AI Integrations for Vercel

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We recently launched nine new AI integrations  into Vercel, and I want to show you what they   look like in this video. So, we've partnered  with some amazing companies like Modal,   Pinecone, Replicate, Anyscale, ElevenLabs,  Perplexity, Fal, Lmnt, and,   and a bunch more coming in the future. We want to  make it as easy as possible for you to get set up   with these companies, integrate into them easily,  and get started building AI applications. This   builds off of other products that we've made to  help out AI developers or AI engineers, like v0,   where you can really quickly create UI, or our AI  SDK, which we're going to show a demo of here in   a minute. But let's jump right into it. Let's take  a look at the new AI tab in the Vercel dashboard,   where you can explore using all of these  different models. And that's not only chat   models for completion; it's image generation,  it's code generation, it's audio generation.   I've picked out a couple that I personally like  just to show you what they look like, but you can   browse for whichever one you want to use. Tons of  these are open source, just great models to choose   from. I'm going to pick Perplexity's 7 billion  parameter online model, and we're going to ask,   'How many stars are there in our galaxy?' So,  okay, let's hit run, and we're going to see the   output get streamed in using our AI SDK over here  on the right. So, you can very quickly try out and   see which models you like, which models you want  to integrate into your application, and then if I   do want to pick this model, I can just visit the  Perplexity integration, install, get set up with   my API key. We're off to the races. Now, let's  look at an image generation model. So, we're going   to check out Stable Diffusion XL. We're going to  prompt it with 'one horse-size duck fighting 100   duck-size horses,' classic question, right? Who  knows what the model is going to generate here,   but it's probably going to be entertaining. Now,  image model generation usually takes a little bit   longer to generate, but the nice thing about this  playground is that you have a bunch of models to   work from. This image is slightly frightening,  uh, not exactly what I would have expected,   but yeah, you could go with this; you could  tweak from here. Let's look at another one, uh,   the English V1 model from ElevenLabs, where you  can pick a voice ID, you can pick what you want   to say. So let's say, 'Hello, YouTube,' and we'll  hit run, and we get our audio generated here. So,   we'll listen for this: 'Hello, YouTube.' Pretty  fast, honestly, to generate audio generation,   and you can obviously do a lot more with their  platform for generating audio and providing   your own voice as well. So, worth checking  out. But let's pop back over to the tab,   and I'm going to click on the Perplexity  integration that I've already installed. So,   I've already got an API key connected, I've  already went to my Perplexity account, I've added   a couple dollars there for me to demo with, and  now it's going to prompt me with the steps here:   connect to a project, pull the environment  variables locally, install some packages,   and then copy-paste that code in. It also gives  me a couple different options for the frameworks   I want to use. I'm going to click copy here,  and then I've already got an application running   locally here. If you want to see how I generated  this UI and connected, we have another video on   our channel. And what I've done is pulled up this  API chat route.ts file, so I'll copy all of this,   and then paste in the code that we've generated,  and we can see that we still are using the OpenAI   Node.js SDK. So, the Perplexity API is actually  compatible with this, which is really nice. So,   really not a lot of the code here changes, other  than we're changing the model that we're calling,   which is the 7 billion parameter chat. We could  use the 70 if we wanted to. We're going to stream   it back, and then we're going to provide it  sub-messages. So, if I hit save, it's going to   update this code, and then if I go over here and  I say, 'What is Next.js?' it's going to get back a   response really, really quickly. Now, I've already  added the environment variable for Perplexity to   my .env file here, locally, of course. I'm not  going to show that here, but that's how you would   drop in that value that you got back from the  Perplexity integration. And that's really all it   takes to connect to one of these large language  models and start building your first AI-powered   application. If you want to see us talk about  the other models or talk through image or audio   generation, let me know in the comments, and  we can also make some videos on that. Peace!
Channel: Vercel
Views: 4,810
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Id: so4Jatc85Aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 25sec (265 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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