AESTHETIC ROOM MAKEOVER 🏹🪞🎀 pinterest-inspired room transformation

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[Music] so this is what we're starting with I've worked really hard to create a room that I love over the past several years but lately I've begun to realize more and more that there are quite a few things that I just don't love about my room anymore and I felt like the new year would be the perfect time to change them I feel like some of the decor isn't exactly my style anymore some of the main things that I want to change are my dresser my vanity chair my nightstand and really just the overall Decor of my room I actually also want to paint my room there are so many holes in the walls it does not look good I'm about to go to IKEA because there are several things that I want to get for my room so I'm looking for a dresser a nightstand and potentially drawer organizers for the dresser we'll see what I find I'm just excited to make some nice furniture upgrades to my room because the furniture I have has been in my room for a very long time especially my dresser kind of like not a great use of space it is a vertical dresser so I have wasted space on both sides of it rather than like a horizontal dresser where I could put stuff on top of it and make use of that space in [Music] here bro I like this can we get one oh thank so but I do like it though this is the nightstand I want to [Music] [Music] get [Music] n [Music] to on the metal shavings what if we put the ladder right here you can just step onto it okay ready 1 two three something smells weird is that that machine Jack no do you smell that smell oh it's the sticker that smells oh what is that what the heck Jack come smell the sticker how about I know what is that I don't know but it's got to be [Music] toxic [Music] hello guys it is day two of doing my room yesterday took an insane amount of time but I'm just going to get going on it right away today it'll be a lot faster with the painting today because we just need to do one more coat in my room we've already done like two or maybe three but it still looks like it needs another coat so that's what we're about to [Music] [Applause] [Music] do I just moved my bed over to give me enough space to work right here I think the next thing I want to do is build Furniture so this is the Ikea mom dresser and it's the white one three pieces of furniture to build and this is the biggest one [Music] so [Music] I just hammered my thumb so hard and now I've been just sitting on my floor crying I've been doing this for too long I'm like sort of having mental breakdown now to where I just wish my room was like back together and I could just lay down on my [Music] bed [Music] I'm going to show you the cute new room decor I got I just saw this at Target in the front section thought it was cute I don't know maybe has like a little vase I've also really been wanting a star mirror I love Moons and stars anything like lunar related and I already have a moon mirror so I ordered what I thought was going to be like a bigger star mirror I thought it would be good for like a little wall collage frame wall that I'm planning on doing but I got two small star mirrors not that I'm mad about it I still think they're really cute and honestly this might even be better but it's not what I was expecting I love candles and I love pretty glass pieces so I got these two Clear candle holders they're so beautiful I feel like you could find these at the thrift store honestly like something similar but they're really pretty and then this isn't really room decor I mean they're makeup bags but they are going to be kind of used as room decor so I got these two makeup bags they're fuzzy and then I just wanted some more taper candles for my candle holders so I got these ones I think they're cute but at the same time I also sort of feel like they look like intestines maybe because they're pink it also makes me think that but I still do think they're cute like I've been wanting this thing for a long time like it's just a seashell dish with a gold Edge and I really like it I just I think it's beautiful I have lots of gold details in my room like on my mirrors and stuff I think this extra little gold details perfect and like I love the beach and anything ocean related this is the exact same as this one from Target but then I saw it in pink at a different Target and I was like oh my God I'm going to get it this is a book but it will kind of be a decoration also my brother got this for me for Christmas so sweet and it's such a beautiful book it's like a poetry book there's one picture on my Pinterest with this basically like this exact frame I searched everywhere online for the frame could not find it and then one day I was just at TJ Maxx and I looked over and saw like 10 of them sitting on the shelf in the frame section and I was so excited so I of course got one how cute is that next I got this it's actually bigger than I was thinking it was going to be you put a candle inside of it it's like a salt candle holder but yeah it's like quite big I don't know why I thought it was going to be a little bit smaller but like that's a hunk of salt that you can put a candle in oh my god I've been wanting these clips for a long time too these are beautiful I got the whole pack of them from Amazon but I think the pink and the white one specifically I will be kind of using as room decor but I'm of course going to wear them too they are so cute like I cannot wait to wear these in the summer I also got these drawer organizers from Ikea to help organize my new dresser and then I got this whole pack of little clear organizers for organizing my desk these are going to be amazing also saw these at Ikea when I was there the other day and I just think they're really cute they were only like 49 cents each in their little tealight holders I just think this glass is really pretty it's ribbed and I have these pink Ikea tea lights that I bought a while ago but I thought they would be perfect inside and then I got a pack of two medium siiz and two small white crates I have some of these crates already but they're very useful for like storage and organization so I just wanted to get a few more and last thing is this seashell lamp also have been wanting this for a long time and I got this for Christmas and I think it's so cute and this is perfect again like I said I love like mermaidy beachy things like that I just really love this so it's pink and the Pearl is a light [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm trying to work on my collage wall now I'm wanting to do a collage of like pretty gold frames and just picture frames on this wall right here so I'm like looking through some pictures to try to find the best ones for the frames so need to hang these up but I'm kind of just waiting for someone to come help me because I want to make sure that they're straight and like I want everything that I hang up to be hung up very well [Music] we're about to put my blinds up these are the blinds I got I also have a new curtain rod and I'm going to put my sheer curtains back up and then the next order of business is putting on a new door I love this door but it's it's [Music] time [Music] so the last main thing that I need to do for my room is the walls because they are quite plain at the moment I got a few cute pictures that I liked from Pinterest printed at FedEx and I have a lot of cute frames I'm going to use my cute mirrors and everything but just went and bought some more frames I just think having actual frames really like levels up the way that it looks I'm going to start trying to like lay out I can make it look the best that it possibly can also have these two uneven shelves I used to have them up here on this wall but I kind of was thinking like maybe putting them on this wall right [Music] here [Music] [Music] yeah she is finally finished I've been working on this room for weeks and I didn't think it would take this long it's finally done I'm so happy with my room though I love how bright it feels in here now let's come with the tour here is the new overview of my room to the right of my door we still have my bed because this is like the only spot for it but I have a collage wall right here on this wall and then the same two prints that I had before that I printed off of Pinterest at Walgreens but I have them in these gold frames now which are from Target I'm also going to try to link everything that I can possibly think of and find in the description so if you want to know where anything is from check there on my bed I have my little pink bunny I got this at Target actually like last year I think it was around Easter I put little bows around her ears like how cute is that it just I love her she's adorable the star pillows from TJ Maxx and this pink heart is from Amazon I have these really pretty floral sheets and then pink pillowcases both of these are from Amazon as for the collage wall I'm really happy with the way that this turned out but I literally spent so long curating this wall and having my mom help me pick out the configuration and I think it looks amazing I'm so happy with it also have this pink heart blanket at the foot of my bed which is from Target over here we have my nightstand which I love I think the way this is decorated is so cute I mentioned before but the nightstand itself is from Ikea I have this stack of books I have my film for her book The Paris apartment the Bell jar and my gratitude journal and on top I have this really cute heart candle from Target and then I have my lamp from Amazon this beautiful candlestick holder and Candlestick this is from Amazon I already mentioned that and I'm so happy that I thought of putting my propagations in these pretty jars cuz I just think this is beautiful but this is from Target I have a posos propagation in here and a little mini dip te candle like how cute is that in this shelf I have this little white crate this isn't super functional but I have a fuzzy pink makeup bag and two satin eye masks I don't really know what else to put in here and then the drawer I have this which is actually the lid to a candle but I use it as a coaster and then I have another little crate with a lot of my journals in here more journals back here this mini crate which has my pillow spray my remote for my like lamp and candle lighter in here and I also have my pink slippers from TJ Maxx just cuz like I can easily get out of bed and just slip them on these lights go on with the switch and I decided to put them around in this way before I had them going all the way around my room so I have them around this wall like framing the wall also around the far wall but I get a lot of questions about where these lights are from they are the room essentials brand from Target and I hung them up with little Command hooks moving this way I still just have my full body mirror here which has a really pretty gold Edge I liked adding a lot of gold accents into my room this was kind of a spur of the- moment thing but I decided to bring this rug into my room but I thought it just made my room a little bit Cozier and I don't know I like the feel of it still just have my record and my guitar on this side because I don't really know where else to put them but then I have these cute star lights around the mirror and I honestly think those added like a really nice touch my yoga man is here right now but I don't really want it to stay there so we'll pretend it's not there I think these shelves were such a good decision and I love the way they look the little offset shelves are from Target and I framed this daily affirmations print have a replica bath candle and another little propagation here I decided to put my other little star mirror propped up and then I have a few books stacked and this crate which literally just has my disposable camera in it I have this Vogue print and then the same shelves they didn't move but I did decorate them a little bit differently so on top I have my Crosley Cruiser record player from Urban Outfitters I've had this baby for a long time and then my cute little plant Mis cuz it's so beautiful the jar is beautiful and it's tactical give these babies some water this plant in this pink pot and here I have a few books propped up with my cutest little seashell lamp how adorable is that here I have another jar with a propagation in it and I have a bunch of books stacked up and on top is this mini crate with a bunch of crystals in it at the bottom I still just have my amp and this storage organizer thing from Target I think I'm going to do a full video on my closet like a closet organization deep clean thing but one thing I did change is the knobs it was such a simple like change and a small thing to do and they were really inexpensive but I feel like it was just a nice way to level it up so that looks really nice and then we have my new vanity and dresser this area definitely was like the most drastic change in my room start with the dresser going from right to left I have my jewelry tree over here and then I have two books and on top is another little Candlestick a candle in it and this I need to get a candle for it I don't have currently like a candle that fits that shape properly but I honestly just can't wait for it to be night time in here and for me to like light all the candles in my room and have the Ambiance be just amazing so next I have this beautiful gold mirror this is from Hobby Lobby it was just not quite big enough for the space I felt so I actually put it on top of this shelf like this is a shelf from Target I just set it on here and put the mirror on top to lift it up a little bit but I think it worked out really nicely and to kind of decorate this area I added a propagation and I lined up some crystals and to the left I have my perfume tray with most of my perfumes on here and then also this little Moon hanging thing that was from TJ Maxx with my salt lamp and then here is my beautiful vanity I have a new chair and I'm so happy about it like the chair hair really is so nice I like that it's wood and white and then I have this pillow from Target on here mediumsized crate and I have two of these Little Flower Clips on here just cuz they're so pretty I have my deodorant in here and then like this makeup bag which has things I use all the time I just like needed a spot to put them so there's my nightly like retinol body lotion I have gum and then I have another just normal body lotion and then I have my beautiful seashell tray so there's some like pearl jewelry gold jewelry I have lip gloss and this glossier G ation G and then two candles that just add a nice touch and I kind of wanted to cover up the ho right there that's for cords but I just like kind of wanted to cover it up so I have this clear little organizer that I already had and inside I just have this vanilla perfume my hair perfume I have this glossier serum like a little blush some eyeshadow this is a glossier hand cream and then my Ari by Ariana Grande perfume because the bottle's gorgeous I wasn't planning on getting a new makeup mirror but my other one actually broke 2 weeks ago so I ordered the pink one I have this beautiful Crystal Bowl that's full of crystals I have a stack of books over here cuz I genuinely did not know what to do with this part of my room the reason that they're faced with the spines backward is because they're all different colors for the rest of my room I tried to be strategic with the colors of the books but these are like blue and yellow and like orange books that really just didn't go with my room so I flipped them around which is a little silly but it works on the window still I have this pink candle stick holder with like a little ribbon tied around it and a candle and then my June 7th birthday candle and right now I just have my headphones on here as well I did make a Tik Tok of me organizing them if you want to see that but I have my brushes because I didn't really want them to be out and I also have palettes these are the journals that I just needed to be like inside of here because I use them every day and then I have makeup bags back there jewelry in this one and hair things in this one it's not organized like the most amazing but working for now that is all for this updated little room tour Room Makeover really hope you enjoyed and comment this Emoji if you watched all the way up until this point thank you so much for watching I hope you have an amazing day and I will see you in my next video bye [Music] guys
Channel: Sophie DiLoreto
Views: 240,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: room makeover, room transformation, room tour, coquette room, coquette bedroom, coquette room tour, balletcore, balletcore room, balletcore aesthetic, vintage bedroom, bedrooom makeover, bedroom makeover aesthetic, pink room makeover, pink room tour, girly bedroom tour, room makeover aesthetic, sophie diloreto, sophie diloreto room tour, aesthetic room makeover, bedroom makeover, extreme room makeover, extreme bedroom makeover, exreme room transformation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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