Adventures of Buttman #21: Roblox - JAILBREAK! (Annoying Orange)

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♫ Na na na na na na na na Buttman ♫ Na na na na na na na na Buttman ♫ Na na na na na na na na Buttman ♫ Na na na na na na na na Buttman ♫ Na na na na na na na na Buttman ♫ Here killing all the butts ♫ Buttman ♫ Punch you in the guts ♫ Buttman ♫ Clap you in the nuts ♫ Buttman ♫ Do the Buttman strut ♫ Buttman (farting and laughing) - [Voiceover] Hey y'all, back again with another gaming video and Buttman is back in Roblox that is. (bell ringing) We are playing jailbreak. And it sounds like the criminals are already escaping or something, what's going on? (laughs) Thanks for the money, honey. Time to go fight some crime. I just gotta figure out what the heck I'm doing here. Buttman might be a little lost. This is his first time playing a police officer working at a jail. I mean, not playing, he is one. (laughing) What am I talking about, playing? (laughing) All right, Buttman, let's do this. Oh yeah, this is the most important part. I gotta get some weapons. Yeah, I think I'm gonna need every single one of these. All right, there we go-- 'Scuse me, buddy, I'm trying to save the world from criminals, jeez. Where we going, buddy? Woah. (knocking) Is somebody shooting? Either somebody's shooting or somebody's got the weirdest sounding farts ever. (laughing) Better get that checked out. Hey, wait, wait, hey, hey! Come back! Hey, that prisoner just escaped, come back! Oh come on! How do I? Oh, there we go (laughs). Get back here! (whining) Buttman, stand up! Stop rubbing your groin on the grass, come on! Oh, there we go. Ah sweet, a random car. We gotta go get those criminals, come on! Oh, yeah! Now I'm cruisin' for a bruisin'. (laughing) Criminals will never be safe. I'm coming for ya! Criminals, please come out. I would like to arrest you. Please! (horn honking) Oh there you go, gotta use the horn. Criminals always respond to horns, it's the truth. Wait, there they are. They're trying to rob a bank, hey! Oh okay, apparently I can just bounce right off you. Excuse me. Holy moly, how many of you escaped from prison? Jeez, okay, you're all going to jail. No! (laughing) Aww, Buttman. Okay, the first encounter with the criminals didn't go quite as I expected. Can't blame Buttman, though, it's his first time. Right? (laughing) I miss Fart Boy and Bazooka Monkey. Hey, I heard you pounding on that. You're not supposed to be pounding on that. That's it, you're under arrest. Yeah! The sign specifically says don't punch me. If there's any punching that's gonna be done, it's by Buttman. (laughing) All right, my first arrest. Don't do it! Don't do it! What did I just say, don't punch it! Oh, come on! Yeah, Buttman's on a roll. (laughing) Cinnamon roll. Hey! Hey, no shooting Buttman. Hey! (gunshots fire) How are prisoners getting automatic weapons? This is the most poorly guarded prison I have ever seen in my life. (laughing) No, no shooting Buttman! Stop moving around. Yeah, come on! (laughing) Oh no! Buttman! Quickly we need weapons, we need weapons! We need to arrest everybody. Hey, come back here. Come back here! Oh hey look, it's Phony Boy. Hey Phony Boy, how you doing? What's that, you want me to follow you? Okay. Oh, I like the way you think Phony Boy. Yeah. Hellachopter time. You're no Fart Boy or Bazooka Monkey, but Phony Boy, you're gonna make a good sidekick, yeah! There it is, there's the bank. There's the bank, they're trying to rob the bank. Get down! C'mon, yeah bring it down. There we go, there we go. Yes! I'm getting you. Oh, woops, I jumped out. Come here, I'm gonna arrest you all! Get, c'mon, did I get him? Oh no, I didn't get him. (laughing) You're under arrest, yeah! No! Well at least I arrested one of them. I'm coming back for you all. Okay, Phony Boy, let's do this! Yeah, you're the driver. I'm gonna shoot out the window, okay? (laughing) What, that's legal! Oh, here we are, here we are. I can hear the bank alarms going off. There they are, we gotta get 'em! C'mon. Phony boy, you gotta drive that way. Okay, no, you're doing the Austin Powers thing. No, go down the road! Okay, fine. Go get them? I will go get them. You do realize, you're a police officer too, you could help me out a little bit. You're about as useful as my other sidekicks. (laughing) Ahh! Oh, same team. (yelling) What happened? Another perfect Buttman landing once again! I don't even know what happened. Did we stop them? I think we stopped them. Uh oh, here they come again, here they come again! Guys, we have to protect the bank! C'mon, help me! You guys tackle 'em. Buttman will fart on 'em. (laughing) Stop, stop in the name of the butt law! Sit still, I wanna taser your behind. (laughing) Yeah! Tasering butts! Okay, I think we stopped him. Good job, guys! Uh oh, what's going on over here? You guys, I'm-- Wow! Holy moly! Holy falling butt chopters! (laughing) Good job-- oh wait, you didn't get him. Wow, ow! I think I saw a criminal over there! Yeah, how you like it? Uh oh, no not again! Police, stop running! (laughing) Yeah! All right, another criminal down. You know what they say about Buttman, he's a real hot shot (laughing). Holy moly, there's criminals coming from every direction, stop! Stop in the name of the butt law! I don't even know what butt laws are. Yes, gonna get ya. Gotchya! Arrested! See you later, hot potater . (laughing) Woohoo! Shooting down a helicopter is my business and business is good! Woah, Phony Boy, how'd you know where the evil criminal base is? Cool! Oh there's another underground evil base? Let's go there! Oh yeah, if I were criminals, this would definitely be where I hang out. Woah, this place is awesome. Wow, the criminals have an underground layer? It's got hot lava? Maybe I need to rethink my alliances because I really want an underground layer with hot lava. (laughing) I hear alarms, we better get to the helichopter fast. Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait! Wait, oh no! Ahh, the criminals stole our helichopter. That's it, now you made Buttman angry. It's not fine, Phony Boy! I need to have my revenge and I need to have it right now. (laughing) Uh oh, uh oh, hey, hey! Stop in the name of the butt law. C'mon, yeah, there we go! I'm surfing on cars over here. I know you're hiding behind a pole but I can still see you You're under arrest (laughing). Yeah, hiding behind poles that are skinner than you usually doesn't work. Just gonna let you know that now. What's that sound? Hey, what did I tell you about punching that thing? You're under arrest (laughing) That's what you get. Don't do it, don't do it! All right, buddy boy, we got our helichopter back. Criminals will be shaking in fear. Shaking and baking. Oh, they're back at the bank again. We gotta stop 'em! (laughing) Comin' in hot, woohoo! Yeah-- Oh, it gave me $100 just for being awesome. (laughing) Thanks! Oh, I see a bad guy. I see him down there. Yeah, I'm gonna get you, yeah! Parachuting down on your face. What do you mean don't crash? Phony boy, you're crazy. Helichopters were made for crashing. You've obviously never seen an episode of Buttman. There he is, there he is! You drive, I'll shoot! Ready for the fire down upon your face! How do you like it? Taste real good, don't it? Yeah! He got away, he's getting away! Uh oh, he's going to the bank. They're going to the bank again! You'd think this bank would learn. It gets robbed like every three minutes. If I lived in this world, I would not bank there. I mean, honestly, you'd probably have better luck just taping your money to the sidewalk outside your house. Okay, get inside. C'mon, Phony Boy, we've got to get those criminals. We gotta save all that money and if some of it just mysteriously happens to disappear, I won't say anything to anyone, okay? Uh oh, there they are! Woah, we got a shootout situation going on here. Buttman's gonna need the big guns for this one. All right, here we go-- Hey, you pushed me out of the way! What are you, Fart Boy? I would expect my sidekicks from Grand Theft Auto to get in my way, but not you guys. Oh no, he's dead! See? That's what happens when you get in my way. How do you do it? I didn't do it, it wasn't me. Yeah, now we're having a blast! Yes, c'mon. That's what you get. All right, we are the winner winner chicken dinner. What'd you do to the helicopter? Or is it just celebratory dancing? I mean that happens. I know I dance when I get happy, why can't a helicopter do it too? Yeah, that helichopter's really shimmying and shaking. It's got the moves, man! No, I don't want to get in. Buttman's busy shooting the dancing helichopter, jeez! Can't tell me what to do. It's official Buttman business. What the--? Okay, flying cop cars, okay, that happens. Sure, why not, bouncing off the helichopter. I don't mind. Uh oh, we got a Butt 59er. Butt 59er! They're trying to-- Oh, I see you. Yeah, you tried to break into the bank again. Butt 59er, you are arrested. Buttman's back, all right! That's what you get. Oh, Phony Boy, Phony Boy, jeez! There's all kinds of crazy stuff going on here. Seriously, this is the worst prison ever. Oh man, they're all trying to escape. No, no! He's trying to get the helichopter, quickly! Yeah! Got him! Got him before he could get the helichopter. Oh man, things are going crazy. Wait, wait, you're under arrest. Stop, stop, you're under arrest. Yeah, got him. Oh yeah, let's get 'em all boys. Book 'em, Donnie! Uh oh, this one got away. This one got away! Quickly! That's mayhem! Oh yeah. That's what you get. What I'd tell you about punching that box? Don't punch that box. Oh, you're done. Yeah! Another one arrested! Told you to stop punching that box! Jeez, don't do it. There he is again! He's punching the box! Open the door so I can arrest his face off. Excuse me. (whining) Perfect groin landing once again by Buttman. Get him, get him! (laughing) Who wants some? You're all gonna get some. I don't even know whose good or bad. You're all getting butt bullets. Yeah! There we go. Hey, what the--? I exploded! Why did I sploded? Uh oh. Oh no, I shot someone that was innocent? Oh no! Buttman's in jail. Oh no! ♫ Na na na na na na na na Buttman ♫ Na na na na na na na na Buttman ♫ Na na na na na na na na Buttman ♫ Na na na na na na na na Buttman ♫ Na na na na na na na na Buttman ♫ Here killing all the butts
Channel: Annoying Orange
Views: 1,681,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, funny, fruit, talking, animation, daneboe, The Annoying Orange, annoying orange gaming, adventures of buttman, adventures of buttman roblox, roblox, roblox jail break, jail break, cartoon, superheroes, comedy, spoof, parody, prison, lampoon
Id: pxIyvt9faMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2017
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