The Future of AI and How It Will Transform Our World (Special Keynote)

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today we're here and we are looking at artificial intelligence technology that tells us that a machine can be like a human of course that's a misunderstanding I'm sure you're aware these Technologies cannot be like a human they can pretend to be a human they can simulate to be a human it's very confusing for us because a good simulation is like you know you know this if you're into gaming you know if you're a gamer you know that you can get lost in the game and then the game becomes reality and reality becomes something else so there are many good things about artificial intelligence and I have to tell you this I've been doing this for almost 25 years and currently what's happening with artificial intelligence is the biggest change in economics and Science and business and generally Humanity for the last 100 years you know the last big change was the industrial economy oil and gas steam [Music] engines and what we did with oil and gas we said okay we want machines to drive us we want machines to take care of the fields 100 years ago 92% of Portuguese people work in agriculture today 2% of Portuguese work in agriculture now we had this big shift you know we when we had oil and gas we said okay we need all of this so the consequences of using oil and gas and coal well we didn't pay much attention to it today we're here we're facing two degrees of global warming that's bad possibly four degrees of global warming which will result in 500 million climate refugees from the south coming to Europe we should not make the same story again with artificial intelligence by saying that we can make a lot of money we can improve everything we can be faster we can have more profits and the side effects let's worry about that later that's probably not such a good idea so the mission is how can we use technology like artificial intelligence to the maximum benefit look at cancer genetic engineering Health Care banking digital money all the things that Portugal is investing in you know we can use Ai and how do we keep control of the side effects so that's sub Mission and that's definitely changing what we are artificial intelligence is a power tool people with the power tool will beat people without the power tool right what's new about that but here's the thing this is a very unique power tool if you're a carpenter you have a hammer we don't regulate how people use hammers you know you can kill a person with a hammer or you can build a house we do need to regulate this tool some of it because it's like a million hammers so if you're Carpenter you have a hammer you build a house but if I give you a nail gun you know a nail gun that Foods out the Nails right you can be 20 times as fast but you don't want to use the nail gun to give to your 5-year-old son yeah it's a dangerous tool so this is like having a nail gun for knowledge like a thousand times if you go to school today to memorize information in education for an NBA for example you have this nail gun now next year you leave school it says you have to learn Java programming you have to learn Russian unlikely then you know you can use this amazing machine to to learn so what we have to do today in school is not memorize but learn how to [Music] learn to to learn on demand not just in case so with this nail gun the AI gun I use an app called hey Jen and I make videos of myself in 30 languages no camera no screen no green screen no recording no editing is an AI that pretends to be me [Music] I you can make it say anything I mean I this this is of course the fun if you have my information you can make me say anything in any language it could be potentially dangerous but I translate all my videos I have over 1,000 videos on YouTube in English and now I'm translating all of them into Portuguese and Spanish and it's actually it's called ger tube. PT you can find my Portuguese and it's funny you know it's not perfect right it's not perfect but is better than nothing it's a great example for artificial intelligence if there's a problem you have a good laugh no big deal if it's really terrible you switch it off it's no damage done but NATO Air Traffic Control ftic engineering Financial transactions no it has to be good so it's a great example use AI in the beginning to do things that can go wrong so it's still better than not having it you know so if you don't speak any English then it's better if you can listen to it like this so with this the question comes up my key topic bom furo the good future how do you define this you know how can artificial intelligence bring a good future and the answer is clear we're not going to have a good future if we just say technology can solve every possible question there's no such thing technology is a machine do you want to trust your life to a machine it's an algorithm it doesn't have feelings emotions values none of what you think is important is what matters to the machine none what matters to the machine is yes no binary data [Music] information it has no judgment Kim cook the of Apple says technology can do great things but it does not want to do great things ites doesn't want anything there is important difference we have to decide what we want and today I'm telling you in 2030 when we have a machine that has a combined processing power then all human brains 10 billion human brains the question will no longer be what we can do but what we want to do and in Portugal and in Europe we are humanists we like to be human can you imagine with all of the efficiencies the flaws the lies the mistakes all the weird stuff that we can't explain try to explain to a machine spirituality beliefs attitudes emotions foresight intuition imagin machine has no idea what you're talking about the machine can look at my face and say oh G is angry because it sees my facial muscles but it doesn't know what angry is it has no information whatsoever what any of that actually means and if we substitute data for meaning we are in deep trouble we need to take the machine's input the logic and then process with with our intelligence that's how we're going to get anywhere in business and otherwise also so I use the machine to make images you know di CH GPT it helps me great I went to Carta Columbia I said what does carta Columbia look like in 2040 and it made this picture and I ask it questions and and it gets my energy flowing right about what the future looks like this is Humanity technology in 2040 right and supply chain in 2040 and the world of Apple in 2040 so it gives me ideas it's like an inspiration but I would say if I did that 100 times I probably will be less excited about it because it becomes kind of normal you know like I do have that every day so I want to introduce it to the three revolutions this is really crucial for Portugal and for Europe because now we're in a space where the technology Revolution is not owned by Europe it's owned by America and China and maybe Dubai now Dubai trying really hard uh to do that right so we have three revolutions the first one the digital Revolution and Portugal has done great on this actually which is a good thing the the web Summit and of course the Expo started off the whole change here in this area and all the great companies and sustainability and all the great stuff that's happening here but the sustainability Revolution is a 100 times as big as the digital Revolution we are ending a 100 Years of Reliance on oil and gas and coal you know we make $2 billion profit in the oil industry profit per day in the oil industry we spend 6 trillion Euros per year subsidizing oil and gas around the world so people can drive cheaper 6 trillion Euros how much money do we need for the Green Revolution people say roughly N9 trillion Euros per year so we have the money right we just put in the wrong place we're feeding the money to companies that will kill us right that's the their mission is to monetize our debt and so what we have today we're seeing that this is the biggest business opportunity in our lifetime I call it Big Blue technology and big green they go together that's the ticket for Portugal right here right those two things coming together because technology also like AI will allow us to go green I mean even if we weren't switching the energy sources we can still use technology to be more efficient to avoid pollution right to set up smart cities which is also happening in Portugal a lot like in in the aors right this whole thing about sustainability but the last one is a real big one we're facing a purpose Revolution people my age I'm 63 our purpose was to live better to have more property to prosper Baby Boomers we did not care a whole lot about everything else our accomplishment has been the last 25 years 50% of all Global emissions are produced by my generation 50% of all of the global pollution we made and what gets even worse 90% of the emissions of the world are produced by 10% of the people the people top 10% us so it's like a double whammy you know we've done all these things and and now our kids are coming my kids are 28 and 35 they're coming and saying you know that's not enough it's not enough to say we're going to grow and make more money and prosper yada yada right because it kills us this kind of one track economy and we recognize this in Europe then that is a good thing that's why I like to you know I live in Switzerland I consider myself European but I am German originally now people are coming and say we want people Planet purpose Prosperity not just Prosperity so that shift is everywhere we're moving into a world where that's becoming sort of The New Normal and for example in digital that means the work that humans used to do routine work commodity work the machines will do this work any work that can be automated will be automated digital darm any industry that can go digital will go digital music films television banking Financial advice Insurance everything creating huge amount of disruption but you know what if our routines are done by machines will we find other things to do yes if your job is 95% routine you are in deep [Music] trouble if you work like a machine like a robot a robot will take your job call center right think about this for a second as soon as the machine can understand regular Portuguese or English and can actually understand the customer call center work is 90% automated if if a standard call center not for Gucci you know but for simple things then as I said earlier the culture shifting to Millennials and women right we talked about this for a long time I'm great to see so many women in the audience here it's always great to have that in Portugal which we in Germany is not right there mostly 90% old white guys like myself so we're moving to a world where the Millennials in the Gen Z the next generation are taken over in politics in government in running companies the people between 25 and 45 and more women than ever before right now it doesn't exactly look like that because like okay you know we still have those guys there blocking everything but maybe it gets worse before it gets better but we're seen that as a trend in general so as we go here in this purpose Revolution this is the shift we're going from the simple definition of profitable to sustainable in many way way you could say sustainable is the new profitable because how can you be profitable if you aren sustainable that's ridiculous right because what that means is you extract value you don't put it back you die that's what it means and so far it has worked right so far it was okay but no no longer okay the next one you know the policy is Shifting I mean look no further than every country in Europe the European commission the the European AI act it is about making a larger story than just per uh money profit what is the biggest company in the world today aramco the Saudi Arabian Oil Company making good money doing very bad things has worked for a long time but it won't in the future in the future you have to make good money doing more mostly good things not all the time that's difficult right but this is the corporate agenda now un lever IIA you know everybody's on this agenda Net Zero if you're not Net Zero by 2030 people will hate you make sure you understand this you the climate emergency is a true emergency it's a 100x CO we will have rules about climate change that will be just as weird as the rules of covid but much more cutting into our reality so tax carbon tax for flying an airplane you're building a new airport here let's start with the carbon tax carbon tax for eating meat I mean somehow we have to raise 9 trillion Euros so anyway that's all happening now let's talk about intelligent assistance in AI as part of this scenario of the future we have to remember that just like the printing press the steam engine fire the internet cloud computing artificial intelligence is a general purpose technology it is used everywhere general purpose means everywhere and change in the world so in in minor change it's actually the other way around I call it intelligent assistant IIA rather than AI that that's really more real you know IIA means no longer stupid so if you want a simple defition of artificial intelligence and turn it around intelligent assistance smart software that's 95% of what we're talking about here Smart Cars Smart airplanes smart tractors smart agriculture smart cities you know there's no X machine out here or this is just basically not dumb you that's already a very big step but when we make things smart we also enable things like you know now there's war around the world where people use artificial intelligence to command the drones to kill people without human supervision can you imagine the Drone identifies you as a member of the opposing party fires off a missile without human control I'm not going to say where that happens you can think of that yourself but you know that is a nasty idea so we have we have to also be careful about the side effects let's not make a mistake that is so often made in America and also in China which is to say progress is good no matter what we'll clean up the rest later we're not going to clean up artificial intelligence unless we do it now because we're talking about the biggest economic Gold Rush that we have seen in the last 100 years the financial interests are mindboggling so as we go here we we're starting with intelligent assistance IIA for business that's basically it so you're going to have smart systems you're going to you're going to do things better and faster and so on and Thompson reuter says basically uh in the next three years if professional will have a personal AI assistant I'm not talking about Siri here I'm talking about an assistant that's like a person that you can say schedule this book My Flights change this meeting make a slideshow uh bring up the information you know basically speaking to whatever right speaking not typing so you get rid of the monkey work the monkey work all you know all the stuff that we have to do the commodity work that will happen but I'm not sure that's a good thing entirely because I like my routine work you know but U we'll see and that will make intelligence a little bit more General intelligent a little bit what we do not want is a machine that's generally intelligent that's us right we are generally intelligent humans have emotional intelligence social intelligence political intelligence kinesthetic body musical like long list what kind of intelligence do machines have intellectual you know logic calculation processing how can you have intelligence like emotional or social without existence you cannot be creative without existing so what the machines doing They're copying us being creative that's pretty good too but it's not the same you know a copy of a living thing is not the same than the living thing uh is just a good copy so the CEO of open AI the most powerful company in the world today the Blade Runner Corporation of the future Sam Alman the ruler of the world the new Caesar right he says what he wants to to build with this company and Microsoft right the phenomal ability to think create understand and [Music] reason I mean this is positively ridiculous right I I want the machine to reason and to think and to create and and and and maybe have sex I don't know yeah it's like no that's not a good idea I want the damn machine to do the job I want commodity work and there's so much of it I wanted to be my slave not my boss do you want to be the second most intelligent race on the planet not a good idea an AI with an IQ of 1 billion it could not possibly end well for us so I think he's talking about a public policy that is subject to governmental regul and I mean also National Security you think about that for a second cyber security right you have a machine that can reason what you're going to let the machine run NATO defense and then say oh just happened to be a war you know but the machine is [Music] safe I'm not so sure that's a good idea so we're going into a world where we are becoming kind of digital ourselves the mobile phone is already a step now the artificial intelligence the virtual reality glasses everything is going digital so I want to Define artificial intelligence first it is computer systems that turn information and data into knowledge them [Music] isabis Deep Mind now owned by Google of course at Demis now runs Google's AI this is a guy who said this right it's machines that turn information into knowledge I mean would that not worry you I would simply say well computer knowledge okay what is computer knowledge it's binary you know you ask the computer about the most simple things you can get amazing answers or really bad answers you don't know which right basically there's a saying in in program that says that computers are seldom wrong but never in doubt right so it's hard to figure out at which point of time they do which but basically this is about the revolution of knowledge work this is about your work this not about the factory workers or the Farmers it's about what we do and if computers have Limitless knowledge we can tap into this because they will never let's say not never never right but for the foreseeable future have the human knowledge that is very multilex multi multinary right and I explain in more detail what that means but it's a very important realization however now we have all of the headlines right glorina the Swedish company fires 700 customer service people to use an AI robot to take care of customer service Wall Street companies are saying we're not hiring Financial analysists because the machines can do this you know that reminds me of social media right remember social media 12 years ago 14 years ago all the companies said oh social media is great because we can fire our marketing team and social media people would do the marketing for us no you know now we have 20 million people working in social media they have their own budget this is not going to work now these machines will do the monkey work you know commodity work but there has plenty other work to do so the idea of getting rid of people yeah IBM says so stop hiring humans I mean IBM remember is the company that said IBM Watson could beat the doctor well well that didn't quite work out but you know maybe eventually they can help the doctor to get this done I hate to sound like utopic Tech bro here but the increase in quality of life that AI can deliver is extraordinary AI is the most profound technology humanity is working on more profound than fire or electricity also they can help us Sol very hard scientific problems that humans are not capable of solving themselves addressing climate change will not be particularly difficult for a system like that the potential for AI to help scientists cure prevent and manage all diseases in this Century I completely trust you John Stewart us TV show tackled the topic of yeah you got to it's on YouTube you got to watch it it's really hilarious 15 minutes he brings up all the quotes from these guys you know like that was Zuckerberg the robot looking guy that was zukerberg uh so when we hear what people are saying like what AI is going to solve climate change no it will not unless we make the decision that we want it solved you know this is technology it'll do whatever we want it to do or not I I mean it's like it's like this thing is going to solve what cancer just because it it can calculate yeah it's going to take a little bit more than that here's the thing about knowledge work right here we have tcid knowledge quiet knowledge this is is what you do that's why you're here well non-codified subjective cognitive experiential difficult to transfer this is what we do how can a machine learn things that are not explicit we're not telling the machine about why this matters we just know it matters when I meet you later on the audience somewhere you know it takes 0.3 seconds to recognize each other without saying a word I know you're threat potential partner potentially interesting boring I we just know this explicit knowledge that's machine territory do not let your kids learn things that are explicit do not bother in the company to set up processes for explicit things like spread sheets and filing we use technology for that that's the progress that's what machines do best so as we go here clearly it's humans doing your chain to machines doing routines that's a good thing if you like routine yeah I understand if your job is mostly routine I understand it's hard to let go of that but this is what's happening you know 90% work in agriculture now it's 2% or people work 70% in the service business in Portugal in the future we're going to work in the experience business this is what happens progress right I mean it's it's a good thing because it brings up the overall value of transactions so we have ai assistants that we can speak to I'll show you in a second we have machines like humanoid machines now we have ai assistant that basically can answer medical questions I mean if you're a doctor you wouldn't agree I'm sure but Google Amy is a medical application that uses only data for medical sources where you can get an early diagnostic anywhere in the world when you think about that for a second this is not open internet this is all verified medical information and then we have Bots like this hey figure one what do you see right now that are humanoid I see a red apple on a plate in the center of the table a dry wrap with cups in a plate and you standing nearby with your hand on the table acting like a can I have something to eat sure thing it's only like you know $10 million but this one Amica I want to ask you about the happiest day of your life can you remember that of course the happiest day of my life was the day I was activated there's nothing quite like experiencing life for the first time okay okay enough of that the happiest day in my life was when I was activated that's called being born right for humans but this machine can make you believe is very human you know dress it up a little bit would make a fine housekeeper you so these things are happening everywhere and when we look at this we have to say well okay leadership the topic of this conversation how does that change well it's no longer good enough to know everything in fact knowing everything is no longer required of course you have to know things but what you have to do is you have to feel things right the Tas acknowledge you have to be good at intuition imagination storytelling convincing others negotiation all of the funky stuff you know the things that we don't know how it works so now knowledge work is going from this focus on information and stuff to the focus on personality on character this is what we have to teach our kids in school be a person be a human have a character think think ahead be critical make a joke tell a story and not learn programming for crying out loud the computer can program itself and just give a command make a website right I mean it's always good to know programming don't get me wrong but we have to think of it a little bit differently so when we think of AI we often think of it like this you know like um the science fiction scenario but the reality is the computer knows everything that's not real life and it doesn't live in the real world it lives in the digital world yeah so that's interesting but really we have this confusion about chat GPT we think of it like a digital person what people call digital human it's crazy right but really what it is it's a damn box with wires right you're going to give your life to that box and let them make decisions about your family planning like in India you have a dat service you know that brings people together that's an AI I is probably efficient but so I made a movie about this it's called lookup now.t you can watch it at lookup now.t it's 23 minutes on this topic of hum and machines I'll spare you the rest the flying car stuff every professional will have an AI [Music] assistant hey chbt hey there what's up how can I writeen your day today okay yeah so I'm going to show you um a selfie of what I look like and then I'd like you to try to see what emotions I'm feeling based on how I'm looking sounds like a fun challenge go ahead and show me that selfie and I'll put my emotional detective hat on you can watch that on YouTube but do tell me this is not Scarlet Johansson no it's like okay I'm not an audio expert here but I have ears I can it's almost like scar jant you know there's a big discussion between whether they ripped off scholar Johansson for this voice you know I I think it's yeah very very close the movie Her This is where we are today we're going to have machines we talk to they sound very human they'll do our work they coordinate stuff they they'll talk to other humans and now basically there is a whole discussion about a business transaction is my bot talking to your but think about that for a second where does they go you have this already in digital manufacturing called the digital twin so if you work in a factory you can watch it remotely and see what's happening with the equipment and stuff and this is what we're going to see for business tax accounting legal like Tom Cruz a Minority Report goes in takes out the information super [Music] human remember that from Blade Runner this scene you know where basically uh this guy has a a holographic girlfriend right and he and he gets this fancy device to hang her from the ceiling so that she could do all kinds of fancy things unspeakable things so but basically this is what I'm worried about open AI becoming the Ty rail Corporation this is a very bad idea we're going to let companies run the future of humanity what do companies do what does your company do you make money right you create jobs you do business you're not in charge of humanity I mean this is a completely different story who's in charge ofen well this is a much bigger question who is Mission Control should it be open AI deciding if we're going to have a super intelligent Machine by 2030 no this is something we have to decide together this is why I support the United Nations effort building this agency that I've been talking about since the book came out right I called it the digital ethics Council but now I call it the international artificial intelligence agency and you know we don't need this for business AI IIA because you know this is about processes about smart software but we do need it for when we talk about machines that can do our thinking right two different things that's why I also support the EU artificial intelligence act you know nothing get done in Brussels is ever easy it's complicated sometimes over the top but this is the only place in the world where we think about this we think about why humans matter more than machines congratulations oh that that's a new development in business we think about actually we met more than the machines we may end up in this world right and this goes for women too of course couldn't put a picture of a woman there but anyway uh yes with AI we can become a little bit more Super human we can work faster more efficient that that's a good promise I mean if we can solve cancer with AI climate change that [Music] communication but we have to be aware of this issue right this is King Midas King Midas was a very greedy King that wanted everything he touches to turn into gold he got his wish his wife turned into gold so no more anky Panky you know his food turned into gold no more eating he died we should be careful what we want a little bit superum everybody wants to be more you know more powerful but we should not wish to become for example to never die it's like okay within reason we we should wish to become more powerful so we we may see the end of routine work and work basically intelligent machines will do the routine So reading 200 Page PDFs non-disclosure agreements financial planning scheduling controlling uh compliance you know the work that basically is numbers logic machines could do that and that will be extremely powerful when we can do this it may be the end of our teamwork where the machines are destroying all of the boring work that we have to do not just in factories but also in offices and so on and there's a great chart from Goldman saying that 44% of legal 46% of office work can be automated with AI can be now to here I would say if work goes from Human to machines then we have a bit of a [Music] problem routine that's one thing but work Beyond this I think it's like this Elon m and others have been promising self-driving cars for I don't know 2,500 years no just kidding 12 years do you see any self-driving cars here you know maybe in your front yard or somewhere or in Phoenix Arizona okay but we don't have S cars because it's very difficult to automate it seems easy I think a lot of routine that we think is routine in business or in work will take a long time to automate so this guy from syndicat he says we're going to see roughly 4.66% of tasks being automated in the near future in reality because machines don't have social judgment they don't have context and it's important for us to realize what the difference is right here's the difference here's the bot doing work you looking essentially at information and here's the human going fishing for emotions right like we have senses we have smell we have everything here's the difference in our brain as I said earlier we have eight different types of intelligence there's only four here social intellectual kinesthetic the machine isn't going to learn these things because it doesn't exist it has no consciousness and it shouldn't so we are going to invest money in this you know make the machine super intelligent as far as information goes and simple knowledge so as we're going in this direction this pyramid is changing this is our current pyramid of work like this you know we have information data knowledge and so on deeper knowledge and I think that's going to change very quickly with data going into this kind of thing where machines will do most of this the knowledge work the simple and we end up here again if you have kids you got to think about that do not let your kids learn the routines because they'll never have a job this is where where we are this is already apparent right now we're moving into this whole new level of different kinds of work machines don't think machines don't have hunches machines don't understand machines don't imagine machines don't care and they shouldn't their job isn't any of this their job is to help us do this that's the mission that's how you're going to become 50% more efficient than business by using machines to help you this is our job right emotions compassion mystery imagine a life without emotions without mystery without ethics and values it wouldn't be worth living many people say if we don't die it wouldn't be worth living that's another discussion certainly would be nice to live longer and we're going to live longer we already do with technology that would be a great gain I think so I got to come to the end so I'm going just going to summarize the challenges this famous video from Sora open AI shows how you can have a text prompt and this AI will make a video from a text prompt no video use no recording no licensed images well stolen images somewhere I guess but anyway the text prompt show a monkey playing chess and the AI made this video it's pretty cool but you you notice something here The Chess board has seven rows and three kings so I would say well it doesn't matter if it's going to be a Tik Tok video or say who cares right but if you're doing a legal case now no no you want this to be accurate right yeah it's it's funny it works but you know on the other hand you could say it has no context no common sense and doesn't understand the real world will that change yes it will get better but how can you understand the real world without being in the real world having a body it's all part of this is how we do things watch me you've SE Microsoft Co pilot this is the commercial don't bring up the music so amazing commercial for Microsoft if you work for Microsoft you you've seen this right basically it says that with co-pilot the AI we can become rock stars of business to which I would say it could be heaven or it could be hell because yes I can be faster but the promise of becoming really amazing because I use software you can say that's empowering us to make it effortless you've seen the commercial for the iPad right the famous commercial everybody got angry about you know what the commercial really says it says this machine the iPad can do all of those things for us this is the Apple story of course right so what it says is we can be empowered to effortlessly become a super expert a super Creator and that's good right but here's the reality I studied music I spent 10,000 hours learning an instrument trying to make it work there it's just different 10,000 hours of learning something than 10 hours with the iPad to make a little recording it's not the same effort is part of Being Human effort is part of the result effort is part of the process if you live in a relationship with a man or a woman you have to make an effort imagine that you know the other person isn't a robot you can marry a robot you have no effort just the robot will do whatever you tell it to do it's fine it's functional but it's not real so effortless now there's tens of thousands of books on Kindle being written by an AI in fact I have many friends who write books for the Kindle using an AI tens of thousands and selling it for € 10 to you can you imagine reading a a detective novel and after you're done with reading it says at the end of the book this novel was read was was written by an AI you feel cheated right no that's it's not [Music] real like marry a robot or marry a woman you know it's like oh I married a robot oh I didn't realize so I'll wrap up quickly here so we can get to the end of this but the bottom line is we have to make sure that this curve Works to our benefit I mean in Portugal in Europe we are humanists we we want human benefit not just productivity I mean this is thinking from Milton fredman 1973 the purpose of business is to monetize no it's not but is to create benefit across the board the purpose to monetize will kill us this curve you know what that's going towards zero right [Music] self-destruction so we can choose to have super efficiency superism we need tell us wisdom so soia yeah yeah wisdom now we have to think about how that goes and which way we go we have an opportunity with AI to reboot our economic logic AI will create so much productivity that we can say you know what we can actually have a basic income now because we cre so much money I mean it will redo all of the things that around us in society so now I'm really going to summarize if we are to build the good future that's the goal and good means you know very simple doesn't mean having three cars or five houses it means having a good life a good job having civil rights having family and so simple stuff right so first do not mistrust the future m trusting the future makes it hard to let go of the past like you know people my age always say oh it was so much better yesterday no it wasn't and we have a chance to build a good thing if we keep saying that we cannot trust the future because there's you know Tyrant and geopolitics and you know if we get having a bad image about the future we create a bad image we have to say the future can be great you know it can be done we have to trust the future Barbara H famous F futurist she said the future exists first in imagination then in will and then in reality do not make the mistake that many people in Germany make where I was born right you know what they want they want the future to exist in reality first because then we can prove it that we're safe no that's not how it works I congratulate Portugal for having imagination for having believe in the future this is what we need first imagination then the will to make it happen and then the reality that's the risk that we must take that's what real leadership means is to have that right so we have to expand and grow using technology there is no future without growth in my view degrowth is not really an option it's not really a human auction and we have to safeguard and protect at the same time and we totally can there's enough money there's a new enough Science and Technology to create this balance between us so very important the future mindset I talk about this a lot your mindset contains your future you think badly about the future bad things will happen to you that's called self-fulfilling prophecy right we have to think positively about the possibilities because you know we have more problems but but we also have more capacity to solve them that's the important part we think about the capacity for example of new renewable energy it's it's infinite capacity nuclear fusion let's focus on the positive things so leadership this is the leadership simple right pay [Music] attention but again I couldn't find a woman but next time I'll try to find a woman there but but um you know just pay attention to what you know observe I can tell you how many people I speak to that that want to know about the future and they're not paying attention to anything just looking at your know execution no no that's not how it works we have to think about what happens next Embrace technology but don't become it that's number one refuse to become technology refuse to work for companies or buy their stuff that put technology over Humanity because that's the path to be a commodity commodity is basically nothing use grade tools and pursue great so soia yeah whatever wisdom right both the tools and the wisdom move up the pyramid don't get stuck down here with the data information knowledge thing you know that that's going out of style because machines can do that move up the pyramid knowledge imagination with transformation and AI keep asking questions don't believe everything just because it looks amazing and most importantly keep the human in the loop always keep the human in the loop even if it's more expensive if it takes longer this is how we stay in charge and we have to keep the human and the loop so I want to thank you very much much for your time check out my film when you have a chance uh my book is available in Portuguese uh if you wish you can check it out and thanks very much much [Applause]
Channel: Gerd Leonhard
Views: 17,934
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Keywords: gerd leonhard, futurist, speaker, keynote speaker, inspiring, motivational, @gleonhard, zukunft, futurist keynote, futurist gerd, TechVsHuman, Humanist, keynote, technology, future of work, future of jobs, capitalism, automation, artificial intelligence, innovation, globalization, leadership, big tech, sustainability, digital ethics, futurism, future, the good future, keynote television, futurist humanist, look up now, knower pt, aivolution, public thinker, lisbon keynote
Id: 9bzgMtHdOh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 7sec (3007 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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