<i> This is</i> Couples Court
With The Cutlers. This is the case
of<i> Faudi v. Scott.</i> You all have been together
for four years and you all engaged,
but that wedding is on ice because you believe
Miss Scott is cheating. Tell me why you have
brought this case. I believe that Miss Scott
has been cheating on me and she's been using
her cell phone to do so. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) JUDGE DANA: I just read
an article
about microcheating. It was about people
on social media and whether or not engaging
with the opposite sex online, and is it cheating or isn't it, and one
of the interesting things
about that one was a situation where a man
had friended a woman... Well, this other woman,
she was sexy, his coworker. And his girlfriend
of several years
broke up with him because she felt like
he was cheating. Sure. Your Honor, I don't talk
to any guys online. He has not caught any messages
in my phone of me talking
to anybody. It's just assumptions. Are you spending
a lot of time
on your phone? Playing games. 24/7. JUDGE KEITH: And I think
that's what he
is concerned about, <i> that you're playing games
with your phone.</i> SCOTT:<i> No,
I'm not playing games
with other people,</i> <i>I'm playing, like,</i> Candy Crush<i>
or something.</i> JUDGE DANA:<i> So, I'm looking
at you, Miss Scott.</i> It seems like this is having
an emotional impact on you. Can you tell me about that? Yeah, I've been going through
the same thing
for two months now. Like, every single day,
it's an argument... I've moved out of the house
more than once. So these accusations of you
cheating on social media
with your phone have actually caused you
to live
on separate households? Yes. What were the warning signs? She was withdrawn. She just didn't seem
like she was participating
in the relationship. Sometimes I felt like
she was ignoring me. Always looking at the phone.
Sometimes I'd talk to her... "Did you say... What? Huh?" So you being your normal
charming self
and you're getting nothing? You're getting nothing? Right, it's like talking
to a wall. Was it always like that? FAUDI: No, no. No, when we first met, we... We were more engaged,
more intimate. Tell me what it was like
in the beginning. It was fun, it was spontaneous.
You know, it was exciting. It's been a great relationship
for all these years until recently,
the past six moths or so. SCOTT:<i> When we met,
it was a different lifestyle
for both of us.</i> Like, you know, I didn't bring
my kids into it, he didn't
bring his, like... But you agree the relationship
has changed. SCOTT: It has. Are you on the phone
all the time? No, not like he thinks. JUDGE KEITH: Well, see,
here's the thing.
Relationships do change. JUDGE DANA: Yeah. But this is
something different. This is... All these pieces
are starting to add up
to make you think there's somebody
else involved. There's gotta be
something going on. Okay, so, what do you have
to support that
she is in fact cheating? It was actually at a class
she attends. I had to drop her off
and I had about
an hour to kill. She left her cell phone
in the car and received
a notification on it. So I was kind of glancing,
being nosy,
going through her phone and seen some comments
on there about
kind of hook-ups. You know, almost like
a nearby friends hook-up. Hook-ups?
What do these comments say? Uh, some of them were explicit,
some of them weren't. Talked about different
meeting places, different times
and things like that. It would suggest a meet
maybe in a restroom or... What were you gonna
do in the restroom? Just literally hook up? Yeah, come on. I think that's
what it suggested. Do you think there was
a specific person she was
trying to hook up with? It seemed to me
it didn't matter who it was. What's going through your mind
when you see that? I was angry
and a little disgusted. Do you have apps on your phone
where people can contact you
about hook-up spots? No, ma'am, I do not. JUDGE DANA: So, what was it
he was looking at? I don't know
what he was looking at. You have never had
an application on your phone where someone could say,
you meet me here or this is a good place
to meet a dude? No. So, you're denying
this even ever happened? I didn't...
I've never seen it. JUDGE KEITH: Well,
when he confronted
you about it, what did you say? He didn't show it to me, no. He did not show it to you? No, sir. Why didn't you do a screenshot
of that, Mr. Faudi? I wish I would have,
Your Honor. JUDGE DANA: I do, too. JUDGE KEITH: He was
probably shocked. I mean, if he's got her phone, and it's like,
"Here, meet me here,
hook up in the bathroom," I'm sure he's shocked. Yeah, well, I get that,
but you should have saved that. Since I had actually
got the cell phones
and put them in my name, it was almost like
they gave me rights
to her email, I guess. So, so, basically,
I had access
to her location history, her search history, all that. JUDGE DANA: Okay. So, I went into
her location history and seen several addresses
that I didn't recognize. Over several months' time,
they had been repeated. And, Mr. Faudi,
you brought an exhibit
to demonstrate this. Yes, I did that,
I brought in a map. Would you step to the plasma? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE DANA: Okay,
tell us exactly
how you found this. Well, this is where we live. JUDGE DANA: Okay. And one of the addresses that
I saw on the location history,
I was familiar with the area. It's this section over here,
which is
a residential neighborhood. So, I figured, whoever
she's going over there to see
is in a home, uh, again, with the address,
I do not recognize. For her to go there
several times over a course
of six to eight months, seemed like I would have heard
about that address. All right, go ahead. And... Then there were some
locations farther away with addresses
I'm not familiar with, areas I'm not as familiar with. And both of those
were a lot farther away. How far away are they? At least 45 minutes
to an hour. Okay, so... My family lives there. So that address is
in your neighborhood,
kind of, sort of? Correct, Your Honor. JUDGE KEITH:
But these over here, these are the ones
that are 45 minutes away? Forty-five minutes
to approximately an hour. Miss Scott, who were you
gonna see 60 minutes away? I have all my family,
and where I'm from is 45 minutes away
from where I live now. And I'm sure that you believe
that she is going to see
another man in those spots. Oh, yeah, yeah, definitely. Especially the one address
that's close by. I mean, I don't know...
I've never... I've never been
to that address. Not one time
have I actually been there. I told him, "Go ahead,
let's get in a car
and go there. "It's close enough,
take me there." I was ready. JUDGE DANA: But you're saying
that these three addresses
do not involve men that you're going to see? Because that's
what he believes. No, ma'am. No, ma'am,
I have never cheated on him. I've never been
to that address. All right, do you have
any other evidence, physical evidence,
that she has been cheating? There was one incident
where we were over
at a family member's her family member's home. As soon as I arrived
at the home, it seemed like
I was being... Kind of distracted,
so to speak. Immediately,
one of her family members
had asked me if I would give him a ride
to this service station
down the street. "Sure," I said. So I took him
down there, come back. As soon as I walked
in the door, another one
of her family members said, "Hey, come with me.
We're gonna go look "at something for sale
real quick
go-kart, lawn mower..." "Sure, I'll go with you." So we go on a ride
and it seemed like he was just
kind of taking me on a joyride and so we get back to the house
and, uh, knock on the door,
"Oh, hold on." I open up the door
and she is standing
in front of one gentleman which, it appeared,
maybe he had his phone
up her shirt or something, I'm not sure. I mean, that's,
that's kind of what... Okay, wait, wait, wait. She seemed startled.
Like I caught her
doing something like... Show me what
it looked like. He had his phone kind of... Up, around,
maybe by where her stomach,
you know, kind of in that area, like he might have
just pulled it
out of her shirt. I mean, that was
my first thought. JUDGE DANA:
So that was your first thought, was that he had reached
into her shirt
and grabbed the phone. In front of her family
and her family's there. In front of my children. Miss Scott, what was going on? He was using the flashlight
on his phone to look at this coin,
because I have bad eyes,
up close. And you can't see a date on it. I've shown it
to several people
around us here, and they can't even see it. Like, it's...
It's hard to see. Can we look at that coin?
Ron, would you get
the coin, please? RON: Yes, Your Honor. Which just seems unusual
maybe because just
a day before this, I had gotten a coin
from my cousin
and it was unique. It was not unique. I had that coin
in my pocket as well. I went to show it to her
and she had no interest
in this coin at all. SCOTT: It was a... (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) FAUDI: And then the next day,
she's... She's interested
in coins. SCOTT: It was a type of coin.
I'm not a little kid. I've been hearing about it
for a long time. So, Mr. Faudi,
if I'm hearing
you correctly, she has no interest
in your coin, but she's interested
in another man's coin? Right, right, right. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) JUDGE DANA: Mr. Cutler,
what are you saying? That's what it seemed like. Let me just say this. It's pretty faded, you know,
like I'm seeing...
You know, like it's worn. So if you were really
trying to study it, you would need more
than just regular light. Also, would I need a light up
under your shirt though? No, under my shirt
would not work. But if you had it right here... She is saying,
he was doing it right here so she could see it. You know, I gotta say,
I could see why you would be
concerned about being accused. Mmm-hmm. Mmm-hmm. Tell him about how you feel
about these kind
of accusations. I mean, you're doing
a very innocent thing,
looking at a coin, I can see the tears
in your eyes. Because I don't even feel like
I can go to my family's house
and hang out without it being a problem.
Like, that's ridiculous. I would never make him choose
between me and his family. Tell your fiance
what you are going through. Hurt. I'm hurt, I'm angry,
I'm sad, I'm frustrated. I'm ready to just...
If it continues after this, it's over. I mean,
I don't wanna marry him
no more. He's not the one, obviously. Like, I cannot handle it
no more, I can't. You cannot continue
to live your life
under suspicion. I can't. Mmm-mmm. I'm a good woman,
I've never cheated on him. And if he can't come...
Like, if... I can't be with him no more. Mr. Faudi, look at her
and tell her
how you're feeling. She knows how I feel,
I just wanna get this
put behind us. I just wanna
know the truth. I just... I've been telling you
the truth. I just want an honest,
faithful woman. And, and... Hello. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Someone to grow old with. And you want this
relationship to work? Yes, I do, Your Honor. I think we've heard
enough testimony. Here's what we see
from our vantage point. That you believe your fiancee
uses her cell phone to cheat, that you found records
of secret meet-up locations,
in her cell phone. You've even tracked
her cell phone
to suspicious areas. And you walk in on her
at a family member's house and she is in
a suspicious position after you feel they've kept you
out of the house as a ruse. Correct. And all of this has
led you to believe that she is involved
with someone else. Something's going on,
Your Honor. And if you find out
she is involved
with someone else... I can't continue
the relationship. Well, this court has done
a complete
and full investigation. At this time, the court
would like to call
cyber security expert, Mr. Terry Fisher
to determine, is she cheating? RON: Mr. Fisher. How are you, Mr. Fisher? Good, Your Honor. What did you do to investigate
Miss Scott's phone? Your Honor, I did
a full forensic examination
of Miss Scott's phone and I was able to recover
current and deleted messages, <i> apps, browser history,
photos and videos.</i> Mr. Fisher,
did you recover anything
in Miss Scott's phone? I did, Your Honor. I recovered photos
of three different men. JUDGE KEITH: And you have
those photos with you? FISHER: Yes, Your Honor. What do you know
about these photos? <i>They were actually downloaded
four days ago at 9:47 p.m.</i> SCOTT:<i> That's from you.</i> JUDGE KEITH: Four days ago? FISHER: Yes, Your Honor. Did you find anything else
during your investigation? Yes, I did, Your Honor,
I found a picture here of a naked photo that was
a little concerning. JUDGE DANA: Oh. This is a photograph
of a naked woman. <i> Her breast is exposed
along with her...</i> JUDGE DANA:<i> Private...</i> JUDGE KEITH:<i> Private parts.</i> And we don't have a face,
so we don't know who this is. FISHER: That's correct. SCOTT: If you show
me the photo, I might be able to tell you. Ron, would you hand this
to her, please? RON: Yes, Your Honor. Oh, I don't know. JUDGE DANA: All right. So, it's not you. It's not me. JUDGE DANA: Okay. But you have this photo
on your phone, but you
don't know who it is. SCOTT: No. My two, well, he was two
at the time, between... He's four now,
and my seven-year-old
always have my phone. The kids... (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) You think took this photo? I don't know. Ron, would you hand
this to Miss Scott? And I've been getting
weird emails from people. Miss Scott, do you know
who those three men are? I know who...
Yeah, these two
is my best friend, a good friend
that has passed away now. I screenshotted him
off his page. JUDGE KEITH: All right. To further investigate
this matter, the court would like to call
former military interrogator,
Miss Lena Sisco. Ron, would you please
escort her in? (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) RON: Miss Sisco... How are you, Miss Sisco? I am well, Your Honor.
How are you? Can you tell the court
and tell us what you did to investigate
this particular case. So when I interrogate someone,
I look for indicators
of deception and truthfulness, both verbal and nonverbal. At the beginning, Miss Scott
was a tough nut to crack. So, she did not wanna talk,
and she's a very closed person, both of which can be indicators
of deception. Hmm. What did you learn
in your investigation? I learned that Miss Scott
did admit some things to me. So they caused me
some concerns. She did admit to contacting
an ex-boyfriend on Facebook. This was shortly after she had
gotten into an argument
with Mr. Faudi. We were split up though. They had conversations,
they talked about meeting up. However, Miss Scott claimed
that they never did. And then finally,
she did admit
to having some dating apps and social media apps
on her phone that she had used in the past
to play guys for money. SISCO: So, you meet a guy
and they help you out
to pay a bill. But she did tell me
that since she has been
with Mr. Faudi, she has not done this. What did you conclude
as a result of
your investigation? I concluded that Miss Scott... so they caused me
some concerns. What did you conclude
as a result
of your investigation? I concluded that Miss Scott was telling me the truth and she has not cheated
on Mr. Faudi. JUDGE DANA: All right. What? Oh, man! How are you feeling
right now, Miss Scott? Relieved. As long as he believes it. Mr. Faudi, that's kind of
the first smile
that you've had except when you talked
about when you first met
and how... You got tears in your eyes. A little bit, Your Honor. JUDGE DANA: All right,
tell us how you are
in this particular moment. (SNIFFLES) I'm relieved. JUDGE DANA: Good. I'm sorry. Mmm-hmm. I'm really sorry, baby. JUDGE DANA:
Mr. Faudi, you clearly were harboring a lot
of emotional baggage with this. Oh, yeah. I think this is gonna
be a good fresh start
for our relationship. It will be a great
fresh start
for your relationship if you both work together
to rebuild the trust. You have gotta be willing
to put that behind you
and move forward. You've gotta be willing
not to make him suspicious. I don't think I was. Well, now that you know
that it's in his mind, you've got to take
some extra steps to make sure
that his suspicions
don't resurface. We have counseling
available for you. Please take advantage of that,
talk to our counselors so you can move
forward together and make your relationship
grow even stronger
than it is now. As we say in this courtroom, don't cheat yourself
out of a chance
for a good relationship. Court is adjourned. (GAVEL BANGS) I think we've put this
behind us and can move
forward in a positive way. Maybe we can move on
with the wedding. I think we need
to set the date.
I think we need to get married. I feel a lot better about that.