After Mastering All Elements, He Becomes So Overpowered That Even the Great Lord Is Terrified!

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the scene opens by showing Princess Alicia of the Highland Kingdom and her Associates exploring a certain part of the Kingdom they find ancient ruins which seem to be interesting from what they can deduce Alicia's subordinates believe that the drawings on the wall point to a legend called Shepherd Alicia talks about how her close subordinate CLM is going to be excited if she sees the ruins shortly afterward they return to the capital CLM is busy telling the people about the trial of the blade that will take place during the sacred blade Festival when Tao shows up to relieve of Duty because the princess is asking of her she gets to the princess's office and she is informed that she needs to take an official trip Professor Drake the astronomer has reported a strange cloud above the region in greil the princess wants CLM to check this out later on the council talks about how they want to use the trial of blades to select more people for the Army but Alisa is against this she doesn't want any of her subjects to be used as tools of War 2 weeks later CLM hasn't returned and the princess decides to go to G herself to check things out she leaves with ta and two other associates of hers while they are on their way to grel they are attacked by masked men the princess is not to joke with as she is able to hold her own against her enemy she is strong enough to defeat this person and even break the mask on his face she demands to know who sent him but another voice distracts her from the woods it turns out to be the leader of the bad guys the bad guy changes his appearance to what looks like an evolved human or sorcerer once he does this he disappears right in front of Alicia a quick scene shows what the trial of the blade is this simply requires one of the citizens to pull out a sword stuck in a stone any individual who does this is considered the shepherd and he is a special individual it is a King Arthur kind of thing you know later on Alicia tells her subordinates about the Giant and impressive Aqueduct located below greel she sincerely hopes CLM is safe and sound before they get to greel they reach a Vineyard and they get interested in the grapes they get down to observe and the owner's daughter is the first to show questioning their presence in the vineyard Alicia's subordinates want to get angry at this but Alicia cautions them with the arrival of the owner Alicia is able to create a bridge between herself the owner and her daughter this also gives her the opportunity to ask certain questions concerning the Mist that is visible in the sky they make their way to the Guard Station where they find a guard to talk to he lets them know that Clen went towards the forest in the north the last time he saw her the direction she went to is also in the direction of the Mist that nobody basically knows anything about the only thing they know about the Mist is the fact that it is growing the princess heads to the forest to investigate but tells ta to stay back in the town for observation soon afterward they reach the desert land and Alicia can see CLM in the distance CLM doesn't know that the Mist is already going crazy behind her Alicia shouts to warn her and once she sees this she gets scared and thinks of running away she then remembers that Professor Drake just entered into the aqueduct to make further investigations Alicia thinks of waiting for Drake but with the way the Mist is acting the safest option for them is to move away CLM gets on Alicia's horse and they start riding away meanwhile Drake is not really feeling the destruction that is happening on the surface CLM talks about how the professor believes that there were Supreme Beings living amongst humans in the past but the humans forgot about them and what is currently happening might be a punishment for that a giant eye emerges above the aqueduct and the professor realizes that he is done for a wave of dark matter flows toward the professor and consumes him at the same time Alicia's subordinates are getting ripped off by the Mist the only people left are Alicia and CLM and CLM suggests that Alicia lets her off the horse but she refuses they ride past a young girl who appears to be a sorcerer she talks about opening the gate of chaos and just as she says this she goes after Alicia at a blinding speed she creates several fiery obstacles to stop the horse but Alicia continues to navigate her way through the male sorcerer from before appears before them to cut them off and this just makes things even worse the guy goes crazy and releases a bunch of Destruction spells that send CLM into the deep Abyss leaving Alicia the only person alive Alicia just lost all of her comrades CLM ganette and Bolta in the space of minutes she falls to her knees crying and the female sorcerer disappears after saying she has lost interest this causes the male sorcerer to also stop whatever it is that he is doing Alicia stands up and starts walking toward the town only to get there and find out that there is no town again because everything has been leveled in the middle of all this she sees a kid walking toward her but the Mist appears again and swallows up the kid Alicia holds on to a pole to avoid getting sucked up into the Mist she watches in horror as a ball of fire transforms into a dragon right above her leaving her in a traumatic State a young female Knight walks through the forest and sees the ruins of a building she goes into the building to hide from the falling rain and falls asleep thinking about the world she wakes up in the morning and notices a mural that suggests she is in the temple of the Shepherds she looks around the temple and studies the mural of the shepherd but does not realize that she is being followed by a normal sarap the serap tries several times to get her attention as she reads the prophecy of the seraphim before the mural of the shepherd to no avail suddenly some bugs appear but the girl doesn't notice them the serf helps her by creating a shield that protects her from the bugs the girl notices the bugs and panics but then she sees a hole the serf created in the wall and decides to break the wall further so that can escape from the bugs she gets through the hole but there are bugs on her body and in a panic she falls into a flowing stream that carries her to a different realm the female Knight finds herself in another ruined building and wonders if it is another ruin of Asgard she explores the place and sees a courtyard where she finds a stone sculpture with the mark of the shepherd suddenly the stone sculpture moves away from her to the front of a waterfall the sculpture lights up and a building emerges from the waterfall before the stone sculpture proving the prophecy to be true meanwhile a boy named Sora who is very curious about ruins runs towards the ruins of a city and Marvels at them his friend mleo who is a seraphim joins him and scolds him for his Untamed curiosity to explore ruins mleo however joins him and they leave the land of the seraphim Sor shows mleo a land hidden by illusion that would lead to the ruined City just as they are about to begin exploring the land an old seraphim appears whom they call Gramps and stops them from exploring the land he explains that the land had been sealed off a long time ago warns them not to investigate or explore the land and then reactivates the illusion that night the boys think back on the land and Sor shows mleo some information from the celestial record about the arrival of the seraphim to the land of the humans Sor explains the relationship between the seraphim and the humans how the humans revered the seraphim and how the seraphim spread across the world to help the humans in their times of need mclo wonders if the ruin they saw was the ruins of the capital of the seraphim and Sor answers that he believes it was according to the celestial records Sor shares some information about the way humans had lived with saraph in the past and Miko comments on s's interest in the celestial record they both decide to check out the ruins and Miko reminds Sor that the ruined city is outside gramps's area of protection both boys pledged to be the first to get to the ruins as Sor approaches the ruin from Another Side he uses a rope to get over an entrance where he sees a mural of the shepherd which proves the existence of the shepherd He celebrates his win and then he sees a glove and is checking it out when mclo appears and takes the glove from him mleo Praises him for winning the race to the ruin and S teases mleo for losing more than once suddenly the clouds changed and lightning struck making the boys scared and wondering what was happening S Notes that the lightning is not natural just as the female Knight notices the lightning she heads towards it but is almost struck and she runs back inside the ruins a seraphim named K reports to Gramps where he is meditating Kime tells Gramps about the lightning and Gramps answers that he is aware of the recent development he asks if Sor and Miko have returned and Kime replies that they have yet to return to Alesia Gramps then tells Kime that he will remain behind for some time and Kimi takes his leave the female Knight runs into a large Al Cove inside the ruins and a statue strikes her with lightning she Dodges it but the floor gives way and she falls becoming unconscious Gramps remains in his meditative State saying that he will deal with whatever evil enters his domain meanwhile mleo and Sor run around trying to escape being struck by the lightning the lightning destroys the path but Sor Escapes in time and joins mleo they go on but the floor gives way before them and they both fall into a hole as they fall down the hole mleo who is affiliated with the element of water uses his power to save Sor and then lands gracefully after him he checks on Sor and sees that he is okay then comments on the place they found themselves in the boys explore to find a way out of the ruins they get to a place and Sor notices the unconscious female Knight he points her out to mleo and mleo reminds him that he has been told by Gramps to stay away away from other humans but Sor refuses and decides to help her Miko agrees to help also and they use a rope to get across a Chasm to a place close to her mleo reminds Sor that they are not close to the girl yet and Sor points out a body of water to mleo mleo realizes that it is his turn to help them mleo uses the water to build a bridge and they run across it to see the girl as they cross the bridge they comment on the state of the ruin and Marvel at the expertise of the Crafters who made the sculptures Sur approaches the girl and wakes her up the girl is surprised to see Sor who offers to help her up she refuses s's help to stand and helps herself up then apologizes for the trouble Sor introduces himself and she asks him if he is the shepherd which shocks both Sor and miklo Sor replies that he is not the shepherd but a regular human like her mleo looks at her without concern aware that she cannot see him the female Knight wonders if the ruins are the capital of the seraphim and S replies that they are in anticipation she asks about the shepherd and sé tells her that he has only seen the girl of the shepherd the girl becomes sad thinking that the prophecy was only a legend and that the world can no longer be saved later Sor decides to take the girl to Alicia and mleo tries to dissuade him reminding him that he would get into trouble for his decision Sor tells mleo that he cannot ignore someone in need and Miko reminds him that the girl has refused to share her name sé turns to look at the girl following him some steps behind and looking sad he replies to mleo that she must have a reason for her silence the girl thanks Sor for his help but s tells her not to worry about it Miko warns Sor about the wrath of Gramps and S is immediately saddened which makes the girl wonder if something is wrong Miko looks at the girl knowing that she cannot see him the boys take the girl to the home of the seraphim and she Marvels at the beauty of the place Sor shares some information about the seraphim and the girl wonders if Sor reads the celestial records as well sé is amazed that she also reads the celestial record and the girl finds out that the name of the city is Alisia mleo announced es to s that he is going to report to Gramps just as the rest of the seraphim appear before the girl s rushes forward and wants to introduce the seraphim but the girl suddenly speaks to the seraphim herself although she cannot see the seraphim she tells them about the state of the world and pleads for their help but the seraphim just looks at her one of the sarim Tells Sor to tell the girl to leave before she invites trouble and then they all turn to leave later gramp scolds Sor for his actions and mleo reminds Gramps that he had promised to listen to Sorry's argument Gramps then asks sor about his reason and Sor explains the reason for doing what he did Gramps tells him to send the girl back as she is human and humans bring disaster to the land of the seraphim s reminds Gramps that he is also human and Gramps replies that s has been with them for a long time enough to acclimate with the seraphim sé asks why Gramps had given him the celestial record then mentions some things he had seen in the celestial record about the relationship between the seraphim and the humans in the past Sor adds that the girl who has been kept in a secure Place believes in the seraphim but Gramps does not say anything the girl apologizes to Sor while they are eating for startling him she has started to doubt the existence of the seraphim and Sor asks where she is from moving away from the topic of the existence of the seraphim she then tells sé about her home City Lady Lake the capital of Highland sé remembers the capital from the celestial record and the prophecy that whoever pulls out the sword from the lake becomes the Shepherd that night as the girl sleeps Sor steps out of his house house to see mleo waiting for him mleo gives him a message from Gramps which makes s very happy Gramps had decided to let the human girl remain in the land of the seraphim until she was ready to leave of her own accord s thanks mleo and asks him to thank Gramps for him too later mleo stands under the stars and recalls the words of Gramps where he commented on s's good nature the next morning Sor shows the female night around the town he hunts a wild boar as she watches and she wonders if he has lived in the town all his life he replies that he has Gramps watches them from a distance knowing that she can't see him he senses a different presence and reacts but Sor assures her that someone wants to know more about her she teases him for letting her continue to believe that the seraphim truly existed as she slept that night she had a terrible nightmare that made her scream and sé rushed to check on her she notices that he is with the celestial record and Sor mentions that he has read it over and over she shares her dream of exploring the world also but regrets that the world is not fit to be explored she told him about the state the world is in her own experience es with the crisis that befell the world and how the memories are still fresh in her mind s recalls a passage from the celestial record and mentions that she seeks the shepherd she steps out of the house unhappy that she has failed in her mission to find the shepherd as she cries about her woes Gramps and some other seraphim watch her from a distance Sor rushes to mle's room the next day to ask for something but mleo doesn't understand his request Sor leaves him and searches the grounds outside then he sees his blanket covering the female Knight Sur realizes that GR LS had been the one who covered her later sé takes the girl to the ruins of the capital of the seraphim and shows her the mural of the shepherd she Marvels at the mural and Sor comments on it too then he shows her the glove he found at the site as he talks he loses his footing but regains it before he falls Sor then shares his dream to let humans and seraphim live together happily again and offers the glove he found to the female Knight she thanks him for giving her hope again later she says her farewell to Sor thanking him for everything he had done for her as she turns to go she gives her name as Alicia daa then apologizes for not being honorable enough to give her name despite being a knight she also apologizes for doubting the existence of saraph and Alesia and S becomes very happy she tells him that they did not respond to her greetings but she is sure that they can hear her meanwhile Gramps and the other saraph watch her from behind s Alicia then tells s about the upcoming Festival of the Sacred blade and asks if he is interested in taking the trial she also gives him the glove and reminds him of the dream he shared with her the day before comparing him to the Shepherd in the legend as she walks away Gramps and mleo join him suddenly Gramps feels the presence of an intruder and commands the seraphim to search for the Intruder Sor and mikleo go together to search for the Intruder which is a Helen the other seraphim check around elesia looking for the Helen as well Sor and Miko notice something and run towards the place where they see the Helen choking a seraphim named Mason the boys threaten the Helen and ask him to leave but the Helen refuses he laughs at them and insults them prompting the boys to bring out their weapons to fight with him Sor rushes forward to fight but the Helen beats him back the Helen throws him into the air and then knocks him around but mleo helps Sor by attacking the Helen with long range attacks the Helen turns to mleo and almost strikes him up close but s gets there in time to knock the Helen Back the Helen gets back up but before they can continue the fight Gramps shows up and tells the Helen to leave the Helen feels the difference in power level and leaves saying that he has been distracted from his s apologizes to Gramps for the invasion of the Helen into Alia and mleo scolds him for taking the blame Gramps agrees with mleo and tells sé not to feel guilty for The Invasion then tells the boys that peace in the world means there would be peace in Alesia meanwhile the seraphim are healing Mason who was injured in the Helen attack that night Sor thinks back on the fight with the Helen and his words where he said he had been distracted from his main goal Sor realizes that the Helen is after Alicia and decides to leave Alicia to save her as he steps through the Gate of Alia he apologizes and suddenly he hears mikleo's voice behind him mleo had been waiting for him mleo shares his deductions from the fight and tell Sur that Gramps had told him to go and check out the ruins he had found a knife that suggests that Alicia is more than just an ordinary Knight she is a member of the royal family of Highland Sur appreciates mleo for joining him on his quest but worries that Gramps would be mad about his decision to leave mleo gives Sor a message from Gramps to walk the path he believes in as he will not go astray the boys walk through the forest and get to the edge of the human Forest marveling at the beauty of the human world Sor and mleo run through the forest until they reach a clearing and see Lady Lake the capital of Highland hoping to find Alicia they Marvel at the beauty of the city its structure and the bridge connecting the Island City to the rest of the Mainland as they get on the bridge and see a lot of people mleo agrees with Sor and they run towards the queue Sor tries to get ahead but the people block his path he hears a girl speak behind him and turns to look at her the girl comments on him being new in town for the sacred blade Festival she asks if he has a pass but he is unsure what a pass is mleo who cannot be seen by regular humans observes the girl and the crew of her Caravan the girl decides to help sé and leads him through the gate as part of her Merchant crew of sparrow feathers which can enter any City freely after helping Sor through the gate she asks for payment and mlea Whispers In s's ear that money is a necessity for humans but s tells her that he does not have any money and she becomes frustrated as she searches his bag she finds the knife he is supposed to give Alicia and he pleads with her to return the knife as he has to return it to his friend the girl tells him that he will pay later and then shows Sor around the city Sor is happy with the bustling activity in the city and she reminds him that it is the sacred blade Festival just then her crew alerts her and she takes her leave of Sor saying she has to attend to her business Sor thanks her for everything and mleo reminds him that they have to start looking for Alicia suddenly mleo feels the growing malevolence in the city and Sor takes him to a place to rest Sor sees the Helen who attacked elisia mocking them before running off and they give Chase the Helen jumps off a building and Sor does the same Landing away from the Helen he asks the Helen why he is after Alicia and the Helen replies that he is not after Alicia but that he is after her because she brings him entertainment the Helen lets them know that there is a contract for the assassination of The Princess and laughs at the anticipation before taking off meanwhile Alicia visits a grave site with her master maltran they talk about the recent developments that have happened in the city since the princess's Excursion to Alesia maltran also tries to dissuade the princess from her ideals but the princess is adamant maltron lets her know that the upper brass of the city would not accept her decision and warns her to think carefully about her actions before leaving Chancellor bartlo meets with the representatives of the assassination organization scattered bones he shares his doubts about the princess's ability to lead the kingdom in the right direction and also accuses her of conniving With the Enemy Kingdom Roland the scattered bones representative tells the chancellor that they would take the contract knowing the amount of lies that would be saved after the death of the princess the chancellor convinces them that the princess is leading the kingdom down the wrong path and the Assassins take the job the Helen spots a seraphim walking with the crew of The Sparrow feather merchants and leaves the final day of the Sacred blade Festival begins during which the Warriors attempt to retrieve the sword that represents the shepherd mleo and Sor watch the proceedings and then they see a seraphim lying close to the sword realizing that she is the Lady of of the lake mleo explains the truth of the legend if a warrior attempts to pull the sword out but fails to do so the Lady of the Lake looks up and complains about the malevolence that fills the entire city maltron announces that the Festival of the Sacred blade has been restored because Alicia has hoped that the shepherd will be produced that year an assassin watches alishia and the Helen watches them all excited about whatever is about to happen sé and mleo discuss the prospect of being the shepherd as another fails to pull out the sword Alicia addresses the people apologize ing for the failure to produce the shepherd she also informs them about the growing malevolence around the world and speaks about their strain relationship with Roland their neighbor as she speaks the people's negativity grows and the hall becomes filled with malevolence she speaks against striking at Roland's first and the dissatisfaction from the audience grows more and more maltran senses that the mood of the people could turn into a riot and reaches for her feeling the malevolence and fear from the people growing and taking form turning into a Helen the Helen starts damaging the h and although the people cannot see the Helen they can see the damage it causes s watches the entire thing with mleo who is Gravely affected by the growing malevolence s runs to help Alicia and is knocked around by the Helen Alicia looks around at the people who are in disarray and sé comments that she cannot see the Helen he runs to meet the Lady of the Lake and asks her to help against the Helen the Lady of the Lake replies that only Shepherds can purify Helens Alicia watches as sé stands before the sword and is surprised that s can truly see the seraphim just then the Assassin lands behind her and attacks her but she defends herself well against the Assassin Alicia questions the Assassin who tells her that she has caused suffering among the people maltran watches the fight and wants to go help Alicia but bartlo reminds her that Alicia can defend herself and that the people need to be evacuated the Helen attacks again and Sor is torn between going after the Helen and helping Alicia who is being pushed back by the Assassin Alicia stops him and tells him to help the people as she believes that he can Sor walks towards the Sword and the the Lady of the Lake stops him asking him why he wants to be a Shepherd she gives her name as Lila and Sor shares his dream of traveling around the world to search for knowledge on how to get the seraphim and the humans to live together in harmony again as Sor shares his dream with lla mleo puts out the fire caused by the Helen while Alicia struggles with the Assassin he reaches for the sword and time stops Lila speaks to him from his heart that she would serve as a vessel for him as well and he would take on the burden of the shepherd He would be lonely and would make decisions that hurt him Sor listens to everything Laya says about the burden of the shepherd and accepts the role as he recalls the seraphim who had been with him all his life he pulls out the sword and time resumes the Helen attacks Alicia and sé who has been transformed into a more powerful form attacks the Helen mleo sees the new form of sé and is surprised sé on the other hand gets laya's true name and her power becomes his Laya guides him to unleash his power which he does purifying the Helen and clearing the malevolence in the hall Alicia is is glad that sé is the shepherd and the Assassin sees that the opportunity to strike at the princess is gone and runs away the people are amazed by the development and Miko screams as s collapses on the ground s wakes up on a strange bed and sees Miko and Laya waiting for him Miko tells him that he has been out for 3 days and he remembers the event of the battle with the Helen and then asks after Alicia just then Alicia comes into the room to help him and she becomes Overjoyed at seeing that he is awake she pies him with food and he eats until he is filled then thanks her for the food and also for taking care of him Alicia thanks Sur for becoming the shepherd and quelling the riot she also gives him a gift a cloth that distinguishes him as the shepherd Lila comments on the cloth and mleo mocks him for it Sor teases mleo and Alicia who are surprised that s is speaking to no one she can see she asks if the seraphim are there Sor ushers mleo before her and introduces him to her although she can't see mleo Sor also tells her of lla and Alicia becomes sad that there is nothing that can be done about the human situation despite the sarapin being so close to them lla says it is not true but Alisha cannot hear her Lila then tells s to hold Alisha's hands so that she can communicate their voice to Alisha through Sor s does as she says but Alicia still is unable to hear the seraphim they try something else and still Alicia cannot hear mlea wonders if s is not concentrating hard enough and then lla suggests that s hold his breath for a while lla tries again and Alicia can hear her voice her eyes light up with joy at being able to hear the seraphim m speaks up in Surprise and Alicia can hear him too Alicia apologizes for being rude but mleo replies that she has never struck him as being rude Lila speaks encouragingly to Alicia and advises her not to neglect the seraphim as they speak Sor releases his breath and Alicia wishes he would try once more but Sor says that there should be a better method to do it Sor becomes glad that he would be able to channel the seraphim's voices to everyone and lla lets him know that Alicia had been born with the talent to perceive the seraphim which was why it was able to work with her but not everyone's like that Alicia is glad that she was able to converse with the seraphim just then a maid appeared to deliver a message to Alicia ilila suggests that sé go into town as well and as they move through the town s is shocked at the displays around the town in respect of the shepherd Alicia explains how the people had come to show their love and respect for the shepherd Sur feels something tugging at his heart and Alicia asks him about it and he replies to her that he is nervous Alicia drops them off and thanks her for the ride as she cannot see the others the trio walks a bit before Sor starts feeling light-headed mleo asks him about it and he replies that he was feeling better earlier but is now nauseated Lila explains that it is the result of the growing malevolence sé tells them that the malevolence feels different and Laya asks him the source of the malevolence but he is unable to tell Laya then guides him to be able to tell the source of the malevolence he does and leads the seraphim to the source of the malevolence which is an underground Waterway the council led by bartlo asks that Alicia hand over Sor bartlo tells her that his power is enormous and would be better served under their control Alicia refuses and announces that she has no intention of handing over the shepherd Sor and the seraphim walk around the ruins they come up to a wall and wonder how to get through it m wonders where the door is and touches a latch that brings out a seal with the mark of the Highland royal family Sor recalls that he still has Alicia's knife and tries the knife in the seal the door opens and the three adventurers go through it as they explore the underground Network Sor sees the statue of a dragon and panics but mleo points out that it is only a statue mleo talks about the legends of the dragons and wonders if it's the statue causing the malevolence but Lyla replies that it is not she senses something else suddenly a swarm of bats appears and they realize that it is a Helen sized swarm the bats attack them and they jump away in time Miko attacks the bats which disperses the Swarm and Sor adds his attack Layla burns them and purifies some of the bats the Swarm attacks mleo knocking him back back and then they reach for him again s jumps in front of him making the bats Retreat lla asks that s disperse the Swarm again which s does and then she uses a spell to purify the swarm of bats the three of them gather to talk about how they had defeated the bats and Lila tells Sor that she can help him by going inside him whenever he wishes she shows him and then speaks to him from inside him and he reacts in shock she reappears and tells him that he can also enter packs with other seraphim she lets him know that the pact with the seraphim would make him more powerful but would cost him much mleo alerts sé to the malevolence still in the ruins they decide to go deeper inside the ruins and search out the malevolence sé is shocked when they find the corpses of many people Ila explains that it was the true nature of the ruins and that those corpses were those who rebelled against the rulers Sor looks at the knife of the royal family and wonders if Alicia is aware of the true nature of the ruins Lila assures him that she is not and then she tells him of the true goal of a Shepherd which is to purify the Lord of calamity and the cause of all malevolence Leila assures Sor that he still has much to learn before encountering the Lord of Calamity and would be consumed by malevolence if he faced the Lord of Calamity as he is she encourages him to come up with his answer to the truth and something he would not regret mleo tells him not to think so hard about his answer and just then they notice water in the hall lla asks that they leave as the gushing water increases mleo uses his ability to freeze the surface but it cannot hold for long and they run away from the chamber as they run s trips but lands safely and is about to be crushed by the statue of the Dragon but mleo helps him again they run outside to see a crazy storm they know that it is not normal and notice the helion in the clouds Alicia and maltran discuss Alicia's stubbornness and her refusal to go with the directions of the city council she apologizes to maltran for her stubbornness and maltran assures Alicia that she believes in her leadership but tells her of bartow's goal which is not even the shepherd but to get rid of Alicia maltrin tells her of bartow's plans for her and reminds her not to be engulfed in the matters of the state as she is worried about her Alicia notices the storm and rushes out to see the growing tornado the Helen who attacked Alisia also watches from the top of a tower and Rose the leader of the sparrow feathers struggles with her Caravan to secure their goods 1,000 years before Sor was born and the events of the shepherd saving the world from malevolence back when the continent was still known as besia and not zesteria as it is known now a young girl named velvet Crow languished in prison she is attacked by a diamond and she kills the demon in no time and consumes it due to her ability as a demon eater another Damon attacks her and she kills it too she collapses after killing the Damon and then convulses from the pain she recalls how she came to be in the state she found herself and emphasizes her hatred for one man artorius her cell door opens and a Malik joins her she tries to consume the Malik but cannot as the Malik Burns her hands the Malik teases her for her hatred of artorius and she asks for the location of artorius the mik tells her to hurry if she must escape as she had helped her in coming to Free her velvet throws the Malik off but the Malik lands gracefully without a scratch the Malik then calls down a ladder that velvet uses to get back up they reach up to see some exorcists the Malik attacks them but they fend off her attack with ease then velvet gets into close combat with them and knocks them all down they run away from there and the Malik leads velvet toward the exit but velvet runs in the opposite direction the Malik wonders why and velvet replies that she is not stupid to run towards the danger that that awaits her there they go into a strange room where velvet equips herself with weapons the malac and velvet discuss the plans to escape from the prison and velvet grabs a sword she saw the Malak comments on her choice of the sword and velvet replies that the sword is useless if she cannot make use of it the Malak then asks if she is interested in knowing what happened to the world during her time in prison the Malak tells her of the growing number of exorcists in the world and the resistance Against The Damons velvet is not interested in the state of the world and threatens the Malik into telling her the whereabouts of artorius velvet heads towards the door and the malac reminds her of the enemy behind the door she makes velvet recall the night she got her powers and how her brother had died the Malak whose name is SES tells velvet that the world had changed after artorius completed his ritual that had caused the death of velvet's brother malakim had come into the world and with the exorcists put a stop to the demons Sarah shares how artorius had gained recognition for his efforts as the leader of the exorcists and the world respects him but she assures velvet that artorius can be killed velvet reminds her that she belongs to artorius calling her name sarus the Malak sarus replies that she will tell her story once they escape the prison they hear a sound and Saras puts out the light and they both hide they see a man walk in and search for something then supposedly walk out they come out of hiding and the man appears behind velvet and secures her arm he also presses a blade to her throat but velvet Is Not Afraid velvet reminds him that they are both escaped prisoners and the man leaves her alone the man steps back and talks about his Escape then sarus mentions that he is a demon but the man is not offended and teases them for not being much different the man tells them that he has to find his partner before his escape and suddenly sees his partner storm how in velvet's hands and goes for it velvet steps back and looks at the sword in her hands the man demands that she return the sword but she refuses and the man takes up a fighting stance she asks if he can use the sword and if he is good against exorcists to which he replies that he is quite good then she tells him that he can get it back if he agrees to a deal the man whose name is rokaru agrees to the deal and they make plans on how to escape the prison velvet asks series about a ship as the prison is on an island she had gotten the information from the demons she had killed CZ tells her that her ship is docked safely and velvet wonders if an exorcist would have taken over her ship velvet suggests that they take down as many of the exorcists as they can then they sneak around inside the prison avoiding those they can they head to solitary confinement where velvet hopes to release lots of prisoners and create chaos as they reach the solitary confinement area velvet reminds rokaru to keep to his word and commends him for being someone who can fit in with chaos just then two exorcists appear and attack them but velvet and rokaru go forward and kill them with swift moves she thinks about how good he is as rokaru complains about the blade he had used which was dull rokaru tells them to go ahead and velvet orders SES to release the prisoners she does so and rokaru leads the prisoners to create more chaos in the prison allowing Saras and velvet to head to the Port they get to the top of the tower and Sarah tells them to head back as velvet would not survive falling from the top of the tower they hear the rushing feet of the exorcists and Sarah uses her power to hold the door in place preventing the exorcists from coming to meet them velvet looks at how far she has to jump and recalls her brother's death the anger she has against artorius fuels her and she makes the jump using her damer hand to break her fall she lands badly and sees that she has injured her shoulders sarus is shocked at her determination and then joins her sarus heals her injury commending her strength and comparing her strength to that obtained by forming a contract the contract grants special power but limits one's words they turn to leave and hear a ship heading to the island sarus checks it out and announces that it is a Prader class ship they wonder if artorius is on the ship series tells velvet that their troubles have only increased as the praters are more powerful than those they have been fighting on the ship Oscar a vassel of artorius anticipates the battle he will have with velvet sarus and velvet walk down to the docks the anger in velvet growing and Sarah wonders if her anger is good for the world or would result in more malevolence velvet and saries walk along the beach to reach the docks while Oscar watches from the window of his ship another Escape prisoner magalo flies around on her floating carpet velvet and saries arrive at the Docks to see the exorcists unloading and s's notices that it is Oscar on the ship she heads down to speak with him commending him for coming to the island as one of the best exorcists Oscar assures her that it is because it is important to artorius he talks about about her betrayal and then velvet joins them Oscar is undeterred by her appearance and velvet replies that she will take his ship and kill artorius the exorcists become angry at her statement but Oscar tells them to stand down and launches an attack on her himself he dares her to fight against him if she intends to oppose artorius letting her know that he would treat her fairly as a woman however she picks up a stone and throws it at his Soldier knocking one of them far back into the ocean he changes his approach and announces that he will treat her like a Damon eater he gives his name as he approaches es her and with a burst of speed he attacks her however the ladies jump away in time velvet proves to be equal to him and blocks his strikes while making her own she pushes him and sees an opening she exploits but before she can pull it off Oscar disappears and reappears behind her knocking her back into the water with a long range attack she immediately jumps out of the water and Oscar speaks to her telling her that he has not come to kill her but to help her back to her prison State he reminds her of her role as a demon eater and she agrees but tells that her goal has always been to Kill artorius Oscar explains how everyone's role has been assigned and she asks if her brother's role is to serve as a sacrifice Oscar answers that it is adding that artorius had shown the world that everyone has a role velvet refuses to accept his argument and Oscar asks if she would not go freely to her cell they watch each other waiting for the other to attack and suddenly a dragon shows up overhead they watch the dragon flying overhead and Oscar wonders what the dragon is doing there he tells his Exorcist to open fire on the Dragon but the dragon Dodges the fire and scatters the exorcists before flying back up Oscar curses the dragon calling it a demon but Sarah doubts that the dragon is a demon he explains that it is a result of human malevolence the dragon approaches again and he attacks the dragon but it Dodges the attack and destroys their ship Oscar asks sarus if she still doubts artorius is good intentions for the world after seeing the might of the Dragon sarus replies that she will forge her path as the dragons fight the exorcists as scar runs towards it and Strikes it velvet watches the fight and remembers the other ship she turns to leave when magalo appears behind her and accuses her of disturbing her sleep magalo sees the dragons and gets frustrated with all the disturbance but acts unserious about it velvet watches as Oscar and the exorcists hold down the dragon with a spell and she runs towards the ship telling maltran that it is her opportunity to get off the island magalo agrees with her Oscar prepares another spell that would call forth his Malak but before he can complete it the exorcists holding down the dragon collapse from exhaustion and the spell holding the dragon dissipates the dragon breaks free and spots velvet heading toward the ship then launches an attack on her sending her flying backward the dragon injures her again with another attack but velvet refuses to back down as the dragon prepares to attack velvet again sarus appears and shields her from it she tells velvet that there is no way to defeat artorius but as she speaks the dragon prepares an Arte a powerful attack that shatters cus shield and heads towards velvet sarus uses her body to protect velvet and both of them are knocked back into the prison by the powerful attack mag attacks the dragon out of anger saying he doesn't know how to operate a ship and would help velvet rokaru also appears and slashes at the dragon offering his help magalo thanks him for the help and introduces herself velvet walks up and sees sarus injured from the attack by the dragon sarus tells her what to do to be able to defeat artorius she convinces velvet to consume her and take her powers velvet asks why sarus would go that far to help her and sarus shows her a comb that belongs to lafet velvet's brother sarus tells her to hurry before she dies and velvet does as she bids consuming series with her demon eater Powers as she does so she recalls her brother and screams in agony Sarah disappears and a ring appears in her place which velvet grabs and puts on meanwhile magalo and raru are having a hard time with the dragon magalo is knocked back and raru holds the dragon with two short swords while velvet runs out of the prison with Burning Anger she launches a fire attack on the dragon and Oscar realizes that she has eaten CES and gained sas's Arte velvet knocks the Dragon down and starts consuming the dragon Oscar refuses to allow her to go free with it and attacks her velvet simply gives her name and declares that she will consume all monsters exorcists and demons in the world before causing a blast that throws Oscar away rokaru sails the ship that was not destroyed and asks the ladies where they are headed magalo replies that she has no destination and will go where the ship goes velvet looks at the comb saries gave her and thinks back about her brother she looks at a bird flying in the sky and recalls a time she had asked her brother about it she also remembers when artorius had sacrificed her brother claiming it to be a way to stop the pain and disorder in the world and that he would be the Savior who stopped the pain she had cried out in anger when artorius had caused the death of her brother and she became the Damon eater velvet tells raro to head to the midon region as she is going to loges the capital of the Kingdom magalo announces that she has no idea how it will turn out but is glad as the unknown is what makes life interesting back in the present Sor alerts mleo and Lila to the Helen Inside the Tornado it is a dragon Alicia observes the storm and maltran tries to get her to get back inside the castle but Alicia wants to find out what happened to the guards many houses were destroyed as the tornado headed towards the castle and Sor worries about Alicia Alicia orders the guards to help the people and guide anyone who wants to evacuate inside the castle maltran notices that Sor is standing in front of the moving tornado but she doesn't realize that Sor is standing with the seraphim Alicia also sees s and she becomes happy s watches the dragon and suddenly the Dragon takes off into the distance the sky clears and Miko wonders if they are safe Sor asks lla if the dragon was created from malevolence and she replies that she thinks so but is shocked at seeing an actual Dragon Alicia calls Sor as she runs out of the castle to thank him for saving them from the storm and Sor doesn't know what to say mleo tells him to look towards the city and he sees that several of the citizens are gathered outside and praising him for saving them he doesn't know how to address them and bartlo appears speaking to Sor the people shut up immediately and bartlo thanks Sor for saving the people of the city from the dragon Sor assures him that he did not do anything bartlo requests that Sor join him for dinner at his estate and Alicia Wonders what bartlo intends to do bartlo assures her that he has no ill intentions towards the shepherd and Sor accepts his request which bartlo announces to the people later Sor heads to bartow's Residence and tells the princess to stop the cart they come outside to see the ruins and the damage the dragon caused and the people bow in reverence to Sor Sor points out the anguish in the people to Lila but she replied that lady lake is not yet completely overrun with malevolence although they are short of time to solve the issues they get to bartow's Residence and the servant tells Alicia to head to the Palace as the king requires her presence Lila comments on the fact that bartlo does not want Alicia to be present and Sor assures Alicia that he would be okay during the meal bartlo asks s about his relationship with Alicia and s answers that they are just friends bartlo is shocked and asks if they could be friends also bartlo asks that they toast and then grabs his drink as s reaches for his drink mleo tastes it and confirms that it is safe before s drinks from it bartlo brags about the drink and then s asks what he had asked to see him for bartlo asks for his plans for the future and Sor tells him that he will go after the dragon bartlo asks about his plans after defeating the dragon and Sor tells him he intends to make the world a better place after the dinner Sor went back to the location of the damaged house and saw Alicia helping the people she tells him of her mission to go to Marland and Sor asks if bartlo has influenced it she assures him that with or without bartlo she would have gone to the city to help the people who are afflicted by the plague bartlo discusses with his servant about their plans for the kingdom and their preparation for war against Roland that night mleo watches Sor sleeping and asks Lila if he can discuss something with her they go outside to talk about sé mleo is concerned about how fast sé is growing as the shepherd and Lila wonders if mleo worries that s is growing distant mleo is unsure about where the problems lie and Laya asks about his intentions and he impes that he is not sure what he has to do he shares how he had left home with Sor so that they could explore the world together Layla asks if he wants to go back home and Miko replies that he cannot leave s lla tells him what he can do for s that very night Miko leaves the castle and heads out into the night the next morning s is confused as to why mleo would leave him and go alone he wonders what mleo would do if a Helen appeared and in his confusion he knocks down some stuff that allowed him to think about it and conclude that mleo must have a strong reason for leaving Laya asks if he is sure he does not want to go after Miko and S reple that there are things he has to do as the shepher as mleo walks along the road he recalls what lla had shared with him she told him to head north after leaving ly Lake to a lar Lakey where he could find the Galahad ruins which house a legendary artifact the artifact is like the sacred blade to her and with it they would be able to help Sor Sor checks on Alicia as she prepares to go to a blind and he gives her back her knife she thanks him for the knife and then asks him to accompany them part of the way as their guard Sor agrees and the party sets out as they go on S thinks back to what Layla had told him about the ray Falk Spirit Crest where dragons had appeared in ancient times through the forest the party encounters tangal alongs and Alicia explains to Sor that the tral alongs are unique to the forest and are gentle creatures mleo walks through the forest and notices the presence of something trailing him he hears footsteps and runs then turns suddenly and attacks but nothing is there suddenly he notices multiple presences following him and he runs forward he gets to the edge of a cliff and is unable to stop then falls off the cliff he lands in the forest below and rolls down the slope until he rests at the base of a tree Alicia brings a drink for Sor and she asks if Lila is not going to eat Sor tells her that Laya is fine with not eating she then offers Lila a drink Lila takes s's hands and tells him to hold Alicia also so she can offer her gratitude herself Alicia is glad to hear Lila's voice and suddenly they hear the panic in the camp they run out and Alicia sees a trangel along attacking a soldier but Sor sees that it is a Helen attacking the soldier he runs forward and attacks the Helen purifying it and saving the trang along afterward the company continues towards Marlene and Alicia tells Sor about the city she is however worried that they would not be of much help to the city as the plague in the city is so bad Alicia then asks about s's past Sor tells her of how he was saved by Gramps and raised by the seraphim and has lived in Alisia ever since then she Praises Gramps and Sor adds that the seraphim are covered by his Blessing Alicia Wonders if Sor is is human and he assures her that he is she asks him to teach her more about the seraphim and he tells her the tales of the seraphim from the celestial record the seraphim are beings of air water fire and Earth supporting the land the air and all of life he told her of how the seraphim are affiliated with one element or the other and that Miko's Affinity is to water as Lila's is to fire she is sad that humans can no longer see or hear the seraphim and wonders if that is how the age of chaos came to be Sor explains how the world began to doubt and fight each other leading to the growth of chaos he tells her that the malevolence will continue to grow and the calamities in the world will get worse she reminds him of his dream and tells him that he wasn't lonely in Alisia despite being the only human there sé recalls that he had never felt lonly all through his time in Alysia because he had mleo with him after s and Alicia say their farewells as their Roots begin to differ mleo gets to the lake and recalls some moments with Sor he declares that he will not let s beat him s Al gets close to the mountain range and Marvels at the sight while mleo climbs several steps to get to the top of a hill he declares that he beat s just as s declared when he got to the mountain that he beat mleo that night mleo looks up at the sky and watches the Stars lla comments to Sor that mclo must be doing the same thing where he is Sor thinks back on their childhood as they study a painting of the legends of the seraphim mleo jumps into the lake surrounding the Galahad ruins and sees a door toward which he heads Sor feels the growing malevolence in the mountain range and Lea warns that they should be careful they hear a loud sound and see a parasol flying down the slope towards them then a girl is thrown back towards them sé catches the girl and she asks him if he would not drop her down lla recognizes the sarif Edna and they exchange pleasantries then Edna tells Sor that he will die if he does not move they jump in time as a Helen attacks them Edna uses her Earth manipulating ability to knock the Helen Back she tells lla and Sor that she had come to check on something about getting in a fight with a Helen another shif watches them from afar Sor goes to thank Edna for dealing with the Helen and Edna tells him it's not over yet as the Helen stands up again Sor tells Laya to help him as he attacks the Helen Edna comments on him being the shepherd as s continues to fight the Helen with laya's help s is surprised that his attacks aren't working against the Helen and Laya explains that his malevolence is too strong as they prepare to go against the Helen again a shot rings out and the Helen collapses and then dies surprising sor zide another serap appears and mocks sé for being too weak against the Helen Layla recognizes him but Edna is unconcerned Edna goes to sit down while Sor and zavid argue on the morality of killing a Helen Sor is against killing as he believes that they can be saved and zavid says that Helens belong in Hell Lila explains that zide has a Divine artifact that allows him to kill Helens zide explains that death could be a form of salvation for the Helens and Lila is unsure of how to diffuse the situation Edna gets up and tells tells Zid to leave but he replies that he will not leave until he has killed her brother just then they could feel the malevolence in the air growing a dragon appears and lands before them Edna calls the dragon her brother and Zade confirms it to be true the dragon is Edna's brother eizen Zade warns Sor to get out of the way of the Dragon before he becomes dragon food but Sor explains that the dragon can be pued because it used to be a syap Laya tells him that it is impossible and zavid saves s dragging him out of the way before the dragon crushes him zavid screams that a full own dragon cannot be purified and Laya confirms it Sor is sad that they will not be able to help the dragon and Edna says that there is nothing that could be done as she has tried everything that could be done Zade goes in front of the dragon and aims his gun at the dragon but before he can shoot Edna creates a wall of Earth blocking the shot from reaching the dragon the dragon instead turns to attack Edna but Sor gets to him in time Zade shoots at the dragon and screams at them to get Edna out of the way before facing the dragon mleo gets to where the Divine artifact is kept and stands before it a mighty bow but as he reaches for it three Helens appear he uses his water ability to attack them but his power is not enough and he Retreats from them then he picks up the bow and kills them with it the dragon flies around the mountain ranges looking for the seraphim and Sor Edna teases Sor and then asks him what he's doing out in the mountain range Sor answers that they had followed the legend of the dragons and Edna teases him again about wanting to gain Fame by killing a dragon lla assures her that it wasn't so but that they were looking for the Dragon that appeared in the city Edna tells them that it was not her brother and asks them again why they had come Sor tells her about his dream and how he intends to learn about the world since he is the shepherd Edna tells him to live Having learned about the might of the Dragon but Sor tells her that he is wondering if Dragons can be saved Edna is shocked by s's honesty and Lila defends him Sor asks Edna how her brother became a dragon but she isn't sure how it happened she tells them that her brother loves humans Edna says she had been looking for a way to save her brother for a long time but has not seen anything that could help then she declares that she would have to kill her brother Sur scolds her for the thought reminding her that she had stopped Zade from killing her brother which shows that she still wishes her brother would be saved she looks at Sor and sees the honesty in his eyes just then they hear the sound of battle and run towards it Zade is fighting the dragon and they watch as Zade and the Dragon Battle sé calls out to Zade and zavid reminds them that Ean is no longer human and cannot be purified he recalls the fights he had with Ean who was his longtime friend Edna pleads with her brother to stop and Sor asks Lila to help him she reminds him that dragons cannot be purified and he tells her that he cannot let it be that way and that he has to do something he transforms into a shepherd and attacks the dragon he knocks the dragon down but the dragon gets back up and they continue fighting while Edna recalls moments from her past that she had with her brother zav joins the attack and the dragon faces both sé and zaved Edna continues reminiscing as the dragon slaps s away with its tail the dragon Roars and readies to attack sé who has fallen but Edna jumps close to the dragon and pleads with her brother to stop zavid screams at her to get away from there but Edna remains and calls her brother the dragon smashed the rock on which she stood and was about to roast her with fire Sor screams and dashes forward to help her just as Zade rushes to catch her too the dragon's eyes turn towards Edna and it stops the attack allowing Sor to save her the dragon then flies away into the distance Edna watches the Setting Sun and S goes to meet Zade to learn more about eizen Zade lets sé know that he has never heard anything about bringing a dragon back but does not discourage them he tells Edna to let him know when she wants her brother dead before leaving Edna comments on zavier leaving them and then goes to meet Lila and Sor she tells Ila that she wants a subl lord contract with Sor she explains to Sor that since he wants to help her brother she would help him she asks if he is truly going to help her brother and he replies that he will they share the anticipation they have towards working together Al and maltran encounter an overflowing river and they also see that the bridge they would take to get to Marlin is broken Alicia consults the map and finds a route which she takes along with some of her men Edna reminds sé that he promised to save her brother and S agrees meanwhile mleo is back from his mission and notices a darkening Cloud worrying for sé Edna questions s about his plans and mocks him for not being focused Lea assures Edna that sé considers the celestial record a holy book sé adds that Roland the neighboring Kingdom to Highland contains shrines that saw the dragons as Gods he mentions his desire to travel the world and learn having made Provisions for failure in his quest Laya reminds Sor of his recent activities of purifying heliz creatures and asks him what purification means to him Edna mocks him for not knowing what purification means despite being the shepherd Lila assures him that he will encounter different kinds of Helens in his travels but might be swallowed in malevolence if he keeps going after Helens the way he is she guides him then simulates a Helen out of fire and asks him to purify it she tells him to Imagine The Fire as a Helen and purify it but Sor is unable to do so and the more he tries the larger the fire grows Lea stops IT and Sor collapses in exhaustion she also reminds him that he would have to work on purifying heliz humans Lea thinks of s's growth and capabilities as the shepherd hoping mikleo joins them as soon as he can meanwhile mleo takes a nap in the forest and sees a Norman serap in danger he helps the Norman serif but his attack does not stop the Helen chasing the Norman serap the Norman serap fuses with him boosting his powers and allowing him to launch an attack that sends the Helen flying into the distance the Norman serf drinks from the stream and is happy to be alive then thanks mleo for helping him the Norman serara introduces itself as atak and commends mleo for knowing about the Norman Sara mleo replies that he learned from his foster father and they talk about the Norman serap mleo advises attack to leave as his home is no longer safe for him and attack agrees he asks mleo where he is off and mleo answers that he is going to where the strange Cloud is gathered to see his friend atak decides to go with mleo until he finds a place to settle and it would be a great idea to work together to beat the Helens they encounter on the road and then they Shake on their partnership Sor and the serif get to the crossroad where he meets some soldiers who give him a message from Alicia and also a horse to speed him up on his way Alicia had traveled until she got to a place and saw the strange storm Gathering behind her she led her soldiers to a br broken bridge but found a path with little current they could use to cross the river and they took it meanwhile maltran gives orders to the remaining soldiers when the rain suddenly Begins the storm increases and blows the soldiers away s complains about the rain and then Layla alerts him to the presence of the Dragon in the storm he gets to where maltran is helps her and then faces the storm Laya tells him to go after the dragon while she helps the people Sor calls Edna and they fuse to attack the dragon with a powerful punch but the dragon counters and knocks Sor back suddenly a Drake appears and fights the dragon Sor is shocked and Edna explains that a drake is not yet a dragon Lila tells Sor to hurry after the Drake as it can still be purified Sor uses an attack on the dragon and a base to attack the Drake but the Drake seeing Sor coming after him flies so far up that Sor cannot follow and Sor falls back to the Earth maltran thanks Sor for coming to their help and he asks after Alicia she tells him that Alicia has taken another route to Marin Lila adds that the Drake had gone off in the direction of the city Sor ask asks Edna if there is anything she can do about the bridge and she complains that she has run out of power later Sor fuses with Edna and builds a makeshift Bridge so that he can get across it Miko and atak talk about Layla as they walk towards the river atak complains that they wouldn't be able to cross the river but sees a bridge that has been constructed for the soldiers he heads over to where the soldiers are and listens since they cannot see him he hears maltran attribute the bridge to Sor who was with them earlier attack jumps on Sor and tells him that his friend is waiting for him sor gets to marind and sees the state of the city due to the plague he is sad about the state of things and Edna compares the malevolence to her brother's domain Sor says that the plague is caused by the Drake just as the Drake flies over the city Alicia helps the patients and the infected in the city but nothing seems to be working she gives them hope of a cure but has doubts herself as she walks down the corridor of the castle sé meets with her and introduces Edna to her sé is shocked that Alisa could hear Edna without him holding her hands and lla comments on s's sensory resonance Improvement Alicia lla and then breaks down at her failure to provide care for the people she worries that the people of the city will die and sé Promises to tackle the source of the problem for her just then the Drake flies overhead and S feels it Alicia Wonders if a Helen is around and S confirms it he asks Alicia what lies in the direction the Drake flies towards and she tells him Sor and the seraphim head towards the Drake and Sor tells Edna to trap it Edna uses a gravity spell to hold the Drake down and Sor readies to attack it but the Drake breaks free of the spell and fle is away mik heeds forward to meet sé and feels a growing malevolence he sees a draa fighting in the distance and knows that sé is fighting the draa he encounters a helion and screams and then attack fuses with him he kills the Helen and turns to leave but sees many more of the Helens Sor battles the Drake and Lila wishes that mleo was with them as he has the longrange attack capability she tells Sor that mleo went to get a Divine artifact a bow and with that they would reach the Drake in the sky sé assures her Miko will come as he is nearby and tells her to hold on a little longer they attack the Drake one more time but the Drake knocks them back causing them to separate the Drake tries to kill Layla who is on the ground and Sur rushes to protect her when suddenly an arrow pierces the fire from the Drake dispersing it Sor sees mleo running towards them and Lila recognizes a talk Lea then screams that mleo forms a subl lord contract with s she recites the spell and tells mleo to give his true name to S who is fighting the Drake s already knows m true name and calls it as they fuse s evolves to a superior form that amazes atak the Drake comes again and S fires a powerful shot at the Drake that purifies it and also clears the malevolence surrounding the city the boys separate and laugh at their deed then they shake at it Sor tells Miko that he knew he would come and Miko teases him about not being able to do anything without him Miko comments on s's strength and they Shake on it again Edna and ilila discuss s's actions and how hardworking he is Lea adds that purify ing the water supply would rid the city of the plague Sor and Miko go through the water network of the city of Marlene and they purify the water using a purification spell they worry that their work is still ongoing as the water continues to flow and they continue the purification as they have been doing for 3 Days mleo says that he would help him for 1 month and they continue their task later Lila and Edna tease s about his role as a Shepherd as they walk the people of the city greet sé and he responds to them s and the seraphim go to the library and mleo and Edna argue about something Layla scolds them for arguing and S asks the serf in charge of the Town Rohan how he is feeling Rohan had been the Drake that plagued Marland after he was consumed by malevolence Laya tries to reassure him and Sor asks him how it all happened Rohan replies that he cannot recall although it was something trivial that caused the entire thing to escalate atak adds that he had seen a whole village disappear over something so small Rohan comments on the Norman serap's presence and says that the City used to be full of them atak says that there is a Norman serap in every village just as there is a sera in every city Alicia brings a meal for Sor and ask to join him and he accepts she thanks him for the water treatment and he assures her that the purification will be complete in about a year she thanks the seraphim present in the room although she cannot see them and asks that they continue to lend their aid to humanity Edna and mleo comment about s's hardworking nature attack drinks the soup Alicia brought and screams that it is hot Alicia also asks s to help with the supplies they could use in rebuilding the city s helps distribute the supplies and when he is done he sees Alicia addressing the soldiers Edna and Miko comment on Alicia's hardworking nature and then they notice the sparrow feathers bringing food to the city from Lady Lake Rose teases Alicia for attending to the supplies even though she is the Princess Alicia says she has heard good things about the sparrow feathers and offers to shake Rose's hand just then Sor joins them and greets her Rose reminds him of his debt and teases him for becoming the Lord Shepherd and not having money to pay for his debt she wonders if Alicia would help him as his friend but says that she is kidding Rose takes the supplies and moves to where they are needed but passes maltran on the way as maltran heads to where Alicia is Schiller has just come from the capital and bears a message for the princess but is worried about Sor Alicia assures Schiller that s is with her and Schiller delivers her message bartlo has led the troops toward war against the people of Roland Alicia pours over the maps and wonders what to do about the war that bartlo is inciting they all discuss Sparta's intentions and plans and Schiller adds that the second wave of the Army is mustering from the city at the moment Alicia decides to go and stop them and sé says that he will go with her Laya advises him against it but sé tries to convince her she asks him if he knows what it truly means to be consumed by malevolence and tells him what a battle is like they go into a dark alley when they feel the presence of a Helen Laya explains that it is a heliz human and Sor describes the feeling he is having they get to the house where the heliz human is and open the door Sor sees the helion IED human and is surprised Laya guides him to see the Helen clearly and Sor does then she tells him to purify it he attacks the Helen and Strikes at it then has a flash of memory from the Helen which makes him weak and Falls mleo screams in concern for him and lla screams that he cannot let the Helen harm the city Sor goes after the Helen and strikes again he feels the memory flash but manages to purify the human Lea explains that purifying a human means accepting the person's lence into the shepherd and the worst is only Sor can do it as he is the shepherd the seraphim are sad that they cannot help him and S gets up to go saying that it is not over yet Alicia's men prepare for war and she consults with her officers about how to move the troops and supplies to the Battlefront as they discuss Alicia receives a message from a soldier and gives him another order she gives her final orders to her officers and steps out of the room where she sees malran with her spear maltran promises to follow Alicia to the battlefield and support her and Alicia shows her iation before leaving later Sor goes to the graveyard and the seraphim follows him Edna and mleo talk about s's determined walk and then Edna teases mleo Sor stops in front of a grave saying it is the grave of the person murdered by the heliz person he purifies the spirit of the dead person and explains what happened to the seraphim Alicia comments on the absence of her guards and suddenly she is surrounded by the members of the scattered Bones the Assassin organization sé and the seraphim watch as a woman Mourns the death of her loved one and add that grief leads to hatred which causes malevolence the leader of the Assassins addresses the princess and commends her courage Alicia answers that she wishes she were a regular princess one of the Assassins attacks and she knocks him back she tells the leader of the Assassins that she is going to stop the war and asks the Assassins to come for her or let her be the leader of the Assassins questions her every decision regarding the war and she answers without a hint of fear the leader of the Assassins attacks her and she continues to share her beliefs about the war the Assassin holds a knife to her neck and dares the Assassin to kill her when the Assassin sees her resolve the Assassin stops and tries to walk away the princess tells her to stop and threatens her for attacking the princess of a kingdom the Assassin wonders what the princess intends for her and the princess invites her to go with her to the battlefield and witness her actions the princess walks towards her and slashes at her mask revealing the leader of the scattered bones to be Rose the leader of the Merchant Band The Sparrow feathers Alicia asks her to provide food and supplies and Rose commends her bravery accepting the request on behalf of the sparrow feathers Alicia adds that if she dies she is to aim for forgiveness and not allow hatred to spread Alicia orders her to tell everyone that she does not seek revenge and Rose accepts the orders vowing to do as she asks the two leaders walk away in opposite directions as they prepare to head to the battlefield the next day meanwhile Laya asks Sor if he is determined to go to the battlefield despite not knowing exactly what it means to purify a human and S replies that it is exactly why he must go to the battlefield Sor and the seraphim ask Rohan to be the protector he once was and he promises to do so Edna teases Rohan but he assures them that he will have a talk with him to prevent any mishaps attack then pledges to do a great job just then Alicia joins them and asks Sor if he is ready for them to go to war she leads her men towards the battlefield and explains to Sor the situation of things they are nowhere comparable to the army they are going to stop she had shared her plans with her generals and as part of her team she tells them how she intends to stop the war and maltran advises her on certain matters as they ride on Ian a scout joins them and exchanges greetings with the princess and with Schiller whom she has known since childhood Ian and Schiller tease each other for a while and the princess comments on their closeness Ian adds that she had hunted a wild boar for the princess's supper and the princess commends her for her skills Ian notices Sor and she goes to meet him she teases Sor about being different from the rumors and tells him some of the rumors being spread about him she requested that he shake her hand which he did and she very happily promised not to wash her hands again the seraphim watches as she fawns over Sor and comments on her behavior the princess reminds Ian to give her a report which she does she adds that the total number of soldiers isn't as they had heard but is more Rose's second in command asks her about their decision to join the battle and Rose answers that she cannot back out now that she has given her word they tease the princess for her ideals and laugh over it the general of the Highland Army plans his move with his General as Alicia moves her men closer and closer to the Battleground at night Alicia takes a walk and Sor asks her about it they find out they couldn't sleep and they go to the stream where they discuss the battle they are going to face Alicia shares her fears and Sor tells her what he intends to do regarding the war she apologizes for dragging him into the war and Sor tells her that he cannot take the side of any Kingdom When The War begins and she replies that she understands mleo calls Sor and confirms their meeting the next day he reminds Sor of their time in Alisia and Sor accuses mleo of getting emotional they worry about Gramps and laugh at the thought of worrying about him mleo suggests they go exploring after the war and sé agrees then they Shake on it Edna and Layla discuss the war the next day and Laya says that she wants sé to be more experienced before facing the realities of war the next day the war begins in Earnest after Roland's forces attack Highland soldiers from the rear they report to General Landon and he becomes enraged about it while one of the Roland generals has a falling out with the others over the sneak attack he is Honorable and refuses to be counted as a villain by his enemies he leaves the general and refuses to join in the plans Alicia and her soldiers Camp close to the battlefield and are angry that they came late to the battle and would not be able to stop the war Sor tells them that he can feel the malevolence of the battlefield Alicia decides to speak to the general and convince him to stop the war sé promises to do what he can and rides to the battlefield to end the malevolence he gets to the scene of the battle and is surprised at the amount of malevolence that can be found found on the battlefield the soldiers fight each other and the hatred grief and fear give rise to heliz humans Sor is undeterred and tells the seraphim to help him in battle they fuse with him and he heads to the battle Alicia takes a secret path but is attacked by Roland soldiers who fire arrows at her company Ian Falls but gets up immediately and returns fire taking down every one of the archers then they see more of the soldiers maltron tells Alicia to go on ahead while she and the rest of the soldiers hold the enemies back Alicia asks Rose to come with her and Rose agrees they ride through the forest to the encampment of the Highland forces she demands to see the general the general does not believe she is on the battlefield until she calls his name and orders him to stop the war and sign a truce then the general tells his men to capture the princess the general tells the princess that he has orders from the chancellor to capture her and tells the men to capture her by all means meanwhile Sor goes through the Battleground purifying the humans and clearing the malevolence in the air Alicia dis arms the general and Rose asks the soldiers to listen to them but the general tells Rose to stay away from the matters of Highland the soldiers attack the girls and they put up a good fight beating the soldiers back Sor on the other hand clears out the malevolent spirits on the field the Roland General tells the soldiers to launch fire attacks on the battlefield attacking their men s gets angry and destroys the catapults of both armies and then the malevolent creatures the general tells his men to press on with the attack on the two girls and Rose tells the princess that she will not be able to refrain from killing the men she tries to convince Alicia but Alicia does not hear of it and the general tells the men to take them down Alicia is pushed back by the soldiers and she slips almost losing her life but regaining her feet Rose refuses to let the soldiers get the best of her and decides to kill in self-defense Rose attacks a soldier knocking him back and as she tries to kill him Alicia blocks her strike with her sword Alicia explains that she should not kill and a soldier stabs Alicia in the back Sor fights the heliz humans and the malevolent creatures swirling around the battlefield then uses a fell to launch several arrows on the battlefield knocking every one of the soldiers down Sor collapses after the attack and mleo rushes to help him suddenly they feel another malevolence from somewhere else Sor rushes there and sees another battle between both armies the soldier fears after stabbing The Princess and the general commends him for it Rose scolds him for it but Alicia tells the soldier not to worry about her and advises him to clean his sword Rose scolds the soldiers for attacking their princess and suddenly a breeze blows all the soldiers away Alicia realized that it is the work of the seraphim there was a seraphim who had been protecting Rose Sor and the seraphim watch as the battle gives rise to a powerful heniz human Sor looks with fear and wonders if it is the Lord of Calamity Landon scolds the soldiers for not being able to get the princess and tells them to get rose rose places Alicia safely and then attacks the soldier before jumping behind Landon and threatening to kill him unless the soldier stop the war the soldiers send out the message to stop the war and the Riders ride through the battlefield with the message of truce they release the flag of truce and the soldiers sto fighting the servant of the Lord of Calamity speaks about the war with their lord and hopes that the fighting continues Sor and the seraphim wonder about the domain of the Helen and say becomes afraid as he looks at the Lord of Calamity he is surprised at the strength of a full human Helen sé runs forward and mleo follows him Laya and Edna decide to go with them because they cannot let sé die on the battlefield s stands before the Lord of Calamity and his courage increases when he sees the true form of the Lord of Calamity the servant insults Sor for speaking to her Lord and the Lord teases Sor provoking him to battle Sor strikes at the Lord but the Lord catches the sword with one arm and Sor can see his human form then the Lord throws him back the Lord teases Sor for coming to face him and speaks to him about the premonition of death the seraphim merges with Sor and he attacks the Lord of Calamity again but the Lord of Calamity Shields himself from s's attack the Lord launches his attack that sends sé back and the seraphim separate from him the Lord of Calamity causes the malevolence to increase and brings up more malevolent creatures Sor becomes angry and wants to go against him again but Laya advises against it as they are not strong enough to go against the Lord of Calamity the Lord calls all of the malevolent creatures to gather with him and sets them against Sor he teases Sor wondering if Sor can withstand the pressure from the human malevolence Sor pushes through the malevolence and the Lord teases him about his weakness Sor tells the Lord that he will purify the wound and the Lord of Calamity reminds him that human malevolence is Limitless each of the seraphim battles against the malevolent creatures doing what they can and Sor screams then jumps into the sky and purifies the malevolent creatures in the Sky Rose gets Alicia to maltron and the others they worry about her and Schiller goes to look for a way to help the Princess Alicia wakes up and asks about the fighting and maltran assures her that it has stopped Rose walks away from the princess wishing she would become better and Promises to go and bring sé to the princess Rose runs through the battlefield and gets on a horse to find sé the Helen who attacked Alia goes through the battlefield wondering what to do once the princess dies he is unhappy that the malevolence is too thick even for him he watches as the rolance general checks the battlefield the general tells his men to get Medics to treat the wounded Sor continues to purify the Helens and Simone servant of the Lord of Calamity teases him for his intention to fight the Lord of Calamity the Lord of Calamity no longer entertained with s's struggles tells Simone that they are leaving and then tells Sor that he will crush him after he has become Humanity's Beacon of Hope the Lord of Calamity and his servant Simone then disappear Sor falls back from exhaustion and mikleo catches him he helps s disperse the malevolent creatures and Edna joins them using her Earth manipulating ability lla also uses her fire to disperse some of the creatures Rose turns through the battlefield and she hears a voice in her head asking her where she is going the seraphim that has been with her for some time and has helped her a couple of times guides her towards where she would find Sor the Sif complains about the growing malevolence and Rose agrees with him s and the seraphim disperse the last of the creatures just as Rose rides towards them s turns to see Rose and does not see one of the creatures coming for him the serap with rose helps him and uses his chain ability to imprison the creature allowing Sor to purify it the serf tells him not to fear as his work is much more then Rose tells Sur about Alicia that night Sor checks on Alicia and waits for her Sor thinks back to some things Alicia had told him as he waits for her to wake up Sor smiles when he sees that Alicia has become conscious and she returns the smile she thanks him for helping her and he thanks her too for being there and helping him continue to believe in his dreams she tells him that she plans to return to Lady Lake and get more active with the politics of ruling to prevent the war from breaking out in the first place Sur asks Alicia to become his Squire and she agrees Sur tells lla to do it and lla recites the spell that would make Alicia his Squire she also tells him to give Alicia a true name Sor gives Alicia the true name melus Amia which means The Smiling Alicia Alicia can now see the seraphim and she sheds tears of joy the next day Rose joins Sor and Alicia after giving orders to her men she teases them and they all laugh the seraphim comments on how close the three of them are getting when suddenly a Helen IED Landon attacks sé he blames s for making his plans fail Lila tells the princess that this is what a heliz human looks like and Rose screams that Landen had hurt the princess in Raging s Landon also threatens the princess causing s to become more angry Laya warns s not to let anger control him s brings out his sword in anger and points it at Landon Lila stands before him but s pushes her out of the way and then walks toward Landon Edna worries that Sor would get taken over by malevolence Landon attacks but Sor jumps forward and Strikes him purifying him the seraphim are glad that Sor did not kill him and Alicia promises to take him back to Lady Lake and deliver him to the judges mleo commends sé for his control and the princess's team leaves for the Capital Rose calls sé and remins him of his Dept mleo and Edna assur him that she is up to no good and Rose tells him to follow her to relent she explains that he has a bit of trouble but the presence of the shepherd would clear such troubles sé asks the seraphim and they agree to go with her when s agrees to go with her then Rose asks s if the seraphim that has been following her is still around and Sor assures her that he is resting on top of her cart the sarap teases Rose who cannot see him and the other seraphim laughs at Rose's discomfort Sor steps forward and says that they should go on
Channel: AniNights
Views: 31,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime recap, animerecap, anime recaps, ani recap, ani recaps, anime
Id: 8gxTifykiKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 59sec (4559 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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