Afraid of the Coronavirus?

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let's talk about the rona a little kovid 19 or kobit xix for those who like to speak in roman [Music] numerals hi my name is father mike schmitz and this is ascension presents man man in this in this era in this age what we're going through right now is probably not one person watching this or listening to this who has not been touched by um in a negative way touched by uh the chronovirus but there's something interesting about this that i i've noticed more and more it's i noticed it when it first started i noticed as the as the quarantine all these lockdowns extended and even now and be like okay we're opening up and the mask and no mask and you wash your hands and that person has a mask on we're mad at them or the person you're making me wear masks i'm mad at you like all that kind of stuff another thing i keep hearing about is so much fear and and when it comes down to this i think one of the things that was revealed through this entire stuff again i and this is not to minimize the fact that those watching this listening to this you've experienced uh loss people in your family who have died because of this people you love more than anyone else best friends you've lost because of because of the coronavirus livelihood i know so many businesses which means business owners and employees who have lost their livelihood so this is not this none of this in this in this video is to minimize make light of be glib about but here's something i've countered encountered i've talked with and encountered many people who have said i'm just very afraid with the chronovirus i'm very afraid like when do i go out again when can i go back to mass and i have to say what i appreciate is the fact that the coronavirus is revealing something it's revealing the fear but it's a fear that was always there it's revealing a fear but it's revealing a fear that was already there it's not putting the fear there it is the fear of loss it's the fear of death it's the fear of uncertainty it's the fear of insecurity and into that i just want to like ask this question i apologize in advance but here's here's the question did you forget that in the end we all die like and that that's that i mean honestly i i apologize i'm not trying to be flippant or anything like this but honestly let's get serious you guys did we forget that at the end of life we every 100 you know the human mortality rate hovers roughly around 100 percent still did we forget the fact that everyone who is alive is going to die so here's someone who says like i'm so afraid in the chronovirus i'm like i understand but you knew you were gonna die already right or did you just forget the coronavirus reveals the fear and it's the fear that i can't distract myself from i can't avoid looking at i can't avoid thinking about i have to come face to face with this fear and what is this fear it's a fear that the author to the letter to the hebrews talks about in hebrews chapter 2 verses 14 and 15. here's what he writes he says this he says now since the children share in the blood and flesh jesus likewise shared in them that through his death jesus death he might destroy the one who has the power of death that is the devil here's the next line in verse 15 and free those who through fear of death had been subject to slavery all their life free those who through fear of death had been subject to slavery all their life because yes in a pre-jesus world death is to be feared like honestly let's be honest in a pre-jesus world death is the worst thing slavery to death fear of death why because it's it's the end it's destruction it's annihilation or it's separation from god separation from life it's separation from everything that we know is good and yet jesus christ has transformed death by dying and rising he has not only transformed our lives he's transformed death and he's given us hope in the afterlife i mean that's one of the reasons why yes you guys as christians we really suffer as christians we truly grieve as christians when we experience death that it it can shake us but we don't suffer like the rest and we don't grieve like the rest and we're not even shaken like the rest we grieve as those who have hope we suffer as those who have hope if we're shaken we're not destroyed because we're shaken as those who have hope and what's that hope the hope is death is not the end that i am meant to live in christ and die in christ so i can live forever in christ be glorified in christ i mean that we've forgotten this therefore when the coronavirus comes up all that's there is the fear my invitation is the invitation of jesus of the scriptures of so many great saints the invitation do not be afraid don't be afraid life is a risk and and so and so living is going to be a risk life is a risk and so living is going to be risky and yes and that's that doesn't mean we don't wear mass doesn't mean we don't wash our hands it doesn't mean we don't take necessary precautions but it means that we wash our hands like those who have hope it means we if we were masked we were masked we were a mask like those who have hope that means if we take precautions we take preoptions like those who have hope we realize that yeah this might happen to me it might happen to someone i love but that's not the end it's not even the worst thing the worst thing would be separate eternal separation from god which is the possibility for every one of us there's things that are also bad not as bad as hell living in fear we can live in fear or we can live in christ we can live in fear we can live in freedom from fear living is dangerous living is risky but to those of us who have forgotten that the point of living is not merely to stay alive i'd say put aside the fear embrace the risk and live in hope to live without christ to live to live without hope is to live without fear it's not really to live in some ways it's to stop really living to stop risking is to stop really living and that will destroy life long before it's actually over anyways again i'm not making light of anything i know people have lost but we have jesus you have jesus don't be afraid from almost here ascension presents my name is father mike and god bless wash your hands cover your cough wear a mask god bless
Channel: Ascension Presents
Views: 80,410
Rating: 4.9412174 out of 5
Id: ZREhYss1eeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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