After Effects Tutorials | Wind blowing Animation with Page turn effect

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[Music] Hi guys in this short video I want to teach   you another usage of CC page turn effect by using this technique you can enhance   the realism of plants in your  animations and give them a 3D look  if you haven't subscribed to my  channel yet don't forget to like   subscribe and turn on the notification OK without further Ado let's start alright   the first thing I need to do is put the leaf  I want to animate like this one in a new comp  for that I select this layer hit Ctrl shift  C and put it in a new comp I give it a name I go to the comp and by using this  tool I set the comp size like this  then in the composition menu,   I choose the crop comp option so  the com would be cropped accordingly  I go back to the main comp I move the layer back to where it was  let me hide the other leaves for now then I apply the CC page turn effect to it I set the controls to the top left  so I can fold the leaf like this and then I set the opacity to 100. and I set the light like this  what's next I work on the animation  of the layer I create a keyframe for   the fold position in the beginning I hit U so I can see the keyframe  I go to the second two and I  change the fold position like this  then I move to the second four and I  copy and paste the first keyframe here  and then I make the keyframes easy ease let's see how it turns out after that to make the wind blowing animation look  more realistic I add the bend effect to the layer I set the start point here and the endpoint here so   the layer would be visible entirely I create a keyframe for its pen here  I hit U so I can see the keyframes I come here and I set it to 17.  then on the fourth second, I copy  and paste the initial keyframe  and then I make the keyframes easy ease after doing that I have to Loop the animation  for that I hold alt and left click  on the stopwatch of the band properly  I click on this option in the  property, I choose 'Loop out cycle' then I right click on the bend property  I choose the copy expression only  I select fold position and hit Ctrl V  so the expression that I use for the   bend would be pasted for the fold position as well once that's done to make the animation more   appealing I overlap the keyframes so I  move these keyframes back a little bit and in the end to make the back and front  view of the leaf I duplicate this layer I want to use it for the back part of the leaf  I right click on the layer, reveal and then  hit 'reveal layer Source in the project'  here I duplicate this comp too I rename it  I select it and by holding alt and dragging  onto this comp I differ their sources  so when I made any changes to this  comp the other one doesn't change  well I go back to the main comp I make the other leaves visible I use the eyedropper tool to sample this color  I go to the back view of the leaf comp  and here I change the color of the leaf then I back to the main comp I hide the back  view of the leaf and I select the leaf comp and in the 'back page' section I  choose the back view comp so the   back part of the leaf would be this comp let's check it out and see how it looks it looks great okay you can   continue doing this and animate the  other leaves to get such results  I made this leaf just like this one and for the third Leaf, I didn't use   CC page turn effect I only applied the bend  effect to the entire leaf and for this part,   I just animated its rotation and for flying these small leaves   I use the CC cylinder effect which I've  already put the tutorial on my channel if you have an interest in After Effects  and Motion Graphics and aspire to learn   this skill basically and step by  step I recommend checking out my   motion design course thanks for watching
Channel: Jafar Fazel
Views: 58,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motion design tutorial, after effects tutorial, motion designer, motion graphics, motion graphics tutorials, after effects, motion design, learn motion graphics, adobe after effects tutorial, after effects motion graphics, after effects motion, after effects tutorials, animation tutorial, Motion Graphics Tutorial, motion graphics animation, wind animation, wind blowing, wind blowing animation, page turn effect, cc page turn, cc page turn effect
Id: kjs-0svS6h0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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