AI Generated Image to Solid Metal thanks to VistaSculpt

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creating a 3D pattern from an image has always been really hard to do well especially if you then want to use it to cast metal or do laser engraving but let's see if these guys have what it takes to actually make this process work so it looks pretty good looks like you can take a flat photo like this cow or this baby and generate a 3D bass relief stdl which is ideal for CNC machines laser engravers or in my case in this example we're going to have a look at printing a patn and doing a sand casting so the folks over there have been kind enough to uh let me use a 3mon license and we're going to see if this is really the Holy Grail of converting 2D images into bass relief stls I'm generating the image using a bass relief of a still life with wine and the example looks pretty good so so I'll download and save that and we'll use that for our project we're going to bring it into Vistas sculp now just load it in and we're going to have a look at uh or play with some of the settings so we can change depth scale the details how much smoothing it is and these are the settings that work well for me for sand casting so we want some smoothing some detail uh but not a lot of depth and it'll become important later there you go it's generated the relief for us as an STL looks pretty good so what we'll do is we'll save that out now and we'll add that to 3D Builder where I'm going to make a couple of minor edits make it flat punch it out to the right sort of size that we want and merge it with a template I've already got for a coaster so I'm going to add the wine bottle coaster here line it all up make sure it fits nicely in the bottom and then save that out as a complete STL that we're then just going to print in our normal software so I'm sending it off to a resin printer and from there we've now got a 3D pattern ready to go for the sand casting here we are sand casting I've got other videos on this process I won't bore you to tears here making you go through it all again but it's an all bonded sand we're scraping that um and packing it down flipping it over adding some talcum powder as a release agent so we can get the patent out making sure we can get the patent out before we do the ramming up of the cope which we're now doing and with some luck it pulls out cleanly this is always a nervous bit how much Chand you're going to tear out but it looks really good nice and clean so we're going to reassemble it and get ready to pour the metal so this is puta running at 275° it's taking about half a kilo of of puta to actually fill the mold compulsory shot of the shiny metal and we'll let that freeze out open it up and see what we've got so here we we are just removing the Petra Bond as you can see we've got a nice clean casting just brushing out the sand but we now need to actually petiner it and this is what the result looks like so how do I think pist sculp went do I think it's revolutionary is it really a game changer looking at these details the ease of the process and how well it works I'd say Absolut well and to celebrate a nice Aussie wi of s HRI cheers to Vista PR and like all good things it will only mature over time chatting to the developer he's got more plans it's only in Beater at the moment and we should see potentially a different pricing structure come out to suit hobbyists as well as the big guys
Channel: Nathan
Views: 6,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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