Affirmations of God's Goodness & Love [Sleep Meditation]

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rest as you listen to this peaceful bedtime story for more bible stories that bring you refreshing sleep download the abide app in the itunes or google play store welcome to the bedtime story a glorious vision taken from luke chapter 8 verses 28 to 36. in this story jesus gives his disciples a glimpse of his glory a glimpse of their future in his kingdom a glimpse of god's great love he invites them into a deeper reality and grants them a special vision of who he is and what he has come to do jesus invites you into this too he longs to show himself to you in new and deeper ways even as you rest in his loving care you enter this story take a moment to get comfortable stretch out adjust your pillow or blankets as you need to and settle into a soft place [Music] inhale deeply [Music] breathing in god's peace and presence and exhale breathing out your worries notice your breath [Music] let it become regular and even steady and calming relax your feet [Music] feel your calves softening feel your thighs loosen and as you continue breathing in calm breaths feel the relaxation move into every muscle of your body [Music] ask for god's spirit to surround you as i pray heavenly father thank you for exalting your son and for sending him to show us the way to you and thank you for sending your holy spirit to this precious child whom you have created and redeemed now father would you fill this child with patience and peace help them to surrender their burdens and worries to you and to rest confident in your care right now calm their muscles and their mind as they sleep grant them dreams about your wonders and your glory refresh them as they rest help them grow closer to you i pray this in jesus name amen [Music] imagine that you're john jesus beloved disciple you've been following jesus for a while now and you've seen him doing amazing things you've seen the sick healed you've seen the hungry fed in fact just the other day jesus took five loaves of bread and two fish and somehow fed hungry crowds of thousands of people with baskets of food left over after everyone had eaten their full you've traveled with jesus and you've listened to him teach crowds nearly every day but tonight jesus invites you to do something different come with me he says up to the mountain to pray you're tired from the crowds and a night on the mountain sounds like a perfect break you and peter and james join jesus and walking up the mountainside conversations quiet and the sounds of the town below you fade until all you hear as you walk is the sound of your sandals slapping the dusty path your own breath and steady puffs and the occasional rustle of animals off the path the sun begins to set the wind picks up drying your sweat and providing a welcome break from the heat you've settled into a rhythm walking this path together your legs move easily you look up as the first stars come out and in the quiet you remember what jesus said to peter earlier jesus had asked you all as you lounged eating dinner together one night who do the crowd say that i am you and the others told jesus the whispers you'd heard the rumors that had spread around nazareth some people said that he was john the baptist others said he was the prophet elijah or one of the other prophets have long ago come back to life but what about you he asked who do you say that i am you had all been quiet nervous to admit your questions your hopes you looked at each other took sips of water to avoid answering all but peter he was always quick to speak peter said you're god's messiah jesus smiled at peter and you felt spread through your bones your heart pounded it was true all you'd hardly dared to dream jesus was the one god had sent to save you [Music] he spoke again don't tell this to anyone he said he warned you that there was suffering ahead both for him and for you but he also spoke of glory to come as you near the top of the mountain you wonder what that could mean you try to imagine god coming to earth in all his glory [Music] let's rest here jesus says breaking you out of your reverie you sit finding a large stone to lean against and set down your bag next to you it's beautiful on the mountain tonight a light chill in the air the heavy smoky scent of oak trees perfuming the night the sky is clear and the thousands of stars remind you of the promise god made to your ancestor abraham you realize that jesus has started praying you join him and peter and james and you think of the thousands of people who have prayed to this god you're joining a host of people who have waited and prayed to god for a messiah but now you're praying to god with the messiah words of praise from the psalms spring to your heart [Music] give praise to the lord proclaim his name make known among the nations what he has done sing to him sing praise to him tell of all his wonderful acts glory in his holy name let the hearts of those who seek the lord rejoice look to the lord in his strength seek his face always remember the wonders he has done his miracles and the judgments he pronounced you his servants the descendants of abraham his chosen ones the children of jacob he is the lord our god his judgments are in all the earth he remembers his covenant forever the promise he made for a thousand generations the covenant he made with abraham hours have passed spent in sweet communion with god and your friends [Music] you've wrapped a blanket around your shoulders to ward off the chill and you notice that your eyes are growing heavy a peaceful night invites you to rest [Music] lightning in the sky no it's not lightning it's jesus you know it's him but he looks different in a way you can't find words for transfigured his clothes are shining as if all the stars in the sky have come down and rest upon him and he's not alone he's talking with two other men you've never seen them before but you know instinctively who they are moses and elijah they seem to be encouraging jesus talking with him about the same things that he had told you about about the suffering he was about to face and the death he would endure he watched them quietly stunned in awe feeling more than ever a part of a grand drama god has been directing for a thousand years these men are your ancestors and also somehow they feel like you're brothers your companions in the journey others who know what it's like to be loved by god and to be promised a messiah at peace in this moment you remember words that moses wrote lord you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world from everlasting to everlasting you are god you turn people back to dust saying return to dust you mortals a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by or like a watch in the night teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom relent lord how long will it be have compassion on your servants satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us for as many years as we have seen trouble may your deeds be shown to your servants your splendor to their children may the favor of the lord our god rest on us establish the work of our hands for us yes establish the work of our hands who knows how much time has passed this glorious moment feels outside of time somehow but suddenly [Music] you realize that moses and elijah are saying goodbye peter tries to stop them and calls out to jesus master it is good for us to be here let us put up three shelters one for you one for moses and one for elijah uh he doesn't seem to know what he's saying but you feel it too a desire to stay in this moment forever and then a cloud descends upon all of you a voice comes from the cloud saying this is my son whom i have chosen listen to him and then the cloud is gone and jesus is alone again you don't speak about what happened you hold it quietly treasuring it in your heart pondering it there are no words but you know that tonight you've seen something you'll never forget you're changed you have a glimpse now of the glory that has to come of the future that god has promised beyond the suffering you pull your blanket tighter and curl up under an oak tree the scent of lilies fills the air the stars are beginning to fade but you don't see them anymore you're sleeping peacefully resting in the vision god has given god loves you he is the author of your story he wants to show himself to you he wants to care for you jesus loves you he is your friend and your brother and your savior the holy spirit loves you and is with you now the spirit comforts you and guides you into all truth abide with god now father son and holy spirit let me pray for you glorious god thank you for inviting this child of yours to be part of your story [Music] thank you for folding them into your family thank you for revealing yourself to them thank you for giving this child a heart that desires to know you more help them now to rest peacefully to be refreshed and restored and to be filled with your spirit it's in jesus name that i pray amen god's glory is beyond what you can imagine god's love for you is greater than you can conceive so trust in christ abide in christ rest in christ now imagine yourself sitting on a very busy downtown street you're blind so you can't see what's going on around you but the crowd is overwhelming your voice cannot be heard there are so many people walking on the sidewalk that you're constantly being bumped into the sounds the smells the dust the clamor every day it's the same you keep asking and begging for someone anyone to give you just a little bit of money so you can eat you hear no friendly words you feel no friendly touch in fact you can hear some talking about you unkindly maybe thinking because that you can't see you can't hear [Music] all of a sudden you hear someone shout there he is everybody immediately starts to surge toward this individual you have no idea who they're all wanting to see you try and ask people who is there but no one answers you then you hear someone say there's jesus you've heard of this man his amazing teaching his miracles oh his miracles the thought flits through your mind that maybe jesus could help you he's helped so many others but then reality sets in and the hope drains from you you've been tossed aside so many times why would jesus even pay any attention to you you just sit there try to listen to what's going on just then you hear someone call out to you did you hear that right did someone say your name and then then you hear it again softer closer gentler not since your father spoke to you as a child have you heard your name said in that way so so lovingly all other noise has stopped it's as if you're in a cave no one around you moves or speaks it's jesus [Music] you don't know how you know but you know it's jesus [Music] and he has found you you feel his hand on your forehead you you hear his gentle voice and all of a sudden the darkness that has always enveloped you starts to grow thinner light begins to break through and your eyes begin to focus and you find yourself looking directly into jesus's eyes and jesus is looking directly at you and you feel more love coming from him than you have ever felt in your entire life imagine being blind your whole life and then miraculously being healed imagine being overlooked ridiculed and then suddenly loved beyond your wildest imagination out of all the others on the street that day that he could have stopped for jesus chose you maybe you felt the way that the blind man felt that people ignore you and you feel that you're not worthy of love maybe you've been suffering with an ailment and you feel that god has forgotten you but the truth is this you are worth everything in the eyes of jesus [Music] and he wants what is best for you [Music] listen to john 3 1 from the amplified bible see what an incredible quality of love the father has shown to us that we would be permitted to be named and called and counted the children of god and so we are for this reason the world does not know us [Music] because it did not know him god calls us his children so that we can get a glimpse an idea of what our relationship with him should be truth is there's no way we can totally grasp just how much he loves each of us it's too vast and wide it's immeasurable unchanging never-ending did you hear that never ending [Music] he will always love you we are all so precious to him webster's dictionary defines the word precious as something of great value not to be wasted or treated carelessly that's how god views you you have value you are not to be wasted or treated carelessly maybe you feel like you've done so many wrong things in your life that god doesn't love you that couldn't be more wrong [Music] god loves you so much that he sent his son jesus to die for you [Music] perhaps you've seen the verse john 3 16 on a sign in the end zone of a football game along the side of the road on a billboard but let's take a closer look at that verse in the new living translation for this is how god loved the world he gave his one and only son so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life god did that for everyone meaning no matter what you've done in your life god still loves you so much that he sent his son to die for you you're precious to him jesus loved telling stories in luke 15 11-32 in the new living translation he tells the story of the prodigal son to demonstrate god's love for us [Music] even when you mess up in sin and don't feel worthy of god's love this story explains how god views you listen to this parable a man had two sons the younger son told his father i want my share of your estate now before you die so his father agreed to divide his wealth between his sons a few days later this younger son packed all his belongings and moved to a distant land and there he wasted all his money and wild living about the time his money ran out a great famine swept over the land and he began to starve he persuaded a local farmer to hire him and the man sent him into his fields to feed the pigs the young man became so hungry that even the pods he was feeding the pigs looked good to him [Music] but no one gave him anything when he finally came to his senses he said to himself at home [Music] even the hired servants have food enough to spare and here i am dying of hunger i will go home to my father and say father i have sinned against both heaven and you and i'm no longer worthy of being called your son please take me on as a hired servant so he returned home to his father and while he was still a long way off father saw him coming filled with love and compassion he ran to his son embraced him and kissed him his son said to him father i have sinned against both heaven and you and i am no longer worthy of being called your son but his father said to his servants quick bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him get a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet and kill the calf we have been fattening we must celebrate with a feast for this son of mine was dead and is now returned to life he was lost but now he is found so the party began [Music] meanwhile the older son was in the fields working when he returned home he heard music and dancing in the house and he asked one of the servants what was going on your brother is back he was told and your father has killed the fattened calf we are celebrating because of his safe return the older brother was angry and wouldn't go in his father came out and begged him but he replied all these years have slaved for you and never once refused to do a single thing you told me to do and in all that time you never gave me even one young goat for a feast with my friends yet when this son of yours comes back after squandering your money on prostitutes you celebrate by killing the fattened calf [Music] his father said to him look dear son you've always stayed with me and everything i have is yours we had to celebrate this happy day for your brother was dead and has come back to life he was lost but now he is found god is telling you right now that he loves you you are so precious to him no matter how much you've sinned [Music] god is still waiting for you to come back to him now sleep in confidence knowing that you are loved and are precious to god let's pray oh dear father thank you for loving us thank you for your grace and mercy [Music] i ask now that you would come and comfort your child as they sleep tonight may the lord bless them and protect them may the lord smile on them and be gracious to them may the lord show you his favor and give you his peace amen [Music] now rest in his loving arms fuel the peace that comes from asking god to be with you all you need to do is ask feel the steady beat of your heart slowing to a relaxed peaceful rhythm you are at peace oh how the father loves you and oh how you need to hear that tonight he loves you this sleep meditation will not only help you rest securely in god's presence it will remind you of who you are in the eyes of the lord you are completely whole not lacking anything abundantly filled by the savior rest in the fullness of jesus christ your personal savior [Music] let's pray lord jesus [Music] thank you for being our all in all nothing can make us whole or complete like you can only you can fill the empty spaces the parts of us that feel insecure and lacking we surrender our longings to you tonight as we hear from the scriptures open our minds our hearts and souls receive your beautiful affirmations many of us come to you with bruised hearts with minds filled with all kinds of mistruths about ourselves oh how we need healing and comfort lord as this listener seeks your truth tonight i ask in your name that you will flood them with beautiful affirmations of who they are in you please remove all their doubts fears and uncertainties please lord fill them with your presence your love and your wholeness thank you lord jesus it is in your name that we offer this prayer tonight my friend you might not feel valued whole or complete but please hear me when i say that you are cherished loved valued confident [Music] and able the scriptures speak to us about this very thing from acts chapter 17 saying he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation that they would seek god if perhaps they might grope for him and find him though he is not far from each one of us for in him we live and move and exist as even some of your own poets have said for we also are his children he made from one man every nation deliberately intentionally and wholeheartedly god fashioned you as part of his divine purpose he appointed your time and your place and your being let that sink in for several moments heavenly father thank you for creating this beloved child they are purposed in you their life has been appointed for this exact time in history their life is not a mistake or an afterthought your word says that you created all nations from one man adam and we know that it is your desire that every person from every nation would seek you and find you you are not far from us in you we live and move and have our being be with us tonight reassure this listener of your presence and remind them of how valuable they are [Music] breathe deeply allow your lungs to expand as you inhale then release your breath out allowing god to cleanse you from all the mistruths you've believed about yourself allow the lord to take you from feeling unworthy to worthy in him allow the lord to take you from feeling shameful too respectable in his sight allow the lord to take you from feeling empty to overflowing by the power of his presence as ephesians chapter 3 verse 12 says in christ jesus we have boldness and access with confidence through faith in him beloved from this bible affirmation you can say i am bold i am confident i have faith in christ jesus [Music] feel the confidence rising in your soul not self-confidence but christ confidence bold fearless strong complete thank you lord [Music] for the confidence we have in you nothing can stand against us when we remain in the fullness of who you are in 1st john we hear these words of affirmation this is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment in this world we are like jesus love is made complete among us in christ jesus [Music] rest in his complete love tonight in this world you are like jesus you bear witness of him you clothe yourself with him you display his love everywhere you go [Music] from these words of affirmation you can say i am clothed in christ i am made complete in his love rest here beloved may god himself the god of peace sanctify you through and through may your whole spirit soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our lord jesus christ god makes you whole by sanctifying you through and through your whole spirit soul and body is kept blameless in him forgiven washed cleansed and blameless in the sight of the lord [Music] feel the security of god's presence surrounding you there is no safer place to be [Music] jesus is with you and in you as the scriptures say in ephesians chapter 1 god is subjected everything under his feet and appointed him as head over everything for the church which is his body the fullness of the one who fills all things in every way [Music] thank you father for appointing your son to be sovereign overall allow this dear listener to rest securely in the fullness of your son's presence as he fills all things in every way from these biblical affirmations you can say i am guarded filled and whole in my savior rest under the blessed covering of these truths tonight feel the warmth of your covers as a symbol of the comforting warmth of grace that encloses you hear the faint sounds in the room fading away as you allow yourself to drift into peaceful sleep gracious god please protect this beloved child tonight lull them with your affirmations of peace and provision assure them of your love for them calm their souls and speak words of wholeness into their hearts fill them to the full in the name of your son jesus amen as the scriptures tell us in colossians 2 from the new living translation for in christ lives all the fullness of god in a human body so you also are complete through your union with christ who is the head over every ruler and authority [Music] because of this affirmation you can say i am complete i lack nothing the fullness of god lives in me through christ my lord beloved one you are kept held safe complete whole feel the glory of the lord surrounding you his glory is given to you by jesus as he said in john 17 and the glory which you gave me i have given them that they may be one just as we are one i in them and you and me [Music] that they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them as you have loved me hear those words of affirmation from jesus again that they may be one just as we are one i in them and you and me that they may be perfect in one [Music] perfect in one father son and holy spirit rest in his perfect holiness you are complete in him from this affirmation you can say i am one with my savior i am made perfect in him what a blessing to be included as one with the savior [Music] marvel in this miraculous blessing tonight jesus makes you whole and complete there is nothing he cannot fill be filled with the holy spirit love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control you are filled with these divine attributes when you invite god's spirit to dwell in you father thank you for making this treasured person whole and complete thank you for making them perfect in you but the world may see and know that you are god let your glory surround this listener tonight as rays of hope and peace through the entire night please continue to speak words of affirmation to them assuring them of your love bless them lord guard them keep them close i pray in jesus name amen the scriptures confirm in ephesians 3 for this reason i bow my knees to the father of our lord jesus christ from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might through his spirit in the inner man that christ may dwell in your hearts through faith that you being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width in length and depth and height to know the love of christ which passes knowledge that you may be filled with all the fullness of god be filled with all the fullness of god comprehend his love for you be rooted in him be strengthened by his spirit know that you are made whole and complete in him dear one the sweet affirmations from the bible are ours to read day after day they strengthen us to say i am confident in christ with him i am able to accomplish the impossible for jesus said in matthew 19 man this is impossible but with god all things are possible father thank you for making all things possible in your strength your timing and your will please remind this child do you have given them a spirit not of fear but of power love [Music] and self-control assure them that you are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that they ask or think we give you all the glory honor and praise tonight in jesus name it was job who said to the lord i know that you can do everything and that no purpose of yours can be withheld from you from this passage we can confidently say i know you can do everything lord i know that your purpose cannot be withheld from you thank you lord for accomplishing your purpose in this child's life as the scriptures say he who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of jesus christ you are part of god's purpose you are part of his plan in his kindness god called you to share in his eternal glory by means of christ jesus so after you have suffered a little while he will restore support and strengthen you and he will place you on a firm foundation all power to him forever amen [Music] all power to god forever and ever all glory be unto his name gracious god we rest in your strength support and restoration tonight with each breath we know that in you we live and move and have our being we are affirmed of our wholeness in your son and we remain in him our firm foundation jesus christ [Music] you can sleep in peace tonight knowing that the lord of all creation loves and protects you you can sleep in peace knowing that your identity is found in him and not in the world the same god who drew abraham isaac and jacob to himself is the same god who is drawing you long ago in ancient israel god's people would gather at the temple and sing about god's love their voices would carry throughout the temple and throughout jerusalem allowing anyone in range to hear about god's mighty works one of these songs is found in psalm 118. thanks to the lord for he is good his love endures forever let israel say his love endures forever let the house of aaron say his love endures forever let those who fear the lord say his love endures forever [Music] when hard-pressed i cried to the lord he brought me into a spacious place the lord is with me i will not be afraid what can mere mortals do to me the lord is with me he is my helper i look in triumph on my enemies it is better to take refuge in the lord than to trust in humans it is better to take refuge in the lord than to trust in princes all the nations surrounded me but in the name of the lord i cut them down i was pushed back and about to fall but the lord helped me the lord is my strength and my defense he has become my salvation shouts of joy and victory resound in the tense of the righteous the lord's right hand has done mighty things the lord's right hand is lifted high the lord's right hand has done mighty things i will not die but live and will proclaim what the lord has done open for me the gates of the righteous i will enter and give thanks to the lord this is the gate of the lord through which the righteous may enter i will give you thanks for you answered me you have become my salvation the stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone the lord has done this and it is marvelous in our eyes the lord has done it this very day let us rejoice today and be glad lord save us lord grant us success blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord from the house of the lord we bless you the lord is god and he has made his light shine on us with bows in hand join in the festival procession up to the horns of the altar you are my god and i will praise you you are my god and i will exalt you give thanks to the lord for he is good his love endures forever thank you lord for loving this child of yours amen god's love is a pursuing love it's a love that pursues you runs after you it's a love that forgives and doesn't remember it's a love that restores and renews it's a love full of grace and truth it's a love filled with new beginnings and new mercies for you every morning king david wrote about god's pursuing and protecting love in a famous song we know as psalm 23 when the israelites sang its lyrics they were reminded of god's unexplainable uncontainable love they were reminded that no matter where they go in life god was watching over them protecting them the same is true for you it's easy to imagine the israelites gathered together in solomon's temple men and women young and old alike smiling and singing praises to the lord hands lifted high as they thank god for his all-pursuing all-protecting love the lord is my shepherd i have all that i need he lets me rest in green meadows he leaves me beside peaceful streams he renews my strength he guides me along right paths bringing honor to his name even when i walk through the darkest valley i will not be afraid for you are close beside me your rod and your staff protect and comfort me you prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies you honor me by anointing my head with oil my cup overflows with blessings surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life and i will live in the house of the lord forever god's love is the reason you can have peace you can feel safe because you are safe in his loving arms he is the creator of the mountains and the seas he is the maker of the hills and the valleys he spread the sand along the seashore and the stars across the sky he is a powerful god beyond description and he considers us the pinnacle of his creation he created us in order to love us and in order for us to love him long ago the israelites would gather in solomon's temple and sing about the peace god provides when enemies were all around this song was to be sung by sopranos or female voices we know it as psalm 46 god is our refuge and strength always ready to help in times of trouble so we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea let the oceans roar and foam let the mountains tremble as the waters surge a river brings joy to the city of our god the sacred home of the most high god dwells in that city it cannot be destroyed from the very break of day god will protect it the nations are in chaos and their kingdoms crumble god's voice thunders and the earth melts the lord of heaven's armies is here among us the god of israel is our fortress come see the glorious works of the lord see how he brings destruction upon the world he causes wars to end throughout the earth he breaks the bow and snaps the spear he burns the shields with fire be still and know that i am god i will be honored by every nation i will be honored throughout the world the lord of heaven's armies is here among us the god of israel is our fortress god's love is the reason you were created you were part of his plan before he formed adam and eve before he made the heavens and the earth and even before he made light itself god was thinking about you before the universe ever existed his plan for you is for your and for his glory king david penned a song about god's marvelous handiwork in creating each one of us david's song eventually became what we know as psalm 139 when the israelites sang it they were reminded of god's creative love for each one of his children that very thought drew the israelites to worship oh lord you have examined my heart and know everything about me you know when i sit down or stand up you know my thoughts even when i'm far away you see me when i travel and when i rest at home you know everything i do you know what i'm going to say even before i say it lord you go before me and follow me you place your hand of blessing on my head such knowledge is too wonderful for me too great for me to understand i can never escape from your spirit i can never get away from your presence if i go up to heaven you're there if i go down to the grave you are there if i ride the wings of the morning if i dwell by the farthest oceans even there your hand will guide me and your strength will support me i could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around me to become night but even in darkness i cannot hide from you to you the night shines as bright as day darkness and light are the same to you you made all the delicate inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb thank you for making me so wonderfully complex your workmanship is marvelous how well i know it you watched me as i was being formed in utter seclusion as i was woven together in the dark of the womb you saw me before i was born every day of my life was recorded in your book every moment was laid out before a single day had passed how precious are your thoughts about me god they cannot be numbered i can't even count them they outnumber the grains of sand and when i wake up you are still with me search me o god and know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts point out anything in me that offends you and lead me along the path of everlasting life [Music] the love of god is a saving redeeming love it's a love that heals troubled souls and restores broken lives it's a love overflowing with grace and mercy it's a love that never gives up on you and that forgives you again and again and again [Music] it's a love that only wants what is best for you thousands of years ago the ancient israelites sang about the redeeming love of god as they gathered in the temple of jerusalem they sang about the love and compassion of a holy god who is full of grace and mercy they sang about his restoring power and his infinite love later this song became known as psalm 103 praise the lord my soul all my inmost being praise his holy name praise the lord my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles the lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed he may known his ways to moses his deeds to the people of israel the lord is compassionate and gracious slow to anger abounding in love he will not always accuse nor will he harbor his anger forever he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities for as high as the heavens are above the earth so great is his love for those who fear him as far as the east is from the west so far has he removed our transgressions from us as a father has compassion on his children so the lord has compassion on those who fear him for he knows how we are formed he remembers that we are dust the life of mortals is like grass they flourish like a flower of the field the wind blows over it and it is gone and its place remembers it no more [Music] but from everlasting to everlasting the lord's love is with those who fear him and his righteousness with their children's children with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts the lord has established his throne in heaven and his kingdom rules over all praise the lord you his angels you mighty ones who do his bidding who obey his word praise the lord all his heavenly hosts you his servants who do his will praise the lord all his works everywhere in his dominion praise the lord my soul because god loves you you can love him he is worthy of worship and praise the ancient israelites often sang about god's love in a tune that became psalm 104. as you fall asleep let this be your prayer let all that i am praise the lord o lord my god how great you are you are robed with honor and majesty you are dressed in a robe of light you stretch out the starry curtain of the heavens you lay out the rafters of your home in the rain clouds you make the clouds your chariot you ride upon the wings of the wind the winds are your messengers flames of fire are your servants you placed the world on its foundation so it would never be moved you clothed the earth with floods of water water that covered even the mountains at your command the water fled at the sound of your thunder it hurried away mountains rose and valleys sank to the levels you decreed then you set a firm boundary for the seas so that they would never again cover the earth you make springs pour water into the ravines so streams gush down from the mountains they provide water for all the animals and the wild donkeys quench their thirst the birds nest beside the streams and sing among the branches of the trees you send rain on the mountains from your heavenly home and you fill the earth with the fruit of your labor you cause grass to grow for the livestock in plants for people to use you allow them to produce food from the earth wine to make them glad olive oil to soothe their skin and bread to give them strength the lord takes pleasure in all he has made the earth trembles at his glance the mountains smoke at his touch i will sing to the lord as long as i live i will praise my god to my last breath may all my thoughts be pleasing to him for i rejoice in the lord let all sinners vanish from the face of the earth let the wicked disappear forever let all that i am praise the lord praise the lord let me pray for you loving god thank you for this child of yours thank you for loving them protecting them and guiding them oh father i pray that your angels will surround them tonight [Music] i ask that you will watch over them in a mighty way give them peace grant them a marvelous restful night's sleep [Music] embrace them in your arms with your immeasurable loving kindness help them to wake up refreshed and renewed ready to serve you in jesus name i pray amen god's love is infinite immeasurable and uncontainable he will pursue you all the days of your life and you will live in the house of the lord forever accept his gift of perfect peace tonight rest in the presence of your savior you are loved thanks for listening to this abide sleep story let me pray over you dear father you are the god of peace you are the god of grace and mercy [Music] you are the god of sleep you are a sovereign a holy god who has a plan for our lives you triumph over all of our problems and you are constantly drawing us back to yourself father i thank you for this child of yours i thank you for their love for you their desire to know you more thank you for the many blessings in their life their bed their home their food their friends and family the very air they breathe father i pray that you will surround this child of yours with your presence bless them with wonderful sleep and health your word says you have overcome the world it says you are the lord of peace who grants us peace at all times in every way right now i ask that you will surround this child of yours with your marvelous peace like never before i ask that tonight they will have sweet dreams about your kingdom i ask that they will wake up refreshed and ready to serve you they are safe in your loving arms it's in christ's name that i pray amen [Music] for tonight's story let's take a journey back in time to the mediterranean sea during biblical times you'll walk along the shore and let your toes get lost in the sand you'll watch seagulls and eagles maybe even a few dolphins most of all though you'll relish in god's goodness and marvel at his creation while you do this we'll focus on who god is as we read a psalm of david psalm 24 it is thought that david may have written psalm 24 after the ark of the covenant was recovered and brought back into jerusalem the bible tells us that david was so full of joy that he danced in the streets praising god for protecting and blessing the israelites listen as i read psalm 24 the earth is the lord's and everything in it the world and all its people belong to him for he laid the earth's foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths who may climb the mountain of the lord who may stand in his holy place only those whose hands and hearts are pure who do not worship idols and never tell lies they will receive the lord's blessing and have a right relationship with god their savior such people may seek you and worship in your presence oh god of jacob open up ancient gates open up ancient doors and let the god of glory enter who is the king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord invincible in battle open up ancient gates open up ancient doors and let the king of glory enter who is the king of glory the lord of heaven's armies he is the king of glory for tonight's journey in ancient israel we'll explore the shores of the mediterranean sea it's morning time on your journey and you're walking on the sand covered beach along israel's western shore it's a perfect day to rest and relax it's not too hot it's not too cool a warm breeze from the mediterranean skips off the surface of the water and races through your hair and across your skin carrying with it the unmistakable aroma of salt water and marine life maybe even the smell of flowers from the adjacent valley you take in a deep breath ah and savor the fragrance nearby a few seagulls are hovering just above the water apparently in a competition for their next meal they squawk and fuss at one another as they take turns diving into the water as you walk along the shore the unmistakable sensation of sand massages the bottom of your feet and clings to the sides of your toes it's a fine textured lightish brown sand that resembles the color of the towering cliffs to your left you stand firmly in the sand for a moment in delight in its warmth you bury your left toe and then your right toe curling your toes up and down and letting the sand go whichever way it wishes the feeling is exhilarating but your feet don't stay buried very long because the warm waters of the mediterranean soon sweep across the sand and wash it back to sea [Music] instantly exposing your feet to the air you stand there for a few more moments to enjoy the scene burying your feet again in the sand and letting the mediterranean waters rush over them again looking down you spot a few small seashells dancing helplessly in the tide an orange one a white one and a brown one these seashells are common clam shells but still they're no less gorgeous than anything else on the beach today you pick one up as a keepsake listen as i read again the first few stanzas of psalm 24 the earth is the lord's and everything in it the world and all its people belonged to him for he laid the earth's foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths the whole earth belongs to god the beach the sea the creatures flying above and the ones swimming below all of it belongs to god and god is taking care of it this includes you god watches over and cares for his creation just as he cares for the birds of the air and the fish of the sea he is caring for you several minutes have passed since you played in the sand and by now the reddish orange sun directly behind you is about halfway up the sky ready to give much needed light to the people and crops of this bountiful blessed land just above the sun are three or four small puffy clouds that are sailing across the sea like a carefree group of sailboats gliding across the mediterranean itself in fact as you look down and gaze across the sea you spot a real-life fisherman's sailboat it's a moderate distance from the shore but close enough that you can discern the voices of the two men on board [Music] one of them has a grey beard the other looks a bit younger and has black facial hair it's quite possibly a father and son they're struggling to pull up a large net filled with today's catch you estimate that there are probably 100 or more fish in it hallelujah one of them shouts to the heavens as they pull the net out of the water and into the boat listen as i read the next group of stanzas from psalm 24 who may climb the mountain of the lord who may stand in his holy place only those whose hands and hearts are pure who do not worship idols and never tell lies they will receive the lord's blessing and have a right relationship with god their savior such people may seek you in worship in your presence oh god of jacob god is good god is holy and through christ you have clean hands and a pure heart when god looks at you he sees the righteousness of his son he doesn't see sin [Music] he sees jesus god loves you rest soundly tonight in this gift of salvation now a number of minutes have passed since the fishermen pulled the net out of the water high overhead [Music] you notice an eagle circling the sky it's fishing too hunting for its next meal eagles in this area often nest in the cliffs along the shore to your left and you watch this one dive rapidly toward the water and glide just above the surface as it reaches down and secures a small silver colored fish with its large yellow talons it barely slows down as it then races to its nest high in the cliffs to your left more than likely it's feeding its eaglet moments later you hear a voice at sea there they are look the voice shouts you glance toward the fisherman one of them is motioning toward the water trying to get the others attention he has spotted a group of dolphins playing alongside the boat leaping and splashing no doubt they've been eating the leftovers from the men's morning catch [Music] you see one dolphin jump high out of the water and then another and then another it's as if their dogs at sea and asking the fisherman for a treat one of the fishermen tosses a fish back out to sea and the dolphins quickly race for it you can hear the two men laughing listen now as i read the final stanzas of psalm 24 lift up your heads you gates be lifted up you ancient doors that the king of glory may come in who is this king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord mighty in battle lift up your heads you gates lift them up you ancient doors that the king of glory may come in who is he this king of glory the lord almighty he is the king of glory god is sovereign god is holy god is also victorious [Music] he is the mighty strong god who protected israel much like he protected and provided for the fishermen and our story he will do the same for you tonight [Music] he will grant you peace and a marvelous night's sleep he will guard you and protect you he is the king of glory [Music] as we wind down tonight's journey listen once more as i read psalm 24 in its entirety let this be your song of peaceful worship tonight as you rest in god's goodness the earth is the lord's and everything in it the world and all its people belong to him where he laid the earth's foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths who may climb the mountain of the lord who may stand in his holy place only those whose hands and hearts are pure who do not worship idols and never tell lies they will receive the lord's blessing and have a right relationship with god their savior such people may seek you in worship in your presence oh god of jacob open up ancient gates open up ancient doors and let the king of glory enter who is this king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord invincible in battle open up ancient gates open up ancient doors and let the king of glory enter who is this king of glory the lord of heaven's armies he is the king of glory [Music] dear father [Music] you are the god of abraham isaac and jacob you are the god of david you are the king of glory you are the maker of heavens and the earth and you are the creator of rest and sleep father i pray that you will grant this child of yours the perfect peace they need tonight surround them with your presence help them to know in a mighty way that you are watching over and protecting them relax their body and their mind conquer their anxious thoughts bless them with a marvelous night's sleep and help them to wake up refreshed and ready to serve you another day it's in christ's name that i pray amen as aaron told god's people in scripture may the lord bless you and protect you may the lord smile on you and be gracious to you may the lord show you his favor and give you his peace good night [Music] imagine now the world that ruth saw you step outside your door and look out across the dry brown fields around your home your grain plants have died you have no food left in your pantry and nothing to harvest this year breathe in slowly and feel your stomach expand [Music] you feel empty in other ways too [Music] out past your grain fields you see a spot under oak trees where your husband milan is buried tears fill your eyes he was a good man naomi your mother-in-law comes outside and sees you looking sadly out at the land [Music] she grieves too having lost not only milan but her other son chilean as well and some years before that her own husband elimelech had passed away there's nothing left for her here and she wants to go back to her homeland still she wants nothing but the best for you see naomi smile at you and speak this blessing over you may the lord show you kindness may he help you find rest in another home chilean's widow orpah decides to leave naomi and go back to her old friends and family but what will you do naomi has been so good to you you are thankful for the kindness she has shown you you love her like your own flesh and blood mother if you stay with her you will go to a new land and live in a new place without much money but you'll do it with her because you love and trust her as you stand looking around you naomi again urges look [Music] your sister-in-law has gone back to her people and to her gods you should do the same but you've made up your mind you turn to her and take both her hands and yours they are wrinkled and worn [Music] hands that have known hard work and despair yet i've shown you tender mercy don't ask me to leave you and turn back you say your heart fills with love for her wherever you go i will go wherever you live i will live your people will be my people and your god will be my god wherever you die i will die and there i will be buried naomi sees your devotion and smiles she will be so glad for your companionship on this journey you both prepare for the trip to this new place together you pack your belongings and then go to your bed as you close your eyes you dream of the new places and people you will see as you lie on your bed as ruth did breathe in that same spirit of trust from god [Music] breathe out and release your worries breathe in and let the holy spirit fill you with faith [Music] rest now in god's arms [Music] bethlehem that is the name of this new town to which naomi has led you [Music] it's small but that's fine with you fewer people to get to know when you and naomi arrive the people there wonder is this naomi she's been gone so long [Music] your mother-in-law being sad at her trial says to them do not call me naomi call me mara for the almighty has dealt very bitterly with me i went away full and the lord has brought me back empty why call me naomi when the lord has testified against me and the almighty has brought calamity upon me you shake your head and smile at the memory naomi you refuse to call her bitter which is what mara means it's taking a bit more time to realize god's faithfulness to her [Music] you take off the cloth covering her head shake it out and then re-wrap it across her forehead the hot sun beats down on you this morning but you can't have been happier you stand in a field thick with grain your morning's work has ended you up in the fields of a wealthy man named boaz as you walk behind his harvesters humming a song of god's faithfulness that you learn from naomi you hear the voice of the landowner booming to the harvesters blessing them the lord be with you they all answer him in jovial voices the lord bless you your your cheeks flush this deep baritone reminds you of your late husband milan secretly you long for a strong and kind companion embarrassed by your thoughts you glue your eyes to the ground you overhear the man boaz quiz of foreman who does that young woman belong to the foreman speaks softly and you can't hear his reply your heart beats more quickly as boaz approaches would he despise you because you're a foreign woman but boaz speaks gently to you now listen my daughter do not go to glean in another field or leave this one but keep close to my young women let your eyes be on the field that they are reaping and go after them have i not charged the young men not to touch you and when you are thirsty go to the vessels and drink what the young men have drawn you are so astounded by this that you fall on your face bowing to the ground and say to him why have i found favor in your eyes that you should take notice of me since i am a foreigner [Music] but boaz answers you so kindly all that you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband has been fully told to me and how you left your father and mother in your native land and came to a people that you did not know before he reaches down and pulls you from the ground to stand before him and he says the lord repay you for what you have done and a full reward be given you by the lord the god of israel under whose wings you have come to take refuge [Music] tears fill your eyes at his words i have found favoring your eyes my lord you say to him for you have comforted me and spoken kindly to your servant though i am not one of your servants you look into his eyes they are a warm brown dancing with a merriment at the midday meal boaz tells you come over here have some bread and dip it in the wine you feel him watching as you take a piece of bread and dip it in the wine you eat all you want and try not to blush you didn't realize how hungry you were you glean in the fields of boaz for the rest of the day picking up such a large amount that you wonder at the quality of the harvester's work not knowing that boaz has instructed them to leave more behind than usual that you would have all that you need at the end of the day boaz gives you a huge basket of food that you take home you share your food and your story with naomi blessed be the man who took notice of you naomi says when you tell her where you have gleaned she tells you that boaz is a close relative of a limoulex one of their kinsmen redeemers you don't know what this means so naomi explains to you that he could be one to save them from their poverty if he would take an interest in you [Music] then naomi suggests a bold plan she tells you to dress in your best clothes and visit boaz at night after he sorts the grain out from the chaff you hide your shock as naomi describes how to lay at his feet your heart flutters but you still tell naomi okay i'll do everything you say tiptoe past the grain pile and hear boaz snoring softly you lie down quietly by his feet in the darkness you fully trust in god's plan for you midnight boaz wakes you up you gather all your courage and ask him to give you his cover of protection as your family redeemer his voice is tender i am a guardian redeemer of our family he tells you if the other guardian is not willing i will do it boaz hasn't rejected you he's welcomed you as family as you fall back asleep savor the feeling that someone kind will care for you rest for a moment and breathe in that same spirit of trust from god breathe out and let go of any earthly thing you are clinging to the next morning you go with boaz to the town gate surrounded by a crowd of witnesses neighbors he commits himself to you [Music] he tells the men [Music] today you are witnesses that i have acquired ruth the moabite widow of milan to be my wife then the witnesses cheer for you they look at you and speak this blessing over you may the lord make you like rachel and leah from whom all the nation of israel is descended boaz beams with pride as they slap him on the back a few days later naomi places a bridal veil over your head she smiles with tears in her eyes reminding you of god's provision tears flow as you remember how far you have come only because of the lord's goodness has this dream come to pass soon you have your first child a baby boy all your dreams have come true and more you don't know that your son obed would be the grandfather of david the great king of israel through david's line the messiah would be born jesus the redeemer for the entire world when naomi and ruth set out for bethlehem they had no idea what was going to become of them [Music] naomi only knew she wanted to be back in her homeland where her god was honored and trusted because ruth stayed committed to her mother-in-law and worked hard to provide for them god through the hands of boaz lifted up her head and redeemed her god always provides [Music] we don't always know what that will look like but if we will just walk with him trusting him with every step he will give us all that we need let me pray over you father god the story of ruth naomi and boaz tells us so much about your love for us thank you for them [Music] and for our ultimate redeemer jesus tonight give your child sweet dreams and peace help them to trust you with their daily provision and to lay their future in your hands amen sleep now knowing that just as god provided richly for ruth he will provide richly for you [Music] imagine that you're john jesus beloved disciple you've been following jesus for a while now and you've seen him doing amazing things you've seen the sick healed you've seen the hungry fed in fact just the other day jesus took five loaves of bread and two fish and somehow fed hungry crowds of thousands of people with baskets of food left over after everyone had eaten their full you've traveled with jesus and you've listened to him teach crowds nearly every day but tonight jesus invites you to do something different come with me he says up to the mountain to pray you're tired from the crowds and a night on the mountain sounds like a perfect break you and peter and james join jesus and walking up the mountainside [Music] conversations quiet and the sounds of the town below you fade until all you hear as you walk is the sound of your sandals slapping the dusty path your own breath in steady puffs and the occasional rustle of animals off the path the sun begins to set the wind picks up drying your sweat and providing a welcome break from the heat you've settled into a rhythm walking this path together your legs move easily you look up as the first stars come out and in the quiet you remember what jesus said to peter earlier jesus had asked you all as you lounged eating dinner together one night who do the crowd say that i am you and the others told jesus the whispers you'd heard the rumors that had spread around nazareth [Music] some people said that he was john the baptist others said he was the prophet elijah or one of the other prophets have long ago come back to life [Music] but what about you he asked who do you say that i am had all been quiet nervous to admit your questions your hopes you looked at each other took sips of water to avoid answering all but peter he was always quick to speak peter said you're god's messiah jesus smiled at peter and you felt awe spread through your bones your heart pounded it was true all you'd hardly dared to dream jesus was the one god had sent to save you he spoke again don't tell this to anyone he said he warned you that there was suffering ahead both for him and for you but he also spoke of glory to come as you near the top of the mountain you wonder what that could mean you try to imagine god coming to earth in all his glory [Music] let's rest here jesus says breaking you out of your reverie you sit finding a large stone to lean against and set down your bag next to you it's beautiful on the mountain tonight a light chill in the air the heavy smoky scent of oak trees perfuming the night the sky is clear and the thousands of stars remind you of the promise god made to your ancestor abraham you realize that jesus has started praying you join him and peter and james and you think of the thousands of people who have prayed to this god you're joining a host of people who have waited and prayed to god for a messiah but now you're praying to god with the messiah words of praise from the psalms spring to your heart give praise to the lord proclaim his name [Music] make known among the nations what he has done sing to him sing praise to him tell of all his wonderful acts glory in his holy name but the hearts of those who seek the lord rejoice look to the lord and his strength seek his face always remember the wonders he has done his miracles and the judgments he pronounced you his servants the descendants of abraham his chosen ones the children of jacob he is the lord our god his judgments are in all the earth he remembers his covenant forever the promise he made for a thousand generations the covenant he made with abraham hours have passed spent in sweet communion with god and your friends [Music] you wrapped a blanket around your shoulders to ward off the chill and you notice that your eyes are growing heavy the peaceful night invites you to rest lightning in the sky no it's not lightning it's jesus you know it's him but he looks different in a way you can't find words for transfigured his clothes are shining as if all the stars in the sky have come down and rest upon him and he's not alone he's talking with two other men you've never seen them before but you know instinctively who they are moses and elijah they seem to be encouraging jesus talking with him about the same things that he had told you about about the suffering he was about to face and the death he would endure he watched them quietly stunned in awe and feeling more than ever a part of a grand drama god has been directing for a thousand years these men are your ancestors and also somehow they feel like your brothers your companions in the journey others who know what it's like to be loved by god and to be promised a messiah at peace in this moment you remember words that moses wrote lord you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world from everlasting to everlasting you are god you turn people back to dust saying return to dust you mortals a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by or like a watch in the night [Music] teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom relent lord how long will it be have compassion on your servants satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us for as many years as we have seen trouble may your deeds be shown to your servants your splendor to their children may the favor of the lord our god rest on us establish the work of our hands for us yes establish the work of our hands who knows how much time has passed this glorious moment feels outside of time somehow but suddenly you realize that moses and elijah are saying goodbye peter tries to stop them and calls out to jesus master it is good for us to be here let us put up three shelters one for you one for moses and one for elijah [Music] uh he doesn't seem to know what he's saying but you feel it too a desire to stay in this moment forever and then a cloud descends upon all of you a voice comes from the cloud saying this is my son whom i have chosen listen to him and then the clown is gone and jesus is alone again you don't speak about what happened you hold it quietly treasuring it in your heart pondering it there are no words but you know that tonight you've seen something you'll never forget you're changed you have a glimpse now of the glory that is to of the future that god has promised beyond the suffering you pull your blanket tighter and curl up under an oak tree the scent of lilies fills the air the stars are beginning to fade but you don't see them anymore you're sleeping peacefully resting in the vision god has given god loves you he is the author of your story he wants to show himself to you he wants to care for you jesus loves you he is your friend and your brother and your savior the holy spirit loves you and is with you now the spirit comforts you and guides you into all truth abide with god now father son and holy spirit let me pray for you glorious god thank you for inviting this child of yours to be part of your story thank you for folding them into your family thank you for revealing yourself to them thank you for giving this child a heart that desires to know you more [Music] help them now to rest peacefully to be refreshed and restored and to be filled with your spirit it's in jesus name that i pray amen god's glory is beyond what you can imagine god's love for you is greater than you can conceive so trust in christ abide in christ rest in christ now imagine yourself sitting on a very busy downtown street you're blind so you can't see what's going on around you but the crowd is overwhelming your voice cannot be heard there are so many people walking on the sidewalk that you're constantly being bumped into the sounds the smells the dust the clamor every day it's the same you keep asking and begging for someone anyone to give you just a little bit of money so you can eat you hear no friendly words you feel no friendly touch in fact you can hear some talking about you unkindly maybe thinking because that you can't see you can't hear all of a sudden you hear someone shout there he is everybody immediately starts to surge toward this individual you have no idea who they are all wanting to see you try and ask people who is there but no one answers you then you hear someone say there's jesus you've heard of this man his amazing teaching his miracles oh his miracles the thought flits through your mind that maybe jesus could help you he's helped so many others but then reality sets in and the hope drains from you you've been tossed aside so many times why would jesus even pay any attention to you you just sit there try to listen to what's going on just then you hear someone call out to you did you hear that right did someone say your name and then then you hear it again softer closer gentler not since your father spoke to you as a child have you heard your name said in that way so so lovingly all other noise has stopped it's as if you're in a cave no one around you moves or speaks it's jesus you don't know how you know but you know [Music] it's jesus and he has found you you feel his hand on your forehead you you hear his gentle voice and all of a sudden the darkness that has always enveloped you starts to grow thinner light begins to break through then your eyes begin to focus [Music] and you find yourself looking directly into jesus's eyes [Music] and jesus is looking directly at you and you feel more love coming from him than you have ever felt in your entire life imagine being blind your whole life and then miraculously being healed imagine being overlooked ridiculed and then suddenly loved beyond your wildest imagination [Music] out of all the others on the street that day that he could have stopped for jesus chose you maybe you felt the way that the blind man felt that people ignore you and you feel that you're not worthy of love maybe you've been suffering with an ailment and you feel that god has forgotten you but the truth is this you are worth everything in the eyes of jesus and he wants what is best for you listen to john 3 1 from the amplified bible [Music] see what an incredible quality of love the father has shown to us that we would be permitted to be named and called and counted the children of god and so we are for this reason the world does not know us because it did not know him [Music] god calls us his children so that we can get a glimpse an idea of what our relationship with him should be truth is there's no way we can totally grasp just how much he loves each of us it's too fast and wide it's immeasurable never-ending did you hear that never ending he will always love you [Music] we are all so precious to him [Music] webster's dictionary defines the word precious as something of great value not to be wasted or treated carelessly that's how god views you you have value you are not to be wasted or treated carelessly maybe you feel like you've done so many wrong things in your life that god doesn't love you that couldn't be more wrong [Music] god loves you so much that he sent his son jesus to die for you perhaps you've seen the verse john 3 16 on a sign in the end zone of a football game along the side of the road on a billboard but let's take a closer look at that verse in the new living translation for this is how god loved the world he gave his one and only son so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life god did that for everyone meaning no matter what you've done in your life god still loves you so much that he sent his son to die for you you're precious to him jesus loved telling stories in luke 15 11-32 in the new living translation he tells the story of the prodigal son to demonstrate god's love for us even when you mess up in sin and don't feel worthy of god's love this story explains how god views you listen to this parable a man had two sons the younger son told his father i want my share of your estate now before you die so his father agreed to divide his wealth between his sons [Music] a few days later this younger son packed all his belongings and moved to a distant land and there he wasted all his money and wild living about the time his money ran out a great famine swept over the land and he began to starve he persuaded a local farmer to hire him and the man sent him into his fields to feed the pigs the young man became so hungry that even the pods he was feeding the pigs looked good to him but no one gave him anything [Music] when he finally came to his senses he said to himself at home even the hired servants have food enough to spare and here i am dying of hunger [Music] i will go home to my father and say father i have sinned against both heaven and you and i'm no longer worthy of being called your son please take me on as a hired servant so he returned home to his father and while he was still a long way off his father saw him coming filled with love and compassion he ran to his son embraced him and kissed him his son said to him father i have sinned against both heaven and you and i am no longer worthy of being called your son but his father said to his servants quick bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him get a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet and kill the calf we have been fattening we must celebrate with a feast [Music] for this son of mine was dead and has now returned to life he was lost but now he is found so the party began meanwhile the older son was in the fields working when he returned home he heard music and dancing in the house and he asked one of the servants what was going on your brother is back he was told and your father has killed the fattened calf we are celebrating because of his safe return the older brother was angry and wouldn't go in his father came out and begged him but he replied all these years have slaved for you and never once refused to do a single thing you told me to do and in all that time you never gave me even one young goat for a feast with my friends yet when this son of yours comes back after squandering your money on prostitutes you celebrate by killing the fattened calf his father said to him look dear son you've always stayed with me and everything i have is yours we had to celebrate this happy day for your brother was dead and has come back to life he was lost but now he is found [Music] god is telling you right now that he loves you you are so precious to him no matter how much you've sinned god is still waiting for you to come back to him now sleep in confidence knowing that you are loved and are precious to god let's pray oh dear father thank you for loving us thank you for your grace and mercy i ask now that you would come and comfort your child as they sleep tonight may the lord bless them and protect them may the lord smile on them and be gracious to them may the lord show you his favor and give you his peace amen now rest in his loving arms [Music] fuel the peace that comes from asking god to be with you [Music] all you need to do is ask feel the steady beat of your heart slowing to a relaxed peaceful rhythm you are at peace oh how the father loves you and oh how you need to hear that tonight he loves you this sleep meditation will not only help you rest securely in god's presence it will remind you of who you are in the eyes of the lord you are completely whole not lacking anything abundantly filled by the savior [Music] in the fullness of jesus christ your personal savior let's pray lord jesus thank you for being our all in all nothing can make us whole or complete like you can only you can fill the empty spaces the parts of us that feel insecure and lacking we surrender our longings to you tonight as we hear from the scriptures open our minds our hearts and souls to receive your beautiful affirmations many of us come to you with bruised hearts with minds filled with all kinds of mistruths about ourselves oh how we need healing and comfort lord as this listener seeks your truth tonight i ask in your name that you will flood them with beautiful affirmations of who they are in you please remove all their doubts fears and uncertainties please lord fill them with your presence your love and your wholeness thank you lord jesus it is in your name that we offer this prayer tonight my friend you might not feel valued whole or complete but please hear me when i say that you are [Music] cherished loved valued confident and able the scriptures speak to us about this very thing from acts chapter 17 saying he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation that they would seek god if perhaps they might grope for him and find him though he is not far from each one of us for in him we live and move and exist as even some of your own poets have said for we also are his children he made from one man every nation deliberately intentionally and wholeheartedly god fashioned you as part of his divine purpose he appointed your time and your place and your being let that sink in for several moments heavenly father you for creating this beloved child they are purposed in you their life has been appointed for this exact time in history their life is not a mistake or an afterthought [Music] your word says that you created all nations from one man adam and we know that it is your desire that every person from every nation would seek you and find you you are not far from us in you we live and move and have our being be with us tonight reassure this listener of your presence remind them of how valuable they are breathe deeply allow your lungs to expand as you inhale [Music] then release your breath out allowing god to cleanse you from all the mistruths you've believed about yourself allow the lord to take you from feeling unworthy to worthy in him allow the lord [Music] to take you from feeling shameful too respectable in his sight allow the lord to take you from feeling empty to overflowing by the power of his presence [Music] as ephesians chapter 3 verse 12 says in christ jesus we have boldness and access with confidence through faith in him beloved from this bible affirmation you can say i am bold i am confident i have faith in christ jesus feel the confidence rising in your soul not self-confidence but christ confidence bold fearless strong complete [Music] thank you lord for the confidence we have in you nothing can stand against us when we remain in the fullness of who you are [Music] in 1st john we hear these words of affirmation this is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment in this world we are like jesus love is made complete among us in christ jesus rest in his complete love tonight in this world you are like jesus you bear witness of him you clothe yourself with him you display his love everywhere you go from these words of affirmation you can say i am clothed in christ i am made complete in his love [Music] rest here beloved may god himself the god of peace sanctify you through and through may your whole spirit soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our lord jesus christ god makes you whole by sanctifying you through and through your whole spirit soul and body is kept blameless in him forgiven washed cleansed and blameless in the sight of the lord [Music] feel the security of god's presence surrounding you there is no safer place to be jesus is with you and in you as the scriptures say in ephesians chapter 1 god is subjected everything under his feet and appointed him as head over everything for the church which is his body the fullness of the one who fills all things in every way thank you father for appointing your son to be sovereign overall allow this dear listener to rest securely in the fullness of your son's presence as he fills all things in every way from these biblical affirmations you can say i am guarded filled and whole in my savior rest under the blessed covering of these truths tonight feel the warmth of your covers as a symbol of the comforting warmth of grace that encloses you hear the faint sounds in the room fading away as you allow yourself to drift into peaceful sleep [Music] gracious god please protect this beloved child tonight lull them with your affirmations of peace and provision assure them of your love for them calm their souls and speak words of wholeness into their hearts fill them to the full in the name of your son jesus amen as the scriptures tell us in colossians 2 from the new living translation for in christ lives all the fullness of god in a human body so you also are complete through your union with christ who is the head over every ruler and authority [Music] because of this affirmation you can say i am complete i lack nothing the fullness of god lives in me through christ my lord [Music] one you are kept held safe complete whole [Music] feel the glory of the lord surrounding you his glory is given to you by jesus as he said in john 17. [Music] and the glory which you gave me i have given them that they may be one just as we are one i in them and you and me that they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them as you have loved me hear those words of affirmation from jesus again that they may be one just as we are one i in them and you and me that they may be perfect in one [Music] perfect in one father son and holy spirit rest in his perfect holiness you are complete in him from this affirmation you can say i am one with my savior i am made perfect in him what a blessing to be included as one with the savior marvel in this miraculous blessing tonight jesus makes you whole and complete there is nothing he cannot fill be filled with the holy spirit love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control you are filled with these divine attributes when you invite god's spirit to dwell in you father thank you for making this treasured person whole and complete thank you for making them perfect in you but the world may see and know that you are god [Music] let your glory surround this listener tonight as rays of hope and peace through the entire night please continue to speak words of affirmation to them assuring them of your love bless them lord guard them keep them close i pray in jesus name amen the scriptures confirm in ephesians 3 for this reason i bow my knees to the father of our lord jesus christ from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might through his spirit in the inner man that christ may dwell in your hearts through faith that you being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height to know the love of christ which passes knowledge that you may be filled with all the fullness of god [Music] be filled with all the fullness of god comprehend his love for you be rooted in him be strengthened by his spirit know that you are made whole and complete in him dear one the sweet affirmations from the bible are ours to read day after day they strengthen us to say i am confident in christ with him i am able to accomplish the impossible for jesus said in matthew chapter 19 with man this is impossible but with god all things are possible father thank you for making all things possible in your strength your timing and your will please remind this child do you have given them a spirit not a fear but of power love and self-control assure them that you are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that they ask or think we give you all the glory honor and praise tonight in jesus name it was job who said to the lord i know that you can do everything and that no purpose of yours can be withheld from you from this passage we can confidently say i know you can do everything lord i know that your purpose cannot be withheld from you [Music] thank you lord for accomplishing your purpose in this child's life as the scriptures say he who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of jesus christ you are part of god's purpose you are part of his plan in his kindness god called you to share in his eternal glory by means of christ jesus so after you have suffered a little while he will restore support and strengthen you and he will place you on a firm foundation [Music] all power to him forever amen all power to god forever and ever all glory be unto his name gracious god we rest in your strength support and restoration tonight with each breath we know that in you we live and move and have our being we are affirmed of our wholeness in your son and we remain in him our firm foundation jesus christ [Music] you can sleep in peace tonight knowing that the lord of all creation loves and protects you you can sleep in peace knowing that your identity is found in him and not in the world the same god who drew abraham isaac and jacob to himself is the same god who was drawing you long ago in ancient israel god's people would gather at the temple and sing about god's love their voices would carry throughout the temple and throughout jerusalem allowing anyone in range to hear about god's mighty works one of these songs is found in psalm 118. give thanks to the lord for he is good his love endures forever let israel say his love endures forever let the house of aaron say his love endures forever let those who fear the lord say his love endures forever [Music] when hard-pressed i cried to the lord he brought me into a spacious place the lord is with me i will not be afraid what can mere mortals do to me the lord is with me he is my helper i look in triumph on my enemies it is better to take refuge in the lord than to trust in humans [Music] it is better to take refuge in the lord than to trust in princes all the nations surrounded me but in the name of the lord i cut them down i was pushed back and about to fall but the lord helped me the lord is my strength and my defense he has become my salvation shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous the lord's right hand has done mighty things the lord's right hand is lifted high the lord's right hand has done mighty things i will not die but live and will proclaim what the lord has done open for me the gates of the righteous i will enter and give thanks to the lord this is the gate of the lord through which the righteous may enter i will give you thanks for you answered me you have become my salvation the stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone the lord has done this and it is marvelous in our eyes the lord has done it this very day let us rejoice today and be glad lord save us lord grant us success blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord from the house of the lord we bless you the lord is god and he has made his light shine on us with a mouse in hand joined in the festival procession up to the horns of the altar you are my god and i will praise you you are my god and i will exalt you give thanks to the lord for he is good his love endures forever [Music] thank you lord for loving this child of yours amen god's love is a pursuing love it's a love that pursues you runs after you it's a love that forgives and doesn't remember it's a love that restores and renews it's a love full of grace and truth it's a love filled with new beginnings and new mercies for you every morning king david wrote about god's pursuing and protecting love in a famous song we know as psalm 23 when the israelites sang its lyrics they were reminded of god's unexplainable uncontainable love they were reminded that no matter where they go in life god was watching over them protecting them the same is true for you it's easy to imagine the israelites gathered together in solomon's temple men and women young and old alike smiling and singing praises to the lord hands lifted high as they thank god for his all-pursuing all-protecting love the lord is my shepherd [Music] i have all that i need he lets me rest in green meadows he leaves me beside peaceful streams he renews my strength he guides me along right paths bringing honor to his name even when i walk through the darkest valley i will not be afraid for you are close beside me your rod and your staff protect and comfort me you prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies you honor me by anointing my head with oil my cup overflows with blessings surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life and i will live in the house of the lord forever god's love is the reason you can have peace you can feel safe because you are safe in his loving arms he is the creator of the mountains and the seas he is the maker of the hills and the valleys he spread the sand along the seashore and the stars across the sky he is a powerful god beyond description and he considers us the pinnacle of his creation he created us in order to love us and in order for us to love him long ago the israelites would gather in solomon's temple and sing about the peace god provides when enemies were all around this song was to be sung by sopranos or female voices we know it as psalm 46 god is our refuge and strength always ready to help in times of trouble so we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea let the oceans roar and foam let the mountains tremble as the waters surge [Music] a river brings joy to the city of our god the sacred home of the most high god dwells in that city it cannot be destroyed from the very break of day god will protect it the nations are in chaos and their kingdoms crumble god's voice thunders and the earth melts the lord of heaven's armies is here among us the god of israel is our fortress come see the glorious works of the lord see how he brings destruction upon the world he causes wars to end throughout the earth he breaks the bow and snaps the spear he burns the shields with fire be still and know that i am god i will be honored by every nation i will be honored throughout the world the lord of heaven's armies is here among us the god of israel is our fortress god's love is the reason you were created you were part of his plan before he formed adam and eve before he made the heavens and the earth and even before he made light itself god was thinking about you before the universe ever existed his plan for you is for your good and for his glory king david penned a song about god's marvelous handiwork in creating each one of us david's song eventually became what we know as psalm 139 when the israelites sang it they were reminded of god's creative love for each one of his children that very thought drew the israelites to worship oh lord you have examined my heart and know everything about me you know when i sit down or stand up you know my thoughts even when i'm far away you see me when i travel and when i rest at home you know everything i do you know what i'm going to say even before i say it lord you go before me and follow me you place your hand of blessing on my head such knowledge is too wonderful for me too great for me to understand i can never escape from your spirit i can never get away from your presence if i go up to heaven you're there if i go down to the grave you are there if i ride the wings of the morning if i dwell by the farthest oceans even there your hand will guide me and your strength will support me i could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around me to become night but even in darkness i cannot hide from you to you the night shines as bright as day darkness and light are the same to you you made all the delicate inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb thank you for making me so wonderfully complex your workmanship is marvelous how well i know it you watched me as i was being formed in utter seclusion as i was woven together in the dark of the womb you saw me before i was born every day of my life was recorded in your book every moment was laid out before a single day had passed how precious are your thoughts about me god they cannot be numbered i can't even count them they outnumber the grains of sand and when i wake up you are still with me search me o god and know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts point out anything in me that offends you and lead me along the path of everlasting life the love of god is a saving redeeming love it's a love that heals troubled souls and restores broken lives it's a love overflowing with grace and mercy it's a love that never gives up on you and that forgives you again and again and again it's a love that only wants what is best for you thousands of years ago the ancient israelites sang about the redeeming love of god as they gathered in the temple of jerusalem they sang about the love and compassion of a holy god who is full of grace and mercy they sang about his restoring power and his infinite love later this song became known as psalm 103 praise the lord my soul all my inmost being praise his holy name praise the lord my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles the lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed he may known his ways to moses his deeds to the people of israel the lord is compassionate and gracious slow to anger abounding in love [Music] he will not always accuse nor will he harbor his anger forever he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities for as high as the heavens are above the earth so great is his love for those who fear him as far as the east is from the west so far has he removed our transgressions from us as a father has compassion on his children so the lord has compassion on those who fear him for he knows how we are formed he remembers that we are dust the life of mortals is like grass they flourish like a flower of the field the wind blows over it and it is gone and its place remembers it no more but from everlasting to everlasting the lord's love is with those who fear him and his righteousness with their children's children with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts the lord has established his throne in heaven and his kingdom rules over all praise the lord you his angels you mighty ones who do his bidding who obey his word praise the lord all his heavenly hosts you his servants who do his will praise the lord all his works everywhere in his dominion praise the lord my soul because god loves you you can love him he is worthy of worship and praise the ancient israelites often sang about god's love in a tune that became psalm 104. as you fall asleep let this be your prayer but all that i am praise the lord o lord my god how great you are you are robed with honor and majesty you are dressed in a robe of light you stretch out the starry curtain of the heavens you lay out the rafters of your home in the rain clouds you make the clouds your chariot you ride upon the wings of the wind the winds are your messengers flames of fire are your servants [Music] you placed the world on its foundation so it would never be moved you clothed the earth with floods of water water that covered even the mountains [Music] at your command the water fled at the sound of your thunder it hurried away mountains rose and valleys sank to the levels you decreed then you set a firm boundary for the seas so that they would never again cover the earth you make springs pour water into the ravines so streams gush down from the mountains they provide water for all the animals and the wild donkeys quench their thirst the birds nest beside the streams and sing among the branches of the trees you send rain on the mountains from your heavenly home and you fill the earth with the fruit of your labor you cause grass to grow for the livestock in plants for people to use you allow them to produce food from the earth wine to make them glad olive oil to soothe their skin and bread to give them strength the lord takes pleasure in all he has made the earth trembles at his glance the mountains smoke at his touch i will sing to the lord as long as i live i will praise my god to my last breath [Music] may all my thoughts be pleasing to him for i rejoice in the lord [Music] let all sinners vanish from the face of the earth let the wicked disappear forever let all that i am praise the lord praise the lord let me pray for you loving god thank you for this child of yours thank you for loving them protecting them and guiding them [Music] oh father i pray that your angels will surround them tonight i ask that you will watch over them in a mighty way give them peace grant them a marvelous restful night's sleep embrace them in your arms with your immeasurable loving kindness help them to wake up refreshed and renewed ready to serve you in jesus name i pray amen god's love is infinite immeasurable and uncontainable he will pursue you all the days of your life and you will live in the house of the lord forever accept his gift of perfect peace tonight rest in the presence of your savior you are loved thanks for listening to this abide sleep story [Music] let me pray over you dear father you are the god of peace you are the god of grace and mercy you are the god of sleep you are a sovereign a holy god who has a plan for our lives you triumph over all of our problems and you are constantly drawing us back to yourself father i thank you for this child of yours i thank you for their love for you their desire to know you more thank you for the many blessings in their life their bed their home their food their friends and family [Music] the very air they breathe father i pray that you will surround this child of yours with your presence bless them with wonderful sleep and health [Music] your word says you have overcome the world it says you are the lord of peace who grants us peace at all times in every way [Music] right now i ask that you will surround this child of yours with your marvelous peace like never before i ask that tonight they will have sweet dreams about your kingdom i ask that they will wake up refreshed and ready to serve you they are safe in your loving arms it's in christ's name that i pray amen for tonight's story let's take a journey back in time to the mediterranean sea during biblical times you'll walk along the shore and let your toes get lost in the sand you'll watch seagulls and eagles maybe even a few dolphins most of all though you'll relish in god's goodness and marvel at his creation while you do this we'll focus on who god is as we read a psalm of david psalm 24 it is thought that david may have written psalm 24 after the ark of the covenant was recovered and brought back into jerusalem the bible tells us that david was so full of joy that he danced in the streets praising god for protecting and blessing the israelites [Music] listen as i read psalm 24 [Music] the earth is the lord's and everything in it the world and all its people belong to him for he laid the earth's foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths who may climb the mountain of the lord who may stand in his holy place only those whose hands and hearts are pure who do not worship idols and never tell lies they will receive the lord's blessing and have a right relationship with god their savior such people may seek you and worship in your presence oh god of jacob open up ancient gates open up ancient doors and let the god of glory enter who is the king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord invincible in battle open up ancient gates open up ancient doors and let the king of glory enter who is the king of glory the lord of heaven's armies he is the king of glory for tonight's journey in ancient israel we'll explore the shores of the mediterranean sea it's morning time on your journey and you're walking on the sand covered beach along israel's western shore it's a perfect day to rest and relax it's not too hot it's not too cool a warm breeze from the mediterranean skips off the surface of the water and races through your hair and across your skin carrying with it the unmistakable aroma of salt water and marine life [Music] maybe even the smell of flowers from the adjacent valley you take in a deep breath ah and savor the fragrance nearby a few seagulls are hovering just above the water apparently in a competition for their next meal they squawk and fuss at one another as they take turns diving into the water as you walk along the shore the unmistakable sensation of sand massages the bottom of your feet and clings to the sides of your toes it's a fine textured lightish brown sand that resembles the color of the towering cliffs to your left you stand firmly in the sand for a moment [Music] and delight in its warmth you bury your left toe and then your right toe curling your toes up and down and letting the sand go whichever way it wishes the feeling is exhilarating but your feet don't stay buried very long because the warm waters of the mediterranean soon sweep across the sand and wash it back to sea instantly exposing your feet to the air you stand there for a few more moments to enjoy the scene burying your feet again in the sand and letting the mediterranean waters rush over them again looking down you spot a few small seashells dancing helplessly in the tide an orange one a white one and a brown one these seashells are common clam shells but still they're no less gorgeous than anything else on the beach today you pick one up as a keepsake listen as i read again the first few stanzas of psalm 24 the earth is the lord's and everything in it the world and all its people belonged to him for he laid the earth's foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths the whole earth belongs to god the beach the sea the creatures flying above and the ones swimming below all of it belongs to god and god is taking care of it this includes you god watches over and cares for his creation just as he cares for the birds of the air and the fish of the sea he is caring for you several minutes have passed since you played in the sand and by now the reddish orange sun directly behind you is about halfway up the sky ready to give much needed light to the people and crops of this bountiful blessed land just above the sun are three or four small puffy clouds that are sailing across the sea like a carefree group of sailboats gliding across the mediterranean itself in fact as you look down and gaze across the sea you spot a real-life fisherman's sailboat it's a moderate distance from the shore but close enough that you can discern the voices of the two men on board one of them has a grey beard the other looks a bit younger and has black facial hair it's quite possibly a father and son [Music] they're struggling to pull up a large net filled with today's catch you estimate that there are probably 100 or more fish in it hallelujah one of them shouts to the heavens as they pull the net out of the water and into the boat listen as i read the next group of stanzas from psalm 24 who may climb the mountain of the lord who may stand in his holy place only those whose hands and hearts are pure who do not worship idols and never tell lies they will receive the lord's blessing and have a right relationship with god their savior such people may seek you and worship in your presence oh god of jacob [Music] god is good god is holy and through christ you have clean hands and a pure heart when god looks at you he sees the righteousness of his son he doesn't see sin he sees jesus god loves you rest soundly tonight in this gift of salvation [Music] now a number of minutes have passed since the fishermen pulled the net out of the water [Music] high overhead you notice an eagle circling the sky it's fishing too hunting for its next meal eagles in this area often nest in the cliffs along the shore to your left and you watch this one dive rapidly toward the water and glide just above the surface as it reaches down and secures a small silver colored fish with its large yellow talons it barely slows down as it then races to its nest high in the cliffs to your left [Music] more than likely it's feeding its eaglet moments later you hear a voice at sea there they are look the voice shouts you glance toward the fishermen one of them is motioning toward the water trying to get the others attention [Music] he has spotted a group of dolphins playing alongside the boat leaping and splashing no doubt they've been eating the leftovers from the men's morning catch you see one dolphin jump high out of the water and then another and then another it's as if their dogs at sea and asking the fishermen for a treat one of the fishermen tosses a fish back out to sea and the dolphins quickly race for it you can hear the two men laughing [Music] listen now as i read the final stanzas of psalm 24 lift up your heads you gates be lifted up you ancient doors that the king of glory may come in who is this king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord mighty in battle lift up your heads you gates lift them up you ancient doors that the king of glory may come in who is he this king of glory the lord almighty he is the king of glory god is sovereign god is holy god is also victorious he is the mighty strong god who protected israel much like he protected and provided for the fishermen and our story he will do the same for you tonight he will grant you peace and a marvelous night's sleep he will guard you and protect you he is the king of glory as we wind down tonight's journey listen once more as i read psalm 24 in its entirety let this be your song of peaceful worship tonight as you rest in god's goodness the earth is the lord's and everything in it the world and all its people belong to him where he laid the earth's foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths who may climb the mountain of the lord who may stand in his holy place only those whose hands and hearts are pure who do not worship idols and never tell lies they will receive the lord's blessing and have a right relationship with god their savior such people may seek you in worship in your presence oh god of jacob open up ancient gates open up ancient doors and let the king of glory enter who is this king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord invincible in battle open up ancient gates open up ancient doors and let the king of glory enter who is this king of glory the lord of heaven's armies he is the king of glory dear father you are the god of abraham isaac and jacob you are the god of david you are the king of glory you are the maker of heavens and the earth and you are the creator of rest and sleep father i pray that you will grant this child of yours the perfect peace they need tonight surround them with your presence help them to know in a mighty way that you are watching over and protecting them relax their body and their mind conquer their anxious thoughts bless them with a marvelous night's sleep and help them to wake up refreshed and ready to serve you another day it's in christ's name that i pray amen [Music] as aaron told god's people in scripture may the lord bless you and protect you may the lord smile on you and be gracious to you may the lord show you his favor and give you his peace good night imagine now the world that ruth saw you step outside your door and look out across the dry brown fields around your home [Music] your grain plants have died you have no food left in your pantry and nothing to harvest this year breathe in slowly and feel your stomach expand [Music] you feel empty in other ways too out past your grain fields you see a spot under oak trees where your husband milan is buried tears fill your eyes he was a good man [Music] naomi your mother-in-law comes outside and sees you looking sadly out at the land she grieves too having lost not only milan but her other son chilean as well and some years before that her own husband elimelech had passed away there's nothing left for her here and she wants to go back to her homeland still she wants nothing but the best for you see naomi smile at you and speak this blessing over you may the lord show you kindness may he help you find rest in another home [Music] chilean's widow orpah decides to leave naomi and go back to her old friends and family but what will you do naomi has been so good to you you are thankful for the kindness she has shown you you love her like your own flesh and blood mother if you stay with her you will go to a new land and live in a new place without much money but you'll do it with her because you love and trust her as you stand looking around you naomi again urges look your sister-in-law has gone back to her people and to her gods you should do the same but you've made up your mind [Music] you turn to her and take both her hands and yours they are wrinkled and worn hands that have known hard work and despair yet i've shown you tender mercy don't ask me to leave you and turn back you say your heart fills with love for her wherever you go i will go wherever you live i will live your people will be my people and your god will be my god wherever you die i will die and there i will be buried naomi sees your devotion and smiles she will be so glad for your companionship on this journey you both prepare for the trip to this new place together you pack your belongings and then go to your bed as you close your eyes you dream of the new places and people you will see as you lie on your bed as ruth did breathe in that same spirit of trust from god breathe out and release your worries breathe in and let the holy spirit fill you with faith rest now in god's arms bethlehem that is the name of this new town to which naomi has led you it's small but that's fine with you fewer people to get to know when you and naomi arrive the people there wonder is this naomi [Music] she's been gone so long your mother-in-law being sad at her trial says to them do not call me naomi call me mara for the almighty has dealt very bitterly with me i went away full [Music] and the lord has brought me back empty why call me naomi when the lord has testified against me and the almighty has brought calamity upon me [Music] you shake your head and smile at the memory naomi you refuse to call her bitter which is what mara means it's taking a bit more time to realize god's faithfulness to her you take off the cloth covering her head shake it out and then re-wrap it across her forehead the hot sun beats down on you this morning but you can't have been happier you stand in a field thick with grain your morning's work has ended you up in the fields of a wealthy man named boaz as you walk behind his harvesters humming a song of god's faithfulness that you learn from naomi [Music] you hear the voice of the landowner booming to the harvesters blessing them the lord be with you they all answer him in jovial voices the lord bless you your your cheeks flush his deep baritone remind you of your late husband milan secretly you long for a strong and kind companion embarrassed by your thoughts you glue your eyes to the ground you overhear the man boaz quiz of foreman who does that young woman belong to the foreman speaks softly and you can't hear his reply your heart beats more quickly as boaz approaches would he despise you because you're a foreign woman [Music] but boaz speaks gently to you now listen my daughter do not go to glean in another field or leave this one but keep close to my young women let your eyes be on the field that they are reaping and go after them have i not charged the young men not to touch you and when you are thirsty go to the vessels and drink what the young men have drawn you are so astounded by this that you fall on your face bowing to the ground and say to him why have i found favor in your eyes that you should take notice of me since i am a foreigner but boaz answers you so kindly all that you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband has been fully told to me [Music] and how you left your father and mother in your native land and came to a people that you did not know before he reaches down and pulls you from the ground to stand before him and he says the lord repay you for what you have done and a full reward be given you by the lord the god of israel under whose wings you have come to take refuge [Music] tears fill your eyes at his words i have found favoring your eyes my lord you say to him for you have comforted me and spoken kindly to your servant though i am not one of your servants [Music] you look into his eyes they are a warm brown dancing with a merriment at the midday meal boaz tells you come over here have some bread and dip it in the wine you feel him watching as you take a piece of bread and dip it in the wine you eat all you want and try not to blush you didn't realize how hungry you were you glean in the fields of boaz for the rest of the day picking up such a large amount that you wonder at the quality of the harvester's work not knowing that boaz has instructed them [Music] to leave more behind than usual that you would have all that you need at the end of the day boaz gives you a huge basket of food that you take home [Music] you share your food and your story with naomi blessed be the man who took notice of you naomi says when you tell her where you have gleaned she tells you that boaz is a close relative of a limoulex one of their kinsmen redeemers you don't know what this means so naomi explains to you that he could be one to save them from their poverty if he would take an interest in you then naomi suggests a bold plan she tells you to dress in your best clothes and visit boaz at night after he sorts the grain out from the chaff [Music] you hide your shock as naomi describes how to lay at his feet your heart flutters but you still tell naomi [Music] okay i'll do everything you say tiptoe past the grain pile and hear boaz snoring softly you lie down quietly by his feet in the darkness you fully trust in god's plan for you at midnight boaz wakes you up you gather all your courage and ask him to give you his cover of protection as your family redeemer his voice is tender i am a guardian redeemer of our family he tells you if the other guardian is not willing i will do it boaz hasn't rejected you he's welcomed you as family as you fall back asleep savor the feeling that someone kind will care for you rest for a moment and breathe in that same spirit of trust from god [Music] breathe out and let go of any earthly thing you are clinging to [Music] the next morning you go with boaz to the town gate surrounded by a crowd of witnesses neighbors he commits himself to you he tells the men today you are witnesses that i have acquired ruth the moabite widow of milan to be my wife then the witnesses cheer for you they look at you and speak this blessing over you may the lord make you like rachel and leah from whom all the nation of israel is descended [Music] boaz beams with pride as they slap him on the back a few days later naomi places a bridal veil over your head she smiles with tears in her eyes reminding you of god's provision tears flow as you remember how far you have come only because of the lord's goodness has this dream come to pass soon you have your first child a baby boy all your dreams have come true and more you don't know that your son obed would be the grandfather of david the great king of israel through david's line the messiah would be born jesus the redeemer for the entire world when naomi and ruth set out for bethlehem had no idea what was going to become of them naomi only knew she wanted to be back in her homeland where her god was honored and trusted because ruth stayed committed to her mother-in-law and worked hard to provide for them god through the hands of boaz lifted up her head and redeemed her god always provides [Music] we don't always know what that will look like but if we will just walk with him trusting him with every step he will give us all that we need let me pray over you father god the story of ruth naomi and boaz tells us so much about your love for us thank you for them and for our ultimate redeemer jesus [Music] tonight give your child sweet dreams and peace help them to trust you with their daily provision and to lay their future in your hands amen sleep now knowing that just as god provided richly for ruth he will provide richly for you i feel like when i listen to the sleep meditations that i have a friend next to me [Music] you
Channel: Abide Meditation App
Views: 297,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affirmations, affirmations sleep, i am affirmations, positive mind affirmations, abundance affirmations, affirmations i am, happiness affirmations, affirmations for positive thinking, guided meditation, Christian meditation, guided meditation for sleep, Christian meditation for sleep, Christian meditation guided, Let go of stress, Christian, fall asleep, Bible verses for sleep, mindfulness meditation, Alone with God, Bible sleep Talk Down, Let go of fear, Fall asleep fast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 232min 59sec (13979 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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