Christian McCaffrey's INSANELY Detailed Training Regimen!

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wooo here we go what gets me out of bed is being the freaking best that's it you the goat you the goat when I wake up it's just another opportunity just to win I have to keep getting better I can't stay the same oh yeah oh yeah burn it takes a village to accomplish anything in this world especially anything great where we can take on the world nothing's going to stop us it's done peace what's up guys today's Friday so it's the end of a week we've had a lot of work done this week already so we're going to focus on a little bit more speed endurance nervous system's a little bit fried so going to make sure that you know the lungs are there the legs are going nothing too violent on the ground and the lift will kind of mimic the run in that sense you don't want to go into the weekend to fatigue so it's basically setting yourself up for two good recovery days going into the next week so you can just stay on the same Trend that you're rolling with right before training camp good very good actually looks like he's getting great extension me my name is Ben Velasquez I'm a Sports Physio my background is in engineering and sports performance I would say that what I do is basically bridge the gap between injury and being athletic ready or being game ready as they say what I'm doing with Christian is focusing on his specific warm-ups and specific recovery we break it down into units where he has to do certain postures and certain performance drills prior to warmup and then certain drills after for Recovery I still see a little bit of a difference between your dorsy flexion on the right and on the left it's to pointed on the right or is it it's a little late late late yeah which is why you're on the ground a little longer yeah straight legs pushing through the feet looks better better hey go Lane four hi I'm Brian koua um with Kula Sports Performance I run a sports performance business based out of Denver Colorado we train professional athletes all the way through youth athletes uh kind of a speed priority Sports Performance environment um where we really focus on trying to increase speed in athletes and how that relates to athletic performance [Music] been working with Christian for many years uh known him since he was a little guy uh and have formerly been his speed and strength coach for the Last 5 Years we'll take that good you look great nice and relaxed okay so hey one hey one thing halfway down the track core hips underneath yeah don't don't get where here where you lose your hips okay just gradually build huh yep I'm going to GI you on about three three and 1 half I'm going to whistle at you four I think five total okay four whatever you think yeah four yeah we'll go four okay I don't think you're going to need five pal four total 10 second rep four total wonder how many minutes I've stood on a track waiting for rest intervals in my life it's got to be in the thousands of hours [Music] good good positions so relaxed you look good but are you having fun got to be having fun got to have fun feel good feel smooth I'll have fun I'll have fun in January 15 February remember high school we had uh bunch of college coaches there watching track practice it's like a Wednesday 150 day yeah just do 3 150s y all out 5 minutes rest y i do I had Payway for lunch the fastest 3150 I've ever ran in front of all the college coaches yeah sure it's all I needed was walked in like I was going to lift like this and vomited all over the women's Locker it's the closest bathroom well hey whatever you're motivated by right we got a good workout in that day sure sure how'd the last one feel felt good yeah I felt like I felt really relaxed on especially on the curve M I tried to not part of that too it's like you're pushing a certain way off the Curve and it's a little relatable to football too in the sense that you make a couple cuts and you got to go run straight you got to readjust that same push into straight so I felt like on that one I was just a little more conscious of that you know mhm so today's a little speed endurance day um you know it's been a a long week Monday through Thursday and so a lot of the work's kind of done for the week so we wanted to get a little lactate going um get a little bit bit of resiliency and conditioning on the long stretch while maintaining you know a good speed especially towards the end there not overdoing it at the end of the week um finishing strong but finishing smart and we got two weeks till Camp so it's just don't do anything stupid maintain all the work that we put in and I'll take a little time off here now and then go lift a little later the goal today on the track from my perspective was to work with coach and with Christian to be able to make sure that at the end of the week he was still running efficiently so we try to accomplish that through the proper warmup and looking at his mechanics warming up and then as he's doing his reps to really look at the efficiency of the movement the goal in the gym is to follow basically the same protocol to make sure that he's warming up properly to make sure his movement is efficient so at the end of the week we're looking at with all this work that's done to make sure that his movement is still efficient that he's functioning properly you know both segment and globally shoot the knees keep going keep going keep going keep going two good push push push push two down push push push down push good all yours coach just do one set of uh Vector lunges stand right in the middle of the rubber facing me okay so let's go let's go forward good let's go angle good let's go side good let's go transverse open up good let's go rear lunge let's go angle behind good let's go front across and angle forward good other leg it's been a long week and today's going to be a lower volume lower output workout we're going to hit different body parts uh with some lengthening movements and just get a strength response here at the end of the week and send him into the weekend we're about a week out from camp and so this will just be his one of his final weight workouts before we head and head out down to wford excellent angle forward boom grab drink water we'll get the go squat going I think when it comes to training the mindset for me has always been just treat each day as the most important day and have a specific goal for the day whether it's speed speed endurance routes change of Direction conditioning make sure I know exactly what I'm getting into and to have a broad spectrum and a big picture mentality when you get too carried away with all the noise that goes on especially in today's society and all the fancy tools and gadgets it can be a action for me I just try to treat each day like it's the most important day like goblet it right here okay and we're going for six reps to full depth knees forward good that's it six of them that's it push those knees forward three good five good nice long quad excellent okay we'll move this little guy for uh how's your nervous system feel good lit right yeah good to go good all right let sc one of the last banded jump sets of the off season bro let's roll a boy feel a little squirly on for there I know when you're at the bottom think keigle glutes rep keegle glutes breath pelvic floor glutes breath and then on the way up empty the balloon fire the diaphragm chin in cuz if you were nice and straight so those are little like add-ons to fix your spine move on the way down inhale fill it up as so as inhale 3/4 inhale inhale inhale inhale you got one quarter left hold at the bottom right for one for a quarter how much time you got coach in inhale inhale inhale inhale hold hold hold hold ke go glute exhale so that last 25% what's a Keele just squeeze squeeze like you stopping your piss but squeeze from the pelvic floor would have thought of another analogy you pick your analogy whatever oh no I all right here we go sorry I'm not that ELO equated I know that feeling well yeah good okay so we're going to sit up nice and Tall here okay going to hinge let the weight go to the ground okay keep the head head neutral all right so don't get bent over don't let your head drop drop keep that chin tucked nice neutral all the way down all the way up let's do seven of them find some range here very good for me football uh was my my first love it was my first Passion I fell in love with the game at 7 years old I remember it vividly we were playing in you know the little Super Bowl of my youth league long story short the the game went into double overtime it was a blizzard I batted down the the last pass of the game to win the game and I remember crying um and I don't remember much from when I was a little kid but I remember that so specifically um I was crying with joy and you know my father played uh football my older brother played football and I wanted to be just like them so it's been something that I've been passionate about since I was a kid and I realized I had a gift you know I think in in the seventh grade I I really realized that it it could be something that I could to do with my life I put my all into this I love to compete you know I grew up with three brothers we were always competing against each other and as competitors I think we just want to win there's so much joy and and so much meaning to life when when you put yourself in a situation when you're surrounded by your brothers and you're all working as hard as humanly possible for the same goal there's the benefit of winning and then there's a risk of losing and I think that's what wakes you up in the morning and that's what gives me life could lay down on your back there on the mat yeah all the way on the mat back pretty FK I'm going to put this on your feet and then remember this is kind of like a reverse reverse squat you get yeah okay go you can go all the way I I'll bring it to you cuz you want the tension on it all the way through put your feet down on the ground there you go and then this leg too okay boom same time okay we're going need a chest stay dors of flexed good 10 of them we go hello hello it's slipping this isn't the very best setup I could possibly ask for all right ready put it over the tongue yeah walk that guy in there is okay say good and dorsiflex too there you go I think the last two years for me have been very difficult with injuries I've had to sit out a lot of games in the last two years which is something that was new to me I'd never missed a game in my whole life one of my coaches coach madoo he said behind every mountain is another mountain and uh you know once you get to that Peak you know I'd gone from 2019 um had a record setting year you know went thousand, you know was kind of on top of a mountain U feeling like I was you know on top of the world and then got humbled pretty quickly in in week two and then with a shoulder injury later in the year when I came back that was a humbling experience it reminded me that it is true behind every mountain is is more Mountains and it's all part of the story good solid how do you feel good yeah I think it's perfect yep not gassed no hell no not too gas what you want I'm good y okay so we're going to just do a little bit of HP Mobility with buoyancy so start with the left leg bring the hip into flexion think about pushing the knee away from you feel that yep good now you're on a fulcrum ankle to the ceiling and then ankle to Mee oh just here yeah just there there you go you feel that yep good so these are spinal decompressions to get the sacrum and the whole spine moving fluidly together important after a week um like a full week of loading to unload it's hard to train that Rhythm on the ground because it's very fluid like a snake but they do move together he's going from the fingertips all the way to the end of the fins all right now back flips how many sets in reps you think here I think you just do two two sets of 10 two sets of like eight eight yeah two [Music] [Music] of8 adversity is inevitable in sports you're going to experience injuries uh people not believing in you it's undefeated when you ask guys around the league and around life in general who are successful if they've ever had to deal with something like that it's a common theme that the answer is yes and so I look up to the the people who have already done it the common theme is that just they just keep going they don't stop they wake up every day with a purpose and everybody's always on a mission sometimes that mission just changes there's a good quote from one of my favorite books man search for meaning and it says to live is to suffer and to survive is to find the meaning in the suffering it allows you just to surrender uh to the ups and downs of life and to not search for happiness don't search for Success the more you aim at happiness and success and awards and all these things the more you'll miss it it's just about showing up every single day uh working as hard as you absolutely can at at the common goal that you have playing football you get to do it with a team and that's one of the biggest blessings in the world is having so many guys who are going through the same stuff you're going through for me it was important not to feel sorry for myself or pity myself wake up every day with a with a sense of gratitude smile it's a blessing to be breathing do whatever you can to help yourself and help your teammates and and your loved ones and life will get easier I still think we should put in uh some [Music] [Laughter] [Music] cannonballs as I get older the recovery for me has become twice as important as the actual training just being able to take care of my body 24/7 having hands on whether it's massage or Cairo or dry needling or doing stuff in the pool whatever it is it's always tailored around trying to get me back to 100% as quick as possible I think the biggest thing with training too is understanding that it's not as easy as just putting together a four 4 we program and saying this is what I'm doing it's a constant evaluation of how you're feeling and uh what's going on here and there it's constant conversations with your therapists with your trainers making sure that everything's aligned correctly so that when it comes to Sunday when it comes to playing my sport I can get in Flow State and just not think at all and go ball I've had some ups and downs in my career but there all been great learning experiences for me to see what works what doesn't and how to tail or certain things it's been a difficult but fun learning learning experience so that's my mindset when it comes to [Music] training that's it that's the [Music] day nap now that's [Applause] [Applause] [Music] good
Channel: We Are Press
Views: 516,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NFL, pro bowl, 49ers, running back, christian mccaffrey, superbowl, workout, speed, strength, performance
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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