Affect or Effect What's the Difference Between Affect and Effect

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what's the difference between a fact and effect do you know these are two very confusing words in English but they're very much a part of a need of English speakers vocabulary and I imagine there'll be a part of your vocabulary as well once you're doing business in English now I'll be honest with you I mix up these two words all the time every time I'm writing I have to think which one do I need effect or effect so I'm going to make it very easy for you to understand the difference between these two confusing words of course my name is Jennifer from Jeffers English comm and this channel is dedicated to helping you sound like a fluent confident natural English speaker now before we go any further make sure you subscribe and hit that Bell notification so you're notified every time I post a new lesson now let's dive in with this video [Music] what's the difference between a fact and effect that's what we're talking about today now I'm recording this video because this morning I was writing an email to somebody and I wrote do you think that this could have it and I had to stop and think hmm do I need effect or do I need effect but then we just remembered this one simple trick that I taught myself because I always confuse these so I taught myself this simple trick and I easily knew which one to use so let me teach this simple trick to you and the simple trick is that one of these is a noun and one of these is a verb and if you can simply remember that then based on sentence structure you will know which one to use because the sentence structure between forming a sentence with a noun and a verb is very different so this will be really great practice for you as well to be able to identify nouns identify verbs and understand sentence structure to know which one you need in this specific case and noun or a verb so let me know in the comments right now put it in the comments effect is this a noun or a verb put it in the comments below noun or verb did you get it are you sure do you know which one affect is a verb okay verb it's an action word so breehn association effect action effect action that can be an easy way for you to remember that okay so now I'm going to make this very easy for you put it in the comments effect is that unknown or a verb what do you think put it in the comments well of course if affect is a verb then effect is a noun so really right there boom you know the difference because like I said if you know if one's a verb and once it now then based on sentence structure only one of them can be used but let me give you some examples so you can really see the difference and then at the end I'm going to show you how you can actually use affect and effect in the same sentence and this does happen more than you would think so let's start with effect like I said effect is a verb so for sentence structure something affects something that's really the structure that you need to remember so let's see before we go any further if you can think of an example sentence using effect put it in the comments pause the video if you need put that example sentence using effect in the comments below did you put one in the comments okay here's mine the dry weather affected the crops remember our sentence structure we have something what's the something put it in the comments what's this something the dry weather right that's or something something affects something the dry weather affected the crops so the other something is put it in the comments is the crop so we have something affects something but what do you notice about effect in this sentence it's a verb right so what verb tense is this sentence in what vergence is listen put it in the comments below the dry weather affected past simple so we know this is a completed action in the past and that's what need to remember with effect because it's a verb it's going to be conjugated in different structures based on the context of the sentence now because effect is a verb I can take this sentence and put it in the present simple for example I can put it in a different verb tense which simply just changes the meaning so pause the video if you need and think about what would this sentence be in the present simple and when you have your answer put it in the comments below so take your time pause the video if you need the dry weather affected the crops what would that be in the present simple do you have it it would be the dry weather affects the crops did you get that s yeah I made it really dramatic there obviously you wouldn't say that in real situation but just so you remember affect is a verb the dry weather as a subject would be what it write it affects the crops so we need to remember to conjugate our verb and in the present simple we add an S to he/she/it verbs ok the dry weather affects the crops so it's important for you to remember that effect is what a noun or verb put it in the Commons is over and because of that it needs to be conjugated according to the time reference and according to the subject as well now let's move on to effect effect is what a noun or a verb put it in the Commons effect is a noun and you can think of it as the result of something ok because remember nouns are people play says four things so in this case it's like a thing is the result of something it's a thing it's a now effect and remember because it's a noun it could have an article or it could be singular or plural those would be our choices with a noun so let's take a look at an example I could say the effect of the dry weather was devastating the effect okay I'm starting my sentence with the noun the effect of notice that sentence structure the effect of something the something is the dry weather the effect of the dry weather was devastating so here because it's a noun I need my article in front of it the the effect another example I could ask did this policy have any negative effects so notice here what's different about the noun I made it plural right and I'm not using an article in that case did the policy have any negative effects so were there any results of the policy and were any of those results negative now just for fun let us take a look at a sentence using bold effect and affect the side effects of this medication can negatively affect your liver so pause the video if you need and think about this example hmm so the side effects there we're using it as a noun and that's a very common way we use this as a now talking about side effects or the effects of something like in our previous example the side effects of this medication can negatively affect your liver and of course here something affects something so it's really the side effects that affect your liver as the something so this really isn't that uncommon of a situation to see effect and effect in the same sentence so to summarize remember effect is what a noun or a verb put it in the comments a verb and effect is put it in the comments a noun so that should be a great trick to help you instantly know which one you need to use now let's end by going back to my original email that I was writing so remember I wrote do you think this could have mmm it so what do you think in this example do I need effect or effect do I need a noun or revert put it in the comments below pause the video if you need think about it and then put it in the comments do you think this could have affected it because I need a verb something affects something and of course this verb is conjugated according to the sentence all right so now you know the difference between affect and effect this is an advanced topic and you're going to need to practice and review this so why don't we start now put in the comments below an example sentence with effect and an example sentence with effect and bonus points major bonus points if you can think of any example sentence that uses both effect and effect put your example sentences in the comments below if you found this video helpful please hit the like button share it with your friends and of course subscribe now before you go make sure you head on over to my website J for is English comm and download your free speaking guide in this guide I share six tips on how to speak English fluently and confidently and until next time happy studying look at you understanding advanced grammar that even native English speakers struggle with native English speakers like your English teacher struggles with so don't feel bad if you're struggling with this you just need what practice and repetition and you can get that right here with me so before you go me sure you subscribe and I can't wait to see you next time bye happy studying
Channel: JForrest English
Views: 26,192
Rating: 4.8945384 out of 5
Keywords: affect or effect, what's the difference between affect and effect, affect vs effect, advanced English grammar, advanced English vocabulary, affect, effect, JForrest English
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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