pray over her it would pick her up it would make her feel better it would give her hope and to not be able to do that at this point it's about driving me nuts i know that it's not motivated by anything like greed or self-betterment or improvement or anything like that i know this is a religious spiritual uh desire and that arlene and robert are going to undertake prolly says she's not interested in any book or movie deals and her only motivation for this adoption is good old-fashioned christian love and the desire to have a family after all these years while we were waiting for and arlene to hear back from lee wuornos we traveled to daytona beach where lee warnos had last lived police divers recovered the 22-caliber pistol that lee wallace had used in all seven murders from this lagoon in daytona beach lee lived here with tyria moore her lover for over five years a woman she referred to as her wife and whom she was desperately in love with they lived together at this motel a fair view and it was here that lee warnos and tyria moore first saw the police composites themselves witnesses claimed to have seen them driving one of the murder victims cars tyria moore fled to her family's home in ohio leaving lee and eventually betraying lee and testifying against her in court leewanas was charged with all seven murders tarayam moore became the main police witness against her this is lee warnock so she was first being charged a prostitute from the age of 14 lee had a long history of neglecting sexual abuse lee was born in 1956 in troy michigan three months later she was abandoned by her mother in 1963 her father committed suicide in prison he was serving a sentence for sodomizing a seven-year-old child tahrir moore represented the most stable relationship in her life understand the nature of the drug yes producer you wish to be represented by council yes i do can you afford to hire an attorney no sir do you work no i'm in jail how can it work well obviously not working now but how long has it been since your last work oh uh about 84 possible how do you support yourself i was a professional call girl you own any property here in the state of florida you want to motor vehicle pardon do you want a motor vehicle of any kind no sir you'll sign an affidavit i will appoint the public defender to represent you and ms warner if you've been ordering this warrant to be held without bail that will be my order the press reported that lee warner's favorite hangout was the last resort a biker bar near the fairview where she was arrested by the police on her last day of freedom this could be fun [Music] we were looking for someone called like uh is it called cannonball or something can i help you uh yeah we were looking for something [Music] [Music] hi how do you do all right uh so did you did you actually know lee well or not particularly as well as as well as a bartender nose and occasional you know she only come in here like maybe half a dozen times you know she wasn't really a regular customer a real frequent she was well she she didn't have no transportation and when she would walk back to where she lived down the road down here this was on the side of the road so she just stopped by and then she got drunk down there the night before she got arrested and uh she came down here and she slept on that seat for a little while to see that yeah and she was just here when i got here the next morning but as far as knowing anything about her personality or anything i don't really know anything and she was she was a flat cracker you know so nobody in here tried to pick her up flat cracker a lesbian cannonball told us to come back the following day when the human bomb was performing someone who reportedly knew lee well [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how do you feel real dizzy right now real dizzy did you not leave well yeah can i talk to y'all a few minutes i gotta walk this off [Music] we went to visit dick mills who we'd heard off from various tabloid accounts of his sex romps with a serial killer dick mills spent a week with lee just before her arrest he picked her up at willy's bar lee was heartbroken the police search was on and tyria had just left here [Music] oh this is that paper you're talking about yeah it's cool it's uh and it's called my sex romps with kinky man killer that's what the article's called all i want to know is who's the best lawyer right there man to suit him for this tradition who never talked to it should i quote you a bit okay if you said this right can i quote you a bit well you retaliate it says she stayed at my place for five days at first seemed perfectly normal but after a while she began making some really weird confessions we were lying in uh we were lying in bed one night when she started talking about her favorite sexual fantasies she said she often got turned on by imagining she had a black hood over her head and was tied to a tree in a forest then a guy would come up rape her and shoot her in the head she said the actual killing would make her climax i was real sickened by what she said wrong wrong there's partial truth to that but most of that i don't know where it came from or who got it or nothing about it and you can check any film anywhere in the country or anybody's got it and i've never said that okay it goes along the lines that uh she told me one time that the idea was that she'd like to lay in bed out in the middle of forest the woods or somewhere in a mountain or something have a hood overhead or something and somebody crawled into the window they said no they had the hood on or something and would rape her this and that kind of [ __ ] and she liked that i mean as far as all these other things go pertaining to feeling that she hated men or i just got the feeling she was what she was a dyke except i didn't know she was a killer there's no way i could know that but i mean could you tell that when you made laughter no no not particularly she just probably liked it either way whatever came along didn't really seem to matter much it's just another bad experience i'm sure from both of us but that is a bunch of garbage like say once you ask them where they got the [ __ ] from that's what i you know i'm more amused in that who told you know who told them the lies or authorize them to write lies can't aren't they capable of telling the truth i know i guess the truth doesn't sell many newspapers sometimes but she couldn't have always hated men if i mean as though you had some kind of a relationship i don't know it was just that there were two lonely desperate people in a bad situation but except for the killing factors i didn't know about and so it's just two people getting along for a little while you know i don't really know how to explain that but i mean when you made laughter you couldn't have felt that she hated man because she's been i never really i never really gave up much thought one way or the other just i don't know whatever turned her on at the moment or whatever she could get away with i guess but uh from everything i've heard and read and seen since not pertaining to this i'm talking about what's been on tv why do you think she didn't kill you as well you have to ask her that well what do you what's your feeling oh just maybe maybe one possibility i don't know what this other woman looked like but i might have resembled her maybe i do maybe i don't or she might resemble me and maybe it was just a mental thing with her yeah this woman she's living with yeah her lover whoever it is all i ever heard was tie somebody i don't know anything else so if you want any answers to those questions you'll have to ask those people whether it be the thai character or whether it be uh alien or eileen elaine whatever her name is herself before she received her first death sentence lee planned to live in this cottage on arlene's ranch and help her to breed horses [Music] arlene also raises wolves she believes they represent an important part of our spiritual lives all too often forgotten today we've been in florida a week now and nothing had been heard from lee arlene always maintained that she and lee had a very close relationship but something was obviously wrong arlene now seemed to be negotiating her own personal appearance fee entirely separate from lee's she quoted the montel williams show as paying ten thousand dollars but how much do you think you want if we don't have lee you talked to steve i've never done this before i said to steve well you're not my criminal lawyer so can you be my agent he said yes he said just have to call me i've never done this before what do you think might be a fair price i know i have no idea i have no idea i've never done this i have never done this before i don't know it depends how much you talk to steve how many days you want to be here what you want to see do you want the tapes do you want everything the new stuff um all of the personal the poems the letters the the artwork i mean i'm sure he'll write up some kind of contract for this you get this and for this you get everything talk to him he's my agent an agent do you believe this arlene adopted lee just before her first trial for the murder of richard mallory at this stage her lawyer was trish jenkins a public defender who has been criticized for failing to bring to the court's attention the fact that mallory had previously served the 10-year sentence for attempted rape many think it was mallory's alleged rape of lee that started her off on her killings he put the cord around my neck and he said yes you are [ __ ] he said you're gonna do everything i tell you to do and if you don't i'll kill you right now and i'll [ __ ] you after like just like the other [ __ ] i've done and um then he said it doesn't matter to me they're about your body will still be warm for my huge [ __ ] and he said he was choking me and i was holding it like this and he said do you want to die [ __ ] and i just nodded no and then he said are you can you're going to listen everything i've got to say have you do and i just nodded yes and you told me to lay down on the car seat okay what happened next then he descent he began to start having uh anal sex okay and he's doing this very violent manner movement and then he i don't know if he came i climaxed i straw i talk street talk so so i don't know if he did that then he violently took himself out and violently put himself in my vagina were you saying anything to him at that point no i was crying my brains out okay then what happened all right so uh he takes advising and he lifts up my legs and he puts what turns out to be rubbing alcohol in the vicine bottle and he sticks some of my rectum area and that really hurt really bad because he tore me up for a while and in my vagina which really hurt that and then he walked around to the back driver's seat to the side and he pulled my nose open like this pulled them open and he squirt rubbing alcohol down my nose and he said i'm saving your eyes for the grand finale and you put the vision back on the dash and i was really pissed and i was just i didn't care i was yelling at him and everything else he was laughing away saying that's what i want to hear i hear it when you start crying and all that pain i thought to myself i gotta fight i'm gonna die this guy is gonna play with me and play with me and then he's gonna kill me he's already said he's gonna kill me he's he's already killed other girls i gotta fight i jumped up real fast and i spit in his face and he said you're a dead [ __ ] you're dead he's wiping his eyes and i laid down real quick and grabbed my bag and he was starting to come forward for me when i grabbed my bag and threw whipped my pistol out toward him and he was coming toward me with his right arm i believe and i shot immediately and i think i shot twice as fast as i could lee had expected to be acquitted but then judge blunt took the unusual move of allowing evidence of the other six murders to be presented until by warn of the governor of the state of florida you eileen carroll warn us be electrocuted until you are dead and may god have mercy upon your court [Music] most of us will probably never worry about spending time in jail but if you were ever involved in the criminal justice system you will need a lawyer who can explain the system to you in a completely unexpected legal move lee with arlene's help decided to hire steve to defend on the next three murder charges and to fire her public defender trish jenkins steve attracted enormous media attention when he entered the guilty or no contest plea to the next three murders the born again arlene paraly believed lee should come clean and confess her sins was led from marion county jail she gave no indication that she would plead no contest to three murder charges instead talking about dropping her public defenders and hiring private attorney steve glaser but only seconds after being named her attorney glazer surprised everyone and told the court that wuernos wanted to change her plea with her adoptive mother watching on the nation's first known serial killer pleaded no contest to killing dick humphries and troy burris in marion county david spears in citrus county legally the no contest plea is viewed as a guilty plea and because there is no plea agreement burnout still faces the death penalty in each case an unusual legal prospect that judge thomas swaya was obviously aware of as he carefully questioned wuernos about her decision god has forgiven her for what she's done and our state has the death penalty so why not go for it i mean wow she could be home with jesus in a matter of few years the theory of the philosophy of jesus christ if you're going to believe that you're saved by jesus christ the first thing you have to do is confess confess your sins and and that's between her and god and that's what she's doing here she'd be much better off in heaven i mean if i had the choice i'd rather be up there but god has not chosen for me to go but i mean he has an open door here i have made peace with my lord and i have asked forgiveness i am sorry that my acts of self-defense ended up in court like this but i take full responsibility for my actions it was them or me i am sorry for all the pain that my actions have caused i am prepared to die if you say it is necessary but i am not by pleading guilty it appeared that lee warnos was in reality hoping for mercy and forgiveness but that is not what happened i sent it to you in case number 91-463 to death for the murder of troy burris case number 91-304 i sentence you to death for the murder of charles humphries case number 91-112 citrus county case number i sentence you to death for the murder of david spears thank you and probably see i'll be up in heaven while y'all rotting in hell okay there will be an automatic appeal you have the right to an appeal mr glazer is that going to be handled by your wife and kids get raped i would ask that you would appoint the defendant's office okay i'll appoint the public defender's office uh to handle the appeal there's one other thing that i want to say that i think needs to be said i know i was raped you weren't nothing but a bunch of scum therefore these proceedings are now putting somebody who was raped [Music] steve played this song to lee after she received the death sentences just before they serve him one last meal and shave his head then tell him how he feels the warden comes to say goodbye reporters come to watch him die watch him as he strapped into the chair [Music] have you seen the iron lady's charms legs of steel leather on her arms strapping on a man to die alive for life an eye for an eye and death's the iron lady in the [Music] a long time i'll do it again later but i just haven't seen it in a long long time what is the basic of that song i gave her a copy of it and i sang it for her and uh and i didn't have my guitar but i sang it for her in the cell and she she enjoyed it especially the part about in the courtroom watch the balance of the scales if the price is right there's time for more appeals the strings are pulled the switch has stayed the finest lawyers fees are paid and the rich man's never died upon the chair we traveled down to visit lee at this maximum security prison on the edge of the everglades a seven hour trip from gainesville where steve and arlene live i learned that lee was now enormously depressed she desperately missed tyria and barely communicated with anyone arlene and steve still hadn't heard from lee since we'd first arrived in florida over two weeks ago and i realized their relationship with lee was not as close as i had first thought [Music] lee is living in a 6x8 cell on death row we had arranged through the superintendent to meet you at the prison chapel um i'm lieutenant and we were just trying to get um inmate warnos we told her that you're here and she's refusing a visit she's refusing a visit i just told her that i just told the officer in confinement to get it in writing so should we have everything we're going to get it in right i can't believe this she says somebody at her laundry is not back and she doesn't want to wear a dress and she's just being dropped she doesn't have to wear a dress but she won't get dressed probably yeah so that's ridiculous because we've come all the way down from gainesville i know uh every time we ask her you know she's just really uncooperative she's just you know we can't force her to do it but she's but i am getting to write it in writing so that i won't get in trouble for not having you visit no yeah [Music] hi we were looking for you you can just eat what's not that why didn't you drive out because the gate was locked down oh it's just for the worst time to get out so how did it go well ready to this is not good i have more bumps this is terrible she wouldn't uh she wouldn't talk to us she wouldn't see us why no idea she just wouldn't she just didn't want to talk did not say anything didn't want to communicate so we didn't get anywhere that's a shock that's a total shock well steve's going thursday so go back with steve i mean do you have any idea why she might not have won arlene and steve were still protesting that they didn't know what was wrong with lee they seemed unable to explain why they still hadn't heard from her so in a sense and now we're trying to find out from you what the only thing i can think of is because i was honest with her and sort of disciplinarian that perhaps she was trying to punish both steve and i you know we lost the trial and yet she's she said i want to die how are you disciplinarian i mean what i wrote letters and i told her that she acted terrible in the courtroom and that you know she better improve her behavior and she is that when she is that when she gave the judge the bird yes yes and i wrote a very strong letter i also told her i was sick of her doubting me and doubting steve that he was a very honest human being he did just what she wanted and because we lost that was not his fault so i feel in a sense that perhaps with the money she knows the devastation financially that we are in and she could help now and this is her way of punishing me and punishing steve by saying well good we could get this money if i gave an interview i'm not doing it why do you think she was so mad at both of you at the end of the last trial because we lost because she has three death sentences she said she wanted to die but in her heart she wants to live so you know how you say i'm hungry i'm hungry feed me but you really don't want to eat that's basically it i want to die i want to die but when she got the three death sentences she was furious that's why she gave him the bird if it comes steve though was still insisting lee wanted to die his whole justification for entering a guilty plea for lee was that she wanted to go to the chair and you're sure she wants to go to the electric chair yes i'm sure i'm sure that uh in her anger and grief and torment and the fact that it's very very hard to live with the fact that she killed seven men seven people that she does want to die for it she cried in the courtroom when she read her statement she said i'm not afraid to die but if you feel it necessary to kill me so be it and as i told her from the beginning i'll help her i don't feel comfortable but i'll sit there with her when they strap her in she uh she asked that i'd be there for her she said well will you be there with me and i said lee you're allowed to have a lawyer and a member of the clergy if you want me there i'll i'll walk right up to there with you and i'll be with you in the final moments and i'll have to deal with the i'll have to deal with that pain later i have spoken to several lawyers who have witnessed the execution of their clients and they assured me it's something that they live with forever it's nothing i look forward to but as her friend and i hope i'm becoming a friend i would i will be there for her and i'll give her the advice that woody allen gave in his movie i think it was taken i was i don't remember the movie i might even take the money and run the lawyer's advice to the client who gets the electric chair is don't sit down they call this the death house if lee is electrocuted she will be the first woman ever in the state of florida to have gone to the chair this is the cell that the inmate has kept in up to seven days prior to his execution about five o'clock in the morning he's brought out where he is shaved his head is shaved and his right leg is shaved and then he is brought through this door which proceeds down a quarter which goes to where the electric chair is as he's going down the hallways he's escorted by the assistant superintendent and the correctional officer chief and is brought in here to the actual chamber at this point he is seated in the chair in front of the news media witnesses and the official witnesses who are already seated in the witness area he's brought in and put into the chair and the straps are placed around his chest and around his lap and on his arms and then his legs are placed into these straps and secured there after the inmate is secured in the chair the superintendent will check the straps and ensure that they're all in place like they should be he will then come over to the microphone that we have here in the witness in the chamber and remove the microphone and hold it up for the inmate to make a last statement to he'll ask the inmate do you have a last statement and he will either sometimes say something or sometimes won't after that is completed the superintendent will go over to the telephone and check with the governor's office to see if there's any last-minute stays if he hears no last-minute stays from the governor's office the electrode then is placed on top of the inmate's head it's an actual cap with an electrode inside it's secured onto his head one of these electrodes here is then fastened onto the top of the headpiece another device is placed around his calf and the other electrode is placed onto that piece after that is completed the superintendent will make a motion to the executioner who is here inside the execution chamber where the executioner is and he will nod to the executioner to go ahead and proceed with the execution the executioner will throw a switch the switch will start an automatic cycle starting out at 2400 volts at about eight amps at this point after they have seen that it has been carried out they observe some tendencies of the inmate when the voltage hits him to tense up it's almost simulating as if someone was lifting weights and that's the only motion that you see out of the inmate is just a tensing of the muscles after that cycle is completed there's two physicians who are sitting here in the chamber who come over and examine the body to see that if the inmate is in fact dead [Music] it was six am steve was off to visit lee and hopefully get us in the following day steve said it was a seven joint ride to the prison and he brought along a tape of his own music with him singing and playing all the instruments especially for the occasion [Music] i'm not out in three and a half hours call the swat team steve was nervous he hadn't talked to lee for a month and didn't know how she wanted to plead at the next trial at pasco county in five days time if lee changed her plea to not guilty steve told us that he was going to have to resign from the case because he didn't have the necessary resources to fight it i'd finally given in and paid steve ten thousand dollars a figure we'd settled on instead of the 25 apparently with lee's consent suddenly this guard stepped out of the guard house and stopped us the entire prison was locked down and we learned we'd committed a major security violation by driving along the perimeter fence two shoes okay all right all right here's the contract i'll just uh have her sign it the trip to the prison had gone well lee warnos was going to keep to her no contest guilty plea for the trial at pasco the following week and stephen arlene were to be paid two thousand five hundred apiece what's davey crockett doing on the hundred dollar bill here i am paying arlene her money in advance in exchange for a proper interview and additional information a thousand dollars on sunup in the fourth race at belmont steve then got concerned about his payment she wants to know when i was gonna get paid so i told her you know i trusted to i trust you guys that you'll pay me when you when you're gonna pay me when are we gonna pay yeah um well originally we were going to pay half the money up front you might just pay me all the way at the end no problem with me i have trust my fellow person one thousand dollars of the final payment was to go to lee warnos directly in prison i had always thought the son of sam law would prevent this kind of payment but steve said son of sam isn't in effect anymore and how did you first get to hear of that i read about her in the newspaper i saw her pictures in the paper and my dad was in the hospital with a heart attack and my husband and i had nothing to do but read papers and so we read the papers on her and as soon as we saw the pictures in the paper her eyes i mean i read people's eyes and i just knew she was not capable of being a serial killer and doing what they said so we prayed for two and a half weeks and finally at the end of two and a half weeks we reached out to her through a letter and i told her that um she was going to think i was crazy but that jesus himself told me to write to her and she said that when she first got arrested she went and said god if you are real send a christian woman into my life to befriend me through this mess so she got my letter and i mean it was just like instant explosion like poof here's this person so that's how it started and lots of phone calls later and hundreds of letters later and thousands of dollars of phone bills here we are arlene believed liuna should take the guilty no contest plea and confess her sins to jesus this is my favorite picture this is the stephen lee in the courtroom after she came clean she uh i mean when did she how do you mean pleaded no contest the amazing thing about it is that you can see the look on her face it's one of the few pictures that anyone has ever taken of her that show that she's you know happy or content this is almost like the first time she's actually you know i think she's relieved if you look at her face there she's actually smiling relieved most of the pictures that the press put in the newspaper are always the unflattering ones [Music] now that leah being paid we return to the prison the following day all right we've come to try and uh do uh to see lee warner okay we're gonna have to go back to the car and get them you have to be mr broomfield that's right you were the one that was held hostage at the rear gate when i spoke to you i was the one who was what you were being held at the rear gate remember oh we we unfortunately drove around me yeah we photographed the institution and got into a lot of trouble remember we need a picture id or a driver's license we waited for an hour for the prison escort to take us through then we heard lee was again refusing to talk apparently since tyria betrayed her to the police he just wanted to be left alone in herself there's been enormous public pressure to send her to the chair and each county wants to be seen to be the one to do it want to be present for today's hearing because i'm tired of this re-election jazz or just trying to get promotional ladder climbing and political prestige from this and i'm sick and tired of this i'll probably get three more death row sentences and then i gotta go to pasco and dixon for two more uh death row how many times you gotta kill me you know i mean this is this is [ __ ] they don't need to be doing this of the victims families have said they want to be present at the execution steve is even talking about selling the film rights off to the highest bidder to publicize the horrors of the chair the people that did this just cannot imagine the grief the hurt the anguish that they have caused this family this is a man that i have i hope she meets up with quote old sparky you know who old sparky is and if the other lady soul wishes she could stand there and hold her head as far as i'm concerned people were also concerned tyria moore lee's girlfriend had not come forward earlier and i feel like the other girl could have stopped some of them if she'd come forward in time she knew about some of them but she didn't say anything maybe save four men could have been saved if she had and she did not and mrs prater's brother was the fourth victim lee meanwhile became increasingly withdrawn and he doesn't want to hostile all right you don't have to be here but let me give it some thought and i'll decide whether okay i don't care what the sentence is i'm already on death row i'm going to see the chair i don't this is all reelectional purposes this is not for nothing but get you guys re-elected and this is a bunch of [ __ ] this doesn't even need to happen i'm trying to save taxpayers money you people don't care you want to press on with a jury and everything else try to impress the public and all i want to do is go back to prison wait for the chair and get the hell off this planet that's full of evil and your corruption in these courtrooms it was in these woods that lee warnos claimed richard mallory raped and abused her many believed her testimony but then what about the other six victims we contacted the police who conducted the investigation tricia jenkins lee's ex public defender a psychiatrist who examined her and taria moore would all refuse to talk at her trial lee warnos was medically described as a damaged and primitive child who sees the world as a place full of evil spirits and ghosts she was described as having uncontrollable rages and temper tantrums and being too immature to properly grasp the finality of death mike reynolds has just published a book on warner's called dead ends well lee's life was uh this is pretty much you had run out as a prostitute which was never that very successful with she never put much effort into it lea never put much effort into her her crimes either it was crimes prior to that uh she didn't have uh much of a commodity out there she was overweight she was berry she never dressed as a prostitute never wore makeup she wore cutoffs sneakers a camo t-shirt and a cap and glasses standing on the side of the road and her and her hustle as you look at her hustle she wasn't soliciting she would get in the car and gauge the situation say i'm uh you know these are my kids here and show the photographs of the children lori grody's children it was aunt sisters children and give him some song and dance story i need some money and i'll tell you what i'll do this for you you know we could go over here in the woods and do this it was she was running out of she was running out of options [Music] it was the night before the trial at pasco county other lawyers were accusing steve of greasing lee's path to the electric chair and being unfit to represent her they would turn their backs on steve as he walked into the courthouse there's no contest please i'm a public defender [Music] pretending that i'm doing well when the rich make belle and the poor stay in jail i wonder what i'm doing here steve still insists lee wants to die so why did she get so angry when she was sentenced i mean why did why did she have the outburst that she had in court why did she give the judge the bird why you know why did she react to you and to arlene in the way that she did after that sentence was passed if she uh maybe you i you misunderstand what i have uh no problems with lately had no problems with me after that play well i thought she there was a long time when she didn't write to either of you or no all right we're talking on march 31st she entered a change of plea may 15th she was sentenced uh may 15th till now is one that's only it's 30 days in that 30 day period i have written to lead twice and seen her and i but you just saw yeah i just saw [Music] we are finally about to see lee warnos on her way to court all the press attention has made her into something of a star even before her arrest up to 15 hollywood movie companies were competing for her story to date republic pitchers and cbs have produced a tv movie called overkill starring jean smart as lee wanos and there are two feature films being negotiated there are also the chat shows documentaries in the books the deal on on a killing day gives arlene crowley 33 on every paperback sold lee facing yet another death sentence seemed to be more upset about these deals than anything else yes i'd like to say that [Music] to the public and to all the people in the world and to the news personnel that have been working on this these trials and these cases for the past 16 months that had stated defamations and mendacious lies of 98.6 percent magazines and news articles to probably paid off by the cops to vile my character make me look like monster and deranged or something like a jeff dahmer which i'm not uh i intend to expose the crooked cops to the to the people all over the world not just america not just florida all over the world before i die and i also feel that the movie overkill that is a total fictional lie that they framed me as a first time serial female serial killer for the title for that movie for a first female serial killer is not what i am and i'm not even near it and my confessions prove it yet they did not they have taken the confessions and gone 200 against what my confession stated to get their bogus movie out and it stated self-defense totally which they hid from the jury at the mallory trial and they've had have hid from the public eye lee warnos insists she's not a serial killer that she did not stalk her victims or plan her crimes as with the movie deals lee is also surrounded by a web of experts or competing with her own theories on her behavior lee is portrayed as anything from a neglected and abused child who hates her father and is murdering him over and over again to a sadist who takes pleasure in the agony of her victims geneticists have asked for samples of lee's body tissue and there are plans to preserve lee warner's brain for future experimentation sheriff we're chasing sheriff don moorland across the marion county car park sheriff moreland has avoided our phoning quarries about three of his officers reportedly having had movie discussions with hollywood a month prior to lee's arrest we've also contacted the public defender's office the state attorney's office and the public prosecutor's office all of whom have refused to talk to us we tried to get sheriff morland to speak all he did was to lock the door of his public building from the inside the only person who would talk to us was sergeant brian jarvis of the marion county police force who led the murder investigation i asked him whether the case had caused his demotion demoted into the traffic right i was actually transferred back into the patrol division it had followed a month of continual harassment on the job in the current position i was in which ultimately started when captain vinegar had realized that i found out about their plan to work with tyria moore in obtaining a movie rights package and who was tyria tyria moore during the course of this investigation she was targeted as one of the two suspected killers of these men and there was a lot of that a state attorney's report found that three of jarvis's fellow officers captain vinegar sergeant munster and major dan henry were involved in movie discussions with tyria moore after lee's arrest yeah ultimately when the when the arrests came lee wuornos was charged with the murder and tyria moore was not charged with anything but she was made a states witness and she was working with these fellow officers on obtaining movie rights i met her in a bar the police had found tyria in ohio where she agreed to set up her lover to confess we were sitting on the floor watching tv and she just come out and said i have something to tell you and i asked her what and she said that she had shot and killed a man that day she loved you didn't she yes she said she'd do anything for you yes she did in order for her to say what you wanted her to he lied to him right yes it was in fact much more than a couple of times wasn't it it could have been yes i did tyria moore agreed with sergeant jarvis's superiors to help get lee to confess tyrea was brought back down to marion county and housed in a motel from the motel tarya moore had a number of phone conversations with lee who at that time was held in custody in jail but had not yet confessed to the murders these conversations were monitored and made under police supervision they've called they've been up to my parents again they've got my sister now asking her questions so what the hell's going on huh what are they asking your sister questions i don't know hmm they're coming after me i know they are no they're not they're not they've got to do that why are they asking so many questions then honey listen listen listen do what you gotta do okay i'm gonna have to because i'm not gonna go to jail for something that you did this isn't fair my family has a nervous wreck up there my mom has been calling me all the time she doesn't know what the hell is going on okay you gotta do okay all righty what i'm not gonna let you go to jail you evidently don't love me anymore you don't trust me or anything i mean you're going to let me get in trouble for something that i didn't do i can't help it i'm scared shitless okay yes wait how did you do this why didn't you do this listen ty wait i'll probably [Applause] don't worry okay okay i love you no don't do it now get it over with right this very moment yeah it's getting over with all right okay okay you can call me back later all right all right okay bye at her confession lee repeated parts of the phone conversation with tai and said it was because of ty that she was my family confessing was crying right now my family's getting all messed up she i didn't do anything you got me involved in the jabs because that car that got wrecked um you need to go and tell them that you did it and get me strength [Music] came from what police called a small town quintessential american family something which lee was greatly drawn to [Music] [Applause] [Music] it seems anytime something comes up with the wurnose case we get affected for example in october on october 31st just days after depositions had been taken on the case i came home from work and went to my back door and noticed a note in the door and the head the back door of my house yes and the note was stuck in the door and i read it and and essentially it said you know keep your mouth shut unless you want your family to get hurt and i really didn't think too much of it at the time because you know i've seen threats before it's no big deal but i turned it over to the florida department of law enforcement uh just in the event that anything did happen i wanted them to have it documented less than a month later on november 25th my wife had gone out to the post office in the store during the daylight hours i was like 10 o'clock in the morning when she came home the house had been broken into the doors were a jar she went up to my office and all of the files on the wernos case on the the investigators and all the information i had been trashed nothing else had been touched in the house this is a note that was pinned to brian jarvis's back door he suspects a burglary was connected with the warnos case the most frustrating has been unable to prove who was responsible i have no way to prove who broke into my house i went to the hillsborough county sheriff's office i went to the florida department of law enforcement i had hoped that i could get a good investigation done instead the florida department of law enforcement initially accused the media of breaking into my house to create a story it was ridiculous they refused to acknowledge the fact that that there was something wrong here they had to check into and they refused to check into it after accusing the media they accused me of setting up the burglary totally ridiculous they wouldn't brian jarvis now works as a private investigator in tampa he resigned from the police force and i could see from that point on you know the state attorney's office wouldn't do anything in their investigation up in ocala fdle wouldn't do their job down here i wrote to the the fbi took four months to get a reply from them in the meantime we were literally awake for weeks at a time because we're afraid to go to sleep at night and it just really messed up our uh our whole lifestyle you know but just the thought that's taken away the evidence confronting tyria moore she was in possession of property belonging to one of the murder victims yet she was never charged with anything she had been seen when we brought the composites around a person in a convenience store said i saw two people fitting those descriptions in here and the date and time she gave was the same date and time that we narrowed mr humphries down to being there because we had found a receipt in his car a statement was taken from her it was never followed up on she was never shown photographs of the girls she was never followed up on in any manner there is no evidence that tyrea moore was involved in the killings we talked to the clerk at the convenience store she remembered seeing tyria and lee together but refused to give us an interview none of the witnesses attached the case would talk to us this man met tyria moore and lee warnoth when they crashed a car in these woods belonging to peter sims one of the murder victims if y'all don't get in that stand and get out of here i'm going to call them well we just wanted to ask about lee walnuts and tyrion more at the truck stop i don't wanna i got nothing to say i don't know something happened with that car before or after or whatever i don't know because there was a guy called ray who fixed it right yeah we tried to talk to him but he seemed very frightened yeah what do you think why do you think he was frightened i don't know he might be scared that girl gonna get out y'all and get him next i don't know it was tyria moore driving the victim's car when it crashed leewanos has never implicated tyria in the murders and tyria moore the mysterious tyria moore michael mccarthy is writing a book with brian jarvis the ex-policeman i believe the person that she as she perceived it loved for the first time in her whole life and was willing to do whatever under whatever circumstances to provide what she probably had for the first time was like a nuclear family she became a couple she was the husband quote unquote and tyria moore was the wife or at least that seems to be the setup out of that spirals a life of incredible resentment frustration and rage and who does she kill she kills her father over and over and over again uh the police say we don't know how many men she killed she kept killing the same guy we don't know what triggered it off but it wouldn't take a a a a a a sigmund freud to try to figure out the relationship between her and her father and to look at these middle-aged white men sort of business types who must have epitomized to her everything that she hated in this culture i'd also learned to my horror that arlene had written to lee saying that she didn't trust my eyes and lee should be very careful in dealing with us arlene herself hadn't visited lee now for over two months and had said in an unguarded moment that she wished she'd never heard of arlene warnos i am asking very quietly turn the cameras off and we gave you half your money i did not get anything and this is not true this is nothing listen to me this has nothing to do with money this has to do with trespassing and invasion of my privacy i'm asking you to turn the camera this has to be i'm leaving this has to do with reneging on a deal that you made i said that you have signed yes stephen glazier would be here i do not see mr glazier's body anywhere on the premises is not written into the contract the only time we can film you is with mr glazer is it no but it also is not in the contract that this 27th or eighth day of june that i have to speak alone i said we arranged that we would see you on sunday correct with mr glazer that was your arrangement with mr glaze it's nothing to do with us rita i'm asking we've been here for four weeks we've been here now for four weeks originally we were going to see lee the first week look it legally i have a right to tell you you're trespassing now i will talk to you with my attorney period i don't like i think you're a very very deceptive person well that's fine and i think you've been playing games and i think you're incredibly mercenary and i think you've been playing around with us and i've had enough well fine i am asking you to please leave and i will speak with you with mr glazer period i don't like coming home after hard days doing stuff and having cameras on you this is the last time we were here you didn't get that it was given to steve glaser who put it in your hand we filmed us now this is the fifth time i have counted i am asking to turn off the camera did we not give you the money lee has finally agreed to see us and steve is coming too to make sure we get i'm in in the sun [Music] 1967 and the hits keep rolling on www spinning stacks of wax back to back [Music] will you let me know when she is okay you don't have any secret cameras in your belly no no i just have this rather large one right here hi how you doing when i just got from trial there was no way i mean right after trial uh i mean after the hearing everything you know yeah where i was at pasco yeah so it's been a struggle to actually see i know yeah um is it uh did you have any problems with arlene with arlene yeah it's been a little tough going yeah yeah okay did you know that we're here yeah she told me about it yeah okay um i um i i said a couple of things to ali yeah and uh i mean i i i hope you got all the money and everything i don't care about the money all i care about is the crooked cops one of the questions i wanted to ask you was why do you why the money in a sense is important to you because you can't how much can you spend here a month not very much and uh the money is not but it seems like it might be to you people no i was just wondering if i mean because presumably most because i'll lean on the state role arlene and steve seem to be the money hungry people yes and i have i'm having a problem with arlene and steve and i do believe that's their purpose their main purpose and i do believe that their main purpose see me die because i have to be honest with you i told darlene i thought she was very mercenary that's what bottom of my argument did you pay them more than ten thousand no okay i wanted to make sure on that too because i don't believe them i i have my doubts about arlene and steve i believe that arlene and steve are i have a problem i can't discuss it right now especially on camera i mean arlene did not adopt me to be my mother she adopted me to bury me and she adopted me just to visit and have easier access to visitation there and she's doing a lot of steve is doing a lot of in the media and so is arlene and they're both really pissing me off because i think their motive was just to make money okay and i just can't go any further than that because i'll do it later just before i go or something how much did they have to do when you're changing your defense as well to do with you changing they did it they convinced me um i'll give you an example and this is what's really pissing me off is um when they wanted me to plead no contest steve did and arlene arlene started it i think and steve just kind of fell in but arlene kept why don't you plead guilty you know don't go through all these trials i can't take it anymore all these childs she couldn't take it yeah and um and you know your mother you're killing your new adopted mom now with these trials and stuff and if you don't go to the trials and the cops don't have anything for the movie and it and i yeah and i found out that it didn't matter because the day that i pleaded no contest to marion there was a big write-up in the front page about the cops doing their movie anyway so it didn't make a difference i already too late i already said it so why do you think i mean i know because they convinced me that the cops would not be able to do their movie and have any access to this movie because they needed the trials to go through but dude why do you think arlene and steve would want you to plead guilty arlene and steve have both suggested how i could kill myself that's not very motherly is it what can yourself while you're in the in this institution i mean they both suggested it it's not very motherly nor very lawyerly is it and even giving me some ideas so that's pretty sick i know they're they're not on my side but it's too late now all i need to do is slide through the rest of these stupid trials pascal dixon dixie find me a real good detective and a real good investigative reporter to go out and figure out what's going on uh with find out that i'm telling the truth and they're lying find the evidence and once you've got evidence i can get a new trial and i need to go to a new trial through the supreme court and what about before all this happened did you you mean before the crimes themselves i was doing fine until tara told me to start going to see strangers and make more money that's how i wound up in this situation but hadn't you been but you had been working as a prostitute for a while before then i was doing real good monetarily yeah i was making hand over fist to money i was doing real good the only thing the only problem that happened is when saudi arabia came in my clients started going to desert storm and going to the bases and training and getting ready to go overseas and do that deal in kuwait and so i lost a lot of my regulars and tyra told me well why don't you go out there and do your strangers again like you did from the beginning when i started hooking and i thought you know i can deal with my strength my regulars i have now i only make about 150 a week did you feel that tyre was into it but i wanted me to bring in 700 or a thousand a week what did you feel tyra was into it for money as well well now i look at it yes definitely she would choose she was using me monetarily so it was my first lover before tyra i bought her a pressure cleaning business and everything and she took off two months after i bought it for her and now steve and i lean as well everybody they must be the economy man why do people just everybody seems like they just care about the money they don't care about me eileen warren has killed seven people she deserves to die who gives a darn let's make some money and forget about her but that's not the point it's a i say it's this the principle is self-defense they say it's number i say it's principal the heck with what it it has nothing to do with the number kill it's the principle but they're saying if there is a number now self-defense is self-defense no matter how many times it is i don't care if it's a hundred times i was very i never provoked those guys i never provoked them i never assumed any provocations whatsoever it was very nice very decent very clean very ladylike i didn't even swear in front of my clients and a lot of my clients i talk about jesus and i talk political both mixed together and we never argued so there was no provocation whatsoever there was no need for them to look for the closest weapon in the vehicle and try to use it on me to rape me two did five tried are you guys ready for me twenty three minutes do you want to do it two or three more minutes okay i don't want to break anymore so what are you guys going to do are you going to uh try to investigate some of this yeah we will if you guys can look for the republican pitchers contract you've got it right there if you can find it that'll send me a new trial for a supreme court the republicans yeah republican pitchers that's where they're working that over kill movie if you can find the contract they're they're dead mate this section is being covered by this voiceover because of potential legal problems that might otherwise arise as with the bleep section that is to follow up in their mind she's a serial killer we're going to even if she's innocent we don't care we're going to make the public believe she's serious but anyway that's what said that even two things you're gonna have to do you're gonna have to get the public to believe that she's circular and you're gonna have to get her convicted in order to get this movie to go we're gonna be in ocala over the next couple of days and we're trying to ask the police their involvement in it good and then we'll come back and see you again on tuesday great because see um we tried to contact the police officers lee mentioned but they declined comment state attorneys report concluded there have been no exchange of contracts or money between the police and republicans thank you okay thank you take care yourself when we returned for our tuesday meeting with lee warnock the prison informed us we were no longer welcome they cited our previous security violation shortly after we left it was discovered that richard mallory lee warnos's first victim had spent 10 years in an institution for attempted rape should there be an appeal steve glaser will not be in charge of the case several months after we left the hollywood movie discussions reportedly caught up with the police sergeant munster and captain vinegar have both been transferred out of the criminal investigation division and here sheriff mullen is announcing the resignation of major dan henry following the bug phone conversation he had about the warnos movie deals good afternoon ladies and gentlemen this is one of the most unpleasant things i've ever had to do and i'll read to you a release on november the 10th 1992 major dan henry resigned as chief of staff of the marion county sheriff's office after being notified of an investigation being conducted by the florida department of law enforcement the investigation was requested by sheriff don mooreland and sheriff elect ken ergel after information was received by the sheriff's office from attorney bill de carlis in behalf of his client deputy bruce munster the investigation being conducted by the florida department of law enforcement centers around tape telephone conversations made by deputy munster between he and major henry involving the eileen warnos case the florida department of law there's speculation that if it is found the officers did receive money all lee warnos's death sentences could be overturned the sheriff's office car could i speak to sheriff mullen please sir i'm sorry the sheriff is not in right now can i take a message and have him call you back uh superintendent butler please oh hello could i speak to superintendent butler please he's not in this moment [Music] yes i'm trying to get hold of trisha jenkins please oh in just a minute so she's in the courthouse at this time can i ask her to give you a call back when she returns sheriff can i help you yes it's nicholas springfield calling back for sheriff moreland i'm afraid he's not available right now uh any idea when he might be back no sir i really don't know uh is he coming back today i'm really not sure he has been given your messages sir superintendent's office oh hello and i'm calling back for superintendent butler he is in a meeting right now mr broomfield it will be at least two hours need someone to get up and stand up for your rights well maybe i can help you send me a message to the sound of the tone and i'll get back to you as soon as possible [Music]
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 667,589
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Keywords: Real Stories, Real Stories Full Documentary, Real Stories Documentary, Full length Documentaries, Documentary, Documentary Movies - Topic, aileen wuornos the selling of a serial killer, aileen wuornos the selling of a serial killer trailer, aileen wuornos the selling of a serial killer netflix, aileen wuornos the selling of a serial killer (1992), aileen wuornos movie, aileen wuornos trial, aileen wuornos monster, aileen wuornos sentenced, crime documentary
Id: FjaBBZmz_Vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 56sec (5036 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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