Age of Empires 2 DE - Scouts into Knights Build Order

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okay guys let me start a game here just to show you guys the basics um actually i want to show you guys a build order okay which is a scout build order that you guys can follow the step by step and yeah and yeah it's a it's a pretty basic build order so let's just do it so basically we're gonna start by making villagers and adding two houses so two villages in a house another religion another one and then i put two sheep here in the base and then we explore with the other two i like selecting them on ctrl 2 and ctrl s and ctrl 3 sorry and my scout i i use in the control one so every time i select i click one there we go i'm in the scout okay um so put the villagers to to get to born here directly taking the sheep and you just explore the sheep you explore the scalp around your base you know pretty pretty simple stuff so we're gonna add six villagers to the sheep and we already have six villagers so let's put let's start putting villagers in the wood so after taking the sheep with six villagers we're going to take some wood so that's it we can add the lumber camp keep making villages you should never stop making villagers so keep on doing that let me explore here a bit actually i'm going to explore with the knight with the scout around here so it's fine okay so since we're going scouts we're going to put only three villagers in the wood and that's more than enough so let's take another sheep and now we're gonna take the boar where is my bordeaux okay i found the board i found the bar for me okay so um yeah find your boards and okay i found i found the second one so let's go back um let's take the sheep all right actually let me make a house here yeah now we'll make a house i'm almost losing this this villager oh my gosh let me flick okay i mean not the best lure ever not the best start ever actually but it's okay so here we have eight villagers taking the bars i can lure some deers as well so you might explore your opponent or lure some deer so i'm going to lure one or two deers and then i'll explore my opponent but for now let's wear some gears here pretty simple stuff of course guys use the hotkeys you gotta use hotkeys if you want to play this game good good enough know so use your hot keys so you can play faster and better okay so i'll keep luring here okay i found the bar one one hit is enough so we give a hit and then we go back to rtc and then we take the ball all right and don't forget to add houses okay so when you have when when you have like you know when you need only two villagers to to reach maximum pop you make a house okay and now i'll put like two more on the wood i'll keep luring the deers because why not release one more and then we make the loon okay so you can go up with 20 or 21 pop i'll make 21 because that's also pretty good okay lord the deer let's find our opponent and then we go up okay simple as that but yeah there we go pretty easy and we can add a few more villagers to the wood how many i don't know i don't really know i think eight villages total it's it's good so take villagers that and are not with low hp and there we go we already found our opponent pretty easy stuff oh my gosh okay come here she okay and now i'll add a barracks i should have added the barracks earlier but it's okay okay a few hits on the night on the scout very nice i'll bring another villager to to build okay be sure you're not you're efficient here in the woods okay and let's keep making villagers and now let's add a barracks i mean a stable and upgrade this okay what are you sure you want to attack me okay and also you can upgrade this okay very nice man my game is in portuguese right now but you got the idea and we can also add um dude stop um um so yeah we can add farms dude stop you're gonna lose your scout for nothing i mean crazy but huh what a crazy ai oh okay he's making a drush nice yeah that's very nice now he's losing everything yeah that wasn't very intelligent from my opponent but yeah just keep adding farms and your eco might be good you should add a few houses as well if possible and let's just attack the villagers so that's the idea you make the scout when you attack the villages you keep taking food here i mean making farms oh no yeah i like taking the i like chopping these these wood and these these trees right around the tc and feel the wage and i keep adding farms when possible so let's do it here let's do it here and there we go we can make another scott if you want there we go so add the farms just keep adding farms there you go oh my god i lost the scout for nothing [Music] so yeah how many farms do we have here i have no idea 17. okay i think 17 it's a good number um now we can start taking gold because we want to go up eventually so yeah try to not lose your scouts and kill the villagers now let's just take some gold you can add the house maybe oh my freaking gosh i'm losing scouts or nothing yeah i'm playing pretty poorly here but you guys got the idea right okay another villager let me run away from the spearman okay and let me go back here to attack so yeah let me add another villager sometimes you can make the wheelbarrow sometimes you can just keep making villagers it depends depends on what you want to do what's your strategy um but for for now i'll just i'll just keep making villagers because i want a lot of villagers but i could um make like three villagers or four villagers on the gold and make the wheelbarrow if i want now i can add two more farms for example and take more gold and we are going up in a second and there we go so 17 minutes and we are going up we did a lot of scouts i mean a few scouts at least we can make another laundry camp here maybe a lumber camp here as well and that's it now we are going up to castle and everything's fine everything's nice and we can upgrade that if you want of course our opponent um have a lot of archers so maybe we should may add some skirms maybe should go full scouts or something i want to make full nights and stuff so i'll upgrade this i can upgrade this so i did the horse collar no no no not harsh color um let me see the name of it because i forgot so the english version of the game the bloodlines yes of course so i'm making bloodlines i can add the house maybe add another house maybe all of this i mean you guys can improve a little bit but i i guess you got the the main idea of the of this build order so it's a pretty simple build order and from here you can add nights or you can make cartridges if you want i don't know it depends on your strategy but as you guys can see i got a lot of food i can add scouts i can upgrade the ball saw here can even upgrade that if i want so yeah everything seems pretty good eventually i can make marty sees and i can boom maybe i can just go full army so yeah everything's super super fine i can't wall here a bit okay let me run away let me take the the spearman let me attack here there we go all right let's attack guys let's freaking attack everything there we go now he's losing out his army we can add rtc here if you want okay so let me delete that all right there you go so pretty easy stuff of course um in a multiplayer game that might be harder but you know it's okay so yeah a few more villagers on the gold if you want be sure to to make our equal balance and that's it guys we can just keep attacking keep killing villagers killing army and stuff like that okay there you go i'm killing all killing everything very nice and this is gg right you can keep making villagers don't let your villagers either just keep making army keep making villagers and you're good to go you're good to win the game so yeah maybe i got a lot of villagers in the gold i can add some farms here and there we go just keep killing villagers there's no much secret here you're completely dominating yeah you can make maybe take some stone maybe take some wood i don't know so yeah um let me upgrade that so the second defense for night if your opponent has a lot of arches is really important to make the second defense in in my case my opponent got nothing but you know so yeah just keep making army keep making villagers and look at that i got a lot of wood so i can add a lot of farms here and make my economy more balanced yeah and now i have second defense on the scout let's just attack the pc let's attack the spike as keep adding well there we go and that's probably gg yep yep your opponent is completely dead and that's which there we go yeah guys and that's how you make a scout into knight's build order i hope you guys enjoyed enjoy that and that's it thank you very much for watching
Channel: Vitinyu
Views: 252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: age2, age 2, aoe2, aoe 2, aoe2 de, aoe 2 de, age 2 build order, age 2 bo, aoe 2 build order, aoe 2 bo, aoe 2 how to make scout rush, aoe 2 scout rush
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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