Advanced Phrasal Verbs 4

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okay let me check that the board is clear is clear ish I've got a little bit glare right here try and pull that around a bit one second that's a little bit well just turn it off see if that works yeah that's much better we've got a lot of sunlight today anyway it's quite a sunny day here it's actually cooled down a little though in the last well especially this morning as much colder we have a lot of dew on the grass it seems that autumn has already arrived at the end of August so hello without further ado let's get stop started with these phrasal verbs let's get down to business so chapter 26 pop-up you will notice that many of these phrasal verbs are now being repeated these phrasal verbs crop up in every chapter more they repeated they crop up again and again and again so please use that phrasal verb crop up it's a good one now if you pop something up I use the example that I propped up some parts of this ceiling when I was making this log cabin and I used a piece of wood to prop up the ceiling while I put the insulation up in fact I was popping up the insulation that's what I was doing I was popping up the insulation while I put a wooden board up to keep the insulation in place so pop up means to hold up to hold up in place you can also show things up or show the economy up with financial measures with fiscal measures sounds very good and you can say that the recent fiscal measures have been boiling up the economy so these two came cropped up in a previous lesson but yeah you prop up things by basically providing support and making sure that they stay up yeah okay if you see about doing something and yeah you could see about you could see about any task or errand that you have to do I'll see about getting the glass cut I'll see about having the car repaired and it means to get someone to we want to deal with a certain task or ailment to sort out a task or errand and it involves calling maybe calling calling out the plumber or something like that if you're seeing about getting the boiler fixed you'll need to cool called out the plumber and so see about it basically means sort out a task or saw out an errand and you can also say well we'll see about that and that would mean let's wait and see we'll see whether that's true or not true so it could be used in a couple of different ways see about but see about certainly means to deal with a task or an errand and get it sorted get it sorted out questions please ask them under the video otherwise it will stop me explaining these phrasal verbs so if something doubles up as something else it means it can be used as something else as well so if maybe you don't have any pillow on your bed and you decide to use your jumper which will double up as a pillow your jumper doubles up as a pillow your plate may double up as an ashtray if you don't have an ashtray you might decide to use your plate instead when your plate will be doubling up as an ashtray now if you round people up you gather them together for some kind of purpose for some kind of project so you might need to round people up in order to get a football team together in which case you might say I wanted to rope in a few friends but remember that vote pin is slightly different because wound up just means gather people together so if you're in a big crowd of people you can start speaking maybe with a loud speaker to round them up into a group so that you can starts talking to them so wound up just means gather people together folk someone in means it's like the last sue it's like a cowboy with a last sue it's very visual phrasal verb this one and you vote people in when you need to find people maybe for your football team but maybe for something else maybe you have an English practice group and you want to vote in some other people it means that maybe you've got only three people and you want to vote for more people in and it just means get those people also in the group but I think it's similar to round up a group because you're still gathering people together but look in is for a specific purpose maybe your English group maybe your football team maybe there's it could be absolutely anything maybe there's a work outing going on and there aren't enough people or going yet you have some places left in the coat on the coach and you want to rope a few more people in to participate okay sift through has come up before the crop talk in another lesson when you sift through the rubbish it means you've dropped something in the bin that you shouldn't have and you want it back so you sift through the rubbish but you can also sift through documents if you have hundreds and hundreds of documents lying on your desk I've got quite a few over there you might decide to sift through them I try not to save prune because a lot of them are immensely boring builds that kind of stuff but you sift through documents you're looking through them maybe you're even poring over them but poring over sounds like you're examining them you're scrutinizing them where the sifting through sounds like you're just looking through them maybe not very carefully when you're sifting through but 15 clue rubbish you're certainly looking for it carefully but the idea is that you're doing this but you can sift through the belongings in your bag you know if you've got one of those bags that's full of all sorts of stuff you might sift through the stuff to find what you need but you could also rifle through the stuff you could also run me through your possessions the customs officers are from lovage through your possessions they often rifle through your suitcase if they think that you might look a bit suspicious okay if you hoard stuff away this is quite a negative phrasal verb because it sounds like you're being mean a squirrel will hoard away its nuts so it's acorns whatever it's found to eat maybe nuts if people are throwing them nuts they will hoard those nuts away or those acorns away it means they find a hole where they keep that treasure and a hoard is sometimes called a treasure times we say that the pilot has a horde meaning of treasure in a certain location a pilot will hoard away his treasure he'll stash it somewhere he'll hide it somewhere so hoard away it's normally used to mean that someone's being quite mean and that they're keeping maybe they're hoarding away food they're keeping that hidden from everybody else so that nobody else can find it maybe they're hoarding away their money they're keeping their money hidden so that nobody else can find it and that it's all for them so I suppose we all hauled away something or a but we all have something that we don't want anybody else to find and that we keep secret or hidden for ourselves but yeah it has this idea of a few normally hauled away treasure or food or something useful that other people want and you don't want to let them have so you stash it away you hide it away a little bit like hide away or stash away now if you do up your coat you're zipping it up you're if you do up your shoes you're tying them up so very similar to tie up and zip up but if you do up your flat then your jazzing up your flat you're decorating your flat you might even say you're sexing it up bolder that's unlikely normally something else would be sexed up we may be a document maybe an article all articles in the newspaper are sexed up most of them aren't true obviously they're just exaggerations they're just sexed up articles trying to they're trying to round up as many readers as possible and so of course they have to lie they have to exaggerate they have to play up the story they have to sex it up to make it interesting because it's actually quite boring now be geared towards these lessons are geared towards facial verbs in particular these lessons are geared towards students who have the advanced phrasal verbs book and it's available online you can download it for free like everybody else does and if you look at this book it's got hundreds and hundreds of exercises with these phrasal verbs so if you want practice get that book it's by Felicity Odell and Martin McCarthy or something like that you'll find it anyway advanced phrasal verbs Cambridge now if you rank among this is usually used with rank among the best off if you say that lighter ranks among the best writers in Europe it means that he's one of the best yeah it means that you are in that rank and a rank is of course a position in society it's a hierarchical position in society if you have a rank in the army it might be private it might be captain it might be general these are all different banks in the army and if you rank among fairly often use for sportsmen really you can say he ranks among the best pen tennis players in Wales or something like that okay if you fix up a meeting you arrange a meeting you sort out a meeting okay so fix up it means a range or sort out it does it doesn't mean the pair here it really does just mean a range so fix up a meeting with the boss sort out the meeting with the boss if you if I put stack up therefore okay stack up a pile of something if you stack up a pile of books it means you put one book on top of the other if you stack up the chairs you put one chair on top of the other maybe the meetings finished and somebody goes round and stacks up all the chairs so it's about arranging things and all of this all of these words are about ranging things in some way avenging objects in a moon now if you round up a number or round down a number this is in mathematics when you have nine point seven five and you round it up to ten or you have eight point one three and you round it down to eight but what you're doing here is rounding off the numbers you either way rounding it up or down and you can just say in a general way I had to round off the number it just means make it a whole number basically make it a reasonable number or an easy to count number okay if things add up it could mean that things are building up it could be similar to build up which is down here don't need to buy it again you could say that all of those are all of that junk food that he's been eating means that all the calories have been adding up meaning all the calories have been building up they've been increasing in number but you can or it also means makes sense if you say I'm sorry but things don't add up it means I'm sorry but things don't make sense there's something your logical here something doesn't add up something doesn't make sense add up to it could be used in a money way where you say the beers and the sweets and the wine add up to 15 pounds or it could be used to mean mean or signify so you might say what with his behavior at school and his low marks we can see that all of these all of these things add up to problems at home all of these things signify that he has problems at home all of these things mean or indicate so add up to it could mean indicate or signify it's the second way that it's using it's quite common so you might come to a crime scene and see lots of different clues you see footprint on the window sill and you notice that the door is closed but it's not locked and you say are all of these facts add up to the killer coming through the window and leaving through the door something like that okay if if you say that the quality of some items has been falling off it means it's been getting worse the quality has been getting lower and lower so we can use fall-off meaning to get worse so when when we're talking about the quality of something getting worse we say that perhaps sir the food in that pub has been falling off recently and it means the quality of the food has been falling off now if the pub bumps up twice's it means they make the cost of the drinks more expensive most of the parts around here unfortunately have bumped up their prices but if you knock down prices then you reduce the prices and if you're a customer you can knock someone down on the price so that would be a little bit more that would be knock someone down on and that means that you managed to haggle you managed to negotiate a better price a cheaper price not maybe you managed to negotiate a 20% discount you knock them down on the price by five pounds you knock them down on the price by ten pounds so the seller can knock down the place or you can knock them down on the price put on means put on clothes it also means put on weight which in my opinion is similar to put on clothes but it has a third meaning and it means that you pretend to do something if you put on an accent you mimic that accent maybe pretend isn't the right word but if you put on a German accent when you go on holiday you are pretending to be German you're putting on the accent you're mimicking it in order to sound German so it's another way we use per Tom if the if something starts to tell you off it starts to decrease so maybe you could say something like this this is from the advanced race of verbs book ice cream sales tend to tail off in winter obviously there's no Sun and so sales of ice cream tend to tail off in winter they decrease you could also say that a number of customers starts to thin out because when you do this ones always use with numbers of people it seems to be thin out although it might be used with liquids when they become more dilute when they become more watered-down you might say that the soup is thinning out if it's becoming more watery although that's where but numbers of people walk crowds tend to thin out so after a football match after a few when the football match is finished the crowds immediately start thinning out meaning they get less and less there are less and less people there okay if you slim down the business this is always used with business it seems to me you can slim when you're losing weight but you can also slim down the business and it means make the business smaller it means that your perhaps laying people off or you're cutting back staff you're down sizing your cutting back staff maybe because you don't have enough money to pay everybody but slimming down the business it means making it smaller laying people off making people redundant okay if a graph starts to level off or flatten out it literally means that what was like this starts to level off it starts to level off yeah it starts to get flat it starts to flatten out I mean both of those are the same and it means it becomes stable neither going up nor down if the price averages out at $1,300 it means that it becomes roughly $1300 so this one is very similar to level off you could say the price leveled off at $1300 the price of gold leveled off at $1300 or you could say the price of gold over the last three months averaged out at $1300 that would be very clear then that you're talking about the average of the last three months okay if you profit from your gold investments if you cash in on the price of gold or if you capitalize on the rising price of gold it means that you buy some gold and then you save it when it's worth much more money so it's a very good thing to do you might profit from something else you might profit from Bitcoin it's another very popular investment at the moment and so if you buy a load of bitcoins and wait long enough you might be able to cash in on the rising price okay if you persuade someone to do something you talk them into doing something and if you do it successfully you can say I won him over so when someone over it means persuade but it's not quite the same as talk someone into doing something because it's used differently you talk them into coming to your party but you just win someone opens just without that coming to my party it's just I won him over I managed to persuade him to come to my party I won him over I brought him round so win someone over and bring someone round like their complete synonyms now if you get through or go through I forgot to put go up here if you go through a messy divorce go through means that you've suffered in some kinda way that you've experienced a difficult situation and everybody knows that divorces are not nice situations and so you would go through a divorce and if you get through a divorce you managed to reach the other side where you're completely divorced you've got everything down in on a contract in a contract so you've got everything written down in a contract concerning all the B ifs and buts and the way you split the house and everything else you've got through the divorce you have gone through it you have finished it and if you win through something then that means you've you've won something in spite of difficulty so win through it's often used when you often talk about one of your feelings winning pou or winning out over another emotion you could say that my anger won out over my compassion or something like that but yeah win flu means to win in spite of difficulty to come through means to manage to successfully finish something in spite of difficulty and to pull through means to recover from an illness really this one is recover from an illness it's get better so Paul flu is still in spite of difficulty he managed to be covered he pulled through we didn't think he was gonna pull through but in the end he pulled through he came through the sickness yeah so all of these means something did similar and see something food to see something through to the end means to finish something which is really difficult so to see something through means not to give up you didn't give up and say oh I can't be bothered with this it's too hard you solve it through until you were an expert or a highly skilled person at this particular topic now if you lose out to someone else this just means you lose against an opponent it means you have some kind of competition and you lose out to an opponent so it's a little bit like lose against an opponent is pretty similar there's not much difference between lose out when you say Manchester United Manchester United lost out to Chelsea it means they lost against Chelsea but it sounds like it's in a tournament or the end of the league competition something like that now if your plans fall through they're not successful now this is a little bit confusing because all of these one's kind of mean when you pull through you're successful you recover when you come through something you're successfully it's difficult but you get through it you go through it you win through follow through it's the opposite if your plans fall through everything is a disaster nothing works out you don't you don't you aren't successful in some kind of way so hopefully your plans don't fall through hopefully they're all successful and you come through any difficulties that you faced now if you sail through your exams you go through them very easily very quickly you pass with flying colors but if you scrape through then the idea is that you only just passed you a borderline pass and so you only scrape food you scraped through that exam if you pull something off or carry something off or bring something off then you achieve it you sort it out you do it well again it's the opposite of fall food because if you say I didn't think we could carry this off it means I didn't think we could successfully accomplish what we set out to accomplish I didn't think we could do it but we managed to carry it off we managed to put it off you could even do this with something simple like a football game you could say oh I didn't think we were gonna carry off that game but in the end we won through we we beat them yeah we beat the other team we beat our opponents okay so carry something off pull something off bring something off it means successfully accomplished now if you're dealing with timetables you can often say I find it difficult to pack in all the lessons into the busy timetable yeah I have to pack in a lot of lessons packing can mean simply in your bag when you pack things in your bag or in your suit you're trying to squash them in aren't you trying to fit as many things in the suitcase as possible well the same goes for timetables if you're trying to pack in a lot of meetings or pack in a lot of projects you're trying to put too much on your plate you're trying to get as many things into your schedule as possible I've got a lot of lessons packed in my schedule at the moment and it's very tiring is really very it tires me out it wears me out okay get by means to survive so if you say I found it difficult to get by as a student it means I found it difficult to make ends meet I found it difficult to survive on the money that I had as a student okay and win out over it's usually to emotions and you say one emotion won out over another emotion we all have that moment where we vacillate between two positions where we're not sure which which emotion will win where we feel both love and hate towards the same objects very interesting psychological issue that we very often have we have feelings of love positive feelings and feelings of hate negative feelings towards have one in the same object and one feeling will win out over the other feeling in the end it depends on which one is the strongest okay if you something up watch something up mess something up you make a mistake you make loads of mistakes and it isn't successful you mess it up you muck it up as well it's another one you can use you muck it up and there's a few swear words which sound a little bit like muck but you could also use as well so anything like that will be make a mistake make a mess of something not successfully managed to do it so if you mess up the exam if you up the exam you make a mistake and this does sound like a rude word by a show and I assure you it is when you use it on its own but we've up it's not food it's not swearing at all okay relationships like marriages engagements and just simple romantic relationships can break down but one of the partners will break off the marriage one of the partners will break off the relationship break off the engagement and you could even say that one country has broken off the international relations with another country and they have broken off relations they have broken off communication so yeah relationships break down but you break off relationships remember that slight difference because they're very easy to mix up you have another way where you're messing up in some kind of way when you're mixing ups of two things now if you come across something by chance you run across it you bump bump into it usually for people I must say that's use me for people but you bump into an old friend but you come across or run across an old gold watch at the market perhaps that you really like in you decide to buy it but you can also come across as meaning be perceived to be what I mean is if you say I came across rather rude at that party it means people perceived me to be rather rude perhaps you're in a bad mood and you were quite short with people you didn't really say please or thank you and you didn't make an effort you might come across as a little bit food or a bit aloof a little bit arrogant whatever if you end up or land up or wind up in a certain situation it means in the end you finish up like that you wind up like that so it's all about ending or finishing in a certain way in a certain position could be negative could be positive okay if you are if you are very very sick your friend might say to you how are you holding up or how are you bearing up meaning how are you coping are you coping okay so they're both about coping with something terrible if someone in your family dies somebody so it might say how are you bearing up you know I know you lost someone who is very dear to you recently how are you bearing up how are you holding up they're both very similar now if you are riddled with holes maybe you've had a gunfight and somebody who shot you hundreds of times you'll be riddled with holes but you could also be riddled with disease you could be riddled with cancer so this could be used with holes with disease it could even be used with other negative things but it made me holes for some reason and disease not sure why but you could say he was riddled with holes he was riddled with disease he was riddled with cancer he's just absolutely full of it unfortunately so full of holes riddled with holes if you safeguard against something you take precautions against something so that's all that one means to safeguard against spreading infection I always wash my hands not necessarily true but nonetheless that's the example I'm gonna give you to safeguard against spreading bacteria I always wash my hands now if you iron out the details of a contract it means you maybe you bounced around some ideas in a meeting in order to smash out the details of the contract in order to make the details of the contract become clear and agree on the details of that contract so I mean this comes from ironing like ironing your shirt you iron out creases usually in a shirt when the shirt solder you know but lying's although that you need to iron out the creases so if you iron out the details of the contract you make all the details of the contract smooth and clear for everybody and so it's often iron out the details of the contract but it could be iron out some other kind of details where you make sure that everybody is in agreement about what the details will be now if you smooth things over between two warring parties or between two two people who are having an argument you make things less aggressive between those two camps or two parties or two people it means that you make sure that things go smoothly between them that they're no longer arguing so maybe maybe you're having an argument with your parents and your sister tries to smooth things over between you and your between you and your parents she tries to talk to your parents the Wangler he's not so bad your perhaps over overreacting and then she comes and speaks to you and explains to you that this is normal mum and dad should do this that it's not such a bad thing now if you make up for something make up for your mistake for example then you compensate for your mistake anytime you make up for a mistake you compensate for mistake but you can make up for anything you can say I want to make up for being so rude to you last night and so here's a bunch of flowers yeah you're compensating for being rude the previous night and you're offering that person a bunch of flowers so you're making it up to them with the bunch of flowers you're making it up to them these are both connected but it's slightly different make up for to compensate make it up to someone to compensate someone to to to make them feel better about some kind of bad behavior or something like that on your part now if you resign yourself to something it means that you give in and surrender and accept a terrible fate or a terrible position that you have a bad position so but maybe you were passed over for promotion the boss decided not to give you the promotion and decided to give it to one of your colleagues and you resign yourself to the fact that this happened it means you accept it and say okay case of our what will be will be I'm just gonna have to accept this difficult situation now if you fall back on someone or resort to someone or turn to someone it means use that person as a last resort but it doesn't have to be a person it could also be something so you might say he's an alcoholic he falls back on whisky whenever he gets upset or he likes smoking and he resorts to cigarettes whenever he gets angry or turn to can also mean turn to someone for advice and it's still using them as a last resort really you can say in times of trouble I turn to my Antti for advice but you could say in times of trouble I fall back on my auntie's advice I resort to my auntie's advice so they're all very similar and I want you to remember as well make do with when you use something because you've got nothing better to use it's slightly different this so let's come back to the jumper and the pillow if you've got no pillow you might make do with your jumper you might you know it we're back to double up as your jumper might double up as a pillow you might make do with your jumper and then you won't need to use it well then you've got already a kind of a pillow instead using your jumper instead now if you clot clutch or grasp at straws it means that you you're ready to try anything to get out of a desperate situation you're you're trying anything that's possible so it could be that you don't know the answer to the question and so you decide to just clutch its cause and have a guess of some kind of guess which sounds like it might be correct it could be like that but yeah clutch or grasp at straws it means to use anything you can to get out of a difficult situation okay if you mull over Muse over turn over to over you think about something for a long time you turn that dilemma over in your mind you Muse over it in order to come up with the solution to your problem so lots of things are worth mulling over it's good to think about things carefully and for a long time sometimes and this could be quite positive it seems to me to mull over a problem to muse over something churn over I think it's more negative although it's very similar if a problem is churning over and over in your mind it means it's going around your mind endlessly and repeatedly and so I think we very often use this one for negative things which we get fixated on where we have an obsession with something like a psychological problem where something is churning over in your mind maybe a doubt maybe a fear maybe an anxiety or worry okay if you sized someone up you judge them you might be sizing them up their strength that's possible - yeah I mean before - guys start to fight they square up their shoulders which means they put their shoulders up to make themselves look big and in they size up their opponent they look at their opponent to understand how big is he actually is he bigger than me is he gonna just punch me and beat me up so it could be used for strength but it can also be used for character and some in the IT Crowd one of the TV shows ole on my students watch the boss says in the very first scene of the very first episode I like to size up every new employee with a good long stare and he means I like to judge them I like to understand exactly who I've got in front of me by staring at them now if you single someone out it means that you choose someone from a large group either for praise or for criticism it could be either way so you might say my teacher singled me out for praise because my spelling test was so good but you could also say my teacher singled me out as the worst behaved student in the class so it basically means to choose one person from the group and then praise or blame that person if you do someone out of their inheritance or you cheat someone out of their inheritance it means that you managed to get their inheritance and you somehow do them out of their inheritance maybe you get them to sign a document which gives all of the inheritance to you or something like that and it's dishonest the way you're operating then you're doing them out of their inheritance or cheating them out of their inheritance it could have another noun here it doesn't have to be inheritance but it's always when you're being dishonest if you do or cheat someone out of something now to drum up business I make youtube videos for a start it's one of the ways I drum up business but you can also drum up support if you are politician you might drum up support by going out and knocking on people's doors canvassing we call that when you actual knock on people's doors and say who will you be voting for why not vote for me okay if you play on someone's weaknesses you exploit their weaknesses but if you play up to your own strengths you make the most of your own strengths so I like students to remember play on the opponent's weaknesses but play up to our own strengths yes so I'd like you to play up to your strengths if you're good at grammar play up to those strings use a lot of different grammatical expressions and it will add flavor to your language to your English but play up to convene a secondly it doesn't just mean make the most off it also means suck up to or butter someone up this is when you suck up to the boss maybe you want to get a promotion and so you play up to him you try to please him you try to flatter him you tried buttering him up with praise and hopefully he'll give you that promotion now if you play someone off against someone else this means that you use the competition between two people or the disagreements in order to further your own ends for example I always remember the quote here which I wrote on on the video play phrasal verbs and all of these play phrasal verbs are in my other video on play phrasal verbs a guy who I'm not very keen on actually I don't think he's a very nice person but a guy lote about corruption that all children are corrupt they play their mother off against their father and it's absolutely true as a father myself I think children do do this they play their mother off against their father and they play their father off against their mother it means they use the little conflicts or the little arguments or the disagreements that exist between the mother and the father they use it to their own advantage they use it in order to go to bed later they use it in order to get on the computer when they want to play a computer game they use the disagreements that the mum and dad have in order to further their own agenda it's co-option basic and I think the visor was just pointing out that human beings are naturally corrupt right from the beginning and I think he's absolutely right if you play something up you over exaggerate how good something is if you play something down you under exaggerate how good something is and if you say let's wait and see how things play out it means that's why can't they see how things happen that's wait and see how things finish in the end let's wait and see where we end up at the end of everything okay so you might say in another football game let's wait until the second half to see how let's wait until the end of the football game to see how things play out okay now the goodtime tanks are answer the question - button on someone's conversation that's a very good question yeah you do button on someone's conversation not button to compare conversation you can barge into a room barge in but you barge in on a conversational you butt in on a conversation so that's a very good question very relevant so thanks everybody for watching if you have any relevant questions put them under the video don't understand that sorry and please put questions under the video and I'll be delighted to answer them later okay thanks very much I can't speak when I'm reading your comments sorry guys thanks very much for watching and I hope to see you all soon
Channel: MrSkypelessons
Views: 10,710
Rating: 4.9548874 out of 5
Keywords: Advanced Phrasal Verbs, phrasal verbs, learn phrasal verbs, study phrasal verbs, phrasal verb list, phrasal verb course
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 18sec (2298 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2017
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