He Shocks every one & Awakens His True Powers to Become the Most Powerful Knight

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welcome back to my YouTube channel in today's recap we will be looking at a Japanese anime titled King's raid in this anime Kyle the king of orilia fought the demon king angman and brought peace to the planet however 100 years later demons have been spotted in the forests endangering humans once more a scouting Expedition is dispatched to verify the report but just one person returns meanwhile reheat the commander of a dark elf mercenary Squad seeks to take over oralia and exact revenge on the humans who abandoned his race a century ago quel a night trainee sets out with the Priestess Frey to retrieve Claus an old friend who went missing during the disastrous Expedition however quel realizes along the journey that he is the son of the respected King Kyle and the only one capable of wielding the holy weapon ya the same weapon that slew The Demon King to achieve this Destiny the young Knight must embark on a treacherous Journey unlock the sword and end the terror induced by demons I'm sure that at this point you will want to know how everything plays out right then sit back relax and enjoy don't forget to hit the like And subscribe button the opening scene features a dark elf approaching the gates of orilia after he makes it into the kingdom he walks silently trying to conceal his identity in the castle quel trains with his master Claus in a sword fight both parties are Guardian Knights tasked with maintaining the peace in orilia Claus is obviously more skilled than quel who lacks composure and stamina despite getting defeated in training quel picks up his wooden sword and goes back at it again this time he increases the intensity of his attack but Claus counters all of them in the end Claus defeats carsel and educates him on his mistakes meanwhile two other Knights Gran and fle watch all that goes on at the spaying Arena after Claus's Victory they get ordered to resume their duties before they leave Gran assures quel that he will get stronger if he continues training under Claus every day as time goes on quel joins Claus on a stroll in the Kingdom on the way they both see a dark elf walking freely in the city as if it's nothing the residents are not comfortable with the new development and as such they pressure the knights to do something about it however Cas will argu that the dark elf did nothing wrong even at that the residents insist that the elf is up to no good around midday quel meets up with a childhood friend Frey an attractive lady in her early 20s it has been a while since Frey saw queso so she is happy that he stopped by they both engage in a conversation where queso takes Frey back to Memory Lane speaking about their past as kids it turns out that they lived in an orphanage since they lost their parents in the present Frey Compliments kazil by saying that he is doing well as a knight kazil thinks otherwise because he is still an apprentice under Claus even at that he aims to be a knight and protect everyone in the meantime the chancellor Bell arrives at the king's Chambers with some classified Intel after he has granted permission to enter he approaches the king and tells him that there have been demon sightings in the king's Forest the king upon hearing this tells baale to send out Scouts to survey the king's forest in his words we must not allow a single demon to enter orilia later that afternoon one of the council members Lord moriam arrives in front of the castle with a dark elf reheat he guards upon seeing them freak out out but they are left with no choice but to open the gate in the king's Courtyard Bale argues with the rest of his colleagues about the war that occurred about a century ago one argues that King Kyle destroyed the dark lord in the past in the Battle of galoa plains he brings up this past event because he does not believe that demons are in the king's Forest at some point most of the councilmen settle with the plan of sending Scouts to the king's Forest to see how things are there just then Lord moram arrives at the scene with rahit their presence spites fear in some of the councilmen because rahit is a dark elf when asked why rahit is with him morem replies by saying that the dark elves can investigate the king's Forest instead of the knights he argues that rahit leader of the black Edge can take on a 100 men by himself although Lord Mam's idea seems feasible Chancellor Bell rejects the idea because the people of orvelia do not get along with dark elves later that evening Claus frag and the other two knights sit around a dining table to eat dinner fleg is quite freaked out at how casselle can eat a spider even Gran attests that he is getting heartburn from watching casselle eat however defends casselle by saying he eats anything and that his stomach is strong at some point he states that he is going on a new Mission so cazelle will not be able to train with him for a while when asked about the details of the mission Claus replies by saying that demons have been spotted in the king's Forest cazelle after hearing this gets a flashback of his late mother who risked her life to save him in the past he snaps back into reality when Gran and fleg reveal that they are joining Claus on the mission although it is obvious that cazelle does not like the new development Claus and the other Knights cheer him up by saying that everything will be fine elsewh where a civilian gets killed by a bunch of demons in the king's Forest at the same time Reit dines with his people at a restaurant it appears that the dark elves are planting something for the kingdom and reit's appearance in the castle is just the first step of their plans they intend to take revenge on oralia because their kind have been oppressed for 100 years in the end R heat vows that Orelia will belong to the dark elves one day the following day Claus heads out with fleg Gran and some other Knights to inspe the king's forest in their absence quel trains in the arena till evening one day while Clauson men are scouting the king's Forest they get attacked by a bunch of demons it does not take long for Claus to lose most of his men but he makes sure that Gran runs away with a message for the kingdom before Gran leaves Claus promises to hold off the demons himself in Gran's absence Claus goes berserk on the demons and kills them one by one using Brute Force as time passes Castle gets word that the Scouts are back what bothers him is that it is only one person that made it back to the kingdom later that day Gran appears before the councilman and reports all that went down in the king's Forest while giving the report he passes out because of his injuries beel gives the order for Gran to be taken for treatment but he is under pressure to do something about the demon situation it is at this point that Lord morham brings up the idea of using black Edge to combat the demons now Bale is stuck with a difficult decision to make either between using more Knights or going with Mor Ham's idea moving on cazel finds out that only Gran came back from the king's Forest Frey arrives at the scene and she looks worried that only Gran came back despite that quel believes that Claus is All right he reveals that he will go to the king's Forest but fr does not like the idea because of that she argues that she will join him too since she is a priestess she plays the emotional card onel by telling him that Claus told her to take care of him with this quel can do nothing to stop Frey from following him in the meantime an evil witch stares at the cpses of fleg and his Fallen comrades in the king's Forest the following day Quil Journeys into the king's forest with Frey on getting there they find the corpses of Claus's men it is at this point that quel finds out that fleg is dead he scans through the other bodies but notices that Claus is not a among them despite that he proceeds forward to find his master although Frey wants him to stay back in the process casselle gets attacked by some demons the sight of the first demon makes queso recall his mother who passed away in the past however he regains himself and fiercely takes on a demon in close combat meanwhile Maria watches all that goes down from a tree although quel manages to hold down some of the Demons he loses his form when Maria appears and lands a nasty magical attack on him Frey takes up her staff and uses her powers to protect quesal from from arrows being fired by the enemy even at that the demons draw closer to her to slay her to death fortunately rahit and his guys arrive at the scene and help to take out the demons rahit breaks off from his team and faces Maria himself despite being an ordinary elf He matches Maria's fighting technique to the point that CLE attests to his skills in the end Maria disappears from the scene promising to see reheat in combat again in Maria's absence quel introduces himself and Frey to the dark elves they get the wrong impression that the elves are there to save them Reit reveals that he is on a mission and then questions quel anoint what he is doing in the forest in turn quel replies by saying that he is looking for his friend reheat makes Gest of Quil because he has reason to believe that no Scout survived the attack from the demons the previous day as RIT leaves the scene with his guys Frey uses her magic to heal a small cut on quil's face quel hates the fact that he could not take down a single demon when he was fighting previously he wonders how he will protect the people he cares about in his current state soon two unidentified individuals arrive at the scene their presence scares cazel at first but he calms down when he does not detect hostility from them the lady is Cleo while the other guy is Roy Roy claims to be looking for quel and Frey for some specific reason she leads the way to a cliff and quel follows behind her with Frey at the cliff Roy explains to quel and Frey that a person of interest sent him to find them when asked who Cleo replies by saying the name Dominics it appears that Frey and quel are quite familiar with Dominics reason being that Dominic visited the orphanage that they both grew up in as time goes on Cleo leads the way to the Tower of the age where Dominic dwells while on the way to the tower Cleo explains that Dominic is old but he uses magic to maintain his youth finally when the group meets up with Dominics Frey looks happy to see him because it has been a long time since she last saw him cazel gets curious and questions Dominics about why he summoned him there Dominic replies by saying that there is someone he would like him to meet he leads the way to a chamber where Claus lies unconscious upon seeing Claus casselle becomes stunned because he never expected that he would be there Frey also joins casselle to see how Claus is doing there she finds out that it will take a while for Claus to get back to normal condition Claus mysteriously regains Consciousness and looks surprised to see Frey and casselle at Sunset Claus reveals all that went down in his battle against the demons about a day ago Castle informs him that a band of mercenaries sent from orilia took out the demons however he has no idea if Maria is in direct link with the demons or not Dominic who is present at the time tells them to let Claus have some rest before he leaves the room he tells Cleo and Roy to take care of his guests later that evening after Cleo shows Frey to her room she teases her about wanting to spend the night with quel Frey is quick to deny having a romantic relationship with quel it appears that Cleo got the wrong impression but she outlines the fact that Frey looks good with quel after a brief conversation Cleo heads out of the room telling Frey to call her if she needs anything in Cleo's absence Frey heads out of her Chambers and meets up with kazil just outside the tower there she questions kazil about what he has been up to kazil is quite traumatized by the demons he fought earlier he wishes that he had more strength to fight another thing on his mind is that his mother died trying to protect him from the demons when he was a lot younger for this reason he does not want to lose another person precious to him the following day Lord marham presents reheat to the council members reheat testifies that he took out the demons in the king's Forest he displays proof by showing a skull of a dead demon this alone terrifies the council members but they are more fixated on the fact that reheat is a dark elf however Lord marim argues that all Races must work together if they want to destroy the demons his reasoning stems from the fact that King Kyle allied with the elves and Orcs to defeat the dark lord about 100 years ago in the end Bell thanks reheat for his efforts but then warns him that his deeds must not be seen by residents later that evening Lord marham engages in a private meeting with reheat where he mocks the council members he feels that orilia is under the wrong leadership and aims to reach the rank of Chancellor to silence the incompetent councilman and make them do his bidding the following day Claus insists on going to orvia despite his condition Frey and cazel begs him not to go too hard on himself Cleo arrives at the scene and informs Frey and cazel that Dominics demands their presence when they arrive in the main office Dominic speaks to cazel about his late mother Arlette he reveals that he told arlet not to tell cazel anything about his father at least until the right time cazel seems somewhat confused by what Dominics is saying in a quest to make things clear Dominic tells casselle that he is King Kyle's son King Kyle is the one who fought dark lord angman about a hundred years ago he adds that he is certain casselle will be able to inherit his dad's holy sword AA this alone shocks castle and he wonders how he is King Kyle son conversely Dominics promises to explain everything to quel beginning from when King Kyle was still alive back in the Kingdom of orilia a dark night Tam heads to his secret hideout with some food for his comrades there he boasts saying that the food dealer was feeling reluctant to attend to him but when he mentions Lord mariam's name the dealer does otherwise he then gives some freshly baked bread to a female dark elf rapine and convinces her to have a bite a conversation begins between the elves as they speak about a certain Ilia they feel that their kind are treated in a Cru Cru way because of Ila's past choices even rahid agrees with the fact that his kind is being persecuted because of Ilia back on the tower of the sage Dominic narrates the tale of King Kyle to cazel and Frey sometime in the past about a hundred years ago when King Kyle was still a prince he sparred with his half sister Ilia who was an elf at that time Dominics complimented Kyle on how impressive he was in a sword fight after training Ilia made a fuss about Kyle going into town to inspect the Nobles however in Kyle's defense he did so because he wanted to know how it felt to be a commoner after he explained things to Ilia she began to see him in a new light because of that she assured Kyle that she would assist him when he became king with her knowledge of technomic As Time passed Kyle analyzed the previous Wars that orilia fought with her enemies he felt that the countless wars were meaningless he hoped to become a king who protects his people and makes them happy to live up to this conviction Kyle studied and trained well at some point he shared some bond with Arlette cel's mother Kyle and Arlette became happy with themselves as things were going smoothly for for them however when Kyle's father found out that his son was romantically involved with Arlette he and some other Nobles caused the relationship to collapse this was because he considered Arlette an obstacle to a political marriage according to Dominic's Kyle's tragedy did not end there it continued when the demons appeared at that time when the demons invaded orilia Kyle and some other Knights formed a united front to defeat the enemy as time went on Kyle's father passed away and cly became King on the day of Kyle's coronation he gave the Knight lots of morale to fight against the demons during Kyle's Reign he met with Lorraine Of The Elves and Ayatollah of the Orcs And Allied to defeat the demons as a combined force during the war King Kyle found Arlette at a shelter and that was when he found out that she was pregnant with quel King Kyle was pleased to know that Arlette was pregnant and he derived a new reason to rid the world of the evil demons surprisingly Lua the Lord of Light appeared to King Kyle and granted him the holy sword a to save the world from the dark lord amund after Kyle got the weapon he went back to his allies and begged for help to slay the dark Demon Lord meanwhile Ilia began to devote herself to the study of technomic without thinking about what it could lead to according to Dominics she tried to build a false holy Sword and the people of orilia believed that it was a Blasphemous challenge against Lua when asked why she was trying to build a false sword Dominic's replies by saying that Ilia was trying to fulfill her promise she wanted to help King Kyle with her studies still in the past the day arrived when the mood got a red glowing ring at that time mduk a sorcerer serving the Republic of gray used forbidden magic to tear open a dimensional Fisher through which he brought in the dark lord angman Kyle took the holy sword and his allies to fight against the dark lord at the same time Ila's research was completed She chased after King Kyle but was killed by demons on the way on the other hand King Kyle with help from his allies faced off against angman and succeeded after the epic battle both King Kyle and angman disappeared the only thing left behind was the Holy sword a after the battle demonic activities began to die down and peace returned to the world but Malik escaped and no one knows where King Kyle went in the Pres Dominics finishes narrating the story of King Kyle to quel and Frey he then adds that AA was sealed to ensure that the seal remains unbroken until the day the dark lord returns back in the past after Ila's death she was tried for the crime of defiling Lua by trying to create a false holy sword following the verdict of the trial Ila's family as well as all the dark elves that lived in orvia were persecuted in the present Tam hates the fact that Ilia actions affected his kind he wishes that he could go back in time and change some things nonetheless Reed is quite fixated on the fact that the blood of his kind has been spilled countlessly in orilia he wishes to settle issue e with orilia in the future back at the tower of the sage Dominic begins to talk to quel about Arlette his mother according to him Arlette was put to sleep and after a hundred years she regained Consciousness and gave birth to cazel this alone shocks Frey but quel is more shocked Dominics adds that demons attacked arlette's Village and killed her he testifies that he was the one that sent cazel to the orphanage and he has been watching over him since he goes on to inform Castle about the nocturnal Sun that is on the verge of intersecting with the moon when that high happens the dark lord is bound to return Castle believes everything that Dominic tells him because the evidence is clear already he wishes that he had the holy sword so that he could protect everyone out of sheer curiosity he questions Dominic's about how he can get the holy sword in turn Dominic replies by saying that he should first meet Lorraine the grand Sage of the forest of eladora he tells Roy and Cleo to join quel on his journey Cleo is pleased with the new development because she gets to leave the tower and explore other places along the line quesal informs Claus about his intentions and everything he learned from Dominic's Claus makes peace with him and tells him to go on adding that he will defend his home later that afternoon Cleo teleports Cel Roy and Frey to the forest of eladora unbeknownst to them the evil witch Maria lurks around the forest as Cleo leads the way into the forest of eladora a bunch of demons appear at the scene to attack amid the confusion Roy takes up his weapon and charges ferociously at the pack of demons he kills and lands simultaneous attacks on them defeating them one by one in the process after he has done clearing the first wave of demons another wave appears to take him out just before he can raise his weapon an elf from the woods fires countless arrows at the demons and kills them the elf in question is none other than a warrior named selain Frey introduces herself to her and thanks her for saving them selain on the other hand tells quel that he has been waiting for him she aims to guide him and his team to master Lorraine she leads the way into the woods and at some point quel asks to know Selena's identity after Selen introduces herself she adds that her master instructed her to only bring cazel however she says nothing about Frey Cleo and Roy while they proceed deeper into the woods Cleo gets the feeling that her team is being watched when she speaks up cazel and the others begin to hear voices in the forest it appears that the beings that lie within hate humans and wish that seleni did not bring them into the forest the forest is sacred grounds for elves and humans are not welcomed into it despite that Quil continues to follow selini with the hopes of seeing Master Lorraine at some point he loses track of Selen and goes in a different direction it appears that the spirits in the woods deceived casselle and his team to follow a different direction the team ends up at a dead end thanks to the spirits in the forest it is at this point that Kell reveals that the forest is also termed Forest of the lost however Roy is not pleased that Cleo is revealing such information at the time moving on selini turns her back only to find out that castle and his team are not behind her one of the young trents that was watching Castle previously heads out from the woods and reveals himself to the team he then leads the way back into the woods to seline's exact position Seline looked pleased that the little Trent led the team back to her it turns out that the little Trent's name is NAA and he is quite fond of Castle for some reason as it gets darker in the forest selini leads the way to a spot where they will all lay to rest for the night Roy heads out and comes back with a variety of mushrooms that they will have for dinner he does not hold back in fetching the mushrooms because he has no idea which is poisonous or not later that evening after dinner casselle trains with Nea he uses a wooden stick to show Nea some skills and it seems fun while at it Roy makes Gest of queso by saying that NAA is beating him at some point CLE gets tired and joins his team around the campfire Cleo continues from where CLE stopped as she plays with NAA as Castle sits selini tells him that Nicha sees something different in him out of sheer curiosity she questions quil's identity but quel replies saying that he is a nobody he adds that he wants to protect the people dear to him but he has no strength at all meanwhile Master Lorraine wonders if Castle can inherit the holy sword after the conversation with CLE Seline heads off to take a look around the area in her absence Cleo joins joins the rest of the team around the campfire after playing with Nesha she seems exhausted but goes on to converse with Frey and Roy about the Holy sword quel is also in the conversation too but he does not seem to understand the whole idea of the Holy sword the only thing on his mind is that he wants to protect everyone which is why he wants power however Roy backs up the idea by saying that they all need to get the holy sword regardless of quo's current strength elsewhere selini stands alone thinking about her hatred for mankind although she believes that humans are wicked she feels as if something is different about queso she snaps out of her thoughts when she sees something that catches her attention back at cel's position Roy and the rest of the team feel that the ground is vibrating as CLE tries to make sense of the situation Selen arrives at the scene and tells them to run while on their heels a giant Trent attacks them after crashing senen observes that the trent is after a demon in the forest upon arriving at the Trent's position seleni finds it dead due to a demon's attack necha feels sad that one of his people is dead in Anger he charges at the huge demon to kill it himself Castle knows very well that Nea can do nothing on his own because of that he charges at the demon to save ncha who is already restrained at the time Seline tells casselle to escape from the woods but he insists on saving Nesha alone shocks her because no human has risked their lives to save the forest before Cleo Roy and the others assist casselle in an attempt to save Nesha from the demon it gets to a point where cell gets captured too and he floats restrained in the enemy's tentacle as the demon tries to engulf cell in an acidic solution Nesha aims a a stick at the demon saving casselle in the process however Nea is killed mercilessly in midair and CLE cannot do anything about it in Anger he takes up his sword and beats the living [ __ ] out of the demon he beats the demon in a way that its mom will not recognize it it takes a tight hug from Seline to calm Kel's rage because he is far too gone when he calms down Mater Lorraine arrives at the scene and reveals herself minutes after the incident with the demon casselle washes his face with water to calm his nerves as he finishes Master Lorraine meets up with him and thanks him and the rest of his team for saving the forest casselle on the other hand does not seem pleased he dreads the fact that he could not protect NAA earlier as he speaks up on the issue Master Lorraine tries to talk him into making peace with nicha's death in her words NAA will return to the Earth Sprout and continue his lineage she then proceeds to speak about Castle's reason for meeting her which is for the holy sword it is at this point that Seline realizes that castle is the late King Kyle's son for some reason selini tells castle that she cannot unseal the weapon yet she also questions castle if he is worthy of the power that comes with the Holy sword Castle emphasizes that he does not care what happens to him when he wields the sword the only thing on his mind is gaining power that he will use to protect the people he cares about since it is late already Master Lorraine suggests that they continue their conversation the following day at nighttime Frey requests to give Nisha a proper burial Seline leads the way to nisha's favorite spot and master Lorraine helps with the burial after nisha's funeral Master Lorraine requests seline's presence for a private conversation at Master Lorraine's domain Cleo does not not look pleased with the fact that Master Lorraine declined to unseal the holy sword Frey defends the elfmas by saying that she might have her reasons in the meantime Master Lorraine enters into a private conversation with Seline at her Chambers there Master Lorraine questions Seline if she thinks that kazel is worthy of the sword because kazel was lost in Anger yesterday after nisha's death Selena does not think that power is Safe in His Hands she hesitates to give Master Lorraine a final answer and ends up taking the night off to think about it she steps outside Lorraine's Abode to get some air while added she peeps at quel who Mourns NAA by his grave quel acknowledges the fact that he was lost to anger earlier he feels bad for what he did but still wishes to get stronger surprisingly NAA Sprouts as a little plant from his grave even senen is left shocked as she meets up with casselle she never expected that NAA would Sprout so quickly after death the following day everyone appears before Mo Lorraine to hear the final verdict on quil's case before line pronounces judgment she asks Selene if she decided on the question she asked her the previous night Seline replies accordingly by saying that CLE is worthy of the Holy sword one reason is that she witnessed earlier that CLE admitted his mistakes in the end Master Lorraine smiles and agrees with Seline she looks at Castle and sees a reflection of King Kyle in him she then dissolves part of the seal placed on the holy sword a in doing so Master Lorraine confirms that castle is truly the heir to the holy sword Cleo feels that the unsealing process is too short to dissolve her curiosity she questions CLE if he feels different CLE replies saying that he feels normal but Lorraine assures him that he will find find out soon enough according to master Lorraine All That Remains is for quel to journey to two more places to undo the seals on the holy sword the first person he needs to meet is Ayatollah the leader of the Orcs in the orria mountain the other person is pavl who dwells in the windland snow mountain after Master Lorraine passes this information to casselle she detects the presence of demons in the forest casselle storms out of Lorraine's domain with Seline and the rest of his team as Selen tries to fire an arrow at the enemy Master Lorraine tells her to relax and watch cazelle on the other hand takes up his weap and eliminates the pack of demons With a Little Help from Roy Seline who watches from a distance attests that castle is quite different from the way he was yesterday later that morning after the battle with the demons casla bids farewell to master Lorraine and Seline back at orilia marham sits in on a private meeting with Reit he makes justest of the councilmen because they want reheats men to defeat the demons alone he also points out the fact that it will be best to owe the councilman a favor he intends for reheat to become a knight and perform Feats far more impressive than the current knights in turn reheat smiles and nods in accordance with maryam's goals elsewhere queso Roy and the rest of the team exit the forest of eladora on the way they get attacked by the evil witch Maria surprisingly she denies having anything to do with the demons she underestimated quel because she saw how he fought in the past however she detects the power of the Holy sword flowing in him within a few seconds of close combat as she wonders how cazel can possess the holy sword's power Cleo yells that quel is King Kyle's son before Maria disappears she tells castle that the holy sword is Lu's curse and then questions him if he will become Lu's puppet as well as kasle tries to wrap his head around Maria's statement Maria Fades Into Thin Air the following day cazel and his team arrive at a different town according to Cleo the town is famous for many sightseeing spots and great signature Foods she looks forward to exploring the town for its rumored features upon arriving at the Town Frey attests that the place is lovely Cleo does not hold back when she introduces the team to some dishes that the town has to offer she spends ridiculously on meals but she considers it worth it after eating breakfast Cleo tries to convince casselle and the rest of the team to go sightseeing with her Roy on the other hand considers the fact that they need to find an inn for the night since they have been spending their nights outside lately despite that Cleo insists that they enjoy themselves as time goes on she ends up spending most of the travel money on unnecessary items when it Dawns on her that she is low on cash she thinks about some ways to make money in the town in the process she flies away to find a job later that afternoon Cleo finds a place that will pay her team and allow them to sleep in an empty room for some reason the only person without a job is Cassel at Sunset Roy appears before some customers and welcomes them into the restaurant because of the way he looks the ladies end up getting red cheeks upon seeing him at the same time casselle splits tree trunks into two using his newly acquired strength while at it he tries to wrap his head around what Maria said some days ago about Lu's curse he thinks about what Maria said but struggles to understand it back at Roy's new workplace Cleo uses her powers to light the sto other Cooks present at the time Express shock because Cleo is a sorceress being intrigued by Cleo's magic the cooks beg Cleo to perform some more magic tricks Cleo gets lost in the moment as she adds more fire to the stove as a result the fire spreads and she ends up losing her job later that evening Cleo looks depressed because she lost her job because she was careless because Cleo is always vibrant Frey cannot quite process her being sad Roy explains that Cleo is seen as a genius with a bright future at the tower of the sage the issue is that she does not know about the outside world and as such she does outrageous things from time to time at this point Castle gets curious and questions Roy about what Cleo has done in the past asked in turn Roy replies by saying that Cleo blew up a building in the past the good thing was that no one was hurt even Dominic said that Cleo needed to figure out how to put her potential to good use as time goes on pray chills with Cleo to cheer her up since she is sad within a few minutes of conversing Cleo falls asleep beside Frey the following day cazel wakes up only to find out that Roy is off to make some money Cleo is missing too with no traces of her location soon she arrives at the scene claiming that she has found work on the outskirts of the town in the meantime Roy meet meets up with a person of interest and requests that he sell an expensive dagger for him later that morning Cleo leads the way to the outskirts of the town where an old restaurant lies the owner of the restaurant is an older woman vul in her late 60s upon seeing the restaurant Frey and quel realized that they are up for lots of work vul makes good use of all three of them to the extent that Cleo resorts to Magic when vul finds out that Cleo is a sorceress she makes her work twice as hard at some point Cleo snaps and lashes out at vul with abusive words however Vol puts Cleo in in her place by sending her back to work after all the work is done Cleo is observably dirty but vul tells her to go freshen up later that evening Vol serves Cleo casselle and Frey with a tasty dish after tasting the meal Frey and the others attest that the food is delicious bu reveals that she has not cooked in a long time because she rarely gets customers feeling concerned casselle advises Vol to run some kind of advertisement but Vol does not consider it she cooks over charal and as such she does not cook quickly after Cleo hears this she offers to heat things up with her Fire magic but vul declines the offer it is at this point that vul reveals that the lands around used to be a whole town full of Travelers sometime in the past war came and residents including her family burned down to the ground the Rocks outside the restaurant represent the gravestones of the previous residents who died for that reason she cannot allow fire maag to be used in her land Cleo sees the seriousness in vul's speech as tears roll down her eyes moving on Cleo sits alone at a spot close to vul's restaurant within seconds of thinking she notices a pack of demons approaching vul's shop it does not take long for quel to notice the presence of the Demons as a result he charges out of the restaurant to prevent the demons from getting inside eventually a demon makes it into the restaurant and Frey convinces vul to run back at Cleo's position casselle tries his best to hold off the demons Cleo is at a grave disadvantage because she is not permitted to use Fire magic vul who is present at the time regrets that she told Cleo not to use her magic as Cleo gets beaten to the ground vul yells at her saying that she can use her magic upon hearing this Cleo wastes no time to activate her magical abilities she uses them to take out the demons one by one till they all drop dead in the end Cleo gives vul a warm hug as it means a lot to her soon Roy arrives at the scene with lots of cash to sponsor his trip with Frey and the others as Cleo reaches for the cash Frey grabs hold of it and states that she will manage things from now on the following day quel and his team Bid Farewell to vul as they depart on their Journey sometime in the past when Reit and his sister rapine were kids their house was attacked by some Knights at that time their mother was killed right in front of them while they hid under a bed to remain unseen in the present RIT fights against a bunch of demons just outside the king's Forest he remembers this tragedy that occurred in the past and uses that anger to eliminate demons with help from his comrades even rapine despite being a female dark orc spares no demon that sees her sword in the end rahit and his team came out successful at Sunset rahit returns to orilia and reports to his master Lord marham here Lord marham informs him that Baal wants to see him that evening heat heads off to meet baale as instructed by maram on the way he stops and Eaves drops on a conversation between an astrologer opilia and the princess Scarlet opilia tells Scarlet that Terror will grip the world on the day that the nocturnal Sun crosses with the moon beel who is present at the time confirms from opilia to know if the dark lord is returning after he gets the truth he fears for Orelia because she does not have the Holy sword or King Kyle unlike a hundred years ago soon rahit heads out of the Shadows to meet Bale it turns out that Bale wants rahit to meet with princess Scarlet since he was successful in defeating the demons earlier princess Scarlet is quite pleased with rat's abilities and she wants him to join her meeting of nights the next meeting is scheduled for the next day in the morning and rahit is obliged to attend later that night rahat's comrades seem happy that they will join the meeting of knights they feel that their time to take over orilia is near and they just need to stay undercover to achieve it the following morning during the meeting with the Knights princess Scarlet introduces reheat to the high ranking officers of all of them Noble seems to pick offense at reit's Presence when he voices out the princess tells him that Ila's sins are not meant to affect the entire dark elf race Scarlet still grants ziero the opportunity to speak to voice out any concern he might have about reit's presence he takes advantage of the situation to technically insult Reit by paying him to exterminate rats however everything backfires at him when Reit counters him intellectually moving on the meeting continues as planned as an officer demia drops Intel by saying that numerous demons were cited near the forest of Adora princess Scarlet after hearing this asks reheat for his opinion on what they should do first reheat delivers accordingly by telling Scarlet to send Scouts to investigate the area he also adds that the defending Knights should be reorganized because the highways and other regions in the kingdom are defenseless after he has done speaking princess Scarlet approves of his idea while ziero picks offense and drowns in Anger he leaves the meeting to see his father who is one of the council members after pointing out his issue to his dad he does not get the reply he wishes for that afternoon Tam heads off to get bre bread from a bread dealer in the city when he arrives at the dealer store the dealer offers to give him lots of bread for free one reason is because Tam and his people help to fight against the demons lurking around the kingdom although Tam has mixed feelings about how he is being treated he takes the bread and walks off to the lair on the way he notices that some men are following him and takes an alternate route even at that he gets boxed in at a corner but tries to defend himself Tam recalls that rahit told him not to lash out at anyone so it would not cause trouble for them because of that Tam refuses to attack any of the henchmen as a result he gets beaten and tossed to the ground before things can get worse his comrade AAL arrives at the scene and scares the henchmen away he circles back to check up on Tama only to find out that he has a fever the daughter of the salesman from earlier arrives at the scene offering to provide medical support but AAL politely declines her offer finally he supports Tam back to their Lair so he can rest at the lair rahit is impressed with Tima because he held back however he suspects that zerro had something to do with Tam's attack at Sunset rahit meets up with Lord maram at his residence there he reveals info about Tam's attack including the part where he suspects ziero marim explains that ziero is one of the candidates to become princess Scarlet's betroth so he always tries to gain her attention he tells rahit that zerro might be jealous of him in the end rahit persuades maram to do something about ziero so it does not ruin their plans for the future the following day reheat appears before princess Scarlet in the war room there she apologizes for the attack on reit's people but zerro tries to trigger Reit to anger again later that night when Reit returns to his secret hideout he sees a a knife that belongs to one of the henchmen who attacked Tam immediately he finds out who the knife belongs to he gets pissed and walks out of the building his sister rapine follows after him with no knowledge of what he wants to do that night while ziero travels on a carriage with his father Reed appears in the middle of the road when ziero sees him he tries to run away but rine is also behind him Reit shows no mercy to ziero as he beats him and holds him in a choking position he makes ziero admit that he ordered henchmen to attack Tam and after that he pulls out his sword to end zaro's life at this point Zero's father comes out and lies on the ground begging for his son's life in the end Reit withdraws his sword and warns ziero to stay away from his people RIT returns to his secret hideout to see how Tam is doing here he assures Tam that Zero's men will not come after him again Tam seems grateful but he is surprised that there are still some decent humans like princess Scarlet who apologized for the attack on him however rapine warns him not to trust the people of oralia at midnight rahit sits alone and stares at the stars in the sky rapine joins him at some point and it triggers a memory on rit's side sometime in the past after rapine lost her mother rahit consoled her and made her tears stop he also vowed to avenge their mother one day when the opportunity presents itself the following day while casselle and his party charge through the woods Frey finds a little girl that catches her attention as the girl runs off Roy guesses that there may be a town with food and water close by as time goes on quel leads the way to a small village situated some meters ahead there he meets hendel The Village's mayor who is excited that quil's party are Travelers he points in the direction of a building behind him and explains that it used to be the assembly hall for the region but it is currently being used as a shelter when asked why hendle replies by saying that the town up north was attacked by demons and everyone escaped to the Village Frey sees one injured resident and wastes no time in using her powers to heal her hendle sees this and finds out that Frey is a priestess Roy helps with the heavy lifting while Frey reveals that she will help with things in the village she heads into the shelter and dresses the hair of the kids in different styles after she is done she sees the girl she saw in the woods on her way to the Village when Frey tries to speak with the little girl she runs away for some reason at this point one of the maids informs Frey that the girl's name is Elise she also adds that elely does not like to talk or even laugh when asked about elise's parents the maid replies by saying that they are not available Frey takes pity on elely and goes out to find her when she does she uses her powers to hug Alise to make her feel comfortable as time passes casselle Roy and Cleo are done with the heavy lifting they agree to leave The Village at once but they have to inform the mayor first on the contrary Frey arrives at the scene and begs the team to spend the night in the village because of the way Frey asks Roy and the others are left with no choice but to agree to her wishes when the mayor finds out that casel's party is spending the night he becomes very happy Frey takes the time to play with the kids at the shelter to the extent that Elise gets herself involved at first elely remains silent throughout the activity but she gets harsh on one of her mates who tries to borrow an item as Frey tries to speak to her she runs out of the building to get some air despite that Frey finds Elise and tries to discover what is going on with her this time Elise speaks to Frey while while Castle watches them from a distance when asked about her mom alely replies by saying that demons attacked her before she can complete her statement Frey hugs her to make her feel better while hugging Frey elely Cries Out Loud Like a baby because she misses her parents quel and the rest of the team watch all that goes down from a distance it is at this point that Roy understands why Frey wants to spend the night in the village afterward Frey heads back into the shelter with Elise and asks to help with the cooking now the maids are quite shocked that elely is now responsive she helps Frey out with the cooking and it's written over her face that she is enjoying it when it's time to eat everyone approves of Frey and Alisa's cooking because they enjoy the meal later at Sunset hendle thanks fry for all she has done for the village however he wants Frey to stay back in the village and she agrees immediately after that she reconsiders her decision and hendle allows her to think about it for a while meanwhile Cleo overhears their conversation from the window at night time while the kids are asleep Frey wakes up to go check on them in her absence Cleo tells Quil about the conversation Frey had with hendle earlier Cleo seems worried about Frey because she thinks that she might abandon her party but Roy assures her that such a thing will not happen while Frey checks up on the kids Elise regains Consciousness and tells her not to leave the village now Frey is left with a difficult decision to make between staying back with Elise or leaving the village with her team the following day she makes up her mind and informs hendel that she is leaving the maids after hearing the news insist on baking some bread for Frey and the others as a way to thank them for all they have done at first castle considers it unnecessary but the maids still insist in the end Cleo heads off to join the maids in the kitchen while Frey walks away with Elise Elise leads the way to a small cabin in the woods and tricks Frey into getting in since elely does not want Frey to leave the village she locks Frey in the cabin and runs away as time goes on Roy wonders where Frey went off to he joins Cleo to help out some of the villagers while CLE goes to find Frey while at it he finds Elise sitting alone in the woods and he politely questions her about Frey's location at first Elise looks reluctant to tell CLE where Frey is but she agrees to lead the way to the cabin in the end upon arriving at the front of the cabin casselle gets attacked by a worm type demon just before casselle engages the demon in combat he tells Elise to hide behind a tree the size of the demon puts casselle at a grave disadvantage but he manages to deal some damage to it on the other hand while Frey tries to break out of the cabin she detects the presence of another worm type demon she then tries yelling at quel so he can watch his back but she fails as a result she intensifies her effort to break out of the door so she can protect queso from any surprise attacks eventually she breaks out of the cabin just in time to prent Elise from being eaten by the other demon this allows quel to kill the demon and he takes it moving on Frey consoles Elise despite what she did in the past she feels bad for her because she witnessed the battle against the demons a second gaze at Elise makes her recall the time when she first met cazel at the orphanage she then fires a magical blast at the other demon and cazel slices its throat open killing it in the process after the battle is over Elise threatens Frey and apologizes for locking her up in the cabin in turn Frey hugs her and she smiles later that day hendle thanks casselle and Frey for defeating the demons he wishes Frey and her team safe travels and bids farewell to them at Sunset CLE and his team arrive at the town that HED claimed was attacked by demons there Cleo gets a strange feeling about the place and voices out her opinions she sees a man standing some meters from her and wonders if he is a villager quel finds out the hard way when he gets closer to the man to talk to him it turns out that the man is a zombie but the good thing is that Roy is there to protect Quil from losing his head even after taking a nasty kick from Roy the zombie gets up from the ground and straightens his neckbone before things can get worse Roy uses his twin blades to decapitate the zombie in a short while lots of zombies arrive at the field and Surround castle and his team Cleo spots a reflection coming from a house and alerts her team about it Frey and the others make a run for the house while Cleo stays back to prevent the zombies from attacking that evening while in the house its owner Johan welcomes quel and his team he reveals that the zombies react to loud noises and voices so they should be quiet Roy does not hold back as he questions Johan about why zombies are around his land Johan replies by saying that everything started when the demons attacked his village at that time several villagers were killed but most of them were able to get away a few of them did not make it out of the village and as such they locked themselves in their home at some point the villagers who were thought dead came back to the village and dwelled with the other villagers it went on to a point where the rures began attacking the other villagers in the present Johan attests that he is the only survivor of the attack Frey sees a flower in Johan's house that makes her mutter Alisa's name upon hearing the name name Johan questions Frey if she knows about his daughter Frey assures him that his daughter is alive and safe in another Village he is relieved to hear that his daughter is alive because he got separated from her when the deons out act his village when Frey tells Johan that he can go see his daughter Johan says that he cannot go yet when asked why he emphasizes that he cannot leave the village on the other hand she questions casle about what he is doing in the village cul reveals that he is on his way to orria Mountain because of that Johan insists that KAS will spend the night at his place with the rest of his team he then offers to show an easy path to orria Mountain the following day as time passes CLE and his team prepare to sleep in a room in the house a conversation begins between them where Roy gives a lecture about zombies he explains that the dead cannot come back to life and zombies are just moving corpses Cleo seconds the fact and then adds that zombies are controlled by zombies out of curiosity CLE questions Roy about why he knows so much about zombies in Roy's defense he studied a lot about zombies at the tower of the sage later that night while Roy and the others are asleep Johan takes up a dagger and carries a dead look in his eyes cazel regains Consciousness and heads to the other room to check on Johan while in search of Johan he finds an underground Cellar and gets to the bottom of it there he sees Johan speaking to a female zombie Bound by ropes Johan calls the zombie by her name Lisa and it looks as if he has had a history with her Cel despite being shocked listens more to Johan's conversation with the zombie and heads back upstairs when he gets to his room he informs Roy about his findings Roy Who hates hates the existence of zombies tells casselle that he will have a conversation with Johan along the line Johan heads out of the cellar only to find casselle and the others waiting for him in the sitting room Roy is the first to speak and he questions Johan about his relationship with the zombie in the cellar Johan reveals that Lisa is his wife and Frey looks shocked because Lisa is also Alisa's mother Johan attests that his wife was amongst the people who returned to the Village after the zombie attack he adds that he worked with a friend of his to find and capture Lisa he hopes to revert Lisa to her human form but Roy assures him that it is impossible Johan does not process this well and as such he tells quel to come up with ideas since quel does not have any answers he questions Frey since she is a priestess but he gets no reliable reply as he drowns in frustration Roy points out the fact that there is no hope for Lisa Frey is quite pissed at Johan because he seems to care less about Elise Johan's quest to redeem Lisa has blinded him to the fact that he is supposed to go and see aise when fry calls him out on it he replies by saying that Lisa needs him even casselle gets pissed at Johan's thought process because he is meant to go after his daughter like a father would in the end Johan makes peace with the fact that he needs to go see his daughter he Demands a bit of privacy from casselle and the others and then heads to the underground Cellar to settle things with Lisa there Lisa gets triggered when Johan speaks about her daughter it gets to a point where Lisa breaks free from one of the ropes and Johan ends up screaming for his life because of that the monsters outside turn their faces in the direction of Johan's house before things can get nasty Roy arrives at the cellar and restrains Lisa he then tells Johan to do do the needful so he can move on soon Roy and some others head out from the cellar because of the noise from upstairs Frey heads out of the house only to see Roy slicing the heads of zombies while he engages the zombies Johan summons the courage to put his wife to Eternal rest in the meantime quel joins Roy in the battle to take out the zombies on the field the following morning the black Edge organization arrives back at orilia after a successful mission in the king's Forest the people of orilia are happy to see them and Tam almost gets Carried Away by their praises on the contrary rapine still Rec calls that her parents were gruesomely killed by orlian knights in the past as she recalls losing her parents she wishes death to the people of orilia at some point Tam makes a stop at a store where he was offered free bread in the past he intends to find the girl who helped him when he got attacked by Zero's henchmen after interrogating the storekeeper he finds out that the lady Sheila works at The Confectionary at the end of the street moving on rahit enters into the war room and sees Claus assessing the map of the Kingdom K Claus thanks Reit for saving his friends in the past from the demons since RIT looks confused about the friends being talked about Claus mentions qu's name to make him remember in the end rahit denies having any memory of quel or even Frey in the meantime princess Scarlet meets up with her father on his sick bed there she informs him about the black Edge's success in defeating some of the Demons around the kingdom when the king learns that the black Edge was brought in by Lord Mariam he questions Scarlet if they can be trusted he seems worried about the fact that Scarlet is not suspicious of the black Edge in the end Scarlet pets him and tells him to get well soon after the king falls asleep Scarlet Scarlet leaves his Chambers and a night demia follows behind her demia seems worried about Scarlet because she has not gotten time to rest when she voices out Scarlet reminds her that the day of Leah is approaching and as such she needs not rest demia admires Scarlet a lot because unlike other princesses Scarlet is willing to take up a sword and defend her people while she Converses with Scarlet Rahat arrives at the scene to give an account of his mission elsewhere Tam arrives at Sheila's workplace and tries to gain her attention since he is not good with humans some kidss help him out with the intros at the the same time Scarlet enters into a private conversation with Reit at the training Arena here she reveals her intention which is to protect the people of orilia and remove the Nobles from the spotlight she makes lots of sense to the extent that reheat fakes a smile before Scarlet walks away she questions reheat about why his people are fighting for orilia in turn rahit replies by saying that taking down demons is the only thing he can do as Scarlet walks away from the scene rit's face returns to factory settings later that day Sheila meets up with Tam at a spot after she is done with work Tam apologizes for coming unannounced but Sheila does not mind it at all Tam hands her the handkerchief she used in tending to his wounds when he was injured in the past Sheila receives the item and looks glad that Tam's injuries are all healed later that day at Sunset Tam arrives late at black Edge's secret hideout when asked where he is been Tama comes up with a suitable excuse to fool his comrades the following morning reheat is present in a meeting with scarlet and other high-ranking War officers Scarlet hopes to scout the place where the evil demon Lord is expected to appear beforehand she knows fully well that she needs a good amount of soldiers and as such Rahat suggests lending his people for the job finally Scarlet agrees to reit's offer while reat gives off an evil smile the following day Tam secretly meets up with Sheila at a place located close to a stream he shares some freshly baked bread with Sheila and enters into a conversation with her about birthdays Sheila believes that most people eat cakes on their birthday but it is not the same for Tam he reveals that he does not celebrate his birthday and then questions Sheila to know if it's okay for her to be with him he feels that someone will speak ill of Sheila since he is a dark elf but Sheila assures him otherwise meanwhile azal watches all that goes down from the back of a tree that evening when Tam arrives at the secret hideout he tries to come up with another excuse for being late AAL who is present at the time gives Tam a sounding beating as Rohit heads back from the castle he finds out what Tam did Tama is terrified at this point because he knows that he messed up as Reit draws closer to him his heart rate increases however rehe advises Tam to reflect on his actions and do what needs to be done at the time when the moon reaches its peak Tam is seen sitting alone thinking about his mistakes rine arrives at the scene and calls him an idiot she hates the fact that Tam acted selfishly earlier meanwhile Tam is carried away by the fact that he is being appreciated by the residents he tries to talk rine out of living only for Revenge but instead receives a history lesson about Ren's past sometime in the past after rapine and Rit lost their parents RIT always looked out for his sister in the present rapine explains her Devotion to her brother she tells Tam that she will not stop him from leaving the black Edge organization if it will make him happy however she threatens to kill him if he dares obstruct reheats plans the following day Tam meets up with Sheila at their regular spot there he shares a tale of what happened in the past when his parents were still alive at that time it was Tam's birthday and his mother baked him a cake Tam's Brothers wanted to eat the cake immediately but Tam insisted that they wait till their dad got back when his dad finally came back Tam opened the door only to find him covered in blood his dad's final words were run now and then he died the present Tam adds that orellan soldiers arrived at his village and killed everyone claiming that they were plotting an attack on Orelia he knew that the soldiers were lying because they were enjoying the massacre his mother and brothers died in the slaughter and he still regrets that he let them die hungry after Tam is done with the story Sheila realizes why he does not like his birthday she says nothing as Tam speaks of an invisible barrier that exists between them that cannot be taken out as Tam walks away Sheila questions him about why he fights the demons for orilia and he replies by saying that he does not do it for orilia this alone shocks Sheila but Tam leaves after saying that he will change the world in the meantime Reit stands in a private conversation with Lord maram where he emphasizes that his people need absolute status reason being that orelans will forget his people's Deeds when the demons are exterminated the following day the sorcerer Maldo stands on a high mountain with his associate Maria there he laughs at the Wailing voices of the humans and makes Gest of them according to him his only desire is to watch the human race dance to death he goes on to take Maria down Memory Lane about what happened in the past when he was still working with the humans at that time in the Republic of gray the king lay ill on his sick bed Jane the King's Daughter was quite worried about her father but mduk consoled her by telling her that all would be well since he was a sorcerer for the Republic of gray he delved into his research looking for a way to save the king one day Jane's Knight speaks to her privately just before he leaves for war mduk arrives at the scene and gets the impression that the Knight is trying to seduce the princess the following day Jane breaks down in tears when she finds out that her father has pass away muluk fears that the kingdom is done if their enemies find out that the king is dead later that day he speaks to Jane about bringing back the king with magic using some forbidden magic that he has perfected Malik proceeds with his intentions and brings the king back to life but as a zombie when the Knight Returns to the palace and finds out that the king is a zombie he draws out his sword on mduk and suggests that he get banished the Knight exerts lots of composure on himself to avoid taking mald du's life in the end mduk was insulted Cast Away and thrown into exile even till date mduk dreads the humans and wishes them suffering in the present after Maria is done listening to mald du's tale she promises to help him in bringing the dark lord back later that morning quel and the rest of his team arrive at the orria mountain as instructed by Lorraine upon getting there Cleo and the others hear the Raging voices of some Orcs in physical combat up ahead is an orc Master Cola fighting a bunch of enemy Orcs during their Battle Master KLA manages to land fatal attacks on the enemy Orcs but one of them holds him at a neutral point it is at this point that another another orc Dale arrives at the scene to help Master kala despite knocking off the enemy Orcs they recover within a few seconds and intend to fight in the mean time quel and his people arrive just above Master ca's position after taking a closer look at the Orcs Roy realizes that the enemy Orcs are zombies quel Wast no time to lend his strength to master kala who was on the brink of death Cleo and the others support Dale in defeating the zombie Orcs at the scene after the zombie Orcs are confirmed dead Master Cola thanks quel and his team for their help as quel draws closer to master Cola to speak to him Dale blocks him Dale argues that humans cannot be led into their lands but Master Kaa insists on seeing quel since he has been expecting him after Dale agrees Master kala joins him in prayer to appease their ancestors for soiling their mountains with blood as time goes on Master kala introduces himself to quel and his team he adds that he receives messages from the great ancestral Spirits as dreams and attests to seeing quel in one of his dreams quel wastes no time in stating his intent to master kala he reveals that he wants to meet with the or Chief Ayatollah to unseal the holy sword kala expresses shock as he realizes that quel is heir to the holy sword however Dale assumes that quel is lying and then further reveals that Chief Ayatollah has passed away despite that Cola has reason to believe that the new Chief SE may have received instructions from Chief Ayatollah however when Castle asked to meet with Chief SE Dale states that no humans may be allowed into orc's land because humans are working with demons while cel's side is in shock from the news kala explains that a human sorcerer arrived at their Valley and as time went on Orcs began to disappear the Disappeared Orcs returned as zombies and started attacking the normal Orcs Cleo asked kala to know what the sorcerer looks like out of sheer curiosity after getting the sorcerer's description she cannot come up with any name even at that castle desires to unseal the holy sword when he voices out to kala one more time he agrees to escort him to Chief SE one shocking thing is that kala vows to protect quel from Chief SE if he tries to kill him the only thing is that Cleo and the others will have to wait at their position because the Orcs hate humans in Castle's absence Cleo and the others try to make themselves feel comfortable Cleo ends up drawing on the ancestral walls of the Orcs in the quest to attain a figure when she finds out that the Orcs are quite serious about their ancestral lineage she tries to wipe off the figure but fails soon another set of Orcs arrive at the scene and draw their weapons at Cleo and the others as Frey and Roy explained that they were with Master kala the Orcs calm down a bit however Cleo puts up a good show by telling the Orcs that she will hunt down the sorcerer responsible for the zombie Orcs when the Orcs see Cleo's work on one of their walls Cleo realizes that she has lots of explaining to do in the meantime Master Kaa presents quel before Chief s quel feels intimidated after seeing Chief s at a close distance this is because SE is quite bigger than your average orc and he has a terrifying Aura around him when Quil is allowed to speak he wastes no time to talk about the Holy sword since he claims to be the heir to the sword SE wants casselle to prove it by fighting against him however kala opposes SE by saying that he will defend Cassel if he has to he points out the fact that his Visions are never wrong even at at that se still has murderous intent towards quel quel catches se's attention and tries his best to persuade him to spare his life at some point when asked quel reveals that he will protect Everyone by using his body as a shield if he must SE after hearing this makes Gest of Quil by saying that conviction without power is worthless he then takes up his weapon to server quil's head from his body however quel moves no inch when s draws his weapon towards him even the Orcs were sure that Quil was dead but it appears that se was just testing him in the end SE speaks of a holy Shrine where Quil will be tested according to him Master Ayatollah left something in the shrine and quesal must bring it back soon another orc sees the presence of humans in the mountains when revealed SE and the other Orcs find out that it is Cleo and the others now quel has to go to the holy Shrine and retrieve an artifact to preserve his life and the lives of his friends he leaves se's presence and follows Master Cola heading for the holy Shrine later that afternoon Master Cola leads the way to the holy Shrine and debriefs qual about the place according to him the shrine is a sacred place used by shamans for training he adds that there is an altar in the shrine where a test will be given casselle bids farewell to master Kaa and enters the holy Shrine with courage back in the mountains Cleo and the others are being held hostage under s's orders despite that Cleo cannot stop running her mouth and Roy ends up trying his best to get her to shut up back in the Holy Shrine casselle walks until he reaches the altar as described by Kaa there he begins hearing voices in his head and he tries to make it stop the sound of his mother draws him closer to a weird door and he goes through it on the other side quel is seen as a child spending time with his mother arlet at Sunset other Orcs discuss within themselves and have issues believing that castle is heir to the holy sword Cleo who is present at the time cannot resist talking back to them even though she has fate in Castle's return Roy warns her to be quiet she ignores his advice and tries to gain the attention of some orc standing behind her despite noticing that the Orcs are ignoring her she insists on talking it gets to a point where an orc decides to move her to a new location because of how annoying she is moving on casselle spends lots of time with his mother while being tested in the Holy Shrine he chills with her in a field and enjoys her company later that evening Frey thinks about quel and wonders if he is okay Roy tells her not to worry and then assures her that quel will be back meanwhile Cleo Falls unconscious after exerting herself for the most part of the day while she sleeps Roy looks relieved back at The Shrine casselle repeats the same day with his mother he notices something off about Arlette when he takes a second look at her it is at this point that he recalls that his mother is dead in real time when he accepts his mother's death he reverts to his adult self and begins to speak to a mind reflection of his mother Arlette tries to lecture him on what would have happened if she had not been killed in the past she tries to make cell Embrace a false reality but cell does not fall for it as cell tries to leave the door Arlette tries to use cel's emotions to Guilt Trip him and prevent him from leaving despite that kasle reveals that he has to leave so that he can protect everyone he bids farewell to arlet and walks past the exit following that cazel regains Consciousness and ayatollah's spirit appears before him Ayatollah congratulates him for passing the test and then wishes him luck in his future endeavors in ayatollah's absence quel sees the artifact and picks it up the following morning Frey exhales when she hears that Master Kaa has returned with cazel Roy and Cleo join her to meet up with quel at the edge of the mountain when Chief Sig learns of quil's success he arrives at the scene to do the needful he takes the artifact from quel and boasts to his comrades that quel passed the test he then uses the artifact to unseal the second seal of the Holy sword leaving quel with one seal left after completing the unsealing process Cleo asks if quel feels different she has reason to believe that quel should have two-thirds of the sword's power to beat the dark lord however quel testifies that he feels nothing at the top of a mountain Malik stands wondering where a strange Magical Power is coming from he assumes that it might be the holy sword but he does not want to believe it back at the orria mountains Chief s advises quel on how he will become mentally strong as a person and as a warrior he adds that his ancestors fought alongside Ling Kyle in the past against the demons and he will gladly do the same when the time comes after SE is done with his speech Master kala bids farewell to quel and wishes him good luck unfortunately maluk arrives at the scene via a portal in search of the Holy sword AA Chief seg quickly realizes that mduk is the one responsible for the zombie Orcs in Anger he charges at mduk hoping to kill him but he gets knocked to the ground when mduk attempts to shoot a magical blast at kala SE places his body in line to take damage quel who is present at the time takes up his weapon and charges at mduk to defeat him Cleo and Roy charge behind him to provide some support while in combat maluk notices the power of the Holy sword coming from Castle however mduk gets enraged when CLE gets a clean slice of his hair in Anger he summons a lethal magic blast at queso but he Dodges the attack because of that Frey is left at the mercy of the attack since she stands some meters behind quel after she falls weak on the ground quil's hatred for mduk climaxes instantly quel charges maluk in Rage and tries to kill him by Landing multiple attacks at some point maluk manages to withstand quil's raw strength in battle but the tables turn when quil's Powers get intensified maluk makes peace with the fact that he can not defeat Quil in his State and as such he disappears as a result casselle exerts lots of force on the ground causing an explosion after the Smoke Clears out casselle is seen lying unconscious at the point of impact later that morning Frey writes a letter to Claus updating him about her current location and the progress of obtaining the holy sword she leaves the letter writing for seconds and heads off to check on CLE Who Lies unconscious she then writes about cazel saying that he has gotten a lot stronger as compared to his past self back when she was in Orelia she had no idea that such things could happen she begins to write about what happened after she parted ways with claws at the tower of the sage she begins writing about the journey to the forest of eladora where she faced a bunch of demons at that time selini helped to kill the second wave of demons that were after Roy she led them into the forest up to the point where Castle fought against a demon after nea's death while CLE was lost in Anger Selen had to hug him so he would regain his senses even after Lorraine refused to unseal the holy sword casselle reflected on his mistakes and grieved the little Trent Nesha for that reason Selena test ified that casselle was worthy of possessing the holy sword after Lorraine dropped the first seal on the holy sword casselle learned that there were two other seals he needed to get rid of the first place he had to go to was agria while the last was in the windland snow mountain after quel got the info he said his goodbyes to Lorraine and set out on a journey with his team in the present Frey checks up on cazel to see how he is doing while at it Cleo heads in and finds out that cel's fever has reduced despite being unconscious she also sees that Frey is writing a letter to Claus and decides to write a letter to Dominic's however one issue she faces is what to write about but she figures she should make herself look good in the letters to please her master Frey on the other hand makes Gest of her and tells her to include the parfait where she almost burnt a restaurant finally Cleo takes out some ink and begins writing a letter for Dominic elsewhere Seline appears before Lorraine and informs her that the demons around the forest have been handled on getting the news Lorraine thanks Seline for her hard work Seline on the other hand wonders how Castle is doing when she voices out Lorraine assumes that castle is on his way to meet pavl at the snow mountains back in the orria mountains Frey and Cleo proceed with writing their letters at some point Cleo squeezes her paper and starts a new letter while Frey maintains a single sheet Frey goes on to write about her encounter with Miss wul in detail in the past when quel and his team worked for Miss vul they were attacked by demons Cleo was left at the mercy of one of the Demons because she was asked not to use her Fire magic however at some point volf makes peace with the fact that she will need Cleo's magic to survive the attack from the demons moving on Frey met a El in a small village and she grew fond of her she tried her best to bond with Elise despite receiving cold treatment from the little girl at some point she succeeded as Elise opened up to her about her parents from that time Frey's time with Elise was quite memorable in that they cooked and did lots of fun things together after Frey's experience with Elise she winds up in Johan's residence trying to protect herself from zombie attacks at that time casselle did his best to protect everyone from the reach of the zombies finally Frey writes about her experience at orria Mountain where Kaa got attacked by zombie Orcs at that time quel and his team helped to save kala and Dale from the zombie Orcs following that cazel was privileged to see Chief SE where he had a heated conversation with him to prove that he was the heir to the holy sword after cazel passed the test SE dropped a seal on the holy sword which allowed Castle to attain new Feats of Strength however when Frey got injured by malok's Magic quel lost control of his emotions and lashed out at the enemy in the present quel feels sad for quel even though the Orcs now praise him as a hero on the other hand and Cleo completes her letter but notices that Frey is in a mood when she questions Frey if anything is up Frey replies by saying no she only reveals that she recalled her past experiences while she was writing the letter Cleo knows fully well that Frey is worried about quel she displays optimism by telling her that she believes that cazel will wake up Frey upon hearing this lightens up and gives off a smile she agrees with Cleo's way of thinking and looks forward to when casselle wakes up Weeks Later Claus gets the letter from Frey and smiles as he reads it one morning some kids play amongst themselves trying to assume the roles of black Edge and demons respectively however both kids end their game as they see reheat and his men marching along the streets of the Kingdom reheat leads his men to the castle regardless of the fact that the Nobles do not like them his confidence stems from the fact that princess Scarlet invited him when he arrives at the War Room Scarlet introduces herself to the members of Black Edge one member of black Edge's display of sarcasm toward the princess amuses his comrades to the extent that they start laughing Damia who is present at the time frowns at them but holds back out of respect for scarlet he calls his men to order so that the princess can debrief them at the appointed time Scarlet introduces herself again but this time not as the princess but as the supreme commander of the knights she speaks about the Expedition Mission at the galua Plains and leaves demia to outline the details after demia is done azal still tries to make silly jokes about the mission as a result Scarlet calls his attention and casually asks him to join her in a sword fight Scarlet tells Claus to spectate the match at the fighting arena before the battle begins AAL on the other hand prepared to fight the princess with a wooden sword before the battle begins Scarlet tells him to give her everything he's got and then the match begins in a few minutes of battle Scarlet notices that AAL is pulling his punches in asal's defense he states that he will be in trouble if he hurts the princess however Scarlet warns that he should go all out on her things quickly get serious as Scarlet intensifies her attacks against AAL even rahat's men attest that Scarlet's fighting skills are impressive in the second round of battle Scarlet wastes no time to break aol's weapon into two aol's comrades make things worse by making justest of him in the end he claims that he went easy on the princess the dark elves seize their laughter when Scarlet asks if any of them would like to spar with her it appears that she did what she did to gain the respect of the Dark Elves while she walks away Tam realizes that the princess is no pushover in the meantime Lord maram Converses with councilmen except Bale during their meeting he reveals that rahit will be given the title of honorary Noble when his team comes back successfully from the Expedition Mission this alone shocks the councilman but Zero's father Lord Schmidt does not seem surprised when asked about his opinion Lord Schmidt states that he agrees with Lord Mariam his decision shocks Lord MOS enough to ask Lord Mariam about what he is plotting at this point Lord Mariam reveals that he aims to take control of orilia he tells the councilmen to side with him so they can protect their dignitaries moving on Bale meets up with Scarlet to speak about the expedition's mission he thinks that Scarlet is acting ruthless because she wants to join the mission herself although Bale tries his best to talk her out of it Scarlet's mind is already made up while conversing with Lord Claus arrives at the scene in Bale's absence Claus speaks about his Apprentice quel who is also helping to defeat the demons he does not go into detail about the Holy sword and others rather he wants Scarlet to know that she is not the only one trying to fight the demons Scarlet looks forward to meeting Cel in the future she then informs Claus that she would like him to stay back and defend the kingdom while she is away on the Expedition Mission Claus accepts his role without complaint and looks forward to watching over the city at Sunset rahit informs his comrades about the promise of being a noble however he outlines that before he attains nobility black Edge needs to be victorious in the Expedition the victory will make them to be viewed as Heroes and it will make it easier for them to enact their plans when asked about the princess Reit reveals that has already taken care of her according to him while Scarlet is away during the Expedition Lord marham will seize power from baale when that happens Scarlet will lose the only support she has and no Noble will side with her as a result she will lose power and be driven from her current position after reheat speech Tam rejoices because he looks forward to yet another victory tomorrow the following morning Scarlet prepares to leave the castle for the mission before she leaves she tells Bale to take care of the Kingdom's Administration while black Edge marches out of the Kingdom orelans cheer them on wishing them good luck Sheila tries her best to gain Tam's attention but Tam sees her and ignores her despite that Sheila stops and wishes him safety elsewhere Maria appears before her accomplice maldu mduk reveals that he felt the power of the Holy sword earlier however Maria tries to sugarcoat the fact that the power emanated from a mere human she taunts maldu by saying that the holy sword is missing but maldu thinks that there is more to the story when asked if she knows about cazel Maria replies by saying no Maria questions mald du's fear and reminds him that the holy sword's existence will not affect his plans mduk seconds the idea and then adds that everything will end when the dark lord returns later that afternoon ryat and his team lead the way to the gallowa plains scarlet and the rest of her forces travel behind him since they are not accustomed to foreign lands after Sundown they set camp on the way so they can rest reheat debriefs his men about tomorrow's mission so they will stay sharp and informed after he is done everyone except rapine heads out to eat dinner while rine sits alone Scarlet meets up with her and questions her if anything is wrong rine being who she is maintains her reserved personality and speaks lightly to Scarlet without revealing most details at some point Scarlet misunderstands her and it strikes a nerve in re's absence Scarlet suspects that there is more to black Edge than what meets the eye the following day rahit and his men break off from Scarlet's forces to inspect galua planes before he leaves deia and Scarlet both wish him good luck on the mission as time goes on rahit and his men arrive at the galaa plains the place is basically a wasteland with no visible buildings or structures since it has been abandoned for over a century after walking a couple of distances Tam wonders why the demons are not coming out yet out of sheer curiosity Tam sees an enchanted figure on the ground and tries to check out what it is upon making contact with the enchanted drawing Tam Gets Zapped by Magic he falls to the ground and his comrades are left shocked one of them tries to check on him but reheat prevents him after calling out to Tam without getting any response RIT moves closer to him only to find out that he is dead in Anger he tells his comrades that the demons are responsible for Tam's death soon malic arrives at the scene via a portal and gives off an evil smile on the other side of the galoa Plains Scarlet Converses with Damia about the expedition's mission she has a bad feeling about the mission coupled with the fact that rapine lashed out at her the previous night despite that she intends to check up on reheat and the others while demia decides to join her elsewhere Maria stands alone on a platform wondering what maldu is up to back at the galoa plains maldu Smiles as Tam comes back alive azal who grieved him rushes after him to see how he is doing unfortunately Tam kills AAL since he is now a zombie under mdk's control mduk makes Gest of black Edge because they have lost one of their members to him as Tam becomes more violent one of his comrades tries to kill him the dark elf who tries to kill Tam makes the mistake of not cutting his head off since he is not used to killing zombies in the end rippen kills his Tam by beheading him seconds after Tam's passing rat's men charge at mduk with the intent of Killing Him however they all get wiped out by muk's magical powers the magical surge catches Scarlet's attention but she wonders what it is now that maluk has successfully killed most of rat's men the surviving Dark Elves launch calculated attacks on mduk to put him down once and for all rapine tries her best to inflict damage on maluk while her brother provides backup support it gets to a point where rine stabs maluk in the back but it does not kill him rather mduk expends a huge amount of magical energy and tosses both his enemies to the ground Maria appears at the scene and expresses shock when she sees rahit rahit on the other hand loses himself when he sees that his sister rapine lies dead on the floor in Anger he charges at maldu Landing several lethal attacks despite the fact that mduk tries his best to defend reheat lands a lethal kick on his abdomen Maria knows very well that mduk is done if she lets reheat have his way because of that she envelops reheat in a magical barrier that leaves him unconscious while he lies on the ground Maria advises Malik to leave since scarlet and her forces are coming before before Maria leaves the scene he looks at reheat and takes note of the jewelry that hangs on his neck as time passes scarlet and her forces arrive at the scene only to find out that reit's men have been wiped out back at the orria mountains quel regains Consciousness after weeks of sleeping Frey who has been with him the whole time looks relieved because he has finally woken up even Cleo was worried about quel because he had been out for so long quel on the other hand seems to have faded memories of his last battle against maldu despite that kasil feels pressured to get the holy sword as soon as possible because he let maluk Escape Master kala who was present at the time tells quel that he needs to rest however Dale Praises quel because of the way he fought against mduk in the past to the extent that he sheds tears of joy he then leaves the room under master kala's orders to inform the other Orcs that castle is conscious later that day at Sunset Castle takes a walk to the place where he fought maldu upon reaching there he exclaimed at the sight of a depression in the land caused by his powers while he stares at the depression Master kala arrives at the scene and lectures him about how it was created Castle feels sorry for chief s because he died trying to protect one of his own on the other hand kala informs him that he will take over from where Chief seg stopped he then tells queso not to worry about anything and then vows to be of help to him when the time comes because quel lost control of his powers while fighting maldu he feels confused about how he will wield the holy sword the right way when he voices out to master kala he learns that a warrior needs to be strong in the body and in the mind master kala then goes on to tell castle that he should focus on protecting others if he wants to master the holy sword's power that evening some Orcs offer lots of food items to Cleo and Roy while Roy and Cleo head out of the tent they discuss the nature of Orcs Roy points out the fact that Orcs pay great respect to strength while Cleo recalls that the Orcs were not as hospitable as they are when compared to the first time they met she is also glad that quel woke up but recalls how scary it was to see quel going berserk on maldu weeks back while she wonders what will happen to quel when the last seal on the sword is removed Roy assures Cleo that he will support quel to the end at night time while Cleo and the others are asleep Quil sits on his bed and recalls his previous battle against maluk after that he steps outside to the point where he fought against maluk weeks ago minutes after getting there Frey arrives and questions him if he has difficulties sleeping Frey reveals that she cannot sleep too and as such she joins quel to stare at the atmosphere both parties stare at the Sun and the Moon having it in mind that they are running out of time at some point Frey tells casselle that she is worried about him at first casselle reveals that he is fine but when Frey speaks about his emotional state he remains silent he is worried about losing control when using the holy sword when he voices out to fry she assures him that he will not lose the battle against the enemy in the end quel smiles and thanks Frey for her support the following day Cassel and the rest of his team thank the Orcs for everything they have done for them casselle bids farewell to master Kaa and the others and then joins his team to leave the mountains before Frey walks away Master kala calls her attention and gives her some very disturbing news according to his Visions Cassel enters the world as a hero and goes through the path of War but then disappears in the end fry upon hearing this expresses shock but kala tells her to prevent his dream from coming to pass the following day while Frey fetches water from a stream a strange girl Raina arrives claiming to know Frey although Frey tries to explain that she is a traveler Raina still thinks of her as someone she knows when Roy arrives at the scene she tries to flirt with him however she drops the act when quel and Cleo arrive at the scene Raina introduces herself to Roy and the others and then adds that some people hired her in a nearby Village to find someone while she speaks Cleo throws a knife at a spider so that Cel can eat it however Raina warns that the spiders in the woods are venomous and as such it is poisonous although Raina tries to stir up conversations with casle and Cleo Roy looks uninterested as a result he questions Raina about her identity and she replies by saying that she is a mercenary Roy after hearing this ignores Raina and decides to leave because he lacks interest in her while he walks away Raina runs up to him and Promises to show him around the village up ahead however she gets curious and questions Roy if he is from Orelia Frey replies in his stad by saying that she is from Orelia after Raina hears this she warns Frey and the others to conceal their identity rather if asked they should say they are from the Empire just like her Cleo after hearing this looks shocked that Raina is from the Empire Roy on the other hand questions Raina why she said what she said but riona replies by saying that she will explain later Raina leads the way to an inn in the village only to find out that it is full another thing is that a dark elf manages the place Raina manages to make the the manager allow Cleo and the others to spend the day in her room while Raina Converses with the manager a little dark elf lien hugs Raina and heads out to complete an errand later that day some Elves discuss missing persons in the village they feel that the demons are responsible for the missing villagers but they have no clue on how to find them CLE and the rest of his team overhear their conversation from across some tables what catches Castle's attention is when the elves speak about orelans being involved in the missing people's case the elves hate orelans because they invaded their Villages and killed innocence in the past on the contrary one of the elves calms his comrade down by telling him that humans are also part of the people missing because of that he is not sure if Orelia is involved in the case moving on Raina explains things about the village to Clea and the others in her room according to her Dark Elves and humans have been missing indiscriminately she then warns the team not to speak of their Origins at least until they leave the village Roy has no issues with raina's suggestion because he intends to leave the village the next day just then Raina receives info from one of the res resence that Leiden is missing after getting the news she offers to help the villagers find the little elf even Roy and his team help to find Leiden in the woods but they do not succeed as a result leiden's Guardian is seen shedding tears at this point casselle tells his team that they should intensify their search but Roy does not like the idea he does not want the team to get involved so that their trip will not be delayed however casselle proposes that they look for Leiden before they depart The Village the next day since Cassel still insists on finding Leiden Ro Bo has no choice but to agree as time passes casselle breaks off from his team and unites with Raina to find lien in the woods meanwhile Cleo flies above tree level to get a good view of the woods so it would be easier to find lien while at it cazel hears some noise from a distance that catches his attention Raina joined him in the direction of the sound although she did not hear anything after walking a couple of meters they both accidentally fall into a pit after Quil manages to get up he realizes that the pit is the source of the sound he heard earlier Raina on the other hand tries to stir up some ation to find out who quel really is when quel reveals that he is trying to unseal the holy sword Raina looks shocked it then occurs to her that quel is a big deal of a person since he is the heir to the holy sword being who she is she gets closer to quel and tries to steal a kiss but quel does not feel comfortable in the end quel backs off and states that he is worried about his powers he reveals that he is dangerous but Raina underestimates him at first after Quil narrates the tale of his last battle against maluk Raina begins to take him seriously at Sunset Cleo flies around the woods looking tired after a long day of unproductive search as she proceeds further into the woods she gets trapped by weblike strings and gas to unconsciousness back at the pit Raina advises casselle to live for himself otherwise his heart will die she then goes on to reveal that she is a Noble's daughter despite not looking like one according to her she was meant to marry another Noble for some political gain but she ended up running away from it after her little story she tells quel to break free from his responsibilities but quel insists that he just wants to protect everyone along the line Raina ends the conversation with quel as she sees lien's shoe lying some meters away she then leads the way to a deeper part of the pit only to find the missing villagers trapped in spider sacks just when Quil decides to free the trapped villagers he senses a demon type spider behind him in shock he turns around only to see the spider wrapping Cleo in a web sack although he teams up with Raina to fight the spider he deals little damage to the demon at some point he loses Focus during the fight against the demon and pays greatly for it as Raina gets trapped too despite that quel takes up his sword and gets a clean slice of the demon killing it in the process the following day the villagers rejoice as they see that their missing comrades have returned in the meantime quel thanks Raina for helping him back into the pit he applauds her way of life and then bids farewell to her and the rest of the villagers the following day scarlet and her forces set camp in Alisa's Hometown scarlet and demia thank hendle for what he has done for their people hendle on the other hand is pleased to be of help to the princess he also wonders how Reed is doing but Damia replies that he has not woken up meanwhile a physician from the village is tending to reheat Who Lies unconscious at the time still in the conversation with hendle Scarlet finds out that ques will pass through the village and help them fight some demons she then Smiles because someone other than her is helping in the fight against demons at the same time elely and her friends peep at Scarlet at demia from a distance their viewing session ends when an adult sends them on errands as hend walks away from Scarlet demia wonders why reheat has not woken up yet Scarlet has no idea too but she looks forward to knowing how the black Edge got wiped out when he wakes later that evening scarlet and demia visit Reit to see how he is doing there The Physician informs them that he has no idea why reheat is not waking up because of that Damia tells Scarlet that she should withdraw her forces and head back to orilia Scarlet argues that she needs reheats Intel to know the type of demons he fought against at the galoa plains the following morning while Scarlet Takes a walk Three Little Children including Elise offer some flowers to her Elisa's dad arrives at the scene and tells the girls to go have fun since he wants to converse with the princess during the conversation with the princess Johan does not go into detail about what he did to his wife or his daughter he summarizes it all by saying that he put his daughter through a terrible experience despite that he wishes to leave the village with Elise and go back to having a normal life back at Orelia a knight appears before the councilman bearing news about the Expedition Mission according to him demons have appeared on the galoa plains but black Edge has been wiped out the councilmen are shocked by the news but Lord Mariam finds it hard to believe that black Edge is dead in Anger he yells at the Knight by saying that heat would never lose to a demon as time goes on Claus receives the news about black edges passing he looks sad because he never expected to hear such news even the residents are shocked to hear that black Edge lost to the demons when Sheila hears about it the first person on her mind is Tam she runs away in sorrow and sheds Tears like a baby when she falls to the ground back at Alisa's Village reheat regains Consciousness and questions Scarlet about his men when he hears that he is the only Survivor of black Edge he tells Scarlet to give him some time alone while he lies alone in the room he struggles to get up from the ground The Physician arrives at the room to offer RIT some food only to find out that reheat is Gone In the Heat of the Moment he informs deia and Scarlet about reheats disappearance and Scarlet orders that they search the surrounding area after a few minutes of unproductive search Scarlet Damia and the others fail to find RIT meanwhile RIT walks weakly in the woods trying to get away from the village at some point he falls to the ground and memories of his team's death haunt him when he recalls that his sister rapine is dead he yells in sorrow wondering why he is the only one alive he sits behind a tree and holds out his sword and considers doing the unthinkable however he recalls that maluk wiped out his men and then vows to kill him with his hands soon Scarlet finds reheat in the woods and tries to talk him out of leaving she tries to educate him about how important life is but fails to understand that Reed is greatly grieving it gets to a point where Reed assumes a different personality and laughs at the princess he takes her down history Lane by telling her that orelans took innocent lives and tormented His Kind Scarlet on the other hand holds no knowledge of such an incident she looks lost to what reheat says about orellan killing Dark Elves indiscriminately however she gets the gist when reheat explains in detail how his people were murdered when asked why he fought for orilia the whole time Reit replies by saying that he did it to become a hero on the surface on the other end he wanted to take over the kingdom with his people and oppress the oppressor this alone shocked Scarlet as she never thought for one second that Reit was that mischievous nonetheless Reit breaks it to Scarlet that his intentions do not matter anymore his new objective is to find and kill mduk with his bare hands after he says this he passes out and falls to the ground at Sunset Scarlet watches as the physician takes care of reheat Damia considers ree's attempt to leave the village as a reckless act while Scarlet wonders what she has been doing as Princess of orilia she feels ashamed of herself because she was blind to what the orvan knights did to dark elves in the past the words she mutters to herself make demia question her about her conversation with reheat Scarlet replies to demia by claiming that her words have nothing to do with reheat demia on the other hand assures Scarlet that she is doing her best for orelans after all has been said Scarlet demands to get some fresh air outside the building while she sits outside alone she recalls the last conversation she had with rapine a few days ago however she snaps back into reality when elely arrives at her position bearing snacks at first Scarlet tries to hide her emotions but Elise sees through her and tells her that she is sad it is at this point that Scarlet agrees to share the snack with Elise as Scarlet eats the snack she finds out that it is delicious Elise reveals that Frey taught her how to make the snacks and Scarlet recalls that she is the Priestess Claus talked about earlier in the end the conversation with Elise eases some tension off Scarlet's heart and she begins to feel better that evening reheat regains Consciousness and sees Scarlet sleeping across from him he sneaks out of the room and heads into the woods in the quest to leave the village while at it Maria appears to him and casually asks about his well-being it turns out that she is the reason that reheat survived the battle with maluk some days ago when asked why she let him live Maria replies by asking red another question she asked Reit how he got the pendant he is wearing around his neck since RIT declines to answer the question Maria states that she gave the pendant to Ilia according to her after il's passing she handed the pendant to Ila's family the fact that RIT possesses it makes him one of her descendants RIT dreads Maria's words yet questions her about her relationship with Ilia Maria claims that Ilia was her best friend and then goes on to add that she was a benevolent woman the knowledge Reit holds of Ilia is that she drove the dark elves to Exile in the chase of her dark Curiosities but Maria corrects him according to her Ilia created the second holy sword not to defy Lua but to save King Kyle Reed upon hearing this expresses shock because he believed orval's side of Ila's story in the end Maria tells him to visit the Tower of the sage since Ila's false sword might be there as Maria walks away Reit stares at his pendant wishing to get his hands on the false sword so he can slay his enemy the following day quel proceeds on his journey to unlock the last seal of the Holy sword Frey looks forward to meeting master pavl and she wonders what he is like Cleo explains that Master pavle is a powerful sorcerer who fought alongside King Kyle about 100 years ago she looks forward to meeting him too meanwhile quel intends for his team to pick up pace as he advances with his team a zombie attacks them from nowhere but Roy moves quickly to kill it Roy takes a look at the zombie's head and expresses shock quel notices his expressions and questions him about it but he remains secretive at night time Roy keeps watch while his comrades lie asleep he thinks about a time in the past when he was with his EXC comrades however he snaps back into reality when quel asks to take over night Duty quel notices something off about him and questions him about it this time Roy opens up and tells a tale about a time in the past when he used to be part of a mercenary group a few years ago when Roy was a lot younger he was a lone Warrior one day a man zad takes hungry Roy in and offers him some food while Roy eats two other guys enter the room and address zad as Captain at this point zad reveals that he is the captain of a group of mercenaries when he asks Roy for his name he replies accordingly but then adds that he will pay for the food Zed on the other hand tells him not to worry about it but then asks Roy to join his team flugal one day while Roy does a job with zad he complains about the nature of the job reason being that mercenaries are meant to be in combat rather than cleaning up shops to clarify things with Roy zad states that helping those in need is part of their job in the present Roy narrates that zad accepted any job that came his way back in the past zad appeared before a job agent although the agent was being rude zad tried his best to remain composed meanwhile rose heart boils with anger when the agent leaves Roy wastes no time to ask zad why he acted so earlier zad replies by saying that there are far more important things in life he adds that he has been able to raise Roy and his comrades from being the way he is Roy does ought approve of zad's way of life but he has no choice but to follow his lead since he is a kid he barely understands why zad acts the way he does in his absence one of his colleagues reveals that zad lost his family in the past and he ended up creating flugal another one states that zad took him in as a kid and got him a place to stay one day Roy Walks Into zad's house only to find him teaching some some kids how to study Roy wonders why zad bothers to teach some kids how to study because he finds it pointless in zad's defense he cannot change the world all by himself but the least he can do is teach some things in real time castle finds out that the zombie from earlier was Pavan one of Roy's ex-colleagues Roy explains that he never expected that paven would be out there at that time he adds that he got split up from his comrades in the galoa plains while on a job to investigate the place sometime in the past flugal was sent by the orvan government to investigate the galua plains at that time Zed went in search of Eddie one of his boys because he was taking too long to return before he left he told Roy and the others to stay put till he was back however paven and the others become worried since Zed has been out for so long at some point they all decide to go check if their Captain is all right after walking a couple of meters they find Zed still searching for Eddie zad upon seeing them wonders why they defiled his orders however one of them replies by saying that he cannot wait any longer finally zad agrees to let them join him in search of Eddie while walking on the scorched lands of galua plains zad and paven step on an enchanted figure that kills them instantly as Roy confirms zad's death his colleague wonders why he of all people had to die unfortunately zad revives as a zombie and slices one of his boys in halves in front of Roy as others see this they get on their heels and run for their lives as time goes on Roy regains Consciousness in the tower of the sage here he meets Dominics for the first time and finds out who he is Dominic after introducing himself gives Roy access to his libraries to study more about zombies out of sheer curiosity Roy questions Dominics about why he is helping him in turn Dominic replies by saying that he needs Roy's help with something in the present Roy tells quel that he traveled with him because Dominic wills it he also adds that he cannot let maldu continue what he is doing for the sake of his Fallen comrades he then ends his conversation with cazel and heads to sleep for the night the following day after Castle wakes up he tells Roy that zad might be around their location since pavin was around too Khloe and Fry noticed their conversation and then asked to know what's up after they get the full gist they all decide to lure out the zombies that may be present and execute them in the quest to find the zombies Roy sees zad from a distance he wastes no time to land the first attack but zad is not one to be taken down easily more trouble Sprouts as another zombie arrives at the scene ready to fight Castle agrees to take care of the zombie while Roy deals with zad within minutes of battle Roy speeds past zad and servers his head from his body at the same time quel is done taking out the zombies and they all hold a minute of silence for the dead later that afternoon Cleo and the others arrive at a path leading to the windland snow mountains Frey looks at the mountain from a distance and concludes that it is not inviting meanwhile Cleo looks forward to meeting Master pavle after the long weight queso emphasizes that he needs to meet Master pavle as soon as possible because the nocturnal sun is about to cover up the Moon while on the way to the mountain he hears a loud noise that causes his team to Halt it turns out that the noise is coming from a large demon who is lurking around the path to the mountain Roy Smiles at the demon as he looks forward to slaying it when the demon attacks Cleo jumps at Frey to protect her from taking damage she ends up getting hit to the ground but at least Frey still breathes Roy approaches and charges at the demon to finish it off while quel provides rare support despite that the demon manages to re Terror upon Roy and his comrades quel has had enough of the bullying at this point and as a result he slices off a leg of the demon this alone allows Roy to slice the head of the demon in a single strike after the Demon's defeat Frey uses her magical powers to heal Cleo's injuries while at it Cleo wonders how demons are already all spread out in several locations Roy concludes that the vile creatures are gaining power and quel agrees with the fact moving on Castle proceeds on the journey to the mountains with his team on the way they encounter a strong opposing wind that hinders their movement after some time the wind stops mysteriously and the clouds above them are still moving at high speeds soon the group arrives at a point in the path where they see a log cabin quel suggests that they ignore the cabin and continue on their misun but he abolishes the idea when Frey faints as time goes on Cleo takes care of Frey so she can recover quickly on one account when she heads back from fetching herbs she touches Frey and realizes why She fainted earlier quel enters the room with Roy to check up on Frey but Cleo hides her sad face back at hendel's Village Damia advises Scarlet to leave the village with her forces at dawn Scarlet opposes the idea by saying that she will leave for the Tower of the sage when asked about reheat she replies by saying that his path is now up to him after making this statement she recalls the last conversation she had with reheat where he revealed his true intention for Orelia meanwhile Reit sits alone in a room thinking about all that he has lost however he still looks forward to attaining the false sword to slay his enemy later that night quel wakes up after having a bad dream as he tries to leave the cabin he tells Frey that he wants to get some fresh air while Quil stares at the nocturnal Sun and the Moon Frey arrives at his position claiming that the air feels good she gets curious and questions CLE if he had a bad dream and he replies accordingly casle explains that he has been having the same dream repeatedly for some time now as he states that he has been having bad dreams since his time at orria mountains Trey recalls what Master Cola told her because she left Castle on the other hand believes that the holy sword is trying to send a message but he does not understand it when he voices out Frey stands on her toes and Pats him on his head she then goes on to take casselle down history Lane by reminding him about what went down at the orphanage when they were kids at that time quel had a large appetite for food despite being a kid Frey playful makes Gest of his appetite and the kinds of food he eats to make him feel better in the end Frey achieves her goal as cazel is seen laughing hard a snowbug catches her attention and she joins cazel to catch it along the line Frey becomes weak but he catches her in time he then takes her back to the cabin so that she can get some rest early at dawn while everyone is asleep casselle sneaks out of the cabin but this time he leaves a note behind on his way to meet pavle Roy confronts him and questions him about the letter quel summons the courage to tell Roy that he wants to continue the rest of the trip alone this shocks Roy because he is meant to take quel to master paval under Dominic's orders another thing that pisses him off is the fact that quel wants him to take Frey back to orilia his anger stems from the fact that quel thinks he can go down his path on his own despite that he tries to make quel understand how Frey would feel when she finds out that he left her behind he considers cazel his friend because of how far they have traveled together coupled with the fact that they have fought side by side on many occasions Cleo arrives at the scene and agrees with Roy's statements she reveals that they are all healthy because of Frey's efforts she then goes into detail by saying that Frey caused the wind to stop earlier by using most of her magic which is why she lies weak in the cabin a few hours ago when Cleo found out that Frey used her magic to stop the wind she yelled at her in tears because it was a fatal thing to do she would have lost her life if her magic was completely drained in the present casselle realizes his mistakes and vows not to go off alone again Frey arrives at the scene shortly looking confused as to why everyone is outside ahead of her quel explains things to Frey but makes her promise not to exert herself too much Frey agrees to casel's wishes but also tells him not to push himself to the extremes finally Roy throws quil's letter to Cleo and she Burns it to ashes back at hendel's Village scarletta and her forces prepare to leave the kids are quite sad that their visitors are leaving already but they offer nice parting gifts to them while Scarlet walks to address the knights reheat confronts her asking for ways to get to the Tower of the sage when asked why reheat replies to Scarlet by saying that it is none of her business Scarlet only agrees to tell reheat the way to the tower if he tells her about his intentions finally she learns about the false sword created by Ilia and then reveals that she has business at the tower of the sage too later that morning CLE and his team arrive at a cave within the snowy mountain on getting there CLE gets separated from his team by an icy barrier projected from the ground he turns around only to find out that the person behind it is Master pavle as he tries to explain things to master pavle he gets shot with multiple ice projections Cleo on the other hand notices that something is up with casselle on the other side for this reason she shoots a fireball at the ice wall but it yields no result she tries shooting multiple Fireballs at the wall but it deals no damage to it as a result Cleo uses her magical staff as a conduit to amplify her Fireballs so they will destroy the icy wall she summons a fire ring at the icy wall and it gets destroyed at once after the wall is destroyed pavle mutters you pass he affirms that he was testing quil's team because he believes that the holy sword Bearer must not be the only person with power only with the support of others can the bearer unleash his true strength Quil agrees with Pav's way of thinking because he only made it far with his team's help moving on Master pav seizes all the attention in the room when he says that he was the one who protected Arlette while she was asleep casselle seems curious about the topic and as such pavle begins to narrate all that went down with King Kyle and Arlette about a century ago at that time King Kyle arrived at the snowy mountains with Lorraine to recruit pavle on a demon hunt pavle declined to join King Kyle and he resorted to force when Kyle insisted even after that King Kyle arrived at the snowy mountains again to persuade pavl pavle declined again but Kyle was interested to know why when he voiced out on the matter Pavo replied to him by calling him an annoying person he preferred to to live alone and by himself regardless of the fact that the world was overflowing with demons Lorraine who was present at the time scolded pavle when she heard this from him she believed that those with power have the responsibility to use it and save others even at that Pavel declined her offer and she left the cave angrily King Kyle tries a few more times to recruit pavle and he finally succeeds reason being that pavle was tired of making him leave the mountains whenever he came one day while King Kyle fights a huge demon pavl arrives at the scene and kills the demon in a single attack Lorraine who is present at the time appreciates pavle for his support after that day pavle began his journey with King Kyle when King Kyle received the Holy sword the goal of pavo's Journey changed from eliminating demons to defeating the dark lord angman one day while pellion forces set camp at a war zone King Kyle approaches pavle and begs him to take care of Arlette if anything happens to him at first pavle thought that Kyle was planning to die but he soon finds out that Kyle is taking precautionary measures because he wants to protect his unborn child as time passed King Kyle went down the path of War fought the dark lord and vanished with him leaving the holy sword behind even to date pavle has no idea where King Kyle disappeared after King Kyle's disappearance pavl Lorraine and some other Kyle's allies agreed to seal the holy sword according to pavle the sword was sealed because there was a high chance that demons would go after it around the time that the holy sword was sealed Lorraine had an argument with Dominics about some plan to make ourlet for a century Lorraine was pissed because she was not sure if King Kyle was truly dead yet when she questioned pavle about his idea on the matter he replied by saying that they must proceed with it as time went on Dominics reached out to Arlette to give her the news about King Kyle when she found out that King Kyle disappeared she became sad however Dominics wasted no time to get down to the main topic of the conversation he presented ourlet with an option which was for her and her unborn child to sleep for a 100 years till when the dark lord returns at that time Dominics was not sure that the unborn child would be the heir to the holy sword but he believed in the possibility Lorraine who was present at the time tried her best to break things down to Arlette out of curiosity Arlette asked about the worst case scenario and Dominic explained it to her according to Dominics if another heir to the sword does not appear the Dark Lord will succeed in destroying the world after Arlette heard this she considered her options but then agreed to sleep for a hundred years Lorraine tried her best to talk her out of it but arlette's mind was already made up she did not want people to suffer or innocent lives lost however she made Dominics and Pavo promised that they will be there when she wakes up when the time came for Arlette to go into deep sleep she said her goodbyes to Dominics and the others and even thanked pav for agreeing to use his magic on her in the present after Castle listens to Pav's narration he looks shocked that his mother slept in the cave however CLE continues by saying that the world changed while arlet was asleep races had gone to war with themselves and contact with the Orcs And elves was lost at that time pavle saw that the peace King Kyle was fighting for did not stand day after day while Arlette slept on Ice pavl questioned himself if putting her to sleep was the right option in the present CLE understand understands Pav's frustration he tries his best to make pavle see the light in humans and other races alike he still believes in peace and as such he assures pavle that it has not vanished yet while casul speaks pavle notices a reflection of Kyle on his face he then compliments cell by saying that he inherited his parents strong will on the contrary he states that it is no longer possible to stop the Dark Lord's return since the nocturnal Sun overlaps the moon at night Cleo casel and Frey freak out upon hearing the news nevertheless quel tells them that he will use the holy sword to face the dark lord pavle agrees to unseal the holy sword and tells them about the place where the sword is sealed according to him the world tree seal holds the holy sword Frey who has little knowledge of the place states that it is protected by Lu's power and no one is allowed to go near it Pavo then corrects her by saying that the world tree is one of the pillars supporting the world if destroyed the world would collapse which is why a holy power protects the world tree and the surrounding area at nightfall Lorraine Seline scarlet and some other people in Orelia watch as the nocturnal Sun meets the moon maluk on the other hand Smiles at the Moon because it is time to summon the dark lord as he tears open a dimensional Rift in the atmosphere King Kyle proceeds out of the portal leaving him and Maria utterly shocked Maria Smiles at the sight of Kyle and runs towards him to hug him on the way Kyle morphs into the dark lord angman and Maria is left shocked again mald duck who has always been obsessed with the dark lord proceeds forward to pay his respects meanwhile Maria struggles to comprehend what she just saw the following morning pavl Cleo and the others arrive closer to the orria mountains Frey is quite shocked that the snow mountains have tunnels that could run through various zones in the meantime RIT stares at his pendant and stands in deep thought Damia stares at him from a distance and disapproves of going to the Tower of the sage to acquire the false sword despite that Scarlet reveals that she must join reheat at the tower of the sage to speak with Dominics to know how the dark lord can be defeated although demia disapproves of traveling with reheat Scarlet still intends to do so she tells demia that she cannot leave Reit in his current state and then begs her to trust her decisions in the end demia agrees with Scarlet's decision and then assumes control of the orian forces as time goes on sacer and Rit arrive at a cliff that leads to the Tower of the sage since the tower floats in the sky RIT has no idea how to get there Scarlet on the other hand takes out her sword and triggers an enchanted circle on the ground that takes them to the tower minutes after arriving at the tower Scarlet finds out that the dark lord is in their realm nonetheless rahit gets right straight to it when allowed to speak he asked Dominics for Ila's laboratory so he can satisfy his curiosity while Dominic tries to point out the fact that dark elves hate Ilia Reit takes out his pendant and shows it to him Scarlet is left shocked when she sees the pendant because she does not know reit's connection with Ilia despite that reheat insists on seeing Ila's laboratory and he seems quite persistent about it finally Dominic leads the way to Ila's lab and reheat follows after him before Dominic leaves he tells reheat to spend as much time as he likes as time passes doings Converses with Scarlet about how the Dark Lord will be defeated he goes right straight to the point by saying that amund can only be defeated by using the holy sword Aya Scarlet expresses shock when she finds out that the holy sword still exists and she asks to know its location Dominic replies accordingly but goes on to give his reason why the sword and its Heir was kept a secret he then speaks about the Holy sword's Heir who is none other than quel the name cazel rings a bell in Scarlet's mind but she recalls that King Kyle had no kids it is at this point that Dominics tells her the truth behind King Kyle's dealings with Arlette about a hundred years ago Dominic reveals that quil's existence has to be kept hidden because it might lead to another conflict concerning the right of succession the statement another conflict causes Scarlet to ask more questions Dominic's Answers by narrating what happened in orilia after King Kyle died at that time there was a huge conflict regarding the right of succession the person who suffered the most from it was Ilia Kyle's half sister Scarlet looks surprised at the fact that Ilia is King Kyle's half sister back at Ila's lab RIT scatters the whole place in search of the false sword after minutes of unproductive search he stumbles upon Ila's old diary and begins reading it the diary contains records of Ila's research which was to help Kyle in his quest to defeat the dark lord according to the diary Ilia began her research after Kyle's coronation ceremony at that time she learned that amund was faded to Reign Terror on the world he possesses a dark power that can fight Lua and anyone who tries to defeat him will be overtaken by that power after a prolonged research Ilia confirmed that the outlined fact was true although she did not have answers to most questions she was researching she intended to do her best to protect King Kyle to achieve this she decided to work on a piece of magical equipment that could protect the wearer from strong magical powers after many days of intense work Ilia discovered that her prototypes were not working out when she learned that King Kyle received the Holy sword from Lua she did some digging on the deities Lua and Leah it is said that A Realm of Darkness exists Beyond a dimensional Rift and Leah is trying to destroy Earth using the demons from that realm since Leah was trying to release angong to destroy the world Ilia was quite fixated on doing everything to protect King Kyle in the present reheat reads to a point in the diary where he notices empty pages towards the end of the book he sees a diagram that resembles his pendant however rage grows in his heart when he finds out that there is no other entry in the book in the meantime Dominic's educat Scarlet on the truth behind Ila's trial according to him Ilia did not wish to defile Lua she only wished to protect King Kyle however a group wished to remove her clan from oralia after Kyle's passing reheat storms into the room in Anger yelling that there is no false sword he grabs Dominic by his collar and says that his people went through so much pain after Ilia was found guilty Dominics retains composure and reveals that he tried to prove Ila's innocence but no one listened he adds that even the dark elves were blinded by their hatred for Ilia and reminds reheat that he also hated Ilia frustration is quite an understatement for reheat at this point because he wonders why his people were made to believe the or valian lies about Ilia after he exits the room she stands in deep thought staring at the pendant the pendant reminds him of the time he received it from from his mother he snaps back into reality when Scarlet knocks on the door and enters the room Scarlet proposes to make orelans know the truth about Ilia she tries to talk Reit into joining her forces as a guardian Knight to defeat the dark lord at first RIT tells her to leave but he reconsiders his plans when she speaks about Cassel the heir to the holy sword that evening while pavle travels along the orria mountains he tells CLE not to use his powers so that the demons will not detect him because of that Frey and the others promised to do their best to defend kasle the following day demons inv orilia and destroy the homes of some residents the same thing happens in the forest of eladora but Lorraine and Seline form a united front to protect their domain even the Orcs are under attack by demons but their best warriors lead the resistance back at the galoa plains maluk gives off a burst of evil laughter because he is happy that fear and destruction are spreading around the world later that morning pavl Cleo and the others arrive at a mountain that is close to the forest of eladora meanwhile Seline and Lorraine eliminate the first wave of demons attacking the forest seconds after the battle Lorraine attests that the dark lord has returned although Selen feels that queso's life is in danger Lorraine still has hope that he is safe before she walks away she tells Seline to prepare for an intense battle because War has begun back in the mountains cul and the rest of the team split up to get basic supplies for their trip Cleo stays back with pavle and questions him about how she will get stronger she wishes to be as overpowered as pavle to stand a chance in supporting Castle against the dark lord in combat however pavle breaks her heart by saying that he has has no advice for her he testifies that King Kyle fought against the dark lord angman alone and he was not by his side according to him the only person who witnessed the battle was the saintess at that time although he does not have any specific advice on self-improvement he tells Cleo to focus on doing what she can to defend casselle in the meantime while quel fetches water from a stream Frey notices that he is in deep thought she asks him what's on his mind and he replies by speaking about his father one thing that bothers him is that he has no idea what his dad was like since he never got the chance to meet him but he testifies that he recently felt his father's presence and his strong will to protect everyone Frey is quite shocked at this but she listens and advises casul accordingly as their conversation comes to an end casul walks away and tells Frey to follow behind him Frey on the other hand recalls what Master Kaa told her in the past about his dream she feels that kasul might meet the same fate as his father if he goes down the part of War unfortunately she snaps back into reality when a flying demon attacks her as cul senses that Frey is in danger he wastes no time to come and defend her he then recalls that Master pavl warned him not to use the power of the Holy sword and as such he resorts to hiding with Frey help comes as Roy arrives at the scene engaging the flying demon in physical combat he easily deals damage to the demon but Castle gets engulfed by a worm type demon instinctively Castle uses his power to split the demon into halves and as a result the dark lord senses his power back at the galoa plains mduk laughs out loud because he knows exactly where Castle is he opens a portal for his master and Maria so they can get to Castle in time back at Cleo's location Castle apologizes to master pavle for going against his instructions pavle is cool with everything and he looks forward to getting to the world tree while on the way mduk appears before him with Maria and the dark lord maluk after mduk reveals the Dark Lord's identity quel and the others assume attacking positions mduk gives them the privilege of becoming Servants of the Dark Lord but Cleo strongly disagrees as a result a battle occurs between both sides during the Battle Master pavle counters mduk magical blasts and even sends more icy projections at the enemy it gets to a point where the dark lord prepares a magical Blast for cul and Roy but pavle puts himself in front of the blast to prevent them from Death he screams in pain as he gets engulfed in vaults of magical energy its impact causes CLE paval and the rest of the team to fall off the cliff after the Smoke Clears out maldu Marvels over the extent of the Dark Lord's power back at the eladora forest Lorraine stops walking for some seconds because of the immense power she detected from the mountains moving on Maria saves casselle and the rest of his team from the base of the cliff when asked why she expresses concern for master Pavo by telling casle that he needs help as time goes on a Trent servant of Master Lorraine helps quel and the others to arrive at the forest quickly since Pavo lies unconscious Lorraine tends to him to try and revive him Selene on the other hand gives Intel about the situation in the forest as casselle gets updated Lorraine arrives at the scene and informs them that Pavel is not waking up she then tells Selen to take care of Master pavle while she heads out to get power from the forest that will heal him in her absence Selen tells castle and his team to rest because Lorraine's power is concealing his location while on the way to get some drinks Seline stops and begins to think casselle notices that something is bothering her and as such he asks her what it is Seline explains that she is a bit scared about the war with the demons despite feeling paranoid casselle cheers her up to feel better in the end Selen compliments him by saying that he is a lot more reliable as compared to the last time she saw him in the meantime Master Lorraine reaches a point in the forest where some body of water dwells she summons a good amount of life force from the water and places it in a serving cup later that evening quel heads outside to see his growing friend NAA minutes after getting there Frey catches up to him and prays to Lua for guidance surprisingly Maria appears and tells Frey that Lua will not save her with this casselle recalls a time in the past when Maria told him about the Holy sword's curse in the present he asked Maria to clarify what she meant when she said what she said in the past before Maria can go into details Selen arrives at the scene and aims an arrow at her Seline who arrives shortly tells Seline to put down her weapon it appears that Seline has some history with Maria because she calls her by her name Maria is quite shocked that Lorraine can tell who she is despite her appearance even at that Lorraine testifies that Maria was a priestess in the past just like Frey is in the present she hates the fact that Maria is now a demon because she will have to take her down another thing is that she had no idea where Mara went after Kyle disappeared Maria is quite fed up with Lorraine at this point and as such she gets straight to the point she reveals that Kyle could not be saved and that praying to Lua is meaningless on the other hand Frey tries to wrap her head around the fact that Maria used to be a priestess just like her another shocking thing is that Maria was one of Kyle's old companions out of sheer curiosity Lorraine questions Maria to know exactly what happened with Clay about 100 years ago just as Maria is about to speak it drizzles and Lorraine leads the way inside her domain there she updates the others on Pav's condition because she has already administered the life force thingy to him according to her all that is left is for master pavle to regain consciousness himself after that Roy places Maria in the spotlight as he questions her reason for saving his team at this point she goes on to tell a tale of what happened in the past about 10 decades ago at that time Kyle used to train with his sister to level up his skills in swordsmanship Maria back then was always concerned about her childhood friend Kyle she opted to heal his wound whenever he got injured in training one day after a training session Ilia tells Kyle that he is going too hard on himself even Maria feels the same way but Kyle believes that he needs to get stronger to deserve the throne days later Kyle heads out into the city dressed as a normal Knight to check on the Affairs of civilians Maria who is with him presently wishes that he spends less time outside the castle while both of them walk along the streets of the city Kyle becomes hungry and stops by a store to get bread unfortunately the salesperson tells him that the remaining bread is reserved for someone although Kyle offers to negotiate with the person who reserved the bread aret arrives at the scene and says that the bread is for someone special Kyle upon hearing this gets curious and opts to wait for the person who reserved the bread after waiting for some seconds a young dark elf arrives at the store and gets the bread in the kid's absence arlet explains that the boy's parents used to work for her family since the boy's parents got badly injured he began working in their place according to Arlette the boy frequented his workplace with bread in hand and learned the joy of working and helping his parents Kyle Smiles after arlet is done explaining things to him he offers to take care of the kid but Arlette tells him that there are other kids like him too even at that Kyle assures Arlette that he will change the world so that kids like that can strive it appears that Arlette knows that Kyle is the prince because of how she addresses him when Kyle figures her out he smiles and gets her name This Is How They Met as time went on it did not take long for Kyle to fall in love with Arlette however the king and other Nobles did not approve of Kyle's romantic relationship one day Arlette disappeared and Kyle was left devastated before he could grieve arlette's absence demons began appearing all over Orelia despite that Kyle took up his sword and led the orvan knights to fight against the demons and won after his dad's pay assing he became king of Orelia and promised to rid the world of demons during his coronation Maria admired him from a distance as she watched him take control of the Kingdom later on Kyle and his forces headed out on a journey to hunt demons he met powerful allies including Lorraine and pavle on the way and bonded with them throughout the trip Maria prayed to Lua for the future of orilia and Kyle's safety however despite her prayers the demons became more active and Powerful each day one day during the heat of War Kyle reunites with Arlette by chance upon seeing her he exclaims because he never thought he would see her again his feelings for her and intensifies when he finds out that she is pregnant because of the pregnancy he promises to create a world that will be safe for his unborn child soon after he receives the holy sword after that day he informed his allies about the Dark Lord's coming and asked for their help in battle Maria could tell that Kyle was more confident in himself since he had the holy sword one day before Kyle sets out for battle he promises Arlette that he will come back to her once he defeats the dark lord soon after Ilia sent a letter to Maria concerning the development of her magic device Maria reads through the contents of the letter and finds out that the device is meant to protect King Kyle on the day that the nocturnal Sun intersects with the moon Malik leads a legion of demons into combat with Kyle's forces Kyle's allies tell him to go on and fight the dark lord while they handle the battle against the demons meanwhile Ilia runs towards the battlefield to give Kyle the magical device she worked on on the way she encounters demons and as such she takes out her sword to fight while she fights residents around the area sees an opportunity to flee the area however a kid falls to the ground and a demon heads to finish him off before the demon can kill the child Ilia places her body in front of the demon and gets stabbed in her abdomen despite losing lots of blood she kills the demon and another that tries firing an arrow at her the only thing on her mind is meeting her brother in time so she can give him the magic device as life Slips Away from Her gradually she falls weak to the ground and passes out back at the galoa plains Kyle and Maria charge into the dimensional Rift that mduk created for the dark lord there Maria Witnesses a much heated battle between King Kyle and angman although angman is a lot more powerful than Kyle he struggles to deal damage to his opponent at some point Kyle delivers the final Blow by stabbing the dark lord in the heart with the Holy sword however Kyle yells as he becomes engulfed by the Dark Lord's power as the dark lord Fades away King Kyle stabs the holy sword on the ground and the dimensional Rift closes after Kyle's disappearance Maria wondered why Lua took power away from the holy sword she snaps back into reality when she recalls that Ilia was working on a device to save Kyle as she runs to check on Ilia she finds her lying dead on the floor there one family testif that Ilia tried to save them but she was killed by some demons despite that Maria takes the pendant kneels on the ground and cries out loud to Lua for betraying her just then lightning rips the sky open and Maria begins to hear the voice of Leah in her mind Leah tells her to serve her if she wants to save Kyle from the world of Darkness one of the conditions is that Maria needs to curse Lua and Fall Into Darkness Maria proceeds accordingly and then becomes a demon in the present she narrates that she became a demon in search of a way to find and rescue Kyle since there was no way to save Kyle she wanted to enter the dimensional Rift when it opened and save Kyle there however she drops disturbing news when she says that King Kyle is currently the dark lord Cleo is left shocked because Castle now has to fight his own father Castle on the other hand believes that there must be a way to save his father since he is only under the influence of dark Powers Maria believes otherwise because she has lost all hope already she warns cul that hope can easily turn to despair but he opposes her ideas Cleo and the others agree with cul's idea which is to have hope seconds later Lorraine senses that Master pavle is awake and then she leads the way to his Chambers as Maria walks out of Lorraine's domain Frey calls her attention and asks her if she was in love with King Kyle in the past Maria replies by saying that seeing quel makes her recall her feelings for Kyle Frey on the other hand feels that Lua must have had some good reason to take the power of the Holy sword while Kyle was fighting when Maria questions her about what she will do if Lua betrays her she replies by saying that she will still live by casel's side with that Maria Fades Into Thin Air while line checks up on Master pavle pavl after waking up wastes no time in taking off the last seal of the sword after he is done he warns CLE to get the holy sword before maluk and angman get it at the world tree the seal around the holy sword peels off and maluk senses its power the following day Lorraine tells Selen to follow CLE to the world tree while she sits back and protects the forest of eladora as CLE leaves she prays that he succeeds in his quest back at the tower of the sage princess Scarlet writes a letter to Baal concerning all that has gone down since she left Orelia till date she includes that she is safe and that she got some useful information from Dominics about how to defeat the Dark Lord she writes about the dark Edge and how they were wiped out in the galua plains around the time it occurred scarlet and demia witnessed a surge of magical energy escaping into the sky when they arrived at the scene they found out that reit's men were all wiped out when Scarlet gave demia the order to check for survivors she noticed that reat was still alive As Time passed Scarlet arrived at Alisa's village where reheat was tended to when reheat gained Consciousness scarlet told him that his men were wiped out at the time that reheat tried to walk down the path of Revenge Scarlet begged him not to leave it was at this point that Reit revealed the true objectives of his dead Clan to Scarlet in the present Scarlet recalls this and decides not to include it in her letter to Beal back in the past when she visited the Tower of the sage she learned the truth about the Holy sword's existence and location after Dominics told her that the holy sword existed at the world tree she questioned him why he had not said so since in Dominic's defense he did so to protect the sword from the demons after she read Ila's diary she spoke to Reit about what she would do when she got back to Orelia even when scarlet told Reit that she would make him a guardian Knight reheat seemed uninterested in helping her in the battle against the demons however Scarlet managed to give Rit when she spoke about the Holy sword's existence in the present Scarlet writes that she will travel to the world tree and fight alongside Cassel the holy sword's Heir that evening Bale receives the letter in orilia as he skims through the letter he learns of Scarlet's plans and nods his head elsewhere Seline sits beside a campfire Cleo and Fry arrive shortly asking to converse with Seline both ladies have always wished to speak to Seline but they have not had the opportunity Seline reveals that she feels the same way too and then goes on to listen to what Frey has to say about her adventures Frey speaks about her journey to the orria mountains where she found out that Master aota was dead she reveals that Master Lorraine did not know that aota was dead since she had not seen him in a century she also adds that Chief SE took off the second seal of the Holy sword meanwhile Cleo recalls what happened in the past when queso lashed out at mduk at that time he was driven by hatred and as such he lost control of his powers however Frey narrates that celle got better when he met Raina in the past at that time while Cel was looking for some missing persons Raina told him to live for himself so his heart Wouldn't Die she went on to speak about her dealings with her family according to her she was a noble and was bound to her family's restrictions of nobility one day she realized that there's more to the Future and decided to live a happy life when the time came that the demon type spider attacked quel killed the demon to save Raina and Cleo in the present Selen believes that quel overcame his mental obstacles because he has matured into the warrior of the Holy sword Frey agrees with sel's idea because quel is now more reliable as compared to the Past Selen assures her that queso possesses a good heart to wield the holy sword since he has a good team to back him up she calls Cleo and Frey Heroes but Frey does not see herself as one she just considers herself a good friend to Roy Cleo and quel following that she goes on to narrate what happened after she left the orria mountains with quel at that time Cleo and the others met Master pavle to unlock the final seal of the Holy sword since Pavel had second thoughts about humans and other races alike quel assured him that King Kyle's Wish For Peace was not dead yet it was at that time that pavle saw a reflection of Kyle and Cassell when cell learned that it was too late to prevent amun's coming he suggested that they go to get the holy sword Cleo supported the idea because she believed that they all had a chance against amund also paval revealed the location of the Holy Sword and the others were left shocked they were shocked because the world tree was one of the pillars supporting the world according to pav the world would collapse if the tree were destroyed on the night that the nocturnal Sun joined with the moon Malik summoned angun from the realm of the dark to Earth a day after that amund attacked paval casel and the others while they were on their way to the world tree after amund blasted them off the mountain Maria jumped down and saved them without muk's knowledge that evening Maria appeared in the forest of eladora but Lorraine could easily tell it was her when casselle Cleo and the others found out that Maria used to be a priestess they were all shocked it was at this time that Maria told the truth about what happened about a hundred years ago after she was done with her tail Lorraine begged her to join in the fight against angman Maria declined the offer because she already knew that amund was King Kyle when she revealed the truth about amund quel and the others were left utterly stunned despite that quel believed in some way to free Kyle from the influence of his dark Powers after Maria left paval unlocked the last seal of the Holy sword since he could not join quel in his state in the present Frey feels bad that quel will have to fight his father when she voices out that she will protect quel no matter what selini compliments her by saying that she is strong she adds that she hated humans in the past but Quil made her see the light she then recalls that it is late and then finds out that Cleo is already out cold as Frey gets up she laughs at the way Cleo sleeps the following day at dawn Master pava wakes up from sleep after having a bad dream Lorraine who is present at the time approaches him to see what's up Pavo then reveals that he is worried about about casselle he wonders if he will successfully get the holy sword but Lorraine assures him that all will be fine elsewhere reat sits at a field in silence staring at his pendant he looks in deep thought but Scarlet is somewhere watching over him at Sunrise Claus joins demia to get instructed on his next assignment he is to join demia on a journey to meet Scarlet at the world tree during their conversation demia gets curious and questions clause about why he didn't reveal the truth about casselle earlier because she would have helped he responds by saying that casselle is determining his own destiny without any 's guidance he then goes on to explain things to deia beginning from the time castle was training to get stronger in swordsmanship to when he lost his mother to the demons towards the end of the conversation Claus testifies that he chose to become Castle's Shield the day he picked his sword to protect everyone on the other hand demia smiles and assures Claus that the time to protect quel has come in the meantime scarlet and reheat Journey to the world tree on the way Scarlet speaks of helping cazel fight the Demon Lord but the only thing on reheats to-do list is taking Revenge on maluk despite that Scarlet goes into detail about maluk the sorcerer who summoned the dark lord in the past as she reveals that maluk used zombies in the previous war Reit gets more and Reid he recalls how his comrade Tam became a demon and was killed in front of him in reality RIT wishes to slaughter maldu with his bare hands as a result he takes charge of the journey and leads the way as time goes on casselle and his team get closer to the world tree on the way Frey recalls the last conversation she had with Maria and gets a bad feeling about quil's imminent battle as a result she halts the trip and calls quel to a corner to speak with him Frey is worried sick that the dark lord is quil's Father she asks to know if quel is comfortable with facing his father but he replies by saying that he is the one for the job he aims to fulfill his Destiny no matter what happens to him when he says this Frey voices out by saying that she will never let him sacrifice himself she does not imagine a world without CLE and as such she does not want him to be sacrificed casle after hearing this smiles and thanks Frey for always feeling concerned about him he feels that everything will be fine since he has Cleo Frey Seline and the others by his side meanwhile Cleo watches all that goes down between them from a distance when Roy calls her out on it she gives an excuse that she cannot take her eyes off quel and Frey moving on scarlet and reheat arrive at the world tree Scarlet Takes a good look at the place and understands what it is called holy while Reit walks ahead of her heading for the holy sword it does not take long for him to reach the central tree when he does he sees ya the holy sword after he sees the sword he reaches for it and tries to remove it from the ground despite the fact that Scarlet yells at him to leave the sword he insists on pulling it out after he pulls out the sword he mutters now I can avenge my friends Scarlet is quite confused at this point because she never planned for reheat to take the sword let alone use it for Revenge she then tells reheat that the sword must be used by its air but he responds by asking for quil's whereabouts since Scarlet is speechless Reit ignores her and keeps walking while moving forward Scarlet opposes him by saying that he should let go of the sword rahit declines and then draws the sword at her telling her her to get out of his way just then maluk and amund appear at the word tree to obtain the holy sword since the lace repels demons amund uses his powers to make sure that mduk can pass in doing so his dark Powers consumed the area leaving it foggy since amund expended a lot of magical energy on the world tree he allows maluk to go for the holy sword amid the fog mduk reveals himself to scarlet and Reit immediately Reit sees him he takes up the holy sword with the intent of slaughtering him as he charges at maluk Scarlet prepares herself for battle during the battle between both sides mduk tells rahit to hand over the holy sword as expected rahit resists and Promises to bury the holy sword in his body if he wants it so badly Scarlet joins in the battle too but Reit wishes to end maluk himself in Rage Reit charges at mduk again but this time he runs off trying to dodge some magical attacks it gets to a point where mduk blasts him to the ground and Scarlet proceeds from the rear to attack the enemy during their battle Scarlet manages to injure maldu badly and his ego is quite hurt as a result he becomes ruthless with his attacks so he can end reheat and Scarlet quickly even at that Scarlet manages to stab him in the back while reheat delivers the final Blow by slicing his body in opposing directions as modic Falls dead to the ground his corpse Withers away gradually till nothing but a skull remains despite that reheat is in deep pain because his act of Vengeance did not bring back black Edge Scarlet on the other hand freezes when she sees that angman is approaching her position while she charges at him to fight he prepares a deadly magical Blast for her RIT sees this from a distance and moves swiftly in time to prevent Scarlet from taking damage however he leaves the holy sword behind allowing angman to carry it after angman gets the holy sword Scarlet charges at him to fight but she gets tossed to the ground as angman tries to deliver the final blow to Scarlet demia arrives at the scene and protects her Claus provides aerial support and helps to save the princess conversely Cel seleni and the rest of his team arrive at the world tree to stop the dark lord as CLE lays eyes on angman he gains his attention by calling him King Kyle by this time Mia Claus and some others are shocked because they had no idea that angman was King Kyle angman Dives at quel and attacks him aggressively hoping to finish him off at once although Quil tries his best to defend his strength is not enough Cleo shoots a fireball at the dark lord only for it to be repelled as the fireball flies back to Cleo Frey Shields her to prevent her from taking damage Selen and some others provide some support to quel to help him fight against angon in doing so selini takes some damage and falls to the ground on the other hand Roy tells casselle that he needs the holy sword he believes that he can work together with the others so that casselle can seize an opportunity to take the sword from angman CLA shares the same idea and as such he Dives and engages angman in physical combat Scarlet attacks too only for her sword to get smashed to bits as angman attempts a kill strike rahit Dives in and saves Scarlet again he then dashes at angman and joins cazel to fight him as a result angman loses the holy sword but his powers become way more intense since angman is still locked onto cazel Roy distracts him long enough for cazel to get the the sword immediately kazel lays his hands on the holy sword he attains Peak strength the sword glows too and he uses it to slice through amman's magical attack angman is not quite having it at this point because he did not travel all the way from the dimensional Rift to lose to teenagers he prepares a powerful attack for cazel that triggers Frey to protect everyone at the scene with her magic the effects of the magical attack knock Cleo and the others to the ground despite being under Frey's protection as Frey lies weak on the ground she cries out to quel and tells him not to give up another round of battle begins between both sides as charges at onund quel tries his best to inflict damage on onund but he gets blown to the ground Roy and CLA take advantage of the opportunity to hold angman in place so that Cleo can cast her magic on him however angman stands on both feet after feeling the full extent of Cleo's magic this alone surprises her and she falls weak to the ground meanwhile quel gets up and recalls all the people who have suffered because of the Demons with this in mind he tells himself he can't give up he then snaps back into reality and charges at the dark lord once more this time he intensifies his attacks to have a chance at defeating the enemy it gets to a point where both sides clash and meet at a neutral point where the effects of magic cancel out it becomes a battle of strength and as such angman takes the advantage to knock Castle to the ground as he tries to slash Castle in half reheat takes the fall and saves kaz's life however since he is tough he does not die rather his pendant falls out of his pocket and lies close to kazil as angman draws closer to kazel Maria arrives and restrains him in a magical holding cell it does not hold for long because angman breaks through it and keeps walking in the meantime kasle takes advantage of the opportunity to stab angman in the chest as amman's power diminishes the dark energy around him begins to pull quel closer soon quel screams in pain as he stands stuck by dark energies despite that Frey ignores his wishes and tries to free Castle from Eternal bondage in doing so she confesses her feelings towards castle and tells him that she doesn't want to lose him however she falls weak to the ground after feeling the impact of the Dark Energy just before things can get worse reheats pendant glow and casts a spell on quel that allows him to finish the job finally the dark energy Fades as king Kyle lies weak on the ground as he regains Consciousness he smiles and says that Lua granted his final wish according to him he let go of the Holy sword's power on his own to protect the holy sword at that time he made a wish to Lua and she granted him the wish and made quesal heir to the sword Maria who is present at the time now understands why Lua did what she did immediately after Kyle explains things to Maria and quel he Fades Into Thin Air after his passing the dark fog clears out and Maria thanks quel for saving Kyle however she wishes that she could have told Kyle how she felt about him before he passed away she disappears from the scene just before Frey can say anything to her on the other hand Cleo hugs cazel because he defeated the dark lord even reheat is in a good mood because he put his rage to good use after that day demonic activities slowed down around the world Cleo reports to Dominics by saying that humans should be able to lie in peace at least for the foreseeable future orians now see reheat as a hero because of his contributions to the eradication of demons prejudice against Dark Elves has weakened and public relations are starting to improve one can finally say that peace has been attained despite the fact that some people like Sheila are affected by what happened in the past some Nobles are not in favor of the way things are going and the dark elves also have enmity towards orelans but Scarlet intends to change that she reveals her wishes to her ailing father who commends her accordingly one day Scarlet summons reheat to the palace and places the offer for nobility on the table although the is tempting to reheat he temporarily declines because he intends to make sure that his kind stops hating on Ilia and orilia too he intends to meet with other people from his race and tell the truth about Ilia Scarlet respects his decision and swears that she will not break their trust later that day casselle chills with Claus Frey and gran gran compliments casselle for the Feats that he has attained but he dreads the fact that fle is not with them moving on Claus insists on throwing a party for Castle but he declines the offer because he needs to leave town when asked why Castle replies by saying that the holy sword is sensing something somewhere since he is uncertain about it he needs to go on a trip to the place and find out what's up soon Reed arrives at the scene and Castle thanks him for the help during battle rahit then offers his pendant to casselle and says that it was created by Ilia to save King Kyle he tells casselle to take the pendant so that he will be safe with the Holy sword in the end casselle smiles and takes the pendant from rahit
Channel: Memo Anime Recap
Views: 37,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime recap, recap animes, anime summary, anime episode 1-12 english dubbed, full anime episode 1-12, full english anime episode, animerecap, anime recaps, ani recap, ani recaps, anirecaps, animecapped, anicapped
Id: UhaEUjDOwnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 43sec (8083 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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