'Afraid for Her Life': Mica Miller's cause of death revealed? #HeyJB Live on emerging reports

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development after development in the Micah Miller case out of South Carolina 10 days after Micah's remains were found in a state park documents now reveal more on her final days as social media remains largely unconvinced the 30-year-old took her own life we're going to break it down from the stream Center Live From The Stream center in Tampa Florida top stories breaking news interactive coverage in the palm of your hand this is hey JB live here's JB buo I'll tell you it's been a long time since we've had one of those stories where right as you're done typing up a report on what just happened something else comes out another development comes out and before you know what you're typing up a second third fourth report that's the type of story that we are dealing with with the Micah Miller case out of South Carolina hello there to you folks welcome into the stream Center JB here with you live now across all platforms you can use hashtag hjb to interact with us live you can also go to our website www.h JB uh. live I'll bring in my colleague uh Rachel Tucker here momentarily really quickly uh for those who have never been on the program before perhaps you're joining us out of South Carolina the Myrle Beach area or maybe out of North Carolina as well this program is dedicated to the discovery of Truth and to label falsehoods as such as being being false uh we also of course share reliable feeds here out of the stream Center that's the primary function of this room is to be able to share live feeds with you nothing live out of the Myrtle Beach area at the moment on the mic Miller case but if there ever is a press conference we're going to have it here for you from the stream Center and then also to to give you a voice social media firing a lot back and forth about this story so we are here to help separate fact from fiction and that can be a very tall order a tall task when you're talking about just the Myriad of reports that have become coming out of the last several hours in relation to the Micah Miller case it was 10 days ago April 27th when Micah Miller's remains were found uh in a North Carolina state park uh not too far away from Myrtle Beach South Carolina the greater area of course where Micah Miller uh was was from she was 30 years old married to a pastor and uh and had a uh very um she expressed herself on social media and some of her social media posts have come out uh in recent days and people trying to find out exactly what happened to my as are we trying to figure out of course what happened to Micah but most importantly investigators out of Robison County are paying very close attention to this case trying to figure out uh what really happened here and uh as we understand it all the reports that we're you we're getting out of South Carolina points to Tuesday as being a key day for this case with things being released however uh as we say that there again has been development after development after develop vment today and that's why I have Rachel here to help me break all of this down and Rachel we've been sharing uh stories from our sister station WBTW uh out of uh Myrtle Beach um and there have been some emerging reports that WBTW hasn't uh been putting out as well that we're going to try to make sense of but let's begin with uh where this started today uh the first report that we shared uh with Micah Miller what was that this morning so this morning we got a share from our sister station WBT W who said that there were two new arrest reports uncovered from March 11th stating that Micah um was afraid she was afraid for her life right yes she was afraid for her life I was trying to explain the whole situation but it's kind of convoluted because she filed two arrest reports on one day involving her car tires being slashed and then the mechanic discovered that there was some sort of GPS tracking device on the vehicle and that is what made her say she was afraid for her life I'm reading Rachel's um or the write up that we have from WBTW that Rachel has been staying on top of working with our colleagues out of South Carolina they're doing a great job out of there and we're just of course um working with some of the local reports that are coming out from them and others but if you want to read more now you can click on the link in the description on this video you might see it in the pinned comment uh but yes the police report that Micah Miller was afraid for her life now imagine this folks you've your tire has been slash she she really realizes that her that her tire is losing air it completely deflates she finds out that her tire was slashed by someone and then the mechanic as Rachel just noted finds a tracking device just think about that for a moment as to how creepy that would be for somebody to find out that somebody had attached a tracking device to your car and was tracking your whereabouts now uh there is a suspect that has been uh named in these documents or excuse me not named in these documents but a suspect that is referenced in these documents but the name uh has been redacted and um and so we don't know who that is we do know know Rachel that it is a male correct male individual their name was redacted because there were no charges filed as a result of the investigation right so the victim here I'm reading the the quote here the victim advised me she was afraid for her life while I was out with the victim she received a Noller ID call which ended up being the suspect the suspect was advised the victim does not want any further contact and if he proceeds then warrants may be possibly or excuse may possibly be written up so again we do not know I I think social media large in in part has pointed the finger already at who uh the redacted individual is um let's just let's get to this right away because uh so much has been made of the husband in this case and that being John Paul Miller a pastor out of uh Solid Rock Church in the Myrtle be Beach area again talking really honing in here on South Carolina he was the one who revealed initially how we found out about the supposed death of Micah Miller or the supposed cause of death because he said if I'm not mistaken I'm just going down here and and reading the report he revealed he was the one who revealed to people I think it was in church how she died right yeah he basically explained it to the congregation and then told them to leave the building quietly and to not talk about it essentially that uh I think is going to immediately look raise them when you look at mic's social media history and we'll get more into this we've got a long way to go on this live stream folks but but when you look at her social media history there is clearly a pattern there that shows that not everything was was all peaches and Roses at home it it was there was clearly some struggles going on uh between Micah Miller uh and and her and her husband uh known commonly as JP uh JP uh we should also point out now that to the second report JP was released from his church correct he is now a former pastor church officials released an email basically saying that he's been relieved of his duties as a pastor yeah and I think the the sight's down too did they take the site down or did the site that happened before today actually right now did the site crash or did they take it down do we really do we know I mean I would assume they took it down because why would they want people to access all of that information when there are so many people who are dead convinced that their Pastor is a bad guy yeah so in large part the the if you're looking at the room that is social media right now the fingers are pointed in the direction of of course JP Miller and people believe that something else went on something else um Sinister went on uh pertaining to to the end of of of Micah's life her her final days and we're going to get more more into this because there's now an emerging report but before we get to the emerging report which we we we have a lot to discuss again because of all the developments I I want to I want to bring in the fact that we are interactive on our website and and want to bring up our um our question that we are asking people we're trying to get an idea as to how many people believe what on this story so you can go to our website hjb doli we're asking this question and we had to word this question very very carefully uh due to the sensitive nature of this story and we're trying to again get an ideas to there's so much Goodwill out there uh for people from people to just discover the truth as to what happened a lot of people who have been rallying around Micah's family uh friends the community uh people who just want the truth to come out people who don't believe that the truth truth is out as it stands right now and so uh we're asking you the question here on the bottom uh of your screen do you believe the story from Micah's husband on how she died uh that's as as that's the only way that we could really word this question W with and feel somewhat comfortable with with you know bringing you this poll question and and asking it to you so we're going to come back to this but uh you go over you click on the link you go to hb. live there's no the only purpose of that link of course is to is to gather votes and and to gather comments it's our interactive destination so that you know we can do this across Facebook we can do this across YouTube we can do this across social media people who have watched our live streams before know that it's it's literally just one tap no sign up required no email address none of that junk I I hate when you go to a website and you have to sign up for something and give your whole life story to to just participate no we don't want that things used to be so easy we just want you to to to engage with us and and participate in these stories it's a big part of what we do here in the Stream Center so well you can see the vote tally uh climbing there on the bottom of your screen we'll try to get the vote count um to a significant amount before we actually click on the close poll button and look at the results but um again that's JP there and he according to reports um said that there there is an exact quote in the in the story as to as to what as to what he said oh yeah here it is from newsnation now.com I got a call late last night my wife has passed away it was self-induced and it was up in North Carolina y'all pray for me and my kids and everybody you all knew she wasn't well mentally and she needed medicine that was hard to get to her I'm sure there will be more details to come but keep her family uh in your prayers uh that's the end of that quote I I think it's worth noting that at this time while police continue to investigate I believe it's a sheriff's office LED investigation right so deputies investigating um you would imagine with the magnitude of the story now how this is really growing um into a national or even International story with people tuning into this um uh and and so many other reports from around the world um you would imagine that there's a lot of law enforcement collaboration going on a lot of agencies partnering up um but this is uh the Robison County Sheriff's Office they are uh investigating uh the the death of of Micah Miller and they have not named John Paul Miller as a suspect they haven't named him as a person of interest this is an open and ongoing investigation so while we know that the court of public opinion really wants to label a bad guy we see it all the time the story is is is more um is more shared when there's a there's a villain a potential Villain at play right and um but it has to be stated that as at this time that there is no suspect who has been named there's no person of interest and that brings us now to the most recent report that has come out because it's not being shared by everybody so there is a station in South Carolina that is reporting the cause of death we are not reporting the cause of death so let's let's explain let's explain why um there's reports coming out of South Carolina that her cause of death has been revealed and revealed by the medical examiner's office let's go back to pictures of of Micah I think that that's important to see Micah here um and it's it's important to note that really only one media Outlet company is reporting this so we we have a we have a a very thorough system that we go through in the news bus news business not like social media where if there's somebody has a claim they could just throw it out there tweet it out yeah run wild why not yeah just run wild we see it all the time W with M with major stories where people are just throwing you know reports out there left and right even if it hasn't been put through the necessary Paces if they see it they share it and then it gets kind of put into the just world of fact and and that to me is has always been a problem with social media is that you see something shared and you immediately assume it's truth but really where did that information come come from so in this case very unique Rachel we have a one media company one media Outlet company that is reporting the cause of death and I've been trying to get an idea as to why so I've been talking with some people uh I have friends uh that used to work in in Myrtle Beach I I multiple people here WFA correct shout out to K yes in Myrtle Beach and I just I'm going to try to word this as carefully as I can we're waiting for a second Outlet to report this the the initial report and I I want to say that this is has not come out through a second report it's it's one media Outlet company reporting that Micah Miller's cause of death according to the medical examiner was a self-inflicted gunshot wound uh I'm not satisfied until another station Outlet newspaper is speaking to the medical examiner's office not saying that it isn't true I would just like to be more thorough before we just kind of put it into history as fact um and and so if anyone's watching this uh yeah it's it's important to note that we are still waiting on a second uh report there there are people probably screaming in the comments like why aren't you mentioning this yeah personally I would not want to take a chance I know station doesn't want to take a chance no we we we want to make sure that when we report something it carries weight that it it has put been through put through our rigorous standards to be able to make it to our website we we don't just report anything that's not how the news works there's there's a there's a gap that exists between a news outlet and a and um just you know social media fodder and I I I use the word fodder sometimes it really can be true and sometimes or often times you could say where there's smoke there's fire but we are just trying to make sure that we are doing it right and I people are trying really hard to just like fill in the blanks yeah but things take time that brings me to the report uh and we'll come back to the to the poll here um in a little bit that brings me to the report about the estate um and I want to explain the affidavit that has come out regarding the estate because that has also too made the rounds on social media today and I hope that we're we're doing right by people that are just if you're just being introduced to the story I know you're probably your your head's ready to explode with everything that's been coming out and uh it's been a lot today that's part of the reason we're on the live stream is to be able to break this down for you but in addition to the March reports that came out regarding the tire and the GPS tracker you know th those things are alarming enough but we have a affidavit that was put out on Twitter I don't I apologies I don't have the origin of the affid David but it comes out of South Carolina Probate Court ory county in the estate of Micah Miller and it has um some interviews with Sierra Francis and um and Nathan Francis the brother and sister of of Micah Miller and it's got some information in it that um look is speaks quite loudly we'll go through one of them in a second but let me explain why news stations aren't reporting on this yet there's actually a very particular reason that we were able to discover right before this live stream began again this is all you're getting kind of uh like a behind the curtain look as to how journalism functions right so it's this is making the rounds on social this by by all accounts appears to be a very legitimate document um sworn and subscribed before me second day of May 2024 um and it it's got signatures on it it it it very much follows formatting that would be consistent with an affidavit um for it's just it looks it it passes all the tests it could it be photoshopped sure but let me explain why news stations are not reporting this yet and they will be I would imagine soon the reason that they're not reporting it is because this copy the copy that is making the rounds on social media and we'll go through it here in a second can only be obtained physically so many court systems are online and you go and let's talk about coburger for a second out of Idaho the moment a document drops the world knows about it because it's just really a click away it's a Google search away you click on the Idaho court system it's on their homepage it's right it's on their homepage literally it's probably their biggest case ever they quite literally make it hyper accessible to people yes so that it's right there in your face when you go to the court systems website there some court systems in this country many that aren't even publishing everything online just yet where you quite literally have to go to the courthouse or go to the clerk's office to obtain usually have to buy you have have to spend five 10 cents for per page you have to actually get a physical copy of the document and as I understand it the way it's been described to me out of South Carolina is that somebody went to the courthouse or the clerk's office obtained this copy of the David and they they beat local media they they got there before reporters and journalists in that area citizen journalism I guess so that's when when this starts to make the rounds on social then of course everyone's now going to the courthouse trying to obtain that copy so that's why we can't report on it yet but I I will I will share what what I'm not going to go through it all because again we would like to of course obtain the document ourselves but what is is um caught everyone's attention on social media very simply enough is is point number 14 um which comes from uh Sierra Francis again that's I believe that's Micah's sister who said Micah stated to me on many occasions quote if I end up with a bullet in my head it was not by me it was JP JP being her her husband uh John Paul uh Miller so you have we're in like a we're in like this very bizarre middle ground with this story right now where things are flying all over the place you have this affidavit based on the statements given by family members you have one company reporting one media Outlet reporting that the cause of death was a self-inflicted gunshot wound despite the fact that family members are saying that Micah said if it ever was a bullet in the head it was not by me it was by JP that's what makes this story so difficult to navigate and that's also why we're live to help people figure out exactly how we are getting through this story one little tiptoe step at a time because there is so much going on out there right now and so little to go based off of when it comes just a credible source for information we're trying to process it all ourselves and and I I can I almost feel as if at some point during this live stream there could be a new development because it feels like there's been a development every what hour it's been a whirlwind you know development after development after development this morning or this afternoon all these reports coming out all these documents making sure that they're coming from reliable sources and so you just get the feeling though that we're we're at the beginning of this no I agree and and while there are people who are in our comment section and I I know folks on on Twitter who have been following the story for a for for a week or so they're saying JB you're you're you're you're late uh late to the game late to the game where you been uh this this still to me feels like there's a whole lot more to come especially when I keep hearing about Tuesday being a pivotal day uh in the case where he might get some more from authorities I'm really curious it's it's not the most wellp populated it's not the most it's not a major metropolitan area obviously but I'm curious are they going to hold a press conference tomorrow uh is are they going to release a press release um we have we have little idea but I know that a lot of people have circled tomorrow on the calendar as a day where there could be significant movement on this story yeah and we don't really know what's going to happen it feels so fresh and new because we really didn't know anything besides just the initial news report and what police were releasing their preliminary investigation it's it it's it's a it's a story where there is such an appetite for truth um and people who have been following it uh so I mean minute by minute as it's been unfolding and I hope that we do hope that we are able to get Truth for our audience at some point you know with the magnitude of the story you know that investigators are working probably around the clock trying to get answers and try to you know figure out I just I think that the a very important first step is determining the legitimacy of the medical examiner report I'm not doubting that report I just want to make sure it is legitimate and so actually Rachel if you could just you want to double check and see if there's anybody else reporting that refreshing my Google search now yeah I'll pop you off camera just for a bit so you can look thanks and um in the meantime what we're going to do is we are going to start to take your questions and comments um as a reminder um you can use hashtag hjb on Facebook or YouTube that's that that's purely a device for you to get your comment on screen we want you to make we want to make sure that if your name or your username and your comment or appearing on on a news live stream like this that you want it to be there so we're very respectful of the comment section we're very respectful of the chat if you use hashtag kjb that signals to us that you would like for us to put your comment on screen if you don't want your comment on screen then just don't use the hashtag you should be okay what you okay so what you got hold on stand by I'm muting mics e everybody stand by we're just having a conversation here hold on all right back here in the Stream Center okay so let's let's break down what we have just learned we've been told by the Robinson County Sheriff's Office they they made a post on social I'm going to read it as as follows here Robinson County Sheriff's Office is aware that information paining to the death of Micah Miller has been released by the North Carolina Medical examiner's Office Sheriff bernus Wilkins has scheduled a meeting with the family of Micah and we'll be releasing more detailed information to substantiate the medical examiner's findings tomorrow evening Sheriff Wilkins is also asking for everyone to please await the full timeline of events before making assumptions and coming to conclusions and post I I I very much appreciate Sheriff Wilkins adding or or the Pio adding that final line asking for everyone to please await the full timeline of events before making assumptions and coming to conclusions that's basically saying hold your horses social media everyone seems to you know have this case figured out and and are drawing up conclusions those conclusions are likely getting shared and misinterpreted as concrete fact when in reality it's just everyone trying to sleuth their way to some ideas to what happened to Micah but we're just not there yet with this story but let's go backwards now they are acknowledging that there is a news Outlet um reporting the cause of death of Micah Miller being released by the North Carolina medical examiner office and they say this is important has scheduled a meeting with the family of Micah and will be releasing more detailed information to substantiate the medical examiner's findings tomorrow evening So based on the way this reads to me this sounds as if Micah Miller's family was not given a heads up or given the results or told of the results of the medical examiner's report and this report was the first perhaps that they had heard of it if they didn't fact hear of it they they have scheduled a meeting with the family of Micah I I not you know that could Reed has met with the family of Micah or has spoken to the family of Micah but it says they have scheduled a meeting with the family of Micah and that they will be releasing more detailed information to substantiate the medical examiner's findings tomorrow evening this is a fascinating statement so that report is it still up Rachel yes and another station from that Station group has also shared it uh so that okay so they are uh continuing to report the cause of death of Micah Miller uh which again is only coming from I want to be clear this this is also some inside baseball for for the for the media but um the station group there's three you said there's three stations reporting it right but they're all coming from the same company which means they're just sharing it out there's there's media alliances if you will with various stations um teammates in various markets so our teammate uh from where we are at WFLA our teammate in this case is WBTW out of Myrtle Beach uh we work with them we are in lock step with them and we we talk to their Newsroom we uh in fact we' talk to the news multiple times today we're we're kind of on the same team so to speak and then there's other sort of outlets that are on the other side of of the equation that are Allied and are working the three stations that are reporting the cause of death right now are belong to a a Station group that is not affiliated with us so that makes this again a little bit more tricky for us to navigate but also too you're more informed as a viewer you're more informed as a news consumer conser if you just know you might see three three news outlets sharing and being think oh my God JB they have three reports now why aren't you going with that information if three no no no it it's all based off of the the or the origin report which is coming from one station just being shared out within that within that within that company and hopefully does that make sense I said we know what we don't know but we don't know what we know that's news okay hope hopefully either you're getting it's making sense from Rachel or it's making sense from me there's no way it's making sense for me folks let's um let's get to the comment section as I was noting use hhjb if you want your comment section uh or if you want your comment uh to be featured if you want to submit a a VIP comment where it goes immediately to me in the Stream Center and it's not lost in the social media chat um you can go to www.jbsolis.com here to my left this is what the screen looks like by the way right here uh with the with the poll that we still have open and also to with the comment form uh and again this the whole purpose of this is just to be able to engage with you guys interact with you and and make sure your voice is heard so with that said it's long overdue but let's actually get to uh the comment section Rosie says the very tragic incident this is coming to hjb dolive um what else we got let's see it really is tragic either way I think sometimes with big cases like this you it's hard to see the forest for the trees but either way you know this young woman is dead and she deserves Justice this is by the way we didn't even mention this from this past weekend a Justice for Micah Gathering um I'm curious too is is anybody in our chat right now you can get my attention with #t kjb is anybody in the chat from that Justice for Micah Gathering there in South Carolina there's also a big Facebook group with the same name yeah um lot people from all over the country all over the world lot and we hope to collaborate and and again it's all it's all the the entire purpose of this is the discovery of Truth and and to put away falsehoods and label them as such so hopefully we are able to do that collectively together social media is um is is often Rife with information but usually uh it can be also just um a place where where fact is is Common Place It's just sometimes that fact gets kind of lost in in the confusion of it all Christine hash kjb what is the difference between self-induced and self-inflicted JP told his congregation it was self induced I I don't see any difference between self-induced and self-inflicted that to me is interchangeable however Rachel if you want to do maybe a little homework here and and uh and look for us that would be great because is there any chance that that the the word self induced was used for a very specific and deliberate reason that's a it's it's a you know I wondered it too when it it's like oh self-induced is an interesting self-inflicted is the most common label associated with with an act to harm oneself but self-induced um H yeah I'm not I'm not so sure it's possible he could have misspoken that's also true a grieving husband yes there isn't really a difference uh YouTube with some of the best usernames because it's YouTube I like monkeys is this comment # kjb how can they prove it wasn't him who was holding her hand when she allegedly pulled the trigger uh we have seen in other cases it can be um it it I I think it depends very much on how many state-of-the-art forensic tools and resources are available um but there can be I mean an exhaustive amount of hours poured into that one fundamental question with someone's death was it self-inflicted or was it at the hand of somebody else um we have seen reports that are longer than books when it comes to um you know the angle of um of a bullet um the the way that remains are found and discovered um the type of firearm used the type of ammunition used uh we have seen reports um in so many other cases that will uh and and look you always learn a lot especially when they're introducing a court of law right because um you're finding out about forensically some of the most modern techniques that are available to determine if if a if a case is is homicide or not or otherwise um so I subject of courts in the United States the burden of proof is on the prosecutor it is innocent to till proven guilty obviously but then it's also you have to prove it Beyond A Reasonable Doubt so it's not how does he prove that he didn't do it it's how does the state prove that he did do it it's a good point and um will this case ever reach that point uh look as of right now again we have One Singular report from One Singular media outlet that the cause of death is a self-inflicted gunshot woman W but then we also have a affidavit that I I hope that we have a physical copy of ourselves that we can actually show you here in the Stream Center that says that Micah revealed to her sister that it if I ever do have a bullet in my head it wasn't it was JP not me basically I'm paraphrasing there but uh just um we have we have a two conflicting narratives here Rachel and that's I think what um you know that's why you know again I want to just really quickly um go to this this poll and we'll load up these live results here or the live number uh do you believe the story from Mike's husband on how she died we'll we'll try to get this vote count as as high as we can and we'll look at the results here do you I mean does the public at large believe that this is in fact a self-inflicted act or do they believe that something nefarious happened uh to m in North Carolina what was she doing in North Carolina why was she in that state park um and what was her mental state a lot has been made of of her mental state um want to just uh point out that that she Micah was somebody who um was very expressive on social media there has been a lot discussed regarding her mental well-being dealing with um some difficulties in her marriage as has has been reported um if you or someone you know that that needs help there there's always help for you and you can find it there's the national uh suicide prevention Lifeline website uh that you can visit um there's great resources there you can also dial 1 1800 2738255 that is a 247 uh hotline for for people that are um are having extreme difficulties in their life we want to point that out uh while we have a a audience here on this story here in the Tampa Bay area you can dial 211 to reach the crisis center of Tampa Bay thank you Rachel I appreciate that uh Mariah with a VIP comment to her website she needed help and the system failed her Micah seemed like such a beautiful soul she deserves Justice and so the the the part where Mariah says the system failed her we we there's just so much unknown and I I don't want to say that that the system didn't fail her or did fail her I'm I just want to remind our audience that there is so much that we don't know uh about this story but um I think that that when you have Mariah here talking about that Micah seemed like such a beautiful soul that she deserves Justice I mean I mean the the photos some of her videos which we can't play on the live stream but some of the videos that have been um you know shared and retweeted on social media you know her her talking very eloquently about herself um and sharing a little bit of the details about her life um yeah she she does seem like a beautiful soul and and she absolutely deserves justice but as a reminder we just don't know exactly we can't definitively State at this time as to what happened to her um but I think that these when we do get you know we we'll we'll we'll go to these poll results here soon we'll try to get to maybe 150 or something votes just try to get it as high as we can so that we have more representation in those results but um there there's just a large collection of people out there that just do not believe that she would do this to herself and believes it's something something you know evil happened and I hope that with um the investigators leading the way I hope we're able to get to the truth at some point let's go to the uh comment section and and look for some other comments anything to add Rachel while I'm looking here just from going through her social media posts it's obvious that she was going through something but she found a lot of Peace in her religion which is not a surprised she was really active in her church literally the pastor's wife Christ Ina my heart hurt this is a comment a VIP comment which sticks on my screen it's just easier for me to see my heart uh hurts for her family I pray they get the Justice get Justice for Micah Rest in paradise Beautiful Soul um let's see here um hash ajb wouldn't her mental state be a HIPPA issue for uh for for for JP to announce to the church seems odd that he would would do that in public um I don't think that's how hippo Works no but yeah I I I mean just to speak so generally um I I I don't believe is is breaking any laws um or or or doing or or going against any particular rule or policy um but it it is it's it look tragedy impacts everyone differently everyone has their own coping mechanisms I've talked on live streams in the past about how the most common reaction that we see when we cover tragic stories when somebody is grieving a tragic sudden out of nowhere loss it is more common for them to grieve in private to mourn in private to um and that's not to say that's for everybody but just avoiding the media um avoid just just needing time to yourself and your and your in your inner circle your family and your friends in this particular case you have uh somebody who is quite literally announcing to his congregation what has happened and and divulging a little bit into um you know Micah's alleged mental state so you can't point to JP's actions there and say that there's you know something there that that adds up to you know what could amount to an act of evil you you everyone Grieves differently when it comes to tragedy I I I have seen it um professionally and personally everyone has their own some people look talked about um the petito case quite a bit um and the reaction to the petito case when when when Gabby was um was missing and and even after she was you know confirmed to have been um been murdered um you had Gabby's family that was very visible and present in front of the cameras wanting to honor her Legacy and do right for her and get Justice for her um but that's not always the case it's not always um that common that we see a family so visible and and um and public in the face of such tragedy so um Everybody responds differently and and in this case we have somebody who has a very public job somebody had had a very public job thank you for the correction as a reminder JP Rachel's right on it JP um is no longer with what was it Solid Rock no uh I don't remember no the name of the church it was it's in the story Solid Rock Church Market Common it just didn't sound right off the hung for some reason Solid Rock Church I wrote two stories about two different churches today so my brain is scrambled yeah yeah my brain is scrambled from just the Myriad of reports that continue to come in on this story and trying to you know some get filed into fact some get filed into uh fiction and some are in that gray area where we're just trying to figure out if it's real or not I understand why JP wouldn't want to speak to the media or make any public statements because the entire internet seems to think that he is a suspect or at least a potential suspect that brings me to my next point you know what we don't know or at least you can correct me because you've been combing through more reports than I have on this story today I've been trying to read up as quickly as I can I don't I I haven't seen a report yet on whether or not JP is cooperating with investigators that's a good point that's probably why we're going to learn more tomorrow I think so uh but also too the family Dynamic uh that exists right now between you know JP's side of the family as well as you know Micah's side of the family her her brother her sister you know who's talking who's texting um you know a lot goes on behind the scenes with with massive stories like this and and uh who is really trying to you know help out investigators and and uh clear clearly we have the the documents that show that that um again it was it was Nathan and uh Sierra they they've been trying to cooperate with in with the investigators based on that arest affidavit that we don't physically have just yet but still I mean what is really going on behind the scenes right now in that inner circle or even that Outer Circle that exists surrounding the family I'm sure it's just a lot of chatter back all over the place back and forth me that affidavit from her sister there's some very serious things being said yeah and we we we just would like to to have that in our hands before we really comb through it um folks understand um look this is the opinion of one of our commenters Kelly says he seems so suspicious I totally do not believe him I think there's a lot of people that feel that way based on the comments that seeing you know Banna is another one how can we believe him he's saying without a doubt it was self-inflicted meanwhile the Corner's office says that they they absolutely cannot rule out Foul Play well we we again we're trying to Brianna we're trying to get you know what is the med the outlet that is reporting the cause of death can you check one more time they don't have a document right they're not saying here are the documents here's the medical examiner's report on cause of death they're not showing that they have obtained doc documents they're just reporting the cause of death right because I I think that that's an important distinction this is interesting their story now says that they've requested reports interest oh they're talking about the ones for March sorry oh okay they they updated their story um some other comments here Kim voted in our poll uh and um this will be a last call for people to vote in this on this question or submit an answer to this I hate using poll poll makes me it's like I know it's it's like an election year and poll questions and I hate using the the you know poll question label it's it's tell us what you think and uh submit your answer to hjb doli with our One Tap no sign up poll question see I I don't want to use the word poll but it still just rolls off the tongue Kim says I'm struggling to vote anything other than not sure because we just don't know enough yet and and we'll get to we'll try to to to get as many final votes here as possible um final you know reactions from folks on our website and then we'll we'll look at the results here of this um and again it's very simple you go to our website www.j.com right here on the yeah over here um vote now like yes no not sure not here to do anything other than give you a destination to vote and and submit your response on a story that we cover hopefully that makes sense to people um so with that here was it here's a comment I'm not going to I don't want to read it in full it's a it's a very strong opinionated comment from Gnostic um but you can read it for yourself folks it's in our comment section what's interesting about this story is that the husband JP Miller is such a public figure in this community and all of his sermons are still on YouTube I mean they're they're still so people are are watching them and forming their own opinion and trying to get an sense get an idea as to you know who we're talking about here just just in this case like like people are you know combing through Micah's social media profile watching her videos checking out her her her posts reading her posts trying to get an ideas to who she was at least through the prism of social media we're having that that same prism on the other end but we have it in the in the in a different capacity because JP is is giving church sermons at solid rock Rock Church and um if you go to some of these church sermons right now Rachel on YouTube in the comment section I it's not it's not about the sermon it's about him and and their comments from the last week and and people who are uh look sharing their opinion I'll just say that yeah you can see the newer ones have a lot of views because that's the first thing that pops up when you search for it it's interesting it's interesting that the website is down but those sermons are still up on their YouTube channel not even unlisted fully public it could be any moment where all those videos just get removed from public and get moved into private or unlisted uh but for what it's worth right now all all those all those sermons are are are public and um people are again I'm trying to be a responsible journalist here he is not a sus he has not been labeled a suspect publicly by the Robinson County Sheriff's Office he he has not been named a person of interest at this time just a a grieving husband who based of course on what we were learning about Micah's you know her her you know her marriage to him that they they had struggles but they are not alone in having struggles um with their marriage and there are couples uh in in every corner of the world that have struggles public and private and so um look we might find out more tomorrow um but as of right now that's how this is how we have to treat it from a from a responsible standpoint um I think it's interesting that the sermons are still up but the website is down yeah yeah the sermons are up it's a lot of sermons how many it's like a few dozen I think oh yeah most of them have like a hundred views but then you go to the more recent ones and it's a lot like thousands all right let's let's go to uh the results on this poll this this question that we have asked our audience we asked and we had to we had to word this quite delicately do you believe the story from Micah's husband on how she died uh we have eclipsed about 200 votes there and um and we here let's let's reveal the results hold on let's try that again let's reveal the results wow IED that I we I do a lot of this interactive work for a living it's not very common you see a 1% show up on screen I've never seen this yeah in hash hey JB history uh 1% uh oh and it was how many votes one wow so one person who look this is an unscientific social media based poll with social media referrals people going from Facebook and YouTube over to our site but it's it's a good opportunity for us it's a barometer for us to get an idea as to how people are viewing a story when they read for themselves or hear it from us or whatever however they are finding out the grand man specifics about a story that we are covering on stream it's a it's an idea it's a way it's a means for us to figure out how that information is being received and the and the opinions that are being formed um on that story again unscientific I would imagine that most people that have found this live stream are here because they think that there is more to this story we understand the Optics of asking the question on the bottom of your screen but one person of more than 200 believes the story that was given by Mikey Miller's husband um to the congregation that day which again I will um I will I will read uh as as follows I got a call late last night my wife has passed away it was self-induced and it was up in North Carolina y'all pray for me and my kids and everybody you all knew she wasn't well mentally and she needed medicine that was hard to get to her I'm sure there will be more details to come but keep her family in your prayers I'm reading that now differently isn't that interesting but keep her family in your prayers yeah doesn't don't they have children yeah keep keep our family yeah are the are the in-laws not part of your family don't want to read too much in anything that's one word but right it's just interesting you know keep her family in your prayers yeah people can make I'm just you can make that everyone can form their own opinion but that clearly they second time I read the poll yeah clearly and like a testament to how much attention the story is getting when you search for the church on YouTube you have to scroll past people making videos about this story pretty far to actually get to their YouTube channel and I know this is blowing up on Tik Tok and look there there are going to be creators out there on Tik Tok on Instagram on YouTube on all these places that that are going to tell you this person is guilty they did it it's just a matter of time look if you're looking for that type of content for us to just you know Hammer home the court of public opinion that is you found the wrong place I'm just telling you we are trying to of course um go through the reports figure out what is uh fact what is fiction and and trying to help it be more understandable to our audience because when this many when we have this volume of reports that are coming out in a single day it can be difficult for everybody to to process what is real and what isn't so that's something that we are able to do here in the Stream Center and help with I think people just want to put all the pieces together but we don't have them that's right we don't have the biggest pieces all the puzzle pieces aren't dumped on the table yet so people want to piece it all together but they're just not there they're not there um yeah there are some crazy theories in the comment section where people say I believe this happened and then it's followed by a pretty wild crazy story we do have to be somewhat respon even when you say state that it's your opinion we have to be somewhat responsible and not sharing crazy outlandish conspiracy theories I mean look we have seen in the past where sometimes the most outlandish of of Concepts can prove to be somewhat close to the orbit of the truth but um at at this stage with so much unnown in the story I can't share uh crazy theories like that sometimes the simplest answer is the answer that's the solution yep uh this is a final call for questions or comments on this story um I can't see this comment doesn't have this com this comment doesn't have have hashtags so I can't put it on screen it's it's our rule but the person said you induce childbirth not someone's death it is a weird choice of words yeah but like also people are reacting to that they're so close to being the exact same thing right they are very close again we were talking earlier about self induced versus versus self-inflicted and uh the pastor former Pastor uh said Ed the label of self us which few people thought was kind of odd that's the language used um or no self-inflicted is the language used when you're talking about self harm and things like that but they're basically synonyms there's not really a difference uh FBI I believe that news reporter is getting from a medical examiner that did not go out to the scene medical examiner on call went out to the scene and did most of the work not the one that is in their story giving oh yes so that is in the story okay so wait so so what exactly is in that story in relation to what FBI black SUV is saying here on YouTube one second okay Johnson that's the person that they are citing this all from said he wasn't the who Johnson oh let me let me scroll back up he is a medical examiner and he said he wasn't the on call medical examiner that weekend but he did go to the scene to assist the actual on call medical examiner so the guy that was called in to help is the one tipping off this one station yeah he wasn't on on call or on duty all right so again if you missed it earlier on the stream the Robinson County Sheriff's Office I I'll repeat this one more time they say that they are aware that information pertaining to the death of Mel Miller has been released by the North Carolina medical examiner office Sheriff bernus wil has scheduled a meeting with the family of Micah and will be releasing more detailed information to substantiate the medical examiner findings tomorrow evening Sheriff Wilkins is also asking for everyone to please await the full timeline of events before making assumptions and coming to conclusions it sounds like we might be on the stream tomorrow evening o well that was what we knew all day basically we expected the medical examiner report to come out tomorrow and then this one Station group somehow got the scoop I guess this is we I talk about this all the time about the the flow of information with a developing story this is the perfect opportunity for a press conference perfect opportunity I mean textbook where the lead investigative agency comes out to the podium and they don't even have to take questions but just set the narrative straight because social media is firing all of these claims all over the place and this is the time to get a hold on it if you're not going to do a press conference a very well put together press release stating what we need to know what the public should and needs to know at this stage in the investigation because right now uh social media is an arena of fact versus fiction and it's getting it's getting borderline out of hand an example of one of these press conferences that was held just to kind of s satiate the demand was that one mateline stto case press conference from CMI police where there didn't end up really being any developments they were just saying we're still investigating yep and so on yeah th this is some law enforcement agencies are going to be really efficient at working with the the uncontrollable public narrative and trying to get good information out there without Fanning the Flames of misinformation I knew a sheriff once and I will not mention him by name but I knew him and he was every time he went up to the podium he was he just he could not help himself from saying something that led to endless speculation on social media it just he was he wasn't good at taking questions from the media and I told him about I said every time every time that you're up at the podium people are just ready for for Bombshells because you're a loose cannon I I told him that and and he you know he he he knew that that was that that was the case and so that he was trying to work with his media relations team on on being more controlled in those environments but it can be very difficult for a law enforcement agency to control what what is go all the questions that they're getting the theories that they're getting the amount of tips that they're receiving it can be overwhelming especially for a smaller agency that doesn't have just you know an entire team related to public information or an entire team related to tips around the clock that are coming in uh this can be a very challenging set of circumstances with when a story gets this big for you know your you know your local home Town sort of police agency that that doesn't you know have the robust you know resources that you would see in a Tampa in a Chicago in a Dallas in a San Francisco in a Seattle Miami Orlando even Jacksonville you know some of the you know not maybe the massive cities but you know cities that fall underneath the massive cities Nashville uh so on and so forth I mean it's just when it's when it's the the you know the local the local smaller law enforcement and believe me those investigators those officers those deputies they do phenomenal job with with the little the the the very small amount of resources that they have but it can be a challenge when a massive enormous story falls in the lap of a smaller Force so to speak I used to work in Fargo North Dakota and our viewing area included some of the most rural areas in the country basically and a lot of the times the public public information officer was the sheriff we just had his number they didn't have a specialist that was in charge of controlling the flow of information to the public it I'm sure the sheriff you know probably mopped the floors once or twice every now and again to help clean up I mean just I mean we're talking about some smaller agencies and and some you could make the argument that the smallest of law enforcement agencies deserve you know the biggest Round of Applause because they try to do so much and they can do so much with so little but in when it comes to like cases like this it could be tough I mean how can you expect some crime that you think is innocuous in your community you think it's a suicide for example but social media thinks otherwise and it spreads like wildfire how could you prepare for that it it's fascinating conversation I uh I I I'd like to just make this the last call for any hashtag hjb questions or comments or uh any VIP comments that come in directly to our website last call and I'll try to Spotlight some some I see Justice for Micah um in our that hashtag starting to really appear um all over Twitter all over everywhere yeah and and we've seen the Justice 4 Hashtags with so many other stories and this is a story that is starting to really uh receive a whole lot of attention and when you've got so many different reports coming in that's to to be expected um because Justice still um is being called for in this case and uh man it we'll see where this goes over the it'll be fascinating to watch where this goes in the next we could be on live stream 24 hours from right now talking about whatever the law enforcement update is um but I'm not seeing too many other hashtag based comments I really appreciate your time here as a reminder folks you can go to wfla.com you can click on the link in the description on this video you can find out more about this story Rachel Kevin are entire wfla.com team will be posting updates to these stories and more again reports Micah Miller was afraid for her life before death that's based on of course the March complaints that came in details on our website on our app and for those on social media it's as simple as clicking on the link in the description on this video uh again uh the stream Center a place where we are able to do interactive journalism a place where we're able to comment back and forth with our commenters also share out uh high quality feeds of press conferences breaking news so on and so forth and then um you know look also as well a massive function is to help our audience and US collectively discover truth right I mean that's something that's really important to us here that's what the news Gathering processes yeah I I think that's why we do this job so it can be challenging on days like today but we do our very best of course to uh help people figure out what is um what is something that they should be paying attention to versus something that is just not you know all the way there yet on on being facted and so we appreciate everybody uh joining us uh tomorrow will be an interesting day you can follow me at wjb on social uh you can follow WFA on social as well we'll try to share out updates as they come in on this story we'll see you next time here from the stream Center be well folks take care one another [Music]
Channel: WFLA News Channel 8
Views: 223,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: news, wfla, viral, breaking, YouTube
Id: g7JQxuGDv6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 59sec (4079 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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