I asked Framer AI to Build Me 5 Websites

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in the last few days framer a no code tool for building responsive websites integrated AI as a part of their product you simply issue a prompt and it will start generating a website for you now the real question is is it any good well I put it to the test and issued five different prompts to create five different websites and in this video we're going to see exactly what it produced alrighty here we go start with AI let's click it and let's go ahead I don't want this bar exit tutorial okay we're gonna click start with AI and I'm going to paste the very first one create a website called greenbyte which is an online platform for sustainable refurbished tech devices users combine sell used tech devices such as smartphones laptops tablets gamings and consoles and more so let's go ahead and hit start and see what it generates all right so notice over here we have the pallets I believe we can click through these as it's generating just so we can um get an idea and we can click each one of these palettes multiple times just to give us a different look and you know what they all look accessible which is awesome I do I do like that fact uh right off the bat so they're all accessible I really like this one so green bite eco-friendly Tech all right it's not the world's greatest hero section you've ever seen it's a little abstract for my liking for this purpose uh coming down here to the next section welcome to Green bite all right it's kind of like a generic you know thing and these are all things that you could probably just easily swap out and change if you don't like the actual photographs or the illustrative assets we have a feature section here quality guaranteed all right 109 with over 109 tons of okay use waste prevented so it's making up stuff which is fine because the intention here I guess would be for us to be able to I you know change this information out uh it's just instead of giving us lorem ipsum it's just giving us this all right so clicking on this all right so now it's been it's finished and I can choose to publish this by the way which I might as well go ahead and publish that and that way I could see it live on on an actual browser and looking down here this is what it has come up with so um each section you know has the same color background I'm going to imagine I can kind of come in and change that it should be responsive I which it looks like it is all the white space and all that stuff looks good for this particular entry I actually if if you joined in on my live stream about a week ago that was a prompt that chat CBT gave me I about the green bite you know I refurbished tech industry so that I could put my skills to the test and design a layout from scratch so here's what I designed compared to what was produced by the AI and I have to say I like mine better and that's kind of like a proof of the Personal Touch of an experienced designer for something that's just Ai and it's just kind of creating a landing page from scratch let's try another one alrighty let's go ahead click start with AI I'm going to paste this very simple prompt in build a landing page and landing page for an online guitar lesson platform users can watch guitar training video courses and participate in weekly contests to win prizes thank you so here is the full design um I don't like how each section has the same exact background color so we could probably split it up by clicking this button there we go so we can get some potential variance you know differences between the sections out of the gate just by a click of a button which is pretty cool I do it here perhaps there you go just a simple landing page um you know I personally as a professional designer would be able to do a lot better than this if I took the time I but again if you need something really super quick and it's responsive out of the gate and then you know this is something that could potentially work for you all right let's close this tutorial and let's click this one now this is going to be kind of a larger prompt build a dashboard that analyzes website traffic it should include left call menu and a right column should contain the primary content I know it's not going to do this the primary content should feature a fictional line chart for a number of visitors and other supporting information that's relevant to website traffic analysis I do not have high hopes that this is going to work but we're gonna give it a shot anyhow just to see how far we can push it and what is capable of all right and there you go here's our dashboard which is basically a landing page about a dashboard all right and the fourth one this one I have higher hopes for so I need a website for my daughter's dance studio James Dance Center they offer recreational competitive dance classes for individuals of all ages from ballet to hip-hop James Dance Center offers it all real simple it's going to give me the type of page that I want as opposed to like a dashboard it's going to give me a an actual sales page all right and here is the fourth one for the Dance Center um this is not a dance photo it's like a track star photo so obviously can improve in that regard it looks like I've seen it's the same exact layout for the pricing columns in one of the other ones it regenerated let's continue on with one more let's click start with AI and for this one I'm a front-end developer and I need a portfolio my name is Gary Simon and this portfolio should focus on the fact that I'm a JavaScript expert I know HTML CSS JavaScript and VJs include a section to hire me in a bed a contact form let's see what it produces all right and there we go that is it very simple footer with no navigation or anything like that can play around with the colors and have fun with it but yeah my initial impression um if we were to compare all these uh side by side these five generated layouts they're all very very similar because what I imagined is happening and again I don't I don't know if this is what's happening but what's happening is it's probably taking sections that are already defined uh by them internally as a team at framer and it's applying content to them and it's picking and choosing the type of sections to to to create so when when they say i a i the AI itself is not generating HTML and CSS and JavaScript rather it's their their interfacing with their own back end in order to create you know kind of like a seamless landing page that allows you to change the colors and all that stuff but you're not going to get something that's really customizable obviously we saw it with the dashboard example it's not going to make you a dashboard so all in all if you need something that's really simple and really quick you know I like your daughter's dance team like you don't have enough you don't have enough time to do something from scratch you could easily use this but this I'm telling you as an AAA website builder is not putting designers out of a job anytime soon so you can rest assured in that regard if you enjoyed this video check out designcores.com where you can learn UI ux CSS and more with my custom interactive platform that makes learning fun and easy
Channel: DesignCourse
Views: 184,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: framer, framer ai, ai web design, web design ai, ui/ux ai, ai ui/ux, ui design, web design tools, gary simon, framer review, framer tutorial, designcourse
Id: hn1E3X4LATM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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