Advanced Photo Restoration and Coloring in Photoshop CC

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hello everybody and welcome back to faux fessor I'm a photography professor that teaches photography and Photoshop so if you were seeing this video you might have seen the one before that I did before it's a little bit more basic and covers less tools but it's just a basic way to restore an old photo why do we want to restore old photos well your they'll be a time maybe where your parents or grandparents come to you and they've nicked her or damaged a photo they've got that they cherish they can't find the negative for it or even the negative scratched and has some problems with it we're at prints and it but it prints badly with some some damages or tears most people I don't know have all their negatives for a lot of their important photos so if it were to fall off the wall and get cracked or torn or broken your parents and grandparents are gonna want somebody that can fix this or help them out and you come to the rescue here so let's talk first about some of the three things that happen to old photos that get are are gonna really influence and affect how we how we how we added them so this photo right here you're looking at is my grandpa dropped out of school and when he was fifteen and became a we started working in the lumber industry as a logger in the woods and this is a photo of one of the Kant logging camps that he worked at in the 1950s now this photo here you'll see if you look at the histogram remember histograms if you look at this histogram and black pure black goes over here pure white zero pure white is over here at 255 you'll see this histogram is just muddy light Gray's right because here's middle gray so these are all mm middle two light gray is going toward white so we know right now that the contrast is gone there are no true blacks and no true whites so one of the first things we need to fix in an old photo that's washed out and maybe have some damage where it's faded is fix the contrast so we're going to fix the contrast first and then you'll notice there's these dots and stuff all over the place right these little black dots and there's a little white specks on some of the shadow areas in here and then there's a hair right and there's a tear down here somewhere I saw where is that tear right here there's a tear and there right there is the one two or something happen where sharp object came across this print right so you're gonna see that we need to fix all these little things and because we need to clean it up and so if we ever print it again from a Photoshop original we'll have made a cleaner more a nicer sharper image right so the dust decreases the contrast in the route of track colorizing it just for fun this is a black and white photo that never had any color so we're just gonna play with it and see what we can get so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm gonna bring this photo back into Camera Raw by going to the filter the Camera Raw filter right there and I'm gonna adjust the contrast I'm gonna see if I can't bring this contrast back and I'm looking at my histogram up again up here and it's just awful so I'm gonna bring in contrast way up and see if I can't bring this contrast up more I'm gonna bring my highlights up a little bit I'm gonna drop my shadows down because I'm missing these blacks right I have no blacks in it I'm gonna dump my blacks really hard like this and see if I can't get it to where my blacks are closer over here now here's your black right at zero our blacks are now creeping over a little bit well we're gonna have some true black in here somewhere and now we do we finally hit true black right here on the edge which means the horse Oh two two two I think that's closest that's almost zero zero zero which means there's almost no detail there okay so I'm gonna bring my highlights up a little bit I'm gonna bring my whites up a little bit because remember I want the whites on one side and the blacks on the other so I can push this histogram and get true white and true black and this is looking pretty contrasting okay it's sort of where I wanted it I'm add a little bit of texture for sharpness just look up little points and then add some clarity to boost the mid-tone contrast a little bit and I think if I look at this guy right here he looks pretty good that might even be my grandpa maybe not I'll have to ask my mom but this looks pretty good to me okay you might need a little more highlight okay whites might whites could probably give you pushed a little more Mike's not too much and blacks let me see how this looks yeah looks pretty good that looks better looks like a sharper more black-and-white interesting photo my skies too wiped out but now I still have some information there and I'll come back to my sky and I'll remove some of these things and we'll fix that so I'm gonna open this up hit okay bring it back then the Photoshop and the first thing I see you guys are gosh or what are these blobs these black blobs all over the place right these little black things against white now photoshop's got a great tool to take out anytime there's some contrast where there's like black against white or down here we've these got these white scratches against dark right so anytime there's that huge contrast like that Photoshop could find it relatively easy with a filter so the first thing we're gonna do is make a new layer or I call this layer right in command J we're gonna call this layer um dust scratch okay and we're gonna work some Dustin scratches on this so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go filter I'm gonna go down to noise I'm gonna go dust and scratches and and you'll see look at all those things watch this if i take the preview off look at all little things down in here and stuff that completely disappear and this black dot right here watch see that they wipe out the problem is if you look see all the shadow elements that were here those are gone too which i want but the sky looks really good see that now the radius is how many pixels and affects the threshold the more this gets the more levels it gets the sharper it gets and your stuff comes back the slower this gets it gets really really soft and fuzzy and fuzzier so you're gonna have to play with this yourself and see how do you like it I like it right here because if I brought my levels down right you can see it here it's gonna get real fuzzy and soft and this will get really nice but the problem is is these guys if I preview it are gonna change to that which is sort of like a almost like a pencil drawing right you'll see like little scratch marks and stuff as I bring the sharpness back up this almost looks like a little pencil drawing or some kind of impressionist of drawing sort of cool okay that's not our intention today so we're gonna bring this back up to 58 and yeah they go this guy's still looks sort of junky right but don't fear this guy looks good and other places do and I want to mask it anyway okay so if I click okay I like that it wiped out a lot of the shadows down in here you'll see it also wiped it out all the shadows and the the roof so I'm gonna go through and mask this and because it's a white mask I'm gonna fill it with black by hitting option delete and now you'll see everything came back how it was and I'm gonna use a white brush by hitting the X and hitting my B for brush I'm here's a white brush with my tablet and my pin and I'm gonna go through and wipe all this out up here so if you just go like this and use your spacebar to move around and navigate you can come in here and really wipe out the hardest parts of this whole thing without having to go through and spot every single one which would take you like a long time and I didn't cover this in the intro version because I wanted you to get used to the tools of doing this so if you're hating me right now because you went through and spotted every tiny little single dot on a photo um I apologize but guess what you're probably super good at using the clone stamp the patch tool and all the other things I was talking about in that video right so don't hate me completely just a little bit little hates all right right so I'm going to remove these guys and all this white stuff in here the best of my ability I'm going to take it down just so it's not competing right that blob looks like a blob these are the white flecks on him look like white flecks so I'm gonna hit that that that that a little bit anywhere you guys is there's a contrast where it's light on dark and dark on light you'll see it'll work and I think it does a pretty good job so I'm hitting this guy's pretty good let's see the horse is kind of scratch on syllabus I can take that scratch right off but you know I think they're reins off right the horse would run away it's ridiculous horses are very sketchy animals so yeah this looks pretty good in here I don't know this is that a focus back here I don't really care if there's anything going on back here so I'm gonna be a little hasty and come through and just wipe out a this stuff and here I can't see his face anyway I'm sorry if that's your relative he's probably not around anymore and neither is probably as artists children this is so old so I think we're good actually yeah so go through and use Destin scratches first and try to remove any any of these hard little like lines and things you find tears maybe but mostly most of you guys it's it's the little white specks on the dark and dark specks on the light that's gonna that you're gonna like fine to help you with this or that you'll find this helps a ton okay so one around fixing it that blob just disappeared righteous all right I'm gonna take some blobs out of my hand all of them because I liked it I liked the shadows light in there I think this looks pretty good if I find some other ones later on yeah just let me know and I'll go back and fix it just kidding I won't okay I think that looks that's feeling pretty good again ease your workload by using this it actually takes a lot of time off of spot spotting stuff and making everything like perfect with a clone stamp or a patch tool I'm gonna shrink this back down and think to myself that looks looks pretty awesome and you'll see some spots that didn't actually work and we're gonna fix those in a second okay so I got that done I like that I'm gonna flatten my image now so I can work on it a little better they just flattened to get this out of the way I like it command shift E I flattened it the next thing I'm gonna do is I'm use the patch tool so command J I'm gonna call this layer patch PA TCH right you could spell whatever you want and I'm gonna grab this patch tool right here and this is where I'm gonna go you guys to start pulling and grabbing any texture but I think is out of place or doesn't look like the surrounding texture like that and this and I'm just gonna lasso it with my left click I'm using a tablet and a pin right now and I'm just going to drag it somewhere where I feel like the texture looks similar right so basically look at this a little more uniform than this and if I see a blob the blob should be gone right so I'm taking this out it looks pretty good right so again any little blob any little texture piece that you think is a little bit doesn't look so great or looks like it's out of place or you know maybe just I don't know maybe it's a tear right and it looks bad but I'm thinking I'm gonna pretty good job ready like yeah not to Pat myself on the back here but that's looking pretty good you guys you'll see I come over here and all uncheck this and you'll see all the stuff I'm taking off right so use the patch tool you guys on this yeah I would also I would also use the Healing Brush and the clone stamp if you want right the clone stamp I'd use to recreate some things that you need I take some of these bigger blobs off like this and here you could probably use the patch tool for right just find some more texture okay like these guys I'd probably use patch let's see these in here where you have a line as a scratch or something that crosses the line it's across the line right I would use the probably the clone stamp that way you have a in a meeting option and hitting option I'm left clicking or tapping with my tablet let's see current layer it's what's the fun thing about doing videos is things that go wrong you're like okay do I I don't feel like that's doing anything yeah things stick are wrong when you're doing a video you're like dude do I just like redo this entire thing right or do I figure out real quickly why there we go why this isn't working or why this is not working so yeah so I you can use the clone stamp you guys include some of the stuff up is that why it's in that I think that is there that's better just taking my computer a zillion years like fix this so yeah clone stamp is good you guys do some of the stuff the healing brush also works great here we have a disaster area okay yeah I see what's happening my computer is running a little bit like slowly it's like not happy with me so that's why I'm getting all this Nast and it's going something slower than it usually like there so you'll see what the clone stamp you can actually replace the shadow and stuff on it and sit here and tweak and geek to your heart's content right oh I know I think I know what I did I know I was doing this I wouldn't adjusted my pen settings a while back and it I said to like you know I did I know what's happening I sent it to my pintu pressure because I thought it would be better for me when I draw and when I like do lettering and stuff I thought it'd be better to use pressure because then you can actually see how the brush strokes of the of like clicker fee and stuff should work when you'd lightly touch something and have a light stroke and then when you really hit it heavy and have a heavier stroke and so I set it to pressure and I am I forgot I did that and I have not been you I realized I have to push hard prevent adjust that again that was only for a second I was like do my clone stamp doesn't work this is awesome that would normally happen if I were in class that would happen right stuff like they have in the class all the time and I'm like okay well class over class dismissed everything go home and I'll try to figure this out just kidding they sit there and they wait wait for me okay so I'll go through and fix stuff like that with my clone stamp you guys Healing Brush works too the clone gives a pixel for pixel reproduction an exact copy of whatever's next to it okay and um uh yeah and the the healing brush actually uses sort of an AI type thing and gets a pull stuff that is near it okay so let's see healing brush if you guys want to do it again I'm just taking out spots you guys and stuff right but like let's say this white stuff on this guy's overalls like this and you hold alt or option down and select over here and then just like this and it'll try to recreate what it thinks it should be there it has a pretty good job you know see ya so your guys are gonna use clone stamp patch tool healing brush and Dustin scratches for this first part okay - sort of like start cleaning your image up in your photo op looks pretty good it's starting look better right you don't actually fail to do that sucks okay so looks like I've moved the image no it's been that back looks like to see how this watches looks like I moved the image during my during my thing I'm not sure how I did that that's super fun okay that looks good so there's my patchwork right my patchwork my clone stamp and my you know what's great about Photoshop and doing bit of videos is you realize that if somebody does a perfect video and does perfectly that's great but that's not realistic because when you're working with Photoshop problems happen all the time you bump something you push the wrong key you got to go back and undo something so a workflow where you're sort of undoing things here and there that seems to me more of a realistic workflow then then going right through an achieving perfection every time that is simply not not the case I don't care how good you are you're a human and humans have error and we make errors despite Photoshop being cool and yeah so yeah so be prepared for Arizona try to fix as I go along from that I that I self-inflict right so that is dust weeded destined path dust and scratches weave healing brush we've used clone stamp we've used the patch tool my last video I've covered using an ink that the color sampler tool and then painting on your the pixels next to it which really works well if you want to know how to do that you can go back into that video but what we're gonna do now is we're gonna we're gonna make a Dodge and burn layer cuz we're gonna go through and dodge it burn like we normally would which would be to increase contrast and stuff on faces and things like that I'm gonna do this guy right here who could be my grandpa I'm not sure but I'm gonna find the shadows and stuff in here and reinforce them so I'm gonna make a curve layer I'm gonna make it shadows and dark right like that and push this up to get my shadows darker to taste and then I'm gonna make sure my foreground color is black my option delete and I'm gonna call this shadows and I'll do one in a second for my lights to probably I might need some of those but for right now I'm gonna work on my mask here with white and with a brush I'm gonna paint in some of the shadows to make them a little more contrast to you right and these are we're gonna use a little more local adjustments to do this so and that's too black so I'm going to go up here to make sure I passed my brush is lower so I can build it up and we're gonna come in here and paint some of these shadows in right to make this a little darker and bring some shadow back on the side of his face and stuff in here writers eye underneath the brim of his hat right he is a an old-time lager all right he looks like he's gonna take our lunch money honestly this guy's been here with no joke alright so I'm gonna I'm just increasing the shadows around his pants and stuff on his jacket to give a little more sense of contrast cuz member we lost a lot of our contrast so I'm coming back and putting some stuff in the shadows to give him a little more contrast the I feel like you might need ok shading the side and highlighting the other so this is just an example right of of one guy I'm adding some shadows and highlights back in I can do it to the wood here too and put some shadows back in on the side same thing for this wood and let's increase our opacity a touch right and add some shadow back in here because we know that shadows and highlights are what make thing what makes things look 3d so we're going to just paint these little logs with some shadow and bring their detail back in right righteous so this is looking really good then bring the logs back in a little bit bring some shadow back in here add some shadow weather me it not have been as much see that a little darkness there that's the tonality back in there you go we're adding some wood stat Woodstock Woodstock dude dumb we're adding some wood stack sounds just like Woodstock if you're videoing yourself you say all kinds of awesome stuff that you want to be like dude I need to take that back but I just flipping a video like recorded like 20 minutes and I'm not doing this again so I don't care okay there's a shoe there lost yeah it's looking really crunchy and really black-ish and white right so now I'm going to add a highlight layer and go back and pull some I'll put some highlights on him so here we go curve layer this time we're gonna push some highlights up in there highlights them in there we go like that we're gonna hit X make that our foreground color we're gonna hit option delete and fill the massive black and they're gonna call this highlights like that and with our white we're gonna paint some highlights back in so here we go right this is highlight that's really high there we go bring it down to about I usually paint you guys about anywhere from 10 to 20 percent of depending on how fast I'm going and on this I should probably go down to about 10 or 15 but I'm not going to there's other dude you need some highlights to my friend now I do this you guys you'll say well this looks really like heavy-handed or really uh you know you really work with going crazy on this and Wow and you know geez it looks really really uh obvious right and you tell you say that you don't want a really obvious edit because it looks like you edited it right we're supposed to be like soar like a serial killer right you don't leave any trace of anything you've done behind and this dude definitely looks like he's been he's been highlighted and shadowed and dodged and burned and etc etc right so um yeah well I have that response to that and it is I'll go back to shadows and give this guy who is possibly my grandpa a little more of a hat yeah you guys I do that I hit it really hard initially right and then I am I back it off right so all I'll either drop the opacity on this after I blow it up and look at it right or I'll group them and do them together oops command G to group and if I shrink this down I can see how this looks and he does look more contrasted but dude he doesn't he looks better he stands out right I like it not to mention I'm gonna do this stuff behind them right so if I click this off you can see there's before there's after before after before after Madden contrasts so um what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go the shadows again you guys and I'm gonna put some shadows behind him because these trees I feel like should be a little more black so I'm gonna go through and really start darkening these up to give him a little black background to stand against and I think that'll help the stuff so I'm going to add some darkness back in here to these trees I'll give a little chiaroscuro with the highlights and the shadows over here on this hey out here see that bring in some detail back in I'm gonna do this on the top of the roof - you know just wait and see right in here see that there we go bring the pipe stack back in a little bit sorry dude I just totally wiped him out and I bring him back in this needs to be a little darker in here - let's bring him back just check the hit him he's not very good in college he's not super important anyways so so yeah I'm just hitting on some aids trees right and bring this stuff back looks a little better again watch kind of my shadows and click shadows got darkened things look a little better to me I like this I need the shadow to here a little bit better more contrast down there right add some contrast to this hey feels a little better there okay so after i've done that and i've done my burning and dodging on the image with all these dudes i'm going to i'm gonna try to colorize this okay now to colorize something it's not actually not that hard it just takes being a little bit of an artist some of us are some of us or not i actually i think this is little too much in terms of dodging and burning so remember how i said i'm really heavy-handed initially well i'm gonna turn the whole thing down so i'm gonna drop this down a little bit and drop the opacity of both those layers that looks better there okay and i'm gonna come in i'm gonna try to paint his shirt I'm gonna give him a dark red shirt and blue jeans so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come down here I'm gonna make a new layer I'm gonna call this blue jeans and I'm gonna set this mode blend mode to color okay Oh guess what I can't set to color that's because the image is black and white so let's go up to the image and go to image mode and turn this into RGB color don't flatten and now this is a color image okay so color blue jeans blue jeans are blue so let's come up here and find some blue and I'm gonna go like a darker Navy actually let's make them worn out blue jeans let's get in here like that's sort of teo looking all right we're just gonna give them a little bit and then we're gonna paint directly on him I'm gonna bring this down a little bit to lower opacity and I'm gonna put some color in the blue jeans right so let's just add some color in here pretty good I'm just painting on the blue jeans themselves and that's almost like color correct you know coloring with like a coloring book that's awesome now remember the light part should be lighter and the dark part should be a little darker right so don't keep going over stuff until I jack that up I'll fix in a second until it's all one color because it should all there shall all be highlights and shadows that are slightly different right so these highlights and shadows stuff pretty good his boots are probably brown if I'm thinking right this looks pretty good but guess what also also looks super fake so I'm gonna drop the opacity of this like in there and I feel like that looks pretty good but also colors you guys and things we have and the shadows it's gonna be a darker blue and that edges on the highlights gonna be lighter blue so I would honestly work like this I would go and make a new layer right I would set the blend mode to color and I would call this jeans dark and I'd make a dark blue one for the dark set dark parts right so here's the same blue let's go up and make this a little let's go down make this a little darker like that and now in the shadows I'm gonna put some of that dark blue right like in here and stuff like here the shadows down there and stuff and I'm gonna just sort of go through it hit just the shadows only with this different color okay and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna find a lighter blue because in the lighter blue it's almost wiped out right and I will come up here and cover this like lighter blue ish don't want it to be sad yet I'm gonna be like in you're like baby blue like that and I'm like I'm gonna get that color I'm gonna make another layer I thought I set this to color I did this i vista color blend mode and I'm gonna call this jeans light and some light parts of the jeans the highlights I'm gonna paint a little bit of this okay so like on this side I'm gonna come in here and paint highlights so you see how it's starting to have different shades of blues everywhere that's what normal light colors look like a suspicion skin too and it looks a little corny right now but watch so now I'm gonna drop these opacities until they start to blend it a little better and look better dark Jean so gonna get down a little bit like right there ever the blue jeans is it 52 that's pretty good are they see any change here a price should be this little darker it's like that and here's the highlights right highlights are there or there won't bring them down so that just they just have minimal stuff in them right there's his jeans not still again looks a little bit too colored right so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to group these all these jeans I make by holding shift down and selecting them over here and I'm at command G and I call these the gene group jeans color okay and I'm gonna drop you passing the whole thing at once it just gently drop it like that and that to me looks a little better it even looks still too colorful so I'm gonna drop is more the entire group I don't want it to look great but I don't want it to look too colorful so about 47% right that looks pretty good I wonder if we set this whole thing the color actually you know what I think there's another one better I think Overland softlight look really good you guys I'd say read soft light on it watch yeah I feel like soft light looks more than it yeah so let's do a red shirt now right same thing that's gonna happen we're gonna go a color right a new layer I call this dark red on a shirt I'm going to change it and find it red that we like I'm gonna go like super dark crimson down here like that what a paint that Shire shirt like this I'll probably paint just the shadows now that I like I'm liking this again I'm doing this really sloppy I know thanks there we go paint that area I could mask it out and take this out if I want guys in a minute okay and now I'm gonna do another layer drive you set this to soft light remember soft lights are Fred oh yeah look at that that's delicious okay next one were to do mid Reds mid Reds all right change our Reds up a little bit and come up here like that I want to paint this in the other spots right yeah like that little patch units here there with a red shirt I'm gonna make this soft light right it looks good and then we're gonna have a highlights red eyes I want to take this red look left click on it twice come up here and drag this up we got some red highlights and never to paint with those any place we see a highlight we rock that they're like that okay and then were to set this to what soft light I like soft light better I thought it like color for a minute but I like south light better you guys I'm sorry it just feels better okay nope ya know if we blow this back down and look at it he's looking pretty good I still think though that looks a little bit too much so I'm gonna left click grab all these at once with a left click and shift I'm gonna hit command G I'm gonna group this in this shirt color and I'm gonna drop the opacity on the whole thing like that I don't want any gray coming through right that looks pretty good there you go skin color you guys just as an FYI on skin I would do layers of red yellow and orange on skin to make skin look good okay just to give you a little hint skin is made up of red yellows and red yellow make orange so go reds yellows and oranges or you can grab a photo bring it in and use the dropper tool and sample that skin color of the photo and use that color on the skin color if you want accurate skin color okay so that's how I would do that I would color it the last thing you guys I think I do is I would sharpen areas of it with high pass so I would um how would I want to do that I probably hit command option shift e and make a new layer that adds up all the layers and all the things below right and then I go filter noise or I do a filter other high pass and out of high pass a little sharpness to this right and so I'd make it like right about in there so sharpen sings a touch okay and then I'm going to set this to I think I can set it to soft light from up here to make it work a soft light and now it's super it's super super sharp right I sharpen the whole thing that's great but I don't know if I want to sharpen the whole thing so I'm gonna mask this I'm gonna change that with X to black and hit option delete and fill the massive black and you can see the sharpness is taken away there it goes and now with white and a brush I'm just gonna bring in areas that I think should be a little sharper right that I've lost a little bit of sharpness like this guy a little bit this guy is in the foreground he need some little sharpness let's bring that in more and you can see now his stuffs looking a little sharper more contrast II see his hand watch see their faces and hands and stuff they're looking a little sharper his garments and anything with texture you guys will look a little sharper which will help out a lot okay that looks like it's gonna leave that guy alone go back to white and bring these these in a little bit this texture here it may be a little much I can always drop the opacity of this layer if I feel like I'm got I got a little too much but I did on him let's undo that a little bit with putting the white back on but like stuff like like wood the wood looks good it'll it'll be sharp and nice like in here I get sharpen that a little bit objects that aren't faces and skin tend to sharpen pretty well this foreground needs to be sharpened it's completely like wiped out and gross in here so I've gone here and like bring some detail back into this up and here might want some detail and again if it's too much you'll see it it'll start to break down a little bit okay so looks pretty good though okay and that's pretty much the last thing you guys I would do is I'd sharpen a little bit and then begin if it's too much for you take the opacity and drop the opacity down see how that slider is making it a little more contrasting on it and you could drop it down a little bit okay and that's how I would start the whole process of colorize in this photo okay so background you guys duplicate your background you make a dust and scratches layer right you take out the easy dust and scratches you flatten that you start you start using your healing brush and your clone stamp you use your patch tool to take out creases and and little elements of stuff here and there that the dust and scratches mist and then you dodge and burn it to bring some local detail contrast back in to some of the faces and some of the places you want to dodge and burn to bring again dimension and shape and form back into the shot that was wiped out when it just went to mid gray and then you yeah you'll want to color your photo you can change it to an RB RGB color space and you can use color on it and use color blend mode if you want or soft light I used and then you can sharpen with high-pass okay when you're finished and this is what your photo well yours will be better and you'll have everything will be color beautiful but um but this is what your photo look like an end it'll start looking really great and you'll love it so until next time keep shooting keep editing and and keep getting better right takes practice every day
Channel: PhoFessor
Views: 4,615
Rating: 4.9560437 out of 5
Keywords: coloring, black and white, photoshop tutorial, photoshop, photo restoration, restoring photos in Photoshop, old photo restoration, coloring photos, repairing old photos in Photoshop, techniques for restoring old photos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 50sec (2690 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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