AI Just Got Scary - 10 Unbelievable Things It Can Do Now!

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seen some people say it's going to become so smart that we will literally not even be able to understand it I mean with artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon you've probably heard of AI being used for a lot of things from self-driving cars to Virtual assistance but some of the things AI can do now are downright scary in this video we'll explore some of the most unbelievable things AI can do now and what that means for our future are you ready to be amazed and maybe a little freaked out then let's start number one robots have learned to be deceitful in a recent study at the Georgia Institute of Technology robots were programmed with algorithms to decide when and how to deceive other robots or humans sponsored by the United States office for Naval Research This research suggests potential military applications such as robots guarding supplies and altering their patrol routes if they suspect they're being observed by adversaries similarly at the EOL poly technique federale of loan in Switzerland researchers experimented with a thousand robots tasked with finding valuable resources while avoiding less desirable ones initially robots would signal others in their group with a blue light upon discovering the valuable resource leading to congestion as other robots crowded around to adapt these robots began turning off their lights to avoid being displaced by others demonstrating a form of strategic deception number two AI is helping to spread propaganda one one way that AI is helping to spread propaganda is through the use of chatbots these AI powered programs are designed to engage in conversations with users and influence their thinking chatbots can be used to spread propaganda by repeating false or misleading information or by promoting a certain political agenda countries like Russia especially are employing the use of AI for this purpose moving beyond traditional Bots Russia now employs cyborg accounts which combine automated bot activity with human input this hybrid approach makes it increasingly challenging for platforms like Twitter to identify and counteract malicious behavior effectively and because they can mimic human conversation users may not even realize they're interacting with a chatbot so AI is not only helping to spread propaganda but it's doing so in a way that can be very hard to detect in other words AI is making profit aganda harder to spot and easier to spread number three self-driving Vehicles while self-driving cars have the potential to make roads safer there are some serious risks involved for example there's the potential for hacking which could allow someone to take control of the car and cause an accident and even if the AI system is not hacked it's still possible for it to make mistakes an AI system could misinterpret a situation or be un able to respond quickly enough to avoid a crash these risks raise serious ethical and legal questions about who is responsible for an accident involving a self-driving car so while self-driving cars could be safer overall there's still a lot of uncertainty about how safe they are number four AI can learn this capability marks a significant shift in how we perceive technology instead of being limited to pre-programmed instructions AI can adapt and improve based on experience this adaptability extends Beyond games and cooking AI can now learn to diagnose diseases from medical images compose music and even write news articles the implications are staggering AI systems could eventually surpass human capabilities in various domains however this progress comes with its share of concerns with more AI being proficient there are fears about its potential to outsmart or even manipulate humans the ability to learn from vast amounts of data also raises questions about privacy and security what if AI systems learn sensitive information or develop biased behaviors based on the data they are exposed to number five weapons technology weapons technology has taken a chilling turn with the integration of AI in a recent Verge article the capability of AI to generate a staggering 40,000 varieties of chemical weapons within a mere 6 hours was brought to light what's truly concerning about this development isn't the AI itself posing a direct threat but rather it empowers individuals with malicious intent to wield these capabilities by harnessing AI for weapons technology the resulting armaments become significantly more potent this amplification of destructive potential is evident across various weapon systems raising the stakes to an alarming degree from unmanned drones to autonomous combat Vehicles AI driven Weaponry poses a grave risk to Global Security the underlying implication is clear ai's involvement in weapons technology worsens the already formidable dangers associated with Warfare with advancements in AI the Spectre of autonomous Weapons Systems looms larger presenting ethical and strategic dilemmas for the International Community ultimately the fusion of AI and weaponry underscores the urgent need for robust regulation and ethical oversight without effective safeguards in place the spread of AI enhanced weapons threatens to destabilize the delicate balance of Global Security leaving Humanity vulnerable to unprecedented levels of harm number six AI is being used to create deep fakes AI is being used to create deep fakes which are realistic looking fake videos and images that can be used to spread misinformation or even commit crime crimes first it's important to understand how deep fakes are created AI powered image and video generation tools use neural networks to learn the patterns and features of faces and voices and then use that knowledge to generate realistic looking fake content the technology is still in its early stages but it's already good enough to fool some people and as it gets better the potential for misuse will increase one major concern is that deep fakes could be used to impersonate a public figure or to commit fraud for example someone could use a deep fake to impersonate a government official and release a fake statement or they could create a deep fake of someone else to get access to their bank account or other private information these are just a few of the ways that deep fakes are being used to cause harm number seven perfect voice cloning imag imagine someone mimicking your voice so convincingly that it's nearly impossible to distinguish from the real thing that's the essence of voice cloning initially it was developed for good reasons like helping those who couldn't speak due to medical reasons or creating audio content however as it became easier to use and more widespread it found its way into less Savory applications such as impersonation scams or even altering audio recordings for deceptive purposes with just a few clicks someone can replicate your voice potentially causing all sorts of problems from identity theft to spreading misinformation according to danne cheritz a Solutions architect at hacker one even individuals with minimal experience can replicate a voice in under 5 minutes using free and open-source tools available today perfect voice cloning blurs the lines of authenticity in media content as AI algorithms become more Adept at mimicking voices the risk of spreading misinformation and propaganda escalates false recordings of public figures could incite Panic manipulate public opinion or damage reputations can we also talk about the psychological impact of hearing one's own voice manipulated without consent victims of voice cloning may experience a loss of control over their personal identity and reputation leading to anxiety and trust in communication channels number eight AI can repair itself today ai's capabilities extend beyond mere automation it's gaining the ability to self-diagnose and fix issues autonomously this breakthrough involves equipping robots with the intelligence to recognize when they're not functioning optimally akin to a child learning from mistakes through a process akin to trial and error the AI analyzes countless potential actions gradually honing in on the most effective Solutions this self-repairing capability isn't confined to controlled environments it's poised to revolutionize various fields from search and rescue operations to exploring the depths of the ocean and venturing into the vastness of space however while the potential applications of self-repairing AI are undeniably impressive they also raise significant concerns one worry is the potential for AI systems to evolve Beyond human control potentially leading to unforeseen consequences Additionally the rapid advancement of AI poses ethical dilemmas regarding accountability and oversight as machines become more autonomous and capable of making complex decisions questions arise about who holds responsibility when things go wrong number nine recommend products with scary accuracy this technology analyzes your past Behavior preferences and even your demographic information to predict what you might like it's like having a personal shopper who knows your taste better than you do these recommendations can be eerily accurate sometimes suggesting products you didn't even know you wanted the algorithms Behind These recommendations are constantly learning and evolving becoming more and more precise with each interaction but there's also a dark side to this level of accuracy with such intimate knowledge of our preferences AI can manipulate us into spending more money than we intended it can create filter bubbles limiting our exposure to diverse perspectives and ideas number 10 AI is getting too powerful that it could destroy us the concern isn't just a mere speculation it's grounded in the rapid advancements of AI technology as AI systems become more sophisticated they can perform tasks with greater efficiency and autonomy this progress raises the Spectre of machines outpacing our ability to control or understand them the real danger lies not in malevolent intent but in unintended consequences even well-designed AI systems could pose a threat if their objectives diverge from our own leading to unforeseen outcomes Elon musk's analogy of summoning the demon underscores the gravity of the situation without proper oversight and regulation AI development could spread out of control potentially resulting in catastrophic scenarios the consensus among experts is clear unless we take proactive measures to manage the risks we could be inviting our downfall at the hands of our Creations if you have made it this far let us know what you think in the comment section below for more interesting topics make sure you watch the recommended video that you see on the screen right now thanks for watching
Channel: AI Uncovered
Views: 9,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai just got scary, ai advancements, artificial intelligence, future technology, ai applications, autonomous vehicles, medical ai, ai in society, deep learning, neural networks, technological advancements, automation, ai developments, future of ai, ai impact, ai innovation, tech trends, ai capabilities, ai revolution, ai discoveries, ai evolution, artificial intelligence in daily life, latest ai trends, preparing for ai future, ai breakthroughs, ai uncovered
Id: vBbwV_EuI7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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