A.G.: Voter card I.D. number must be on ballot

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attorney general carl bethel says your voter card id number must be on your ballot when casting your vote on thursday this after returning officer revealed to eyewitness news that he received a ballot during the advance poll that would make it traceable how he voted now according to that returning officer the only thing meant to be on your ballot is the presiding officer's signature in green inc this revelation raising concern from voters who wish to keep their decision private however bethel says that a prior court of appeal ruling overturned a previous supreme court ruling that tried to prohibit voter card numbers being written on the back of ballots i was then attorney general we took it straight to the court of field that very night and the court of field overruled the ruling of the then chief justice and restored the law which is that the voter identification number of their bonus card is written on the back of every valid side by every voter marked by any voter so that if there is an election court you can identify the exact ballot cast by any voter who has been challenged
Channel: Eye Witness News
Views: 1,885
Rating: 4.2727275 out of 5
Id: nQiIXLZenfA
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Length: 1min 19sec (79 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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