Advanced Linear Algebra - Lecture 14: Isomorphisms of Vector Spaces

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Hey folks, my name is Nathan Johnston and welcome to Lecture 14 of Advanced Linear Algebra. Today we're going to be learning about isomorphisms -- this is one of the rare topics in this course that does not have a direct analogy from the previous linear algebra course that you took. For example, we learned about vector spaces right at the start of this course and it was just a generalization of R^n. Last lecture, we learned about invertibility of linear transformations, which is just a direct generalization of invertibility of a matrix. Well, isomorphisms are really a brand new idea to help us get a better grasp on the fact that there's so many different vector spaces out there. The idea is even though there are lots of different vector spaces out there, a lot of them look the same in some sense -- doing linear algebraic calculations on them is the same. We've already seen this idea a little bit -- remember that what we've been doing recently is we've constructed coordinate vectors of vectors. You start off with some vector in a vector space and you constructed a coordinate vector out of it by using some basis. Then we had this idea that you could solve a linear algebra problem in V itself by instead doing something involving the coordinate vector, so in a sense the coordinate vectors were the same as the original vectors -- they just were maybe easier to work with because we like working with lists of numbers. The idea behind an isomorphism is very much the same -- an isomorphism is just a function that takes you from one vector space to another equivalent vector space that's maybe easier to work with. So here's the definition for today's lecture. What an isomorphism is and what it means for two vector spaces to be isomorphic. Here's the setup: you've got two vector spaces -- they don't have to be finite dimensional -- they can be any old vector spaces as long as they're over the same field -- you have to be working the same scalars in both of these vector spaces. Then we say that these two vector spaces are isomorphic if there's some invertible linear transformation going between these vector spaces. It doesn't matter what the invertible linear transformation is -- there just has to be at least one invertible linear transformation from one of the vector spaces to the other. If this happens we say those vector spaces are isomorphic and we denote it like this V sort of equals W because we think of it like: V and W they're kind of the same. They're not exactly the same, they're not necessarily the same vector space, but they're very very similar to each other. The invertible linear transformation that we found that showed that these vector spaces are isomorphic, we call that an isomorphism between those vector spaces. This idea is best illustrated by an example of why this corresponds to the vector spaces being the same in a sense. A standard example is the vector spaces M_1,n (in other words, the matrices with 1 row and n columns) and M_n,1 (the matrices with n rows and and 1 column), so in other words the row vectors and column vectors, respectively. Let's show that these vector spaces are isomorphic. Okay, so how do you show that two vector spaces are isomorphic to each other? You just find some invertible linear transformation between them, and in this case there's a very obvious linear transformation that's invertible between them: it's one that we work with all the time -- it's the transpose map. If you take the transpose of a row vector you get a column vector, and that's invertible because, what's the inverse? It's also the transpose map. If you take the transpose of the column vector you get back to the row vector. Okay, we already talked about in previous lectures how the transpose map is a linear transformation, so yeah, this is what we need. This T -- this transpose map -- is an isomorphism between these two vector spaces, so they're isomorphic to each other, so we can write M_1,n is isomorphic to M_n,1. Certainly these two vector spaces *feel* the same as each other as far as linear algebraic properties are concerned -- as far as vector addition and scalar multiplication are concerned -- all they are is vectors but oriented in a different way -- the column vectors are oriented up and down and row vectors are oriented side to side. But as far as scalar multiplication and vector addition are concerned it doesn't matter the way that you arrange the numbers, so the way you do linear algebra in these vector spaces is the same, so they're isomorphic. Alright, let's do another example, or rather let's talk about a sort of a ramped-up version of this example. both of these vector spaces -- the row vectors and the column vectors -- they're actually both also isomorphic to just F^n. Remember F^n is just the set of vectors, as in lists of n numbers, so we usually use slightly different notation for these three vector spaces. M_1,n -- the row vectors -- we usually denote them like this with square brackets around them. M_n,1 -- again, column vectors -- also square brackets around them because really they're matrices. Okay, and whenever we care about shape we use square brackets, whereas F^n -- vectors as in lists of numbers -- we don't care about the shape of these, and whenever we don't care about shape we use round brackets. These really are vectors, they're not matrices, but all of these vector spaces are isomorphic and they're isomorphic in sort of an obvious way -- you can define linear transformations between these just by writing the vectors in a different orientation or maybe using different brackets. An isomorphism from M_1,n to F^n, for example, is just the function that changes the type of brackets that you have on the left and the right. And of course that is a linear transformation and it is invertible -- to invert it you just change the type of brackets that you use. So that's an invertible linear transformation, so it's an isomorphism, so these spaces are all isomorphic to each other. They're all essentially the same even though technically they're not quite the same, but they're the same enough that we call them isomorphic. So in a sense this is sort of the idea here -- vector spaces are isomorphic if they contain the same vectors, just they may be written in a different way -- that's the idea here. There's slightly more exotic examples than these ones but that's the idea, they have the same vectors but just different labels on the vectors, and the isomorphism -- that invertible linear transformation between them -- it just changes the labels from the labels that are used in one space to the labels that are used in the other space. Alright, so let's maybe look at a slightly more complicated example. Alright, let's show that P^3 -- the space of degree less than or equal to three polynomials -- let's show that that's isomorphic to R^4 -- you know, lists of four real numbers. Again, to show that two vector spaces are isomorphic you just have to find some invertible linear transformation between them. Alright, so i'm just going to come up with one, and it's just sort of staring at us in the face when we write down what the vectors in these two spaces look like. The members of P^3, what those look like, well they look like a plus bx plus cx^2 plus dx^3. Well, how can I map that to R^4 in a reasonably natural way that is invertible? Well, just list out those four coefficients here, the a, b, c, and d, and throw them into a vector with four entries. In other words, throw it into a vector that lives in R^4. Well, it's straightforward to show that that's a linear transformation, and furthermore it's invertible because you can map back the other way. The inverse function -- the inverse linear transformation -- just sends a, b, c, d to that polynomial that we started with: a plus bx plus cx^2 plus dx^3. Again, that's a linear transformation. Alright, so yeah there's an invertible linear transformation between these two spaces so they're isomorphic to each other. That's it! That's all you have to check. We found some invertible linear transformation between them so we're done. One really nice thing is, back when we introduced coordinate vectors, really what we did was we showed that every finite dimensional vector space, it just looks like F^n. This is really what we're doing in this example. Here we're taking a polynomial of degree less than or equal to 3 and we're just representing it in the standard basis. That's all we're doing, right? You're taking coefficients of a linear combination in the standard basis. Alright, the same thing works in more generality so that's what our next theorem is -- suppose that you've got some n-dimensional vector space over some field F. Okay, well then that vector space is isomorphic to F^n. Okay, and this we've been implicitly doing this for a little while but finally we've built up the terminology and the technology that we need to actually pin this down as a theorem. Every n-dimensional vector space, every finite dimensional vector space, is isomorphic to the vector space that just consists of a list of numbers. Alright, so this is really really nice, but how do we prove this? Alright, well again to show that two vector spaces are isomorphic to each other what you've got to do is you've got to find some isomorphism between them -- you've gotta find some invertible linear transformation from one to the other. Alright, so the way that we do that is just sort of what we've hinted at here -- let's use coordinate vectors. Okay, let's consider the linear transformation that sends V into F^n and it's going to be defined by well it just sends v to its coordinate vector with respect to whatever basis you like. It doesn't matter what basis you pick, it's just there is a basis -- that's great -- use that one. Okay, so that's our linear transformation. Now to show that these two vector spaces actually are isomorphic to each other, we have to show that this function here, this T, is a linear transformation. and we have to show that it's invertible. If we get those two things then, great, these two vector spaces are isomorphic to each other. Alright, so how do we do that? Let's start off with the fact that it's a linear transformation. Alright, so we want to show that T of (v plus w) is equal to (T of v) plus (T of w), and similarly for scalar multiplication, we want to show that T of cv equals c times (T of v). Alright, well just plug in what T does and so what we want to show is that the coordinate vector of v plus w equals the coordinate vector of v plus the coordinate vector of w. We talked about that a couple weeks ago, that's a property of coordinate vectors that we talked about just as soon as we introduced coordinate vectors. So that's true, we're happy with that property, and similarly for scalar multiplication -- T of cv equals c times (T of v) -- well, that just means the coordinate vector of cv equals c times the coordinate vector of v, and again we talked about that property back when we first introduced coordinate vectors. That's true as well, so yes this function here that sends a vector to its coordinate vector, that's a linear transformation. Alright, the second thing that we've got to show, we've got to show that this T, this function that sends a vector to its coordinate vector is invertible. Okay, the way that I'm going to show this is, well, let's go back to the end of last lecture. Let's go back just to the very very end when we talked about invertibility of linear transformations and we mentioned this property here that if you have a linear transformation between two finite-dimensional vector spaces with the same dimension, well then that linear transformation is invertible if and only if T of v equals 0 implies v equals 0. Okay, so that's the property that we're going to use here... that's how we're going to show invertibility. So let's come back down here now. Alright, so first off, do these vector spaces have the same dimension? V and F^n? Well, yeah because we said V is an n-dimensional vector space and F^n, well yeah that's n-dimensional right? It's just got the standard basis which has n vectors so that's n-dimensional. Alright, so they have the same dimension. We're happy with that part, now we've just got to show that T of v equals 0 implies v equals 0. Alright, well what is T of v? That's v with respect to B -- that's the coordinate vector. Okay, so if this coordinate vector equals 0 I'm not sure that that implies v equals 0... how do I do that? Well, you just do it straight from the definition. v_B equals 0, well that just means every coefficient in the linear combination where you represent v as a linear combination of the members of B, every coefficient equals 0. Okay, so in other words the vector v equals 0 times the first basis vector plus 0 times the second basis vector and so on up to 0 times the n-th basis vector. But if you just have 0 times something plus 0 times something and so on all the all the way to the end of the sum then that entire sum just equals the 0 vector. Alright, so yeah, if the coordinate vector equals 0 then the vector itself must equal 0, so that linear transformation is invertible. Therefore it's an isomorphism and therefore the spaces that it acts on really are isomorphic to each other, so we're done. That's the end of the theorem. Okay, great, and just as one sort of final corollary of this is that -- it's not too hard to show that if you have vector spaces V and W that are isomorphic to each other and then vector spaces W and X that are isomorphic to each other, then actually V and X must be isomorphic to each other. In other words, isomorphisms are transitive. Okay, if this thing's the same as this and this thing's the same as this, well then all three of them are the same as each other. So, one thing that you can do with this fact is, when you combine it with this previous theorem, what it tells you is that if you have any two vector spaces -- doesn't matter what they are -- if they have the same dimension and they're over the same field then they're isomorphic to each other. Okay, so that's our final fact and actually this is if and only if. If you have two finite-dimensional vector spaces over the same field, so using the same scalars, then they're isomorphic if and only if they have the same dimensions. So, for example, R^2 and R^3 are not isomorphic because they're 2 and 3 dimensional, respectively, but R^2, well that's isomorphic to every single plane in R^3, as long as they go through the origin so they're really vector spaces. It's also isomorphic to the degree less than or equal to 1 polynomials, the 1-by-2 matrices, and so on. R^4 is isomorphic to the 2-by-2 matrices. R^8 is isomorphic to the degree less than or equal to 7 polynomials, and so on. You know these things automatically now because you only have to check dimensions -- as long as the dimension is the same, they're isomorphic. If the dimension's not the same they're not isomorphic, and that's all there is to it. Okay, and it's because of coordinate vectors, because if they have the same dimension we can represent them by the same types of coordinate vectors. So in a sense, the idea here is that vector spaces being isomorphic, like even though they look different on the surface -- the labels for their vectors look different like maybe they look like a polynomial, maybe they look like a matrix, maybe they look like a list of numbers -- but really the way you do calculations in those spaces no different. It's no more different than if you wrote down those vectors using different fonts -- the choice of font doesn't matter, it doesn't affect the calculation, just like none of those other fine details affect the calculations. They don't affect the linear algebra at all, so they're isomorphic to each other. Alright, so that'll do it for today's class. I will see you all for Lecture 15, when we start talking about other properties of linear transformations. We already talked about invertibility -- we're going to go on to other properties now like range, rank, eigenvalues, and stuff like that, so I'll see you then.
Channel: Nathaniel Johnston
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Id: b7ADlJXkEe0
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Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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