AI Panel Discussion W/ Emad Mostaque, Ray Kurzweil, Mo Gawdat & Tristan Harris | EP #96

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how do you control a technology that runs on laptops and smartphones and is moving in a ubiquitous decentralized training Direction these Technologies can help us appreciate the world better appreciate each other's stories and tell the stories of each other this is not a question of Technology this is a question of human fear the fear here is that the other party is going to beat me there's so many ways that we can make AI a part of the solution but we have to look at all the ways that's been Mis incentivized so far this is a moment where we have to uh remove the shackles of technology to be very open and honest I think we need to use technology in our benefit but not let it use us let me kick it off here um imod how do you feel about sentients do you feel that these models are becoming sentient um or conscious I don't think so yeah I think there's still like weights and asky files that you I like a se you put something in and something else comes out however as you combine them with humans working on them and in agent based things I think you'll see new forms of emergent intelligence and potentially sentience from that Mo how about you do you imagine we're going to see sentience uh Define sentience I mean if you if you think of us as a sentient then um that's a question if you think a tree is sentient that's that's a different question if you think the universe is sentient that's a different question I mean how much difference are we uh you know to to asky code and you know we DNA code in a very interesting way I Define it as I Define it as human level sentient um and then I'm going to go to Andy and I'm going go to Sim next yes what what what what makes us human is that we uh are we have free will they have free will uh what makes us human is that we can procreate they can procreate what makes us human is that we have emotions they have emotions uh if you define emotions as um you know fear is an understanding that a moment in the future is a little less safe than a moment right now then they have the same logic uh it's a very complex question but I will openly say it's an irrelevant question because if they simulate sentience uh then that's the way we should treat them interesting Annie and I'm also looking forward to this top question in slido Annie what you got um hey everyone um right it's great to see you back here in person um the question that I have we we just came back from the beneficial AGI conference in Panama and we were we were talking about humanity and where the fear is coming from do you believe what how can more of humanity get involved in the creation of super intelligence super AGI one and two do you believe this super intelligent super AGI truly belongs to the world and if so should companies and governments own it or should it really belong to humanity you want that's a that's a huge question um you know a mentor of mine said with AI it's like which entity would you trust to be a trillion times more powerful than it is um would you trust a corporation to be a trillion times more powerful would you trust a government to be a trillion times more powerful um and then what does it mean for something to be a trillion times more powerful and then have some kind of democratic accountability to the will of the people um you know in our presentation we tried to focus on we all we all want those super intelligent benefits um and one of the challenges in the way that AIS are currently trained is the benefits are directly connected to the risks right now we want the donuts we don't want the diabetes the the thing that gets you the perfect AI biology tutor for every middle schooler is inseparable from the thing that knows how to tell you about to make biological weapons if you want the first you can't get the other one the thing that makes cool AI art is inseparable from also knowing how to make child sexual abuse material and removing out the the controls um and so I think that's that's one of the key challenges how do we get clear about what we don't want so that we can steer towards the world that we do and then have the controls in place as best as we can and the problem is how do you control a technology that runs on laptops and smartphones and is moving in a ubiquitous decentralized training Direction I'm going to go to slido next then s and then Zoom uh is there any discussion happening around mixing spirituality with AI can AI connect with God anybody want to take that on imod uh so as was a former theology student yes that's right um so I think it's interesting because what this AI does is we take hundreds of thousands of gigabytes of images or trillions of words and compress it down to a few gigabytes and that can't be compression of data it's compression of context so when looking at Islamic theology for example uh the 99 names of alala like fasting is a representation of the Divine aspect of sadiat or Freedom from Want when you can press this technology down you can say in Del 3 make it happier and it understands a concept of Happiness from being trained on the human Corpus of Happiness so when I see this technology what I see is certain aspects of the Divine through the context shifting of that because what we're trying to do with law of spirituality is get Beyond where we are right now and understand reflections of something a bit beyond and that's what a latent space is for me it is the concept of Happiness the concept of creativity the concept of fulfillment and these Technologies can help us appreciate the world better appreciate each other's stories and tell the stories of each other just like it says you know we made you diverse so you could better understand each other over the years I've experimented with many intermittent fasting programs uh the truth is I've given up on intermittent fasting as I've seen no real benefit when it comes to longevity but this changed when I discovered something called prolon 5day fasting nutrition program it harnesses the process of autophagy this is a cellular recycling process that revitalizes your body at a molecular level and just one cycle of the 5-day prolong fasting nutrition program can support healthy aging fat focused weight loss improved energy levels and more it's a painless process and I've been doing it twice a year for the last year you can get a 15% off on your order when you go to my special URL go to prolon p r l NL back/ moonshot get started on your longevity Journey with prolon today now back to the episode all right we're go to selem and then we're going to go Stacy hail on Zoom s yeah a clarification question a member of our faculty for each of you which is a beef that I've had for a while we we worry about AI getting smarter than human beings right and the question I have is what do we mean by smarter because we have the IQ test with measures the speed of thought processing and the ability to match Concepts across Frameworks we don't measure emotional intelligence spacial intelligence the Eastern concept of presence and awareness so what do you mean by smarter is my big question that I've not had a good answer to what's smarter for you Ray uh well I'm I'm holding this because I I believe almost everybody here has one and it definitely makes it smarter we know all kinds of things that we didn't know even 5 years ago I I I generally ask people when I speak to them how many people have this their smartphone almost everybody says yes 5 years ago it was maybe 5050 10 years ago almost nobody had it and so in a very small period of time we've enhanced our intelligence by carrying the best we have of machine intelligence and it's really merging with us and also machine intelligence is learning from us uh so it's uh it's really part of who we are out outsourced uh Stacy I just I just want to make a quick followup comment the the the best comment I think we've ever heard about this comes from you right when we were talking about Consciousness and you said language is a very thin pipe to discuss topics as rich as this so thank you for that comment thank you Saleem uh Stacy so when we were looking at the four quadrants earlier and down at the bottom the two areas where we have the villains and all the different things that could happen there is there a way we can leverage AI to mitigate those things from happening obviously we talked about child abuse materials but all the different things that were happening there can we leverage AI to help us with that totally um and that's that's uh the invitation that we want to make to the whole world is this is our urgent challenge we have you know when the framers of the Constitution we're thinking about how do we prevent untrustworthy centralized power in governance they were trying to do that with old mechanisms is just law and institutions and now Larry leig wrote in his book you know code is Law and we now need to bring new technological answers in addition to sociological answers to how do we check on trustworthy power we have things like zero knowledge proofs um we can also use AI for example to find consensus opinions in democracies rather than social media which is sorting for what is a cultural fault line of inflammation and then incentivizing people to tweet to drive up outrage and anger to divide Society on every fault line you could have ai that tries to find the synthesis of different perspectives and rank for the unlikely synthesis when do clusters of users who typically tweet different things and are angry about different things when is there actually something that they tend to agree on that's a shared value and what if we were sorting by unlikely consensus than sorting by division and outrage there's so many ways that we can make AI a part of the solution but we have to look at all the ways it's been Mis incentivized so far I love this question on slido that will go to anua uh it says here uh what are the key skills that us teenagers I'm guessing it's a teen table here can learn to excel in the age of AI I think one of the most important questions so teens listen up to the answer who wants to imod or Mo you want to what so so uh we've got teenagers here what should they be doing um I think that you know you've seen the code models come out you've seen the art models come out but I believe that they can build content they can build boiler plates they can't do art yeah they can't do actual proper programming a large part of what you have is the leadership organization and systems thinking is the most important thing you can have because again you must think what if I had that new continent with 100 billion talented people what will I do to make my processes better to make the world better to make my life and other elements better I think that's the best mental model to think about what you should have and those skills are the things you should have problem solving skills and you should also use it every single day I think one of the final questions and our thing was what should we do everybody in all your organizations should use one of these Technologies at least half an hour a week and report back what they find and you'll find some incredible stuff how many folks here are using uh gemini or chachy BT at least half an hour a week right I mean my comment to my team is I want it open during every board meeting during every staff meeting I want it as a tab open on my machine all the time there are so many times where I stop myself from doing something go oh my God that's just going to be so much better for me to do on on Gemini right and it literally is like holy moments where I would have wasted half an hour an hour of my time it's boom it's done what teenagers should do is actually answer these questions how can we relieve ourselves of these risks and they'll be just as good as adults it's not like you need to be of a certain age uh to be able to answer these questions great Point Ray everybody I want to take a short break from our episode to talk about a company that's very important to me and could actually save your life or the life of someone that you love company is called Fountain life and it's a company I started years ago with Tony Robbins and a group of very talented Physicians you know most of us don't actually know what's going on inside our body we're all optimists until that day when you have a pain in your side you go to the physician or the emergency room and they say listen I'm sorry to tell you this but you have this stage three or four going on and you know it didn't start that morning it probably was a problem that's been going on for some time but because we never look we don't find out so what we built at Fountain life was the world's most advanced diagnostic Centers we have four across the us today and we're building 20 around the world these centers give you a full body MRI a brain a brain vasculature an AI enabled coronary CT looking for soft plaque dexa scan a Grail blood cancer test a full executive blood workup it's the most advanced workup you'll ever receive 150 GB of data that then go to our AIS and our physicians to find any disease at at the very beginning when it's solvable you're going to find out eventually might as well find out when you can take action Fountain life also has an entire side of Therapeutics we look around the world for the most Advanced Therapeutics that can add 10 20 healthy years to your life and we provide them to you at our centers so if this is of interest to you please go and check it out go to Fountain Peter when Tony and I wrote Our New York Times best seller life force we had 30,000 people reached out to us for Fountain life memberships if you go to Fountain Peter will put you to the top of the list really it's something that is um for me one of the most important things I offer my entire family the CEOs of my companies my friends it's a chance to really add decades onto our healthy lifespans go to fountainlife decom back/ Peter it's one of the most important things I can offer to you as one of my listeners all right let's go back to our episode anua very proud to have Ana anari the CEO of the ex prise here with us today thank you I agree that AI is um inevitable and it's moving very fast also like what um you know mo said about changes in society and a shift where you know as parents we become responsible parents however this is not something that's going to happen anytime soon as we can see uh the state of our world I would even question human intelligence as being intelligent um so with that given and the fact that these models are using resources of our planet energy and Water Resources even more than human beings and if we give them more power more control there will be a resource contention which causes the wars that we fight as human beings and now we're adding very powerful machines to fight this Wars with us or against us how can we create a pathway where we slow down we can't stop it but we can slow it down and give ourselves time to figure out the answers to this question because one thing I heard today is that all of us were saying we don't know and we don't know how to solve it but is there way is taxation of all the companies and things that go into powering these models on energy and water a way to slow it down so we can actually find time to find answers to our questions Mo can this be slowed down is there a velocity knob an onoff switch uh no no no is my answer unfortunately once again as I mentioned in the in the first in first inevitable this is not a question of Technology this is a question of human fear uh the the most um active motivator humans can ever engage with is fear and the fear here is that the other party is going to beat me and uh you know the second biggest motivator in our world is greed and there is a trillion dollar pie to be gained uh for from those who can uh create the next big thing and so uh I I I I would probably say it's not a wise thing to hope for a Slowdown I think the uh the right thing to do is to embrace that that intelligence in itself is a good thing and just direct it in the right direction I we we saw this with Google um right I mean Google had the tech uh they you know the whole the first the first ethos of this was don't put it out on the worldwide web and don't give it permission to code itself right if you don't want this to go you know to dispatch to the right um and unfortunately they got their hand got forced and you heard Sergey recently say put it out too early there's a lot of pressures there uh I just say I think the one of the solutions to this is actually open because our releasing of the image model meant that dozens of people didn't need to train their own and we optimized it for the edge so it wouldn't require these massive compute requirements CU it's like you have to send them to University once and then you can put them everywhere so build open models so other people don't have to and then optimize them for the edge so it doesn't use up all the resources rather than gigantic gpus and I think that can mitigate it somehow nice we go to Kareem on Zoom Kareem where are you and what's your question yes hi I'm Karim from Caan Morocco uh well my question is is to each and any one of you um first thank you for all your your presentation they were awesome and I like the fact that some of you are not pretty pretty close or or or agree with uh each other and my question is as human being how should we handle our identity knowing that we have ai today and Quantum Computing coming in a very fast pace which will also completely uh uh cope with the the curve that Reay showed us today how should we how should we position ourselves in front of this tremendous intelligence we're going to hear about that a little bit later um and tomorrow yes if you thought things were moving fast uh hold on we're about to hit War warp speed uh who wants to take that one questions of human identity in the face of all this are super hard um a friend of ours says that um AI is like the 24th century crashing down on the 21st century um and if you think about that much change happening that quickly like imagine if 20th century or 21st century technology was crashing down on 16th century uh governance right the king assembles all of his advisers and send in the knights to do something about Wi-Fi and video games and like what are you going to do um and you know I think the thing that is universal to bridge on the question that was asked before about slowing it down is a lot of the people that you know we talk to people in the AI safety and AI risk Community quite a bit and what everyone seems to be able to agree on is that feel a lot more comfortable if this change was happening instead over uh 2 years but over 20 years um and Jeff Bezos you know said that Society does adapt to new technology but it needs time for its immune system to come and I think one thing to think about is a principle is how can the immune system of a society have greater compute processing power than the rate of evolution of the mutation of threats and right now the mutation of threats has greater compute behind it than the immune system of our society um so we need to I think correct for those those asymmetries the question of identity is is a very dangerous question and I'm I'm being philosophical here but you know we've we've just ended Millennia of gender identity uh you know uh discrimination if you want uh the idea of defining an identity necessarily leads us to believe that one identity is either Superior or inferior to the other and that by definition might might mean in the long term that we try to treat AI differently even if it has rights uh I think the idea here is to try and and welcome AI as as I always say as our artificially intelligent infants I think I think this is a very big stretch at the moment but more and more I mean your your work in the morning today Peter while you're talking to all of those Bots it's just the Doss level the very entry level of how uh they will fit in our society so we might as well welcome them rather than identify them and discriminate against them it's going to be merged with us uh we already carry around a lot of digital intelligence today uh and that's actually how this will be manifest merging it with ourselves did you know that your microbiome is composed of trillions of bacteria viruses and microbes and that they play a critical role in your health you know research has increasingly shown that microbiomes impact not just digestion but a wide range of health conditions including digestive disorders from IBS to Crohn's disease metabolic disorders from obesity to type 2 diabetes autoimmune disease like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis mental health conditions like depression and anxiety and cardiovascular disease you viome has a product I've been using for years called full body intelligence which collects just a few drops of your blood saliva and stool and can tell you so much about your health they've tested over 700,000 individuals and used their AI models to deliver key critical guidelines and insights about their members Health like what foods you should eat what foods you shouldn't eat what supplements or probiotics to take as well as your biological age and other deep Health insights and as a result of the recommendations that viome has made to their members the results have been Stellar as reported in the American Journal of Lifestyle medicine after just 6 months members reported the following a 36% reduction in depression a 40% % reduction in anxiety a 30% reduction in diabetes and a 48% reduction in IBS listen I've been using viome for 3 years I know that my oral and gut health is absolutely critical to me it's one of my personal top areas of focus best of all viome is Affordable which is part of my mission to democratize healthcare if you want to join me on this journey and get 20% off the full body intelligence test go to Peter when it comes to your health knowledge is power again that's Peter Paul and then we're going to go to the slider question oh hello my name is Paul um I'm a I'm a programmer I've been a member since July and um I want to first thank thank Peter for organizing this is very very unique unique Community very um uh thought provoking andot with talking to like-minded people uh my two questions are for uh one question for um Mo and and one question for Imad uh the question for Imad is uh do you agree with L Yan theon's yun's idea that llms can't take us to AGI because because of the the the reason that he said well according to him LMS lack planning and lack imagination and memory what what are your thoughts on that I think LMS are just one part of the memory like type one versus type two thinking and we have systems to planning and coordination and others and again just like organizations we have people of different specialist types from the Strategic people to the Tactical people so any AI will be a composite system as opposed to an individual one so llms themselves can't take AI okay be one part of it okay and this is a question for uh I mean we we shouldn't call them llms because they already deal with far more than language pictures cures for disease uh lots of things that we don't consider language are already being dealt with so we should call them large object models yeah um they're I'm going if you don't mind I want to try and sneak in a couple more more questions one last okay make it quick one okay I'll make it quick so this is this question for uh Mo I know that you're you emphasize that with all of this the most important thing is human connection and the internet is great for making human connections but when all of the thing we all flooded with with Bots and fake fake things how can we maintain the advantage of the internet yet still have actual genuine genuine connections I I think the answer is very straightforward leave the internet and go out honestly uh it's it's it seems to me very very clear [Music] that yeah this is a moment where we have to uh remove the shackles of technology to be very open and honest I think we need to use technology in our benefit but not let this let it use us I'm going to combine these two questions up here so the first one is how do I invest in AI given that emod is right with the three-year uh future visibility um which how do you invest when it's moving so damn fast uh what companies are building the infrastructure and then another question imod that you might speak to is the effect of AI is having on our education system uh CU you're extremely passionate about uh Reinventing our education system as as am I I mean I think the bot Museum that Steve Brown is building as you've seen those incredible bots of Aristotle and it's amazing what he's done right so if I want to learn about ancient Greece I can have a conversation with Aristotle or Socrates or Plato and not have to read it it's amazing in that regard Imad what do you think on those two questions um yes I think you use the mental model of where would 100,000 graduates benefit this business or other things uh later on this week I'm launching a democratized AI f as an angelist rolling fund that zero management fees Zero Performance fees to invest in the best entrepreneurs in this space that anyone can kind of participate and I've given 20 million supercomput hours over the last few years to people like that but outside of something like that just focus on where do graduates make the difference and then when it comes to education again if your student had if your child had so many tutors education is basically a Petry dish mixed with social status game you know mixed with just Child Care at the moment the whole purpose of Education should be to allow them to achieve their potential and so you need to think about how to use this AI to make them always believe they have agency and interconnection I think those are the two most important things when you're looking at this AI amazing Mo do you want to comment on on education yeah I I think education uh is a technology uh you know putting a lot of people in one place and filling their heads with stuff was the old technology AI basically and Ray will always speak about this as it integrates more and more with us it brings a lot of the elements of what we used to do in school and accordingly we want to embrace that change very very strongly and basically ask the world to move into problem solving human connection uh you know other skills like telling what's fake and what's true and so on these are the skills that are going to be needed in the future the rest is going to be provided to us uh directly through AI awesome ladies and Gentlemen please give it up for imod Tristan MO Ray [Music]
Channel: Peter H. Diamandis
Views: 35,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peter diamandis, longevity, xprize, abundance
Id: yVv3mg8zWIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 9sec (1749 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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