African Spirituality Teachings By: Dr. IMboni UZwi'Lezwe Radebe. full video on Eff podcast page.

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so as you navigate through spirituality what is the fine line between religion and spirituality spirituality is as old as humans ER spirituality was not crafted by humans uh is what let say as old as Earth is spirituality is as old it's something we were gifted MH the other example that can make a person kind of understand is that you are flesh and spirit your flesh is Con you know it depends on the world then you are Spirit you you are spirit so your spirit and your spiritual connection with all spiritual entities mhm is what we call spirituality okay you know spirituality meaning that when you are spiritually conscious of your own spirituality and other spirits around you what is religion religion has a birth date all religions and and I sit here again as a scholar of religion okay yeah I'm speaking facts not what I think all all religions have dates they have birth dates they were born I I'll quickly go there so you have what you call you abrahamic there are more religions but let's talk about the popular ones what you call abrahamic religions that is Judaism Christianity and Islam mhm they were all born in one place called Israel mhm and they were all according to religion they came from they were born out of a man called Abraham who had two children Isaac and ISAC MH ISAC is being said he gave birth to Islam Isaac is being said he gave birth to Judah ISM mhm then Christianity was born out of Judaism that's why they called all three of them abrahamic they are more religions there's Buddhism etc etc but I just gave you now where they were born and how they were born so they were crafted by humans religions that's why you see that let's let's take the most popular Christianity you know very well if you go to church a and church B they might Goot the same scripture but interpret it in all different ways because religion was crafted by humans and that is why to be actually a religious leader you have to go to school because religion absolutely yeah you have to because religion is Academia already is telling you something there anything that's Academia it's of human origin we put things together and put it in an academic form so you have to go to school because religion Academia it has Scholars it was crafted by humans spirituality was not crafted by humans spirituality is what we all were born with it's a spiritual thing it's it's something that comes from the spiritual Dimension and it comes to you so you don't learn it anywhere so that's I can say that's the difference religion is man-made spirituality is what we were giving it's not it's not created by hum
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Id: Qy8FXmw7CnY
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Length: 3min 35sec (215 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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