After Hours In A Vintage HiFI Store (Yamaha, Sansui, Pioneer, Marantz)- Vlog 30

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so what you're looking at is uh some canoli that I'm taking to go I was at a uh a funeral all day today and I'm only going to get a little bit of time in the shop so I don't know how long this video will be but you're getting a little glimpse of me somewhat dressed up at this point a lot of it's you know the ties gone the the shoes are gone and uh we're up by the water we got got about a half hour or so to go 45 minutes to get back back to the shop but uh it's a nice day I could just stay out by the water all day except I actually have some stuff that needs to get done good morning is Friday March 8th 2024 and uh we're about to head back to the shop after after me being out most of the day there's a couple things we have to get tied up and finished before uh we leave for New York City tomorrow for can jam uh so if you happen to be up in New York or can jam stop and say hi uh we'll be with Audio Technica a good portion of the time there but we're going to get around and see everybody you'll you'll get a daily Vlog from there travel style so two days actually of Vlogs uh from there and and maybe some content for for the just audio Channel as well but for now I got to get back to the shop this is one of those situations that just drive me crazy when I'm driving is when when there's a backup and people just go in the middle of the intersection I don't know what that's about I guess they they think they you know cuz they can't be there when we're getting ready to turn I mean that's just it's been a lot of bad drivers today and as they say bad drivers never miss their turn and uh these guys are really trying to make it over here I know this was just on David's bench but it's a uh a morance 6200 turntables morance turntables are are definitely pretty cool this one a lot of them have the full metal going down this one has black which I actually you know it looks pretty good so the way they made these uh made them highly highly sought after for sure you stopped working on it David what's up with that well we also got in today a couple of our new parasound demo products we could bring in the new Classics in and uh you got the it it's just a really good deal on those right now they lower the price and it's it's a super good product for that price so bringing that in but underneath we have as David rolls the turntable by we have and I haven't got to play with these or even see them in person yet but these are the new models the uh the JC I believe it's m250 and they are like jc1 monoblocks like we saw the other day in the Vlog but a lower profile smaller unit so it fits in more people's Stacks a little bit easier I can't wait to see that I'm probably going to let let Tom take those home so he can make a video on them before we hook them up in the store so I'm back in the studio see look at that bam that's what it looks like filming with Tom on his on his Cyrus review uh of the I9 XR and the stream XR that's going to be coming out so Tom's going to Tom's going to handle that he took them home he played with them I just made sure we would try to do what we can to break them but we didn't do that we did good spenc they they survived me doing that so if you guys enjoy Tom and even if you don't flood and spam the content the comments it flood the comments with go Tom so just go down there go Tom in the comments and uh I guess we could well this is a vlog so put in the Vlog spam the Vlog with go Tom he working on something new Carl new dang doing that warranty work yeah that is they don't make that one anymore actually yeah oh no they do that's the RX8 Oh I thought it was a separate oh you know I never opened that one up that is their yamaha's it's 11 channels right uh yeah that's made pretty nice no look no other 11 Channel receiver is going to have a transform that that large and a fan right over the board that's kind of neat does CPU cool keep that CPU cool right there on the HDMI board so sometimes I spend a lot of time looking for boxes there's there's some of my collection the dragon it's my dragon box from my Nakamichi couple other boxes up there but I'm looking for a specific one right now now and they're they're all over got them up here it's kind of with the tops down here the tops of our racks are used for boxes I got to be a little quiet because Tom's filming another video and I don't want to hear me I've already been loud enough in his other videos but I'm probably going to have to make a little bit of noise back here to pull down whatever box that I'm looking for but as you can see sometimes it's hard to uh to find a specific one in this Maze of boxes at least they're not down here though so you can actually see everything we like we like to keep it keep it very organized so you know I think I think we we do a pretty good job of that Tom I was going to pull it down with the sticked that it was well it wasn't working super well when I tried like I was trying to pull the morance box down and actually actually I was trying to film it as well but it wasn't going very well yeah I thought I was going to be able to slide this out but this is my box stick is that is that the box right there yeah it'd be that one the one you just had that is the MMF box oh no this is a Lu thing oh I need a box for the project oh yeah that's not it no it's this box I thought oh that's it yeah oh gosh how did I not even see that I'm not used to looking for the white ones [Music] you got this you want me to grab it from you is this are you filming this I am don't trip because I'll delete it it never happened so we did just get in a new stash of stickers so every order that goes out throw some throw some swag in there we got our stickers we got our line cards they just came in too we can take those down down to the show in Dallas got some some handout stuff that we might be giving out hopefully I don't get us kicked out Mikey what just handing out stuff here like oh let me have one and we I did get they are going to let us set up a 8 by1 Banner at Dallas to take pictures with everybody that comes to the show nice so if you guys are in Dallas come see us get a picture post it on the website and whatever you you can have for your own personal I don't know whatever you do with pictures but uh yeah in a rare rare form today cuz they got me in a buttonup so we're just sitting here this this is what happens the store's closed we got a video coming out tomorrow and we're literally just sitting here putting putting finishing touches on what looks like a travel video but you'll find out you'll find out today because this video comes out the same day so go over to the main Channel and share this video with everybody because cuz it is like you know how somebody in your house is probably watching HGTV all the time well this is the high-fi equivalent of a house flip they got the lights off it's it's getting late the sun sun is going down maybe not yet but it's going down soon so let's go back to the tech Bay sneak around Mikey still finishing the video so let's see what's sitting on the tech Bas we got a thorns pd60 right here which we installed in oraon black there it is in Focus oraon black on which is a fantastic cartridge right there that's a that's a nice table they were looking for a black earlier today we were able to get one and I was like what what kind of table they put in this black on so a Thorns yeah that's that's the right thing to do now we got a couple pieces of of wood and glass got some glass going on here that we're we're weighing down but there's something I want to show you guys that we've been working on for a few days this uh 5580 Pioneer and it's been on the bench on and off and and having some issues and it's one of those things it is it is cross that line like I have a line where there's a Time ratio you saw this the other week with one of the other 1980s uh where I can't put much more time into it uh to sell it fixed so once in a while there'll be something really nice that I really want to fix and sell like I already have somebody who wants to buy it but it's past the time threshold which means that it will qualify to to go on eBay so we're going to list this uh over here this this Pioneer SX 5580 on eBay it you know it's it's it's I think it has a blown channel uh we got it working again but we we're just having more issues with it so it it's past the point because you know we still have to replace all of these we got to get everything cleaned up we got to do even more work on the inside replace all the caps but before that we got to figure out what the issue is and the the times come to the end of uh what I'm going to put into it to get it working I thought about keeping it until we got a a 1080 or a 1050 uh that I can replace some of the inside with but you know the issue I run into that is if if I replace it and something else inside is actually was causing the problem it could blow that one up and then cost us another receiver so we're going to send that one off to the eBay world I don't know if if somebody that watches his channel bought the last one it was another repair shop and they're going to fix it and they're going to sell it and they're going to make some money and that's great you know that's a good thing I'm helping another helping another small business out which is which is super cool and then someone will get it and use it instead of it going like to you know in the trash we don't want to do that so somebody's going to be able to get a nice pioneer 5580 and really you know it's in pretty good shape but once you clean up it'll be in really nice shape and they're going to get it we're going to auction it so whatever it goes for it goes for and they're happy we're happy and and it's a good thing so that's what happened to that 5580 that I've been eyeing up for days I would love one they're black and silver which I love anything black and silver so uh that's super cool then on this on this bench uh you got the 7730 which is another blackface receiver with the with the silver knobs I showed these the other day got I think it's a 950 back in the back there uh we sold a spec one so when something sells it ends up back in the tech Bay we go through it one more time get everything recaned and run it through test for about a day uh give or take depending what it is so the spec is one of those things that probably get a little extra time there's a lot of controls and switches a lot of times these switches act up over time uh you know they just require some cleaning so we don't want it to go out where anybody's going to have to do have to do anything to it for a while so it ends up back here uh over here this is nice this is a Yamaha CR 2020 receiver uh they actually base the new Yamaha as1200 and as 2200 off of the sound of this receiver so this is a really nice model it's probably like a 1978 uh all the meters will light up green let me see if it's plugged in it is look at that so so very dim actually they're not really green anymore they're soft soft white uh when you replace those you don't usually replace them with the green filter so it's a nice receiver and that one is getting bench test cuz it was fixed for repair so somebody's going to be picking that up soon and let's see what is on this bench we have a a another 1980 that we're doing up over there and then over to the side here I I haven't seen this one I don't know if this is a customers or one that's going out for sale I'm guessing maybe it's one that's going out for sale this is the bench we usually do our sale stuff at a 22 38b it's got that full silver morance front with the gyro touch tuning knob right there and you see uh still got to get clean you got some yellowing throughout just because of people smoking for for a long time so we're working on that one that's uh that's going to get done and then you know I'd like to be able to just tell you what this one is uh it's it's definitely a Pioneer and it's a SX 828 and I didn't know that just from looking at it right here I or I kind of could have if I looked at the meters but I was looking at the face plate that's what took me a second so an 828 uh that one might be going out for sale as well so we got some nice stuff that's going to be coming out for sale over on this bench hopefully soon and hopefully it doesn't end up like the like the 5580 did one thing with these moras and actually I may end up stealing these knobs and putting this one on the back burner because these knobs are very hard to get they're two-piece knobs see and to replace these if they're missing you have to get the exact you have to get the exact knob and I have one in the back that's missing them but it's done it's ready to go and it's just missing the knob so I may steal those knobs off let me show you the one in the back so if we go back here I got I got a shelf that's units that are waiting on random parts and back here we have a 2252b and you see it is missing a couple knobs and this is actually a better receiver than the other one so I'm probably going to take those knobs put them on this get this one out for sale it's already probably in the system has a tag there and the next to it I have uh one that I've been waiting on a wood case for it's a SX 780 as soon as that goes out that'll be gone I can't keep those on the Shelf uh at all they they immediately go but I can't put it out like that you got to have a got to have a wood case and that one does not have it and then Zach's back here trying to trying to get some of Tom's videos done I'm guessing yeah it's one of those one of those late nights we're almost done we almost got the keemstar video done I'm just waai on the exporting point so for some reason it's Tak is that The Source Point video yeah that'll be out that'll be out Monday it was planning to come out today but Tom uh Tom couldn't come in yesterday so it it was delay today like to try to have a couple videos done to have them come out but you know what never works like that we it's always last minute for everything um so that's just that's just life that's how it goes you can you know you think you're you think you're going to be ahead and you're not see if there's anything new over here on the uh on the finished shelf we get that 4,300 morance and uh that's a really nice look looking looking unit 100 Watts four channels up here the case on this one is Wild on this 99 it's been a long day this 990 DB uh we actually sold a 990 yesterday which I don't know if we've put it back in QC yet it's getting picked up so we're not we're not shipping it so it might still be on the floor and down here what do we got you see we put my put my picture on everything right this is an 880 so this is just like that 780 in the back turn it around so you guys can see it a little better so the one I was missing the case on this case actually also fits that model but unfortunately uh I don't have have an extra case so you can see this is a very popular receiver higher and midline for sure it's not not like a low model uh this one's probably 45 Watts might be 55 uh being 880 I don't know right off the top my head it's around there so it's a good midline receiver uh and then you got like got the 1250 here which is the big boy this is a lot of people like this even over the 1980 just for the way it sounds the 50 Series you know coming out in 1976 uh was before kind of like the big inflation of the late 70s where Parts just became more expensive and they had to make the receivers lighter uh where the 80 series you know it had a little bit of that they they had to do some cost cutting on those receivers and they're very popular I still like these because they do have power meters where the 50 Series does not it has a tuning and a signal meter so but you do see like on the sides of a lot of these it has the the peel veneer that kind of comes off uh which is why I need a case on the one in the back and on the 1250 it's real wood so that will not peel so just a couple cost cutting measures doesn't really mean it's any lesser of a receiver and you can argue with me in the comments about that uh but both very very popular this is a nice I don't show usually show show silver face stuff I don't know if if we can really see this but this is a beefy ano wow wow that is a nice nice 90s encho Integra got a little techniques receiver here this is the one that I was looking for this is a sa 600 this would be the perfect one to put in with the technique stack uh in the other room it's exactly what I wanted to put right there now that I think about it it might be it shouldn't be too wide but this one looks like it's in a tight spot and I think this receiver is a tiny bit smaller but we just wanted to give the history of techniques in one stack so adding vintage in you know really works well and next week next week we'll dive a little bit more into this system here we actually might have some more acuas components coming because we really wanted this to be like an all luxman and all acuas stack and we don't really have it that way but I can tell you the one thing that really stands out that we love and probably will never change is on this main demo system that we have here the addition of the Corn walls has just made a huge difference so where where we compare it to the KE reference dude the like that's going to be for that more like analytical sound the corn walls with the luxman and the acuphase is just amazing and sorry about the picture on the wall this was this was and I might have already showed this but this is from the elevators on from when we did the Florida show there's a vlog about that where we took over the elevators and as you can see it's not cut very well cuz I use my knife to cut it up and then we just kind of stuck it to the wall just to have something on the wall we do have some plans for these empty walls but the first thing we had to do is get all the systems in place uh and we're almost there so the empty walls will be going away we'll put some stuff on there and uh make it look make it look a little a little better than it already does you can see our our Audio Lab 9000 rack is is empty because Tom has all that at home uh unless he just brought it back he might have just brought it back he was working on a video for all the Audio Lab stuff so we let Tom take it home tries it out brings it back in listens to it here as well and then he can give more of an accurate review uh you know from him personally it's a new addition that's coming to the just audio Channel and walking in the store I guess we we sold we had a pair of Q 950s from ke here and they're gone so I'm going to have to I can't have people walk in and see that we can't have that but what what they what they will see we're also going to have to replace whichever one of these 990s just sold it was either the 990 or it was the 990 DB and I don't remember uh but one of them one of them sold and I'm actually still surprised the 9000s here it's a pretty rare model uh and it you know it's it's really nice they have the the cord Management on the side you put all the cords on the side and then run it through this slot uh to get to the back so then we get a couple tube amps tube amps up here have a gem tomb that's more of a chaii tube amp and then we have this sound valves the VTA 70 which is like a remake of a dinit st70 which is cool this is like our we don't show this section A whole lot but this is kind of a fun section it's all like eqs and reverbs and you got these little like Macintosh things these little environmental equalizer you know there's there's the Pioneer reverbs that like light up as the music plays uh you got a this is a this is a rare piece me get this paper off here this is a Gerard music recovery module and it takes the it's it's like a suppressor for turntables that takes noise out of the signal so that's that's really cool and just eqs and and random stuff down the bottom right there and you see this hole over here this is where the speck was so we got to get rid of that bye-bye I'm surprised this one's still here it's probably because we don't have it over with the rest of our cassette wall our cassettes and CD players are all over here and as you can see it's been a couple days since I've gone through took the tags took the tags off and then we got to fill the spots you know it's a constant battle as you see of us trying to keep the shelves full which is good we like that we like that's what it's here it's not here to sit uh but it's always moving things when when you come here I always want it to look different so you should never like if you come here like every month or every two months or something ran into the Poes who they almost took me out uh there there's giant PES that I used to have in the office I always wanted to look different in here so we always move everything cuz I don't want it to be stale there's enough stale places out there you can listen to music in and this is never going to be one of those so but you know what we're wrapping it up I gota get with Mikey we got to get this this video finished for for tomorrow or which will be today when you're watching this uh make sure you go check that out it's the audio equivalent of it like an httv house flip video and it's definitely definitely uh the best restore that I've ever done the most intensive uh just almost like it's like a pimp my stereo type thing uh and it's just really good so go over watch that video and uh have fun with that and I'll see you guys next time CU for today the Vlog is over
Channel: Crazy Lenny's HiFi
Views: 6,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3rqaYjfa7kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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