Agility Training for Football Athletes

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what's going on guys hey so we got the football guys in here our cfl guys just left so you've got some of the other guys who are still prepared from the nfl guys and uh they're going to get into a change of direction workout um as far as moving laterally we're gonna work some speed check it out all four of you guys got a hurdle spread out try to keep your belly button right over the midline of the hurdle right lift your knee right keep your hips low lift your knee to get back and forth lift your knee let your legs work all [Music] right time good get a little rest we're gonna go single leg here single leg we're gonna go right foot [Music] guys you can't get your hurdle just move it forward like four yards three yards on the black all right we're gonna work a series of lateral hurdle hops but we're gonna extend the hurdles so i want you being able to push farther laterally but you still gotta tuck the knee all right so it's basically movement prep for the hurdle work we're gonna do so facing outside i want you to go through down you're gonna go two hops continuous come back through second round face the [Music] wall [Music] good same thing facing outside what give yourself enough room over here you want to get pushed off as much as you can push off on the second jump as much as you can as well [Music] good rep let's go facing the wall same thing [Music] now you're working changing in air 180. so i'm gonna go right to the first progression so you guys are facing outside you jump you land this way jump turn your hips land this way all right so you're turning in the air flipping your hips each time [Music] [Music] go let's go [Music] [Music] we're gonna go through a series of progressions first one first two up it's only two hurdles it's five seconds on the clock you're going back and forth rapidly lean over speed right meaning don't touch the hurdle then add juice so as soon as you start to get the rhythm and you're lifting the knee then you can add speed to it but i'd rather i'd rather be clean and not hit the hurdle first that's the first objective [Music] [Music] so we're going two steps through pop boom get outside the hurdle push off that leg all i need is to five yards so on fast movements show me a good acceleration in the five yards all right hey new progression you're going over bang bang bang flip the hips to the opposite side boom exactly get through it and now you're flipping the hips opposite so i'm facing this way boom and now i'm flipping the hips this way so you're going facing outside flip opposite direction [Music] all right here we go on the right side yes sir clean and explode ready and go [Music] hey let's get two lanes same two lanes that we had now the whole thing is i want you to set your feet up there's no hurdle right so set your feet up to fluidly flip your hips the whole thing it's condensed so you have to work your feet more meaning you might have to take more steps to be able to flip your hips first one you're on the line two and a half yards right hand boom now i gotta flip my hips completely right straight line wins you guys are circling that slower turn boom set my feet up here again drive five yards boom right and then finish [Music] you
Channel: overtimeathletes
Views: 904,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Overtimeathletes, overtime athletes, Top 3 Agility Drills, What Is Agility, How to increase agility, change of direction drills, speed and agility training, agility drills, agility training for youth, agility training for athletes, agility exercises, agility workout, agility workouts, agility training, cone drills
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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