Agents of SHIELD | A Spy's Goodbye. [+s7 Tribute]

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👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/speedyserd 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Bring on the crying

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/SHIELDOps 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Oof. Was not planning on crying on my lunch break. Well done, mate. Well done.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/SargeIsNotCoulson 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ugh. This show was Excellent. BLOODY EXCELLENT.

Awesome tribute. 👏

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/dinopastasauce 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

A beautiful, emotional, brilliantly edited tribute to the series. Fantastically done <3

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/V2Blast 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thank you so much, that's so kind of you to share it! <3

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/HostilePoet17 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
what does shield stand for agent ward strategic homeland intervention enforcement and logistics division and what does that mean to you it means we're the line between the world between the world and a stranger world a much weirder world we protect people from news they aren't ready to hear and when we can't do that [Music] we keep them safe something turns up we get to it before someone bad does i swore an oath we all did to serve when everything else fails to be humanity's last line of defense to be the shield the principal shield was founded upon protection that's why i joined shields to protect the people i care about took an oath to be the shield to protect those in danger okay my name is daisy i'm with shields we're here for your protection sometimes to protect one man against himself other times to protect the planet against an alien invasion from another universe it's a broadcast no need to tell me what exactly am i signing up for front row seats are the craziest show on earth these people always beat the odds is that who i think it is she's just a pilot melinda maze just the pilot some serious fly in there i used to be all i did look at us mac you were a mechanic i was a hacker and now somehow we're soldiers the world's changing we had to adapt shield made us into what it needed it gives life new life we finally get to find out what we become i'm becoming a hero you are one fury always said a man can accomplish anything when he realizes he's a part of something bigger you don't need to come up with the whole solution a team of people who share that conviction peace is solving a puzzle can change the world so what do you say you ready to change the world welcome to level seven no [Music] i'm ready to kick some ass join shield travel to exotic distant lands meet exciting unusual people and kill them so i don't want to be you i want to beat you if you see my battles you'll know this we've had a wolf in the herd the whole time last thing i want is for things to change it's too late for that something terrible has happened you said if we worked hard if we did right we'd have a place a life spent you said it was enough to be a man but there's better than man there's gods and the rest of us what are we they're giants we're what they step on i've seen giants up close and that privilege cost me nearly everything but the good ones the real deal they're not heroes because of what they have that we don't it's what they do with it you're right it matters who you are so it took a while to dawn on me or maybe i was just afraid to think that you survived the destruction because you caused it no no no no no no no no no that's just this no please i think i'm about to arson no there will come a moment when you have to commit to this or bail every field agent has a defining moment it's over there is no shield anymore there is no shield coulson there's no shield we change your name we whisper in the shadows whatever happens we're doing the best we can this means something this has to mean something the world needs us hydra is out there we cannot let them win we we cannot let them define us do you understand that we are not agents of nothing we are agents of shield and that still carries weight it has to carry weight after everything we've been through that carries weight it's hard to make sense of all this no it no it didn't the war is over we lost and you've lost we failed so now thank god i beg the universe i begged anyone who would listen let you be spared oh i'm in the nightmare and i'm screaming at the top of my mouth and none of you can hear me there's nothing holding us together yes there is enoch hope the team will carry on the mission we never give up we will survive because of you we're always held together by hope thank you you are most welcome but agent johnson well your friends will indeed survive the team will not i have seen the future carry on this mission and cherish it for it will be your last mission together that's that's not possible you know this is my family of course yet this is the nature of families i have seen it countless times on countless worlds people arrive so we celebrate and people leave us so we grieve we do what we can with the time in between but the cycle is always there no one escapes it not even me i lived a life surrounded by heroes none bigger than all of you since the day you joined same as anyone in the line of duty i'm not doing this alone i'm not doing this alone heroes because we signed up to lose each other look we lost to someone that's never easy i'm getting used to losing people to get close to good people and have them taken away tough to lose people you care about secrets of that don't get attached we've all suffered losses never lose sight of it [Music] and never forget those we've lost you don't have to forget but you have to move on no [Music] [Applause] with respect so you're wrong we never move on we hold that place in our heart we close it off we lock the door visit from time to time but we don't move on hydro took a lot of good people for me anyone who signs up for this to lose friends or limbs [Music] [Applause] for your life in protection of humanity we are in this together this is the last mission together and when it's done you should walk let your people go there you guys are my family this will be the last time we're almost here despise goodbye i can't just say goodbye someone might decide to take this little dream team away from me i'd like to see them try it's more than a team and you know it but the one thing that i don't need time to understand is that we are all in this together those of you who have served since the very beginning i wish i would have known you guys back then we were different people back then into those whose journeys have just begun you're the new guy in charge now yes to the agents we've lost in the line of duty as well as those who have somehow returned home and to those who stand by us at our best and at our worst here's to us because without every single one of you who's like us there is no shield damn few you
Channel: HostilePoet17
Views: 47,779
Rating: 4.99334 out of 5
Id: lyfd54DHqTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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