Adventure Time | Live Script Read | Go With Me

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right now why don't we do a live read-through now for this i'm gonna need everyone's help and i'm gonna need two volunteers okay oh i've got a lot of hands going up already now you don't know what you're volunteering yet too so let's just wait and see i need somebody to play a man in love oh who's my man in love you sir you've played the man in love come and join us up on stage come and join time and give him a round of applause ladies and gentlemen now i also need someone to play a woman in love what do we get uh you matter with the blue this guy over here is raising his hand yes okay you're already playing a part john i know i know all right let's round of applause she and she joins us on stage amazing great okay now i'm gonna need everyone else's help and what you guys are going to do is you are going to play a pack of howling wolves does everyone think they're up to the challenge let's hear your wolves let's go oh oh they are good walks whoa [Applause] like music to my ears amazing so when i give you the signal that's when i need you guys to play wolves and when i go like this that is when you cut it now let's give him a round of applause as we get the man and the woman in love on stage come and do the microphones straight to your microphones amazing okay so i think now it's time to do a read-through are you guys are you guys ready is everybody ready adventure time red live are you guys ready are you excited [Applause] all right let's roll it sing along if you know the words feel free to sing along if you want [Music] [Music] nice go with me hey man it's couples only movie night tonight who are you bringing uh i don't know who are you bringing well i'm bringing my girlfriend dude oh well i'll take this duck it's couple's night you got to bring somebody you can smooch man i don't want to be smooched you don't have to smooch just have to bring somebody you can smooch it's like the rules lame finn picks up i'll take this blanket yeah finn kisses the blanket no he picks up a duck vin picks up a duck we got the same script yeah yeah [Laughter] well he picks up a duck and then he screams well okay i'll just take this blanket instead of the duck put the blanket down have a seat i want to explain some things to you about couples so you all square yeah yeah i think so who are you gonna call i am going to call a girl that i don't have to kiss hello here is bubblegum hi princess would you go to couples movie night with me hmm sounds romantic finn oh no it's definitely not i was just wondering if you wanted to go with me oh sorry finn i'm busy practicing for the whistling choir death match championship but i you know alfida's in [Music] she whistles for a really long time [Music] she doesn't want to go yeah she does we just need to help her realize she wants to go to the movies with you i'm calling marceline what look man i've been learning a lot about vampires lately i realize now that my fear was based on ignorance speak hey hey marceline i got a favorite ass babe we want to make princess bubblegum jealous so she'll go to the movies with finn so are you gonna help us uh yeah i'll help it'll be funny okay here's the plan you start saying things and you start laughing way out loud and then bubble gum yeah she'll get jealous of you which will awaken her fin love you start us off all right um hmm funny funny funny funny um kitty up um all right [Laughter] [Music] greetings finn hey marceline hello bonnabelle yeah yeah so what's so funny finn uh i uh it's a um well keep it down out there i'm trying to whistle practice bubblegum walks off that was great now we begin phase two it's so powerful wait here check it out [Music] all right look finn i know jake's your friend and all but you really want princess bubblegum to go to the movies with you you gotta like stop listening to your dog and take advice from a real live girl but jake said phase two is powerful okay how is jake gonna know what a girl wants more than a real girl um yeah okay great so what we need now is something fun girls more than anything love some fun am i right fun fun fun if you can show bubblegum that you're fun she'll want to definitely go to the movies oh you said fun so much it sounds all weird now fun fun fun fun fun so what do you like to do for fun finn oh oh i like to wrestle and fight but girls don't really seem to like it no no no that is perfect all you gotta do is get in there and wrestle princess bubblegum and show her how fun you are fun finn stands by himself whoa hey where you going man jake shows him a loot and a renaissance style suit of clothing check it out what is that stuff it's a loot suit girls love it trust me vinny's now dressed in the clothes and carrying a loot he is walking along marceline flies down finn what the plum are you wearing you look terrible jake was disguised as a nearby chair he partially transforms and speaks it's a loot suit and finn looks adorable in it it's going to ruin the plan what's he talking about finn well i was going to give marceline's idea try to her idea what's wrong with my idea hi oh hey finn did you ever find some whoa what are you wearing oh this this is my loot suit he begins to play the loot singing uh oh this is my loot suit finn that is hilarious are killing me [Laughter] ben looks up sees marceline in bat form she mimes wrestling and growls oh yeah so headlock guards guards jake finn and marceline are all thrown out the main door they land on the road where marceline transforms back to her usual shape and jake crawls the cross out of finn's loot that suit was ridiculous but ridiculous what i mean can you believe this girl finn huh can you the suit did feel a little silly well fine you can just give it back then jake starts to pull the suit off i'm sorry good luck getting into that movie without my help gee he seemed pretty ticked no he just needs some spaghetti oh okay well taste this then i got a new plan really the only thing women love more than fun is excitement you need to show princess bubblegum how to get her blood pumping man she needs to be chased by wolves like metaphorically come on i'll teach you how to show a girl a good time hold tight you ready [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the biggest he could do let's hear it come on cindy [Applause] come on another round [Applause] good job everybody okay be quiet she's probably asleep oh man this is a really good idea now don't blow it this time okay marceline flies away princess bubblegum runs out the door barking wolves behind her she slams the door shut against them oh finn thank goodness you're here there are wolves in my room yeah i know i put them there pretty exciting right [Laughter] oh man a guard drags finn out of the castle princess bubblegum speaks to him from the entrance i am so sorry to do this spin but until you stop acting like a psycho you are forbidden from entering the candy kingdom farewell she turns back and goes and goes back in with the guards the gate shuts finn reaches his hand out then slumps above a duck a duck quacks the duck defecates on finn that's disgusting ugh i don't understand marceline i tried everything i guess she just doesn't like me oh come on finn a brain lord like bonnie you'd be bored with her in a week and anyway i for one think you're pretty great sorry it didn't work out like you wanted i'll see you later i guess whoa marceline of course it's been marshalling all along obviously hey man i've been looking for you sorry for acting like a dweeb before want some leftover spaghetti oh no thanks man but i really do need your help it's about time oh no he's playing the loot and dressed in his loot suit marceline will you go to the movies with me finn we need to talk good evening my dear your escort is here okay you do not want to go down that road with me with you walk down any road my lady especially if it leads to the movies oh yeah no one would want to go to the movies with this what do you think of me now finn how do you like your popcorn you are starting to annoy me well then let's do something fun like i don't know just shooting here go to the movies get off of me then i like you but no listen to me i'm not gonna go to the movies with you i just i don't like you in that way i'm sorry finn i just i don't want to date you date me man i just want to go to the movies but everybody hates me wait you you you don't want me to be your girlfriend say what no movies okay if you if you were looking for a girlfriend then why were you romancing it up all day because jake said couples nights have weird kissing requirements and romance initiation rituals and whatever else i didn't really say all that i didn't say anything about wicked crimes of course i'll i'll go with you finn you will yeah as friends of course as friends but no tongue yeah what okay various candy people are watching the snacks advertisement before the film finn and marceline sit on top of the projection booth the cab of a truck oh man i can't believe i'm finally going to see this movie the movie begins a man and woman are in bra in embrace oh monster i guess this is goodbye no not goodbye let's say farvel [Laughter] [Applause] and uh i'm sorry it just it says in the script here the man and woman in the movie are kissing oh oh jake is kissing his unicorn girlfriend ice cream guy and lollipop girl are kissing two bo two bugs pop out of of ice cream man's head the bugs kiss finn groans and vomits marceline groves [Music] movie night sucks yeah marceline would you do me the honor of getting the plop out of here there's nothing i'd like more stupid nothing can ever tear up standby here we go you guys ready let's hear some halley [Applause] [Music] round of applause ladies and gentlemen we seek our amazing special guests how great were they amazing great job thank you guys so much tom's going to hook you up with that special exclusive signed a3 poster [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cartoon Network Australia
Views: 716,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animated, Live Script Read, Action, Live Show, Episode, Cartoons, panel, Adventure Time, Free, Premiere, Official, Clip, radio play, ComicCon, Cartoon, Script Read, Channel, Comedy, Download, App, Time, Watch, Animation, TV, Network, Adventure Time LIVE, Online, Melbourne, Season, Preview, Trailer, CN, Episodes, S2E20, Kids, Original, Full, Adventure, Series, Foxtel, Play, Sydney, Go With Me
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2017
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