Agile Scrum Development Process and How UI/UX Design Fit In

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hey guys what is up Mike here thanks for tuning in to another video in this video I'm going to explain and talk about the agile scrum development process and talk about how product designers UI UX Tigers fit within this development process now this is going to be a little technical but I'm going to do my best to keep it in plain speak for everybody to understand in my opinion this is probably a great video to watch if you're going on an interview because if you can speak to speak to the agile scrum development process in a general sense to a hiring manager what not as a UI UX I know a product designer it really boosts your value in terms of your skill set or knowledge and really looks good in an interview and really you know up your chances and landing a job so watch this video over if you go on an interview or just to get an understanding of this development process even if your organization is not using it at some point you will have to understand this as you progress through different companies so in explaining what agile scrum let me just explain what agile scrum is agile is basically a it's like an adjective it's like your ability to move quickly okay so development teams or companies have adopted this philosophy over the years okay it's like we have to be agile in our development process meaning that in the old days basically a you know when when a company wanted to produce a particular application let's say like build Facebook they would like gather all these requirements and start you know design they would design all the stuff and then it was just start coding for months I'm talking about six months eight months they developed this stuff and after 12 to 14 months all the the product that's been done it's it's it's in development and it goes out right so it's this long process that everybody starts down this path and anyway they don't actually move quickly to market changes okay so over the years companies have adapted this new thing called agile basically an example of agile would be if we're developing on a for developing on a particular i OS system and in iphone X comes out iPhone 10 comes out in with a new iOS and that's available to developers the company might say hey let's pivot on this process and let's design our app on this new iOS that's coming out in like two months right and so the development process or development team will actually can pivot and that's the concept of being agile is just being able to move quickly okay now within agile as a philosophy there's this development process called scrum okay now the scrum before I can explain scrum let me explain waterfall Waterfall is the old process and basically Waterfall is like this I'm a CEO and I want to build Facebook I'll say you know I want to build Facebook so I get my people my product owners build us Facebook you know put a team together and let's build Facebook so the product owners will gather all these requirements and you've probably heard of this term BRD right business requirement document or whatever these big chunks of documents like this and so the product owners will basically take two two months or so or whatever it takes to put all these requirements together based on how to build Facebook and then they give it to the designers and then the designers will code it or the designers will do the UX design work right and then after we do all this work for like four to six months of all this design and UX testing and all that stuff we then give it to development development will take about six months to eight months to code at all because we've done this huge chunk of an application and so it takes eight months to code it all and then they test it takes a few months to test it and then they release it and maintain it so it's like it's a waterfall process product requirements UX or UI design development testing and then maintenance right it's a waterfall it's like a flow okay so some smart technical folks whatever came up with a way of to say you know what instead of waterfall there's there's better ways to do this and when they've adapted Kjell the in agile scrum is a framework with an agile that allows you to work in small chunks and you work in small periods of at a time what you might work it to you might work for two weeks and then you stop you look at what you've done and everybody agrees that okay we like what we see let's move forward and then you work for another two weeks of little periods right and these little periods are called sprints okay so in scrum you have what's called sprint cycles this is like it could be a two-week period it could be a three-week period or it could be a four-week period of time so basically you don't really generally you don't really code you you take small chunks at a time so if we're building let's say that concept of Facebook the product owners in an agile environment a product owner will have what's called a backlog and what just think of an Excel spreadsheet of 50 items okay for Facebook we need a login page we need a newsfeed we need profile page right and so this product owner will have a list of things that she wants that he or she wants to get done that we need to get done or coded in order to build facebook so the product owner and development team works together and it looks at this list and that's called sprint planning they get together and plan out what they can they can take from this list and complete within that two-week period of time which is called sprint all right so the development team might say on that list that you have we can do the login page if the if the if the sprint psycho is four weeks they might say I can do the log we can do the login page and we can start on the home page right or that landing page and so the product owner says okay done so they all agree that we're going to do the login page and the other page right and so within four weeks they do that work and that's completed and then after it's completed they test it they demo it everybody is aware of it stakeholders are looking at this and everyone's happy and then they move on to the other items in the list in what's called a backlog now in the scrum process the scrum you have scrum teams and think of scrum teams as like like a Navy SEAL team okay in a development in a development organization at a company you might have tons of engineers right like the army right think of the army military you have hundreds of thousands of military soldiers okay and but a scrum team moves like a Navy SEAL team basically you have like maybe four engineers a QA person and a product owner all right so you might have a team of six people and that's called a scrum team and on these teams these teams are probably sometimes that different companies are given um like really creative names so you might you might be on a scrum team that's called like Luke Skywalker or scrum team right or Darth vader-like if it's our company if they really like Star Wars or whatever they they name them in different things like that right you have different like factions or whatnot different creative names at a TP they use that for a long time they used to have like colors like you're on the red team you're on the blue team for the blue scrum team it was kind of boring and then you know we started to change that around so they come up with different names right so the point here is you're working on a scrum team you have a scrum team and you're scrum team is given a section of a particular application so think of Google Google has several scrum teams working on different parts of Google you might have a scrum team that that works on one section of Gmail you might have another scrum team that works on Google search you might have another scrum team that works on Google Maps right different parts of Google Maps so you have scrum teams and they work like like like Navy SEAL right they can move quickly so they work within these two week cycles or four weeks cycles or sprints and they can pivot at any time because you're only working in a short stint like two weeks they can say okay let's stop what we're doing we have something else on the backlog that you know and so the product owner monitors that backlog in let's say after there working on they're working on a particular section the product order can can move stuff up that's at the bottom they can say you know what the iPhone X came out that we actually want to move that up to there like third spot and so the next sprint we're going to be working on that and so the developers will look at that backlog plan out with the product owner is what they can do and take on the work in the in the in this process this development process they use a particular tool to monitor all these the things that they're getting done like at at ADP they use a tool called rally and rally is a tool that where developers will take on work and it's called user stories basically their product owners creates these stories that the developer will take on so for example let's say you're building facebook you take on the user story of building it the home page right they click on this link and in this this area this this this user story they should have all the requirements the developer has all the requirements on what they need to code now they have all the requirements they have like the acceptance criteria from the QA team or from the product owners and then in addition they have the mock-ups and the specs needed for this particular work hence the UI UX design work product design work has to be done completed before any of these sprint cycles begin alright so that leads me to where does UI UX design fits into this product development process UI UX design is always should be always working ahead of any sprint cycle alright so what I mean by that is before a development or a developer begins to work on a user story that user story needs to be designed test it whatever you have to do user test it survey however the UX UI portion that should have been done weeks months before a developer if I'm a developer if I actually started on this I should not be in the development I should be in a coding process or it situation and then this stuff hasn't been tested this stuff hasn't make you know finished completed from it so they should have all the assets all the mock-ups all the specs they need to start working if they do not then they won't meet that deadline of working within a two-week sprints any sense okay so how does how does UI UX design fits in UI UX design is separate from scrum okay UI UX I'm we have our own process right we have to gather the requirements from the from the product owner we have to go back to our dev so we have to brainstorm we have to wireframe or mock-up and then we have to test it if if there's things that needs to be tested that needs to be done so that might take weeks right weeks a couple months or so before we can actually deliver and say here's the login page to Facebook or here's the profile page to Facebook and a start here you guys were really to start coding right so basically product designers and product designers UI UX designers and the product person we work together weeks months generally in advance before sprint cycles begin okay now we do our work we're ready let's say we've we've done our work we've designed all our stuff we've tested this Facebook app or whatever and we're ready to go we have prototypes in envision we have specs we have all the icons and assets and things are ready to go we give that to the product owners we we attach them to these user stories right so what we do is when the when the actual sprint cycles begin within the scrum environment we just monitor whether or not the developers or product owners needs any resources from us mind you all our work has been done we only basically when it comes down to the developers have completed the work and QA goes ahead and test this stuff we have to work with key way to make sure yeah developers um you know cuz sometimes they'll code this stuff and it's not according to spec so we still have to monitor them and be available to them as they're going through there cycles do we have to sit with them every single day through their sprint cycles and their work no we can continue to work on other stuff like future sprint stuff but at the same time we have to be available to them and make sure that they have all the assets and resources they need in order to complete these Sprint's if they do not have the stuff then they can't complete the work done in these sprints and then stuff gets pushed back alright and becomes a bottleneck now in scrum they have what's called a scrum master it could be the product owner or somebody that just keeps everybody on track right and so they have daily stand-ups you probably heard this term do daily stand-ups a product designer myself sometimes if I work if we were working on a huge project I might join I might be a part of the scrum team and I might sit in these daily stand-ups like just you know very early I mean for the first few weeks of a development cycle and just make sure everybody has their stuff but as it gets going I kind of like back out and I have to like really be involved every single day because daily stand-ups are basically like asking developers hey do you guys got everything you need are there any roadblocks and so they talk about technical challenges and stuff like that it rarely comes up that hey we need you know these these we don't have these icons or we don't have this UI design spec that stuff if it's not there it's your job as a product designer to work really quickly and get that - and those developers but for the most part you know you stay within the scrum team you go to them daily stand-ups maybe just to kind of listen in and make sure they have everything once they have everything and they're there kind of flowing you can move on to other parts and start designing on other things now I've worked on several scrum teams okay so I actually support at ATP I supported like four different scrum teams so that what that means is I've done work for this scrum team and so I made sure that they had their work I worked on this scrum team and so what does that mean do I go to all these four scrum teams daily stand-ups no I just keep in contact with the product owners they make sure that all the stories that they write within rally have all the mock-ups and documentation and stuff that they need like assets like icons and stuff and specs once that's done everything is good and then as designers we continue to work with product owners and start designing future things okay so we're always ahead of the development cycle that's pretty much I know I said a lot going on 16 minutes now that's pretty much how what agile scrum is it's a development process and that's how product designers fit within that system hope he just was helpful watch it again before you go on an interview learn these things agile scrum sprint sprint cycle scrum master all these technical terms if you use those within a new interview look really good anyway thanks for watching guys if you have any questions visit my website ml cocom use a contact link on my page to ask me any questions and I'll be happy to answer any questions for you we'll talk soon peace
Channel: Mike Locke
Views: 74,619
Rating: 4.8667231 out of 5
Keywords: Agile, Scrum, Development Process, UI Design, UX Design, Product Design, User Research, UX Designer, User Experience Design, Product Owner, Dev Process
Id: yc3J2TGreBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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