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[Music] [Music] [Music] unmasking the African truth the African way and retracing the steps of Gallant African indigenous spiritual Heroes and heroins we speak without favor and we leave no stone unturned ah 100% indigenous African content helloo hden voices our first this is our first episode and I hope you are tuned in and you are ready to hear these are very big people African voices we just head resarch researches okay National research head yeah yeah I with with research yeah yeah yeah deal with research is unmasking African truths afrian people that's for sure yeah yeah that's for sure African hidden voices why African is it only confined to African hidden voices and which are those voices just said now we are unmasking African truths and the reason we are unmasking African truths I mean science so where else can we unmask this that's for sure yeah and the African people yes so way TOS African hiden voices is to unmask the African truths because the city that were silence and when we speak about which voices we are speaking about the spiritual voices we are speaking about who who stood who advocated for African indigenous spirituality listen Tina we don't come from from from some Adam somewhere we don't come from some Eve some have own coming from and you're coming to tell me it's it's nonsense so we speak about those people I mean look we've got people overseas Africans black like myself and you who are still who are still treated the same way you know we still being oppressed spiritually you know so what would hidden voes say for example London for years okay well yeah bold and grounded it's our spiritual [Music] Roots they are having spiritual activities but but because of they like okay yeah they are being dominated by religion so now understand but now there's like we're part of African Revival now yes exactly exactly so see hidden voices were saying we here to unmask the African truths yeah such you are do you have you know somewhere where you you know you get your research you go to libraries Egypt wherever places where you get this or you Source thisch I think I would say I think is is first founded by exactly so why is it like this and then from there you start you want to know more yeah so then you would go you would speak who might have a better understanding of life and then you you move on you are introduced to let's say platforms um um research engines authentic research engines you go to those to to those spaces you go to the libraries and unfortunately for for for myself and we have been um given the opportunity uh in in in other African countries in in search of people we've been to Egypt we've been to Sudan and and and I think when you when when when because of the spiritual Foundation that we have when we went there uh we didn't go for like you know the the the the general uh uh um the general angle of research we went we were specific in what we were looking for we were specific with okay if we speak about spirituality and and in particular African spirituality and I think the oldest people is I mean the the practice of spirituality in the north which is your Egypt and your Sudan so how did they practice how do they so we went there with that with that angle from from that premise it almost informed the question about I was about to ask why Egypt why Sudan why not mozambik why not you know now you're saying most of Afric spirituality I can add yes another angle yes okay someone maybe a Critic would just say why did you specifically go to that cave in Egypt why did you go to Sudan remember how eh started and who started eh and what is the purpose of HV yes so hidden is here the spiritual revelation of your research you can go to egpt can go to sud our research it's not fueled by yeah no we fed by the spirit okay now we've a question from one of team members I just want to know voice is it only focusing on African spiritual uh hidden things or anything that regarding Africa could be politician could be African spirituality so yeah good question I'm going to answer M's question yeah the biggest problem with with us as an African people and I think the the Civilized people is that we are under the assumption that we can always separate spirituality from anything else spirituality then we have the different sectors of anything I think I should just put it out there people the foundation of the African people because a now anything yes whatever they did it was they did everything based on their spirituality how how how they conducted their business how how how they got married how they did how they made decisions in their daily lives so as as a African hiden voices is is is founded on spirituality and yes we do not only researching to spirituality also research things as the economics politics everything but we make sure we link those things with the spirituality spirituality informs every aspect of okay as can African hidden voices two is indeed coming it should be here here to address issues we are we are really being constrained by my producers are already telling me with it's enough now please do stay with us African hidden voices podcast is here and is here to platforms hidden voices [Music] [Music] bye-bye
Channel: African Hidden Voices #UnmaskingAfricanTruths
Views: 5,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t7wRUxGhdtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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