Advanced Keying Controls in Final Cut Pro X- Part 1

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the Final Cut Pro 10 point oh point three update released on January 31st to and 12 included a set of additional controls in both the key effect and the luma key effect while the control is available before the 1003 update are all you need from most keying situations including the one used in this tutorial the additional controls give you more flexibility for adjusting your key in more difficult keying situations in this lesson we'll explore the new controls and learn how to apply them go to the project library and open the appendix start project this project contains three clips on the primary storyline and two connected background Clips the clips are organized from the easiest two key to the most difficult select the first clip of the seated woman with the wineglass notice how the background is bright and very evenly lit and how you don't see much of any spill on the subject because she's located a good distance from the green wall in the effects browser in the keying category hover the pointer over the keyer effect to see a preview in the thumbnail and in the viewer it already looks pretty darn good double-click the effect to apply to the clip skim the clip in the timeline even the wine glass is nicely keyed of course the reflections of the studio lights are a dead giveaway that this clip was not shot outside but the key looks great in the inspector open the keyer effect if necessary select the matte view and skim the clip to check the mat it's a good solid white throughout the shot and there is nice soft hair detail switch back to the composite view drag the spill level slider to the left you can now see the green spill on the talents hair undo then drag the spill level slider to the right the talent hair becomes tinted magenta as too much as being added to counteract the green undo that so with this well lit shot the automatic here has created a great key with just the right amount of spill suppression and you really don't need to do anything to adjust it the only thing you may want to do with this shot is some color correction to make the woman better match the background show the color board for correction 1 and then the exposure pane bring down the shadows a little and bring up the highlights in the color pane drive the global puck to add a little warmth to the shot by the way you can now navigate to each pane in the color board by pressing ctrl tab to rotate through them or hold down ctrl command and tap see for the color pane ask for the saturation pane or e for the exposure pane you can also drag in the value fields to adjust the values okay let's move to the next clip return to the video inspector and then select the clip of the woman in the red sweater holding the glass of water notice how this green screen is darker than the one in the first clip it's also not lit as evenly and it has a vertical scene near the middle double-click the keyer effect to apply it to the selected clip skim the clip and Park the playhead on a frame where the woman's hair is spread out this default automatic key also looks incredibly good at estimate ^ the keyer effect open the keyer effect in the inspector if necessary once again switch to the matte view and skim the clip again we see a nice solid white matte with good detail switch back to the composite view below the invert checkbox are a set of advanced controls that were added to the Final Cut Pro 10 point 0.3 update color selection mat tools spill suppression and light rap you should approach them in the order that they are presented from the top down now 90% of the time you probably won't need to use these tools but for a difficult key they can come in handy I suggest that you don't resort to them until you've done the best that you can with all the tools above the invert checkbox you can use these advanced tools in three different scenarios first to adjust the automatic key that the effect created second to adjust a key that you created with the sample color and edge tools third to create a completely manual key we'll look at an example of each scenario using this second clip let's start by examining the color selection section click the disclosure triangle for color selection to reveal the tools it contains there are graph options a chroma wheel Alumacraft sliders for chroma and luma roll-off and a fixed video checkbox now currently we haven't adjusted the keyer effect at all the strength slider is at 100% which means that we are seeing the result of the automatic color sampling the keyer effect combines two different mattes to create the key a core matte and an edge matte the chroma wheel in the color selection section provides a visual representation of these two mattes the overall wheel represents color values for both hue and saturation as you go around the wheel the hue changes as you move out from the center of the wheel saturation increases the large pie slice is called the outer graph and it indicates the hue and saturation values that are being used to create the edge mat for the key the small box inside the outer graph is called the inner graph and it represents the hue and saturation values being used to create the core mat for the key if you move the pointer over the edges of the outer graph they highlight and the pointer icon changes to indicate that you can adjust this graph notice that if you move outside the wheel the round edge of the outer graph highlights as well if you move the pointer over the inner graph nothing highlights and the pointer icon does not change this is because the graph mode above the chroma wheel is set by default to scrub boxes in this mode you can only adjust the edge map for the key which is usually what you're most interested in anyway switching the graph mode to manual will let you adjust the core mat in both the chroma wheel and the luma graph which will do a little later you
Channel: Ripple Training
Views: 35,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Cut Pro X, Final Cut Pro (Software), OS X (Operating System), Keying, Green Screen, Chroma Key, Mark Spencer, Ripple Training, tutorial, Free Final Cut, Free, FCPX
Id: kifucU2wocU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Wed May 07 2014
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