After Effects Tutorial - Neon Lights Animation in After Effects

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hey guys what's up I am Nikki from Doc Morris calm and welcome back to a fresh new video on the channel in this video we will be creating some neon lines animation inside of After Effects without using any third-party plugins we will be using some built-in effects and create this amazing looking animation now this tutorial is inspired from the create pack made by Aloha effects they have some amazing animation packed up in one single pack so I highly recommend you guys to go ahead and check out that complete package the link will be down in the description box below so with that said let's actually jump into the tutorial and get started okay so yah we are in After Effects let's start by creating a new composition 1920 into 1080 30 fps and 10 seconds long let's call this main as our main comp hit okay so I'll hit control Y on the keyboard to create a new solid let's call this BG as this is gonna be our background hit okay let's create one more solid so hit ctrl Y this time I'm going to keep this white and call this lines underscore oh one hit okay and go ahead and start building up those 3d lines which are not actually 3d but gives an illusion of 3d look so let's go ahead and use an effect called starburst so I'm using the effects console to browse my effects now if you don't have the script by the way it's a free After Effects script from Andrew Kramer Video Copilot I'll mention the link down in the description below and in case if you don't have the script and you want to access the effects you can go into Windows and then you can bring this up the effects and preset panel and you can type in any effect that you want so in this case I want the CC star both so I can just double click to apply that up or I can just select this layer hit control space and then type in CC Stardust so it saves a lot of time in browsing and going through effects so I don't really use the effects and preset panel so I'm going to use the effects so for the rest of my videos and all my tutorials so we have a nice and simple starburst animation so let's go ahead and you know tweak this according to our requirements I'm gonna increase the scatter amount a bit so I'll bring that to somewhere around there let's keep the speed at 1 you can also play around with the phase in case if you want to but we don't really want that let's increase this grid spacing a bit so somewhere around 25 looks good and bring down the size so I'll bring this down to around 30 so that is looking pretty good I think also I'll add a really nice color to this so we can use a nice darker pink color which is one of my favorite and then let's add an effect called CC light and all this effects on a bit inbuilt effect you don't need any plugins to create that and using this effect we're gonna create those nice lines so what we can do is let's play around with the Raylan so I'll bring that at the back so something like maybe let's go ahead with minus 100 should be good yep that looks better we also have some boss effects that you can change but I'm gonna leave it at fade and then I can add an effect called Matt choko Matt Joker let's bring down the let's actually let's actually bring down the choke one - - me - 127 looks good and everything else looks good we don't need to tweak any settings and there we go there we have a nice line animation the size I think it's a bit too big so I'll go with something like 25 that looks much better you can play around with the phase also with the scatter so I think I'm gonna tweak this a bit and yeah that looks much better maybe bring down the grid to 20 yep that looks perfect now what I can do is I can hit control D to duplicate the layer rotate or chain the face is amount and then change the color so I'll actually go with a nice neon I'm gonna go with a nice cyberpunk style kind of color so you can treat this scatter as well to go ahead and add some randomness let's select this layer hit control D again scatter this a bit and let's go ahead and add a nice blue color maybe a bit darker and yeah I think that looks pretty cool let's go ahead and create one more copy hit control D and I'm gonna get a nice purple color and maybe bring down scatter a bit that is looking pretty cool so yeah you can tweak it according to your requirements and now we have a nice boss but we are not done yet let's create a new adjustment layer so I'm gonna right click create a new adjustment layer called this let's call this maybe this it's called this flow alright then I'm gonna use a very underrated effect called the flow motion now what I can do is now we have the not one and not two so I want to position them into the center so actually I can just type in 960 by 540 to bring that point to the center and then I can just copy the same amounts here as well ctrl-c and ctrl-v then I can play around with the amount so I'll bring that down a bit to like maybe something like minus 20 should work good and you can see we have a very crazy look so in case you want to use this kind of an effect you can use that but I'm gonna move forward with this I'm gonna increase the amount of it so you can go pretty intense as you can see but let's see I'll go with somewhere around maybe let's go 300 and also make sure to turn on the finer controls so we get a very nice look as you can see if I just preview this now it's a bit heavy effect but at the moment at the edges we get this really weird stuff happening so to fix this I can create a new adjustment layer called SCC and add an effect called CC lens and this can help us to get rid of those things let's increase the size to 200 and let's add a transform on this and maybe scale the height around 110 there we go we have our really nice background 3d stroke animations whatever that you want to call it ready to roll but still it looks pretty simple and not that you know why Briand so to do that I can add some nice glue to this so what we'll do is actually I'll select all the layers hit ctrl shift C to pre compose them call this B let's call this animation actually hit OK and let's add a glow on this bit just like so let's hit control D duplicate it and increase the spread to add a nice glowing look and now you can see we have some really nice neon e look now you can do some crazy stuff with this line for example what I can do is actually let's bring the background out so I'll hit control X and control V to paste it out so what I can do is I can also add an effect called twelve and twelve this up a bit just like so we increase this a bit something like that and you can see we get some very interesting animation so you can use this as a background or else what one more thing cool thing that you can do is let's create actually a new one camera 35 millimeters looks good here okay let's pre calm this hit ctrl shift C move all attributes and I'll call this maybe you mean and it's cool if I mean animation hit okay make it a 3d and rotate this a bit so I'll just rotate it maybe something like that something like so select C to select the camera and pan this really nice and close you tweak this a bit and zoom in like so there we go then go into camera hit a two times to reveal all the properties turn on the depth of field I increased the aperture really high and play down with the focus distance I'm gonna bring this a bit closer into the center really nice and proper a play on with the blur a bit now you have a very interesting look you can position this accordingly according to your requirements me something like just a touch and that is looking actually pretty cool also what you can do is hit control D to duplicate it and hit P and adjust the position of this one to add some nice depth actually I can turn off the camera for now select this and create a mask so something like that don't know this and you can see we have a very interesting look let's add some ask whether I can place one right here ctrl D duplicate it and place one right or you're actually oh maybe I can place one right here and if I let's actually preview this now the comp is pretty heavy because we are using some really GPU intensive effects so you can see this look super cool you can also add some camera animation user creativity and create your amazing looking background animation so so that is a wrap for today guys I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you did and please do consider subscribing to the channel sharing this video with your friends and also liking this do let me know in the comment section if you enjoyed this tutorial or if you learn anything new so I'll see you guys in the next video till then take care thank you so much for watching and always stay wrong stay creative peace out [Music]
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 118,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects, after effects cc, adobe after effects, neon lights in after effects, how to make neon animation in after effects, glowing lines in after effects, glow in after effects, dope motions, tutorials, motion graphics, neon animation in after effects, after effects tutorials for beginners, learn after effects
Id: bsPKhmB20uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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