Aftermath of a Russian EMP Attack on the US

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In mid-2022, a war game simulation of a Chinese  invasion of Taiwan was conducted by the Center   for a New American Security (CNAS), a bipartisan,  nonprofit Washington DC-based organization,   and was broadcast on an episode of NBC’s Meet the  Press. The Center organized two groups of leading   experts: one representing China, represented  by several experts on China along with the CEO   of CNAS; representing the United States Security  Council advising the US President, which included   defense experts, a retired Air Force general,  and several sitting members of Congress. Their simulation ran just short of a week of real  time, and was stunning in several aspects. One of   the most sobering was how fast China was willing  to use nuclear weapons. The team representing   China decided, after the US and allied forces  navies were close to defeating the Chinese navy’s   support of the invasion, to implement what is  known as a “HEMP shot,” that is, a high-altitude   EMP attack, an electro-magnetic pulse caused by  a nuclear weapon, high over the US naval forces. Although the Chinese Communist Party, the CCP,  has declared they will not use nukes first,   it’s clear their position on their nuclear weapon  force is changing. According to most sources,   such as the Center for Strategic and International  Studies, the CSIS, China is both modernizing and   expanding its nuclear weapons arsenal, with  the possibility that their current status of   using their nuclear weapons for only defensive  deterrence possibly changing in the future. Unlike China, Russia does not have a  no-first-use policy, and has threatened   to use nuclear weapons multiple times since  its invasion of Ukraine in 2022. They have   repeatedly said that if the “territorial  integrity” of Russia seems threatened,   nuclear weapon use might be considered. This  isn’t just President Vladimir Putin saying   this. As recently as January 2023, Vyacheslav  Volodin, chairman of Russia’s lower house,   the State Duma, threatened Europe and  the U.S. with “global catastrophe” if   the West’s military aid to Ukraine passed  some metaphorical line in the sand. Other   threats have come from former Russian President  Dmitry Medvedev, who has talked about the use   of nuclear weapons more than once since the  outbreak of the conflict in February 2022. And Putin himself warned the West on September 21,  2022 that he was not bluffing when he said Russia   would use “all available means to protect Russia  and our people.” He tried to blame the West for   ratcheting up the nuclear rhetoric, saying, “This  is not a bluff. And those who try to blackmail   us with nuclear weapons should know that the  weathervane can turn and point towards them.” As recently as April 25th, 2023, the  Russian Foreign Ministry's head of   Nuclear Non-Proliferation, Vladimir Yermakov,  told the Russian state news agency TASS that   it was the US that was escalating the  risks of nuclear confrontation through   its opposition to its war in Ukraine. "The  most acute threat today is associated with   the danger of nuclear escalation as a result  of a direct military confrontation between   nuclear powers," Yermakov said, meaning  the US and its allies, including NATO,   versus Russia, "and these risks, to the  deepest regret, are steadily growing." But how would this nuclear attack be carried out?  Most analysts think an all-out nuclear exchange   is unlikely, since that’s the basis behind the  no-win strategy known as MAD, mutually assured   destruction. Russia and the US both have enough  nuclear weapons to assure complete annihilation   of the other many times over. China, while  still building up its own nuclear forces,   has enough to take out every major city  in the US, if they decided to join in. However, Russia categorizes any high-altitude EMP  weapon as part of its information warfare branch,   alongside cyber warfare and other electronic  attacks, so their already loose restrictions   against using nuclear weapons may not even apply  to HEMP weapons—according to their definitions. Make no mistake: an EMP attack, especially one at  a high enough altitude that could encompass large   areas of the US, dubbed an HEMP attack, has been  considered an “existential threat” to our future,   yet the US is woefully unprepared  for the effects of such an attack. Is Russia Preparing for an  EMP Attack on NATO or the US? Russia is already well underway in preparing  for such an EMP attack. Since the early 1960s,   the former Soviet Union had conducted tests  that demonstrated the destructive potential   of the EMP pulse generated by nuclear explosions. Their awareness began with a high-altitude  EMP explosion known as “Test 184,” conducted   on October 22nd, 1962, over modern-day  Kazakhstan. Even though the technological state  of Kazakhstan in 1962 was relatively  primitive by today's standards,   it was heavily industrialized and fully electrified. Test 184 was   detonated above a point 180 miles west of  the city of Zhezgazghan, chosen because   of its central location in the middle of  Kazakhstan. At an altitude of 290 kilometers,   the distance to the horizon would have been more  than 1900 kilometers, and the electromagnetic   pulse generated by the explosion would have  covered the entire region. This was done   deliberately for the Soviet Union to see what  effects the EMP would have on a populated area. The EMP effects from Test  184 destroyed transformers,   generators, communication systems, electric  switches, and all types of electronics,   within an enormous are extending hundreds of  kilometers, thus proving the effectiveness   and destructive potential of nuclear  weapon-generated electromagnetic pulses. The results of Test 184 were kept secret for  over thirty years, and were only shared with   the West in a briefing by a Russian general in  1994, after the breakup of the Soviet Union.   Test 184 confirmed for the Soviets in 1962  what the United States had concluded earlier   that same year from its own tests conducted over  the Pacific Ocean, called Project Starfish Prime. Starfish Prime witnessed the explosion of a  hydrogen bomb detonated 250 miles above the   Johnston Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. The  1.4 megaton bomb, 500 times as powerful   as the one that fell on Hiroshima, was one  of the last high-altitude nuclear tests,   though it was dwarfed by the USSR’s Tsar  Bomba explosion the previous year, which   clocked in at 50 megatons. When the Starfish  Prime electromagnetic pulse reached Hawaii,   750 nautical miles to the northeast, it caused  blackouts, blocked radio transmissions, and caused   significant electronic faults both on land and  in numerous ships located throughout the area. On top of the problems of the EMP damage,  the Starfish Prime test also created a   new artificial radiation belt that was  stronger and longer lasting than scientists   had predicted. This unexpected “Starfish  Belt,” which lingered for at least 10 years,   destroyed Telstar 1, the first satellite  to broadcast a live television signal,   and Ariel-1, Britain’s first satellite.  “It came as a surprise how bad it was,   and how long it lasted, and how damaging it  was to satellites that flew through that area   and died,” says David Sibeck, a scientist  for NASA’s Van Allen Space Probes mission. The resulting dangers exhibited  by Starfish Prime and Test 184   convinced the US and the USSR to agree  to sign an atmospheric test ban treaty,   concluded the very next year. Though  underground nuclear testing has continued,   as recently as 2017 by North Korea, no  further atmospheric tests have been conducted. This is both reassuring and troubling:   without further testing, it’s unclear just  how damaging a HEMP explosion would be,   which means we’re unsure how much protection our  electrical grid and computerized systems need. The Different Components of an EMP Attack From the data collected by those two tests,  as well as a few prior atmospheric tests,   we have learned some significant elements of EMPs.  We now know that when a nuclear device goes off,   it generates three significant  and distinctive “waveforms” of   gamma radiation, usually denoted as E1, E2 and E3. The E1 component is incredibly brief, only  a microsecond in duration, and is produced   when gamma radiation from the nuclear detonation  ionizes or strips atoms from molecules floating in   the upper atmosphere. This is known as the  Compton Effect, and the resulting current   is called the “Compton current.” The electrons  travel at relativistic speeds, or close to the   speed of light, in a mostly downward direction,  since there are more atoms lower down in Earth’s   atmosphere than higher up. This radiation  travels in a direct line to the horizon,   which is why EMP weapons are expected  to be detonated at higher altitudes,   from 100 miles up and higher, so as to have the  effect spread out as far as possible and affect   as much area as possible. However, like all  energy, the strength dissipates over distance,   so the most powerful portion of the pulse  will be directly below the explosion. The E1 component produces high  voltages in electrical conductors,   and can destroy any embedded computers in  modern equipment like vehicles, airplanes,   laptops, cell phones and modern communications  equipment, as its voltage increases too quickly   (over only a few nanoseconds) for ordinary surge  protectors to provide effective protection from   it. Shielding can prevent this damage,  but usually, only sophisticated military   equipment or specially constructed Faraday cages  are strong enough to protect from such an attack. Following the E1 component is the E2 component,  a longer frequency pulse that lasts from a   microsecond to one or two seconds long. The  E2 component bears a lot of similarities to   lightning, though a close lightning strike  may be more locally intense than the overall   energy of a nuclear weapon-induced E2 component.  Because of the similarities to lightning-caused   pulses and the widespread use of lightning  protection technology, the E2 component is   generally considered to be the least harmful  and the easiest to protect against. However,   it arrives instantaneously following the  E1 component, which may have damaged any   surge protections, rendering them useless  in protecting against the E2 component. What might be the most damaging to the  United States would be the third component,   the E3 portion of the EMP. This component is very  different from the other two major components   of a nuclear EMP. The E3 component is a very  long wavelength and very slow-arriving pulse,   lasting tens of seconds to several minutes, as  the nuclear detonation forces its way through   the Earth's magnetic field, followed by the  return of the magnetic field to its natural   place. The E3 component has similarities  to a geomagnetic storm caused by a very   severe coronal mass ejection (CME) from our Sun  (more on that later). Like a geomagnetic storm,   the E3 component produces geomagnetically-induced  currents in long electrical conductors like power   lines, which can then damage or destroy  components such as power transformers.   Since the E3 waves are much longer than the E1  or E2 waves, they synch up perfectly with the   long wires of our electric grid, which act as  conductors for the EMP’s destructive energy. And here is where an EMP weapon can deal  significant, some say catastrophic damage to the   US. As the E3 pulse overloads the electrical grid,  it can short out transformers over vast areas,   leading to regional blackouts encompassing  multiple states because of transformer core   saturation and imbalances between supply and  demand of electricity. These transformers   are huge, very expensive, and many are  uniquely designed and built for specific   locations and purposes. It could take years  to replace them, and without regional power,   even building new ones to replace the  overloaded ones might be impossible. When you combine the effects of the E1  component knocking out computerized systems   and transportation, and the E3 component knocking  out significant portions of our electric grid,   it’s not hard to imagine how the entire  US economy could be seriously disabled.   It’s also easy to see how, even if the real  damages to equipment aren’t that significant,   the widespread result of an EMP attack, plus  its potential impacts on other systems like   computers and telecommunications, not  to mention food and fuel deliveries,   has the potential to make the process of getting  things back online seem nearly impossible. What Would Happen to People and Structures  on the Ground During an EMP Attack? As far as we can tell from the existing data, a  high-altitude EMP explosion would cause absolutely   no physical damage to anything or anyone on the  ground. When a nuclear weapon is detonated at 100   miles or higher, its effects are too far away  to affect the ground with its blast radius. It   doesn’t interact with the ground, so it doesn’t  cause nearly as much radioactive fallout as a   near-ground burst, which picks up dirt or ocean  water and irradiates it, allowing it to spread   across vast regions. Though as we’ve seen from the  Starfish Prime explosion, atmospheric radiation   does exist in at least small quantities, and can  harm existing satellites, especially if they’re   orbiting low enough to encounter a resulting  and often long-lasting radiation plume. As already discussed, the biggest problem by far  is the damage done to infrastructure like the   electronic grid, transportation, communication  (including both cell phones and the Internet),   and anything that relies on these systems to  do everyday business. The resultant problems   from losing power and the ability  to move vital services like food,   water, gas, heating homes and running  hospitals, would be as bad as anything   we’ve seen in the US’ history. Imagine  no power to keep food cool in the summer,   or no electricity for hospitals to conduct  surgery, or even no electricity for the pumps   in our sewage treatment facilities. Modern society  is wholly dependent on electricity; without it,   we’d revert to nearly stone-age living, burning  any available wood to boil water and heat homes. We’ve seen how quickly society breaks down  when something as regional as an ice storm   cuts power. In February of 2021, Texas  experienced a severe ice storm that cut   power to as many as 5 million residents at  one point, with a peak power loss affecting   more than 11 million. Power outages, coupled  with unusually cold sub-freezing temperatures,   resulted in the deaths of more than 700  people, and damages exceeding $195 billion. People that survived power loss that extended  in some areas for more than two weeks said it   seemed like the “end of the world.” In order  to heat their homes, people burned furniture,   books, clothing, even children’s toys. The  lack of firewood became even more extreme   when the state government urged 7 million  residents in the Dallas, Fort Worth area   and the Houston and Tyler metroplexes to  boil water, due to contamination in water   lines caused by the lack of water pressure  from frozen and broken water lines and pumps. This was all caused by a relatively limited-effect  storm, though it did strike many populated areas   and at a time when temperatures hit record  lows in a state that wasn’t well prepared   for either the damage to its power grid,  nor for the vast numbers of people lacking   proper heating and food supplies. Scaling up  such effects on a national level could mean,   according to some “preppers”—people preparing  for an End Times-like scenario—and according   to doomsayers, preparing for a world that  devolves to Mad Max levels of anarchy and   brutality. They foresee extreme problems for  urban areas, and expect such problems to begin   to occur in as little as ten to twelve hours  after all the power goes out over a vast area. Are Russia and China  Preparing “Super-EMP” Weapons? It must be noted that the original fusion-type  nuclear weapons, the so-called hydrogen bombs,   were created in such a way that they actually  (although unknowingly) minimized the amount of   EMP damage that they produced. In that respect,  many analysts consider those earlier weapons   to be “suppressed-EMP” weapons. The E1 pulse  these weapons generate arises from gamma rays,   and from the effect of those gamma rays  hitting the molecules in the upper- to   mid-stratosphere in the presence of a strong  geomagnetic field, so anything that prohibited   or held back those gamma rays, lessened their  effect on the atmosphere. These early weapons: 1) Used a very thick and dense  layer of chemical explosive around   the nuclear material to trigger the reaction. 2) Used a very thick and dense steel casing on   the entire exterior of the weapon. 3) Set off a very small fission   explosion microseconds before the major  (mostly fusion) thermonuclear explosion.  4) Detonated the device where the  geomagnetic field is relatively weak. Because of this, the EMP pulse that they generated  was many times less powerful than it could have   been. The Soviets quickly learned they could  develop a more powerful EMP weapon by removing   most or all of the characteristics of the original  hydrogen bombs. Simply using more modern materials   to eliminate the dense chemical explosives around  the fusion core, and building the bomb with the   thinnest casing possible, even if the casing  has to be so thin that it sacrifices some of the   explosive power of the weapon, would potentially  increase the number of gamma rays emitted from   the weapon by a factor of ten, resulting in  a huge increase in the EMP pulse created. Another mitigating factor was that the region  where the US conducted the Starfish Prime and   other earlier atmospheric tests. Most of them  were done in near-equatorial regions of the   mid-Pacific, an area where the geomagnetic field  is considerably weaker than other areas of the   globe, or in the South Atlantic Anomaly, where  the geomagnetic field is at its very lowest,   where three of the first six high-altitude  nuclear tests of the United States were performed. In fact, the US had already stumbled upon the  recipe for creating a more powerful “super-EMP”   weapon, without even knowing it. According to  Chuck Hansen's “The Swords of Armageddon,” the   Starfish Prime Python weapon used a nuclear  primary called “Python.” It was surprisingly   compact, with a diameter of 17 inches and a  length of 26 inches. The Python primary was dense,   weighing in at 218 pounds, but all by itself  produced a nuclear yield of 15 to 20 kilotons.   Since the Python device was optimized  to produce x-ray and gamma radiation,   it would likely have produced a much greater  EMP (if detonated alone outside of the Starfish   Prime warhead casing) than the suppressed  EMP actually produced by the Starfish Prime   weapon. Rather than knocking out  only 300 streetlights in Hawaii,   the much smaller Python device of 1962 would have  likely knocked out many thousands of streetlights. There have been many claims about the existence of  more modern “super-EMP” nuclear weapons that can   generate electric fields of 100,000 to 200,000  volts per meter. The declassified scientific   literature only describes the operation of first  or second generation nuclear weapons which are   capable of producing a maximum EMP field strength  of about 50,000 volts per meter on the ground,   and this only applies on the side of the  surface closest to the equator. Maximum   field strengths near the horizon would be  limited to about half of this value, or   25,000 volts per meter. The reason that  the maximum field strength is slightly   stronger to the equatorial side of the  detonation point (in other words, south   of the detonation in the northern hemisphere)  is that this is where the high-energy Compton   electrons start to move through the Earth's  magnetic field at nearly a 90 degree angle. We can’t be certain, but many government officials  and nuclear researchers worry that Russia, China,   and possibly other adversaries like Iran  and even North Korea may have designed and   built nuclear weapons, like those described  above, that can generate a burst of 200,000   volts per meter below the detonation and  100,000 volts per meter near the horizon. Neither the Russian nor the Chinese governments  have admitted to designing, building or testing   any kind of “super-EMP” weapons, though since  it’s been made public that the US has declassified   documents about their own such programs, it’s  likely they have at least kept up with the US,   and possibly even surpassed its capabilities.  And with the relatively simple construction   process and small size of such a device, it’s  not impossible to theorize that countries   like Iran and North Korea could also create  such weapons, and even launch them on easily   available short-range missiles from platforms  like cargo ships sailing off either US coasts. Should We Worry About EMPs From Other Sources? As worrisome as nuclear weapon-generated EMPs  are, there is a source far more common and   much harder to regulate and control that we  really should be worrying about: our own Sun. The Sun has an eleven-year cycle of low sunspot  activity followed by peak sunspot activity. These   sunspots are caused by twists and turns of the  Sun’s magnetic field. At the end of each of these   cycles, the Sun’s magnetic field actually flips,  where north becomes south and south becomes north. The solar flares connected with sunspots often  reach far enough out into space that they can   have an effect on the Earth, if the side  of the Sun with the solar flare is facing   towards Earth at the time. During such events,  we might see an increase in the Aurora Borealis,   as the electrified particles interact with  Earth’s magnetic field, and travel down   through our atmosphere at the two poles. But  there are much more powerful eruptions called   coronal mass ejections, or CMEs, that are  not the same as solar flares: while both are   created by the Sun’s magnetic field, a solar  flare is miniscule in comparison to a CME. CMEs are closest to the effects of  the E3 component of an EMP blast,   but on a much greater scale. While you can think  of a solar flare as the muzzle flash of a cannon,   a CME is the cannonball flung out by that  same cannon. Any sufficiently active solar   cycle can create a CME, which carries  an EMP component powerful enough to   do significant damage to our power grid,  satellites, and even our very atmosphere. While a solar flare is usually confined to the  upper atmosphere of the sun, a CME is an immense   cloud of magnetized particles hurled far out into  space. Traveling over 1.6 million km per hour   (around a million mph), the ejected solar plasma  can take up to three days to reach our planet,   though some extremely powerful CME events reach  us much faster. The differences between solar   flares and CMEs are quite different  when seen through solar telescopes:   solar flares appear as a bright  but localized river of light,   while CMEs appear as massive fans of gas  erupting into space much farther from the Sun. The largest CMEs can contain billions of tons of  solar material, and are launched from the Sun at   up to 3,000 km per second, according to the  NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center. This   material contains an embedded magnetic field:  it's this natural EMP field that causes the   same kind of destruction that the E3 portion  of a nuclear weapon-generated EMP would cause. But how dangerous are the EMPs generated by  coronal mass ejections? The most well-known   CME is one that occurred over two days, September  1–2, 1859, and created the largest geomagnetic   storm on record. We didn’t have a sophisticated  energy grid at the time, but the US did have a   substantial telegraph system with wires strung  from coast to coast. Since the third component   of an EMP is made up of longer wavelengths,  the lengthy telegraph wires were the perfect   conductor for such energy. Reports of telegraph  operators getting their hands burned were common,   and some telegraph offices were set ablaze  from the sparks emanating from their sets. The Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora  Borealis, were witnessed as far south as Cuba and   Honolulu, whilst the Southern Lights, the Aurora  Australis, were seen as far north as Santiago,   Chile, according to National Geographic. Telegraph  operators discovered that the auroral current was   strong enough that they could transmit messages  without being connected to their batteries. And while most CMEs take up to  three days to travel to Earth,   the Carrington CME traversed over 150  million km (90 million miles) between   the sun and Earth in less than 18 hours, and  unleashed its force across the entire planet. According to a NASA spaceflight, researchers  from the British insurance company Lloyd's   of London and the Atmospheric and Environmental  Research agency in the U.S. have estimated that   if a Carrington-class event struck today’s  heavily electrified world, it would cause   between $1 trillion and $2.6 trillion in damages,  just to the U.S. alone. Multiply that number by   three or four times, if it lasted long enough  to catch Europe, the Middle East and China. There was a recent CME that happened on  March 12th, 2023, though on this occasion,   the Sun was facing away from the Earth, and  the CME roared off harmlessly into space. If   it had been heading our way, the Earth  could have faced widespread blackouts,   burned out satellites, and a complete failure  of the Internet for weeks or even months on end. As CMEs roar through space,  they create a shockwave that   can accelerate solar particles along  the CME’s path to incredible speeds,   similar to the way surfers ride along an incoming  ocean wave. Known as solar energetic particles,   or SEPs, these speedy particles can make the  93-million-mile journey from the Sun to Earth   in around half an hour. Though SEPs are commonly  detected following Earth-facing solar events,   they are less common for eruptions on the far  side of the Sun. Nevertheless, satellites orbiting   Earth detected SEPs from this March 2023 eruption  beginning early in the morning of March 12,   meaning this CME was powerful enough to set off a  massive cascade of solar particle collisions that   reached the opposite side of the Sun where the  Earth was. NASA’s astronomers are still analyzing   the data from this event to discover how such  an impressive and far-reaching effect occurred,   and whether we might see such effects in the  next two years of increasing solar activity,   leading up to the next solar maximum in 2025. We’ve had other near misses from CMEs through the   years, as well as being affected by weaker CMEs.  One “weaker” CME struck the area near Quebec,   Canada, on March 13th, 1989, which erupted from  the Sun four days earlier on March 9th. This   CME caused widespread power outages as well as  short-wave radio interference. There was another   on July 23rd, 2012, a massive and potentially  historically damaging solar superstorm,   but this one luckily missed the Earth.  Many astronomers believe the 2012 CME   would have been a Carrington-class event,  if the Sun had been facing us at the time. Another massive CME erupted on October 14th,  2014. It was strong enough to be detected on   Mars on October 17th, where it was observed  by the Mars Express, MAVEN, Mars Odyssey,   and Mars Science Laboratory missions. By  October 22nd, at 3.1 AU distance, it reached   the Rosetta spacecraft that was approaching comet  67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, perfectly aligned with   the Sun and Mars. And by November 12th, it  was observed by the Cassini spacecraft as it   approached Saturn, a surprising 9.9 AU away from  the Sun. Three months after its initial eruption,   it even reached the New Horizons spacecraft,  which was approaching Pluto at 31.6 AU. CMEs become more frequent during the sunspot’s  11-year solar maximum. At solar minimum,   the Sun might kick out about one CME a week, but  as the Sun nears its solar maximum, there might be   as many as two or three CMEs being launched per  day. The chances of the Earth eventually being   in the crosshairs of a future globe-affecting  CME is undeniably one hundred percent certain. The one good thing about CMEs, if there is one,  is the narrow window of predictability we have.   Using our vast fleet of solar observing  satellites and Earth-based telescopes,   astronomers can detect an incoming CME and  warn various systems in its path. Electric   companies can redirect power, airlines  can reroute flights, and anyone using   satellites for GPS location or communication can  be prepared for any anticipated loss of contact. None of the countries of the West are  truly prepared for any sort of EMP attack,   whether launched by an adversary like China or  Russia, or even a weaker coronal mass ejection   from our own Sun. To be fully prepared, each  country would have to be willing to spend   tens of billions of dollars to protect their  electrical grid, and to harden the vast number   of electronic devices that its citizens  depend on, from cell phones and cars to   internet cables buried beside our roads and  the GPS satellites overhead in our skies. As bad as a nuclear weapon-initiated EMP attack  might be, a bullseye coronal mass ejection would   be far worse, as its effects could extend across  an entire hemisphere. And where a weapon-induced   EMP attack can be an unlikely possibility— as  we’ve only ever seen two nuclear weapons used   in anger in the 78 years since the first A-bomb  was tested—we know for certain that a solar EMP   attack through a massive coronal mass ejection  is an inevitability. We’ve seen how powerful they   can be, and we risk our very civilization’s  future by ignoring their damaging effects. Maybe instead of Earth-bound countries bullying  each other for our own petty territorial gains,   we might choose to work together  to protect the planet as a whole.   Unfortunately that seems like a very  unlikely scenario in our current world. Now check out “How Putin Actually Thought the  War in Ukraine Would End” or watch “World War   3 - Most Likely Things That Will Cause It”  for a look at some worst-case scenarios!
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Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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