After Effects Tutorial - Elegant Logo Reveal Animation Intro in After Effects - No Plugins

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I'm animated logo is a popular asset of marketing and brand identity motion designers turns static logos into something new and unique and today many brands continue sharing the animated version of the logos with the world keeping that in mind today we will try to create a very elegant and professional-looking logo animation inside of After Effects without using any plugins I am Nick Hill from dopes motions and without any further ado let's get started [Music] alright so yah we are in After Effects let's start by creating a new composition let's call this main as this is going to be our main comp 1920 into 1080 let's make this 30 or 60 fps and I'll keep the composition 10 seconds long and hit OK then you can hit control Y on the keyboard to create a new solid I'll call this BG for background and give it a nice color maybe something like a blue the same one that I used in the example alright that is looking good let's select the ellipse tool and we don't need any strokes I'm going to set this to zero we just need the fill keep it white for now and double click to create a circle then going to ellipse one ellipse part one hold alt and double click on the link property to keep it or make it a perfect circle and I'll keep it maybe about 600 that is a bit too small but we can adjust the scaling so I'll just keep it at 600 and then what I can do is let's add a fill on this give it the same color as the blue that we have I'll call this C underscore oh one for circle one and then I can select it hit s to bring down the scale properties I'll increase the scaling around maybe there let's keep it to 70 and then I can select the layer right click go into the layer styles and add an inner shadow I'll hit control shift edge so that we can hide the control layers and just see the shadow then I think then I'll increase the size to around 200 and add some noise so that we don't get any kind of color bending so I'll add maybe two percent of noise also make sure you're walking on the 16 bits per channel you can just hold alt and click on this icon to switch from 8 bit to 16 bits and then we can play around with the distance I can increase this a bit you keep it around let's keep it around 80 that looks good and then what I can do is I can again go into the layer style select the layer go into layer styles and add a bevel and emboss now into the bevel and emboss I can just rotate the angle to a different angle so I will keep itself around there and bring down the size to around 200 I think 2 is a bit too much so I'll keep it around 1 that looks good maybe very minimal like point 1 or something like that ok that is looking great you can also change the color if you want to so I'm gonna keep it a bit darker white only 3 color so that is looking good let's select the layer hit ctrl D to duplicate it hit s to bring down the scale properties and let's bring this down just like so let's hit control D again hit s and bring this down again okay let's adjust this one and there we go that is looking pretty great let's create a new composition for our logo so that I'll call this logo where we can drag and drop in logo I'll keep it 300 by 300 pixels here okay and then you can drag and drop in any local that you have I'm going to use this one from the example I'll add a fill on this and make it white going to main comp drag and drop the logo composition and then I can select the third circle so I can just turn on the control layers hit ctrl D to duplicate it and call this M for mac and use this as a track mats oil change the fill to white and cheat the track mat option of our logo so hit f4 so you see the track mat option and change the track mat to luma matte so now we can easily animate our logo coming through or inside from inside of the circle so I'll go to Iran first of all let's actually animate our circle so I'll align the logo into the center and let's animate our circle so I'll go to around one second select all the three layers hit s to bring down the scale properties create a keyframe go back in time and set them to zero then select all the keyframes have hit f9 to easy ease the keyframes go into the graph editor and right click and select edit speed graph select the point and drag the handle to the right to the left actually just like so so now we have a pretty simple animation now you can go ahead and displace them a bit in time so around I'll go with maybe 15 frames just like so so now we have a pretty simple animation as you can see okay that is looking good now we can go ahead and animate our logo now one thing that I did wrong is after the animation I need to create the match so I can delete the marker select this layer hit ctrl D put this on the top call this M format and hide this okay that is looking great let's change the color to white because we are using this matte as a luma matte and the luma matte only reads the black and the white colors so I'll go to Iran one second and 30 frames select the logo hit P to bring down the position properties create a keyframe go back to Iran let's say somewhere around 45 frames and drag the logo out just like so select the logo keyframes hit f9 go into the graph editor and create the same curve as we did before there we go let's see the animation so yeah that is looking pretty good now I think the logo is a bit too fast for getting pleased the distance between the keyframe just like so so yeah that is looking pretty good now let's go ahead and enhance the complete scene a bit so I'll create a new solid so hit ctrl Y to create a new solid called this v4 vignette make this black here okay double-click on the ellipse tool to create a mask invert the mask and hit F to bring down the feather properties and increase the fedot were on 500 and then hit T to bring an opacity and drag this below and keep it very minimal just like maybe around 40% also you can see we have started to add some get some colour bandings right here so to fix this I can create a new adjustment layer call this noise and add some noise to this something like maybe two persons should walk yep there you go so now we don't have any kind of color pendings also I'm gonna create a new adjustment layer again called this CC for color correction and add some curves to this just to punch up the colors a bit I can switch to the blue channel and increase the blue a little bit just like that and you can see before and after now the colors are a bit punchy and one more last thing that you can do is add some glow onto your logo so I can add a default glow increase the threshold all the way up to hundred and increase the radius tour on 200 should work good I think it's a bit too much so let's bring down the intensity gonna be point three or something like that point five yeah that is looking pretty great and this is a really quick and easy way to create a nice and professional looking logo animation inside of After Effects using some very simple steps so I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you did then make sure to subscribe comment and like and I will see you guys in the next video till then take care thank you so much for watching and don't forget to stay raw stay creative [Music]
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 71,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects, after effects tutorial, logo animation in after effects, logo reveal in after effects, logo intro in after effects tutorial, elegant logo animation after effects, minimal logo animation, dope motions, after effects cc, clean logo animation, how to make logo reveal in after effects, logo animation tutorial, after effects tut, how to use after effects, after effects basics
Id: fMyVWpaNS2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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